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Everything posted by CoDkiller87

  1. 1:05AM BBT Andy leaves and Mccrae says eff that. It's desperate if that way a game move on Andy's part. Spence doesn't think it is and says there is a pay off in doing it but he understands the apprehension. Andy comes back upstairs and says that He has no reason not believe GM and that she just swore on everything. Mccrae says it's too crazy and he wont do it. 1:20 AM BBT Well what Spencer didn't want to happen happened. Judd goes into the BYD and GM spills the beans to him about the plan to have Mccrae use the veto on GM. Spencer didn't care for Judd to know to not get his hopes up. Upstairs Mccrae is still talking about how dumb that move would be and Andy keeps trying to push it. I think the more Andy pushes the more Mccrae knows it’s a bad idea for him. 1:30-1:40 AM BBT Mccrae gets ready to go tell GM he is not doing her plan. He plans to scare her by saying he doesn't know if he plans to vote to keep her. He want's to scare her into cutting some deals. They say this time they are not sad to see Judd go and will not cry when he leaves because of the way he is acting. Downstairs GM is in the KT making a snack. 1:50 AM BBT GM and Mccrae are sitting in the BYD now and GM is offering to throw the HOH if he uses veto on her. He says it’s a great deal but he doesn't want to look stupid. It isn't that he doesn't trust her, he doesn't trust the boys. She says you won it. She continues to say she will do whatever he wants next week but will understand no matter what he does.
  2. 12:00 AM BBT so the plan being hatched is to have Andy tell Mccrae that he and GM will throw hoh to him so he is guaranteed final 3. They want to tell him that the only way GM will go with the plan is if he uses veto on her now. (I would love a show of hands for who thinks will work.) 12:10 AM BBT Judd is headed to bed. Andy walked around and grabbed some of his things then heads into the KT to get a nectarine. GM is still doing her nails. Spencer is getting pizza. Mccrae feels tired all of a sudden. Spencer heads up to HOH with Mccrae. Spencer tells Mccrae that GM likes to make deals and that maybe they can make a deal with her to throw HOH (nice lead in into the plan...not) 12:30 AM BBT Spencer is making sure Mccrae will take him if he gets into the final three. Mccrae thinks that both he and Andy will take him. Mccrae swears up and down he would even take him to final two. Spencer says he is only fighting for runner up against everyone. 12:40 AM BBT Andy and GM are at the HT going over the plan to tell Mccrae to use the veto on her. She is going over the plan with him and making suggestions. She agrees to try it. They move on to Judd and how he is trying to get Andy put up over him. 12:50 AM BBT Andy told the plan to Mccrae to use his veto on GM. Mccrae heard it and in and to put it in a pc way, Mccrae said eff her, she is the reason Amanda is gone so she can go ef herself. Andy said it may work she is good to her word. Mccrae says he knows but the same reason she is scared to go against judd is the same reason he is. They keep subtly pushing the idea and he keeps saying it's crazy
  3. 11:15 PM BBT Andy and MCCrae in the SR talking about being able to beat GM. They go back into the KT where the rest of the HGs are talking about merilyn's middle name. GM is sitting in the BYD by herself. 11:30 PM BBT GM has moved into the KT and appears to be doing her nails. Mccrae is doing laundry. Andy and Spencer have moved into hoh to discuss Judd freaking out about possibly going home this week. 11:40 PM BBT Andy and Spencer are trying to think of ways to outsmart Mccrae into using the veto on GM. None of them are going to work and they seem to know that. 11:55 PM BBT Andy and Sencer in hoh still discussing how to get Mccrae to throw next weeks veto. Mccrae wants GM to throw it really bad. They are worried about what a wildcard mccrae is. They think he is so scared about next weeks hoh and veto that they could talk him into using veto on GM, putting Judd up, and voting Mccrae out. This plan is nuts.
  4. 2:07AM BBT MCCrae went into DR mostlikely to ask for something. Aside from that we have horizontal HGS for the night.
