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Everything posted by CoDkiller87

  1. 12:05 AM BBT Amber says she wants Devin out. Caleb says that keeping him keeps a number for their side. Amber says that he put Zach up which is a number for their side too so he is not that loyal. Caleb changes his tune and says if they want Devin gone then he has got to go then. Caleb tells her to smile and quit moping around because he hates it. Their talk breaks up and Derrick walks into the SR and Caleb quickly confirms they are voting for Zach to stay. 12:15 AM BBT Camera man on feed one is having fun zooming in and out on random items in the LR. Cody and Amber are talking about all of the conversations with Zach and their distrust for Devin. The same conversation that just happened in the SR repeated. They agree there is no trust in Devin. Small talk going on in the rest of the house. Brit, Victoria, and Derrick are talking about slop in the KT. 12:25 AM BBT Christine enters the KT and asks where everyone is. Derrick says it is scheming night, everyone is scheming and he loves it because he is not on the block. Jocasta and Pao have joined Cody and Amber in the fire room. Pao is campaigning a tad by saying the reason she will go home if she does is because of it helping someone else's game not any of them in the room. 12:35 AM BBT Zach, Hayden, and Nicole are talking about what they think America thinks of them. Idle chit chat is going on until Caleb and Frank go into the Hive room. Those two are repeating the conversation that he had with Zach and how the conversation with Devin is expected to go about Zach staying. 12:45 AM BBT Caleb and Frank continuing to go over the conversation. Caleb rehearses what they are going to tell Devin. They plan to say that Zach is staying. They will tell Devin he can freak out if he wants but it does not change Zach staying. They say that Zach wants to mend fences and that he regrets some of the things he said and that he has no plans to go after Devin. They break it up and feeds switch to the small talk about being have nots in the fire room. Frankie heads to HOH stay tuned for fireworks maybe. 12:53 AM BBT Frank breaks the news to Devin and Devin says he doesn't even care then demands to know who is voting where. He hears Frank out and says he out of the squad and doesn't care anymore. He doesn't trust Caleb and he knows Zach will throw him up. He says and I quote "The house will have to battle a man's love for his daughter to get him out." He says he is only in it for Jayden now. He is done with the squad. Devin says he is picking everyone off one by one by one, he is done. Frank says to leave him for last and leaves the room to most likely grab everyone and relay the info. 1:00 AM BBT Devin has now woken up Donny and is trying to have a conversation about Pao leaving. Devin asks if he would get up or if he'd rather deal with it tomorrow. Donny asks to deal with it tomorrow since he doesn't have a mic on. Devin goes ahead and goes into it and says he just bowed out of an 8 person alliance that has tried to be made a nine person alliance. He starts spilling every. single. detail. of the bomb squad.of an 8 person alliance that has tried to be made a nine person alliance. He starts spilling every. single. detail. of the bomb squad.
  2. 11:05 PM BBT Caleb and Zach in the hive room still going over all the things Zach could have done as far as blowing up the bomb squad. He says that he didn't and wouldn't do that. Zach says Devin took the first shot and Zach took the green light to jab back at Devin. Zach says he said things he didn't mean about Caleb but he doesn't take anything back about Devin. Caleb tells Zach that if Caleb wanted him gone he would be gone. Caleb says he can walk up to anyone and get them to change their vote by making promises. Zach repeats his issues with Devin. 11:15 PM BBT Zach gets a little cocky and says he is staying this week and he has no doubt about it. He says it would be in Caleb's best interest to vote him because when he does stay, he has the right to go after who voted against them. He back pedals a little bit and says it may be futile to go after him but he will be here after this week. Caleb says that he never knows what will happen in the DR during vote time. He says that he will stick by Zach because Pao brings nothing to the table and it is time for her to go. Cody and Amber are talking in the rock room about having issues with who to vote out. Cody is having a tough time deciding whether or not to vote out Zach. Amber is trying to talk him into it but he doesn't seem swayed. 11:25 PM BBT Amber says her personal target for females in Nicole, because she thinks Nicole feels she is working with Devin and would put her up. They get back to Thursday's vote and Cody says that he doesn't want someone like Pao here who is willing to throw comps. Frank enters and breaks up the conversation. Cody and Amber break it up. Frank goes through his bag in the fire room and Derrick lets him know about the Caleb situation. Derrick leaves and goes to HN room to congratulate Zach on a conversation well had. Meanwhile Caleb has pulled Pao into the hive room and lets her know how hard Zach is campaigning. Caleb says she has his vote. No matter how the vote falls she has his vote. 11:35 PM BBT Cody and Frank are in the fire room talking about Hayden and whether or not he has told Nicole about the bomb squad. They move on to talk about the vote and Frank says he wants to save Zach but seem like he didn't to save face. Back in the hive room Caleb keeps saying the vote will be close, and all he knows that he is voting for Pao to stay. He gives Pao a fake overview of how the conversation went with Zach. He tells her that all Zach said was that he doesn't expect Caleb to vote for him and won’t ask him to. (Not what happened at all). 11:45 PM BBT Hayden breaks up Cody and Frank talking by saying the Devin wants to talk to him. They both groan and he heads that way. Devin speculates on why Caleb talked to Zach and the Pao right after. Devin seems frustrated at Caleb and says he can't even stop talking game for two seconds. Frank goes to use the bathroom and Devin stares at the HOH screen. Devin yells to him that Caleb and Zach either made a truce, or Caleb is just telling Zach what he wants to hear. Devin continues to wonder why he is talking to Pao though. Devin says he should have left Brit up and put Caleb up over Pao. Frank goes and talks to Zach and Zach gives him an overview of the conversation. Zach is not allowed to put up Devin for two weeks if he stays. Frank goes over the small talk with Devin he just had. 11:55 PM BBT Caleb in the hive room, tells Pao that no matter what happens on Thursday she made friends and they will all exchange numbers. They break up their conversation after Caleb talks about taking Amber out after the show. He heads to the KT and sits way too close to Amber. Christine joins Pao in the hive room and they just talk about how stressful the game is. Amber walks into the SR where Zach and Frank are and Zach fills her in on the Caleb conversation he just had. Caleb comes in and confirms the conversation. Caleb is hugging on Amber and saying don't worry and that Amber is not in a bad spot. Amber expresses her distrust for Devin. Devin talks about the deal with leaving Devin alone. Amber wants Devin gone before jury because he turned his back on them. (Listen! Caleb! Listen!)
