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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 8:42 pm BBT Gary and Ika came into the BB house today and Brittnee said that Ika was so pretty and nice and they are discussing Gary’s age. The four houseguests are talking about how the houseguests treated Ika when she was on BB. Sarah hopes that BB does not take the Champaign.
  2. 8:00-8:30 pm BBT the feeds are back and the houseguests are dressed up in formal clothes. Ashleigh, Godfrey and Brittnee are in the HoH room discussing the first days in the house and Godfrey shaving his beard. Godfrey was called to the DR and Sarah walked in the HoH room and told Ashleigh and Brittnee that there was spaghetti made but Brittnee said she is not hungry so Sarah leaves the room. Brittnee and Ashleigh are talking about Willow and her high energy and they think her friends must have high energy too. Brittnee told Ashleigh that she don’t like when Sarah drinks, she loves the girl to death and she is proud of her making final three, but the rest of them are not there. Ashleigh is giving Brittnee a pep talk about knowing how she feels. They have not had the noms yet because Ashleigh said that they could be tomorrow morning and the PoV could be tomorrow night. Ashleigh and Brittnee are physically and emotionally drained. Brittnee said that her dress is beautiful and she is grateful for whoever picked it for her.
  3. 10:50 am BBT Sarah is taking a bath. It looks like Ashleigh and Godfrey are sleeping on the HoH couches and Brittnee is lying in the HoH Bed with her eyes closed. BB must have given up on telling them to wake up. 10:57 am BBT Brittnee got up and went into the wash area to talk to Sarah who is blowing bubbles while she is taking her bath.
  4. 8:50 am BBT Good Morning Canada! And they are up! Brittnee, Sarah and Godfrey that is, Ashleigh is still in bed. Sarah is making coffee and putting away the dishes from the dishwasher. Godfrey and Brittnee were in the storage room talking about the comp yesterday. Brittnee said that if you were no on the block during this game you would not have known the answers and that is why Ashleigh did not do good. 8:57 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are discussing what they want to eat for breakfast. 9:10 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the kitchen discussing the houseguests that left and the time that Kevin put Brittnee on the block. 9:13 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are discussing the jury’s reaction will be when Zach and Pilar walk in. Sarah just realized that she won’t experience the jury house. They are discussing sending Pilar out and Sarah said either way it had to be done. 9:19 am BBT Brittnee said that she is so screwed on her day thing (remembering what days things happened for comps). Sarah told her that she just has to study and hope that Ashleigh gets flustered. 9:20 am BBT We see Ashleigh get up out of bed and head to the wash area to start her makeup and hair routine when the feeds go to FotH. 9:23 am BBT The feeds are back and now Godfrey is in the kitchen with Sarah and Brittnee. Godfrey filled a pitcher of water and he is taking it to the storage room to put ice in it. 9:25 am BBT Ashleigh has made her way to the kitchen and is sitting at the counter. No one is talking at the moment. 9:26 am BBT Brittnee just said 45 minutes (we don’t know what that means but something is going to happen in 45 minutes). 9:29 am BBT BB just told the houseguests to go to the HOH room so they are gathering their food and drinks and heading that way. 9:33 am BBT All is quiet in the HoH room. They are just lying around and not talking (possibly what Brittnee meant by 45 minutes is the time they are going to be locked in the HoH room?) BB just told them to please wake up nap time is over. 9:36 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the HoH bed talking about cameras, pawnshops and pictures. Godfrey and Ashleigh are lying on the couch just listening. 9:38 am BBT They hear noises from down stairs and they are speculating that BB is moving the couches. 9:43 am BBT There is just general chatter going on about someone that Sarah knows that has a baby. Ashleigh is joining in the conversation but she has a pillow in front of her and it is hard to make out what she is saying. 9:47 am BBT Brittnee is quietly studying the days that things happened in the BB house. 9:54 am BBT Brittnee was still studying when BB told Ashleigh and Godfrey to please wake up nap time is over. 9:55 am BBT Brittnee just realized that Godfrey has been on the block four times. Ashleigh said after this week it will be five. Brittnee said the difference is that he was on the block as a target and she was originally on there as a seat filler. 9:58 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are talking about Sarah not going to the jury house and when they get out of the BB house they want to go to the bars and go shopping and to Sarah’s work. 10:10 am BBT There is absolutely nothing going on in the HoH room except for BB telling them to please wake up nap time is over. 10:17 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are whispering and it sounds like they are studying the days again. 10:24 am BBT Brittnee got up to go and put on her makeup in the HoH wash area. 10:34 am BBT Brittnee is done putting on her makeup and the others are still lying around not saying a word. 10:39 am BBT Brittnee just finished brushing her teeth and now Sarah is filling up the tub to take a bath. 10:41 am BBT Sarah grabbed a couple of her pictures and her bubbles and took them in the wash area.
  5. 3:15 pm-4:15 pm BBT Brittnee heads up to the HOH room and Zach followed her. When they entered the room Brittnee said that she is frustrated because she put in all of this work and no matter what she is probably going to go next week unless she can win something and Sarah is sitting really good right now. Zack said listen he knows she probably though it over (what he said last night about her saving him) and probably said it’s crazy and I can’t do it but he sees the game player in her. Brittnee interrupts and said you are so funny are you giving me a pep talk right now. Zach said no I’m just talking to you realistically and the more that he thinks about the situation the more it makes so much more since and the reason being is that her and Ashleigh essentially vote him out and then they are both sitting in the worst position in the game. Godfrey, Sarah and Pilar sit in the best positions in the game after this week if he goes and Brittnee should know that. Brittnee said that she knows Sarah sits in a good position because as far as she is concerned the other girls see Brittnee as a threat. Zach agrees and said this is what he is saying to Ashleigh too if he stays in the game they both (Brittnee and Ashleigh) go from the worst position in the game in the final five to the best position with him still in the game. Brittnee said not really because Zach still sees her as a threat and he would never want to go to the final three with her. Zach interrupts and said not really if she saved him he would tie his loyalties to that moving forward with them and he said if he moves on in this game he would have to win out to stay and he would expect next week if Brittnee won to put him up and it would keep Ashleigh safe that is why she does this vote and he would go home. He also expects in the final four if anybody wins that final veto he goes. Brittnee said and if he wins then he would put up Sarah and Godfrey and one of them comes down. Zach said you go up and Ashleigh still votes and Brittnee still stays safe next week no matter what if he wins. Brittnee said either way it is a risk for her. Zach said that it is an absolute risk but right now it is either she votes with her heart or she votes with her head. Brittnee said that she is still voting with her head if she votes him out and at the end of the day she can’t win sitting next to him no one in this house can. Zach said but her chances of getting there are so much higher and he would have to win next week to survive and he would have to win all of the HoH’s in the final because no one would take her. He said that Ashleigh said next week if she won she would take him out. Brittnee said that she doesn’t have it in her because if she didn’t have it in her this week she wouldn’t have it in her next week. Zach said that she wouldn’t take him in the final four if she won that veto she would take the other people he guarantees it. Brittnee said that she don’t she is playing the loyal card right now it’s like she has stayed loyal to him this entire game. Zach said that she is realizing right now that she is dead in the water if she doesn’t keep someone in front of her and he thinks Brittnee is realizing that too and he wants them to make this play to save themselves because there is only a week left in this game. Brittnee said so it is like beyond keeping a big target in front of you and that is exactly her point there is only a week left in this game Zach said that is three situations where he would have to win every single one to live. He explains that his chance of living in this game is to win all the comps. Brittnee said or Ashleigh winning. Zach said that if Ashleigh won then Brittnee would be safe. Brittnee don’t think that Ashleigh would keep her safe. Zach said (twice) that he would have control of that and he could keep her safe if Ashleigh won he knows he could. Brittnee said that she was so happy because she was about to get Brittnee out. Zach said (again) that he could keep her safe and he knows that she might think that he is lying right now but he don’t have any reason to because all he would have is the two people that kept him in this game. (Again) he said that he would keep her safe next week. Brittnee said but that would be going against the others (Sarah and Godfrey). Zach said he knows it is the most ridiculous move. Brittnee said that she is thinking about it but no matter what she feels screwed. Zach wonders how she would feel screwed if he stayed in the game and she said because she would get taken out. He told her next week she would not get taken out; there is no situation where she would get taken out next week. Zach goes through the scenario’s of others that will be going next week. Brittnee said that she don’t know if she can do it and she just thinks either way she is screwed they are both targets and she just feels frustrated right now because she has played the shit out of this game so let’s be real. Zach said that is why he don’t want her to stop now he wants her to play the shit out of this game until the end and this is the ridiculous hard move but it is the smartest move for her it really is because every single week from here on out he goes home if he don’t win and she stays in this game it’s like a massive shield sitting in front of her and if he wins or Ashleigh does he will keep her safe. Then they talk about Sarah has been in the best position because she hasn’t to win and Brittnee has won all of them and they have been her decisions and Zach wanted to send Brittnee home and Brittnee has put Zach on the block twice. Then Sarah walked in and interrupted the conversation to bring them fresh batteries for their mic’s and then she left. Zach told Brittnee that he wants her to keep kicking it around and she said that she is and it is not emotional it is just who she is and to do a move like that goes against who she is to throw someone and she gets that what this game is about and she don’t know how to explain it but she did not come to BB to be someone that she is not. Zach told her that she has been the person that has done moves to put herself in good positions and he doesn’t see why that should stop now. Brittnee explained that it would go against her word that she gave Pilar because she said she would keep her and she explains to Zach that she can’t beat him in the end. Zach told her it makes her odds so much better getting to the end of the game. Zach said that he don’t care who he takes forward and he is going to take the people that saved him in this game. They discuss the chop shop and how Zach stayed loyal to them and if Ashleigh would take Zach to the final four (Brittnee said she would and Zach said that she wouldn’t). Brittnee said it doesn’t make since that Zach tells her not to play emotional but said he would keep her if she saved him. Zach told Brittnee again that moving forward in this game she sets herself in a better position if she saves him and she told him he has made good points. Zach told Brittnee if she is willing to take his offer he is willing to offer it because his back is against the wall and told her to think about it that is all he is saying. Brittnee said that she has been thinking about it. Zach said the easy play is to vote him out. Brittnee said that either way is hard and it has been and will be an uphill battle as much as anyone wants to say she has been a floater. Zach said that no one is saying she is a floater. Brittnee said people do and Zach responded yea and her and Ashleigh either make this play and propel themselves to the final four or they don’t make this play and chance it on winning comps and he will respect either move and he will always be the number one target. Brittnee said that she is playing the best game that she can play and Zach responded that he knows she is and that is why she is considering his offer. They both go back and forth a few more times about it being a risky move and that they are both targets and then Sarah walked in again interrupting the conversation so they start talking about food and how it is day 62 in the BB house. Sarah said if they want to talk she can put the headphones in and they both tell her no she is good. 4:34 pm BBT Sarah, Brittnee and Pilar are in the HOH room talking about Zach’s plea to Brittnee and then Brittnee told Pilar that she gave her her word that she is keeping her. Sarah doesn’t want Brittnee to be stressed out because of Zach trying to manipulate her. The three are now discussing Ashleigh and they don’t know where she is at.
  6. 8:30 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are still out in the BB house and the houseguests are still sleeping. 8:45 am BBT There is nothing new to report, the lights are still out and the houseguests are still sleeping. 8:56 am BBT The houseguests are still snoozing. 9:00 am BBT Last night before bed Zach was making a pitch to Brittnee to get her to flip her vote and she told him that he was making some good points. Wonder if his campaigning will work? 9:15 am BBT The lights are still out and the houseguests are still sleeping. 9:30 am BBT BB has not turned the lights on yet, it looks like the houseguests get to sleep in this morning. 9:38 am BBT All of the feeds just went to FotH. 9:50 am BBT We are still waiting for the feeds to come back up. 9:53 am BBT The feeds are back up but the lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping. 9:54 am BBT The lights are now on in the BB house! 9:58 am BBT All of the houseguests are still sleeping. 10:07 am BBT Just a little bit of tossing and turning going on. No eyes are open yet. 10:11 am BBT Godfrey is awake and sitting up in his bed. 10:16 am BBT Brittnee is now up and she used the clothes that she was covered up with to cover up Zach and then she left the have-not room. 10:18 am BBT Pilar is now up and out of bed. Godfrey is still sitting up in his bed and it looks like he is just thinking. 10:24 am BBT Brittnee is now up in the HOH room telling Sarah about Zach’s pitch to her last night. Brittnee said that she respects Zach’s campaigning. Brittnee said that Zach got her in for about 2.5 seconds and then she was over it. Brittnee said that she feels like she hasn’t had control of anything and she would rather stay true to who she is as a person. 10:27 am BBT Sarah said it is not a loyalty versus logic thing and you have to be logic first. Sarah said that if she votes to keep Zach then Godfrey will also vote to keep Zach and he won’t be able to keep everyone safe. Brittnee told Sarah that Zach said that he would take her (Brittnee) to final two and Zach doesn’t think he has Godfrey’s vote. Sarah said that he can’t use the argument that Brittnee is such a threat. 10:30 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are talking about getting blood on their hands. Brittnee said that it was nice that Zach campaigned and she found it interesting that he campaigned to her. Sarah told Brittnee if she thinks it is better for her game then do it. Brittnee told Sarah that she does not think it is better for her game. 10:31 am BBT Brittnee found Zach’s campaign entertaining and she is wondering if she has too much faith in Godfrey. 10:32 am BBT Brittnee said that she would rather take the chance in sending Zach home and having to win the HoH next. Brittnee is not going to spill the beans to Zach about Godfrey so that Zach could go back to Godfrey and tell him. 10:35 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach’s arguments are interesting. Sarah said that he may be right that they might not be able to trust Godfrey but they know they can’t trust Zach and Zach has fared much better in the challenges. 10:36 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach is putting Godfrey in a comfortable position by saying he is playing for second. Sarah said they are going to put them up anyway because it is that point in the game. Brittnee told Sarah that Zach is wondering if Brittnee and Sarah have a final two or if they would cut each other. 10:38 am BBT Sarah said obviously when someone is as close as they are there is a final two deal. Brittnee said if she was more intimidated then Zach’s argument would have worked on her. 10:42 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah talked about BBUSA last year and then talk turned back to how Zach campaigned to her. 10:44 am BBT Brittnee said that she would not have made it this far if it wasn’t for Sarah working with her. Brittnee said that she told Zach that she has been a target. Brittnee said that his whole campaign is contradicting. 10:47 am BBT Brittnee is going to risk it and get rid of Zach and go into next week. Sarah said that Zach is a better competitor than Pilar so why would they keep Zach. Talk between Sarah and Brittnee turned to the dreams that they had. 10:50 am BBT Brittnee said she needs a dream dictionary stat. 10:51 am BBT Pilar is in the KT eating and just looking around the room. 10:53 am BBT Brittnee is telling Sarah about her past boyfriends and jobs. 10:55 am BBT Pilar is back in the main bedroom lying on her bed. Ashleigh is lying on her bed too and neither one of them are saying anything. 10:58 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are talking about the other houseguests and how they were so good at faking it how they acted. 11:13 am BBT Pilar is in the shower, Ashleigh is putting on her makeup, Godfrey and Zach are out by the hot tub. Sarah and Brittnee are still in the HOH room talking about how everyone in the jury hates them and they are talking about how Pilar and Ashleigh have played this game. 11:18 am BBT Brittnee told Sarah that she hopes Godfrey comes up to her and asks her about Zach. 11:19 am BBT Sarah is sitting on the HoH bed reading her letter from Scott 11:20 am BBT Pilar finished her shower and she is shaving her armpits while Ashleigh is still putting on her makeup. 11:22 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are talking about someone that Brittnee knows and Sarah can’t wait to meet him. 11:23 am BBT Feed two switched to the hot tub area where Zach is now gone and Godfrey got up out of the sun and sat on one of the chairs in the shade. Zach came back out and laid back in the sun. Godfrey told him that he was burning and asked if there was any more sunscreen. 11:25 am BBT Now Godfrey and Zach are both lying in the sun. 11:29 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are still in the HOH room talking about people that Brittnee knows. Zach and Godfrey are lying in the sun by the hot tub with no talking going on.