  5. 1:05 AM BBT Mccrae in HOH admits that Amanda being gone might be better for his game. He said that when Elissa gave him hope of Amanda staying he was a little upset about it because he was prepared for her to go. They discuss that Helen can control all the jury votes and Spencer says Candice hates him. They agree they can't win against Judd. 1:20 AM BBT The HOH crew is discussing possible veto competitions. They have been on LD a long time so they figure it will be physical. GM heads to bed. She is not feeling well. 1:35 AM When GM exits Mccrae thinks it would be a better time to get Judd out while GM is beat up. Mccrae is visibly and verbally worried about trusting the boys. He is worried about making suggestions while on the block. Mccrae says he would have cut Amanda at final 3 because he knows he couldn't beat her. They move on to discuss how good Andy is and how he is killing the social game. 1:50 AM BBT Spencer tells Mccrae not to worry. He says okay and heads downstairs to brush his teeth and go to bed. He gets in bed and reads his letter from him. He seems to be tearing up under the blanket but cannot see for sure. Spencer has also gone to bed.
  6. 12:05 AM BBT We are now back to HG bashing. Mccrae, Andy, Spencer and GM are in the LR. Andy mentions how annoying Candice's voice is and the fact that she called Howard Howie even though he hated it. Mccrae and GM get called to DR to get unattached. They are excited. 12:15 AM BBT Judd starts playing with play-dough it looks like he is making Andy. They discuss how common everyone's name is in the house and how they had a lot of uncommon ones this year. Judd says he hears GM and we get fish. 12:30 AM BBT In the KT Spencer is going over the plan of the week with everyone. Spencer tells everyone their job is to make it seem like GM is the target so MCcrae feels comfortable. He feels that this coming up HOH is a question one about items in the house. 12:40 AM BBT Spencer pulls Judd aside and reminds him to make it seem like GM is the target. Judd agrees and says he is going to bed soon. He then washes his hands and says his good nights. Andy says he is going to bed within the hour. They agree they want to be super ready for veto. 12:55 AM BBT GM and Elissa bashing upstairs in HOH between Andy, Mccrae, and Spencer. Spencer says whatever they are three of the final four (way to cover Spence) all they have to do is decide Judd or GM this week. They continue to speak ill of GM.
  7. 11:10pm BBT GM heads to DR and Mccrae is stuck at the DR door Judd accompanies him and they talk about a previous competitions. 11:20 PM BBT Mccrae is talking about what it's like to be stuck to GM. He says it sucks and she cooks a lot. He gets tired of hearing her talk crap about Amanda. They hear a member of production talking and Mccrae gets excited and listens in. He tells her he can hear her and feeds switch immediately.....to Spencer...doing nothing in HOH. 11:40 PM BBT GM and Mccrae have left the LR, leaving Judd and Andy to discuss Mccrae having no one and no choice but to trust them. Judd heads upstairs to talk with Spencer who was laying down with his eyes closed. Judd comes back downstairs. 11:55 PM BBT MCcrae and GM are waiting for midnight so they can be unattached. All of a sudden Judd starts discussing geography with GM. I cannot stop laughing because Judd says he doesn't get how Antarctica is so big but doesn't touch itself. GM says it does but the map is just flat and spread open. Judd get's told to 75 sit-ups.