  3. 1:05 AM BBT Caleb is not about Zach at all. He says and I quote "Some cats might want a hood rat around, but not a lion." Caleb says that he has nothing to say to Caleb. Derrick says that Zach has been going around saying that he felt bad about saying bad things about Frank and Caleb. Frank asks if Caleb would talk to him. Caleb says he doesn't even know. Hayden joins them and Victoria says her good nights. 1:15 AM BBT Brit exits the DR, heads to the KT, and says the BB told her to tell them that tonight will be a long night and plan to go back into the DR if they have already been. She then gets called into the DR again. She is quickly back out and she says that they told her to tell Cody to stop messing with her. Nicole sneaks up on Cody to try and scare him but it doesn't work. Feeds switch back to the hammock where Hayden is listening to Derrick tell Caleb that Zach didn't mean to blow him up and Hayden is agreeing with Derrick. 1:25 AM BBT Amber, Christine, and Nicole make a feeble attempt to take the hammock away from the boys. They fail and decide to share. Zach is back up and heads outside. He, Cody, and Christine chit chat on the couches. Zach goes over his eviction speech. In it he calls Devin a tyrant. The rest of the awake HGs are by the hammock goofing around and laughing. 1:35 AM BBT Frank leaves the DR and heads to the hive room with Zach. Zach does his speech for Frank. Frank hears it and says he just got Franks vote. Frank says that he is going through it. He continues by stating that voting for Zach will put a target on his back and they need to find a way to keep him safe without blowing up Frank’s game. Zach and Frank hatch a plan to have Frank vote for Pao to go and they lie about it after. 1:50 AM BBT Frank and Zach re hash the last 48 hours’ worth of events from each of their perspectives. Frank says his game of neutrality is over now and he was blaming Zach and he shouldn't. Frank reminds Zach that he needs Frank to be close with Caleb because he will most likely be HOH next week. Zach says there is no way he is leaving this week. He says he is going to talk to Christine and Jocasta. They hug it out and end their conversation. 2:00 AM BBT Brit pulls Frank right back into the hive room and tells him that she did not want to stir anything up and wanted to refuse veto so Pao went home. The DR told her she could not do that. Brit says she wants Pao out but had no idea everything else was going on. They agree each of their game plan went off thee rails a little today. Frank says he is not mad at Brit and that he in fact admires her. Brit says she just want to be her and that until the end, she will not stick a knife in anyone's back.
  4. 12:05 AM BBT Derrick and Zach end their pow wow and Zach heads inside to the HN room to lay down. Brit, Amber, Pao, and Jocasta are in the WA talking about items BB has taken from them. Christine comes in and changes into her bathing suit. Derrick meanders in and laughs along with Amber as they change the subject to photo booth photos. 12:15 AM BBT Hayden and Nicole are on the BY couches goofing around and having small talk. Cody comes out and Hayden gets up to play pool. Christine comes out in her bathing suit and the two boys jokingly make cat calls at her and she laughs along because her in a bathing suit is a rare thing. Derrick talks to Amber in the SR about making the rounds and making sure everyone starts to trust her again. In the WA Jocasta is talking about Zach being disrespectful to women and Brit is messing with her face. Team America is on the Hammock outside talking about their best move for the vote. Derrick speculates what the HOH will be. He thinks it will be endurance. Amber comes up and they continue to speculate. Derrick talks about something he keeps in his desk at work. Amber asks what he does again and he sticks to his park and rec coordinator story. 12:25 AM BBT Amber leaves and Team America talks about the vote again very quickly. Frank says he wants Zach out. Derrick says their goal is to make money each week not just in the end. Derrick asks where everyone's head is at. Frank says he trusts Caleb and Devin more as allies than Zach. He says that while Devin is crazy, Frank knows that he won’t come after any of them. Frank continues to state that on the other hand, Zach is a bigger target then any of them to keep in the house. Zach joins them and conversation stops. Nicole gets called to the diary room and everyone shouts because the DR sessions have begun for the night. 12:35 AM BBT Team America continuing to discuss what to do this week. They say that each person on the block is dangerous in their own way. Zach is unpredictable and Pao is willing to throw comps and act crazy. They keep saying they don't have to decide tonight but then go back and talk about the vote some more. They agree to vote together though and know that together they help to control the vote. They then agree to try and get Zach to make up with Devin and Caleb so that they can keep him and send home Pao. Their goal is to keep blood off their hands. 12:45 AM BBT Same round robin going on between Don, Frank, and Derrick on the hammock. Idle chit chat going on in the rest of the house. Don leaves the hammock area and Derrick and Frank discuss not trusting Hayden. They also agree that they steer the Donny ship too. 12:55 AM BBT Derrick and Frank are going back and forth over what to do about Zach and how they feel about Hayden. They agree Hayden can win HOH comps and think they can use him if they keep Zach. Frank can't let go of how easy Devin and Caleb are to manipulate. Derrick reverts to the rebuilding bridges between Zach and Devin and Caleb thing. Speak of the devil, Caleb joins them. Caleb tells them about a dream he had about Amber.
  5. 1:05 AM BBT Coday and Caleb are in the hammock talking about Amber and how he plans to take her out when they get out of here. Then he says he is going to go to his hometown and she what "kind of prey" they have going on there. He says the more people that leave between now and then the easier it will be to talk with her. Back in the HOH the Zach bashing is going on. They talk about Zach calling Victoria the B word and other terrible things he has said about her. Devin says he pulled Zach aside on like day 4 and told him to never disrespect a woman that way but he didn't listen. Devin says he is over it. He then goes to say that plan A for veto is to take Pao down and put up Victoria. Then he goes back to talking about plan B and counts the votes he would have if Zach went up. 1:15 AM BBT Devin tells them all to keep it quiet outside the HOH room. Devin says they know Zach will explode and he says that Frank and Christine need to just stay calm and not freak out over him exploding. They are both acting very agreeable. In other parts of the house, Brit and Nicole start playing pool. Nicole thinks Christine went to bed. Derrick heads outside and sits with Hayden by the HT to talk about what it's like on slop. Frank and Christine have left HOH and Devin is now reading his bible. 1:25 AM BBT Christine, Cody, and Caleb are in the WA talking about what Devin talked about in HOH. Christine gives him a small run down but she doesn't want to talk while Caleb is so close (He is in the potty room). Caleb exits that room and looks in the mirror to pick his nose for a sec. In HOH Frank leaves the shower and tells Devin he is headed to bed. Devin says he has a crush on Brit but that he feels like he isn't her type. (What the actual heck?) He then repeats that he has a legitimate crush on her. 1:35 AM BBT Derrick and Hayden still talking by the HT when Frank comes out and looks through the clothes in the BY. He complains because ants are all over everything. In the KT Frank has gone back in and joined conversation going on between Cody and Christine about Caleb and Amber. Christine talks about Caleb following her everywhere, especially if Amber is talking to a guy. Back in the BY Hayden are talking about their dream arrangement of HGs going into jury. They talk about this week’s vote and agree they don't care who goes this week out of the girl options (Victoria, Pao, and Brit). 1:45 AM BBT Frank heads into the BY and joins the conversation. Back inside, Cody is absolutely wired and joking around with Christine and Nicole. He went into the STR for something and the girls waited outside the door and scared him when he came back out. They got him for a second and have been cracking up over it ever since. Devin figured out how to dim the lights in HOH and a minute later we hear BB say knock it off and Devin stop that. 1:58AM BBT Devin heads outside to talk about getting the lights dim to Caleb. He starts running back and forth to get the outside cameras to follow him. In the KT Cody is making eggs and talking to the girls about a prank he pulled back home. Nicole then tells a story about her friends and scares they would pull off. Devin and Derrick are playing corn hole. Caleb is in the KT telling Christine how to pick of girls where he is from.