  7. 1:30 am BBT Zach and Brittnee had a late night discussion in the have not room. Zach is pitching to Brittnee that he would be loyal and keep safe the two people that vote him to stay. He told Brittnee it comes down to being loyal to Sarah or being a good game player. Zach said that all she has going into next week (Wed) is herself playing for HoH because if he is gone she is the next big target, but if he stays because of her vote then Him and Ashleigh will keep her safe and get out Godfrey and Sarah. Him and Ashleigh will take Brittnee to the final three. He said it is all about percentages and she has a better chance of not going home next week if he stays in the game to keep her safe. Brittnee said that he is making a good pitch and she is going to think about what he has said. They turn with their backs to each other and we see Zach lying there with his eyes open and at 1:51 all talk has stopped and the lights go out.
  8. 5:42 pm BBT There has been absolutely nothing going on this past hour except for general chatting between Ashleigh and Zach in the main bedroom about fast food and Ashleigh’s first time getting drunk. Brittnee, Pilar and Sarah are in the HOH room talking about movies and how they will feel after they get out of the BB house. The last sight of Godfrey was in the WA sitting on the bench. They are all just waiting for the PoV ceremony to take place.
  9. 8:50 am BBT Good Morning Canada! Yes, the feeds are up and so are the houseguests! Ashleigh is lying in her bed alone, Zach is lying out by the hot tub, and Pilar, Sarah and Brittnee are in the HOH room lying in the bed talking about last night. Godfrey is in the main bedroom getting dressed. 8:56 am BBT Ashleigh is up and in the shower. 8:59 am BBT Godfrey has entered the HOH room as Brittnee was getting up out of bed and left the room. Sarah told Godfrey she is going to make a tea and lie outside. Godfrey asked if they think the ceremony will be later or early. Sarah said it is usually pretty early. 9:01 am BBT Godfrey said it is so cold in the HOH room. Brittnee went out by the hot tub and sat by where Zach is lying but there is nothing being said yet that we hear. Brittnee got up and said that she is going to change. 9:03 am BBT In the HOH room Pilar is still in bed with her eyes closed, Sarah is up out of bed and getting dressed and Godfrey is lying on the floor. Brittnee is in the main bedroom looking through her clothes for something to wear (she is not feeling good from drinking too much last night) 9:07 am BBT Brittnee walked in the wash area and asked Ashleigh (who is now doing her makeup) how she feels and then went in the shower stall to change clothes. 9:10 am BBT Brittnee went back into the HOH room where Godfrey is still on the floor and Pilar is still in the bed. Sarah is in the HoH wash area doing her makeup. Pilar climbed out of bed and grabbed her water bottle and left the room. She went into the wash area where Ashleigh is putting on makeup and Pilar told Ashleigh that she looks nice. Pilar said that she can’t find her flowered romper. Brittnee walked into the wash area and Pilar told her that she looks nice too. Brittnee is talking about how that beer that they drank last night is making her feel today and that BB loves to mess with them. Pilar is brushing her teeth. 9:14 am BBT Pilar is going to get shorts on while Ashleigh and Brittnee put on makeup. Sarah is up in the HoH room cleaning up a bit and putting her stuff together. Godfrey is lying on the floor still. 9:19 am BBT Pilar, Ashleigh and Brittnee in the wash area all putting on makeup while Sarah is down in the KT. 9:20 am BBT Pilar is done and said that she is going outside and Ashleigh said that she will be right there. Godfrey is now heading out to the hot tub right behind Pilar. The sun is out so Pilar is lying by the hot tub and Godfrey is sitting in one of the chairs. Zach is still lying in the sun but hasn’t said anything yet. 9:24 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the KT. Brittnee is emptying the dishwasher and Sarah is now helping. 9:26 am BBT Now they are refilling the dishwasher with dirty dishes. 9:27 am BBT Sarah told Brittnee to go and chill because she does not mind cleaning the kitchen at all and she hates so much that Brittnee is a have not. They think it was awesome that they got to drink together last night. Brittnee is heading outside and Sarah told her to go and thank you for her help. 9:29 am BBT Sarah is now in the kitchen by herself making food to eat while all of the other houseguests are out by the hot tub lying in the sun and not saying a word. 9:33 am BBT Sarah is still in the kitchen by herself fixing food. The screen in the LR does show PoV ceremony today. All of the other houseguests are still out by the hot tub lying in the sun. 9:43 am BBT No change, Sarah still in the kitchen by herself fixing food while the others are out by the hot tub not saying a word. 9:49 am BBT There is still no change, Sarah is in the kitchen by herself cooking while the others are out by the hot tub lying in the sun. 9:53 am BBT Sarah finished cooking bacon and poured all of the grease down the drain to clean the pan and she is now fixing eggs. 10:05 am BBT Now Sarah is in the storage room fixing toast and the others are still out by the hot tub lying in the sun not saying a word. 10:11 am BBT Looks like breakfast is done and Sarah is dividing it all up onto four plates (for the haves). 10:14 am BBT Sarah is delivering the plates of food out to the others by the hot tub and they are surprised. Sarah also brought out a plate of what looks like slop for Zach and Brittnee. 10:18 am BBT Godfrey sits up to start eating his food while the others are still lying there. 10:20 am BBT Godfrey said the bacon tastes really good so Pilar sat up to try hers. 10:21 am BBT Pilar did not taste her bacon she ate something else on her plate because she likes bacon but she doesn’t eat it. She asked who wants her bacon. Godfrey is done eating his food already. Ashleigh got up to go and use the washroom. 10:23 am BBT The houseguests hear some music now and Godfrey calls it workout music and gets up to start dancing around doing workout moves. The music is still going while BB is telling Zach to wake up because nap time is over. BB just keeps repeating Zach’s name while the music plays. 10:26 am BBT The music stops and Sarah said thank you BB. Godfrey is going to do abs and Pilar asked him to wait for her. Zach is called to the DR so he got up and left. 10:27 am BBT The music starts playing by the hot tub again. Brittnee is doing a robot dance. 10:29 am BBT Sarah told Brittnee that she would make her some more cinaslops but there is no more cinnamon. Ashleigh is back out eating her breakfast. 10:32 am BBT Zach is still in the DR. Brittnee is told by BB to fix her mic. The others are talking about drinking when they were younger and how they could bounce back easily. Pilar asked Godfrey if he was ready to work out and then BB called Pilar to the DR. Zach is back out by the hot tub. 10:34 am BBT The hot tub group is talking about Zach’s facial hair and who he looks like. 10:36 am BBT Brittnee is sending her love out to anybody that is a have not and she loves them. 10:37 am BBT Brittnee said that today is day 60 and there is 15 days left. Pilar is back out by the hot tub and asked Godfrey if he is ready. Sarah is called to the DR. Brittnee said that her moms birthday is tomorrow. Pilar said that she burnt her finger yesterday. Brittnee said to put it under cold water. Pilar found a glass sitting outside and said it was Kevin’s and it is disgusting. Pilar said that is the second glass that she found of Kevin’s that he just left. Brittnee can imagine what his house looks like. 10:41 am BBT Godfrey and Pilar are going to work out. Sarah is done with her DR and is back out by the hot tub. Zach is told by BB to wake up and he said he was just talking to Brittnee. Sarah said that she is going to have a lazy day with a bubble bath later and her shomi. 10:42 am BBT The feeds went to FotH. 10:43 am BBT The feeds are back and Zach is talking about how he ignored BB at 5am when they were calling him then BB told them to stop talking about production. 10:45 am BBT Ashleigh is in the shower stall changing and then she sat down to look in the mirror. 10:47 am BBT Brittnee is talking about someone she knew that burnt his thumb with a car lighter and the smell was awful. Brittnee said that her mom used to work at a funeral home embalming the bodies then the feeds went to FotH again. 10:50 am BBT Ashleigh is putting on her makeup again while Pilar lays on the couch in the wash area. Pilar asked Ashleigh if she was exhausted. Godfrey walked in and Pilar said something about a headache and then she said that she is not putting shoes on. Pilar and Godfrey are discussing what kind of work out they are going to do. 10:53 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are out by the hot tub talking about the cities in Canada. 10:55 am BBT Pilar and Godfrey are going to work out. Ashleigh is still putting on more makeup. 10:57 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are just discussing food out by the hot tub while Zach lays in the sun not saying a word. 10:59 am BBT Brittnee does not like when people cut food with scissors. Sarah is talking about places to eat in Toronto.
  10. 8:30 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The feeds are finally back up but the lights are off and the houseguests are still sleeping. 8:50 am BBT There hasn’t been any change, the lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping. 8:58 am BBT We are still waiting for the lights to come on and the houseguests to wake up! 9:21 am BBT The lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping. 9:29 am BBT No change at all, snoozefest! 9:45 am BBT Brittnee fell asleep with her mic on so we can hear her snoring. 9:50 am BBT The houseguests either had a long night or they are in for a long day because BB usually never lets them sleep this late. 9:59 am BBT Still snoozing with the lights out. 11:03 am BBT Yep, there has been no change. The lights are still out with the houseguests still sleeping. 11:17 am BBT The lights are now on! 11:33 am BBT We see Brittnee still in bed in the have not room with her eyes open and then the feeds go to FotH. 11:44 am BBT The feeds are back up and on feed three Godfrey told Pilar that she did good in so many challenges. Godfrey went first in the challenge and he did not know if he was ahead or behind and when Pilar came in after ten minutes he knew that he did not win so he just went to bed. On feed one Brittnee is in the HOH room giving Sarah new batteries and Sarah told Brittnee that they don’t have to trust Godfrey and Brittnee is going to vote Zach out and do they trust Ashleigh. If Sarah puts Pilar up on the block and she goes home this week, it is Ashleigh’s fault. Brittnee said that it breaks her heart, and they can’t get too confident that he is going home but it is the right game move. Then Brittnee left the HOH room and the feeds went back to FotH. 11:52 am BBT From the sound of Sarah and Brittnee’s discussion Ashleigh will be coming down off of the block and Sarah is going to replace her with Pilar and if Pilar gets voted out, it will be because of Ashleigh’s vote because Brittnee is for sure voting for Zach to leave. 11:55 am BBT Feeds are back up and on feed one Godfrey is in the HOH room talking to Brittnee and Sarah about the puzzle that they had to do. Sarah said that she rocked out the puzzle because her time was 38. Godfrey said the hair messed him up. On feed two we see Ashleigh crawling out of bed and BB told her to put on her mic. She replied that she is going to have a shower but she put it on anyway. She is going through her clothes to find something to wear. 11:59 am BBT Ashleigh is getting in the shower while Godfrey Sarah and Brittnee are still in the HOH room talking about if Godfrey was upset with the Bruno thing and Godfrey said to be honest he was upset because they were supposed to be going after Zach. 12:02 pm BBT Sarah and Brittnee told Godfrey not to feel like he is alone. Godfrey said that Zach was devastated that Bruno was gone and he did not understand why Zach was so devastated unless he really had a thing with the boys. 12:15 pm BBT Brittnee Sarah and Godfrey are still in the HOH room talking about the chop shop being done and Sarah is hoping that Godfrey or Brittnee win the next HOH. The HOH three are talking about jury and that they know how smart Ashleigh is. 12:19 pm BBT Ashleigh is in the wash area by herself doing her makeup. Sarah, Godfrey and Brittnee are still in the HoH room talking about the comp and about having to get Zach out. Sarah told Godfrey and Brittnee that Ashleigh said she has come to terms and it is time to get Zach out. Sarah said that Pilar came in and asked her if this is the four girls that they want to stay in the house. They think that Pilar threw the PoV comp. Sarah said that they finally have the numbers. Brittnee can’t believe how much she underestimated Ashleigh. 12:25 pm BBT The HoH Group is talking about past BB winners. Ashleigh is still in the wash area doing her makeup and hair.
  11. 10:09 am BBT The feeds are still down and we are speculating that it is time for the nomination ceremony. 10:27 am BBT There has been no change, the feeds are still down. 10:56 am BBT The feeds are still down.
  12. 8:12 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The houseguests are all in bed sleeping with the lights out when the feeds went to FotH. 8:28 am BBT The feeds are still down. Get the look from Cafe Press at http://is.gd/uA7vqS! Use the code MAY20 for 20% OFF! Share or retweet and help support Morty's TV! 8:36 am BBT On the Side Show with Bruno last night Bruno got to see a small video clip of his two children (so adorable!) 8:40 am BBT The feeds are back and the houseguests are up! Sarah is lying in the HOH bed and Pilar walked into the HOH room and went to the WA. 8:42 am BBT Sarah got up out of bed and is looking for some clothes to wear while Pilar went and laid down on the HOH bed. 8:43 am BBT Brittnee is also in the HOH wash area and they are talking about the PoV comp. Sarah said that she can’t believe it and Brittnee said I can and then Sarah replied last chance (not sure what that was about). Brittnee headed to the KT and Ashleigh walked into the HOH room. 8:45 am BBT Ashleigh is fixing her hair in the HOH wash area while Pilar is looking for some lotion and Sarah is getting ready to change. Zach walked in the HOH room to use the restroom and sees that it is occupied so he left the room. 8:48 am BBT Pilar got in the HOH shower and Brittnee is down in the SR looking for something to eat and put on some water for tea. 8:50 am BBT Brittnee is pouring some yogurt into a bowl and adding other things to it. Sarah and Ashleigh are in the HOH room putting on makeup. 8:57 am BBT Pilar is done with her shower and is putting on lotion. Sarah told Ashleigh and Pilar hopefully everything goes as planned what they talked about last week. BB told Ashleigh and Pilar to put on their mic’s. 9:00 am BBT Brittnee is done fixing food and brought some to the HOH room. Pilar followed Brittnee back downstairs because she fixed some food for her and Pilar said thank you so much. Pilar is in the SR getting some orange juice to drink. Brittnee grabbed some clothes from the HOH room as the girls talk about how hot it is in there. Ashleigh is still putting on her makeup. 9:05 am BBT Sarah is sitting in the HOH bed eating what Brittnee made for her while Brittnee sits on the HOH bed drinking her tea. Ashleigh and Pilar are in the HOH wash area doing their makeup. Brittnee told Sarah that she wants to put makeup on but she don’t. 9:09 am BBT Zach is lying in the HOH room on the floor covered up and Sarah remarked that she had no idea Zach was there. 9:13 am BBT There has been no change, Brittnee and Sarah sitting on the HOH bed, Zach sleeping on the HOH floor, Pilar and Ashleigh in the HOH wash area doing their hair and makeup. No sign of Godfrey yet this morning. Brittnee told Sarah that she has not heard them building anything yet for the PoV comp. 9:16 am BBT Pilar is lying on the HOH bed with Sarah now while Brittnee is sitting on the HOH couch looking in the mirror putting on some makeup. Sarah is called to the DR. 9:20 am BBT Sarah left to go to the DR while Pilar is lying on the HOH bed. Ashleigh, Zach and Godfrey are lying on the HOH floor and Brittnee is still sitting on the HOH couch doing her makeup. Ashleigh got up and climbed into the HOH bed with Pilar. There is no talk going on at all. 9:24 am BBT BB just announced to please wake up nap time is over. Pilar asked if they think that was an accident. Zach said that he thinks they want them awake. Pilar told Godfrey that they are locked in the HOH room. 9:27 am BBT BB announced again to please wake up nap time is over. 9:29 am BBT The feeds went to FotH. 9:31 am BBT Correction, feeds three and four went to FotH. The other feeds show the houseguests minus Sarah all lying around in the HOH room with no talking at all. 9:38 am BBT Godfrey is up and in the HOH shower. 9:45 am BBT All of the feeds are on FotH now.