  8. 1:05AM BBT: McCranda playing pool. McCrae keeps singing and gets a stop that from the voice of bb. He asks if Amanda took her pill. She says she did and McCrae says great you are going to be up all night. Small talking going on on backyard couches. 1:20AM BBT: Spencer Andy and GinaMarie are on the hammock and GinaMarie gets a stop that for making the hammock rock in ways it shouldn't. Now Amanda and Judd are obsessed with a bat they saw. 1:40AM BBT: McCranda head to bed. They whisper a bit about why GinaMarie didn't put up Elissa. Now if Amanda doesn't leave then four people will be after her. McCrae says, "She makes bad choices and she will always do whatever the HoH wants so she can stay." Amanda will still be shocked if she stays. 1:55AM BBT: McCranda are sorting out the next few weeks and keep saying they are thinking too far ahead. They are thinking of what would happen if GinaMarie got HoH again in a couple weeks. They both assume she would put them up. 2:11AM BBT: McCranda make out a bit while he reads his Bible. They go over again how great it would be if she stayed. McCrae is just worried about Andy. (as he should be) 2:30AM BBT: Amanda walks to the bathroom for lotion or something. On her way back she looks at the memory wall and says they didn't even edit these pictures. Then walks back to bed. GinaMarie, Judd and Spencer still on the hammock discussing Elissa and her money. They call her a gold digger and call the people she grew up around her commoners because Elissa said the guys she grew up with remind her of Judd. Back in McCranda's bed the lights are out and you can imagine what follows… 2:40AM BBT: You imagined correctly! Amanda is listening to McCrae tell her Bible stories! 2:50AM BBT: Elissa wakes up because she cannot breathe. Her and Amanda discuss what the Sabot is for the Jewish community. Elissa complains again and Amanda tells her to get a glass of warm water. Absolutely no game talk going on. Check back in the am for wake up call.
  9. 12:05 AM BBT Andy, Spencer, and GM are now folding laundry. They decided that since Elissa went to bed they should get more alcohol. Mccrae says the more they talk about it, the less they get. 12:20 AM BBT Spencer talks about his dad being a judge and never running with opposition in his counties. Mccrae leaves to check the SR for booze. Once he leaves Judd, Andy, and Spencer say they don't give a crap anymore about what they say around Amanda or Elissa. 12:40 AM BBT Mccrae is playing pool by himself. Judd, Andy, and Spencer are talking scary movies. 12:50 AM BBT Spencer asks what kind of cars the guys want. Mccrae says an extravagant car name and Spencer says within reason. Mccrae and Andy agree they don't care about cars that much. They move on to talking about old toys and comics.
  10. 11:05 PM BBT Small talk in the BYD talking about the annoying things they all do. Spencer's is that he swears and talks about his friend Larry a loot. Mccrae's is that he says I don't know a lot. Amanda says I think that...before anything. GM's is her accent and the way she says certain words. Andy’s is the way he says Byeee. I didn't hear Elissa's yet. 11:15 PM BBT Spencer went in and got a snack then went back outside to listen to Amanda talk about her friends. GM is the only one I see inside eating. 11:35 PM BBT now the BYD crew is discussing famous people, their charities, and movies. 11:45 PM BBT They have moved on to talking about reality shows. GM knew a girl from tough love named Elizabeth. Judd knew someone who knew someone who was on Antonio Sabado Jr.'s dating show. 11:55 PM BBT Talk has moved on to working out and the show the biggest loser. Andy had a friend that was a finalist for the show the biggest loser.
  11. 2:05 AM BBT: Amanda, Mccrae, and Spencer are joking about a geriatric season of big brother one year/ Spencer jokes and says no one really wins that show. Amanda says she can't stand Elissa and that she can't not have the attention. Spencer jokes and says yeah we were talkin earlier and she said "No one is listening to me, I am going to do a backflip." 2:15 AM BBT: Spencer gets serious and says that GM is just as dangerous about Elissa in a different way. He says that GM having power is like giving a kid a machine gun. Amanda says she effed up her own game by not going after Elissa and the only person GM is helping is Elissa by getting Amanda out. 2:30 AM BBT: Amanda continues to call GM stupid and other names. Amanda says she got the most dangerous players out of the game and she is being taken out by GM?!?! Andy joins the three in the BYD to get his laundry. Amanda goes in. The boys left outside contemplate whether or not there will be an Amanda vs. GM fight this week. They agree there will be. Amanda comes outside and starts in on GM again. 2:45AM BBT Amanda STILL going on about how unintelligent GM is. I believe she is in full on meltdown mode because she cannot believe GM and Elissa are lasting longer than her. They guys in the BYD are pretty much ignoring her talking about chess. Andy asks Amanda where and when her and Mccrae have done it. She tells him. I tune out. 2:55 AM BBT Amanda continues to go on about all of the places and Elissa is in the BYD now, looking as uncomfortable as possible. Andy says its about his bedtime. Elissa agrees and says shes just been waiting him out. Judd agrees its his bed time.