  6. 12:10 AM BBT Brit and Frank are in the KT talking about how to pitch keeping her safe to everyone. Frank advises her to pitch how loyal she is. Brit says that another female in the house (I think Pao) is a liar and deceitful. She continues by saying that if they both stay, she is going full force after her. The rest of the HGs are playing or watching corn hole. 12:20 AM BBT Cody, Derrick, Caleb, and Hayden are playing corn hole. Frank is doing funny voices in the HT. Christine and Nicole are laughing hysterically. Devin comes out and says his good nights. All four feeds are in the BY. 12:35 AM BBT Not one change. Franks accent is that of an older southern sounding woman. The girls cannot stop cracking up every time it speaks. 12:45 AM BBT The game has broken up. Frank and Caleb have gone inside. Frank talks about sleeping soon but Caleb isn't tired. Frank says he feels like it's going to be a calm night. Hayden joins them and they speculate about what the HOH comp will be on Thursday. In the BY Brit is talking to Nicole and Christine. She found out Pao threw the BOTB and is very upset. Brit is trying to figure out votes. She wants noms to stay the same because she wants Pao out. Christine says that if Victoria goes up then Victoria will go home. Brit says she just wants Pao gone. Hayden comes over and they stop talking game. 12:55 AM BBT Frank goes up to HOH and asks what he talked about with Caleb. Frank said not game and then went over, verbatim, what was said. Christine joins them with her toast. Devin says that he has two options for what to do with veto. One tests the loyalty of the alliance (probably putting up Zach). He informs them that if he does go with this option that it in no way means they shouldn't trust him or that he will put them up ever. Christine asks him if this will single other members of the alliance out, and Devin says that it is a potential issue. Frank says if Devin goes with this option he will be willing to hear out why. Devin says this is only plan B for right now and that it won’t hurt the alliance because they would still have the numbers.
  7. 2:45 AM BBT Brit just literally asked Pao if she is planning on throwing the battle comp. Pao says if she loses, it's because she sucks. She says that Devin is going to go through the house and tell everyone that everyone else is going to vote Brit and it is nuts. Pao says he is crazy. They talk about Joey for a bit. In HOH Amber and Caleb are telling Nicole the same things over and over. 2:55 AM BBT Devin goes into the hive room and tells Pao he needs to talk to her before bed. Brit says he only put up Pao because he thinks she is weak. Brit tells Pao that he is going to tell her nice things, but none of it is true. Derrick comes in and they break up for Pao to head to HOH and talk to Devin. Devin threatens Pao by saying that if she doesn't throw this battle comp then Devin is going home and Pao will be stuck with Caleb and she is going to go next week. Devin then says point blank, that is Brit wins POV then Victoria will go up and go home. Caleb says the two baddest players here have her back. Devin then threatens her again if she decides not to throw the comp.
  8. 2:13 AM BBT we are back! Pao is up for sure she is talking to Frank in hive room. Hayden and Nicole are in Fire room talking about being okay no matter what because even if they lose Devin goes up. Hayden, Nicole, and Pao confirmed as of now. 2:20 AM BBT Amber is upstairs with Caleb and Devin in HOH. Devin is motivational speaking for Amber because she feels bad for nominating Hayden and Nicole. Feeds switch to Christine talking to Cody in the fire room. They are absolutely tired of Devin. Apparently he was very rude to Brit during nominations. Cody says he is also sick of Caleb too. Christine says he is so full of himself. She goes on to say that he knows nothing about her but she knows everything about him. 2:35 AM BBT Devin tells Amber, Nicole, Hayden and Caleb in HOH that he wants Brit gone and has a plan in place to do so. He lets the cat out of the bag on Pao throwing the Battle comp. They reveal that Devin got to nominate first. Amber is going over the fact that she wants to keep Nicole and Hayden safe. Devin starts going into why he wants Brit out to assure Nicole that he wants to keep her safe. On the other feeds Brit and Christine are in the WA talking about how the votes are going to go. Feeds switch to Zach and Pao in the SR. Zach is hyping up Pao because he doesn't want Devin to be safe. 2:40 AM BBT Pao confirmed that Brit is the other Nom. So as of now noms are set as Pao, Brit, Hayden, and Nicole.
  9. 12:05 AM BBT Downstairs at the dining area, Christine is talking about her car running on hopes and prayers. She says it doesn't accelerate and they have to pull over for a bit while going somewhere. She also says the AC is broken, in Tucson. (So you guys know, it gets to be 120 degrees there). Brit talks about breaking into her kids piggy banks to pay for gas to take her kids to school. This half offends Christine because two seconds ago she talked about taking her kids to Disneyland twice this year. Brit says she got passes that she did not have to pay for. Hayden gets called to the DR and screams with glee about it. 12:15 AM BBT Devin is now in the WA basically letting Hayden know he is going up. Oh no, he did what BB said not to do and told Hayden he was going up and that he needs to win BOTB. Hayden gets called to DR again so that breaks up. Just small talk as the HGs wait around the LR and Dining area for noms. Caleb talks about how good he would have been at today's HOH comp. Devin pulls Amber aside and tells her he talked to Hayden, she is again unimpressed. Devin pulls Pao aside and gives her the same be prepared you are may or may not be going up speech. 12:25 AM BBT Pao says she doesn't want to go up because it's getting embarrassing. Devin says she isn't the target. Pao says what if the person she is up against wins POV? Devin says he has an option b, but refuses to tell her who it is. Devin asks Pao to throw the BOTB. He tells her if she does throw it, he will make sure she stays through POV and is here after next week. She seems on the fence of course, but is saying she might but there's a problem. Before she can finish, Devin runs into the Fire BR and tells Frank and Amber that Pao plans to thrown the battle comp so relax about her noms. When he leaves Amber seems worried. Frank says relax and let Devin take the blame for all four noms. Pao tells Devin that if she does this then he needs to pull her off the block if he wins POV. He agrees. 12:30 AM BBT Fish for about five mins now, I am willing to bet Nominations are under way!
  10. 11:05 PM BBT: Frank gets called to the DR. Caleb and Derrick’s chess game has slowed down. Caleb says backwards funny it sounds like backards. Devin tells Cody the plan for the night. He wants to put up Brit and Pao, He thinks Amber is putting up Hayden and someone else outside of their alliance. Devin continues to touch on his speech from last night about being honest and integral game. I wonder if he knows he uses integral wrong (Googled the definition to be sure). 11:15 PM BBT: Donny and Brit are talking in the hive room about the best ways to keep a secret. Donny used his popular phrase "If ya don't want anyone to know anything don't tell it." Zach and Cody are in the HN room Devin bashing. Zach says that Devin changes his mind every five seconds. Cody recaps the conversation they just had and the fact that Devin wants Don and Jocasta on jury with the bomb squad. Cody says he is counting jury votes. Zach says that Devin won’t make it to jury let alone final 2. Cody says yeah he's a monster, I can't stand talking to him. 11:25 PM BBT While all the HGs get called to a pre-nom DR, Amber, Nicole, and Christine are in HOH whispering. Nicole gets up to talk to Devin and Frank enters. Amber says she doesn't know what to say. Frank is coaching her to talk about the battle of the block. He tells her to say that she put up people that she wanted to win BOTB. Devin and Nicole are on the other half of the feeds. Devin is being very bad at concealing his alliance. He tells Nicole that there aren't a whole lot of other options for people to go up that make sense. He then moves on to talking about his honesty and being "integral." (I don't think he used the word, I just couldn't resist). Nicole says she just wanted to talk to him. He is being vague but basically telling her she’s going to be one of the four. 11:35 PM BBT Nicole makes her exit, and Devin goes into the front part of the HOH to join Frank, Amber, and Christine. Devin tells her what he and Nicole spoke about. Amber is agitated that he basically telling Nicole she is going up. Devin says he would rather prepare her then surprise her. Amber is still grumpy so she changes subjects to how she is going to explain it to them. Devin says he will take the heat. Devin moves on to start laughing about getting in trouble for telling Pao he is nominating her. 11:45 PM BBT Brit has her turn in the DR. Jocasta, Nicole, and Christine are in the WA talking about things they have lost while all the moving rooms took place. Christine investigates a new mole (I use this as my cue to switch feeds). Amber and Frank are in HOH talking about how emotional they are, Amber says she is emotional because it is about her time of the month (I cannot escape). Caleb comes in and Amber jokes that she's putting him up. He says that he will pull himself off and they talk about her real noms. He says that if he wins POV and Hayden is up Caleb will take him off. 11:55 PM BBT Devin exits the shower and says he wants Brit gone with her negative energy. He says he wants to tell Paola to throw the BOTB if she comes up to talk to him. Frank says he could tell her to try her hardest, it will be the same outcome. They laugh about how bad she is at comps. Devin says he doesn't want to talk game tonight because he wants to see his family and have that be that. Frank quickly agrees that he should just enjoy the night.