  13. 8:19 am BBT Good Morning Canada! No, the houseguests are not up yet, but he lights just came on! We see Sarah, Pilar, Ashleigh and Godfrey sleeping in the HOH bed while Zach and Brittnee are sleeping in the HN room. 8:25 am BBT Sarah sat up and her eyes are open and then a few minutes later we see Brittnee come into the HOH room and climb into bed with the others. 8:31 am BBT There was no talking going on for the last few minutes. Sarah was just sitting there while all other eyes are closed and then Ashleigh got up to change the batteries in her mic. 8:34 am BBT Ashleigh passed the box of batteries to the others so that they could change theirs too. 8:39 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are whispering while the others still have their eyes closed. It sounds like Brittnee is telling Sarah about a discussion she had with Zach about being close to Bruno before he used the veto on him. Sarah told Brittnee that she wants to make some coffee and that Brittnee should get Zach his batteries or BB will be upset. Brittnee said that Zach is sleeping, but they both get out of bed and Britt is called to the DR following a wake up call to the other houseguests. 8:43 am BBT Brittnee headed to the DR as Sarah took the battery box and went to the HN room to change the batteries for Zach. Brittnee entered the HN room and Sarah said it has never been this cold in this room. Brittnee said it is freezing. 8:46 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are in the KT. Brittnee is fixing coffee while Sarah is talking about getting bit. Brittnee said that Zach was making a joke of being on the block. Sarah is filling up the dishwasher and Brittnee said that Zach and Ashleigh are just now feeling what it is like to be on the bottom. 8:49 am BBT Sarah said that it feels better without him (Bruno) here and Brittnee agreed. Sarah said that it was silly of Zach to get emotional like he did. Brittnee said that she asked Zach last night why he did not just tell her she was the target and she said that Zach blamed it on Ashleigh and Pilar not telling him. 8:53 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah in the KT now discussing tea. 8:55 am BBT Pilar walked in the KT and Sarah asked her how her sleep was. Pilar responded that they had quite a sleepover. 8:57 am BBT Pilar commented that the screen doesn’t say anything and asked if that is normal. Sarah told her that it is not normal but it is still early so maybe it takes a little time because they woke them up early. 8:59 am BBT Zach walked in the KT and the girls told him good morning. He said hey guys and poured himself some coffee and left the room. Pilar is still sitting at the counter, Brittnee washing dishes and Sarah is fixing the coffee cups for the other girls. Brittnee commented that it is a lot scarier with six people in there. Brittnee said that Godfrey was scared to sleep in the room alone. Sarah said that Godfrey was not liking the worms yesterday. 9:03 am BBT Pilar and Brittnee are talking about stupid clowns and then Pilar told Sarah that the HOH bed is so comfortable. 9:05 am BBT The girls are speculating that today is nominations and tomorrow is the PoV. 9:07 am BBT Ashleigh is up and in the shower! 9:10 am BBT Godfrey and Zach are lying in the LR and were told by BB to wake up nap time is over. 9:15 am BBT Pilar left the KT to go and help Ashleigh find something and Brittnee and Sarah decide to go and chill upstairs. 9:17 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the HOH room and Sarah had to take a pillow case off because there was a worm on it from Godfrey’s hair. Brittnee said that she feels good since she heard the message from her mom and dad and know they are watching. Sarah said that hopefully they can get Zach out this week. Brittnee said that it explains why Godfrey was so nervous because he was closer to Bruno then Zach. Sarah is telling Brittnee some of the things that Bruno was saying. 9:22 am BBT Brittnee said that Ashleigh said that she is sitting with all the people that she put on the block. Brittnee said that she asked Zach if he was trying to go to the end with Ashleigh and Zach told her it doesn’t matter now because it will be one of them leaving next. 9:24 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach is frustrated that Godfrey is still here and Sarah said that they were going to keep him yesterday and he is just upset that Bruno is gone. 9:26 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach told her Ashleigh and Pilar are ride or die so they are not going to take him to the end. 9:27 am BBT Brittnee finds Ashleigh as a kind of nice girl but she also sees her as a mean girl kinda. Sarah said that Ashleigh was mad because her HOH was a waste but she at least got her stuff and she was safe. Sarah said it makes it easier this week to put Ashleigh up because of how they were treated last week. Brittnee said they (Zach and Ashleigh) are now all stressed and stuff and welcomes them to how they have been feeling. 9:31 am BBT Brittnee said that Ashleigh is a beast in comps and Sarah said that Pilar did not know why there was a buzzer in yesterday’s comps and that she does not listen to the rules she thought it was who could last the longest in the box. Brittnee and Sarah hope that Canada is proud of them. 9:37 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are just talking about Bobby and how he was in the house. 9:38 am BBT Pilar and Ashleigh are putting on their makeup and getting ready for the day. 9:43 am BBT Godfrey is in the HOH and he told Sarah that it was crazy how it went down last night. Godfrey said that Bruno is one guy that he figured would never go up and Sarah told him that is why he had to go. 9:46 am BBT Sarah told Godfrey to convince Pilar before the PoV because Pilar does know that Zach would take Ashleigh to the final two over her. 9:47 am BBT Godfrey and Sarah agree that Ashleigh would be happy to see Zach go and she knows that she is going on the block next to him so that she won’t have to vote him out. 9:50 am BBT Godfrey said we will see what happens after the veto and Sarah told him not to pull a Bruno on her. 9:53 am BBT Sarah and Godfrey are discussing everything that Bruno was doing that made him transparent. 9:55 am BBT The feeds just went down as Sarah and Godfrey were discussing Bruno’s game while Ashleigh, Pilar and Brittnee were in the WA doing their ADL’s. 10:09 am BBT The feeds are back up as Brittnee is called to the DR. 10:10 am BBT Pilar is in the KT making yogurt with peanut butter and then she took it to the WA to eat it. 10:11 am BBT Zach is in the hall chair by himself eating slop cookies and drinking his water. 10:15 am BBT Sarah told the WA girls that she is wanting to take a bath and Ashleigh told her that she has some bubble bath left over and she could use it. Zach is still sitting in the hall by himself. 10:20 am BBT Sarah is in the HOH room making her bed and Pilar walked in to listen to some music. 10:21 am BBT Godfrey is in the shower and Ashleigh is still putting on her makeup. 10:23 am BBT Ashleigh finished up in the WA and as she left she stopped by Zach to ask him what he is doing and he said that he is just hanging. 10:26 am BBT Ashleigh and Zach sitting in the hallway chairs and Zach said that he should shower. Ashleigh told him that he should because he stinks and then she said that she was just kidding. Zach said it was cold in the havenot room. Ashleigh said that it his third time in the have not room. 10:33 am BBT Zach told Ashleigh that he wonders if noms will be today after the task (so that is what they are going to do next) and Ashleigh said the noms are usually the day after HOH. Ashleigh said that the task can’t involve a judge. Zach wonders what it is. Ashleigh speculates that it will be running around the house doing something. Zach said it should be something fun. 10:35 am BBT Pilar and Sarah are in the HOH room talking and Pilar said whatever happens if Ashleigh goes home and if she won the veto she don’t know if she would use it because Zach has to go home. Pilar is going to talk to Ashleigh. Sarah said that someone else could win the veto and keep it the same. Sarah said that if Godfrey wanted to pull a guy thing then he can’t because they have the votes. Pilar said now they have the chance to get Zach out they have to take it. Pilar said that we will have to see what happens with the veto. 10:39 am BBT Sarah said in a perfect world Godfrey will go after Zach. Pilar said that if Zach won the veto and takes himself off would Sarah put her up and Sarah said that she thinks she would put up Godfrey. 10:40 am BBT Pilar said as long as they are not voting Ashleigh out she will support Sarah’s decision. 10:41 am BBT Sarah is going to talk to Ashleigh and Zach instead of waiting for them to come to her. Sarah is hoping to be able to talk to Ashleigh alone. Sarah leaves to go and talk to them and then she will take a bath. Pilar stayed in the HOH room to listen to music. 10:45 am BBT Sarah went and had a quick chat with Zach and Ashleigh and then she went back into the HOH room to chat with Pilar. 10:48 am BBT Sarah is reading her letter while Pilar is still listening to music and then Pilar is going to make sure that Ashleigh is okay. 10:50 am BBT Pilar went into the hall where Zach and Ashleigh are sitting and she asked them if they are alright and Ashleigh said yea they knew it was coming. 10:53 am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are talking about makeup while Zach sits quietly. Sarah is in the HOH room filling up the tub. 10:54 am BBT Ashleigh said that the last week has been tough and then she said that things have been pretty good up until now. Pilar said that this journey is almost over. Zach said it is a once in a lifetime thing. Pilar is trying to take it all in but don’t know if she is. 10:56 am BBT Godfrey is sitting on a bed in the main BR while Zach came in to get his stuff to take a shower. Sarah’s tub water is ready so she is going to get in the tub. Pilar and Ashleigh are still in the hall chair talking about what Sarah said about Zach and Ashleigh going up and if the PoV is used Sarah would have to think about who was going up. Pilar said that if she wins the veto then she could use it and Godfrey could go up and then he could go home. Pilar said if she wins the veto the smart thing would be not to use it so Zach could 100% go and asked Ashleigh what does she think. Ashleigh said you know what I think and Pilar said to use it and Ashleigh responded I don’t know.
  14. (I woke up late to my computer that crashed so I fixed it and then went back and got a couple of early morning conversations) 8:00 am - 10:00 am BBT Bruno and Godfrey are in the main BR discussing Sarah winning HOH next week (today) and Godfrey will talk to her about not putting up Bruno. Bruno said the only way for them to be 100% safe is if they win the HOH. Godfrey said that one of us three (Godfrey, Bruno or Sarah) have to win today. Godfrey said that Sarah told him that she would put up Zach and Ashleigh on the block. Bruno said that she says all kinds of things to all kinds of people. Godfrey said that would be the smartest thing to do. Bruno said that he tried telling Sarah that at this point they don’t have a choice but to work together or they are sinking themselves. Godfrey said hopefully HOH goes well. Bruno said that he thinks they are going to do well today. Godfrey speculates that they are going to get locked in the HOH in about an hour. Godfrey said finally break those three and Bruno said it is about timing. Bruno said that you see how Sarah was working on those two (Pilar and Ashleigh). Bruno said that Zach has to undo all of Sarah’s work brainwashing those two girls. Bruno said it is down to six and asked Godfrey if he has talked to Brittnee. Godfrey said that he talked to her in the HOH while Sarah was campaigning. He said that Brittnee told him if he stays that he has to take down Zach. Now the two boys are discussing the jury being pissed for those that Brittnee sent out. Godfrey said that Brittnee was tired of Sarah campaigning. Bruno said that everybody was tired of it, but it helped your (Godfrey’s) game. Bruno said that Sarah sunk Brittnee. Godfrey said in any other circumstance they would have bought her lies. Bruno said that Zach is going to stay beside Pilar and Ashleigh all day so Sarah can’t get to them and when they walked in the room yesterday they quit talking. Bruno is going to make coffee. Houseguests are doing ADL’s. Brittnee is in the WA doing her makeup, Godfrey just finished taking a shower and Bruno is in the shower. Zach and Sarah are in the SR not saying a word and they were just going through the cabinets and drawers, but neither one of them took anything out of the SR and they both went out to the KT. We hear Brittnee called to the DR, but before she left we heard (but do not see) Bruno talking to Brittnee asking her what is wrong. Brittnee said other than you don’t have my back. Bruno said that Sarah’s latest story is that him and Zach are related and he thinks that Sarah is losing it. Bruno walked in the HN room to change batteries for Sarah and Brittnee and then he left. Sarah asked if it will change Zach’s attitude and Bruno won’t be sitting on such a high horse. Brittnee said that everyone else wants to bring Zach to the end. Sarah said that is how they are acting. Sarah said that he is going to only have so many chances, but there is a chance that Pilar can pull it out and maybe she will change her mind. Sarah said this week she is going to win. Brittnee said that everyone wants to take Zach to the end but how many people want to take Bruno to the end. Sarah said Godfrey and probably Ashleigh. Sarah said that Pilar knows that Zach will not bring her to the end. Brittnee said but doesn’t she think that he will. Sarah said that you can’t take three people to the end. Brittnee said the final three. Brittnee said that she can’t stop thinking. Sarah said that it is a tossup either way with those guys. Brittnee said I know because they both have a lot of pull. Brittnee said that these girls will never smarten up so it is just a matter of kinda lose lose. Brittnee said that it just hit her that Bruno needs to go the only difference is that Zach points out that she is a good player. Sarah said maybe you are right about the Wizard of Oz thing. Brittnee said that Bruno seems to have more of an issue with Sarah than her but still he has the ability to manipulate so many people. Brittnee said that Ashleigh should have sent Bruno home this week but she did not want to risk sending home someone who saved her closest ally. Sarah said this far in the game if someone is a threat to you then they are a threat. Brittnee said that Bruno told her that Sarah is toxic and poison. Sarah said that Bruno has the numbers this week. Sarah said that Zach knew the whole time about JP. Sarah said maybe it is better that we get Zach out first because Zach is gunning for Brittnee and Bruno is gunning for Sarah. Brittnee said I don’t know that though and Zach said he is an emotional player. Sarah said if we get Zach out who would those girls have would they go to Bruno or us. Brittnee said that Pilar just likes Zach and thinks he is a good guy. Sarah said yesterday Pilar said she is not going to against something that Zach wants and he wants Brittnee out so that is what they are going to do. Brittnee said why did Bruno see it more beneficial to keep Godfrey instead of her. Sarah said because he feels super comfortable with Godfrey and he knows that eventually we would have gone after him. Brittnee said that her gut still says Bruno and Sarah told her to go with her gut. Brittnee said that no matter what she feels like she is a target but without Bruno in the equation how much of an argument would Zach have. Sarah said if Bruno goes then we have Godfrey. Brittnee said that we don’t have Godfrey. Brittnee said well then Bruno has to go next week. Sarah said that they have to win HOH first. Brittnee said that his is the most ridiculous thing in my life. Sarah said it is just a game. Brittnee said that she is struggling so hard with it because you are trying to figure out who should be your target so that you can survive the guy who might have control over the girls, but one of the girls doesn’t trust him. Sarah said if Zach wins he is putting us both up, but if Bruno wins is he putting us both up. Brittnee said that Zach is a target for everyone or he should be. Bruno is a target for everybody and is Zach really a target for Ashleigh. Brittnee asked Sarah if that seemed sincere to her. Sarah said she would vote him out over Pilar but not one of them. Sarah told Brittnee to go with her gut but either way those girls have the vote to save each other. Brittnee said it would be shitty if Zach was the target and we send him home then the girls are stupid enough to go with Bruno. Sarah said if those girls win HOH she is sure they would put Bruno up. Sarah said she thinks it is Zach because in that situation If one of those girls won HOH they would put up Bruno but they would not put up Zach. They told Zach everything that was said yesterday and then Zach told Bruno. Brittnee said if you get rid of Zach then Ashleigh is but-headed about it then Pilar comforts her and Bruno swoops in. Sarah told Brittnee not to stress about it and do what her gut tells her because it is the same thing. Brittnee said yea I guess it is the same thing either way with either guy but one just happens to be sleeping in ones bed every day. Brittnee asked Sarah why did he have to use that veto and Sarah responded because they both have been working together to the final two. Sarah said maybe she (Ashleigh) will be mad at us that we didn’t go for Bruno first. Brittnee is so mad that Bruno don’t have her back this week. Sarah said it is Bruno and Godfrey, Zach and Ashleigh, me and you, Ashleigh and Pilar and that is why they find it all beneficial to do the same thing this week. Pilar has Ashleigh, Ashleigh has Zach, Zach has Bruno and Bruno has Godfrey. Sarah said if those girls are gone then who are they fighting to take. Brittnee said each other still and they need to go for Bruno and then Ashleigh, but she is still scared of Zach. Sarah said either way it all comes down to veto’s. Brittnee said that she is scared of Bruno too. Sarah said either way we just have to win the vetos. Brittnee said it is Bruno and I just have to stick to my gut and my decision. Sarah said that Canada voted us as have-not’s and now the others think they can write them off as human beings. The discussion is over and the two left the HN room.
