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Everything posted by CoDkiller87

  1. 12:05 AM BBT The BS continues GM won the last game. Andy says only cause he is trashed. 12:15 AM BBT Andy says let's be honest for a minute and says Ian is anti-exterminator and who cares about Ian. No one cares about Ian. He sucks. Spencer says he can go eff himself. 12:30 AM BBT The card game is over and it is midnight snack time in the house. GM is eating a sandwhich. Andy is eating cookies and debating his quesadilla. Spencer is preparing something, I cannot tell what. 12:40 AM BBT Spencer and Andy discuss his being hungover tomorrow. Andy calls everyone an idiot especially Jeremy. Andy keeps dozing off in the LR on the couch. He says he was over the time when MVP was a part of the game. Spencer sings and gives us Foth. 12:50 AM GM gets called to DR to talk about her stitches and while she is gone Spencer calls her real competition...gotta love buzzed game talk. The conversation goes no further because GM walks out of DR.
  2. 11:10 PM BBT Spencer keeps checking the SR for his stomach pill. Gm is getting ready to get in the shower. She is brushing pieces of her hair she has laid out on the ironing board. I think they are extensions. Spencer leaves the SR with more beer. They now 11 beers for tomorrow. 11:25 PM BBT The boys are talking about bedroom activities and are going into detail. Andy talks about Nick being the only guy outside this house that he would get with. Then continues to go into detail about his exes. Spencer keeps asking more questions. 11:40 PM BBT Andy is effectively drunk. He mixed two beers together in his big mug. They continue on in there deeply sexual conversation. 11:50 PM BBT Andy starts talking about the F word (the term for homosexual individuals) and how everyone called him that word but Spencer....I dont know if he is exaggerating to be funny or if he believes that. 11:55 PM BBT Andy wants to play BS drunk. He throws one of the statues they painted to see if it would break. It didn't. Andy is on his 8th beer. Spencer is on beer 4.
  3. 10:05PM BBT GM and Andy alone in the WC discussing what they will say during the finale. Andy says that they think the jury will respect the two of them more for taking each other over Spencer. Gm goes over all the shady things Spencer has done from saying he would fold in the veto comp to other lies Spencer has told. They agree that there is no other person either of them would want in the final 2 over each other. They entered the house together and want to leave together. 10:15 PM GM discusses Spencer coming up to her and telling her she can't win against Andy. They compare notes and confirm that he told them the same things. They talk about visiting each other's hometowns. GM says I hope Nick likes dumb girls. Andy tells her she isn't dumb she is just more street smart. 10:25 PM BBT Andy hammers it home that Spencer could very well beat them both in a landslide if either of them take the easy way out by taking him. GM agrees with him. Spencer walks in and talks about how bad he smells (thanks for that). They move into the KT and Andy tells something to get off. BB comes on the speakers and says "that's what she said" 10:35 PM BBT Spencer and Andy talk about all the alliances Andy was in and left Spencer out of. Andy coaxes Spencer's ego by telling him only the exterminators meant anything to him. 10:55 PM BBT Andy and Spencer call the brenchel army to their tv sets. They say they hate the brenchel army and that they can go eff themselves. Spencer takes it a step further by saying if you are a fan of Elissa you are not a fan of BB. I will not repeat the rest of what he said as it is so inappropriate.
  4. 9:05 PM BBT Andy has decided to drink. Spencer says he is drinking all his beers right before the show tomorrow. GM is still painting. Andy is freaking out over not being able to find a bottle opener. Five minutes later he finds one. 9:15 PM BBT Andy says that if they jury asks him anything unrelated to the game if he is in the final 2, he will tell them to sit down. Andy then admits to having all the seasons of Scooby-Doo on DVD. Spencer laughs at him. 9:25 PM BBT HG bashing going on. Andy is mad Mccrae stole his stuff. They talk crap about Amanda and Elissa, the usual things about the usual suspects. Spencer says Helen is bad news. Andy says he likes Helen. 9:35 PM BBT Our final 3 are now playing BS for the night. This is serious. Not much going on in the way of talking. 9:40 PM BBT Spencer swears and exceptional amount when calling Andy out on some BS. This prompts BB to turn on the drill Sargent voice. It yells "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!" Spencer laughs and doesn't know what to say back. 9:55PM BBT The game is over. Spencer puts butter away. Andy rearranges the cards. Spencer won the game of bs btw he is proud because Andy always wins.