  12. 1:10AM BBT: Amanda is in the BYD with Mccrae upset over leaving. The rest of the HGs are chatting in the HOH. Elissa is tired and is probably going to bed soon even though she says she isn't because Andy calls her lame. 1:25 AM BBT HOH disperses so Judd can smoke and Andy can help GM pick out clothes. Spencer grabs a drink and all is quiet otherwise. 1:40AM BBT: GM blow drys her face and gets ready for bed. She is looking at her feet but also appears to be deep in thought. Small chit chat in the BYD as per usual. 1:55 AM BBT: Elissa and Andy have moved inside and laugh about everyone in the house being prostitutes as a twist. Once Elissa walks away Andy makes a face at how absurd Elissa is acting while she is drunk. Judd goes upstairs and talks to GM before bed. They discuss it being an early day tomorrow. Elissa gets a shut it down from BB for looking through the windows in the BYD. Elissa blames everyone else for keeping her up late.
  13. 12:10 AM BBT: Andy is out of the shower and is listening to GM's CD. Spencer joins him upstairs to discuss Amanda rolling over and how he doesn't want it to mess them up. 12:20 AM BBT: Judd is upstairs now discussing that it is crucial that they win HOH. Amanda enters to talk about Elissa and how rude she is. Elissa told Amanda that she thinks that everyone in the jury house hates her. Amanda says she is ignoring her. 12:30 AM BBT: Elissa is in the BYD discussing brands of things and what is good and what isn't. Back upstairs Mccrae, Spencer, Andy, Judd, are discussing how bad it would be if a politician was in the house for their life outside the house. They continue to discuss people they like and do not like. 12:50 AM BBT Everyone has moved upstairs to chit chat. Elissa is trashed and wondering why she isn't getting in trouble. She leaves HOH GM and Judd immediately start laughing and predict her to go to the DR, which she does. Andy, GM, and Judd discuss what Amanda has told GM when she begged to stay. They joke about her being exterminated.
  14. 11:05 PM BBT: GM is in the KT telling Elissa that she feels bad Mccrae is by himself but they both (Mcranda) need to realize that everyone is by themselves now. Elissa says "yeah and now Amanda is in the BYD talking about how she masterminded the game." Amanda meanwhile, is in the BYD going over her game and saying the first time she realized she wasn't in control anymore was when her and Mccrae were put up. 11:15 PM BBT: Judd makes sure that he and Mccrae are still good. Mccrae assures him they are. Judd leaves and Andy asks whats going on. Mccrae says Amanda is in the BYD giving away her game secrets because she knows it’s over. He tells Andy a brief overview of Amanda's conversation with GM. 11:30 PM BBT Amanda is in the BYD going over her theories that Judd was MVP. He says that when you see the show you will see me as a straight shooter. Amanda says she will see. She also thought Howard was a mastermind, which he wasn't, but he was after her so he had to go. 11:40PM BBT: Elissa and Andy head inside and discuss the fact that Amanda stresses Elissa out. Elissa would like to work with Andy and Mccrae going forward. They both join the chit chat about who people really could be outside of the house is going on. 11: 55 PM BBT Still just general chit chat in the BYD. Andy goes up to HOH to shower.
  15. 2:10 AM BBT Discussion has turned to what to wearon the live show. They debate straightening Mccraes hair. Amanda says he would be hot with a shaved head. 2:30 AM BBT talk turns to stories about their outside lives and plans they have for when they get out of the house. Spencer has ideas of becoming a comedian. He mentions a friend who has not signed a release and we get fish. 2:40 AM BBT Spencer says if he wins the money then he is going to get it cashed into all small bills and go nuts. Now they are reading what appears to be bug spray or spray on sunscreen I cannot tell. 2:50am BBT They are discussing their rent and living expenses. . They are shocked at how low Spencer's rent is at $416. GM's mom pays 3k for her home.