  11. 12:05 AM BBT: Caleb and Amber's conversation ends. He heads into the LR and tells Zach, Devin, and Derrick that everything is squashed, and the house is drama free. Devin says he is going to read his bible and go to bed. The have nots may not officially eat! Hayden picks to eat a kiwi first. They all are enjoying beers and burgers. They are all opera singing and have not gotten yelled at yet. The rest of the awake HGs watch them eat. 12:15 AM BBT: Not a sound to be heard but happy former have nots chomping down on food. They occasionally comment on how happy they are. Devin made food instead of going to bed by the way. Caleb moves into the WA and recaps the Amber conversation to Frank and Jocasta. Caleb talks about Amber saying yes to a date (she was joking and they joked about Pao going too but Caleb has run with it). He says he wishes they were in Nashville because at hotels there you can call for a horse and carriage to come to the door. He says he plans to treat her like a queen if he gets the chance. 12:25 AM BBT: Caleb is going over his thoughts on Frank being different and how happy he is to have that friendship. He says that God made them in his image and that there should be less segregation in church about these things because church is supposed to be a congregation. He says that is why his brother's church is called one church. Jocasta is listening and chimes in with agreement. She says churches segregating gays is silly because in the next breath they are okay with pastures committing adultery. This leads into a talk about loving everyone despite their flaws. I need a break from the deepness so I have switched to the eating and the small talk in the dining area. 12:35 AM BBT: The WA talk has broken up and the house is in a food lull. Everyone is fed full and talking about it. Frank, Jocasta, and Pao are in the WA and Frank briefly explains his coming out story. They discuss people who have not signed releases and we get fish. Amber and Victoria are in the fire BR going over Devin's speech. Victoria doesn't understand the point of his speech. Amber says that she wished she had been there but she feels bad for him. Victoria doesn't. Amber says she wasn't there and it seems like he is just losing it. She doesn't get why Devin likes drama. 12:45 AM BBT Amber gets called to DR and she wants to touch up her face. She makes no move to get up however, and BB calls someone else to the DR. In the WA Jocasta tells Frank she screwed people over when she was younger and that she has tried to make amends. Pao practices her speech for the live show for Derrick, Amber, and Victoria. They help her get it polished, not without a few laughs when she messes up. 1:00 AM BBT Caleb, Frank, and Zach are in the HOH. Zach asks how the talk with Amber went, and we get the gist of it again. Mercifully, Frank changes the topic to the house meeting. Caleb says that he just wanted a pity party. Caleb says he was not forced to put Donny up. He genuinely put Donny up because he fell fast. The group in the fire BR are speculating about how HOH will work tomorrow. Frank is in the HOH WA letting Brit know she is safe next week if Devin doesn't win HOH because Devin is the target.
  12. 11:05 PM BBT Devin is in the BY on the couches coming clean to Donny about thinking he was not who he said he was in the beginning of the game. He says he apologizes for targeting him the first few days. He keeps bringing up his daughter and how he does not want to make her disappointed in him. He plans to tell the whole house. HOUSE MEETING! 11:15 PM BBT The meeting is on pause for Caleb's conversation with Amber to end. They are hashing it out and Amber has gone from not wanting to speculate about Devin to bashing him over the things he has told Caleb about her. Caleb says he is glad that she didn't say the things she said about him. Caleb says he went to everyone in the house asking how they saw him. He said that no one had anything bad to say about him and some said he was the best guy they had ever met (He doesn't sound like the full of them self description Amber had mentioned at all right?) He said that he started to change his mind and that he didn't think she meant anything bad about him. She agrees. 11:20 PM BBT Frank and Christine are in HOH talking about Devin absolutely losing it. Frank goes over telling Amber taking out the middle man and pushing her to talk to Caleb. Frank says that Devin is probably about to give a sob story to get people on his side and that it won’t work. They break it up. Everyone is now in the LR except for Caleb and Amber. Meeting is about to commence. 11:25 PM BBT Devin starts crying immediately. He says this is real talk and not game play. He says he just wanted to be honest and revolutionize the way the game is played. He brings up his daughter and wants to have integrity for her. He says that once he got in the house and he stood where some of the greats are he knew he might have to lie. He talks about pushing Caleb to put up Donny and not trusting him. He feels terrible about that and wanted to be honest about it. He said that he wants his daughter to be proud of him. He says that he will walk out the door with his head held high if he has to go home. He wants to show his daughter that he has integrity and that no amount of money will take that from him. He apologizes to everyone. Everyone claps as he walks away in tears. 11:33 PM BBT Devin retreats to HoH to cry it out. Caleb and Amber are repeating the situation and re explaining how they both felt. Victoria and Frank are in the Fire BR wondering what the point of his speech was. Frank said he just unified the whole house against him. They break it up. Frank moves into the SR with Zach to reiterate what he told Victoria. Zach says he is mental and is going home next week for sure. Frank agrees and they break it up. In the KT Brit is cooking food in prep for the HNs not being HNs anymore. They are all counting down the minutes. Frank goes into the Fire BR and tells the same story to Paola. 11:42 PM BBT Back to Caleb and Amber in the hive room. Caleb is going over the things he said about Amber while they weren't talking (embellishing nicely). She admits that she said that if he was going to be mean then she isn't going to help him along in the game either. Rinse, Wash, Repeat. Amber talks about having her dream final four and hers is the two of them, Frank, and Christine or Derrick. Caleb says he has a final four and it is going to happen. Derrick, Victoria, and Pao are in the Fire BR talking about Devin's speech. Derrick says he is probably trying to make his target smaller. Victoria says it seems like acting. Derrick says they all have targets he tried to lower his. Cody, Christine, and Zach are in the HN room having the exact same conversation as the kids in the Fire room. 11:55 PM BBT HN room crew agree that they are not swayed by his speech and that Devin is a bully. Cody says everyone sees it. Zach exits to the SR where Devin is and he tries to tell Devin how great his speech was. Zach says that his daughter will see that someday and be proud. Hayden walks in and says essentially the same thing. Pao goes into the Hive room and backs up everything Amber has been saying and they go over it all again. Pao half recaps portions of Devin's speech and Caleb confirms most of what was said.