  5. 1:05 AM BBT Andy and Spencer are brushing teeth in preparation for bed. GM is getting in the shower before bed. 1:30 AM BBT Andy is in bed Spencer is headed for bed. GM is the last awake. With that I retreat till the AM for wake up call.
  6. 12:15 AM BBT The voice of BB comes on and says one more day closer to $500,000. Gm screams and goes back to making her bed. Andy has made his bed and is discussing board games with Spencer. They all seem to be tired but are waiting for a decent hour to go to bed so they aren’t bored all day tomorrow. 1 seems to be the popular time. 12:25 AM BBT Andy and Spencer beg production to call on a house guest from another season. We get FoTH for a few minutes so I can only assume BB is obliging their request. 12:40 AM BBT the final 3 are playing some more BS before bed. No real talk going on just playing cards. 12:55 AM BBT BS continues Spencer is down to two cards. You can tell Andy is tired cause he thinks it is hilarious. He will not stop laughing. Spencer is ready for the game to be over.
  7. 11:05 PM BBT The game is over and they have moved on to who has the best hair in the house. GM says David. She says she liked Elissa's hair because it was long. 11:10 PM BBT Spencer is in DR. Andy and GM are celebrating being final 2 while she does her makeup. Whether or not they would actually take each other is beyond me. 11:30 PM BBT Gm gets called to the DR. Andy says he wishes they would call them earlier as he is starting to get sleepy. Spencer and Andy talk about Jury questionare. Andy calls it stupid. 11:45 PM BBT Andy and Spencer discuss what the jury questions will be like. Spencer keeps hammering it in for Andy how hard it will be to beat GM because she has been so honest. Andy says he knows. He says he is getting really tired he just wants in DR and out then to go to bed. 11:55 PM BBT Andy informs Spencer that he is going over every option. He does not want to scare Spencer he is just thinking about everything. Spencer says he gets it, but he knows that Andy can beat him in final two. He repeats he does not thinks a bitter jury would let GM lose to Andy.
  8. 10:10 PM BBT Andy is talking about all his dates gone wrong. He went on a date once where his date brought another date. Another guy kept inviting him over just to hook-up. He dates online a lot. 10:20 PM BBT talk has moved to scary movies. Spencer hated Shutter Island. Andy loved Candy Man. It was shot in his town, really close to his home. 10:30 PM BBT Andy is hogging the conversation tonight. He is talking about his friends and pranks he has pulled on them. He talks about times in the house when he heard things between Mcranda that he didn't want to. He talks about going to sleep and everyone in the house being loud. Did I mention he talks a lot? 10:40 PM BBT Time for cards. The final three are at the KT table playing BS. 10:50 PM BBT FOTH for a few mins then back to BS. They laugh about dumb things occasionally but no real talk going on. Not even small talk.
  9. 9:05 PM BBT Dinner time has commenced for Spencer. He appears to be eating a quesadilla GM is cooking herself something. Andy is ready nutrition facts 9:15 PM BBT Time for a round of what's going on in the jury house. Spencer thinks they have cliqued off. Candice, Elissa, and Helen are one group. Mcranda is their own group. Jessie, Judd, and Aaryn are probably their own awkward group. Gm finished Andy's quesadilla's and is cleaning the kitchen. 9:25 PM BBT We are now bashing all of the HGs at once! We are going though each HG and naming the worst thing they have done all season. 9:35 PM BBT dinner time is over. Andy says he may run later, followed by the fact that he may abandon that idea in an hour. The group moves to the BYD to chit chat. They say it is chilly out. 9:45 PM GM is working out on the elliptical. She is wearing her roller derby helmet while she works out and the boys are making jokes that BB is making her wear it so she doesn't break. Spencer asks BB to call Britt to the DR in honor of her baby. 9:55 PM BBT Andy is going over crushes he has had. He talks about this guy Kevin he dated and that he was the aggressor till he moved away. Spencer talks about Marylin not being the aggressor. Spencer proceeds to say the conversation is very interesting, but all three cameras are pointed at GM riding the elliptical in her helmet.
