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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 3:00 am BBT James and Jackie still in the KT talking. James said that he was 150% loyal to Clay and Shelli. Becky said that she never got the Jason thing. They continue to talk about the past few weeks and what other houseguests have told them. Becky said that she was so stupid to believe the others that James was coming after her. Becky said that she should have believed James actions instead of the others words. 3:15 am BBT Meg said she wonders where James is at and then they decide to go to sleep. Meanwhile, James is in the KT still talking to Becky about the other houseguests and what others have said. James told Becky that he is pissed off at Shelli because of something that she said. Becky said that her taking Vanessa out of the picture breaks up the gap with the others. James said that she has three solid votes to get Vanessa out. Becky told James about a discussion she had with Steve talking to Vanessa. Becky told Steve that she is okay with him talking to Vanessa but watch out for her because she is good at changing votes. She continues to tell James about her discussion with Steve to make sure that she has his vote to get Vanessa out. 3:23 am BBT Meg and Jackie still whispering in the HN room. It is hard to hear but Meg said that it is someone’s birthday Thursday and then they talk about how Becky is going to feel if they vote for Vanessa to stay. Jackie said that they should talk to her first before the eviction. Meg said that she is by herself anyway so Becky should be okay with it either way. Meg said that they have more of a shot to protect Becky and that Becky cannot protect them. 3:28 am BBT James and Becky in the KT talking about getting on Meg to start wining comps and they speculate what comps are coming up and previous comps that they played in. 3:42 am BBT Becky told James that outside of this house she believes that Clay and Shelli are wonderful and that they have a really cool cast. James told Becky that he thinks cleaning is a strategy for her. James thinks others portray him as the prankster in the house. Becky told James that they both won very good physical comps and they are memorable ones. 3:48 am BBT Becky and James break up their discussion to get ready for bed and Becky heads up to the HOH to take a shower while James heads to the HN room, bundles up and crawls in his chair to sleep. 4:27 am BBT Becky finishes up her shower and crawls in bed.
  2. 2:33 am BBT Meg and Jackie in the HN room discussing what they should do about the vote. Meg wonders if they should talk to Becky first or Vanessa first. Jackie plays out all of the scenarios about what if someone wins HOH and who they would put up. 2:36 am- 3:00 am BBT James and Becky discuss past houseguests and those that have won a HOH while Meg and Jackie sit in the dark HN room discussing how Vanessa will be all flustered to win the next HOH because she is all stressed out. Meg said that if Shelli gets herself off of the block two times she will be confident in herself. Meg does not see anyone else putting Shelli up if they win HOH. Becky and James still in the KT discussing what Becky has said to Austin and the twins. James said that it seems like every week the votes flip (hint, hint Becky the votes might flip). Becky talks to James about if he was on the block next to the others he would win by a landslide. Jackie told Meg that they should just talk to the others and ask them who they think is better for their game.
  3. 2:10 am BBT Meg, Jason and Jackie walk through he LR and see Becky’s carved apple sitting on the couch. Becky said that he is on the block and has to pull himself off. We see Steve get in the shower as the others walk into the KT to get some rolls. Discussion in the KT is how they can make a variety of things to eat using the buns. Becky made Meg something sweet to eat using buns, cinnamon and sugar. 2:15 am BBT Steve finishes up his shower and joins the group in the KT to eat. General chatting going on in the KT while they are eating. 2:30 am BBT Meg, Jackie and Steve head to bed after they are finished eating leaving Becky and James in the KT to talk. Becky is speculating which comps will be coming up.
  4. 1:38 am - 2:09 am BBT While Becky is in the KT by herself carving on an apple, James, Meg and Jackie are in the HN room discussing which nominee to keep in the game and which one to get out. Their argument to keep Vanessa is that everyone is after her and no one is after Shelli and if they keep Shelli, she will win HOH again and go after them. They think it will be easier to get Vanessa out next during the DE. James said that it will be a classic blindside sending Shelli home now since she thinks she is safe all week. James said this might be their only shot since Shelli is sitting on the block now. Meg said that they have to think about how to deal with Becky. James said that the whole house went against him last week and he could have just taken the five grand. James said that Steve told him he likes Vanessa. They discuss if Austin and the twins will keep Vanessa over Shelli. James said that Shelli won almost every comp and he doesn’t see Vanessa winning the physical comps. They continue to wonder what are the chances of getting Shelli on the block a third time if they do not vote her out now. They discuss making a deal with Vanessa that they will keep her safe if she does not go after them next week. Meg said that she planted the seed with Austin earlier about keeping Vanessa in the game and she did not even realize it. James thinks they should go with voting out Shelli and make big risks in this game. They know that Vanessa is only against Becky and that Shelli is against the three of them. Jackie said that Becky will be a sitting duck because she can’t play in the next HOH. James and Meg said that they are all playing for her and will keep her safe. They speculate what the comps will be in the DE and who has the best chance of winning it. James said that it all sounds good. Meg said that this is a personal thing for Becky but they have to think about the team not just Becky. James said that they could let Vanessa do what she does best and campaign for herself and get two more votes. They decide that they will take tomorrow and think about it. Meg keeps just thinking about Shelli sitting on the block and wants to get her out and Vanessa is desperate right now. The discussion breaks up as the three of them go into the KT to get some rolls.
  5. 1:30 pm BBT Meg and Vanessa are in the OBR talking about what the PoV comp might be and scenarios of who might win it and what might happen. The discussion turned to how long they have been in the BB house. 1:39 pm BBT Meg and Vanessa still discussing being in the house and what their families might be thinking if they are watching. Austin, Liz and Julia are lying in the LR on the couches discussing songs and shows on TV. 1:42 pm BBT Austin always falls asleep when he watches shows that run in a series. They begin discussing the movie “The Mist” 1:43 pm BBT Back in the OBR Meg and Vanessa are running scenarios again. Julia was just called to the DR and Meg said this is it. (Possibly Julia is the host for the PoV). Vanessa told Meg her logic to defend herself is to not use the veto because she could go up. Meg appreciates Vanessa’s talks. 1:43 pm BBT James walks in the OBR with Vanessa and Meg. They discuss the comp that is coming up and Vanessa said this whole situation is rotten for her. 1:47 pm BBT Vanessa left the OBR leaving Meg and James talking. Jackie joined them and James asked if they thought the PoV was going to be a crap shoot. The girls agree and then they all leave the room. 1:49 pm BBT It looks like everyone is beginning to congregate in the LR and they are discussing their shoes being wet from the HOH comp. 1:51 pm BBT Steve, John and Becky are in the Color BR talking about the twists in BB. Steve told them that last year was the most twisted summer ever then we get FOTH. 1:52 pm BBT The feeds have switched to Jeff’s Highlights now so possibly time for the PoV.
  6. 5:45 am-6:00 am BBT Everyone is getting ready for bed and most of them say that they are going to sleep all day. By 6:00 am talk is over and they are all falling asleep.
  7. 4:30 am- 5:00 am BBT Meg is in the HN room with Shelli and Clay planting seeds to keep Jason in the game and reasons why it would be good for them while Jackie and Jason sit in the BY. Jason wants to stay in the BY as long as possible before the indoor lock down. 5:00 am-5:45 am BBT Meg leaves the HN room and heads out to the BY to let Jason know that she planted seeds and he might be able to stay if he goes to Clay and Shelli to promise them everything for their vote. Meanwhile Clay and Shelli continue the discussion in the HN room. At first Shelli was being swayed by Meg to keep Jason, but then as her and Clay discussed it they decide it is better for their game if they tell Jackie that they will vote to keep Jason. Then when Jackie votes for Jason to stay they will tell Becky to see that Jackie voted for her to leave so then Becky will be on their side. 5:45 am BBT indoor lock down is called and Jason said goodbye to the BY, but he hopes to see it again.
  8. 5:00 am BBT Jason told James that he is going to be nice until Thursday and then try and flip peoples votes. They discuss who he could possibly get to vote for him. Jason said that he is a BB player and he is not going to just lie over and go. James told Jason there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Jason said that the others in the house live luxury lives and he has to live in his mothers basement. Jason said that he is going to try and not go back to work until at least his birthday. They discuss how they will not get paid from BB until after the show is over.
  9. 4:45 am - 5:00 am BBT James told Jason that he is sorry how everything went down. Jason said that is how this game works and they were trusting Vanessa, Shelli, Clay and Johnny Mac. Jason said that Johnny Mac plays dumb but he knows that Johnny Mac got through medical school so he is not mr. goofball. James thinks that Steve went and told Shelli and Clay that he was giving him a hard time. Jason said that he thinks Steve tells everything to Vanessa and then she tells the others. They discuss again how Jason will just get his little zing in and no more, he will not be throwing any fruit loops. Jason heads in to get more cigarettes and James headed into the KT to make some eggs. Jason walks in the KT and told James that he has 20 packs of cigarettes left and then he went back outside. James finished fixing his food and went to the BY by Jason and sat down to eat.