  15. 6:30 pm BBT Up in the HOH room we heard Zach tell Ashleigh and Pilar that he is going to tell Brittnee soon that she is not getting his vote. Brittnee and Sarah walked in the HOH room and then the feeds went to FotH. 6:38 pm BBT The feeds are still down. Please share or retweet and help support Morty's TV: Morty is now offering a 20% off discount for BBCAN3 merchandise being offered through Café Press Use the code MAY20 for 20% OFF at http://is.gd/uA7vqS! 6:51 pm BBT The feeds came back as Godfrey was walking up the stairs saying the seven layer sandwich and then we see Brittnee sitting in the HOH room on the couch by herself. 6:52 pm BBT The feeds switch to Bruno and Godfrey now in the LR laying on the couches. Zach walked past and said now we just veg all day. 6:53 pm BBT Sarah, Ashleigh and Pilar in the main BR. Sarah is telling the two girls how Zach and Bruno were grinning about something and when Sarah went to try and see they hurried up and moved. Ashleigh is thinking outloud: Godfrey has said that he won’t win against Bruno or Zach. Sarah said that Bruno is going to vote the way he wants. Ashleigh said that Godfrey is throwing comps. Sarah said that it seems like Godfrey is all over but they were by the pool and Godfrey said that he was with Bruno since the beginning. 6:57 pm BBT Sarah said that Godfrey told her things that Ashleigh and Sarah supposedly said but she knows that it is not true and that he is trying to drive a wedge between them. Ashleigh said that Godfrey is not winning comps and Sarah said that does nothing for us and we need to win comps and we need the numbers. Pilar said that if we keep Britt it is one more chance to get rid of a guy and we are doing the guys a favor to get rid of a girl. 7:00 pm BBT Sarah said that they will be going after Godfrey and Bruno to get them out. Sarah said why wouldn’t Zach vote to keep Brittnee? Because here is the difference they would put Godfrey and Zach up and Godfrey would put Ashleigh and Zach up. Sarah said that she don’t get it either and if there was someone going after me and Britt versus someone that was just going after one of us then we would vote the one going after only one of us. Pilar said that the break of a tie would be her vote. Sarah said that she thinks it is not beneficial for them to break their numbers and then Godfrey walked in the room. 7:04 pm BBT Godfrey is changing and packing so the girls are just hanging out talking about Audrey Hepburn. Godfrey left and the girls said that he is pissed. Ashleigh’s brain is turning and doesn’t understand why Brittnee wanted Willow out. Sarah is trying to explain that Brittnee was more secure with the vote to get Willow out. 7:08 pm BBT Sarah said that it is not Brittnee that put Pilar in the position of going out it was Bruno’s fault. Sarah is telling the girls that Willow told her everything. Sarah is telling the girls that Jordan threw the ant comp and that Zach was going to throw up Kevin or Bobby. Sarah said that we can’t get Bruno or Godfrey out if we don’t have the numbers. Pilar asked why isn’t Brittnee her and Sarah said that she tried but Zach was in the HOH room when she went there. Pilar said that you have good points. Sarah said that she would put Bruno and Zach up. 7:13 pm BBT Sarah said if Zach and Bruno were up there and Bruno wins the PoV wouldn’t Ashleigh want to be the person to be beside Zach so she don’t have to vote out Zach. 7:16 pm BBT Pilar said that the boys have been up her ass the last few days and keep asking her if she is okay and if she has talked to Brittnee yet. Sarah said that she knows their guts are telling them to keep Brittnee. Ashleigh said that it makes since. Sarah is worried that Zach will tell them a bunch of shit and try and convince them to keep them apart. Ashleigh said that she would say to Zach that Sarah and Brittnee would not put her on the block and then in walks Bruno and Zach to break up the conversation. 7:19 pm BBT Zach said there was a light show in the HOH last night. Ashleigh is going to brush her teeth. Sarah is talking about what she wants to wear tomorrow. Sarah said that she is so full but she wants to go back and eat some of her sandwich. Bruno is getting up to use the restroom because that coffee is going through him. Zach said that he has been in a food coma for a couple of days. Sarah said eat today like you are going to be a have not tomorrow. 7:24 pm BBT Zach and Sarah are talking about craving pop and the pop that they got from KFC was so good. We could hear noise in the background and Sarah is speculating it is a sander and Zach said that it is a saw of some kind. Zach and Sarah are talking about BB building comps and how it all transpires. 7:28 pm BBT BB told them to stop talking about production. 7:29 pm BBT Sarah so badly wants to ask if there is any way she could have a cigarette and Zach told her he doubt’s it. 7:30 pm BBT Sarah said that it hardly ever rains in Southern California then Zach starts singing and BB tells them to please stop singing. 7:31 pm BBT Then the feeds switch to Godfrey and Brittnee in the HOH room. Brittnee told Godfrey that she does not feel good about being on the block next to him. Brittnee can feel that she is going because no one is around her. 7:32 pm BBT Brittnee told Godfrey that Bruno and Zach are obviously tight and she did not realize that they were this close before then we get FotH. 7:36 pm BBT The feeds are back and Brittnee said think about who was in the chop shop and how many of them are still here. Brittnee said that she goes this week and Godfrey is left here he will know what’s up. Godfrey thinks that they will go after him next. 7:38 pm BBT Brittnee and Godfrey both agree that they are not going to campaign against each other and they just tell everyone the points to keeping them. Brittnee said that Godfrey hasn’t made any good moves and Godfrey laughs and said he has not made any moves. Brittnee has no doubt that he could pull it out and win an HOH. 7:40 pm BBT Brittnee said that she don’t think that Bruno and Zach are actually related and Godfrey said that he just heard them joking about it but he is puzzled at how close they are. Brittnee said the moment that Bruno pulled Zach off of the block his demeanor changed. 7:42 pm BBT Brittnee said that it all comes from what benefits Bruno and Zach right now. Godfrey said that is the team that is running the house. 7:43 pm BBT Godfrey said that he is equally as nervous as Brittnee and he has his bags packed. They both agree that no one has come to them and told them they are safe. Godfrey said that they might legitimately be undecided and waiting for someone to make the call. Brittnee said they are waiting for Zach to make the call. 7:45 pm BBT Brittnee said that she thinks that Bruno wanted JP out to get closer to Zach. They both agree that Bruno used to spend a lot of time with them until that last eviction. 7:49 pm BBT Feeds one and two show the main BR and we see Pilar, Ashleigh and Zach laying in the beds and there is no conversation going on. 7:50 pm BBT BB just told them three times to please wake up nap time is over. 7:51 pm BBT BB just announced that the main BR is now open so Bruno and Zach get up and leave the room. As they walk out they are laughing because when they walked in the BR they know Sarah was trying to talk to Ashleigh and Pilar. 7:55 pm BBT Sarah is telling Pilar and Ashleigh that two weeks ago Brittnee was just a pawn and now she is the target. Pilar got rid of Graig and she was the head of the triple eviction. Sarah said that Willow will never vote for Brittnee in the end and they know that others kind of resent Brittnee. Sarah said that Godfrey has not done anything and the second that Donny Thompson said you are my man everyone’s opinion about him changed. The three girls are in the main BR talking scenarios about final two. 7:58 pm BBT Sarah said either way keeping Godfrey does not benefit them and it is better to have someone that is going to try and win and not put them up. 8:00 pm BBT Pilar feels so bad to vote Godfrey out because she owes him one. Sarah said that she does not owe him anything and if she keeps him and he put her up next week she could end up going home. We just heard Bruno say something and Pilar thinks that they were listening to them talk. 8:02 pm BBT Ashleigh said that she has wanted Godfrey out ever since he said he was going after the lovers paradise. The girls realize that the main BR door is locked and Sarah said thank you BB so we could talk. Sarah said that Bruno won’t put Godfrey up so that means a combination of one of them are going up. Sarah said that if Godfrey wins he is not putting up Bruno and he probably won’t put her up either because she will be alone. Pilar said that Sarah and Brittnee would make moves that they wouldn’t or couldn’t. Sarah said don’t waste this week benefiting someone else. Sarah said the thing really getting to her is that Ashleigh can’t play. Pilar said that she would only want to do it if Zach agrees because she don’t want to go against his will. 8:06 pm BBT Sarah said that should be red flags to you guys if Zach will be pissed and put you guys up because of that. Ashleigh said that Zach is milking it to keep Bruno close to him. Sarah is telling the girls that Zach will not be on board and that should be the biggest red flag. Ashleigh said that Geoffrey is 100% useless. 8:08 pm BBT Sarah said that this will have to be a move that Zach will not agree but you will have to say sorry that it benefits your game. Pilar does not trust Bruno and she don’t want to leave until she sends him out. BB announced that the main BR is now open. 8:11 pm BBT Zach entered the main BR and asked the girls what that was all about. They tell him that they don’t know and asked him if he was locked in anywhere. Now there is just general conversation in the BR. 8:13 pm BBT In the HOH room we see Brittnee, Bruno and Godfrey. They are talking about how they behaved when they were younger. 8:14 pm BBT Brittnee said today is day 55 May 12. Bruno asked if he can snuggle with her and he loves her to death, but he is happily married. Bruno said it has been 63 days since he has seen his family. 8:16 pm BBT Bruno asked Brittnee if she is worried about the jury house and how the people are going to be and Brittnee responded yea. Bruno said that he thinks if anyone of them walked in they would give them a hug and say good try. Sarah walked in the HOH room and picked up her sandwich and asked BB to tell her if she is supposed to stop eating it. 8:18 pm BBT Bruno and Godfrey are laughing about JP being the first houseguest in jury and they review each person that walked in after him and how he would feel about it. 8:19 pm BBT Bruno and Godfrey are laughing at JP’s speech before eviction and how it backfired on him. 8:21 pm BBT In the main BR Zach and Ashleigh are lying in the bed. Zach asked Ashleigh if he should tell Brittnee what is going on and Ashleigh replied I don’t know. Zach is whispering saying that Sarah told Bruno even though they had a personal battle in this game then Brittnee walked in the room and she is talking to Pilar while Ashleigh and Zach are whispering. Ashleigh told Zach that some of the things that Sarah said to her made since and that is why she wants to talk to him and he said don’t even. Then Brittnee left the room so Ashleigh asked Zach if Godfrey stayed how would that benefit him and he said nothing. Now Zach is telling Pilar and Ashleigh something that Bruno told him that Sarah said when Bruno put that veto around Zach’s neck they just gave them the money. Ashleigh said if Bruno was to win he would not put Godfrey on the block. 8:26 pm BBT Zach is telling Ashleigh and Pilar that Sarah told Bruno that she wants Zach and Ashleigh on the block. Zach said that you can’t believe anything that Sarah says. Zach said if Sarah is telling them they are going to go after Bruno that is a lie. Zach said get Brittnee out this game and walk into next week all safe. Pilar asked Zach why he is so sure that Bruno won’t want to split them up next week. Ashleigh said that Bruno used the veto on Zach to use him as a shield. Zach said that Bruno knows if he goes after them he is dead. Zach said that Sarah is telling them exactly what they want to hear so they will keep Brittnee. 8:31 pm BBT Ashleigh said the thing that drives her nuts with Sarah and Brittnee is because they are a duo. Ashleigh and Pilar both agree that they want Bruno gone and Zach said that if they win HOH they can do that. (Ashleigh remember you can’t play in the next HOH). Zach wonders why Sarah is still campaigning and Brittnee is not. 8:33 pm BBT Zach said that all Sarah does is lie and if they keep Brittnee then she will never put her on the block. Zach said that Godfrey will never put them on the block. Ashleigh said that he would always vote with them. Pilar said that if Brittnee stays here then they will come after them. Ashleigh said that in the long run they are a duo. Zach said that what she is saying might hold off for one week but they need to take the shot now while she is up. Pilar said that she is so freaking good. Zach said exactly and every single time she convinces you and don’t let her. Pilar asked Zach if Bruno is working with Godfrey and Zach said he is not working with Godfrey because Godfrey is doing the Victoria. 8:36 pm BBT Zach said that if he wins next week they will get out Sarah. Pilar said that Bruno would be stupid not to break the three of them up and he will as soon as he gets in power. Pilar asked Zach if he thinks Bruno would take him to the final two and Zach responded no he would take Godfrey. Pilar does not trust Bruno and he is so good at this game. Ashleigh said but not as good as Sarah. Zach said that he would love to vote Godfrey out this week but they can’t keep the duo in the game. 8:40 pm BBT Ashleigh is talking about when Sarah said you know your gut is telling you to keep Brittnee and Ashleigh said that she didn’t answer because her gut wants to keep Godfrey. Zach said that there is no way they will just come after Bruno after this. 8:43 pm BBT Zach said that it is only good for her game if they keep Brittnee because it makes her a super player. Zach said that Sarah will still come to them after they get rid of Brittnee because she will not have anyone. Ashleigh said that she would rather deal with an angry Sarah than an angry Bruno. Zach said that Bruno will come after Pilar and Ashleigh if they vote out Godfrey. 8:46 pm BBT Zach said again that Sarah is a super player if they keep Brittnee around. Ashleigh said that Brittnee has to go. Pilar keeps agreeing with what Sarah says because it makes since but she won’t forget that they were put on the block and Kevin left. Zach said that Sarah says that she wants Bruno out but she doesn’t she wants him (Zach) out and the two girls have to stop letting her pull them into conversations. 8:48 pm BBT Ashleigh told Pilar not to tell Brittnee tonight about her decision and just say that she is indecisive then Sarah walked in the room. 8:50 pm BBT Sarah left the room and Zach asked Pilar if Brittnee thinks right now that she is keeping her. Pilar said that she does not know. Ashleigh said if Pilar wins HOH then they can send Bruno out and Pilar said that if Zach wins then he will send Godfrey out. Ashleigh is scared that Bruno would try to split the triangle up and she is the common dominator between the three. Ashleigh said that if Sarah keeps trying to talk to her then she is going to say she is taking both points in mind. Pilar is not going to make Ashleigh be a tiebreaker. Zach said that they better vote the way that he does or he would look like an idiot. 8:53 pm BBT Pilar said that she knows that Zach is so close to Bruno and Zach said that they are not really that close. Pilar said that they need to strike him first. Pilar said that Sarah thinks Zach and Bruno are related. Zach said that Sarah is insane and asks the girls if she is telling them that he is locked up in the final two with Bruno and the girls said yes. 8:55 pm BBT Zach said that Sarah said Bruno is still coming after him and then questioned if they are working together. Sarah walked in the room and all Zach said it was the most confusing things he has heard. 