  10. 12:10 AM BBT Small talk about past HGs is the ever popular topic tonight. Awards are handed out for most talkative, worst liar, best game play ect... 12:25 AM BBT GM is getting a color lesson. Gm says M&Ms should have gotten rid of the black ones not the brown ones. The boys tell her there are no black ones. She says yeah the dark brown ones. Spencer says that is not black. 12:35 AM BBT GM is going over the finale outfits. She decided that she has final say. Gm says she wants final say on the boys choices. She doesn't like the idea of either of them wearing shorts. They are waiting for laundry to be done to go to bed. 12:45 AM BBT GM talks about her job and how she might not be anything special but she is good at what she does. She says people know her for her pageants and she knows her stuff. Andy talks about how much production costs for a show like BB. He talks about how many batteries they go through a summer. 12:55 AM BBT The final 3 are doing all of their nightly routines before bed. GM is blow drying her face, Spencer and Andy have brushed their teeth. Spencer has cleaned up his area of the room. GM is going to fix her extensions and go to bed
  11. 11:05 PM BBT We are now Amanda bashing with GM at the helm. Gm goes over her favorite and worst Amanda moments. Then Andy reminds GM of her speech when she put up Jessie and Candice and how contradictory she was. 11:25 Spencer has gone back to laundry. GM gets some nail polish remover to do her nails. GM talks Spencer into putting on the chicken outfit. He puts it on backwards and runs around the BYD. GM then decides it is her turn to put it on and adds the tutu from the bowling competition to the ensemble. 11:35 PM BBT GM says she thinks she is going to go to bed early. Andy is eating something really loudly. Spencer says well, it is now Monday (not yet) we can assume our families are getting ready to fly out Tuesday. GM and Andy are both nervous about the final HOH. 11:55 PM BBT Spencer says he thought Jessie was cute this season. Spencer asks Andy if he could get with any guy in the house who it would be. Andy says Nick or David. They all agree Howard was an awesome guy and that he was really nice. They laugh at the time Jeremy said that for a gay guy Andy is funny.
  12. 10:05 PM BBT Our final three are all now in separate rooms. Andy in WC, GM cooking, Spencer starting to put his things together to pack. Andy joins GM and they joke about the voice of BB. 10:15 PM BBT Just a lot of small talk going on in the KT. Andy is holding colors of M&Ms and making the other two guess what holiday colors they are. Spencer hates this game as it is creative. 10:25 PM BBT Andy is most probably near drunk as he is drinking champagne right out of the bottle. They are all sitting around the LR now talking about obscene things that never actually happened in the house. 10:30 PM BBT Spencer has put on a pair of crazy eyes and is acting like a deranged person. Andy and GM are cracking up. I cannot stop laughing either. 10:45 PM Elissa bashing commences. Drunk Andy starts it. Spencer says the worst thing Mcranda and Helen did was get Judd out at double eviction because he came back with a vengeance. 10:55 PM BBT Andy and Spencer are playing with the guy that pushes the production buttons. They ask him to call their favorite person of the season to the DR and production plays the clip that tells them to stop talking about production. They move onto saying Elissa talked crap about Julie Chen.
  13. 9:05 PM BBT Andy and Spencer recap days in the house that Spencer was nominated. Spencer lets us know they are about to go on a memory lane walk commemorating their fallen house guests. They start with David and move down the line talking about their favorite moments. 9:15 PM BBT Memory lane continues. The final 3 are walking around the house where each of said memories they have of fallen HGs exist. They have just now past Kaitlyn. 9:25 PM BBT They have moved onto candice and Andy is pretty much the only one with s9omething halfway decent to say about her. GM tells the bed flip story. Spencer tells the house meeting story. 9:40 PM BBT Andy is telling his favorite Judd stories. Andy is telling us about the time Judd flipped out on him in his underwear wiith shaving cream on his face. 9:55 pm BBT Spencer tells the Nail polish remover story (a personal fav of mine.) I think he just remembered it because we finished the memory lane walk a bit ago. It only took an hour and changed quickly from fond moments to worst stories they could think of.
