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Posts posted by gerberadaisy7

  1. for me it has made the game stale


    the only thing i liked about it is it makes the sunday show a tad less boring than it usually is


    i hated last season but i would take it over this season in a heart beat :animated_bouncy:

    It's made the game completely stale and boring to me too.  It has also wrecked the POV comps.  Everyone should be sharting bricks over who wins that and having 2 people safe takes a lot of the fun out of it.


    I am so glad this is the final week. 

  2. Yes good perspective


    I would have rooted for Donny if he had tried. He wanted to go to bed early at night and get up in the morning and have his alone time as he calls it . He said he does not like talking. He has said he didn't want to go to people for an alliance that he wanted them to come to him. Just throwing out a few tidbits of observation every now and then is not playing the game. He is only 42. That is pretty young. He should have taken all those on the outside and tried to form and alliance and then drag more in. There is so much he could have done to get himself in the game but his game play is to just sit back and be the nice guy they won't evict.

    Agreed.  He isn't playing at all as far as I am concerned...  Or it is the "sit on your rear and do absolutely nothing strategy", if you will.  It can get you a reasonable distance in the game and that is what is happening here, as he is seen as less of a threat than Nicole, who actually is trying.  There are tons of things he could have chosen to do, but he chose not to. 

    ITA. I like Donny and I understand that he is in a tough spot. That is why I thought he made the right decision when he refused the TA challenge to call someone out at the eviction. However, at some point, you have to decide that sitting around waiting to get voted out is not the way you win. You have to go on a campaign to get people on your side. You have to show them the strategy that will improve their chances of winning. Weeks ago, he knew who was aligned, who was calling the shots and what position people were within the alliance. I don't think he ever really made a serious effort to crack the alliance and drive a wedge between them. He basically just tagged along with Haden and Nicole when Zach was the target. He didn't really put in any work. I like Donny, but IMO, he hasn't really played the game very well. 


  3. I personally think Donny is working America. On the feeds he is constantly saying he doesn't have a job anymore. He quit his job to come on Big Brother. He keeps saying I am all alone I don't have anyone. I don't fit in.


    Not taking away Donny is probably a really nice guy so don't hate on me. Just a regular good ole boy. I am just saying he piles on the "pity card" really heavy.

    Yeah he is LOADING on the pity party 24/7.  I find it neither endearing or cute, but it sure is working on many viewers.  I am constantly reading about pooooooooooooooooooooooooor Donny and his "pure heart" LMAO. 

    I don't think Donny has ever recovered from the early negatives of the game. Right off the bat, he was part of the D&D alliance and ended up on the block. From the beginning the other players suspected him of hiding his true identity, I guess, because they couldn't believe that Grodner would put a plain old guy with a simple life on the show. So, he has never found a way to fully trust other players and they have not found a way to fully trust him. Ergo, he has been basically drifting along throughout the game, with no true direction and no strategy. He's play the TV version of BB and the BS/Detonators (Derrick/Frankie) played the real BB.   

    This is true but he has never really tried.  I would see it differently if he were laying out a strategy in the DR, but no.  He says a whole lot of nothing in there too. 

  4. Derrick is desperate for the win and desperate people usually don't win.  Frankie made him sweat last week for sure. Derrick is use to things just flowing his way, but can easily be put off when they don't.  He is good at manipulating the others only because they are naive and easily manipulated by nature.  Frankie is shrewd and you don't see him being manipulated nor Donny for that matter and Derrick is afraid of both of them. 


    The best player is the won who wins!

    Good points.  Makes me want to see him when his back is up against the wall. 

  5. Funny thing about that--with my work situation currently, there are a lot of layoffs happening, so everyone here is backstabbing, throwing under the bus, trying to make themselves look good at the cost of others. . the whole shebang.  I probably say at least three times a week "I feel like I'm on a secret episode of BB, The Workplace edition".  and the answer is no. . .it isnt easy.  Friends turning on friends. . .its ugly and heartbreaking and you gotta be pretty tough to keep showing up. 

    Yeah this is with people you have known for long periods of time and actual friends.  Not the same at all as going into the situation for expressly that purpose.


    What you are going through is much, much more difficult and makes BB look like a walk in the park.

  6. Exactly,  I do remember that but the first 4 evicted WERE in the jury house together and not sequestered separately, right??

    I sort of thought it was a "level the playing field" twist because anyone who comes back is an immediate revolving door target

    Gahhhh I can't remember!!!  :(

    I'd be bored too...it would be 16 wanna be's lounging all day, kissing the camera's dupa, primpin, buffin, smacking/chewing into a microphone, afraid to say a word we could hear so lots of whispers.  Booooorrrrring.


    I like the format, I like the contests, I even like the BotB...don't like the HN situation though.  HN and Food should be a competition, make HN sleep in a separate semi comfortable room with an enforced bedtime (so they can't stay up late or up too early for all the scheming, that could hurt a few alliances) and make their diet simply, ie. PB&J, Cereal&Milk and Water.   The competition in itself could be for certain food items and some how determine the losers.  


    Oh...the thought of just watchin peeps just sit on their arse...........yuk!!

    Yuck indeed!  The current format is by no means perfect, but it can be an absolute blast at times. 


    Them buddying up and preening for the camera non-stop without any scheming?  No thanks. 



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