8:56 pm BBT Pilar said let’s get rid of Brittnee and that she really doesn’t trust Bruno. Pilar said if she wins HOH she would put up Godfrey and Bruno up. Zach said that we can figure that out once we get down. Zach said that they control the votes. Zach said no matter what they are ok. 8:59 pm BBT Zach told Pilar and Ashleigh no more conversations with Sarah and Brittnee because he will have to come back and put them in their place. Zach said that he has to remind himself what they have said in the past. Pilar said let’s not talk to Brittnee and just do the vote tomorrow. Zach said that we can keep it right up until the vote tomorrow. 9:03 pm BBT Pilar knows that Zach is not working with Bruno because she trusts him. Zach said that he thinks that we are really good right now. Pilar asks Zach when he got the twitter thing and it sketched Sarah out and Zach said are you kidding me. 9:04 pm BBT Feeds switched to Godfrey and Bruno in the SR and Godfrey was telling Bruno that every move Pilar has made is because of Ashleigh. Bruno told Godfrey that if he wins they can get rid of them. Godfrey said if he wins he could not put him (Zach) up right away. Bruno said that he will keep Godfrey safe. Bruno said that this week has to be the two of them. Godfrey said that bridge we will just have to cross it when we get to it. 9:07 pm BBT Bruno and Godfrey agree that they won’t put each other up or vote each other out. Godfrey thinks that Zach is playing with the boy’s thing until the final five. Godfrey said the best bet is for Bruno to tell Zach that he would take him to the end. Bruno said he don’t care what he says to them the only person he is legit to is him (Godfrey). Others are coming in the room now so their conversation breaks up. 9:12 pm BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the HOH room talking about Bruno being able to manipulate the others because they are so young. Sarah said the best case scenario is if Godfrey is gone get out Zach. 9:14 pm BBT Brittnee said not to be impressed with her because she got a lot of blood on her hands. Brittnee said these people don’t connect the dots. Sarah said that she hit the nail on the head when she said about Bruno. Sarah said if they don’t vote to keep Brittnee they will regret that. Brittnee said that Bruno is so good at this game and he set himself up so well. 9:17 pm BBT Brittnee said it is very interesting to see how Bruno’s mind is working and the way he explains things that he does the work to keep people. Brittnee thinks Zach is quite impressionable. Sarah said that they have an uphill battle. Brittnee agrees with that. Brittnee said that she had a good talk with Godfrey and he agreed. Sarah said that is what Godfrey does. Brittnee said that they have to try their best because anything that is easy is not worth it. Sarah wants to win HOH so bad and Brittnee agrees. Now the two girls are doing some reviewing of comps and wins. 9:26 pm BBT Brittnee and Sarah are going to do some more training in prep for future comps. Down in the KT the other houseguests are talking about which schools they went to.
  16. 9:00 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The houseguests are not up yet and the lights are still off. 9:15 am BBT The houseguests are still snuggled in their bed with the lights off. Today we expect Brittnee and Sarah will do some more campaigning, especially to Ashleigh and Pilar. 9:20 am BBT BB is turning on the lights! 9:26 am BBT No wakeup call yet. 9:31 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are both awake now and talking in the HN room, but there is no sound so we can’t hear what they are saying. 9:32 am BBT All of the feeds went to FotH. 9:36 am BBT The feeds are back up and we see Pilar taking around batteries to the houseguests. 9:37 am BBT Brittnee asked Sarah if she thinks everyone saw them being have not’s yet. 9:45 am BBT In the HOH room Zach and Ashleigh are still in bed.
  17. 9:11 pm BBT Pilar and Godfrey are in the BY lifting weights while the other houseguests are sitting on the couch and hammock with just general chatting going on about other houseguests. 9:12 pm BBT Sarah was just talking about how the other houseguests felt while they were locked in the HN room and then she was called to the DR. 9:14 pm BBT Zach asked Bruno if he wants to get some fresh air soon after he does 20 pushups and then he got on the ground to do them 9:16 pm BBT Zach and Bruno head into the house leaving Ashleigh and Brittnee sitting on the couch. Brittnee just remembered her slop in the oven and gave Ashleigh her water bottle and then went into the KT. Pilar and Godfrey are still lifting weights. 9:20 pm BBT Ashleigh is going to watch her Shome tonight. Bruno and Zach head out to the HT but it is poring rain so they went back in the BY. 9:22 pm BBT Bruno and Zach now are playing ball while Godfrey and Pilar are still lifting weights. 9:25 pm BBT Pilar quit lifting weights and is now doing stretches while Britt sits on the couch eating her slop. They are laughing at the face that Godfrey is making while he is stretching out. Pilar got on the hammock and Ashleigh is still sitting on the couch in the BY. The three girls are watching Zach and Bruno play ball. Sarah must still be in the DR. 9:31 pm BBT Bruno sat down on the couch by Brittnee and told her to just think of something else and that she is doing great. Zach and Godfrey just finished up a game of ball and Godfrey lost. Pilar is still on the hammock. Ashleigh went inside to use the restroom. 9:32 pm BBT Godfrey just went to check by the HT to see if it is still raining and he came back and said it is raining hard. 9:35 pm BBT Bruno complimented Brittnee and said that he likes her hair the way that it is fixed and then he said he likes her sweater. The BY group is everyone but Sarah and they are talking about the dates they left home and that they are in the house. 9:37 pm BBT Sarah has now joined the BY group as they are talking about missing their phone and wonder who has called and texted. Brittnee is called into the DR and Bruno offered to Sarah that he would make a fresh batch of slop for them. 9:39 pm BBT Sarah went to go and have a smoke by the HT and then she turned around to go back into the BY and said that she is not allowed to go outside. 9:43 pm BBT Godfrey, Pilar and Zach are in the BY talking about chewing on stuff. Pilar asked Godfrey if he is packed up and he responded that he always has his stuff packed because he is too lazy to unpack. 9:47 pm BBT Lets go in the KT with Bruno and Sarah. Bruno is making fresh slop while Sarah cleans up a little bit. Sarah told Bruno earlier with the Chop Shop questions she was just being stupid and Bruno told her don’t worry about it one bit. Bruno said they just have to get through next week and Sarah said I hope that you can trust me. Sarah said a bunch of names came out and Bruno told her it’s all good. Sarah said it is a blessing that they know now where the loyalty lies. Bruno and Sarah agree that they can’t miss because it is their last shot and it all comes down to the veto. Bruno told Sarah that everyone’s minds are set and no one is going to change so there is no need for anymore (think he is trying to tell Sarah that Britt is being voted out) 9:52 pm BBT Sarah left the KT and Bruno is still working on making the slop for them then we get FotH. 9:53 pm BBT Feeds come back as Ashleigh passes Bruno in the KT and said that she is going and see him in about an hour and a half (she must be going to watch her Shomi) 9:59 pm BBT Bruno and Zach now have their feet in the pool as Godfrey and Pilar sit in the chairs along the wall. They are talking about how they never hang out by the pool and how cold the water is. Bruno said that it is a heated pool. 10:04 pm BBT The pool group is talking about the first day in the BB house and their first impressions on other houseguests. 10:09 pm BBT Sarah joined the houseguests by the pool and they are still talking about the first day and who they were sketched out by. 10:10 pm BBT They all agree that Bobby was really acting weird and he told Bruno before he went to leave that they are going to play a video of him and then the next day they played a clip for the veto Bruno thought it was the video that Bobby was talking about. Now they are sure that Bobby is someone famous. 10:10 pm BBT They all agree that Bobby was really acting weird and he told Bruno before he went to leave that they are going to play a video of him and then the next day they played a clip for the veto Bruno thought it was the video that Bobby was talking about. Now they are sure that Bobby is someone famous. 10:21 pm BBT The pool group is reminiscing about past days in the house. 10:26 pm BBT Godfrey said that he was expecting a triple eviction this season. 10:28 pm BBT The pool group is speculating what they are going to be doing for their remaining days in the house and how many days they have left.
  18. 12:00-12:30 pm BBT Houseguests have just been sitting in the LR with just general conversation going on. 1:00-1:30 pm BBT Correction, last post was meant for 1:00-1:30 pm BBT 1:35 pm BBT Zach and Bruno decide to go out to the HT while other houseguests are still in the LR with general conversation going on. 1:44 pm BBT All of the feeds are still showing the LR group. Pilar is going to try and braid Godfrey’s hair. 1:46 pm BBT Pilar has decided that she can’t braid Godfrey’s hair so now she is going to put Sarah’s hair in a bun. 1:48 pm BBT Bruno and Zach are out by the HT now. Bruno told Zach that he finally talked to Sarah and said that she is done campaigning and either she has gotten through to Ashleigh and Pilar or she has given up. Zach said that he doesn’t think that she got through to the two girls. Zach is rehashing his conversation with Brittnee last night to Bruno. He told Brittnee that he is on the fence right now. Zach said that they have decided to tell Brittnee Wednesday morning that she is going to jury. 1:54 pm BBT Zach and Bruno are laughing because they are going to pull it off to be the last two in the house and they will get first and second place when everyone kept trying to get them out of the house. Zach is telling Bruno more stuff that Brittnee said last night about Godfrey being with Bruno since the beginning of the game. 1:56 pm BBT Zach said that the way he is working Ashleigh is that everyone else is going before Bruno. Bruno said the whole game their heads were on the chopping block. 1:59 pm BBT Zach and Bruno agree that they are both getting anxious for the end of the game and as long as Sarah doesn’t win the next HOH their doing good. Zach said that it is time for the others to see how it is to try and survive because it has been them for so long trying to survive. 2:02 pm BBT Zach is again rehashing his conversation with Brittnee last night and how Brittnee was trying to up-play Godfrey like he is a threat. Zach said that he thinks Godfrey feels safe and that Godfrey told Zach that if he wins HOH he was putting up Zach and that is fine with Zach. 2:04 pm BBT Zach told Bruno that him and Ashleigh are not as close as Kevin and Pilar were. Zach is trying to show Bruno every week as much as he can that Bruno can trust him. Zach thinks it is funny that the jury is praying every week that Bruno or Zach will be walking through that door. Pilar walked out by the HT and Zach told her they are talking about how the jury will go nuts when Brittnee walks through the door this week. 2:06 pm BBT Zach said that he is going to tell Brittnee tomorrow night that she is not getting his vote and then Pilar will tell her after that she is not getting her vote. 2:07 pm BBT Bruno said that he is going to tell Brittnee that she is not getting his vote, but Brittnee has not even talked to him yet. The three of them keep laughing about how the jury is going to feel seeing Brittnee walking through the door and they hope that the campaigning is done. 2:10 pm BBT Pilar said yesterday she was not sure and it is hard for her because she believes everything she hears. Pilar said that when Sarah came to talk to her she told Sarah to go and talk to Ashleigh because she is the HOH. Zach said that they take the heat for couples and bros but they don’t have to take heat for them (Sarah and Brittnee) playing together. 2:12 pm BBT Pilar feels like every move Brittnee has made is because of what Sarah has told her to do so that is the reason she is going home. Godfrey came out by the HT to change batteries for everyone and Pilar went into the house to get a snack. 2:14 pm BBT Zach, Bruno and Godfrey are all laughing about how shocked Sarah and Brittnee will be that Zach is voting to keep Godfrey. Bruno said that Brittnee has not even talked to him and Godfrey said that is because they are talking to the girls. Bruno said the triple eviction was the best thing that happened for their game. 2:16 pm BBT Bruno is now telling Zach about a pitch that Brittnee was trying to give to him (he just said not too long ago that she has not even tried to talk to him yet). Zach said once they start switching up their stories then you know they are lying. 2:19 pm BBT Zach said that he is always with the boys and if he is invested in someone in the house it is with a bro. Bruno feels good right now, but you can’t be too comfortable. Zach and Bruno are now the Generals alliance. 2:21 pm BBT They are both laughing again about what the jury is going to think to see Brittnee walking in this week. Zach said all it is now is three HOH’s and the comps are going to be building stuff. Bruno thinks there will be a puzzle soon. 2:23 pm BBT Sarah walked out by the HT and the boys just keep talking about what they speculate the next comp will be. 2:24 pm BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are in the WA and Sarah said the boys will have to understand they have to do what is best for their game. Pilar said the guy’s best interest is to keep Godfrey because they know Sarah is going after them. Pilar wonders how pissed Sarah will be once they send Brittnee home. Pilar told Ashleigh that her and Zach are going to tell Brittnee tomorrow night that she is going. Ashleigh doesn’t want Godfrey to win the next HOH and they have to try and keep Sarah. Pilar would love to get rid of Bruno next week. Ashleigh said that if Bruno and Godfrey are on the block then Godfrey will go home. 2:28 pm BBT Pilar said that if she wins a guy will go home and if Sarah wins then a guy will go home. They both do not want Sarah to go. Ashleigh said that Zach will do whatever they want because he is not committed to Bruno. 2:30 pm BBT Pilar is going to talk to Sarah and say that they are voting Brittnee out and they want to work with her then she said we will have to wait and see who wins HOH. Ashleigh said that there is no way Godfrey will win HOH and then she said we will see what happens and they both leave the room. 2:32 pm BBT Godfrey is just sitting in the LR by himself. Pilar walked through asked him what he is doing and then she walked out to the HT. 2:33 pm BBT The HT group is Bruno, Zach, Sarah, Brittnee and now Pilar. They are talking about past comps and houseguests. 2:34 pm BBT Now the HT group is talking about dreams that they had. 2:35 pm BBT Godfrey is now in the BY playing Godball with Ashleigh and Pilar is just sitting on the hammock watching. 2:39 pm BBT Now the HT group (Brittnee, Sarah, Bruno and Zach) are speculating what the outside world is calling them. 2:41 pm BBT Zach wants to do something fun in this house today. Zach hopes that Wednesday they get something from the outside world. 2:42 pm BBT Zach told the HT group that there is a sideshow every week talking about the BB show. Bruno said that there will be people that like you and people who don’t and you can’t beat yourself up over that stuff. Zach said it is day 54 today. 2:44 pm BBT Bruno asked when the US all star was and said that this would have to be his one and only time. He could not play this game twice and leave his family at home is the hardest part. 2:45 pm BBT Bruno said that JP is convinced that the US BB is going to be all stars this year. 2:48 pm BBT Sarah is now sitting by Pilar in the hammock and they are talking about how they need each other next week. Sarah said that she felt safe at first and then she felt that she would have been going home if she did not win PoV. Sarah asked Pilar who she would put up if she won HOH next week. Pilar just said she would put up the same. Sarah said that Ashleigh and Zach and Bruno are really close and they are a tight three. 2:55 pm BBT Sarah went in to get something to eat. Ashleigh sat down by Pilar and asked what time it is. Godfrey is also sitting in the BY by them. Pilar is thinking Ashleigh should get the camera today. 2:57 pm BBT Brittnee is still out by the HT with Zach and Bruno. They are talking about the day that they seen Emmett.