  10. 4:30 am - 4:45 am BBT Becky is up and sitting at the KT table eating. James and Jason are still in the BY talking about the other house guests and how they pretend they are weak. James said that he is going to play it week by week. Jason recommends that he get as much info on the others and make every deal that he can. James said that everyone’s loyalty is pretty short. Jason said that Austin and Shelli are the only ones that have not been on the block so that would be a reason to put them up. Jason said that he talked to Liz today and she acted like nothing. Their discussion turns to they think there is more going on in the BB house than just the twins and then they speculate that Clay is America’s player or Saboteur. They talk about what it will be like when they are home and watching the show from day one. Jason thinks that Shelli and Clay will string him along until the eviction so that he does not blow up their game. Jason thinks that he is going because he was the one that was always voting against the house. Jason might throw a little zing in his final speech but he isn’t going to say any names. They wonder how the other house guests are in real life.
  11. 4:20 am BBT- 4:30 am BBT Discussion between James and Jason turns back to throwing comps. Jason said that he feels bad for helping Vanessa studying this week. Jason said that Vanessa has a sharp mind and she remembers pretty much everything. James told Jason he is not going to have to worry because as long as he wins something he is not scared to get blood on his hands. Jason told James to protect Jackie, Becky and Meg after he is gone. Jason gets Shelli and Clay’s game play but once the twins come in they will be cut. Discussion turns to Vanessa being upset with Shelli and Clay for not owning up that they knew about Jason going on the block. James said that he told Vanessa that she was not on his radar and if he has Vanessa he would have Austin and Liz on his side too. Jason said that he should have known something was up when others were asking him if they could trust James. Jason told them that he was not approving of sending Becky home over Austin and that is why he is on the block now. Jason would love to see Steve follow him out of the house next week, but told James he is going to need the floaters and they compare the BB game to a chess board. James said hopefully they could get Shelli and Clay in a check mate soon. Jason thinks that Clay is throwing the HoH comps so that it is all Shelli doing the dirty work. They start to speculate what the next comp will be.
  12. 4:10 am BBT - 4:20 am BBT Jason said his first impression of Shelli was not to trust that B*tch. James said that they should have gotten Shelli out of the game first instead of Jase. Jason said that everything is 20/20 in hindsight and James will be in not a good spot if he does not win next week. James said that he should have listened to Audrey a long time ago. James said that it is crazy that Steve and Johnny Mac are up higher on the pole when all they do is float and throw comps. The discussion turns to throwing comps and then they discuss how Johnny Mac told Becky that he can’t be seen with her because the house will think they are a pair. James said that Clay told him Johnny Mac and Becky are a pair but Jason said they are hardly ever together. Discussion turns to Jeff and Jordan and Brendon and Rachael from a past season of BB. Jason said that he told Clay and Shelli that he would go to the final three with them just to get them to vote for him to stay, but he don’t think it matters. James don’t know if it’s Clay or Shelli getting paranoid more. Discussion turns to Audrey and things that were said when she was in the house. Jason told James to not let them scoop Meg up after he is gone. James said all that it takes is for one of them to win the next HoH and split them up.
  13. 3:55 am BBT- 4:10 am BBT Jason is now back out of bed, went into the storage room to take Advil and went in the KT. James got up out of bed and they both went out to the BY to talk. They were discussing who the last house guests up were and James told Jason that he was talking to Clay about Jason being put on the block. James said that Clay said that the last thing that they knew about Jason going on the block at the last minute and when James looked at Shelli, she got defensive saying that she don’t appreciate the look that James gave her and it has been really hard for her. James said that he told Shelli that he was just playing around. Jason said that Shelli got defensive with Jackie too. Jason said that their stories are a little bit crossed. James said that Clay told him the house was on board with putting Jason up. They discuss how Vanessa made a deal with Becky and Jackie that they are not going home this week. James said whatever the house is, him, Jackie and Becky are not a part of it. They discuss how Steve is a snitch, James was being a smartass to him today and James will put up Austin and Steve if he wins the next HoH. Jason thinks Austin and Steve are bonding now. They begin to speculate what happens after you leave the house. Jason wants to go out like Zach Rance did but then he decides that he don’t want to put a target on James, Meg, Jackie and Becky. They both agree that Shelli and Clay are running the house. James then said that the next on the block should be Shelli and Vanessa to stir up the house.
  14. 2:30 am - 3:30 am BBT Steve was up in the HoH room talking to Vanessa explaining that he really has not been throwing comps, he thanked her for keeping him safe and they agree that he "owes' her when he does win HoH. Jason was in the BY on the couch smoking a cigarette and talking to the feeders. He told himself to stop the pity party, just enjoy the next two and a half days and then he went to bed. Vanessa and Steve see Jason head to bed on the spy screen and then Vanessa told Steve it is safe for him to go back downstairs since everyone is in bed now no one will know he was up talking to her. Steve headed outside, tossed the hula hoop in the air and juggled some balls for awhile, and then he headed back inside to take a shower. As he was in the HN room getting some clothes Clay woke up, got out of the HN chair, grabbed his mic and went into the WA and sat. Steve entered the WA, started getting undressed and climbed into the cold side of the shower with his shorts on. As he was showering Clay asked him who was the last person up with him and Steve responded that Jason and Becky wondered around a little bit but he did not talk to them. Clay went back to bed in the HN room after that and Steve finished up his shower and made a comment that he wondered why Clay was up and even grabbed his mic when he never does that. Steve decides that Clay was just fishing for information and then he heads to bed. All houseguests are sleeping now and it is silent in the BB house.
  15. 4:52 am BBT Feeds are back and they talk about Shelli reminding them of Kristin from a previous season and then we get FotH again. 4:56 am BBT The BY group (Jason, Meg, Jackie, Becky and Steve) continue to talk about previous seasons of BB and the things that they did. 4:59 am BBT The BY group talk about this seasons BB cast is all young. 5:01 am BBT The BY group is talking about lying in the house and risking your game for a little lie and they continue to talk about past season house guests. 5:03 am BBT The BY group is glad that no one has lied about their life outside the BB house this season. 5:06 am BBT Becky was talking about filling out the application for BB and then we get Foth again. 5:08 am BBT Feeds are back and Meg is going to try and sleep. Becky, Meg and Jackie all get up to go inside. Steve told Jason that he does not know where he is going to sleep tomorrow. Steve started to go inside the house and Jason said that he would be inside about four minutes. Steve came back to Jason and asked if this is reality and said that he did not realize his social game was substandard. Steve asked if there are people that annoy him in the house. Jason said there were but he is getting used to that. Steve said that he does not have a sense of what is annoying so he does not know when he is annoying someone. 5:13 am BBT Meg and Jackie are in the WA getting ready for bed. Meg said that she is going to talk to everyone tomorrow. Meg said that Audrey told her that Liz said she was voting for DaVonne to stay. Jackie said that is what she did last week so don’t worry about it. Meg is glad to hear that is what happened last week and it makes her feel better and then asked if Jackie thinks Jason is shady right before Jason walked in the WA. Meg repeated that she thinks Jeff is acting shady. Jason said that Jeff is in love with her. Steve walked in the WA and Meg asked him if he was going to vote for her to stay and he told her yes. Meg thinks that Shelli is going to be pissed that Audrey is starting something because she has been trying to keep Audrey around. 5:19 am BBT Jason just told Meg that she has his vote to stay if the others filp. Meg is going to act like she was and talk to the others. The WA group (Meg, Jackie, Steve and Jason) are rehashing who could be the last laugh and who will get canceled out and if Austin, Liz, Vanessa and Audrey vote for DaVonne to stay then Meg is out. Jason told Meg to make a deal with Audrey. Meg said that Audrey keeps promising her every day that she has her vote to stay. Steve said that he loves DaVonne so much and she is such a phenomenal person but for anyone of them to achieve their goal, DaVonne has to go. Jason said it would not be good for his game if DaVonne stays. 