  13. 1:05 AM BBT: Nicole and Victoria are back up now and Nicole is in the BY with Amber on the hammock. Amber asks about her talk with Hayden. She says he wasn't mad but that she thinks things will be different. They talk about what life will be like after the house. 1:15 AM BBT: Devin is playing motivational speaker to Caleb by the HT. Caleb asks if she (I think Amber) said anything about him. Devin didn't want to say anything but Caleb keeps pushing. Devin says that in the BY earlier she was saying stuff about Caleb being full of himself and the more she gets to know him the more she sees it. Devin says he cut her off and told her to stop. She told him that everyone thinks they have a thing and that she isn't into Caleb. Devin says he continued to tell her to stop. 1:25 AM BBT: Devin continues to try and help Caleb by saying Amber told him once that she has never dated anyone who isn't black or mixed. Devin tells Caleb that she told him that he (Devin) was her type initially. Caleb looks very sad. Devin says one day Caleb will meet a girl that is over the moon and that they will all go to each other’s weddings. Then Frank, Jocasta, Joey, Victoria and, Christine break up to bromance by sitting with their feet in the HT. 1:35AM BBT: The group is talking about Amber's butt and how good it looked in whatever pants she had on yesterday. Caleb looks so uncomfortable. Brit heads to bed. Caleb still looks like he is looking for an excuse to leave the HT. They all talk about seeing each other in the airport which gets us fish. 1:45 AM BBT: We get flashes of fish but in between them, Amber lays down and Frank says goodnight. He says he might get back up later. Paola has headed to bed too. Paola says she feels bad for Caleb cause he was just sitting there not saying anything. Amber asks what she is supposed to do about it. Paola says nothing but it's just sad. Jocasta heads inside leaving Devin alone in the HT with Caleb. Caleb gets called to the DR. 2:00 AM BBT Derrick and Devin are by the hot tub going over what they have told Joey to make her feel better about possibly leaving. Brit and Joey have made their beds and shut off the light, causing the feed to change to the fire BR. The girls in there are talking about their families, their families marriages, and the type of men they want. Paola says she wants a southern man but that Caleb is not her type. Amber says "Me either."
  14. 1:05 AM BBT: Zach has taken his lap dance routine in the BY. Devin takes his goofy lap dance routine into the HN room. Joey sings and Usher song and we get fish. Cody and Devin move themselves into the SR to talk about all the events of the last 48 hours. Cody says that he has his back and he's sorry he hasn't said much. Devin says no big deal and explains his point of view again and they exit. 1:15 AM BBT: In the KT Jocasta, Devin and Caleb are joking about all the guys going for Nicole. Caleb wonders why no one is after Amber. Jocasta says maybe she’s not their type. Caleb says that maybe they know he has Amber on lock and that's why. In the BY Zach is teaching Nicole his moves while Victoria and Frank dance together. Brit is out of DR and was apparently told they cannot layer their clothes on the bed the way they have been. Joey and Caleb are not happy at all. 1:25 AM BBT: Caleb, Paola, and Jocasta are sitting around the DT laughing about random stories. The rest of the HGs are dancing in the BY. Jocasta is saying there is only one person in the DR who lets her roll and talk how she wants. Paola says that she would rather have it that way because she feels like her DRs are not her. Brit and Joey get ready to layer up their clothes on their bodies and head to bed. 1:35 AM BBT: Brit and Joey are now unmaking their bed and Brit explains exactly what she was told in the DR which gives us fish. When we get back they agree to put on like three pairs of pants each and a bunch of shirts. In the KT Caleb gives Hayden a hard time jokingly for "touching his girls head." Hayden says he just can't help it and they laugh. Devin is acting like he is drunk (He had one beer). 1:45 AM BBT: apparently Devin has had 3 glasses of wine, but anyhow, he is now sitting on the HOH stairs cracking up for nothing. The dancing has died down in the BY now and the BY crew is wondering if their dancing was on BBAD or just the feeds. Caleb is back to talking about all the things he can do like tie a cherry stem, open a starburst, and a pop can /with his tongue. 2:00 AM BBT: Frank and Amber want to go meditate. Victoria and Derrick also go inside to get ready for bed and to leave Nicole and Hayden alone. Nicole laughs about it as Hayden gives her a bday massage. They talk a little bit about talking to Christine about the next HOH. Nicole feels very awkward for everyone leaving her alone with him and doesn't want it to look showmancy. She goes in and tells Christine to go outside and talk to Hayden. In the HN room Caleb and Zach are going over whether or not they think each girl is good looking.
  15. 12:05 AM BBT: It is officially Nicole's birthday. The other HGs have baked her cupcakes, and Hayden is going to give her a lap dance. Frank has taught Hayden his routine and along with Zach the two of them practice outside of the HOH room. As of yet they have not gotten her though. Cody is distracting her outside and keeps wondering what time it is. 12:15 AM BBT: They finally go and get Nicole by telling her Julie is on the screen and running inside. When she gets in everyone is screaming and clapping. She has beer, wine, cupcakes, and her lap dance from Hayden made her look very uncomfortable but she laughed a lot. Happy Birthday Nicole. 12:25 AM BBT: Everyone cheers to Nicole's birthday and just sit around celebrating. Nothing major going on as a result. Zach is a much better lap dancer than Hayden and keeps showing off his moves. Frank asks what he is doing on his birthday. Zach says that he is going to borrow one of Frank's banana hammocks and coming over to his house. The house erupts with laughter. 12:35 AM BBT: Brit and Joey have gone into the HN room to make their bed the way they want. Joey says that if she is here after this week then she will vote for Brit to stay if she is put up. Joey then asks how the talk went with Devin. Brit says it went fine but she still doesn't trust him at all. They agree he is a nice person but they have a hard time knowing anything about anyone. 12:45 AM BBT: Joey has made the choice to start a routine to make the days go by. She then states that she is going to campaign, but not too much because she doesn't want to overwhelm anyone. She says whatever happens will happen. Caleb and Zach walk in and Zach starts rapping. Frank walks in and they are all making jokes. 12:55 AM BBT: On the BY couches Nicole is sitting with Victoria. She said she was so embarrassed about Hayden dancing on her. Hayden then comes out and asks how she liked his dancing. Nicole says she expected it to last longer. Hayden says that she was pushing him. Back in the HN room the girls are now making Cody's bed because he was jealous the girls made their bed more comfortable.