  19. 10:38 am BBT So the feeds are still on FotH and we don’t know why or what is going on. 10:50 am BBT The feeds are still down. 10:55 am BBT We don’t know why the feeds are down, but here is what we do know: Ashleigh is the HOH and she put Sarah and Godfrey on the block. Sarah won the PoV so she will be coming down off of the block and it is predicted that Ashleigh will put Brittnee up in her place. 11:08 am BBT Well the feeds have been down for almost an hour now and we do not know what is happening. 11:10 am BBT The feeds are back with all of the houseguests in the BR. We hear Ashleigh tell Sarah to cheer up and she leaves the room. The BR group is talking about who did their DR’s already. Bruno told Sarah not to think about it. Bruno said that it is not personally against Sarah. Godfrey is talking about being on slop and they vote the food of the week to be pickles. Brittnee said that you don’t punish somebody that you like. So we now know that Sarah and Brittnee were told they were voted by Canada to be have-nots for the week and Sarah and Brittnee think now that Canada do not like them because you don’t give someone a punishment that you like. 11:18 am BBT Sarah was called to the DR and Godfrey and Bruno are giving Brittnee a pep talk that Canada does not hate them. They think the only people that were voting were the people that are pissed off about who Brittnee sent home. 11:20 am BBT Ashleigh is back in the BR and told Brittnee that no matter what you do the people watching will be mad about something. Bruno, Godfrey, Zach and Ashleigh are trying to convince Brittnee that the only people that voted for her and Sarah to be on slop are the haters. 11:21 am BBT Brittnee is crying and saying that she don’t want to be disappointing her family. Ashleigh said that she is no disappointed her family and she has done so well. Brittnee don’t want people to think that she is mean. The BR group is saying everything that they can to cheer up Brittnee. 11:24 am BBT Little do Sarah and Brittnee know that being voted for this punishment is the best thing that could happen to them this week because one of them will get the special PoV! 11:25 am BBT The BR group is telling Brittnee how they are huge fans of BB and they never have watched the live feeds or voted. Ashleigh told Brittnee just don’t think about it. Brittnee said that she is not eating slop for four days and told the BR group thanks for trying to cheer her up. 11:27 am BBT Godfrey left the BR to take a shower and Ashleigh, Bruno and Zach are down in the KT now. Ashleigh is fixing some food. 11:29 am BBT Ashleigh asked Zach if he thought it would be her and he said no. Bruno said this is our task for today to cheer up Sarah and Brittnee. Ashleigh said putting Brittnee on the block now is going to be hard, but it has to be done. 11:30 am BBT Zach and Bruno are in the SR getting food to eat. Bruno said that really sucks. Zach said that he don’t wish that upon anyone. Zach said it is so hard not to read into that stuff. Ashleigh walked in the SR and said that getting nominated is way more personal because they don’t want to be seen on the show tomorrow and they (Sarah and Brittnee) have been jerks. 11:33 am BBT Sarah is out of the DR now and in the WA where she was washing her face and her eyes are red from crying. We see her head back to the Dr and the feeds cut to Brittnee in bed crying. 11:36 am BBT Pilar walked into the BR and said hi to Brittnee, told her that she loves her and to cheer up. Brittnee said that she wants to go home and starts crying again. Sarah sat down by her and told her no to stop that. Brittnee said that the voting is not good. Pilar said that you can’t take it personal and Canada likes drama and likes to flip things. 11:38 am BBT Pilar told Brittnee that they all will have haters out there and there are lovers out there too. Pilar is telling Brittnee that they are a family here and this is her home now and this is a one in a lifetime opportunity and she can’t give up, she is strong and don’t give up. Being on slop is not the end of the world. Brittnee said that it is not that it is the voting that Canada wants them to go on slop and give them a punishment. Pilar said that they don’t hear from the outside world and they only hear the negatives and there is so much more to that. 11:41 am BBT Pilar is still giving Brittnee a pep talk telling her that she can do it. Brittnee said that she will be okay. 11:42 am BBT Brittnee told Pilar thank you and they hugged. Pilar said don’t let it bring her down and then Pilar left the room. 11:43 am BBT Down in the KT we see Bruno and Zach eating while Ashleigh is fixing food still. 11:44 am BBT BB just told Godfrey to put on his mic and he walked in the BR to get dressed where Brittnee is still lying in bed. 11:46 am BBT In the KT Ashleigh is excited because BB got them OJ with pulp this time. 11:48 am BBT Bruno and Zach are now sitting in the LR. Bruno said that it is so crazy and Brittnee was already trying to pitch to him about Godfrey then Godfrey walked in the room talking about how much weight he has lost. He said that he lost 25 pounds so far. 11:50 am BBT Brittnee is still in the BR under the covers crying. 11:51 am BBT Godfrey is going to grab a peach. Bruno said that it is a shame they are not going to get Sarah out. Zach said that she has to go next week and they can’t give her another chance. Bruno said no matter what happens they have to get Sarah out next week. 11:53 am BBT Ashleigh walked in the LR and Bruno asked her if she is going to do her shome and she said that she forgot about that and questions what movie she should watch. 11:54 am BBT The LR group is talking about movies and Pilar is in the KT eating. 11:56 am BBT Pilar just remembered that tomorrow is mother’s day! 11:57 am BBT Godfrey is in the SR to get something to eat and then left. 11:59 am BBT Bruno and Zach are in the LR whispering going over scenario’s about winning HOH next and who is going on the block.
  20. 9:15 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The houseguests are up. Sarah and Godfrey are in the BR talking about scenarios of who will be put on the block and who will be voted out. Godfrey hopes there is a twist like a diamond PoV. 9:20 am BBT Pilar walked in and interrupted the conversation. Sarah asked what it says on the screen and Godfrey said that the PoV ceremony is tomorrow. Brittnee walked into the BR and they are talking about there being two weeks left after this. 9:23 am BBT Bruno and Zach are in the LR and Bruno just told Zach that he said to Brittnee to do what she has to do. Now they are hoping to get in the HT today. Bruno said the screen does not say noms today and Zach said no it is tomorrow. Bruno said today is Saturday and Zach said today is 52. They are talking about all the people that were once in the house and the LR couch was full. 9:25 am BBT Zach and Bruno said they hope that Willow is doing fine in jury. Bruno said that the best case scenario is what happened. Zach is talking about Brittnee and her speeches. Bruno said that she has a great story and he already knows what Sarah’s story is going to be. Bruno said that Brittnee has to go. Ashleigh walked in the LR and the guys asked her how she is feeling. Ashleigh said that she is so tired right now. 9:29 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the BR talking and Brittnee said that if she goes up next to Godfrey she is going to give a speech about giving Godfrey second place. Brittnee said that she just needs Sarah and Pilar to vote Godfrey to leave and Ashleigh will be the tie breaker. Sarah told Godfrey not to say anything about trying to keep Brittnee off of the block. Sarah said that Godfrey was going to suggest replacing Bruno on the block in Sarah’s place and Sarah told him not to say that. 9:34 am BBT Brittnee said that she is either going to be the sixth member of the jury or the sixth houseguest remaining in the house. Sarah said that she is not going to jury yet. Brittnee said that Bruno told her since the double eviction it is a clean slate and what he said in the past does not matter anymore. Sarah said that Bruno probably made a deal with Zach and that would be his clean slate. Sarah said the only votes that matter are her, Pilar and Ashleigh. 9:40 am BBT Brittnee said that Pilar said she can’t trust Bruno because he tells everyone everything. 9:45 am BBT Up in the HOH room Ashleigh is getting in the shower as Pilar said that she doesn’t want to go up on the block. Pilar said it is us two Godfrey Bruno and Zach. If Zach wins he will put up Godfrey and Bruno. Pilar said they can’t take Brittnee because she has been up on the block four times and takes herself off. Pilar does not trust Bruno and if Bruno wins HOH he will put Godfrey and Sarah up and if one of them go off they will go up, but they won’t leave because they have the votes. 9:50 am BBT Pilar said that Zach will take Ashleigh to the final two, but she asks Ashleigh if she can beat him. Pilar said that she can’t beat Zach or Bruno and she can only beat Godfrey and Brittnee with some things. Pilar said that she would take Ashleigh to the final two. 9:52 am BBT Pilar said that they could keep Godfrey and then she said that she is thinking way to far right now. Pilar said that Sarah is super scary, but without Brittnee she is stuck to them. 9:54 am BBT Pilar said that they can’t think about who will help them get further, they have to think who can they beat. Ashleigh is still in the shower responding but she does not have her mic on. Pilar asked Ashleigh if she is going to tell Brittnee before or not and then she said Brittnee should expect to go on the block. Ashleigh said that she is going to tell her that she tried to keep her off the block as much as she could. 9:57 am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are now talking about what they are going to wear. Pilar said that there was nothing that she could do to win the HOH for the triple eviction. 9:59 am BBT Pilar leaves the HOH room as Ashleigh is now fixing her hair. 10:00 am BBT In the LR Bruno and Godfrey are lying on the couches not saying a word. 10:04 am BBT Zach came out of the DR and Bruno though he had a card in his hand for something, but he did not. Bruno really wants to get out to the BY today for some air. 10:06 am BBT Ashleigh is done fixing her makeup and hair when Zach walks in the room and said what’s up. Zach said it is a bummer of a day just hanging around. Zach asked Ashleigh how she was feeling today and called her drunkiepoo. Ashleigh said that she slept all night with her mic on. Zach is washing out the tub while Ashleigh is putting on more makeup. Pilar walked in the HOH room to get tp and to blow her nose. 10:11 am BBT All of the feeds went to FotH. 10:13 am BBT The feeds came back and we see Sarah in the KT eating something at the counter. Godfrey is called to the DR. Brittnee is in the WA trying to fix her mic then we get FotH again. 10:25 am BBT The feeds are still down.
