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Everything posted by CoDkiller87

  1. this guy and jenn seem to be two of my favs in the house so far....really the only two i think ill like
  2. I remember kittie they were a big deal. I Predict her being my favorite. I also said that about lydia though and was let down. Lets hope she doesnt let me down by hookin up with the house Dbag Oh shes gay? I love it. bout time wasnt the last open lesbian ivette?
  3. I think we found our season crier...i say she cries 65% of the time we see her on air
  4. omg i forgot all about lawon leaving to get super powers. Agreed entertainment value at its highest in laughing at those two!
  5. Casper I highly enjoyed your list and I think it will be the most different I see. I appreciate your more unconventional choices even if I don't agree with them. I like you putting rachel first except you said it yourself she doesnt get a lot of mechanical gameplay. I do appreciate her ferociousness where others dont though. Marceallas I have a problem with. I see his entertainment value, however, He had POV and didn't use it on himself! who does that?!?! One of the worst players ever to me. Lawon was funny from what I remember of him which is really just limited to him alling himself "handsomefied." I really appreciate your choices in Diane and nicole though, They were both good players and under rated in the game. Good list
  6. I see where you are coming from but Will did some of the same things. I am re watching all-stars in prep for BB14. While I don't think all-stars was wills excellent season he spent so much time complaining it bothered everyone. He told everyone he hated them an asked to be sent home in both seasons. Will also was put on the block 4 times in season 2 there was no veto back then he had to stay on his own merit which he never defended himself. I think Dick is a great player and I don't knock you. I just think it takes more stratgey to be undercover and manipulate while saying you want to go instead of pouring tea on someones head. To me though neither are the best in history. Dan G is the best in history as far as I'm concerned. But in a will vs dick equasion, Will wins hands down for me every time.
  7. Brenchel Drives me insane together but seperated I like brendan and I like rachel. I also Kinda like that grodner brought em back. They won when needed to and got stuck battling the whole house all season. t was nice to see them have an allience with other houseguests and make bonds. Janelle was better the second time around imo. She got out dr will. Jessie is where we completely agree. there are no good things for me to say there so I'll just stop talkin bout him.
  8. Aww how can you be an updater and not atleast like ten...I love a lot more then ten most of my favs left early in their seasons.what if will and dick were in the house together? that would be a house to remember but I cant decide if they would work together or hate each other or maybe both! keep top tens coming. love the opinions!
  9. Good list and I can see how you can argue players twice just different seasons and different styles of play. fun to watch for me goes as follows: 1. DR will...both seasons are amazing. 2. Renny- season 10 3. evil dick-season 8 4. Dan g - season 10 5. Alison- season 4 like i said i loved to watch and hate her. 6. jordan-BB11 and 13 still baffeled at how she got david hasselhoff 7. enzo the meow meow- season 12 8. Jedi howie- season 6 and all stars the busto fight was the best 9. chicken george-season 1 and all stars couldnt help but love the olld guy 10.jace-season 5 and all stars he was a jerk but so ADHD it was hilarious jessie was boring when in a house and omg maggie=worst winner in bb history in my opinon. america hated her the nerd herd sucked she was boring to watch. her and adam of season 9 worst winners ever
  10. This thread is devoted to top ten housguests. Its probably been done a lot but I want to do it again so feel free to post. They can be ranked in order of skill, the funniest, the worst, the biggest criers, or even the most nap takers. I just want to see who ranks what houseguest where and on what terms. I will start with my opinion on top ten skilled players. Depending on response level I'll will pop in with other top tens. Lets get started! 