  16. 1:00 AM BBT: BB never misses an opportunity and calls Brit to the DR. Derrick asks Caleb if Devin exploded. Caleb says that she probably genuinely feels bad for how it went because Devin is a big player cool with other big players. He continues to say she probably thinking about her own kids and the way that she treated Devin. Caleb reverts to talking about Amber. 1:10 AM BBT: Frank, Christine, and Cody are talking on the hammock. Frank says that Devin is imploding and is killing his own game. He says Caleb only cares about Amber and that will be his downfall. He wants to keep Caleb around for as long as possible because he will always be the bigger target. Cody says he cannot trust Devin and Amber at all. Frank says he trusts Christine and Cody more then everyone else. Cody wants to be the one to get Devin out eventually. They hate the way he is treating Brit. Cody calls him a bully. Frank agrees. They also think Caleb is a bully because he told Devin to just not talk to Brit anymore like it's high school. They want to keep the three of them quiet for as long as possible. Christine thinks people will think she is with Nicole for a long time. 1:20 AM BBT: Cody says they should make sure Caleb goes before Amber otherwise he will freak. Frank thinks that will take care of itself because Amber doesn't want Caleb like that and that he will find out and send her packing. Frank says they wont have to get their hands dirty with it. The three of them are very excited to have a quiet alliance no one knows about. 1:30 AM BBT Frank is going over all of the things that Devin has said to shoot himself in the foot.They agree that they need to just go along to get along and not challenge him. Cody hates him because of his ego. Christine says that she has never met a man like him in her life. He tries to make her feel so small and she says she sees the person he is and Frank says he will self-destruct. Frank likes Derrick and he says that when Derrick is around he doesn't have to be as "on" as he usually is because Derrick can handle the guys and their egos.
  17. 12:05 AM BBT Zach and Devin have moved to HOH and are talking about how dominant they are. They are not speaking in forms of what ifs, but whens. When Devin wins HoH next week, When Zach wins week three. When all 8 of their alliance makes the Jury house. They are talking about all the power they have and will have all summer. They decide that they get to decide who gets the money in the end. Devin brings up the Joey situation and he is angrier now because she came up to him on his daughter's birthday. He says she should be scared and so should Brit. In the KT Caleb speaks Spanish to Derrick because he speaks it fluently (anything he doesn't do?) 12:15 AM BBT Caleb, Frankie, Brit, and Derrick are around in the KT talking about how crazy the game has been in just the past couple of days. They think that there are set teams that BB has made because of the separation in the memory board. Brit says she feels like she was too honest with Devin. Caleb says there are inside words and outside words. He continues by saying if you let out the inside words, you can't ever get them back. Derrick says there is going to be a huge twist so we don't know what is happening. He said he got the feeds before he left and knows that America has a big say from week to week as a part of the twist. 12:25 AM BBT Caleb and Brit head upstairs together to try and make things right with Devin, they make small talk for a bit before getting serious. Derrick and Zach are in the SR are talking about how easy it is to lay low. Zach thinks they will be exposed by jury but they are okay with having that happen because Devin and Caleb are bigger targets then they are. They agree that when the time comes they need to backdoor the two of them. 12:35 AM BBT In the HoH Devin and Brit are going over their conversation they had earlier. Devin starts going over the night he had no sheets for his bed and the night he was complaining about messes. Brit says that she is sorry for the way the conversation went before. He starts saying that he is upset that he was painted in a less than admirable light because he has lent out his sweaters to the girls and has made sure Victoria is in a room with all women. He says he has a daughter and doesn't appreciate her making him look like a bad guy. When she tries to defend her self he starts to laugh telling her that she read the conversation wrong. She says she feels as though he has rubbed her the wrong way when she has been cleaning and doing things for others as well. 12:40 AM BBT Every time Brit speaks he rolls his eyes and laughs in response. She says the issues she has aren't about any lotion or cleaning but the way he approaches things but he doesn't let her finish before telling her she is wrong. She says he is impossible to talk to and he tells her good do him a favor and do not speak to him anymore. She leaves the room upset and crying. 12:45 AM BBT Brit is now in the hammock with Paola going over how the argument with Devin went. She tries to play it off at first that she was just upset about her family but Paola gets her to talk about the argument more in depth. Paola tells Brit to stay positive and not worry about Devin. Brit is worried about next week. Paola says someone else can freak out between now and then making everyone forget about their issues. She continues by saying that she should just lay low. Brit vents a little more about everything. Paola asks if Devin said anything about her. Paola hopes Devin goes up. Brit says he won’t. 12:55 AM BBT Caleb and Hayden are playing pool. Cody, Derrick, and Frank are talkin bout the twists. Back in the hammock, Brit and Paola are still talking about the fight. They stop when Nicole comes up to check on Brit as she is visibly upset. They go back to the story of her missing her family and kids. Derrick comes up and asks how the talk went. Brit repeats that she misses her family. Derrick asks if she's sure that's it. Brit says yes so he starts giving her family advice and tells her to hang in there.
  18. 11:05 PM BBT: Hayden and Donny have broken up the boys talking in game in the BY by trying to determine how many laps in the yard is a mile. They determine 30 down and backs is one mile. In the KT Frank is explaining the conversation he just had with Joey to Devin, Jocasta, Victoria, and Brit. Victoria calls her crazy. Frank moves into the storage room to talk with Christine. They make fun of Caleb for saying he almost won POV. 11:15 PM BBT: Donny and Devin are now using chewing tobacco and Devin is pretending like he isn't because his mom would be disappointed. Back in the KT Joey is talking about the Devin situation and Caleb not doing what he said he's going to do. Frank says he doesn't like that because it draws lines in the sand and that he doesn't want that this early. Frank says she's acting out too much and that if she had laid low then Paolo would have gone home and still no lines would be drawn. 11:25 PM BBT: Zach and Nicole are on the hammock talking about who could be put up tomorrow. They agree they won’t vote each other if they go up. Zach says they have nothing to worry about and that there are way bigger fish to fry. They talk about not knowing where certain people's heads are at. They agree they know nothing about Jocasta. They also agree that there are clear pairs in the house like Caleb/Devin Paola/Amber and Joey/ Brit. Zach says he thinks he can trust Cody and would like to work with him. Nicole is just agreeing. Zach says he trusts Hayden, Nicole agrees. He likes Donny a lot, Nicole agrees. 11:35 PM BBT: Joey and Paola are in the SR and Joey is giving her advice? Joey keeps telling her to lay low and to relax. She says once you're safe, go bonkers. Paola says she is who she is, and that Joey should relax too because hopefully Caleb puts up Devin. Paola is trying to convince her that if the house wants Devin then Devin should go up, and it would be a waste of a veto to go after two girls and not a strong player. Paola says lay low and calm down. Joey says that she came in there to give Paola advice and it got all turned around. They laugh and exit. Brit and Joey talk for a sec about Joey's decision to rock the boat and how good or not good it was. Brit exits real quick to change. 11:45 PM BBT: Cody gets called to DR in the middle of his pool game with Derrick. Hayden takes over. Game talk has died down for the moment because Joey is lying in bed. Devin, Frank, and Zach talk briefly in the hammock about Brit telling Devin that people in this house want him gone because he stirs the pot. They move onto Joey and how easy it was to get her to explode. They re-hash the same situations over and over. Zach says Joey was just like the female Frankie (Well liked and friendly) until about an hour ago. Devin has resolved to not speak to Brit the rest of the time she is in the house. They agree that the girls are just making it easier for them. 11:55 PM BBT: Devin is going on to say that he is proud to leave his mark in this game. He is excited and it gives him chills to have the biggest alliance in BB history. All he wanted was to leave his mark. He continues by saying that he will never waiver and that if he goes he will hug everyone and wish them luck. Devin proceeds to fart and break up the conversation. Joey is back up in the BY with the rest of the HGs making small talk by the pool table and on the couches about their lives back home.