  14. 1:05 AM BBT GM is now quoting movies like scarface and the goonies. They got beer and Andy gives Spencer all the beers. 1:15 AM BBT Spencer and Andy are talking about how long they have watched BB and some of there fav bb moments. Spencer describes the time Boogie quit in the final Hoh comp saying that both the girls had to take him during all-stars GM is out of DR complaining about the smell of the flowers. 1:35 AM BBT small talk continues about being able to sleep well tonight without having to worry about a comp tomorrow. 1:45 AM BBT GM makes all the other beds and cleans up a bit. The cameraman must be bored as he zooms in on some sort of rotten fruit sitting on Spencer's nightstand.
  15. 12:05 AM BBT Andy says SPencer would probably beat them in final two because he was only on the block. He feels bad taking out someone he is so close with but he feels his best chance is with GM. Adding Spencer to the jury will only add one more person who is upset with him to jury. 12:05 AM BBT Andy says SPencer would probably beat them in final two because he was only on the block. He feels bad taking out someone he is so close with but he feels his best chance is with GM. Adding Spencer to the jury will only add one more person who is upset with him to jury. 12:30 AM BBT GM took a shower, Spencer is in DR, and Andy is laying on the couch staring at nothing. GM finishes her shower and gets her bed ready for when she sleeps. Andy tells her there was a GM crab as she walks back through the LR. Small talk commences. 12:45 AM BBT Andy and GM are recapping comp wins and complaining because they want outside. GM hasn't worked out sincer her last HOH. 12:55 am BBT GM and Andy are talking about how they would have done comps differently if they could go back and re-do them.
  16. 11:05 PM BBT Chicken Parm is out of the oven and Andy is out of the shower time to eat. 11:15 PM BBT More talk at the table about how hard the comp was and how the boys will feel sore tomorrow. Andy regrets not using the rock climbing wall in his gym. 11:35-11:45 PM BBT Small talk around the table about movies and how much tickets are and what movies they like. GM talks about dine in theaters and how the price of the ticket includes food. They move on to discussing why you shouldn’t bring a first date to the movies. 11:55 PM BBT Andy and GM talk in the KT about taking each other to the final two. Andy says there is nothing Spencer can say to change his mind. They start celebrating the fact that both of them will walk away with money.
  17. 10:05 PM BBT feeds have switched from trivia to fish. Hopefully that means the competition is almost done. 10:20 PM BBT We are back. Andy is talking a mile a minute. Andy and Spencer were suspended in the air having to find HG names in the sand and having to put them in order of when they were evicted. 10:25PM BBT Spencer says he is going to be so sore tomorrow he won’t get out of bed. GM is jealous and just wants to go up one time. Andy has won. Spencer said he knew Andy won when he saw his time so it is confirmed. 10:30 PM BBT Andy's adrenaline is still going haywire and he is talking so fast it is hard to keep up. They all agree they are starving and want GM's chicken parm. Andy keeps repeating he was acting like a baby during the comp because he couldn't find Candice. 10:40 PM BBT GM says she hates that Andy likes Candice. It gives her the heebie geebies (sp) when he says her name. Andy says she acts like she hates Amanda more. GM says not Amanda went out with class and didn't yell at her on live tv. 10:55 PM BBT Andy is taking a shower while Spencer talks to GM about part 3 of the Hoh comp and gives her tips.
  18. 12:15 AM BBT Our final three are officially tucked in and horizontal for an early night. See you in the AM for wake up call!
  19. 11:05 PM BBT GM beats Andy easily at checkers and they move on to tic tac toe. GM beats Andy by going slow and thinking out each move. Spencer has agreed to play BS so we have now moved to the dining room table. 11:25 PM BBT Still just a bunch of BS going on in the house. GM won the first game. 11:35 PM BBT BS is over with and Andy is brushing his teeth for bed. Spencer says Ef it I will too. GM was talking about staying up but now that she will be the only one up I don't know if that is still her plan. 11:45 PM BBT before bed the boys agree the Jury is bitter this year. Andy is nervous about the second part of HOH because he does not want to be the loser leaving his fate with the other two. They agree GM has a strong case to win. Spencer says nothing has changed he will take Andy. Spencer says he has no case to win. Andy says he doesn't think he does either. 11:55 PM BBT Small talk about the Jury and HOH. Gm gets out of the shower and Andy is officially ready for bed. Spencer crawls into bed and reads his letter.