5:27 am BBT The WA group talk about the veto hanging on the wall instead of being in the SR so they think there might be a secret veto. Jason thinks it is a mistake then we get FotH. When the feeds come back the four are in the KT getting something to drink. Meg and Steve are left in the KT talking about being a have not and they do not want to complain because they get to be on BB. They both realize what time it is and say the music is going to start soon. 5:30 am BBT Everyone else heads to bed and Steve walks outside to see the camera follow him. He is going to talk to us feeds. Him and Vanessa have an SOS alliance but she is on the do not tell about the twin thing. He is surprised that people think that Vanessa, Austin and Liz are together. Steve cannot believe he is on the feeds even though he is. The camera turns away from him and he is disappointed that he is not interesting anymore. He keeps walking around the yard and he tells himself that he needs to shut up. He thinks that he could have done a better job in the conversation if he would have kept his mouth shut. If the twin thing had not been brought to his attention he would have never guessed. He has to vote out DaVonne because everyone is questioning him. He wants to trust Jason and he thinks Jason and him are going to be on the opposite side of the house and clearly they don’t think he is with Vanessa and Austin. He wonders what he needs to do moving forward. Austin and him are talking behind closed doors and Austin told him to start giving info that others already know to build trust. Steve is nervous because he wants to form this outsiders alliance but they don’t have it yet. 5:40 am BBT Becky approached him today and told him that Austin is being noticed and he is not clearly the smartest person because he let himself fall on Jace’s ship that was sinking. Steve thinks he wants to win the next HOH and he threw the last HOH because he thought Vanessa was going to win it. he is happy with the repor that he is building with Shelli and Clay. Audrey is screwing him over because he was listening at the door. The disadvantage of him winning HOH is because it would mean that he won a comp each week. Steve is now reviewing the comps and who won them. Steve thinks the advantage of winning the next HOH is because he could establish trust in the house with nominating James and Becky because they nominated him. Steve thinks he could go after Jeff who he thinks wants him out but that would make so many more people that want him out. Jeff is the number one person that he does not trust in this house. He could do an Audrey back door and he would establish trust. 5:46 am BBT Steve thinks everyone would see him as doing them a favor if he got rid of Audrey. He was hoping to be able to throw comps but he feels like he wants to win the next HOH even though it will mean that he has won the most comps but he has played in every single comp. Then Steve reviews the comps that were played and who played in them. Steve is the only person up to this point that has beat James in a comp. The question now is how to get the alliance that he wants. The outsiders would be Austin, Vanessa, Shelli, Clay, Steve, John, Becky and the twins, the inside alliance would be Audrey, James, Jason, Jeff and Jackie. 5:55 am BBT Steve went in to the restroom. Meg is in the HN room talking to Jason and they keep speculating who has the last laugh. Back to Steve outside in the BY. Steve wants to win the HOH and the target for the number of comps that he won would be down because he played in so many. The problems with the theoretical alliance are there could be so many tensions in a big alliance. If he wins HOH he wants to make an alliance. Steve feels so bad for hurting DaVonne. He wants in the worst way for Vanessa to tell him about the alliance that she has. Steve said it feels weird that he is breaking the rules telling Vanessa about things but he is not telling Austin because he has shown loyalty to him. Steve said that he could see a situation arising if he tells Vanessa about the twins. His original question is what the hell to do. Steve is good with Clay, Shelli, Austin and Vanessa. Steve thinks it was a good move on Becky’s part coming to him about Austin. 6:03 am BBT Steve hates the Becky and Jackie connection. Steve feels like he can’t align with John because he would not be in an alliance that would not include Becky. People don’t connect him as being with Jason. Steve thinks the twins are a guarantee on his side if they make it into the house. For the record Steve wants live feeders to know outside the house he is Steven but it is too close to Ian so he just wants to be known as Steve in the house. Steve wants to make a quack pack with him, Shelly, Clay, Vanessa and Austin. Then Steve figures who that leaves out but an eight person alliance is too big. Steve wants to maintain his close relationship with John and Becky. The best way to make an alliance is to win HOH. No one will be mad at him for evicting Audrey. Steve wants the next HOH and it is decided so now he is doing some jedi training of the days that things happened in the house. 6:14 am BBT In the HN room Jason, James and Meg are still whispering about the other houseguests and Meg told Jason to not tell DaVonne what is going on about Audrey. Jason said that DaVonne is already going to talk to others about votes today. James just told Meg that she needs to win HOH. Meg said that she needs to not be evicted first. 6:18 am BBT The HN room is wondering who is coughing because you don’t cough in your sleep and they wonder who is awake and might be listening to them. Meg gets up to go and see. While Meg is gone James asks Jason what he is supposed to do because he told DaVonne he would give her his vote. Jason told him not to decide yet and make sure to see who gets to vote. Meg returns and said that it is Steve that is up. Steve walked in the room and they say what’s up. 6:22 am BBT Steve went to the SR to check on the batteries and returns to the HN room and said no batteries. The HN’s are excited that this is their last night.
  16. 1:20 am BBT John is up in the HOH giving Shelli and Clay the 411 on everything Audrey has talked to him about the others. John told them that Audrey confused him but he was good enough to not let on. Shelli asked John if he came up with a name for their alliance yet for a group of five, but earlier she said the group is her, Clay, John, Meg and James & Jeff (not sure who she is leaving out). John replied no he wanted them to create one. They are all talking out loud at ideas for a name of an alliance. 1:35 am BBT John left the HOH room then Jeff and Audrey joined Shelli and Clay in the HOH room. Audrey is crying because DaVonne hurt her feelings because she (DaVonne) was laughing. The other three told Audrey not to worry about it because DaVonne is going home anyway this week. Audrey doesn’t know why no one is setting DaVonne aside and telling her that it is not right. Shelli said that she just sees DaVonne as being quiet and everyone is voting her out this week anyway. 1:43 am BBT Audrey said that if other people would have acknowledged it then it would not have hurt her feelings so much. Clay said that is her character and she is going home and Audrey is not. They continue to console Audrey and tell her that she is adapting into the group. Jeff said that DaVonne is upset right now because Steve would not play pool with her saying it was not good for his game to be seen with her. 1:45 am BBT Audrey said that she overheard DaVonne telling the others that she has five votes. Shelli said even if she does have five votes she (Shelli) gets to break the tie. They discuss the votes and Shelli wonders who DaVonne thinks she has the votes from. Clay said that she can’t get five votes. 1:48 am BBT The HOH group are still talking about the others and thinking DaVonne does not have the five votes. Jeff asked about Johnny Mac because he does not talk game to him and Audrey said that he does not talk game to her either. (Clay and Shelli do not offer up any insight on Johnny Mac). 1:52 am BBT The HOH group are just talking about how everyone else was acting weird today and just laying around. Shelli said that she is going to bed because she did not sleep today. Audrey is leaving the HOH telling them goodnight and Jeff said that he will be down in a minute. Jeff told Clay and Shelli that today was weird vibes and they discuss how Liz was for sure not the same person. They are talking about the podcast today and Jeff does not want America to think he is a womanizer. Jeff asked what was said to Johnny Mac. Shelli is now telling him things that Johnny Mac said to them. 1:57 am BBT The HOH three are still talking about the podcast and then the subject switches to Liz not acting like the same person. 2:00 am BBT Clay is asking if they confirm that Liz is switching, would they rather get out Liz next or Audrey? Jeff said that Audrey is trying to build an alliance and that she is trying to play the game a little bit harder now. Jeff said that one of Liz is pro Jace and Austin and the other Liz is anti Jace and Austin. Clay thinks the one that is here now is playing that she don’t talk game and just is here to fill in. The real liz is the one that talks game and he thinks Liz going can wait. Jeff said to see what happens when they see who wins HOH and then he heads downstairs (so we will too). 2:04 am BBT In the BY Becky is talking to James, Steven, Jackie and Audrey by the hot tub about her parents getting a hot tub. Becky can’t talk about her parents because they did not sign the release. James asked if there is some slop left and Meg said in the fridge. James is going in to eat. 2:06 am BBT Audrey asked the others if they are doing the all nighter thing? Meg said that James is the one that is putting that out there. Meg said when the music goes off she is not getting out of bed. Steven said that when the music goes off he gets up to change his batteries and goes back to bed. Becky got up and went inside. Audrey is asking Steven about his living arrangements. 2:10 am BBT In the WA Jeff told Jason that he did a good job at not answering questions. DaVonne walked in and Jason asked her if she was okay and she said yea then she left the room. Jason said that it accomplished what they wanted. Jeff said that it erased suspicions. Jeff told Jason that he is trying to protect his image in the house and if he is ever out of line to let him know. Jeff said that Liz was sweating bullets and she did not like the situation tonight. Jason doesn’t think that she knows what’s up they just put her on the spot. Jeff asked Jason if he was going to bed and he said he was just changing. 2:14 am BBT Jeff is now in the KT telling James, Becky and DaVonne that he has to protect his professional image. Becky said that she gets shy in front of cameras. They are talking about the podcasts and how someone was getting into their business. Jeff said that at least they are up at night for the late at night feeders and the others laugh. Jeff left the room and James is still making his slop while Becky and DaVonne watch. 2:18 am BBT Becky left the KT leaving DaVonne and James talking about slop. 2:20 am BBT Shelli and Clay are in the HOH room with the lights off hugging and talking about the age difference between them. Shelli said that Clay will have a lot of life to figure out because he is so young and who knows what is going to happen after this. James is still in the KT making slop and talking to DaVonne about what he put in it. 2:26 am BBT Out in the BY Audrey and Meg are trying to save a moth that she wants to save. Jackie, Becky Jason and Jeff are on the couches talking about batteries in their mics. Audrey and Meg went inside. Becky and Jackie are talking about working muscles. Jeff said that he is kind of tired for once. 2:30 am BBT The BY group said that doing nothing is exhausting. Meg went back outside and Jeff asked her to play ball and she agrees. Becky, Jackie and Jason are sitting there watching and not saying a word. 2:33 am BBT Becky got up to try and throw the ball and then said that she is going to bed because she is in pain. Jackie got up and went to lay down on the couch by Jason but we cannot hear what they are talking about because we are watching Meg and Jeff playing ball. 2:36 am BBT Up in the HOH room Shelli and Clay are still laying in the dark and talking about college and degrees. 