  19. 1:05 AM BBT: Devin and Frank are by the hammock pretending to be British. Hayden is off screen talking to them. Back on the BY couches Caleb and Paola are talking about Amber still. They agree she is very classy looking. Caleb agrees and he says he does not lust after her he genuinely cares. She is the type of girl that he doesn't want to sleep with before he marries her. They ask Devin if he thinks sex ruins relationships. Devin says yeah if you do it too quickly you ruin respect for each other. Frank and Zach go into the storage room and for a first talk about food not game! FYI Frank won’t eat carbs. 1:15 AM BBT: Caleb holds a juggling lesson with Amber and Dev on the BY couches. Neither of them get it. Feeds jump to Joey and Frank in the HN room. Joey is stressing because Donny won veto and she feels she is most likely going up. Frank says that a lot can happen between now and Thurs. She asks for Franks vote and he says he doesn't want her to go. Frank asks how many votes she has to stay. Joey hopes she has Frank, Christine, and gets interrupted. He leaves the room and comes back. Frank repeats that he wants her to stay and that Caleb can act on a whim sometimes. He is inferring that anything can happen. 1:25 AM BBT: Hayden, Nicole, and Victoria are by the hammock talking about kids. Hayden cannot see himself with a kid. Back in the HN room Frank and Joey end their conversation with repeating that anything could happen and that Frank wants her to stay. Joey joins the Hammock talk where Hayden is discussing holding his friends kid and deciding that he would break one if he had one. Joey agrees and decides kids are too expensive and she doesn't want one till she is like 38. 1:35 AM BBT: Devin, Amber, Paola, and Caleb are talking about Disney movies they have liked since they were kids. They move onto talking about the movie PS I Love You and explain the plot to Paola as she hasn't seen it. On the hammock Joey is talking about a gentleman named Andrew who I am assuming has not signed a release because we keep getting fish. Joey suggests that Victoria try online dating so that she could find a man to match all of her specifics. 1:45 AM BBT: On the Hammock Joey and Victoria are now talking spirituality and energy. Victoria is very proud of her religion. Joey believes that everything has an energy. Joey references the show Cosmos and how that show explains the Universe. On the BY couches Caleb and Hayden are goofing around and Caleb says he loves to sing. He sings half a line of a country song and sings it really well. Hayden says that probably drive girls insane. Davin and Frank are playing pool. Devin keeps making impossible shots and everyone oohhhs and ahhs at it. 2:00AM BBT: Devin won at pool and headed inside. Caleb is trying new slop creations. Talk had turned to game now on the hammock. Joey is repeating that she is most likely going on the block. She asks for Victoria's vote. Victoria says Joey has her vote. Victoria says Joey is a great person and she wants Joey around. Victoria says she just doesn't connect with Paola. Joey says since Don won POV she has seen the divide in people. In the hive room Caleb asks Nicole what guy and what girl she would put up. He is starting his survey of the house opinion. Nicole asks to think about it. Back in the BY Victoria thinks that Joey has the votes. They talk about the HN room for a sec, then Victoria says she is heading to bed so they end their talk.
  20. 12:05AM BBT: The guys in the BY comment that Devin is not happy that Caleb, Cody, and Zach didn't win veto. They all three admit that they messed up. The girls are doing car wheels. Christine is great, Joey is pretty good, and Brit is shocked that she gets all the way around. Caleb then gets up and of course does a one handed cart wheel. 12:15 AM BBT: In the KT Devin and Jocasta are comparing baby stories. One of Jocasta's babies was extraordinarily big for his age, while Devin's daughter had a tough time eating as a baby. Zach and Frank are in the hammock talking about how this week has taken forever. Frank says that he is having to work to keep his cool in the house and befriend everyone. Zach says that all he has to do is keep sleeping and Frank needs to stay friendly. 12:25 AM BBT: Zach and Frank still in the hammock. Frank says he didn't want to play so hard and fast but he was forced to. Zach tells Frank he is killing it. Zach says that he needs HOH next week so he can sleep and still nominate who he wants. Victoria then sits with them to break up the game talk. Zach tries to flirt with Victoria and says "showmance?" They proceed to talk about relationship experiences that Frank has had. 12:35 AM BBT: Christine, Brit, and Joey are casually playing pool. They get very excited when of them make a ball in without scratching. The crew in the hammock are making up fake votes for America that include "To wake up Zach text 4 to 81818." Victoria then talks about belly dancing, and Frank gets excited about it. He wants her to teach him. She shows him a couple moves then proceeds to teach them some Hebrew. 12:45 AM BBT Paola and Caleb are conversing on the BY couches about Amber and how she feels about him. He says he doesn't think Amber wants everyone to think she has a showmance. He goes on to state that everyone in the house already thinks Amber has a thing for him. They think that Hayden and Nicole are obvious and that Cody has a thing for Brit. Paola talks about possibly leaving. Caleb says the other nom will be the one that goes home. He is going to talk to everyone in the house and ask each person who they want gone. 12:55 AM BBT Caleb keeps telling Paola to stay positive and he says that's what his mom tells him. He says he learned from his mom how to treat a girl, clearly trying to bring it back to Amber. Paola says that she just has to keep it together and that she doesn't know what happens when it comes time to cast votes. Caleb says he is worried about being viewed as a strong player along with Devin. He says he can carry someone far but he can't control others. Paola moves onto Amber now and says she will check out how Amber feels for him. Caleb says no he is a grown man and will talk to her about not wanting a showmance, but to take her out after the show.
  21. 11:05 PM BBT: Gen chit chat with the boys playing pool. They are just talking about pool and how good they will be at it once the summer is over. The rest of the HGs are in and around the HT just chatting. 11:15 PM BBT: Derrick gets dinged by BB for lifting and fixing the pool table because it was uneven. The guys feel chastised unfairly. Frankie is teaching a dance class to Nicole, Victoria, and Amber. The guys comment that after the show he will be so famous and have his own line of teaching videos. 11:25 PM BBT: Brit, Donny, and Devin are by the Hammock talking about the stars and food. Brit says that she is actually trying to gain weight over the summer. Then Dev and Don watch Franks class and comment on how good he is. Devin asks Don if they should bring anyone else in. Don says its up to you. Devin says that Frank is a good dude. Devin says that he's gotta do whats good for him and stay under the radar. 11:35 PM BBT: Devin talks about his daughter and being forced to miss her first birthday. Don says he is going to go be social. Inside in the KT, there is various snacking while Nicole talks about the fall she took while dancing. She goes back outside to talk with Frank. They try to recreate the moment. 11:45 PM BBT: Caleb and Frank are now dancing in the BY. Caleb spins just as good as Frank does. Caleb lifts Frank in the air and carries him around the yard until Caleb gets tired and Frank back flips down. Frank heads inside while the Caleb sits with Cody and Zach to talk about rodeos. 11:55 PM BBT: Caleb is back to talking about Amber. Derrick, Zach, and Cody think that she for sure likes him but is holding back because of the show. They then move on to talk about fights they have been in. Caleb refers to a drunken individual that came at him so he had to clock him. Hayden remarks that he has never been in a fight other than for hockey.