  20. 10:05 PM BBT The HGs are going over past seasons in the cockpit and what players finished in what place. They laugh about Jerry being in third place during season ten against the renegades. They read some sort of warning label in French. 10:15 PM BBT They discuss comps being shown on the feeds and what happens when the feeds are shut off for comps. Spencer says he watched BBAD a lot and not the feeds. GM says she has seen the feeds before. Spencer doesn't take GM for a tv person so he is surprised she is a BB fan. Gm says she likes a lot of MTV and VH1 shows because they repeat so much and she can catch them randomly. 10:25 PM BBT The final three joke about different people being in the house still. Spencer makes crude jokes about Elissa that are not worth repeating. They move onto Candice. Once they are done bashing HGs, Spencer talks about how the internet boom worked. 10:35 PM BBT We get fish every few minutes or so because GM is talking about jury house, Andy talks about sequester, and they all mention the music in the mornings. Once this has stopped, they give shutouts to big brother update sites and urge them to urge fans to not vote for Elissa for America's player. They bash Amanda a bit. Spencer says Amanda was pretty and had a nice style. GM is merciless and refuses to say anything nice about her at all. 10:45 PM BBT The HGs disperse from the cockpit. GM and Spencer go into the KT. Andy uses the WC. Spencer says they should mess with him tonight. Andy then gives them the perfect opportunity by needing toilet paper. Spencer brings him a banana instead of TP. GM is nice enough and brings him toilet paper. Spencer grabs Andy's mic and says obscene things into it until Andy exits. 10:55 PM BBT GM is teaching Andy to play checkers. Andy is asking a lot of questions about moving backwards and not being jumped. Am I the only one who finds it odd he has no idea how to play checkers? 11:05 PM BBT GM beats Andy easily at checkers and they move on to tic tac toe. GM beats Andy by going slow and thinking out each move. Spencer has agreed to play BS so we have now moved to the dining room table. 11:25 PM BBT Still just a bunch of BS going on in the house. GM won the first game. 11:35 PM BBT BS is over with and Andy is brushing his teeth for bed. Spencer says Ef it I will too. GM was talking about staying up but now that she will be the only one up I don't know if that is still her plan. 11:45 PM BBT before bed the boys agree the Jury is bitter this year. Andy is nervous about the second part of HOH because he does not want to be the loser leaving his fate with the other two. They agree GM has a strong case to win. Spencer says nothing has changed he will take Andy. Spencer says he has no case to win. Andy says he doesn't think he does either. 11:55 PM BBT Small talk about the Jury and HOH. Gm gets out of the shower and Andy is officially ready for bed. Spencer crawls into bed and reads his letter.
  21. 12:00 AM BBT GM details all the accidents she has had this season. Spencer and GM agree that if they lay down they will fall asleep but it is far too early. 12:10 AM BBT Mccrae has gone to listen to Andy's CD. Spencer and GM have gone to the WC to curl GM's hair. Spencer and Gm to work hard in the endurance comp. Gm thinks the second part is questions. He tells her it isn't, it is a timed comp. He tells her that part three is jury questions. They agree to take each other F2 because neither can win against anyone else. 12:20 AM BBT GM doesn't think she has anyone but Aaryn in jury. Spencer reminds her she got Amanda out, had a good social game, and won two HOHs. Andy and Mccrae come downstairs and sit with spencer to watch GM curl her hair. 12:30 AM BBT Spencer says that he bets Amanda hated him. Mccrae says no. She didn't like him in the beginning but was just wary of him in the end. Andy asks what she thought of him. Mccrae says she trusted him a lot. They move on to discuss how shady Howard was. 12:40 AM BBT Andy wants to break the news to Mccrae that he is leaving. They debate whether or not to tell him tonight or tomorrow. They decide to tell him tomorrow after lock-down. They respect him and think he is a good dude and want him to know it is his time. Andy plans to go to bed around 1. Spencer agrees that he has been tired for a while and that going to bed around one will allow him to crash through the night. 12:50 AM BBT HGs are talking about Judd and how much of a wild card he was. They agree they were not happy to have him back. They did not want any jury member back. They move on to discuss whether or not people in the house were related to any other former players. They think it would be funny if anyone was. 12:55 AM BBT Just more rehashing of old competitions and how mccrae won the spelling comp. To recap for the night. Judd gone, Andy is Hoh, he nominated Spencer and Mccrae, and Andy has one veto
  22. 11: 10 PM BBT Cards is over. Andy is recapping the best fights in the house. Most of them involve GM. Andy and Spencer get dinged by BB for singing the ducktails theme song. 11:20 PM BBT Andy and Mccrae in the LR discussing times they were most angry in the house. Mccrae says everytime he told Amanda to chill out made him angry. Andy says when Elissa and Helen threatened him to vote their way made him angry. 11:30 PM BBT Spencer, Andy, and Mccrae talking about past HGs. Andy and Spencer agree the only week they had no clue what was going on was the week Judd was HOH. The topic changes to small talk about production. 11:40 PM BBT They discuss BB14 and who should have one. Mccrae says Dan had a bitter jury. Spencer tells Andy that he could do it, he could win over Spencer. Andy says his family knows he is HOH now. Andy says he wonders if his family knows he won veto. We finally have confirmation that Andy has won veto. 11:50 PM BBT Andy goes to shower. Before he gets upstairs they tell him how cool it is that both his weeks as HOH he also won veto. Once he leaves GM starts messing with her stitches and the other two boys yell at her. They tell her she better be able to shave her legs before she sees Nick. She proceeds to go on about how much she misses him.