2:43 am BBT Jackie and Jason are on the BY couch talking about wanting to be up in the HOH room next week. Jackie wants to have a space. Feeds switch to Audrey and Liz whispering in a BR with the lights out. Audrey asked Liz if DaVonne said anything to her about votes. Liz told her no and that she told DaVonne that she shaved her. Audrey told Liz that DaVonne said that she has enough votes to stay. Liz said that she don’t know and she has to think about it. Steven walked in and the conversation broke up. 2:47 am BBT Feeds switch to James and DaVonne sitting in the KT then the feeds go back to Jason and Jackie on the BY couch just talking about Jeff and Meg playing ball. Jason needs someone for him to flirt with in the BB house. Jason said that Austin is a wimpy man because he cried during an argument. Feeds switch to Audrey in the BY talking to Meg and Jeff now about her conversation with Liz. 2:50 am BBT Jeff said that he would rather have Meg here than DaVonne then he and Meg go back to playing ball while Audrey watches. 2:53 am BBT BB just told Meg and Jeff to stop throwing the ball. DaVonne stuck her head out the back door and said good night. Meg and Jeff sit back down to talk to Audrey. They are going to talk to Johnny because Audrey said that she overheard someone saying that DaVonne has five votes. Meg’s plan is to talk to people tomorrow because it is too early to do that now and she doesn’t think DaVonne has the votes. Now they are speculating who has the last laugh. Audrey thinks it is Becky. Meg said that Liz and Johnny Mac approached her so she don’t know why they would approach her if they were going to vote her out. Audrey said that Liz just told her that she was going to keep DaVonne. Meg is going to talk to them tomorrow. Audrey asked if Meg heard what Steve said to DaVonne and Meg said yes because DaVonne told her. Meg said that she will be so pissed if she leaves. They speculate that Steve, Johnny, Becky, Liz and Austin will vote for DaVonne to stay. 2:58 am BBT Meg is going to talk to Shelli and Clay right now and Audrey said that she is going to bed. Jeff is talking to Jason and Jackie about what just happened between Meg and Audrey and why they just left so quickly. Audrey went in and Meg walked over to ask Jason if Audrey is playing her or what. Meg said that Audrey is saying that James and DaVonne are the ones that are saying that DaVonne has the votes. They are all speculating that Audrey is trying to start shit and get turmoil going with everyone. Jason is mad right now because he is getting dragged in this because he is not talking game right now because his two best friends are on the block. Jason wants to go and call her out right now. 3:03 am BBT Meg is absolutely telling people what Audrey is saying. Meg is going over everything that Audrey just told her. Jason speculates that Liz’s vote will be America’s player. Meg is freaking out and Jason told her that three votes are getting canceled then they speculate who has the last laugh. Jackie said that Audrey did the same thing to her last week. Jason told Meg that everyone thinks that Jeff is running Meg’s game. Jason said that he loves DaVonne to death but it is not good for his game if she does stay. 3:09 am BBT Jeff came back outside from using the restroom and getting chips. He said that Steve is in there talking nerdy then we get FotH. 3:10 am BBT Feeds come back and Meg is asking Jeff why Audrey was whispering to him. Jeff doesn’t know why she was talking to him first. Jason is so pissed that she (Audrey) was talking about him and he is just sitting here waiting for Thursday. Jeff said that Vanessa, Liz and Austin are working together. Jason said that Vanessa is in an alliance with Shelli and Clay so she would not work with them. Jeff said that Shelli is the middle piece and she is going to have to go first. Jeff is going to start talking to Austin to see where he is at. Jason said that Vanessa would be the one to run those three and they are probably just saying to DaVonne what she wants to hear and there is no way she has the votes to stay. 3:14 am BBT Jeff said that he could get the insider on those three because Vanessa came to him talking game and wanting to align with him. The only reason that he is telling them this is because he does not want to work with her. Jason and Meg are so stressed out. Jason told DaVonne that he would give her his vote but he don’t want to ruin his game. Jason said that the alliances are becoming clear and you can see the pairs. Meg said that Audrey just freaked the shit out of her. Meg is telling Jeff that Audrey is throwing his name out too. Jason said that Audrey is back to her game of throwing everything out there. Jeff said that Johnny Mac came to him and they talked about Audrey and she said that she trusts Jeff the most in this house. 3:18 am BBT Meg thinks it is weird that she threw Johnny Mac’s name out. Jeff said that the whole twin thing has to be put on the back burner and they need to get Audrey out. Jeff is going to talk to Becky and Meg said that she can talk to Becky. Jackie told Meg not to play into Audrey. Jason is not going to be able to sleep after what is going on. Becky walked out and Meg told her guess who came out and started shit then she explains to Becky what was said. Becky said that there was hope that they wanted her but she did not take them seriously. 3:21 am BBT Feeds switch to Audrey talking to DaVonne and we caught the end of the conversation where DaVonne asked her to send her a sympathy vote. Audrey left the room and went in the KT to talk to Steve about how it has been a long day 21. Steve just talks to Audrey about food. 3:23 am BBT Audrey and Steve are in the KT talking about astrology. 3:24 am BBT Out in the BY Becky and Jackie and Meg and Jason are talking at the same time. They are still talking about Audrey and how Meg is now freaking out. Becky wants Audrey to get her name out of her mouth. Jeff said that she has put his name in her mouth. Jason said that Audrey is going to make sure he has nowhere to go. Becky said that she is glad that Audrey pulled a stunt like this because it reminds them of how she is. Jeff said that she is trying to make others draw lines and put targets against each other so that she will be safe. 3:28 am BBT The BY group is talking about making it to Jury at least and then go from there then we get FotH. 3:30 am BBT Feeds are back and Meg told the others not to say anything to Audrey right now and she will talk to the others. Meg said that her plan was to talk to everyone tomorrow. Jason said that he doesn’t think that DaVonne was going to talk to people until tomorrow either. Jason said that maybe Audrey is the one that wants to save DaVonne now. Jeff wonders if James is really sleeping right now. 3:33 am BBT Jason is shitting bricks right now and he doesn’t want to go back on his word to DaVonne but he does not want Meg to go. Jeff thinks it is a joke and he thinks he might have created a target for himself calling Audrey a pathological liar during the podcast and the others laugh about it. 3:36 am BBT Jeff got up and went to go inside and came back to tell the others that Audrey and Steve are in the KT. Jason speculates that Audrey is Americas player now and that she has to vote Meg out. Jeff doesn’t get why Clay and Shelli though that DaVonne was more of a threat than Audrey. Meg said that Becky doesn’t know about the twin thing so Jason explains to Becky about Liz. 3:41 am BBT The BY group is still explaining the reasons that they believe that Liz is changing with her twin. 3:44 am BBT Jason said that every time that Liz gets called to the DR he parks it on the couch. Becky said that Audrey better not find out about it. Jason told Becky that DaVonne is the one that figured it out. 3:47 am BBT Jason told Becky that Liz has to go after Audrey and the others are still explaining the differences that have happened with Liz. Jeff said the easiest way to identify them is because one wears the hat and the other one don’t. Jason thinks that they will not switch Liz out again until after the live eviction. Jason is explaining to the BY group that America loves the twin twist and talks about when it was done before. 3:54 am BBT Steve walked out into the BY and Jason told him that they just let Becky in on the twin twist. Steve asked how confident he is on it and Jason said 100%. Jeff asked what his thoughts are on it and he said that at first he did not think it was true then things happened. One of the girls asked what if they are triplets. Jason starts talking again about all of the differences again then we get FotH. 3:58 am BBT Steve wonders what America is voting on? Jason said that he thinks we are voting on what the twins could do or they could be the sabator twins. 4:00 am BBT Steve and Jason are still speculating what America is voting on. 4:01 am BBT Jason said that this whole season is a repeat of BB5. 4:02 am BBT Jason said that BB picked him and Steve to play in BB this year because they are super fans and they could figure the things out. 4:03 am BBT Meg suggests they investigate the twin thing but don’t focus on it. Jason said that he will know for sure about the twins the next time they switch out. Steve asked if Helga is Liz and James said yes and the other one is Cruella. Steve feels bad for her (Liz) because that has to be emotionally challenging. 4:08 am BBT The BY group thinks the Liz that was here a few days ago was Liz and the one that is here right now is her sister. Jeff said that the Liz that was here a couple of days ago can’t leave her hands off of him and the one that is here now does not even know he exists. 4:11 am BBT Steve asked Jason if he had any idea of the twin thing before DaVonne said anything to him and he said no. Jason and Steve are going over season five again. 