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Everything posted by NYROSE

  1. I like how you would treat Cody were you to meet him.
  2. I liked who Xmas chose so liked the fact that she knew who to choose
  3. they need to keep on with the temptations...they are fun an d throw an interesting twist to the game
  4. We do not know how much the disease weakens her.
  5. Man too long away from family starting to fantasize
  6. did not see that interview...what did he say and where and when? I am sure BB wants him back because he created the most animosity.
  7. Ahh the closet...you may have something there...he is so ugly I never thought of the gay factor
  8. Dom will not even take it as a slur...probably get all Jesus about it
  9. Good to know...I guess you see Cody as scheming but without any real socialization capacity he was as much of a dud as you feel the others are. With BB concentrating on the outrageousness of Paul, everyone else looks washed out...beige as you say, but really Alex has a lot of verve and I think Kevin has a sneaky side that will bring direction. Ramses has something if he just gets focus. The rest might just get it together if BB gave them some time...except Josh of course and Dom...
  10. You and I on same page about words and the social crap about how some word is such an offense to the ears. Jason has no game and the difficulty he had understanding Alex showed that clearly.
  11. You entertained by Cody? I'll bet you spend fascinating time watching your fingernails dry.
  12. Josh is constantly wigging out. He is irrational and of course the first off the wall.
  13. I thought that Paul was smart to want to have someone vote against Ramses so that people would wonder who it was and picking Kevin was a good idea it worked...what is funny is that Paul did not figure out that Kevin had won that first $25K prize. I like that Kevin is so under the radar.
  14. Why not just look at how she is playing the game instead of worrying about whether she or her mom are trying to make some money off the problem? I thought she did pretty well hanging onto the wall...I did not envy them at all the cold the slime and the muscle cramps.
  15. one more week of safety for Paul after that the HGs can show us what idiots they are as they keep him in.
  16. don't like Josh but he wears it cool they both do...
  17. these targets show Paul is an idiot, but maybe he is only saying that to mollify those he knows have to go. Jessica will be neutralized with Cody gone and no one will trust her because she has shown herself to be virulent. Josh is an easy no one will back him, RAmses would be a great person to ally with because he has no game, Jason also.
  18. but he got the perfect one for his brand of sleaze
  19. I'd like that...I like him..he is a bright cheerful energy.



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