  23. 10:05 PM BBT the HGs got three beers. GM goes upstairs to listen to Andy's CD. Spencer tells Mccrae he can have the other two beers. Mccrae says because I am going home? Spencer says no not at all. Spencer says he wishes he (Andy) would let us know what to expect. Mccrae says he feels like he is going home. 10:15 PM BBT They are all sitting in the LR discuss Judd quitting a lot of his competitions. GM is holding a record with Nick's face on it. Still no official word on veto winner. 10:25 PM BBT Talk of sequester before the show is going on. No one yells at Andy to stop it. The HGs decide to play cards. Andy and Spencer whisper about Mccrae knowing he is leaving. 10:35 PM BBT Andy gets called to DR so the rest of the HGs deal a game of BS without him, only for him to be back sooner than they anticipated. Andy goes upstairs for snack that he proceeds to chew loudly and with an open mouth. 10:45 PM BBT BS game continues. GM is not very good at this game. She doesn't seem to understand wise times to bs and not. She just claimed to have five kings and everyone let it go.
  24. 9:01 PM BBT And we are back!!! MCcrae, Spencer, and GM are in the living room plugging mccrae's show. Stay tuned for noms and veto winners. 9:10 PMBBT Andy is DR Mccrae sends us mercilessly right back into trivia because he is giving shout outs to people whom I assume did not sign releases. On a lighter note it is chicken nugget night in the house. 9:25 PM BBT Spencer, Mccrae, and GM are telling stories about how great Jeremy is. Spencer is glad he can forget dates now. They groan about how long Andy has been in DR. 9:35 PM BBT All the cameras are moving and bothering our HGs. Andy comes out of DR, then gets called into DR. Spencer volunteers to put in his nuggets for Andy. Andy comes back out and walks all the way upstairs to use the HOH WC. 9:40 PM BBT Spencer is making jokes about competitions we missed and jokes about everyone coming back in Pandora's box. Andy plays with the camera man. He tells the camera to point at its favorite of the four and it points away. Then he tells it to point away if it loves him. We hear the cam move and everyone laugh. 9:50 PM BBT Confirmed GM's key is the only one in the mem wall. Spencer and Mccrae are on the block. 9:55 PM BBT Elissa bashing commences. They make fun of Andy cutting his nuggets with a knife and fork. The great Jeremy Dale Mcguire stories play.
  25. 2:05 AM BBT Spencer and Andy assure each other they would never betray each other while laughing about how their plan did not work. GM and Mccrae are talking about other deals that are possible. GM says she can’t have more deals with more people because she doesn't want to not make good with anybody. She also says she won’t make a deal with Andy because she knows she cannot win against him. 2:20 AM BBT Andy and Spencer finish their love fest and are about to go downstairs, when GM comes upstairs and says it went well and he is considering it (I think he just humored her) Mccrae comes in and they stop talking about the plan. He doesn't stay long and they continue rehashing things. 2:30 AM BBT GM finishes hashing out the plan and is now going to go to bed, not before she tells Judd everything that Spencer told her not tell him.



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