4:14 am BBT Feed three and four switch to Austin getting out of bed and walks through the house to the WA. He does a stretch and goes in the stall. When he finished using the restroom he went back to bed. 4:18 am BBT Jeff got up from the BY couch and told the others that he is going to be and said goodnight. Meg said that she won’t be able to sleep. The BY group starts talking about Audrey again and how she is trying to convince Meg that the others are trying to flip the house. Steve asked if anyone know anything about the last laugh that they can’t share. The others tell him that they don’t know who it is. Meg again said that she is freaking out. Becky said that she got out of bed just to go to the bathroom. Jason said don’t think that you can come out at four am and think that nothing is going to happen. Steve asked why the twin thing is a secret. Jason said that it is clear that they are in an alliance with someone. Meg said that we have to know 100% that it is for sure. Becky said the twin thing might be a twist but no one is safe with Audrey. 4:22 am BBT The BY group wish that Liz would have been put up against DaVonne instead of Meg. Steve blamed the stuff on DaVonne and Meg said no it was not her it was Audrey. Becky explained to Steve some of the stuff that Audrey said tonight. 4:24 am BBT Jason explains the list of people that don’t know about the twin thing is Liz, Audrey, Vanessa and Austin. Meg said that Johnny Mac doesn’t know but she doesn’t think it would harm telling him. 4:26 am BBT Jason is hoping that Liz is switched out again tomorrow, but he thinks that they switch every four days and that means they will have the one in there now for two more days then we get FotH. 4:28 am BBT Meg cannot wait to talk to Shelli tomorrow. The BY group is explaining to Steve the things that Audrey was saying about who was going to vote out Meg. 4:30 am BBT Jason is explaining to the BY group that one and eight are money numbers in numerology. He also tells them that Audrey has mic one and Vanessa has mic eight so they are the ones that have to go. The BY group just chats about the number of the mic that they have. Becky asked the others if they would judge her if she got steak to lay on her back and they tell her no. 4:36 am BBT Jason told the others that he is going to make Audrey a have not next. Meg said that Shelli is going to be pissed about Audrey. Steve asked if they told her that she was safe and Meg said that is why they put her up because they knew she would be safe at least that is what they told her. Steve did not know Meg was going up and then Meg asked if there are two of him. They all get a laugh out of that. 4:39 am BBT Jason said that he read that there was going to be triplets in the house this year. Jason and Steve compare sources that they heard it and realize it was two different sources so it must be true. 4:42 am BBT Steve and Jason are rehashing being two BB historians put in the house to discover the twin thing (even though it was DaVonne that discovered it) 4:43 am BBT Becky was called to the DR. Steve and Jason now speculate that Jace is in sequester in case they get Liz out. 4:45 am BBT The BY group is again rehashing the stuff that Audrey said tonight. Steve asked what he could do to support DaVonne emotionally until she leaves because he misread her and hurt her today. The others tell him just to act normal and make it the easiest days for her and make sure that she is not alienated.
  17. 8:25 am BBT There is nothing going on in the BB house, the house guests are still sleeping. 8:50 am BBT The house guests are sleeping sound except for DaVonne who is tossing and turning quite a bit.
  18. 6:50 am BBT All is still quiet in the BB house with everyone sleeping. 7:15 am BBT While the house guests are still sleeping here is a recap: Shelli is HOH and she put John and DaVonne on the block. John won the PoV and will be taking himself down. Shelli will be putting Meg up against DaVonne on the block because she is the most likable person and no one will vote against her. (Except for Jason who will vote for Mama Day). Shelli told Meg that she is going up as a replacement and now DaVonne and Jason believe that it seals DaVonnes fate that she is going home. 7:50 am BBT The BB house is still quiet with all of the house guests still sleeping. There have not been any phone calls in the BB house yet. Who is anxiously waiting for them to start?
  19. 3:00 am - 3:55 am BBT Mostly general chatting. 3:55 am BBT Good Morning USA! Some house guests are still up and talking. Jason is up in the HOH room crying while talking to Shelli and Clay. Shelli and Clay are trying to comfort him letting him know that he has nothing to worry about because he already has relationships in the house and he is an awesome player. Shelli told Jason that they really want to work with him. Jason continues to cry and said that he feels like he has nobody after DaVonne leaves. Shelli said that they have to be here for each other. Jason said that he can’t leave DaVonne alone while she is on the block and that he will be voting for her to stay. Shelli told Jason that she totally gets that he will be hanging out with DaVonne and voting for her. 4:02 am BBT Clay told Jason that he thinks he will be a better player after DaVonne is gone. Clay told Jason he has them to play the game with. Jason said that he totally gets it. Jason gave Shelli and Clay a hug and said from this point on they will talk game and as he left he shut the lights off. Shelli told Clay that she loves Jason; he is such a sweetie pie. Clay told Shelli that it made him mad that she called his relationship with her a flirt thing. 4:06 am BBT Shelli told Clay that she is the type of person that if she has something to say she is going to say it. Clay said that she was abrasive. Shelli is rubbing his back and telling her she didn’t mean to and she is sorry. Clay said that he told her that he is honest. Shelli said that he does not know what he is talking about. 4:08 am BBT In the WA we see Jeff taking a shower while Jackie, James and Meg sit on the lounge talking to him about getting to vote this week. 4:10 am BBT Jackie asked Jeff if they could practice his vote this week so they know what he is going to say. Jeff said that he would tell them but they are going to steal it. Jeff said that he is going to tell Julie that she looks hot. Meg said that it will not be her name that he says. Now they are talking about saying the wrong name at the vote on accident. 4:12 am BBT Jeff is talking about shaving his chest and decided he will do it later then he shut the water off. Jeff said that he will give the guys a kiss on the cheek but that is as far as it will go. James said that he got two kisses on the cheek one from Meg and one from Becky. 4:14 am BBT The WA group is now talking about the photo booth pictures and how bad they turned out. James said that he has a cut on his left butt cheek. Feeds switch to DaVonne and Jason in the BR with the lights off. Jason is still crying and DaVonne is rubbing his back. Jason told her that he does not want her to go and she has been his rock. DaVonne starts crying too and said she knows. 4:17 am BBT DaVonne said that these people are cowards and that she will be cheering for Jason every episode. DaVonne told Jason that he is a piece of hope and that is what kept her sane, this friendship is for life. Jason wanted to slap somebody in the mouth when Becky was telling her story about getting hit by a train and they interrupted. DaVonne told Jason to watch his back because she does not trust one person and she did not want that bitch (Shelli) to see Jason cry. Jason said that he knew what he was going to do when he was going up there. 4:21 am BBT Meg walked in and sat on the bed by Jason and DaVonne. Jason said that it sucks that he just got caught crying upstairs. Jason said up until this point he was chilling and now they lit the fire. Steve walked in and said that him and John were talking about video games. 4:24 am BBT Meg said that it sucks that they are putting up the two closest people. BB just told Jason that the bedroom lights must remain on and Jason said why me because we are all in here. They turned the lights back on and Audrey walked in. Jason is going out to have a cigarette and shut the lights off as he was leaving. The camera follows him outside. 4:26 am BBT DaVonne followed Jason to the back yard and Jason is joking about why BB told him about the lights. DaVonne said that when others walked in it was awkward. Jason told DaVonne that Clay said not to worry because he will not be alone. Jason said that he can’t trust none of these people but he trusts Meg. DaVonne said that he will have to put Jeff up. Jason said that he is going to be annoying as hell saying this is for you mama Da. Jeff walked in the BY and asked if they were just chilling. Jeff joined them on the couch and said if they want him to leave to tell him. 4:30 am BBT Jason said that he can’t believe they did that to Meg. They could have picked anybody in here and they picked Meg. Jason is going to get Audrey’s head on a platter next week. Jason is getting cruel about what he is going to do to Audrey. Jason said that he told Shelli and Clay he gets it and he don’t hold it against them but that bitch (Audrey) he is going after. They are talking about how Audrey is laying low and will be back to her stuff after DaVonne is gone. 4:33 am BBT DaVonne said that putting Meg up next to her is asking her to erupt but she is not going to do that and she is going to live this shit up until Thursday period. Meg joined them on the couch in the BY and Jason told her that she knows that he will be voting against her. Meg said that she knows. DaVonne said that it is a coward move and told Meg that she is the supreme liked person in this house. 4:36 am BBT DaVonne said that she knew at the point when Shelli came and got the others to go upstairs what was going on. DaVonne thinks Shelli is a coward because she lied to her face and could not tell her the truth. Now the BY group is talking about Jace. Jeff is sorry that it has to be DaVonne when it should be Audrey leaving out the door. DaVonne is livid how the devil (Audrey) gets to stay. 4:38 am BBT In the WA James, Becky and Jackie are talking about how it sucks that DaVonne is leaving. Becky did not realize that Shelli and DaVonne were that much apart. The others did not know either. Jeff walked in the WA and James asked if everyone knows. Jeff said that everyone is outside crying and that is why he left. Jeff is telling the others what he was saying to DaVonne. The WA group doesn’t know how DaVonne found out that she was going. The others speculate that it was when they were called upstairs. James is worried that Jason knows now that he lied and they probably hate his guts. Jeff said that this a game and they have to understand they have to protect themselves. 