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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 1:34am BBT Cassandra continues to push Maddy and Ramsey to go on the block but then tells them if getting out Jared is best for their game then that is what they have to do. Phil said that they were sitting nicely and hoped that it would be a couple of weeks before they had to make a move but Canada loves them and they are happy about that. Cassandra said what she has been getting is that the whole house wants Maddy and Ramsey out. Phil asked who the whole house is because she has been hanging out with Kelsey and Jared a lot. Now Cassandra gets comfortable on their bed and going over a story that they are in a house of sharks that want to eat a little chihuahua which is the brothers and they have to get rid of who ever wants to eat the chihuahua. Phil said that he did not say it is Jared and Kelsey because he does not want her to run back to them and tell them that. Cassandra tells the brothers that they can do what ever they want to do and what ever it is she supports it and then she leaves.
  2. 1:20am BBT the brothers are in their Hoh discussing who to put up. Phil told Nick that he does not want to put Ramsey on the block and Nick agreed. Phil is reviewing his conversation with Tim to Nick. Phil thinks that the bigger they create the fear in Maddy by telling her that everyone wants them to put her up and the boys will not put her up, it is like they are saving her and she may be loyal to them. Nick thinks that Jared will never be loyal to them. The brothers both agree that Jared needs to go on the block and put Nikki up on the block as a pawn. Phil wants to put up Jared and Cassandra and then they talk a little more and decide they want to put up Jared and use Tim as a pawn. They discuss a little more then Cassandra walks in and said there is a warrant for her glasses and starts to leave. The brothers ask her if she wants to talk and she walks back in and said she don't know she is trying to figure it out from being on slop for the third week. Cassandra sat on Phil's lap and asked if she is good this week. Phil told her that she is sitting pretty and then asks her to get off his lap because his leg is hurting so she complies as she asks what they are thinking. Phil said it is either Maddy or Jared. Cassandra said Maddy or Ramsey and if Ramsey wins veto then put Jared up beside her and let the house decide who they want out. Phil said that would make a boat load of enemies and they don't have that right now. Cassandra asked if everything stays her and they said yes so Cassandra said that she wants Maddy gone and explains why but follows that what ever they decide to do she will support.
  3. 1:06am BBT Tim suggests that Phil also think about who he could beat at the finish line and maybe wait and see who offers the brothers a better deal. Phil and Tim both agree that the two couples (Ramsey and Maddy against Kelsey and Jared) will never work together. Nikki and Nick both walk into the blue bedroom as Tim is again saying see who offers them a better deal and Nick agrees saying that is probably what they will do. Tim and Nikki both agree that the brothers have their vote either way. Tim tells the brothers not to be strong armed by anyone. The blue room group are now discussing how Cassandra has taken the place of Raul and they are now the new three. Nikki reassures Phil that Maddy and Ramsey have the brothers back. Phil suggests putting up Cassandra and Kelsey. If Jared does not win the PoV then they can back door him. Tim told the brothers that they have other people to talk to and he does not want to waste their time, but to remember that he and Nikki are part of the middle group with Joel and Ramsey somewhat. The brothers leave the room to talk about what they are doing.
  4. 12:59am BBT Tim and Phil are in the blue bedroom discussing nominations. Phil said that his thing is either Jared and Kelsey or Maddy and Ramsey. Tim told Phil that there is an argument both ways and then he explains why. Phil thinks that Cassandra is with them (not sure who them is) and Tim agrees and thinks that she has a deal with everyone. Tim thinks that Joel is right when he says that Maddy and Ramsey will go after the brothers even if they do put up Jared this week. Phil thinks that Joel has been listening to Kelsey and Jared. Tim don't want to tell Phil what he should do but either way he has Tim's support. Tim thinks that if Phil puts up Kelsey and Jared then Cassandra will have no other choice but to work with them because he thinks that she will never work with Maddy and Ramsey. Phil is not sure how Nikki feels about Cassandra and Tim quickly responds that she would put her up in a heartbeat. Tim does not want to tell Phil what to do because he is not working with either of the groups and Phil said that is why he wants his opinion because he is unbiased. Tim said his gut says Jared and Kelsey and Phil agrees that his gut says that too.
  5. 12:16am BBT the feeds came back to see Phil listening to his music looking like he is enjoying himself and then they switch back to the kitchen where Nikki told Jared that Cass has been horrible so she deserves to be a have-not and Jared agreed.
  6. 12:10am BBT In the kitchen Jared is making slop while talking to Nikki. Jared thinks that he is going up this week next to Maddy. He said that the brothers told Joel that they want to back door him (Jared) but Nikki don't think so. Nikki thinks that the brothers should put up Cassandra because that is who she would have put up and that would be fair to Canada. Ramsey and Kelsey both walked into the kitchen so discussion turns to Jared making slop and then the feeds go down.