  21. 8:30 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are on and Sarah is changing batteries this morning. Brittnee is up making her bed. 8:33 am BBT The rooster is crowing and we see Godfrey and Bruno sit up in bed. Sarah is done changing batteries and headed downstairs where Brittnee is in the KT. They speculate they are going to play super early. 8:37 am BBT Sarah told Brittnee that she is so shocked from last night. They are now talking about Bruno giving Zach the PoV last night. Sarah said that it is so mind boggling that Bruno thinks they control those girls more than Zach controls those girls. Brittnee said that she really doesn’t care. Sarah said that after winning the Veto he is still lying. Brittnee said that it grosses her out and this is not a game of integrity. Sarah said we will see who wins at the end. Britt left the KT and Sarah is chomping on her cereal. 8:43 am BBT Bruno entered the KT and said good morning to Sarah. Bruno is making himself some cereal and Britt is back in the KT and it looks like she is going to cook something. 8:45 am BBT Bruno is looking around in the SR and cabinets saying we actually have like no food and Brittnee responded nope. Bruno said that they were building pretty early and Brittnee said yea. Brittnee asked when someone made a shake. Sarah responded Willow did and Zach and Pilar split it. 8:48 am BBT Sarah was called to the DR. Godfrey is up talking a shower. Pilar is in the other shower. Ashleigh is getting ready to put on her makeup. 8:52 am BBT Zach made his way to the KT and their talking about last night and the triple eviction. Bruno said they were hammering in the middle of the night. Zach is getting ready to cook some food now. 8:54 am BBT Bruno wonders what the Jury house is like right now. 8:57 am BBT Bruno said that he was so comfortable this morning. Zach said it would be nice if it was a Sunday and they could just lay in bed as long as they want until their hunger over powers their need for sleep. 8:59 am BBT Pilar and Ashleigh are both in the WA putting on their makeup. Ashleigh said what a day! Pilar responded yea I know. Pilar wonders what the date is and Ashleigh thinks it is May 6. Pilar is wondering when her graduation is and gives a shout out to her friend Ailsa about walking across the stage. 9:00 am BBT Pilar asked Ashleigh what she is going to have for breakfast and they both wonder if the food got restocked. 9:02 am BBT Brittnee and Godfrey in the SR. Brittnee asked Godfrey how he slept and he said not so bad. Britt told Godfrey it was a crazy day yesterday. Godfrey told Brittnee that she should win more often. She said yesterday’s comp was just one in her favor. 9:06 am BBT All of the feeds when to FotH 9:11 am BBT The feeds are back with Brittnee saying that today is going to be crazy and it would be nice to have a night to enjoy. Godfrey said that waiting for him is just anxiety. Brittnee said that she can’t even play in the HOH. 9:14 am BBT The feeds went back to FotH. 9:16 am BBT The feeds are back with Pilar in the KT eating cereal and Godfrey sitting at the counter eating what looks like left over pizza. Bruno and Brittnee are in the BR and they are looking for their shirts that were given to them with their names on it because they have to give them to BB. Brittnee is hoping they will give it back to her because she does not know what anyone else will do with her shirt. 9:20 am BBT Bruno said that he can’t trust Sarah and Brittnee said so now you are trusting Zach and Bruno responded no. Brittnee said that she wanted Willow out and she got her out. Bruno said that she wants him out and if he wins Brittnee does not have to sweat. Brittnee said she sent two people’s closest ally home. Bruno said that he is going to fight for the HOH today and Sarah pissed him off that she has no idea. Brittnee said you guys both pissed each other off. Sarah walked in the room as Bruno left. Sarah feels like Brittnee is mad at her so she is upset. Brittnee said that Bruno is pissed off because Sarah told Brittnee to put him up yesterday. Brittnee said that she is trying to explain that it was him or Willow. Brittnee said that we will have to see after today’s HOH because she sent two peoples ally’s home. Sarah is pissed and it sucks. Brittnee said it is what it is and she is not mad. Sarah said that she is acting different. 9:25 am BBT Sarah said that she was just upset how it played out and she sees Bruno as a threat. Brittnee said that he does not feel safe with Zach. Sarah said of course not and she is so upset at the situation. 9:34 am BBT Godfrey and Ashleigh are now in the BR and talk is about how they slept. 9:35 am BBT Godfrey wonders when the BY is going to be open and Brittnee said it sounds pretty elaborate. They have no idea when they are going to play in the HOH because it is usually after the live eviction. Brittnee said seven people in a house that was built for sixteen. 9:37 am BBT Godfrey said even if the back yard was open there is not much to do. Godfrey said we are going to have to win. Brittnee said there is absolutely no choice and the ideal situation is for Zach to bring those two girls to the end. Godfrey said especially Ashleigh. Godfrey said that Bruno really screwed them over last night and screwed himself over. 9:40 am BBT Godfrey hopes none of them win today and the others have way better odds right now. Brittnee said let’s just focus on one of us winning. Godfrey thinks Bruno has something set up with Zach. They are now speculating Bruno’s loyalties and who he is working with. Brittnee left the BR and left Godfrey and Sarah discussing what happened last night and who is loyal to who. 9:44 am BBT Sarah said that she would have done the rational thing and gone for the threats and she would have put Pilar and Ashleigh up. They speculate now that Zach will put Bruno on the Block if he wins. 9:47 am BBT Sarah said it doesn’t even matter because she is going to win. 9:48 am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are whispering. Ashleigh said that she would go for Sarah and Brittnee first because she knows they would be going after the boys first and then they would be next. Ashleigh said that they need Zach and Bruno to take out Brittnee, Godfrey and Sarah in case they can’t. Pilar would put up Sarah and Brittnee. Pilar now said that she would put up Bruno and Sarah and if one wins then she would backdoor Brittnee. Zach walked up and interrupted the conversation. Zach asked what is up and the girls said that they are kicking around options. Zach said that we will talk as a group. 9:53 am BBT Bruno and Zach are in the KT talking about conversations they had. Zach told Bruno that move that Kevin did worked for his game. Zach said that us four (two couples) were going to get blown up and Kevin knew that Zach was not going to sit back. Zach told Bruno that he talked to the others and had Bruno completely downplayed so they were not going after Bruno. Bruno said he would have taken Kevin out because he had no allegiance with Kevin. 9:56 am BBT Bruno just threw Sarah and Brittnee under the bus by telling Zach that they were pushing Bruno to get rid of Zach and now Bruno is so happy that he saved Zach last night. Ashleigh walked into the KT and Bruno is saying that Kevin tried to get him on his side. Zach and Bruno agree that Sarah is a huge threat and she has to go. 9:59 am BBT Zach said that Willow told him that Sarah had an alliance with Sindy when she came back in the house. Bruno said that Sarah wanted Zach and Ashleigh out for a long time. 10:00 am BBT Zach, Bruno and Ashleigh are now talking about the PoV comp last night and Bruno said that it is the first time his chip was picked. 10:02 am BBT Pilar walked in the KT and they are talking about how her eyes look swollen and she responded by saying that is what happens when you cry so much because your guy leaves. 10:04 am BBT Now the KT group is talking about the reaction in the jury when three people walk in the door. 10:05 am BBT Now the KT group is talking about Willow leaving and that she was in rough shape. 10:08 am BBT Up in the BR Brittnee, Godfrey and Sarah are talking about trying to get Pilar on their side. Godfrey is going to try and tell her that Kevin wanted him to watch out for her. Brittnee said that Kevin was telling Pilar something when he left, but Pilar wasn’t listening. Sarah is saying what kind of a chance does Bruno think he has with Zach. Brittnee said that she tried to get Zach out and Sarah said we all have been trying. Sarah said that they are all playing for second because everyone else will vote for Zach as the winner. 10:12 am BBT Brittnee said that Ashleigh was so emotional when the three of her allies were on the block. Sarah thinks that Ashleigh is bummed out that Zach didn’t go home. Godfrey thinks Zach was shocked when Bruno saved him last night. 10:13 am BBT Brittnee told the BR group that Zach said anyone that took him off the block would be stupid. Brittnee said that they need to pull through and win this HOH. Sarah said I got it. Brittnee said that she needs Pilar to wake up. The three agree that Pilar does not have a bad bone in her body. Sarah called to the DR. 10:16 am BBT We see Sarah walking in the hall to the DR and when she opened the door we heard her get excited, but the feeds are stuck in the hall and we don’t hear anymore. 10:17 am BBT The KT group is Zach, Bruno, Ashleigh and Pilar. They are again talking about how Bruno saved Zach last night. 10:18 am BBT Sarah is out of the DR and stopped at the stairs to listen to the KT group then she continued up the stairs to the BR. Now the BR group is speculating who will take who to the end. They think that Zach thinks he is set up with the girls. 10:21 am BBT Britt would tell Ashleigh that she did not have a strategy and all she did was ride coattails. 10:22 am BBT Pilar is called to the DR. Godfrey is talking about a guy making it to the end versus a girl. Sarah is going to get some more water. Godfrey and Brittnee are talking about the jury group and Brittnee said that she had a hand in sending a lot of them home. 10:25 am BBT Godfrey told Brittnee that she made the two biggest moves in the season. If Bruno would have not pulled this shit Zach would have been sent home too. Brittnee just don’t understand why Bruno saved Zach and Godfrey said because he was afraid of all girls. Brittnee said that girls don’t play nice and they turn against each other all of the time. 10:28 am BBT Sarah said that Bruno got scared because he was throwing their name around. 10:29 am BBT The BR group is still rehashing last night. Sarah said when she voted Willow out last night there was gasps from the audience. Pilar walked in the BR and interrupted the conversation. 10:29 am BBT Pilar thinks it is so early because she thinks it is only 9:15. The BR group is talking about getting new clothes and then Brittnee tells Pilar their thinking about everyone in the jury right now. Pilar wonders what they are doing. 10:32 am BBT The BR group is talking about Willow and how crushed she probably is. The group hopes that it was probably part of Willow’s strategy to be so sad. 10:36 am BBT Pilar said that Willow was so upset and no one wanted to put her on the block because she would have been crushed. 10:37 am BBT Pilar is glad that Willow has Kevin to support her in the jury. 10:38 am BBT The BR group is now talking about how amazing and silly Kevin is. 10:39 am BBT Pilar walked down to the KT and they are now talking about Willow and how upset she was. They think that Willow threw the veto comp last night. 10:40 am BBT Ashleigh was just called to the DR. and the KT group is still talking about Willow and how she threw a lot of comps. 10:42 am BBT The BR group is Godfrey, Sarah and Brittnee. They are talking about studying for the comps that are coming up. 10:43 am BBT The BR group is speculating what comps are coming up that they have not played yet. Godfrey is going to get him some food and told the girls that they have to be optimistic. 10:46 am BBT Godfrey said that he does not want Zach to win and Brittnee told him to focus on who you want to win. 10:47 am BBT Ashleigh, Zach, Pilar and Bruno are in the LR just sitting and lying on the couches. 10:50 am BBT Zach is hoping that the food will get restocked today. 10:52 am BBT Godfrey just came out of the DR and Zach made a comment that Godfrey has a straight face. Godfrey responded it was a good DR and just another normal day. The LR group is speculating who will be called to the DR next. Ashleigh said she wishes that they could talk about their DR. Pilar said that her eyes are super swollen still and Ashleigh said that they don’t look that bad. 10:55 am BBT Zach said that they are building the comp pretty hard and he loves speculating what the comps will be. Brittnee is called to the DR and as she passes the LR group she said what are you all doing. They told her they are just relaxing. 10:57 am BBT Pilar said that she is ready for this comp anytime now. 10:58 am BBT Zach said that he can’t believe they only have three weeks left and lets stay here. Now he is talking about how bummed Kevin would be if they went to the jury.
  22. 7:30 am BBT Good Morning Canada! There is a rumor that BB is going to wake the houseguests up early because it is going to be a long day so we have our feeds up and were watching to see if it is true. Right now the lights are out and all houseguests are asleep. 8:00 am BBT There has been no change, the lights are still out and all houseguests are still sleeping. Who is excited for the triple eviction that is happening tonight? 8:28 am BBT The lights are still off but feed three is in the WA where Sarah is in the stall. She came out and washed her hands and yep, she crawled back into bed. 8:45 am BBT Still no change, so much for the rumor they are getting up early. Come on BB rattle the cage and get those hamsters scurrying! 9:00 am BBT The lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping. BB must think that they will need their rest for this big day! 9:20 am BBT The only change is that the fan feed (storage room) is now on FotH. The lights are still off in the rest of the house and the houseguests are still sleeping. 9:22 am BBT Lights are now on! 9:25 am BBT No wakeup call yet. Bobby has all of his clothes folded and sitting on one of the empty beds so that he can pack them up today. 9:28 am BBT All feeds went to FotH. (Wakeup call finally?) 9:33 am BBT And their up. Bobby in the shower, Godfrey sitting and talking to him, Ashleigh in the stall and Bruno walked in waiting to get in the stall. 9:37 am BBT feeds one and two are still on FotH. 9:38 am BBT Ashleigh left the WA, Bobby is still in the shower, Bruno is now brushing his teeth and Godfrey is in the stall. 9:40 am BBT Willow walked in the WA and said innocent bystanders then she gave Bruno a hug and left. 9:41 am BBT Bobby is done with his shower and told Bruno what a crap shoot the next couple of weeks are going to be and no one trusts no one. He said that him and Zach had an even more real talk last night in the pantry. Bobby told Bruno that he thinks that he turned Zach on Sarah. Bruno asked Bobby if he talks to Zach tell him something, but we could not hear what he said. 9:48 am BBT Bobby, Sarah and Willow now in the KT fixing some food. 9:49 am BBT Feeds one and two on FotH still. 9:50 am BBT Zach and Godfrey just walked into the KT and then Zach left. Godfrey is fixing himself something and then walked into the SR where Willow and Sarah were getting some food. 9:52 am BBT The only two left in the KT are Sarah and Willow. Sarah is whispering saying like their favorite BB and the last person in the world they want to be like. 9:55 am BBT Sarah just finished fixing herself something to eat and Willow is eating cereal. 9:56 am BBT Britt walked into the KT and Sarah is telling Britt that she should say at her speech if you think putting a pawn up is keeping from going after you then you have another thing coming. BB announced that the houseguests are to go up to the HOH room for lockdown. 9:59 am BBT Sarah is eating her sandwich in the HOH room. Britt is speculating how the day will go and how much time they will have outside of the HOH room to get ready for today. 10:00 am BBT All feeds go to FotH 10:02 am BBT All houseguests in HOH lockdown just lying and sitting around with general talk going on. 10:09 am BBT All the feeds go to FotH again. 10:30 am BBT The feeds are still on FotH. 10:50 am BBT The feeds are still on FotH and wondering if they are going to come back before tonight’s show? 10:58 am BBT The anticipation is building up while the feeds are still down!
  23. 9:00 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are still off in the BB house and all the houseguests are still sleeping. 9:20 am BBT There is no change, lights off with all houseguests still sleeping. 9:25 am BBT The lights are now on in the BB house, but the houseguests are still sleeping. 9:33 am BBT BB just announced Good Morning houseguests it is time to wake up, but not one houseguest is moving. 9:43 am BBT Up in the HOH room Kevin got out of bed to get his music and climbed back into bed. He is sitting up in bed now listening to his music. Brittnee is in the main BR getting out of bed. All of the other houseguests are still in bed. 9:45 am BBT Correction, Pilar is up In the main BR changing batteries in everyone’s mic’s. 9:47 am BBT Godfrey is awake and he said he just has to do his morning prayer because he is grateful for being in the BB house. 9:50 am BBT Pilar has made her way to the HN room to change their batteries. 9:52 am BBT BB is getting serious now we can hear the alarm clock going off. Bobby crawls out of his HN bed and left the room. 9:54 am BBT Bruno is up out of bed and getting dressed. Sarah is telling the houseguests in the main BR about a dream that she had. 9:55 am BBT Ashleigh and Godfrey are now out of bed. Sarah was just called to the DR. 9:58 am BBT Pilar is lying back in bed with Kevin while Kevin listens to his music. 9:59 am BBT Brittnee just made her bed while talking to Willow about getting up and about being hungry. 10:00 am BBT Sarah is now out of the DR and back in the main BR again talking about her dream that included Sindy with an S. 10:02 am BBT Zach, Brittnee and Bruno are now in the KT talking about how cold it is in the house. 10:03 am BBT Brittnee went into the SR which left Zach and Bruno in the KT together talking about the girls hearing their discussion last night and how Ashleigh seemed shook up. 10:05 am BBT Brittnee went back into the KT and is fixing something to eat while Zach pored a cup of coffee for himself and Brittnee. Zach said the numbers are slowly flying it is 48. Bobby walked into the KT and asked Zach what he is going to eat. Bobby said it is not a nice day though Zach and then Zach responded with yea I know. 10:09 am BBT Sarah and Willow are in the main BR talking about the average age in the BB house is 22. Willow asked Sarah if she thinks that she blew it. Sarah responded no but don’t be like yesterday. Sarah hopes that they get to have a date again and then she started talking about not having her period yet then she gave a shout out to Scott for him not to worry. Willow told Sarah to tell her what to do and she will do it. Sarah told her to get close to Godfrey. Sarah told Willow not to be so upset and when they cross paths don’t act so upset, just be more casual. 10:14 am BBT Sarah said that Zach gets mad about everything and how she was talking about the time last night and Zach told her whatever and he don’t even care anymore. Sarah is telling Willow how everybody was fighting for the camera and she is not even going to get into it because it is so stupid. They are now discussing what they are going to do today. 10:17 am BBT Sarah told Willow that Britt is probably wondering why Sarah is hanging out with Willow this morning and Willow said why are you people like that and Sarah responded that Britt is just jealous. 10:18 am BBT Pilar is now in the KT putting away the clean dishes. Bobby thanked her for changing the batteries this morning and she said no problem. Brittnee is sitting at the counter eating her food and Zach is just sitting at the counter not saying a word. 10:20 am BBT Willow and Sarah walked into the KT and asked how the weather is outside. Now Sarah is talking again about her dream about horses. She said that Godfrey told her when you dream about horses it is a bad sign. 10:22 am BBT Willow is in the SR with her head lying on the freezer. Pilar walked in and Willow asked if Kevin ever got to finish his movie and Pilar responded she doesn’t know. Ashleigh walked into the SR and she is looking in the mirror fixing her hair talking about the lighting in there is horrible. The girls are wondering what to eat; Sarah walked in and said they did not get onions. Pilar and Ashleigh left the SR and Willow is talking about what she wants to eat. 10:27 am BBT Bobby and Bruno are out in the BY talking about what Bobby should say while campaigning. Bruno said that it is down to the wire and he told Bobby to try anyway. Bruno said the girls won’t go after the girls. Bobby told Bruno that Ashleigh wants him gone and she does not trust him and he wonders if it is because she is with the girls now. Bobby thinks he can swing Willow. Bruno said it is going to be a tough one but they can do it. 10:30 am BBT Bruno is talking about thinking about it the viewers are at home watching Britt on the block and never going home. Bobby asked Bruno if he thinks it will be a double. Bobby said that Zach needs to know that Sarah and Brittnee would put him up. Bruno said that Zach thinks they will put him up. Bruno said that everyone knows what is being said. Bruno said at this point it is not even game play, try and do what they can and don’t give up. 10:33 am BBT Bruno said why would you get rid of a person that is not coming after you, it makes no sense and that Brittnee sucks up to Zach tons, lots, lots, lots. They could have a deal together. Bobby said that it should be obvious that Sarah will go after Zach. Bobby left as Bruno said do your thing. 10:35 am BBT Bruno is lying in the hammock by himself. In the KT there is general conversation going on about movies. 10:46 am BBT Zach, Bruno and Bobby are now out by the hammock. Bobby asked Zach if he talked to Ashleigh if he doesn’t mind Bobby asking. Zach said that Ashleigh heard Willows name someone else’s name and Bobby responded that is a little dodgy and if Ashleigh is still pushing for him to go there has to be an all girls thing. Zach said that Ashleigh said after they left Sarah said there has to be an all guys thing. Zach said that Willow opened the door and they could see them all crouched down. Zach said that Ashleigh wants Bobby to come to her because she has her own mind. Bobby said if Ashleigh wants to keep him to stay that would be lovely and how he would be a bigger target. Bobby said that even the votes make since. Bruno warned them that Willow is headed out by them. 10:55 am BBT Bruno asked Willow how she slept and she said that she was cold in that room. 10:56 am BBT Other houseguests are making their way out to the BY. Kevin said maybe they will get a task today. Bruno asked if they are going to have a morning game of Godball so now Bobby and Godfrey are playing ball.