4:43 am BBT James said that he can’t go outside right now because they will blast him. Jeff wonders if Shelli and Clay are up and Jackie said she don’t think so. James wants to go to the HOH room, Jackie said that she is going to bed while Jeff and James head upstairs. Shelli and Clay said whats up guys and James said that all hell is breaking outside. James said that they are trying to find out what is going on. Shelli explains everything that was said to Jason earlier. 4:46 am BBT Jeff thinks that Meg cracked under pressure because she was crying. Jeff said that DaVonne knew if Meg was placed against her it sealed her fate and she doesn’t understand why Audrey is not going home instead of her. Clay is explaining that it was a 50/50 chance and if Becky would have stayed HOH then Audrey would be going home. Shelli explained that Audrey was going to be a back door deal with Becky. Shelli said that she put up a strong target and next week they can get out Audrey. 4:49 am BBT James is explaining that they just wanted to let Shelli and Clay know what is going on outside and that everyone knows. James is worried that the others know he lied to them and he is going to have to deal with that. Clay said that it was not meant to put him in a rough spot. Jeff said that he wanted to play pool but it is so awkward because they are hanging out there. Clay told the others that DaVonne was not a sole target and then he explains what happened when Jason came up to talk to them. 4:52 am BBT Jason and DaVonne are still in the BY on the couch talking about how the others are cowards. Jason said that he told the others the schedule too many times. DaVonne told Jason not to tell them anymore how to study or anything. DaVonne said that she knew James knew because he could not look her in the face then we get FotH. 4:55 am BBT Jason told DaVonne that they told him they will pull him in after DaVonne is gone and he knows their game. Jason said if they want him to be an Andy he will be in everyone’s alliance. DaVonne told Jason not to shed one more tear and Jason said that he won’t. DaVonne said that he is trying to stay positive and something is going to happen with this last laugh thing. Feeds switch to the WA where Jeff, James and Meg are. Meg asked where they were at. Meg is explaining that DaVonne is not mad at them at all she knows that it is Shelli and Clay doing it. 4:58 am BBT Meg explains to James that they are just upset at how it is being done. James wants to go and talk to DaVonne. Meg told him no to let them have their moment and he is not in their thing. James asked Meg if she would crack under pressure and she does not know what he is talking about. James said that he knew that DaVonne knew when she had tears in her eyes. James asked Meg how far she wants to go in the game and Meg said all the way. James told her to get ready for some more tears then. Meg told James not to question how far she wants to go. Meg thinks that it is going to make her a target going on the block. James said that she had no choice and it was Shelli’s plan. 5:04 am BBT Shelli and Clay are in the HOH room with the lights back off and Shelli is going through explaining all of the boyfriends that she had then we get FotH again. 5:05 am BBT Feeds are back showing all four in the WA with Jeff, Meg and James. Jeff is eating something while talking about allegiances. Meg asked Jeff what he is freaking about. Jeff said he is not freaking out about anything. James is freaking out about who will go after Audrey. 5:07 am BBT In the BY Jason and DaVonne are still talking while DaVonne is rubbing Jason’s back. They wonder who will be up watching the feeds right now. Jason said that he would be. DaVonne said why and told us to take our ass to bed (we would if they would). 5:09 am BBT DaVonne told Jason that he is going to last until the end and nobody will remember this week. All feeds switch to the WA with Jeff, James and Meg. They are talking about going to sleep and its 5am. The feeds switch back to Jason and DaVonne in the BY and Jason is crying again. DaVonne told him that he will be okay. Jason is worried about something that he said on the live feeds and it will be on the internet forever. 5:13 am BBT DaVonne told Jason to watch them. Jason said that GinaMarie’s ass needs to go. DaVonne said that she wishes she was in there. DaVonne told him not to talk about her going so he doesn’t drag it out. DaVonne wishes Becky would have put her up. DaVonne said that she was pissed when she (?) got houseguests choice. DaVonne said when she pulled Steve’s name out her heart crumbled. Now they are talking about other seasons of BB. 5:16 am BBT Back in the WA Jeff told James and Meg that there are a lot of weird bromances in this season. Jeff said that they are confusing themselves and they cannot keep attacking one girl. Clay keeps butting in and Jeff is going to have to talk to Clay. Meg said that Clay is trying to work her and it is not going to happen. Jeff and James are teasing Meg. James and Jeff are teasing Meg about kissing. 5:21 am BBT DaVonne and Jason are still in the BY. DaVonne hates to leave but it is kind of going to be good to go because she has been tip toeing around, she has to smile in peoples face that she don’t like. DaVonne wishes they had a room with a boxing ring and she would fight everyone because she isn’t scared of anybody. 5:25 am BBT Jason is still worried about something that he said and he thinks BB is going to hate him now. DaVonne said that she was in her bed trying not to cry she wanted to wait until Thursday and when she leaves the house Jason is the only person that she is hugging and she has no other friends in this house. DaVonne said that she knows that Julie is going to ask her what happened DaVonne said that she will tell her that those people are cowards. 5:28 am BBT In the WA Jeff, James and Meg are still talking about the game and the weeks coming up. Jeff said that the order of eviction has to be Audrey, Austin and then Vanessa. Meg said that if one of them win HOH next week should they waste it on Audrey. Jeff and James both tell her yes. James said that they could get Vanessa and Austin out by using Audrey as a vote. Jeff said that we all saw Audrey goes after the people in her own alliance so they can’t trust her. Meg thinks they should get Vanessa out because Austin is not that smart. Meg thinks Shelli has a relationship with Vanessa. Jeff feels like Austin is a wild card and don’t know what he will do. James said that Austin forgot to give his girlfriend a shout out and they had to remind him. Jeff said that he thinks about his girlfriend before his mom sometimes. James is going to bed for real this time. 5:36 am BBT In the BY DaVonne told Jason that she has told everyone to look out after him after she is gone because everyone will try to jump on him like leaches then we get FotH. 5:39 am BBT DaVonne said that she is probably going to hear it from America because she did not have anything nice to say about Audrey and Steve. DaVonne told BB they need to turn the music up every day until she is gone. DaVonne keeps repeating that she could not fall asleep because she is pissed. Jason asked what he is going to say to the others and DaVonne told him he does not owe nobody any explanation. 5:43 am BBT DaVonne said that she don’t want BB airing her with the scarf on her head and told Jason that he needs to get some sleep. 5:44 am BBT In the WA Jeff and James are looking in the toilet because there is a condom and tampon in there and Jeff said that he is not touching it. Meg said that it is 9am east coast time and her parents are probably watching. Jason and DaVonne walk in the house and head to bed. 5:47 am BBT Jason said goodnight and see them in about an hour. Jeff is flossing his teeth while Meg sits on the couch in the WA asking Jeff why he was freaking out earlier. Jeff said that he was not freaking out earlier. Jeff and Meg are talking about all the guys growing beards. Jeff and Meg head to bed. 5:51 am BBT All four feeds are showing sleeping house guests so it looks like the BB house will be quiet for awhile.
  20. 7:45 am BBT The house guests are sleeping so sound (it would be hilarious if that phone was in place and ringing right now!) 8:15 am BBT We still see sleeping house guests. 8:30 am BBT The BB house is still silent while the house guests get their beauty sleep! 8:45 am BBT Still quiet in the BB house, even Giselle the giraffe is getting some rest in a HN chair.
  21. 5:33 am BBT Good Morning USA and Happy 4th of July! Most of the houseguests are sleeping except for James, Jeff, Meg and Jason. They are all in one bed in the dark telling stories. James is talking about one of his disgusting sex stories and the other houseguests are grossed out. After James is done telling his story he realizes that the cameras are on him and now with live feeders watching and now it is out there on the internet. Conversation changes to bucket list and what the house guests want to do before they die. 5:50 am BBT The conversation changes to what is their worst fear. Jeff’s worst fear is being trapped in a very confined space. Meg’s worst fear is fire, James’s is being stranded in an ocean and thinking that you are about to crash on a plane. 6:01 am BBT The group is breaking up and going to bed leaving Jeff along in his bed. Jason steps outside and is surprised that it is sunny out and wonders what time it is. He went over by the lounge chairs to smoke a cigarette and said happy Fourth of July California. 6:07 am BBT Jason is still outside by himself smoking his cigarette and doing some Jedi training about what days things happened in the house. Jason doesn’t want to go to bed because he does not want to get in that damn chair (in HN room), but he put his cigarette out and went inside to go to bed anyway. As he entered the room he told the others that it is sunny out and they can’t believe it. 6:13 am BBT The HN group are talking about texting each other and how all of the live feeders are getting to know them as well as them getting to know each other. Meg said that being a HN is horrible and James replied that they volunteered for it. Meg said never again. James is wondering if the next HOH will put them up as a HN again. The bed is the worst for Meg and Jason hates the slop. James has not had very much to eat since being a HN. Jason asked us live feeders to give them food on Wednesday. Jason would sleep in the bed the whole time if he could get a slop pass because now he said he is okay with sleeping in the chair. 6:17 am BBT All is quiet in the BB house now with the houseguests sleeping. 6:30 am BBT Other than some tossing and turning, all is still quiet in the BB house with all the house guests sleeping. 6:45 am BBT The only action in the BB house is the HN’s tossing and turning in their chairs. 6:58 am BBT Still quiet in the BB house. 7:27 am BBT House guests are still sleeping.