  7. 12:18am BBT Tim leaves the HoH room saying that he just wants to have a fun week this week as one of the girls say they hope that they get off have not's early this week. Tim said yea, I doubt it. After Tim left the room Cassandra complains to Kelsey that Tim makes remarks like that all of the time and it pisses her off. Kelsey thinks that Jared is going to be on the block this week. Cassandra does not think so, she thinks they are getting Maddy and Ramsey out. Cassandra thinks that Her, Kelsey, Jared, Tim and Joel need to make a plan and go in the HoH individually and she has a feeling nominations are going to be early tomorrow (which is possible since they did have-not's tonight~sassy). Kelsey hates that she is on slop this week and she was on slop last week because it f**ks with your head and her brain does not work and her body is tired.
  8. 12:08am BBT The feeds came back up. Kelsey, Tim and Cassandra are getting themselves situated in the HoH room and Cassandra is complaining how much she hates it. Cassandra told Tim that Maddy and Ramsey are already in the HoH room and Tim replies that he just don't even care anymore and he is not going to try and talk to the brothers. Cassandra said that we want to work with Jared and Kelsey and she said that Maddy and Ramsey can flip on them easily. Tim is going to have a really quiet week just like he did last time when he was on slop. Kelsey is happy that at least she can have baths this week and listen to music because she could not last week. Tim wonders why she could not last week and Kelsey said that she just was not going to ask Maddy.
  9. Morty, I just put a post on Thursday's LFU 11:51pm-when the feeds came back up to midnight when the feeds went back down Tim, Cassandra and Kelsey are have-not's
  10. 11:51pm BBT The feeds finally came back. Jared is in the kitchen fixing slop for his "friends" while Joel and Nikki watch. 11:54pm BBT The brothers come running out of the dr yelling "who wants to see my HoH room" and of course everyone else is excited to see. The brothers took turns reading sections of the letter from home (it was from his whole family including the dog) and after they are done reading the letter, they keep stressing to the others that they want this week to be fun and they are willing to share their stuff. As they pass around some "treats" Tim said that they (Tim, Cassandra and Kelsey) are not allowed so they are the have-not's for the week and then we get locked out.
  11. 10:37am BBT Ramsey and Maddy are in the HoH room talking about Ramsey walking in on Jared, Kelsey and Raul having an argument about Raul wanting to campaign against Kelsey. Maddy wonders if it was a set up to make Ramsey think that they are not together anymore. Ramsey does not think it was a set up. Ramsey wonders if the four hours has started yet and Maddy told him that it does not start until everyone is in the HoH room. Ramsey wonders if Joel would put them up and Maddy said no because Joel is scared of them. 10:41am BBT BB just told the house guests to go to the HoH room so it sounds like it is time for the HoH lock down.
  12. 10:30am BBT the house guests are still getting ready for their day with general conversations going on.
  13. 10:11am BBT the feeds are back, Kelsey and Jared still reviewing the events in the house in the living room while Cassandra and Nikki are in the wash area putting on make up and Joel is in the shower. 10:14am BBT Kelsey wonders if she should get ready and Jared told her no just relax and then he told her to go to the HoH room. Kelsey said that she will go in there in a little bit. Kelsey asked Maddy if she could use the HoH wash room real quick and Maddy told her sure but don't f***in take her duck. Kelsey said that she would not take her duck. Tim is on the landing doing stretches while Raul and Cassandra are in the wash area putting on make up, Joel is still in the shower and Nikki is brushing her teeth.
  14. 10:05am BBT Kelsey left the wash area and Tim walked in to use the rest room when Phil is done. Phil walked out of the restroom and Cassandra asked him if Joel is still in a mood. Phil said that he does not know. 10:07am BBT Kelsey and Jared are in the living room talking about people hiding behind them or the person in power. Kelsey said that as long as their in the house no one else is a target. Jared wants to sit everyone down and asked what the issue is and why no one is going after anyone else. Kelsey and Jared start to practice the days that events happened and then we get locked out.
  15. 9:56am BBT Raul, Kelsey and Cassandra are sitting in the living room eating food that Raul fixed. Raul wonders if they will have psychological problems when they leave the BB house. Cassandra told Kelsey that she said something wrong and needs to fix it as she walks away. Kelsey said that she needs to go and fix it. Jared walked up to Kelsey and said that Cassandra tells so many lies. Kelsey explained that Cassandra said that she said something wrong and Kelsey needs to fix it with Tim and Kelsey said that she already had that conversation with Tim. 10:01am BBT BB announced that the HoH must vacate all things out of the HoH room and everything that was received as HoH must remain in the room. 10:02am BBT Cassandra and Kelsey are in the WA. Kelsey said that she already had that conversation with Tim and she heard the question wrong. Cassandra told Kelsey if she don't trust her then don't work with her. Both girls continue to put their make up on and talk about how hot it is in the BB house.
  16. 9:38am BBT all feeds are back in the kitchen area where there is just general conversation going on. 9:40am BBT feeds switch back to the HoH room where Maddy laid back down and is kissing on Ramsey telling him to wake up. Ramsey said that he don't want to and asked her to come back to bed and cuddle. Maddy told Ramsey that she is going to make hash browns. Ramsey gives her advise on how to cut the potatoes and then he told her to do it how ever she wants to do it because he is not going to tell her what to do, at least not now. Maddy crawled back under the covers and is kissing on Ramsey again. 9:46am BBT Feeds switch to the wash area where Kelsey is putting on her make up and Jared is watching her. Tim is in there and said that you can't make double deals with everyone. Kelsey has changed into a dress that zips up the front and Jared tells her it looks cute. 9:49am BBT the feeds switch to the kitchen where Raul is cooking and Joel and Nikki are sitting at the table eating.