  24. 9:00 am BBT Good Morning Canada! We are not sure if the houseguests are awake or what is going on in the BB house right now because the feeds have been on FotH for awhile now. 9:09 am BBT The feeds are Back! Brittnee is walking into the BY to do some laundry. 9:11 am BBT Brittnee went to HN room to ask Willow (who is still sleeping) for her sweater and then she went into the main BR and is looking in the drawers for Willow’s sweater. The lights are still off in the BR and HN room. Brittnee went to the KT to make some coffee. 9:18 am BBT Coffee is now brewing so Brittnee went to sit on the LR couch. She was messing with her hair and now she is just sitting and staring around the room. 9:22 am BBT Brittnee was called to the DR. 9:23 am BBT All four feeds show HN room and main BR with lights off and houseguests still sleeping. 9:26 am BBT The lights are now coming on in the HN room and the main BR! All other houseguests are still asleep though. 9:30 am BBT No wakeup call yet and houseguests are still sleeping. 9:32 am BBT Feeds change to HOH room with Kevin sitting up in bed with his eyes closed and Pilar lying there next to him. No words were exchanged and then Kevin laid back down and covered up. 9:35 am BBT Pilar and Kevin are both sitting up in bed now. A few words are being exchanged, but they do not have their mic’s on so we don’t know what is being said. 9:38 am BBT Brittnee and Zach are now in the KT talking about Bruno having to get up when the lights were still out. Britt said that she could not sleep. Zach asked if anyone was doing the batteries right now and Britt responded that Bruno is and he should be back down soon. Brittnee said it would be nice to just chill out and get some air. 9:40 am BBT Brittnee told Zach may the force be with you and said that she don’t watch star wars, but she knows that saying. 9:43 am BBT Sarah and Godfrey are sitting in the BR. Sarah said that she has done this game for 46 days without Bobby and she don’t need him now. Sarah said that Bruno was telling her in the BY that if they don’t have Bobby they are all going to go 100 percent. Sarah said if we don’t have Bobby then Bruno is going to go. Sarah said if we keep Bobby now he may help us get those people out but then he will kill us in comp and send us out. Godfrey said it has its pro’s and con’s. Godfrey said what Bruno meant is that he will be going. Sarah said yes because he is the next biggest threat. Now they are discussing everything that Bobby has done to them. 9:46 am BBT Sarah said they are getting down to the nitty gritty and Bobby might save them for one week, but she is not looking to go next week. Sarah said that Bruno screwed them over. Godfrey said that if you get a twist you got to take a chance. Godfrey is not worried about Bruno. Sarah said that the couples can’t keep having that much good luck and Kevin knows that he can’t beat Zach. Sarah has not made up her mind 100 percent. Sarah said it is hard to look at a pro rock climber and Britt and then say sorry Britt. Godfrey said they are in a different position. Sarah said they think she is so smart. Brittnee walked in the room and brought Sarah some tea. 9:50 am BBT Sarah told Britt that she wants to stay in bed for at least an hour. Britt left the room. Godfrey said that he wants to keep Brittnee because she is a more independent thinker. Sarah said that everyone is trying to go to the end with Ashleigh and Pilar. Sarah said people will tell you what they want when their back is against the wall. Sarah said it is clear where their loyalties lie. 9:53 am BBT Brittnee walked back in the BR and is looking for something. Godfrey is getting dressed and fixing his bed. Bruno walked into the BR and the discussion is about Sarah’s mask being gone from the pantry. 9:54 am BBT Bruno and Godfrey left the BR. Sarah is whispering to Brittnee about Bruno and her getting a late DR call and then they had a discussion afterwards. Sarah said that she called Bruno out on specific things and she told Bruno it is a numbers game. When Sarah told Bruno that she was not going to keep Bobby he was about yelling at her. Sarah repeated that Bruno said if they get rid of Bobby this week they are all going home. 9:58 am BBT Bobby walked in the BR and interrupted Brittnee and Sarah’s conversation. So Sarah played it off and said if they are winning back to back those girls are f’d too. Bobby left the room and discussion continues about the conversation that Sarah just had with Godfrey and she thinks that Godfrey will vote for Brittnee to stay. 10:02 am BBT Sarah told Britt that she snapped on Bruno and that she is trying to get the votes for her. Sarah told Britt that she said to Godfrey where has Bobby been for the last forty six days. Sarah said that Godfrey said they don’t have to talk again and he is keeping Brittnee. 10:04 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah’s conversation is now about how they are going to go into comps from now on calm and focused. 10:05 am BBT Bobby and Bruno are by the HT talking. Bruno said it is going to be a rough one the next couple weeks. Bobby said they did genially believe his veto lie. Bruno said that he (not sure who) is full of shit and that he said he is going after Sarah and Brittnee, but Bruno knows who he is going after. 10:08 am BBT Back in the BR Britt hopes it is Bobby is going this week. Sarah said that Bruno and Godfrey will be the next targets after Bobby is gone. Brittnee said that she likes to think that is how it will be. They hope that Willow will be the target after Bruno and Godfrey. Sarah said that Zach has thrown Brittnee’s name under the bus since day one. 10:11 am BBT Brittnee said that Godfrey has a better chance with them than the others. Sarah said if Bruno comes to her again to vote for Bobby then she will lie and tell him okay. They have to tell Willow and the others want Bobby out because they said they can’t wait for the Jury members to see Bobby walk through that door. Britt said that Bruno told her that he would never write her name down. 10:13 am BBT Sarah said to pretend to still be doing what they want it is a little too late and she is done pretending. Kevin walked in the BR and interrupted the conversation. Kevin has a cold and allergies so he took some medicine. 10:16 am BBT Kevin left the room and talk is about Britt being stuffed up too and she breath through her mouth. Sarah said that we can do this and when we win we could put up hopefully Zach and Kevin and say to Kevin sorry buddy. Sarah wants to do it old school and have the houseguests come to the HOH room one by one. 10:18 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are discussing who to put up when they win HOH and what they will say to them. They want to keep Bruno because he will go after them. 10:20 am BBT Sarah said to sit the four of the couples down and say okay we have to break you up and see how they respond. Britt told Sarah that she is so funny and that she just wants to see them squirm. 10:22 am BBT Pilar walked in the BR and interrupted the conversation and talk is about who is outside now. 10:23 am BBT Bobby, Bruno, Godfrey and someone else out lying by the HT in the sun, but no words are being said. 10:25 am BBT Sarah is telling Pilar about Willow not talking to her and then yesterday she was out by the HT with Zach and Ashleigh when Willow came out and looked surprised that Sarah was there. Sarah is speculating why Willow would be mad and that Willow believes anything anybody tells her. 10:28 am BBT Brittnee said that she feels emotionally exhausted. Pilar left the room. Sarah told Brittnee that she told Bruno how does he expect her to vote out Brittnee when their backs have been against the wall. 10:31 am BBT Sarah said she told Bruno and Godfrey that the lines are drawn and they will be going on the block if the other side of the house wins. Sarah said if she was to keep Bobby she will be keeping their numbers strong and not her own. 10:33 am BBT Ashleigh, Willow and Pilar have now joined the HT group talking about how Bobby should have just took the ten thousand dollars in the vault. Willow said there is less than a month left in the house. Pilar said that there is more people than there is supposed to be for twenty eight days left. The discussion is now about showering and what they are going to wear. 10:37 am BBT Pilar and Ashleigh went into the house. There is no more conversation going on by the HT. 10:39 am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar and Brittnee are now in the WA. Pilar walked out and Brittnee told Ashleigh that Bruno is trying so hard to keep Bobby here. Ashleigh said she knows and she has heard everything and that there is a girl’s alliance again. Brittnee said it is so irritating. They both wish for Wednesday to hurry and get here. Brittnee left the room saying she is not surprised at all. 10:41 am BBT Brittnee walked into the BR and told Kevin and Sarah what Ashleigh just told her about the girls alliance. Kevin said that he knows because right after the ceremony Bruno came to him and threw up Sarah’s name specifically. Sarah is telling Kevin about a discussion with Bruno asking him when have they ever been together. Sarah rehashed the discussion she had with Bruno last night and how he was about yelling at her. Kevin understands that they are going to campaign but they should at least do it in a logical way. Britt said that she told Bruno she knows that he is going to campaign for Bobby. 10:45 am BBT Kevin apologized to Brittnee and said that he really though Bobby had a veto to use. Sarah said if it was Bruno and Bobby on the block together it would be a complete different story. 10:46 am BBT Kevin said of course he is going to do whatever he can, but within twenty minutes after the ceremony start doing it. Brittnee said that she gets why he is doing it, but at least he don’t need to lie. Kevin and Brittnee left the room and Willow walked in. Sarah asked Willow to come to her for two seconds please and that she will self evict if she keeps acting like that. Willow did go and give Sarah a hug. 10:49 am BBT Sarah and Willow are talking about how hard the fake fight is and Willow said that at least Sarah has Brittnee. Sarah said to tell her at least that she loves her and Willow did not say it. Sarah pulled the covers over her head and started crying saying she hates this game. Willow went to comfort her.
  25. 11:48 am BBT The feeds are back and no Veto was used so Brittnee and Bobby remain on the block. Sarah, Brittnee, Bruno and Godfrey out by the HT talking about the seven different scenarios that Kevin has told in the past few days. Godfrey said we still have the upper hand unless it is a super physical comp otherwise if it is a crap shoot they all have an equal chance. Bruno said that he did not know anything and Godfrey said that he did not know anything either. Bruno said that they just have to win this week there is no two ways about it. 11:56 am BBT Godfrey walked into the BR where Willow was and Godfrey told Willow that he thought for sure that he was going up. They are now counting the numbers and the odds. Godfrey left the room and Sarah walked in. Sarah said that she is still shocked because Kevin said that he was going to use the veto on Brittnee. 12:00 pm BBT Willow is telling Sarah about her discussion with Kevin and how she asked Kevin to tell her what happened. Willow said that Kevin keeps going back to the JP thing and he won’t let that go. Sarah said that Brittnee was told by Kevin that he was going to use the veto and put up Bruno. They are talking about the looks on Ashleigh and Pilars faces and how Bruno is pretty pissed because he was not told. 12:03 pm BBT Sarah said she is never going to vote out someone like Brittnee over Bobby. Willow and Sarah are now discussing how they are going to pretend to be mad at each other. Willow said this is it, Sarah said this is it but we will be alone like this because they are idiots. 12:06 pm BBT The feeds went to FotH 12:11 pm BBT The feeds are back and Bobby is sitting in the BY by the pool. He just finished up a conversation with Willow and said that he hopes Sarah sees to keep him over Brittnee and then Willow walked away. Bobby is talking to himself and said that means the show-manses knew he was coming after them he thinks. His fate lies in Godfrey, Sarah and Bruno. Bobby said that he can’t even campaign and hope they see it is better for their game to keep him, but whatever there are no hard feelings. He thinks Willow was bsing and the general reaction about the veto tells him that Sarah is not working with them. Bobby knows that he has to get the votes from Sarah’s side of the house and not from the show manses side of house. He said if they don’t keep him then Bruno and Godfrey should be really terrified then he headed out by the HT to lay in the sun. 12:17 pm BBT correction, he just put the cushions out by the HT and went into the house to get his water and then went to the KT. 12:18 pm BBT Brittnee was in the KT and told Bobby she made more coffee. He said thanks I will probably need some in a bit and then he headed back out in the BY by the pool, he sat down for a minute then he got back up. Feeds changed to the HOH room where Kevin is listening to his music and dancing. 12:20 pm BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the WA talking about the discussion that Brittnee had with Kevin. Brittnee gets why he did not use the veto and the risky thing that Bobby did was volunteer to go on the block. Sarah is questioning if this is the way of Kevin throwing them off. Sarah is telling Brittnee that she told Bruno that Kevin was going to put him up. Brittnee said that Kevin never said that he was going to use the veto on her. Brittnee said that Zach has a smirk on his face. They left the WA to check the BR and see if someone went in there to listen to their conversation, but no one was in there. Britt said that Zach seems pretty happy right now and it was probably all his idea. 12:26 pm BBT Brittnee and Sarah agree that Zach never put them up, but he is the one making the decisions and tell the HOH what to do. 12:27 pm BBT The girls leave the BR and ran into Kevin at the stairs. Kevin said here is the thing if he would have used it on Britt, he thought Bobby’s veto was real. Then discussion turned talking about a bug and the girls continued down the stairs. 12:29 pm BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the KT now and Brittnee feels bad. Brittnee will be happier when she is off the block and one of them are in power. Britt said that they need to lay low and let the others go after each other. 12:30 pm BBT Sarah told Britt that Bruno is pissed at them because he thinks they gave the others a bunch of information. They head out to the HT and Sarah sad that she hopes they don’t get locked out and Brittnee said she thinks they might because they have to do that thing. As they head into the area by the HT Brittnee told Sarah they just have to play it cool. 12:30 pm BBT So it is official, Kevin did not use his PoV and Bobby did not take himself off of the block so the others realize his PoV was not real. Now Bobby and Brittnee need to scramble for votes while Kevin does the back peddle for all of the stories that he has told.



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