  16. 1:10 AM BBT Not much going on Aaryn is in bed and the rest of them are rehashing old competitions. !:30 AM BBT absolutely no change. They discuss the popsicle comp. Then they decide who would beat Jessie in a fight. They agree GM could beat up anyone in the house 1:50 AM BBT Small talk about goodbye messages for people that they know wont see them. Amanda goes inside for a snack then comes back outside. Andy goes in to use the restroom and is back out. Sorry this was the whole hour.
  17. 12:10 AM BBT Aaryn pleads her case to stay. Mcranda ignore her. She says that after everything she did for them for them to vote her out is stupid. She gets up and walks in and Amanda worries that Andy will slide by and maybe Aaryn is a bigger target. Mccrae says no Amanda is a bigger target with how mouthy she is. He also says Spencer probably was lying to them and probably did say that to Aaryn but maybe didn't mean it. 12:20AM BBT everyone but Aaryn, GM, and Judd has reconvened on the BYD couches and are going over everything Aaryn said. Andy just asks not to be blindsided. Judd and GM are still on the hammock whispering about keeping Andy and the exterminators safe. 12:30AM BBT Aaryn bashing in the BYD now. GM is saying that the whole Judd thing is something you don't make up. GM continues to say that if that if Elissa said that weeks ago Aaryn would have said something. They said they can't say anything in front of her because it could come out completely different. They move on to talk about what wake-up songs they want. 12:45AM BBT We have turned to Elissa bashing. They think that Elissa feels entitled and that is why she takes more alcohol than anyone else and can break rules in competition. Amanda and GM and Andy goes inside. Mccrae goes over all of the insulting things Aaryn said about not voting for either of them in final 2 and that she did all their work.
  18. 11:00 BBT: all the HGs are and have been outside chit chatting and watching GM shoot a light up ball in the air. 11:15PM BBT They have started a game of telephone and Spencer messes it up every time. Amanda suggests a new game. Seems like the night will be fun to watch but there won’t be much game to read about. 11:25 PM BBT Elissa pulls Andy into the lounge and makes sure he does what he needs to do to stay. She is freaking a bit. Andy says he's sure he is fine. Elissa goes to bed. The rest of the hgs start playing Indian chief. 11:35PM BBT Aaryn says that Elissa wants her out because she told Aaryn that Judd is the best looking guy in the house and she obviously had a crush on him. Amanda cannot stop laughing and runs upstairs and tells Elissa everything. Elissa cracks up at how absurd it is. I honestly cannot stop laughing. 11:40PM BBT The running joke now is that Elissa, her husband, and, Judd are moving to Utah to have a joint home. Everyone but Elissa and Amanda have moved back outside. The girls are in the KT making snacks and thinking of all the jokes they can think of about an Elissa and Judd showmance 11:55 PM BBT Spencer, GM, and Andy on the hammock. They are reassuring Andy he is safe this week. Aaryn tells Mccranda on the BYD couches that she doesn't understand what people don't get about her being a bigger target to keep around. She continues by saying Andy will just slide till the end and Aaryn is a bigger target. She says that so many people are talking about putting Mcranda up like Spencer. They call Spencer over and he tells her to stop campaigning. They aren't yelling but they swear at each other and call each other liars and Spencer walks away.