  17. 9:27am BBT Raul made his way to the kitchen after he was done fixing his hair. He asked Kelsey and Jared if they want breakfast. Jared told him that there is not very much food left. Cassandra sat down at the table and told Phil that if they start early it is going to be a double. Phi thinks that it is going to be a double also. Raul is in the kitchen and gave Phil the finger and Phil told him that he wants his vote today and he is giving him the finger. 9:37am BBT up in the HoH room Maddy got out of bed to use the wash room while Ramsey is still in bed.
  18. 9:18am BBT Kelsey and Raul are in the wash area talking about what they want to say in their speech tonight. BB announced someone to go to the DR and Raul comments that they are going to be calling everyone in today to say their goodbye's. Kelsey asked Raul if he would play this game again and Raul said that he would then Raul continues to tell Kelsey about his dream last night. 9:20am BBT down in the kitchen Tim is apologizing to Nikki for being so restless last night. Nikki wonders if it was the tea that made him that way. Others have made their way to the kitchen to get coffee and breakfast while Raul is in the wash area fixing his hair.
  19. 8:59am BBT Joel is now downstairs and asks Tim if he needs a hand cleaning. Tim told him he can clean the pots and pans. The other feeds show the wash area with the house guests getting ready for their day. Down in the kitchen Tim asked Joel if he is nervous about tonight and Joel said a little. Joel asked Tim if he is nervous and Tim said not really. Tim said that at least one of them guys will be going tonight and the house will be a little bit cleaner. Nick walked in the kitchen area and is still stuffed up. Tim suggests he put his head over a bowl of hot water with tea tree in it. Tim is going to get peppermint to put in the hot water for Nick and maybe tea tree too. Cassandra made her way to the kitchen and Tim asked her how her sleep was and she said it was okay and asked how his was. Tim said that his sleep was so tossy and turney. 9:10am BBT Tim has finished making the boiling water and Nick is sitting at the dining table with his head over the water and a towel over his head.
  20. 8:42am BBT The lights are still out in the bedrooms and the feeds switch to the kitchen where Tim is up and putting away the clean dishes out of the dishwasher. 8:49am BBT the lights just came on in the bedrooms and the brothers make their way out of bed. BB just told Tim to get the battery box and take it around to the house guests. Tim comments that he is cleaning up and BB should get one of the others to pass out batteries if they want the house up and moving. 8:54am BBT Tim is done going around so everyone can change their batteries and he comments that it was a fast change, too bad the kitchen is not clean yet and he goes back to cleaning.
  21. 8:28am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is eviction day and the lights are still off in the BB house so BB must be letting the house guests sleep in. .
  22. 10:18am BBT The feeds are back and Kelsey, Jared, Raul and Nikki are in the KT discussion someone saying what they want to hear. Nikki is so happy that the have not's are over. Out by the HT Tim, Cassandra and Phil are talking about Raul saying things. Tim does not understand how Raul thinks that it would convince them to vote for him to stay. Tim thinks that it is working out now about who you can trust and people will say that deals are made and trying to make people feel like they are excluded. Phil said that talking about deals Jared made a deal to keep him safe and Tim said no he is talking about deals to get to the end. Tim does not immediately believe everything that you hear. Tim said that the threats are going to try and get them to turn on each other. 10:23am BBT Raul in the KT telling Nikki and Jared not to break the rules and he apologized to BB. Jared told Raul that Phil was pissed because he would not stop bouncing that ball. Nikki said that she was mad at first and she was close to eating but she would not have done it because she went that far. Tim, Cassandra and the brothers are by the HT discussing variations of who to put up if they get HoH.
  23. 10:05am BBT Kelsey and Jared are sitting at the DT telling Raul about how they got wine last night. Raul told Kelsey and Jared that he loves them so much and kill it and make him proud (sounds like he has given into the fact that he is leaving tomorrow~sassy). 10:07am BBT Tim and Phil are out by the HT talking about who Phil would put up if he won HoH. Phil said that he don't even know what he would do at this point. Phil does not understand why Kelsey would tell them that he was going to put Tim and Cassandra up. Phil does not know if people are trying to get them against each other. Jared walked out in the BY and talk turns to tanning and getting vitamin D with the sun. 10:10am BBT Nikki and Raul are in the KT and Nikki is telling Raul that Maddy is mad because they were let off of have not's early. Raul said that he hates missing out and everyone had fun last night and he hates it. Nikki asked Raul when he was going to have his brownie and Raul laughs and said today with milk. Raul was so hungry he was dreaming about bacon. Kelsey walked in the KT and said that when she has a moment to think she thinks about food. Kelsey told Raul that she really missed him and tells him that they got a twitter cam. They start whispering about Maddy and then we get locked out.



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