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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 10:42am BBT Kelsey sees Jared on the spy screen again spending time with Ramsey and she wishes that he would stop. Loveita is going over the plays that should be made. Kelsey said they should get Tim weary of Cassandra. In the house we see the WA with Jared, Ramsey, Mitch and Raul doing their ADL's. Raul lost his glasses and his bottle of water. Back in the secret room Loveita keeps saying that she should have back doored the brothers. Kelsey agreed and said that everyone thought she should have. Kelsey asked BB if they could run to the WA. Kelsey thinks that it is funny that no one has figured out the Mitch, Joel and the brothers thing out.
  2. 10:35am BBT feeds switch back to the secret room with Kelsey and Loveita talking about watching Jared this morning on the feeds talking to Ramsey and Maddy. They both wish that Jared would quit trusting Maddy and Ramsey. Kelsey seen Jared and Cassandra talking by the HT and when Dallas walked out, Jared went inside. Kelsey thought that Jared should have stayed and listened to the discussion between Dallas and Cassandra. If Loveita gets back into the house all she wants to do is talk game. Loveita is explaining what she will need to do if she makes it back into the house. There are slices of bread sitting on the table with each house guest name on them painted with nail polish. Loveita and Kelsey are reviewing the slices of bread deciding who is working together.
  3. 10:32am BBT Maddy and Jared are in the WA talking about the brothers. Maddy thinks the brothers are so dumb. Maddy feels bad because she really has not talked to anyone and Jared told her that he don't think that she has to.
  4. 10:27am BBT Tim is at the DT cutting the sleeves off of a shirt for Phil to wear, but he wants the shirt back before Phil leaves the house.
  5. 10:19am BBT Mitch, Raul and Jared are sitting at the DT talking about the votes. Mitch suggested that they tell the others that everyone has a vote and can vote however they want so they can then see if the brothers vote with them. Phiil walked up and the voting discussion ended. Phil is going to work out and Jared is going to get ready and join him. 10:24am BBT feeds switch to the secret room where Kelsey and Loveita are talking about the brothers being dangerous. They are discussing the game plan for either of them when they go back into the house.
  6. 9:55am BBT Maddy and Ramsey are sitting alone in the blue BR talking about how nice it is that they get at least another week together. Maddy is going to talk to Tim later today because Cassandra is campaigning against her so she don't have to keep the deal to keep Cassandra safe. Maddy thinks that the brothers are so funny because they keep telling her that they have her back and they love her, but she knows they would be the people to put her on the block. Ramsey asked Maddy if she thought of a name for the two of them yet and Maddy said no. Discussion turns to what Maddy wants to wear and she does have an eviction dress. Ramsey told her not to wear it yet because she is not going home.
  7. 9:48am BBT Tim, Nikki and Joel are in the BY and Tim just told Nikki that Dallas is staying but he does not want her to tell anybody. Tim and Joel are now running laps in the BY.
  8. 9:40am BBT Maddy and Jared are in the blue BR talking about if there are votes against Maddy then they will know who to go after. Maddy said that she has five people that have given her their word and she don't get how it is smart for the other people to vote for Dallas. Jared told Maddy not to worry about it. Maddy said that Phil told her that the brothers have her back. Jared said that Dallas approached the brothers last night trying to pitch his side. Jared said that he told Phil it would be stupid to believe Dallas. Jared said that however people want to vote they will vote, but he knows what he is doing. Maddy questions if Raul is doing that to. Jared is telling Maddy how Dallas cornered Nikki and that Nikki told Dallas that she does not know how she is voting. Jared said that Joel was hinting that he is going to vote out Dallas too. Ramsey joined them with his cereal and Maddy took it from him and is now eating it. Jared told Maddy that as of now she has five votes. Maddy said that it is so funny about what Dallas is doing because she has not said anything bad about Dallas. Jared is talking about Cassandra now and how she is being a girl and at this point you can't be a girl. Jared again says how Maddy has five votes.
  9. 9:27am BBT Dallas and Cassandra are in the pink BR talking. Cassandra told Dallas that she knows that he has her back. Dallas leaves to go out and have a cigarette as Cassandra is complaining that she has a lot of stuff that is missing. Out by the HT Dallas is smoking and he is saying out loud that there might be a chance. Phil joins Dallas out side and is excited the sun is shining and then he asks Dallas what his plan is for today. Dallas said that he is going to let every one rest. Phil tells Dallas that he is a great guy and Dallas thanks him. Dallas wants to ask Raul to give him a hair cut and Phil said that his brother can probably give him a hair cut. Phil is going back in to get some more clothes on. Dallas stayed by the HT telling himself that he can do it and that he has been through worse and then he walks back in the house.
  10. 9:10am BBT the house guests are making their way out of bed and getting ready for their day. 9:22am BBT Dallas is called to the Dr. Joel and TIm are in the KT talking about the movie that Tim got to watch.
  11. 9:06am BBT the lights are now on and BB announced to the house guests that it is time to wake up. Dallas is in the HOH room talking to Tim about staying. Tim does not want a boring game and if it came down to a tie, Maddy would think that Tim was going to keep her but he will vote for Dallas to stay. Tim wants Dallas to go after Jared, Raul and Ramsey. Tim does not want Cassandra voting to keep Maddy because she thinks that Maddy will come after her. Dallas is happy about what Tim has told him and leaves the room to get the battery box and returns with new batteries for Tim.
  12. 9:45am BBT in the secret room, Kelsey is putting on her makeup while Loveita makes her bed. They are talking about who would put Tim on the block while they watch the spy screen with all house guests in the HOH room. Loveita goes over best case for each of them going back in the BB house. They both wonder if Cassandra is faking her foot hurting because she goes without her boot sometimes and then she puts it back on again.