  19. 2:15 AM BBT Amanda has gone to bed, followed shortly by Mccrae. Andy, Spencer, and Judd laugh about GM being their secret weapon. They do not think her and Elissa will be as buddy buddy next week. They plan to remind GM that Elissa helped evict Nick incase she wins HOH. They agree this week will be a major week. 2:25 AM BBT Andy, Spencer, and Judd think that Amanda should go first of Mcranda. They agree with her out Mccrae will have no one to work with and will depend on the three of them to go forward. Spencer says that if they take out Elissa next week then Mcranda is taking out the only potential alliance they have and only one can win the HOH after that. The only problem is if Elissa wins Veto. 2:35 AM BBT Andy says that he is going to bed earlier than the rest so they dont appear to be working together. He heads to bed. Spencer and Judd are just outside discussing how much they needed this alliance. Spencer says he was just floating around. #BB15 2:50AM BBT Spencer gets ready for bed. GM is doing hair still. Judd is taking a min before heading to bed. It is now my bed time too. See you all for wake up call!
  20. 1:05AM BBT Spencer gets called to DR and Amanda takes over his pool game. Aaryn heads to bed. Judd and Andy are just watching the pool game. Mcranda sing and we get fish every so often. 1:25 AM BBT Amanda, Mccrae, Andy, and Judd are assigning all the HGs roles from famous tv shows or cartoons. GM is in the WC still doing stuff to her hair. 1:35AM BBT Talk in the BYD turns to sex as Spencer joins the conversation. Mccrae denies that he and Amanda have done it. Amanda flat out admits that they have. Mccrae still denies it. Mccrae we all know better! 1:50 AM BBT Two of the feeds are of Elissa and Aaryn in their respective beds. The BYD crew is back to going over tv casts and replacing themselves as members. Andy sings theme songs and we get fish.
  21. 12:05 AM BBT Amanda and Elissa both apologize again. Aaryn walks out to grab her water bottle and both Elissa and Amanda stop talking. Aaryn says AWKWARD. Aaryn walks back in and tells GM what happened. Amanda and Elissa in the BYD have gone back to normal conversation. 12:20 AM BBT Amanda and Elissa disperse. Amanda tells everything they talked about to Mccrae. Elissa comes back out and smooths things over with Mccrae. Spencer and Andy are in the LR recapping the hurricane Jessie week for Judd. 12:30 AM BBT Just chit chat about Janelle in the BYD. GM is in the WC teaching Amanda how to put extensions? (I'm a boy I really have no idea about these things) in her hair. Amanda asks GM how Aaryn is doing. GM lets her know Aaryn is trying but she is realizing the end is near. 12:50AM BBT No real change. Mccrae and Spencer are playing pool. GM and Amanda are doing their hair and faces still. Elissa, Judd, and Aaryn are making small talk on the BYD couches
  22. 10:45PM BBT After a lot of general chit chat the SR is explored and Aaryn finds alcohol is found! Aaryn is honest and tells them there are 6 beers and a bottle of wine. They split it up and Mccrae barters five cigarettes for a beer. 11:00 PM BBT they all start joking about Judd hiding beers and being stingy. Almost as they say it he walks into the BYD with another beer they didn't know about. 11:15PM BBT Everyone but GM (who is in DR) is in the byd with their beer and wine chitchatting about comedians and tv shows. 11:30 PM BBT Everyone but GM and Aaryn now is in the BYD talking about who they recognize from "summer camp" or the the finals of the casting calls. BB yells at them as feeds switch to Aaryn eating alone in the WC. They switch back once production talk has ceased. 11:40PM BBT Amanda and Elissa in the BYD talking civilly about Rachel and the kind of person she is. Feeds switch to the blond ladies in the WC doing their hair and the boys in the LR chit chatting. In the WC Aaryn says she feels like she is going home. GM says she doesn't know that yet. Aaryn is nervous because she doesn't know how to play it. 11:50PM BBT Amanda and Elissa are hashing out their earlier disagreements. Elissa says she is sorry for hurting her and Mccrae and that Aaryn is her target. Amanda says that her target is for sure going home. Amanda says that Aaryn really helped her gameplay so she wanted to keep her around but now she can't because Mcranda are more loyal to Andy. Meanwhile, GM and Aaryn are bashing Elissa's gameplay by saying she focuses too much on personal bs.