  22. 1:05 AM BBT: Christine and Nicole are headed for bed. They get in trouble for talking about their DR sessions. They joke about getting along because they both wear glasses and have retainers. The rest of the HGs are in the LR making small talk about how dark the rooms get and joke about possible twists. Devin jokes that Nicole and Christine are related. 1:15 AM BBT: Everyone that is not in bed is now in the LR. Hayden is talking about past seasons. He goes over Andrew from season 12's speech about going after Brenchel and they all crack up. Frank, Devin, Amber, Hayden, and Caleb are planning on meditating before bed. Nicole is in bed. Christine is changing into a sweater then heading to bed. 1:25 AM BBT: Devin says that he hates the rock room right now because they got put on ILD before their sheets were washed. He cannot sleep in the fire room because Victoria cannot sleep with men in her room. Devin states that he would rather sleep in the HN room then the filth that is the rock room. Brit tells him he can b/c she shares with Joey so there is an extra bed. Devin, I believe, is the first volunteer to sleep in the HN room. 1:35 AM BBT: The group has decided to scratch the night meditation and plan to do it in the morning. Devin and Frank are annoyed at Christine and Nicole being scared of the dark because Nicole screamed really loud when the door shut. They act like they are absurd for being scared of ghosts. Devin moves on to complain about the kitchen being a mess with open juices and milk being left out. He seems very annoyed with a lot of everything going on. 1:45 am BBT: Poor Cody, one of the only ones officially asleep, was called to the DR. The rest of the HGs talk about going to bed, but no one actually heads that direction. Joey, Devin, Amber, Frank, Nicole, Caleb, Brit, and Hayden are awake and discussing making food. Jocasta has showered and is getting ready for bed. Devin is going to make Pizza. Nothing game related is going on at all. 2:00 AM BBT: Hayden tells Brit that it is comforting to have someone in the house who knows the area he lives in because they can reference places they both have been. Brit jokes that he can be her new babysitter when they get out. Joey gets up and goes to bed. Hayden goes to lie down despite not having anything other than shorts to wear in the HN Room. The rest seem to either be waiting for food, or are have nots waiting to be tired enough to be able to fall asleep in the Ice room.
  23. 12:05 AM BBT: Zach is now in HN room with Caleb and Cody saying the Paola is the weakest person in the house. They are all bragging about winning veto and sending Donny home because they are going to keep it the same. They are convinced he is not as he seems. Players for veto seem to be Donny, Paola, Frank, Brit, Cody and Victoria. 12:15 AM BBT: Devin is up again and in the HN room talking with Zach and Cody because the room he sleeps in is so dirty. Devin is upset that they did not get all the draws the guys wanted for veto. Brit is in the fire room talking to Paola. She is telling Paola that it is okay to let it all out but needs to tone it down to not draw attention to herself. Brit says she needs to not separate herself. Devin walks in the room and agrees with Brit. He tells Paola that he is pulling for her. 12:25 AM BBT: Cody is in bed in the HN room. He is wearing a hoodie, mittens and sweatpants. They seem to have tin foil looking blankets. Derrick, Jocasta, Joey, Christine, Hayden, Nicole, Caleb, and Victoria are in the KT making small talk. Joey is asking for Hayden's leftover milk from his cereal. Everyone tells her how gross that is (I cringed a little too). Back in the fire room, Paola is upset that she is being accused of trying to orchestrate an all-girls alliance. She says Frank nominated her because of it. Devin says that he now knows it was Joey and not Paola. 12:35AM BBT: The fire room crew is talking about movies and food they are eating. Caleb and Derrick are in the LR talking about how respectable Amber is. Caleb says that if Amber had streaked like Joey did he would have walked out of the room. Derrick says they are cute together and that she is a cool girl. Derrick then moves on to talk about twists and turns that BB can throw at them. He talks about the BBCAN house and the twist that made Canada the HoH for a week. He says they have to be ready for anything. Caleb turns the conversation back to Amber and whether or not she likes him. 12:45 AM BBT: General Chit chat all over the house. Derrick and Devin are now in the LR discussing what the POV might be. Hayden, Nicole, Brit, and Christine are in the bathroom brushing their teeth. They are joking that Hayden doesn't brush his teeth because he can't find his toothpaste. 12:55 AM BBT: Caleb dances with Amber in the LR. Devin, Frank, Derrick, Caleb and Amber then move on to talk about what is edited out of the live feeds, if anything.
  24. 11:05 PM BBT: Frank and Zach talking in HOH about being exposed. They appear to have a secret alliance. Zach is asking Frank if he has spoken with Christine. Zach says he wants to set up side alliances with Derrick and Cody while Frank works with Christine. Frank says as long as they are final 5 he doesn't care. They used to work with Devin, but Zach says Devin has lost it. 11:13 BBT: Zach keeps repeating that the house is stupid if no one knows they are working together. Gen chit chat in the LR. Frank and Zach still in HOH talking about who they want to go home. Paola is on the block I assume based on Frank saying he wants her gone this week and hopes she doesn't win veto. They end their talk by Frank saying that he better go socialize. 11:25 PM BBT: HNs appear to be Cody, Christine, Victoria, and Brit. Brit seems to be the best in the house at cooking slop products. Nicole, Cody, Amber, and Christine are in the hive room discussing Donny and the fact that they know him the least. They joke about him being some sort of professor. They then move on to talk about their families. Devin has gone to bed for the night. 11:33 PM BBT: Caleb and Paola in the LR talking. Paola is irritate at Frank for putting her up. They agree that they can't read Donny. They agree that they all like him but they can’t figure him out. Donny is up on the block along with Paola because Caleb says "hope he wins POV." Paola says what about me? Caleb then turns the conversation to Amber and admits he has feelings for her. Paola says that Amber is her best friend in the house and might have feelings back for Caleb, but is scared. Caleb says Amber is the only girl he has met in four years that he would take home to his parents. 11:45 PM BBT Still general chit chat about families and food in the hive room. Everyone is involved in this room except for Paola and Caleb. Brit gets called to DR. Caleb and Paola are discussing his Exes and how well they got to know him. Paola says he has two sides to him, the tough guy and the nice guy. Paola says that Amber is awesome and that he should show her his nice guy side. Back in the Hive room Frank is complaining that his acrylic nails are cracking. Cody is contemplating going to bed. Apparently the HN room is very cold. 11:55 PM BBT Derrick and Victoria are playing chess. They were whispering, but the thirty seconds of fish we had covered what they said. They refer to taking each other’s chess pieces as being eaten. Victoria keeps saying "I can't go there because you'll eat me." Frank, Zach, Brit and Cody are in the HN room, which is indeed the ice room. The bed are blocks of huge ice packs. Brit has her clothes laid over the bed and is telling Zach she needs veto. Zach tells her to take money if it is an option because if she wins Paola is going to hound Brit to save her.
  25. 1:10 AM BBT Spencer and Andy are bromancin it up. Spencer says Andy is his best friend even though he nominated him twice. Andy says after Candice left Spencer was his favorite. 1:20 AM BBT Andy is going over his whole game. He says he made no moves whatsoever until week five when Jessie tried to get him to flip on the house. He was upset no one talked game with him for five weeks and that he was portrayed as a floater. 1:25 AM BBT GM comes out and has to put band-aids over her stitches and cannot touch them till she is home. Spencer and Andy are reliving moments on the couch. Spencer looks tired and Andy is walking around to stay up.



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