  13. 9:39am BBT BB told all house guests to please go to the HOH room so they all make their way up there and they are now on HOH lock down.
  14. 9:23am BBT Down in the KT, talk is just about cleaning the BB house and who is going to do what jobs.Up in the blue BR Maddy, Raul, Mitch and Ramsey are talking about Maddy's jeans that ripped Raul and Mitch left the room and Maddy is talking about how she made a deal with Tim, Cassandra and Nikki that she would keep them safe next week. Maddy and Ramsey are counting the votes if Maddy goes up on the block. Ramsey is going to tell Dallas that he is going to vote for him to stay. Maddy is sure that she is going on the block and that she will have the votes to stay. She is so happy that she is staying. Jared walks in and talk turns to cleaning.
  15. 9:02am BBT As Cassandra, Tim, Nick and Joel were sitting on the BY couch, BB yells out this is the final warning the BY is off limits so the house guests get up to go inside. Up in the WA Raul is telling Mitch how he is pissed off at Jared for covering his mouth last night when Raul was trying to talk. Mitch keeps telling Raul that he needs to talk to Jared about it. Raul said that he does love Jared so much and he is just annoyed with him right now. 9:08am BBT Tim and Maddy are in the pink BR talking about working out deals with other house guests. Tim tells Maddy she will be fine going on the block if Ramsey uses the veto. Tim is urging Maddy to use being on the block as a time to get Canada on her side. Tim leaves the pink BR and joins Cassandra at the KT table. Tim said that Maddy's deal is that if Cassandra saves her this week then she cant come after the ones that save her next week if she (Maddy) wins HOH.
  16. 8:05am BBT The lights are on and the house guests are getting ready for their day. The BY is open so some of the house guests make their way out there to drink their coffee and eat their breakfast. Cassandra, Ramsey and Jared are sitting on the BY couches talking about their dreams. Phil is swimming in the pool while Raul sits on the lounge chair watching him. 8:48am BBT Tim is in the KT fixing food, Joel is sitting at the KT table and as Phil walks Joel tells him he is a great swimmer. Cassandra, Jared and Ramsey still out in the BY now talking about jobs that they have done. Tim and Joel join the others out in the BY and talk turns to cleaning the BB house. Tim thinks they should boil water for cleaning the dishes since their hot water was taken away by BB for punishment. 8:55am BBT Dallas is heading to the pool to swim and Joel told him to be careful and not splash too much because BB had to yell at him to many times before. Discussion at the BY couch turns to how to make eggs. Up in the WA, it is quiet while Maddy and Raul are putting on their makeup. Cassandra thinks that if they clean maybe BB will be happy with them.
  17. 8:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights just came on in the BB house and there are a few house guests up and getting ready for their day. Cassandra is brushing her teeth, Nikki and Phil are in the shower and Mitch waits for his turn in the shower. BB called out Dallas, Maddy, Jared and Raul and then we hear the rooster crow. 8:21am BBT We just got locked out of the BB house. Recap: Tim is the new HOH, Dallas and Ramsey have been nominated for eviction by a house vote. Today they should be playing for the PoV and we will see if Dallas will be lucky or skilled enough to pull out another PoV win while his BB life is on the line. 8:45am BBT The feeds are still down and we are still locked out. 8:52am BBT The feeds are back up and we see the houseguests doing ADL’s getting ready for their day. Nick is at the KT sink and he said this is another early morning. 8:58am BBT Phil and Jared are in the WA wondering who Tim would put up if the PoV is used. They decide they are going to have to wait and see who wins it and go from there. Jared said they should be picking the players soon. Jared and Phil talk about hanging out after BB is over. Maddy walked in the WA and discussion stopped.
  18. yes, it was Maddy that could not find her ducky, Thank you! On Monday at 9:07am Maddy was telling Nick and Dallas that she had a dream that she found her duck and someone in the blue BR had it. Dallas said that he thinks BB took it. 2:30pm-2:45pm BBT some house guests in the KT fixing food and having general conversation and then we get locked out again.
  19. #BBCAN4 2:03pm BBT The feeds came back up for us to see Kelsey and Cassandra sitting on the landing having a discussion about Kelsey and Jared kissing. Cassandra is excited about it and Kelsey is unsure how she feels because she is not going to see him for 50 days. Someone walked up and interrupted their conversation so Kelsey got up and started practicing her exit after the voting tonight and then she went to the blue BR. #BBCAN4 is there anybody that remembers who it was that could not find their rubber ducky? Kelsey and Raul were in the blue BR and Kelsey got the ducky out of a hiding spot, put it in her bag and started showing Raul how she was going to pull it out right before she leaves out the door tonight and say goodbye. #BBCAN4 2:29pm BBT Some house guests are in the KT fixing food with just general conversation going on.
  20. 9:00am-9:41am BBT Eviction Day! The lights are on and the house guests are getting ready for their day. In the blue BR Kelsey and Raul are packing their bags while discussing Lovieta sleeping in the HOH room last night and then we get locked out.
  21. 8:54pm BBT Jared is in the HN room folding and packing Kelsey's clothes while Raul watches and Kelsey sleeps.
  22. 8:35pm BBT Jared and Kelsey are in the HN room and it looks like Kelsey is now sleeping so Jared gets up really careful as not to wake her and then Raul walked in the room yelling HI and woke Kelsey up (but she did not get up) and Jared tells him to shh. Raul apologized and said he did not know. Raul starts talking to Jared about if he wins the HOH next and then Jared pointed over to Kelsey and Raul quickly said if he gets to stay. Then they mouth something to each other and Jared again points over to where Kelsey is laying and changed the subject by asking Raul what is going on today with everyone running around and then they just start talking about how boring it is.



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