  23. 2:05 AM BBT GM and Aaryn are whispering about GM's discussion with Elissa. GM tells her everything Elissa said not to. Spencer, Judd, and Mccrae make small talk about being have nots. GM heads to bed. Aaryn heads outside. Andy is already in bed. 2:20AM BBT Everyone but GM and Aaryn are in bed now. They are in the BY by the HT. GM is still playing up the angle that Elissa is upset with her evn though she let Aaryn in on the Andy plan. Aaryn stresses that Amanda is not playing her game. GM knows. GM is boarderline shouting that the idea to keep Aaryn to stay is if GM is off the block and a guaranteed vote for Aaryn . Aaryn tells GM to tell Elissa that she wants to work with her as long as she puts someone up like Judd or Spencer. 2:30 AM BBT The girls agree to suggest to Elissa that she put Judd up for Helen. They agree to tell her it is what Helen wanted. GM tells Aaryn that if Andy goes up she will vote him out and lie to him about it. Because that is what he did when Nick was evicted. Aaryn says not to push for it though. Gm says she won’t 2:45 AM BBT The girls have gone inside and eaten a slice of leftover cake. They cleaned up a little bit and are now getting ready for bed, which is what I am going to do myself. See you for the wake-up call!
  24. 1:05AM BBT Andy, os on HOH now and says that if Elissa puts up GM then it is 100% that Aaryn will go. If Andy gets put up then there is a chance that he will go home. Their new idea is to bring GM upstairs and tell her she is completely safe. Elissa seems on board with that. 1:30AM BBT not much to report. Andy and Judd hope their plan worked on Elissa. Aaryn, Mccrae, and Spencer are bashing Elissa in the chair room because they do not understand their game play. Judd moves outside to do laundry. 1:50AM BBT GM goes to HOH to discuss her not going up. Elissa wants to put up Andy. Elissa tells GM why she was upset after veto and tells her not to tell Aaryn what they discuss. GM says she wont and never will. GM promises that if she wins she will put Mcranda up. Elissa calls Amanda desperate and says she will stop at nothing to get what she want. GM is going to go downstairs and act like Elissa doesn't like her. Judd and Spencer are in the BY. Spencer tells Judd he had no idea about his eviction at all.
  25. 12:05 AM BBT Andy tells Judd that no matter how much he hangs out with Elissa that he has Judd's back 100% and is ready to make moves. They disperse and Judd joins mcranda in the chair room. Amanda reassures Judd that no matter who wins HOH next were Judd won’t go up and there no way he will be replacement nom. 12:15AM BBT: Andy and Spencer in the airplane room discussing what would happen if he wins HOH next week and how to get Elissa to put GM up. Andy says not to let this leave the room, but he is almost leaning more towards putting up Elissa and Judd, not Mcranda. They both agree they have to stay in the middle this week. 12:30AM BBT Judd tells GM he has her back if she goes up nd will campaign for her to stay. GM is laying down for bed now. Andy and Spencer are in the airplane room discussing their zings. They apparently did not appreciate them. Andy also doesn't like the questions he is asked in DR and we get fish. Aaryn tells Mccranda in the chair room that Judd and GM are talking game. Amanda says to tell Andy to go catch him. Aaryn goes in herself and talks to GM. 12:45 AM BBT Andy is spilling the 3AM alliance beans to Spencer in the airplane room. He says that he only has been in it a couple weeks. He went into it thinking that Aaryn and Amanda would go after each other eventually. Aaryn, Judd, and GM discuss Aaryn's record amount of comp wins. Aaryn then reverts to finding a way to keep GM off the block. They want to get Spencer nominated. 12:55AM BBT Judd goes up to HOH to tell Elissa that Aaryn told GM she doesn't want GM up because Aaryn won’t have the votes to stay. He says that if GM goes up Aaryn will leave. If Andy goes up they will send him packing. Elissa is worried about Judd wanting to work with Aaryn and I mean very worried. She sounds on the verge of tears. Judd says he isn't and that he just wants Elissa to see that they wont have a third vote for Aaryn if Andy goes up.



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