  22. 12:08am BBT Hey all, Its nomination time! Who would you like to see on the block? 12:23am BBT The feeds are still on FOTH as the anticipation builds to see who is going to be put on the chopping block.
  23. 4:45am BBT Da’Vonne, James and Jason are in the BY talking about Audrey and how she is a manipulator. Da’Vonne is worried that if they go after her to get her out, America will hate them because of her story. Jason explains that there will be lovers and haters out there and not to worry about it. 4:50am BBT Steve finished eating in the KT and headed outside to sit by the others. Discussion changed to sleeping arrangements and how James is going to sleep in the HOH room because he is going to have to give it up soon. Discussion turns to double eviction and how the HOH does not get the room they just get a basket. James is explaining that the pictures that are given to them are not real pictures they are printed on picture paper. 4:53am BBT They head inside, Steve went to bed and the others are in the KT whispering. Da’Vonne said Audrey can’t win and Austin can’t win. James said 8 of them in the group, 7 of them have a chance to win and questions who they should go for. Da’Vonne is going to put Austin up if she wins and she will back door Becky. 4:55am BBT They walk over to the memory wall and start pointing out who has to go. Jason said his picture looks like he has a tattoo on his eye. James thinks Jeff’s picture looks like a real estate agent. James said that at least they found out there is a snake in the yard. James said that if he gets hoh again he is putting out the snake (Audrey) and he will make up a song for her. Jason said that he will put Vanessa out if he wins hoh because she has not even said hello to him and every time that Vanessa says that people in the house are horrible Jason feels like she is talking about just him. Da’Vonne said that they need to make sure they take color all the way to the end. Jason points out that the only two chicks not showing their teeth in the pictures are Liz and Audrey. James said yea snakes. Jason asked the other two who told Austin that putting a pony tail in his beard is okay. He thinks that he should have to shave it. The three of them agree that Austin, Liz, Steve, Audrey, Vanessa and Becky have to go before Jury starts. 5:02am BBT They end their discussions and go to bed.
  24. 10:30pm BBT Jason was called to the DR. Audrey, Jeff and Clay are by the pool table. Other houseguests are wondering around the BY. 10:36pm BBT Jace Austin and Liz are in the house talking about Jeff is really trying to be strategic and how they are thinking about back dooring James. Austin thinks that Audrey is very close to James. Austin told Jace to shush Becky next time she starts talking. Austins goal tonight is to talk to James one on one. Austin told them about catching Steve listening at the door. Jace said that he is the only person that smokes weed in the house. Austin left the room. Jace said that if they don’t put him up this week he will win HOH next week and Liz can win the week after. Liz thought Becky was cool but Jace don’t understand why she keeps shushing him. 10:43pm BBT Jackie was just called to the DR. Jace is now in the BY by Audrey, Meg and Jeff saying that he went on the weed rant because he was talking about it and Becky shushed him and it made him mad. Jace said that he had a conversation with Becky about it and told her that it needs to stop. 10:47pm BBT Jace is still talking about Becky shushing him and how it is the most disrespectful thing that anyone can do. Jace said that he can’t take it anymore. Meg wants to be there when he does something about it to Becky because she wants to watch. Audrey told Jace not to do anything to Becky then she told him to saran wrap her to the have not chair. 10:50pm BBT James walked up and Audrey told Jace to ask James what he would do and James just said “long hair don’t care” then Meg starts laughing (that is going to be part of James speech at the POV ceremony). 10:53pm BBT Meg and Jace are teasing James that he has King Power this week. Jace thinks that BB put him and Becky in the house because they are polar opposites and the others are teasing him that they will end up in a showmance. 10:56pm BBT Jace is still going on about Becky shushing him. 10:59pm BBT In the KT Steve, Liz and Becky are talking about different kinds of alcohol and their experiences drinking. 11:00pm BBT Audrey and Meg are talking the live feeds and asking us to record this moment, upload it and put it out to share it. They call James over and he said "Taylor Swift I am in love with you" he has a BB ring and he got down on his knees and proposed to Taylor Swift. James would die if he gets a message from Taylor. Audrey thinks that the viewers are going to share it and it will get thousands of hits. 11:08pm BBT Jeff told Austin that they have to protect Jace. Austin said that he has been telling him to chill. 11:12pm BBT Jeff said that one of them have to get HOH next week and take out the puppet master. Austin said that he knows because she is crazy and he has to sleep in a room with her. 11:14pm BBT Steve is in the KT talking to Liz about trying to be more social. Jace is in the KT too and asking about the live feeds and how they work so Steve is explaining it to him. 11:16pm BBT In the BY Jeff and Austin are playing pool while the others are in the background laughing and talking. Jeff told Austin that they have to lay low. 11:25pm BBT houseguests are still in the BY general chatting. 11:26pm BBT James is in the WA telling Shelli in the shower that he proposed to Taylor Swift on the live feeds. 11:28pm BBT James and Austin are in the KT now and Austin asked what he is thinking then Jace walked in so James said that he was thinking of throwing Austin up (joking). James asked Jace and Austin if they can get Liz on board with the votes. Austin said that Vanessa wants to work with them and whatever numbers James needs they can make it work. Jace guarantees James that whoever he chooses they can rally the votes. James said that he has not talked to the others. Austin and Jace are telling James they are going to win and they have the numbers. Steve walked in and talking stopped. 11:41pm BBT James is in the HOH room telling Jason and Da about Jace and Austin are going to try and rally up votes. Da said that she doesn’t think that they have John. James said that Austin and Jace are thinking they are on board about back dooring Jason. Da said that this veto ceremony is going to be fire, the greatest blindside ever. 11:45pm BBT Audrey walked in the HOH room. James is telling the HOH group that Austin and Jace were talking crap about Steve. Jason said that they don’t have Johnny’s vote. Jason is telling Audrey that Austin and Jace are still aiming at Jason. Audrey said that she was trying to feel out Vanessa but kept getting eight ball answers. Jason said that Austin and Jace are supposed to be sending Liz to him to discuss her vote. 11:48pm BBT Jason thinks the ceremony will be tomorrow. James doesn’t want to come off being the villain in his speech. 11:50pm BBT James said that the HOH group don’t have anything to worry about and he will take the heat and then he left the room. Audrey is telling Da and Jason that Austin had a conversation with James about getting votes to backdoor Jason. Becky walked in the HOH room and talked changed. Becky said that it is raining outside. 11:53pm BBT In the SR James is talking to Meg and Jeff. Meg said there is a girls alliance going on. Jeff said that he never cheated on Jackie because he never dated her and she is weird and don’t know if he can trust her. Jeff was just called out by BB to put on his mic. Jeff said that the hardest thing right now is kissing Austin’s a*s and wants him to stay away from him. Jeff wants to get rid of Jackie because he thinks she is the problem. James told Meg to go up to the HOH room and talk about the four girls alliance. 11:57pm BBT Jeff told James that he knows they hate Liz but if he wins HOH next week he has to get Austin out. They leave the SR and go in the KT where Da is sitting by herself not saying a word. 11:59pm BBT Vanessa and Jace are playing pool and Vanessa told Jace that she does not want to go up. Jace said that she is not going up and he has her. Jace said that he is going to sleep in the HN room tonight. Vanessa told him not to . 12:03am BBT Clay, Jeff, Shelli and Jackie are in the BY hammock talking. Jeff asked Shelli if she knows anything about Becky trying to make an alliance with girls. Jackie said that she is out of the loop because she is on the block. Jackie is mad at Jeff for even questioning her and that Jeff is being paranoid. Jackie said that Jeff is the only person that she trusts in the house. Jeff is going to tell James that Becky has not approached Jackie about an alliance. 12:08am BBT Jeff told Jackie that he don’t like the alliance he is in right now but he needs the numbers to get rid of the people that he don’t like. Jeff told Jackie to start hanging out with Audrey, Jason, James and Da. Jackie said that Audrey came up to her and said that she is not bringing anything up about Becky and that Audrey started talking shi* about Da and Jason. Jeff said that Audrey is running this whole house. Jackie said that she told Audrey she has no game right now because she is on the block. 12:11am BBT Jeff and Jackie will go talk to James together about it. Jeff said that he thinks Audrey is starting made up drama and she is trying to get the people out that she don’t like without getting blood on her hands. Jackie said that Audrey is going against all her people. Jeff is going to talk to Clay because Clay trusts Audrey a lot for some reason. Jeff asked Jackie to go and talk to James now. She is to go in and he will follow her in shortly. 