10. Hayden Moss (BB12 winner)- I like most was not a fan of the Bra-gade alliance but I callenge any of you to name a time Hayden lied or was disloyal. He won the honest way which is usually unheard of in bb. 9. Nakomis (BB5 and briefly on all stars)- Her all stars perfomance sucked so I am here to talk about season 5. I'm not a huge fan of her and a lot of people today don't remeber her but shes made big moves. she came up with the 6 finger plan that demolished the 4 horseman and without her none of us would know what the term "back door" would even mean in terms of the game. 8. Alison (BB4 and all stars first out)- BB4 will forever be the season with the sex for the first time but for those of us superfans it was so much more then that. Allison to me was the first ever HG I loved to hate. I loved turning on my tv 3 nights a week and yelling "shut up alison" for an hour. She did what she had to to win she lied and flirted and go tNathan to use POV on her only to stab him in the back the first chance she got. Shes arguably one of the most hated in history but we can't help but watch her also does anyone else remember alison evesdropping from the vase in all stars? hilarious 7. Janelle (BB6 and all stars)- So A lot of people will argue she needed to be higher but i disagree. She won vetos which is epic but not a lot of anything else in season Watching her and howie take on the nerd herd was my favorite thing to watch all season. A lot of people say she was led around by chill town all season and that is true for the most part but. Who turned on will and ot him out of the house? Janelle that's who. 6. Rachel (BB12 and 13)- I'm sure I'll catch flack for this one but you know what? I don't care. Women in this game don't typically do as well in some of the challenges Rachel won. She was hated by a lot of america and 90% of the houseguests but they couldn't get rid of her for the longest time on BB12 and not at all on BB13. She's smarter then she lets on and refused to turn on the vets in BB13 even when brenden thought it was a good idea. She is the pure definition of tenacity even though shes annoying. 5. Danielle Reyes (BB3)- Easily up there with the dans and dr wills except for one thing. She didn't win. Had one of the best most covert alliences of all time. controlled almost every vote with jason. She was also never . Big brothers favorite all time runner up is and forever will be danielle reyes.... 4. Drew Daniels (BB5)- Won 3 back to back HOHs and screwed over his girlfriend to take cowboy to final 2 for the easy win. Bros before hoes specially when your bro rode coat tails all game long right? Also to be noted was never nominated before final five and thanks to veto was never up for actual eviction on the live show. 3. Evel Dick Donato (BB8 and not long enough on BB13)- I love evel dick as do most of us. He is the only player to win while tormenting everyone. Everyone!! He also is the only person I've ever seen carry (it wasnt an alliance so much as he straight threw her over his sholder and trudged through the game) someone to final two *caugh* Danielle *caugh*. Evel dick was a jerk and looked out for number one and number two and that was it. He was real. I'm so glad BBAD started his season cause nothing was better then watching Dick talk to himself on the porch all night long pacing. 2. Evil Dr, Will Kirby (BB2 and All stars)- Where to begin. He is all that personifies the game and I'm sure I will catch flack for not making him number one but he is number one in my heart always just as far as skill goes he's number 2 sorry. He straight up told everyone d1 he hated them and would lie to them all. Which he did. He is the only player to win the game without winning a single competition. He crafted chilltown easily the best alliance ever. Did you know the word showmance before him? nope. Love ya will. 1. Dan Gheesling (BB10)- Only unanimous winner in history. won without a single vote against him. Threw competitions to seem weak early on. At the half way point he sent michelle packing and teamed up with memphis. Together they won 8-10 of the last competitions leading dan to victory of season 10 one of the best seasons since season 2.
  11. you cant really use dna as an example cause cowboy and nakomus didnt know each other and the twins didnt evenget to play together for like 6 weeks. Jeff and jordans season didnt give us anyone that knew each other that was the clique summer with jocks nerds ect.... i will agree that the 'strangers' originality of it would be removed hence me saying a larger cast maybe teams ect.. im just excited for it to be back i could care less bout the twist till it gets here to be honest.
  12. Well I'm a mortys die hard during all bb seasons and made my presence known during the twitter explosion and ever since. I lurk when BB is not on cause there is nothing like BB to me. I cant do survivor updates or DWTS cause they arent continuous and are prefilmed, I fell in love with BB during season 2 and Dr will to me is still one of the top three players to ever play the game. I did go back and watch bb1 so I know all season extemely well. I'm excited for the twist of this season and to see all new faces. I'm hoping for no former players to returnI'm over that. I want a twist like the partners season of season 6 or the coupling of the under rated winter season 9 twist. I want to see people in the house that know each other outside the house. It's something they haven't done in a while. Id also like to see a larger cast with possible teams this season. But as they say expect the unexpected so mostly I'm excited to be surprised. 27 days!!!
  13. Look out matt youre out the door



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