12:16am BBT James is in the KT cutting stuff up for breakfast and other house guests are wondering about the house so Jeff and Jackie can’t talk to him right now. 12:18am BBT Vanessa and Austin are in the HN room talking. Vanessa said that she don’t want to be in the middle of any shi*. Becky walked in the HN room and Vanessa told her that she can’t hang out there anymore because it is so awkward. Becky said that she shushed Jace and regretted that she did it right after it was done. Austin said that it is okay and he will talk to Jace. Becky said that she don’t want to make anyone upset so she is going to wait for him to cool down and then apologize (she left the room). Austin is telling Vanessa that they are going to try and backdoor Jason right now. Vanessa said that they have her vote. Austin said that he needs to start talking more to Meg and Jeff. Austin told Vanessa that no one has any idea how close they are. Vanessa said that Audrey is smart. 12:23am BBT Vanessa was going to tell Austin about a rumor that Audrey is saying but Jace and Liz walked in so conversation stopped. Austin told Jace that Becky wants to apologize. Jace said that it cannot continue because it is very frustrating. 12:25am BBT Jace said that he knows that this is a game but Becky has to respect him. Jace said that Da is the issue and asks what her deal is. Vanessa is telling Jace not to be over emotional or he will put a target on his back. Jace is telling Austin and Vanessa if anyone is going to fu*k with him they are going on the block. 12:29am BBT In the SR Becky is talking to Audrey about Austin being super cool and how she went to Austin and told him that she feels really bad about what she did to Jace. Audrey asked Becky if she threw her under the bus. Becky said not even close. Audrey said that she walked in when Jace was saying stuff about Becky and told her not to worry about it. 12:32am BBT Back in the HN room Vanessa is telling Jace that everyone can hear anything said in that room. The feeds change to Audrey and James in the KT talking about the Becky and Jace issue then Becky walked in the room and Audrey changed the subject to sex. 12:35am BBT Back in the HN room Jace and Austin are talking about Da being sketchy. Jace said that only so many excuses can be made why to target someone. Austin said that they just need to worry about winning the HOH next week. Austin opened the door and Steve was on the other side. Steve walked in the HN room and asked what is going on. Vanessa said that it is a weird night that’s all. 12:37am BBT Steve said that he thinks there is weirdness going on. Steve told Jace that he is a smart person and he is a great guy. Jace said that he has a feeling that Steve is going to find someone in the next 48 months and have little Steves. Steve said that social skills have never been his strong point. 12:40am BBT Jace said that he was put in the BB house to not follow rules. 12:42am BBT Jace said that he is very heavy ADHD and he is not going to change for no body. Feeds switch to Meg and Jeff talking about winning the game. 12:44am BBT Feeds switch back to the HN room with Jace saying that he does not have a filter and he reads the bible. Jace said whoever this dude is that created everything is very happy with them. Feeds then switch to the BY with Da, Audrey and Jason talking about Jace yelling about Becky. 12:47am BBT Audrey said that she told Becky to go to James and then James went to Austin and now the drama is not on them anymore. 12:48am BBT Da asked Jason and Audrey if she could share something with them and then we get Foth so we missed what she had to say. The feeds came back to them talking about Jackie Jeff Shelli and Clay talking being in the BY talking. They think that John and Becky have something going on. Jason said that John said he has no idea what is going on. Jason and Da both said that John knows they are not talking to him. 12:51am BBT Jason said that he walked in the KT when James was in there and said whats up to James and James did not say anything to him. Da is telling them that Liz apologized to her. Audrey said that Liz said that to her too. Da said that others are coaching her because Liz is not smart enough to play the game. Da said that someone keeps talking to her but she wants to smack him in the face (not sure who). 12:54am BBT Feeds switch to Becky and James in the SR talking about Jace and what Becky did to him and how she apologized to him and how they hugged it out and then how Jace was drinking a lot of the wine and how she stopped him from getting more and how Jace got mad about it. Becky said that Jace keeps talking bad about her and she wants Jace out. James asked who could be rallied up for votes if he puts Jace on the block. Becky said that she would not put James on the block if he puts Jace up. Jason said that it is a good option and if he does put Jace up he is doing Becky a favor. Becky said 150% she will not even come to him later as a pawn and James said sweet then they left the SR. 1:02am BBT Feeds switch to BY with Da, Jason and Audrey. They are talking about breaking up the pairs. Da said that they have to get rid of Jackie and Shelli because they are part of a foursome and a trio for the all girls alliance. Audrey wants to go and sabotage the hammock room. Jason said that Clay and Jeff are telling Jackie what to say and do. 1:06am BBT Da, Audrey and Jason are going to go inside to see where everyone is at. 1:07am BBT Audrey went in where Shelli, Clay and Jackie are talking and Audrey said there is a dark moon over the BB house. Audrey is telling them about the conversation with Da and Jason talking about them on the hammock earlier talking. Audrey said that there could be a possibility that Da said it to try and get Audrey to turn against them. Audrey said that her relationship with Da right now is like a clingy girlfriend and Da is part of the reason there was all that drama. Audrey said luckily the tension is on other people right now. 1:10am BBT Audrey is talking about everything that Da and Jason were saying outside. 1:12am BBT Audrey told Clay, Shelli and Jackie to go in a public room so Da doesn’t think they are in an alliance. Feeds switch to James and Liz talking about the numbers for votes. Liz said that she will vote his way. Liz said that she was planning on talking to James because she wants to work with him. James can’t take her seriously because he is so used to her being bubbly and her personality is not matching. Liz said that she is trying to lay low. James is asking if Liz was in the hammock room when that stuff went down with Da and he don’t understand how he got dragged into it. 1:17am BBT In the hammock room Vanessa is telling Audrey, Jackie and Shelli that she feels like emotions are on edge right now. Vanessa is finding herself being stressed because the energy is so high and there is so much drama and rumors flying around. Audrey said there are some funny conspiracy theories out there. 1:20am BBT Vanessa does not like drama and does not feed drama. She does not know where to go in the house to have some alone time. Now just general conversation going on in the hammock room. 1:23am BBT In the WA Jace asked John where his head is at. John said about who is going up, no one tells him. Austin is going to get one more protein. Jace leaves the WA and John is left in there flossing his teeth. James called to the DR. 1:27am BBT In the HOH room Da, Meg, Jeff and Jason are talking about Steve and how he has been acting. Da has to go and get her mic that she left in the WA. The others are left in the HOH room talking about skittles and m&m’s. Meg said that if Steve gets HOH who would he put up. The others don’t know. 1:29am BBT Da is back in the HOH room and Becky followed her in there. Jeff is talking about Jace asking him if Becky ever shushed him. Becky is telling them about her apology to Jace. 1:32am BBT In the HN room Vanessa, Liz and Austin are talking about after the ceremony something is going to happen. Liz said that Steve keeps listening to conversations. Vanessa said that Steve should not be just walking into rooms if it is not his room then we get FOTH. 1:35am BBT Feeds are back and Vanessa said that Audrey told her she dreamed that Vanessa won HOH so she thinks it will come true. The Have-nots talk about the things they have no control over right now. James entered the HN room and they ask if he was going to sleep with them again and he said no but he sat in a seat to chat. Jace walked in the HN room and asked James if he is sleeping in there. Jace said there is a lot of negativity today. Jace told James that Becky apologized and now they are cool. 1:40am BBT The HN group are talking about the movie Bring it On. The HOH room is talking about food and petroleum jelly. 1:41am BBT Clay, Audrey and Shelli are in the WA talking about Becky and Jackie. Shelli said that she don’t talk to anybody about Becky. They are trying to figure out who said what to who. Clay asked Audrey if he got Shelli off the block and Audrey said that they did not give a f**k about Clay’s opinion and Audrey is the one that told them not to nominate Shelli. 1:46am BBT Shelli said that Jackie came up to them to talk about it and she said it was James. Audrey said that she talked about it but she can’t remember to who. Audrey said that Vanessa says the same thing about Becky that she doesn’t have anyone. Clay said that Becky is not in an alliance. 1:50am BBT Audrey left the WA and Shelli asked Clay what is wrong with him. They talk about the name and color of Shelli’s dog. Shelli is going to bed and told Clay to take a shower. 1:52am BBT Jace is in the BR and told Clay everybody is a bunch of sketchballs. Clay goes to take a shower. Austin followed Clay in the WA and asked Clay who they are going to take out. Austin thinks it is Da spreading stuff and telling Audrey stuff. Clay said that he feels clueless. Austin said that he thinks Audrey is getting played by Da. Austin said that James told him it looks like Jason is going up. They will talk tomorrow and Austin leaves the room. 1:56am BBT Jace is in the BR talking to Audrey and told her that she is fine and at this point he wants to just chill and relax then discussion turned to wearing glasses and contacts. Austin walked in the room and they are talking about how he is wearing his clothes. Austin is going to bed. Jace said he is going to bed. The others are in the WA getting ready for bed.



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