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Everything posted by sassy2565

  1. 10:20am BBT Kelsey, Jared and Tim out by the hot tub speculating that if there is going to be a double tomorrow then they will shut the back yard off mid morning....and then they were told by BB to stop talking about production.
  2. 10:14am BBT General conversations going on with the house guests getting ready for their day.
  3. 9:53am BBT Kelsey and Jared are in the wash area. Kelsey is going to try and look nice today, Jared is going to do some laundry today. Kelsey is going to talk to Tim today and she does not understand why Tim told the others that he would take them to the end but he never said that to her. Jared thinks it is because he knows that Kelsey is working so close with him (Jared). Kelsey is going to talk to Joel today and tell him that Cass has told her many times that she would never vote her out. Jared said that the brothers are going to talk to him (Joel) today and once they are done talking to him Jared is going to talk to him. They both agree that they are going to have three really good study sessions today even if Jared is cranky.
  4. 9:42am BBT Joel is done with the battery change, Nikki is at the dining table eating her breakfast and the others are making their way out of bed doing their ADL's.
  5. 9:34am BBT BB just announced to the house guests that it is time to wake up and chose Joel to do the battery change. The brothers are in the shower and Nikki went by the hot tub area to tell Tim about her dream.
  6. 9:30am BBT On feed one the lights just came on in the blue bedroom showing Jared and Kelsey still sleeping while on feed three Tim is out by the hot tub laying in the sun and eating his breakfast. (the other two feeds have been locked out for awhile).
  7. 9:01am BBT Tim is in the kitchen fixing some hard boiled eggs and coffee and then he heads out to the back yard for a few minutes. 9:05am BBT The lights are still off in the bedrooms, but we see Nikki crawl out of bed. Tim is in the kitchen still preparing his breakfast. 9:15am BBT Tim's eggs are done and he heads out by the hot tub area with his food and drinks to sit in the sun and eat his breakfast. Tim went back inside to do something and meets up with Nikki in the kitchen where they hug and joke about something. Tim said that it is a nice day out there and he has his breakfast and coffee out there to eat in the sun. Nikki is getting herself something to eat and drink. The lights are still out in the bedrooms.
  8. 8:52am BBT Tim is now done taking a shower and he is getting dressed and brushing his teeth. The lights are still off in the bedrooms with the other house guests still sleeping.
  9. 8:45am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are still off in the bedrooms. Tim is the only one up right now and he is in the wash area taking a shower.
  10. Maybe someone else will be able to take over now,....I have to get some work done : )
  11. 9:44am BBT Nick is done taking a shower and he is now putting on the skunk outfit and then he walked in the wash area where Jared is and they discuss three days until Nick is done wearing the skunk outfit. Jared and Kelsey are making their way outside to smoke a cigarette. The feeds switch to the HoH room where Cassandra and Tim are talking. Tim is in the tub and he is explaining how Nikki wakes up weird at 5am and stomps around. Tim is complaining that he asked for the watermelons and Nikki ate them all. 9:53am BBT Jared and Kelsey are out by the hot tub. Jared noticed that all of the cushions are gone. Kelsey suggested that Jared go and talk to Cassandra. Jared wants to make it seem like he is not blaming Cassandra. Kelsey said to make it seem like he is her friend and then they head back inside. All of the feeds are on the kitchen and dining table where most of the house guests are hanging out. There is talk about following through on doing yoga today. Cassandra suggested that they drink wine later and then she will watch her movie.
  12. 9:03am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights just came on in the BB house. 9:07am BBT Jared is passing out new batteries as the others are starting to wake up. General conversations going on about the weather and movies. 9:14am BBT Tim and Nikki are still in their beds in the blue bedroom. Tim is excited to have a bed day and Nikki is freezing. BB just announced that the pool is now off limits. Tim comments that is how it should be. Cassandra made her way out by the hot tub to see that it is cold and raining. Phil, Kelsey and Joel are in the wash area talking about doing yoga today. 9:22am BBT Joel walks down to the kitchen where Jared is and Joel told Jared that he is going to break his arm today because Kelsey has marks on her eye and she said Jared punched her (all joking). Talk in the kitchen between Cassandra and Phil turns to breaking mirrors and having seven years bad luck. 9:26am BBT Jared and Kelsey in the wash area and Jared said that he is going to talk to Tim later today. Kelsey is joking with Jared and told him that she used him to this point and she told Cassandra to put him up. 9:34am BBT Not much exciting going on today so far....Kelsey is in the wash area doing her makeup and hair, Nick is taking a shower, Tim is in the HoH getting ready to take a bath, Cassandra, Joel and Phil are at the dining table talking about country singers and radio stations. Phil is no longer wearing his skunk suit.
  13. 4:34pm BBT Cassandra walked in the HoH room and Tim asked her if she can give them two more minutes. Cassandra left the room and said that she will be in the kitchen. Tim said that his pretty much what he thought it would be them saying things to cause Joel to question the trust he had in Tim. Joel explains that it wasn't the trust it just does not feel good to hear that and he don't like to feel like he is being pressured. Tim says it's gross and when you are on slop and Joel follows that up with "and not being able to take showers and have clothes." Tim said that it was supposed to be a night off last night and he don't know why they had to target him then and Joel explains that he was alone and they probably thought it had to be then. Tim and Joel both agree that the others have had contradictions saying they have integrity and then they act like that. Tim talks about reading Jared like a book and knows that he was trying to get Tim on the block. Tim thinks that Jared might see Joel as a floater. Joel said that is the exact word that Kelsey used yesterday. Tim advises Joel to be comfortable with who he is working with at the end of the day. Tim feels confident that Joel or himself will win HoH next week. They talk about putting Kelsey and the brothers up on the block together next. Joel is explaining that the others call Tim and Cassandra phony people because Tim made Joel breakfast and Tim said he did that because he did not compete in the comp. Joel said that it upset him when they said that Cassandra's home town would be upset with Cassandra...and then we get locked out.
  14. 4:17pm BBT (feed 4) Tim and Joe are in the HoH room and Joel is explaining how he has heard things said and that is why he is feeling bad. Tim said that if it is true then him and Joel will work it out and if it is lies Tim will have to go to the people that said it and call them out if Joel agrees. Joel said that they (Tim, Joel and Cassandra) have been loyal this long and he does not see that changing. Joel explained how Jared told him that Joel is the butt of Tim's jokes and Tim said that he has never made a joke of Joel behind his back or to his face. Tim told Joel that the others play on a personal level and that is not how he plays. Joel explained how the others said that Tim wants to take Nikki to the end and Tim said that he respects this game to much to do that. Joel asks Tim if he is with Cassandra and Tim explains that his alliance is with Joel and Cassandra and that he is not with one more than the other and if Joel and Cassandra want to cut Tim then he will not say things to put them against each other. Tim said that if he has told the others that he is not taking Cassandra or Joel to the end it is to deflect off of their alliance and Joel said that he does the same. Tim explains that he voted against Cassandra in week three because he has someone on the outside that would not like him flirting with Cassandra and does not want it to look like he is in love with Cassandra or wants to have sex with Cassandra because he does not. Tim told Joel that Cassandra said she has someone on the outside also. Tim advises Joel to decide if he is better off with the three and Joel knows that Jared and Kelsey like him, but he does not see himself finishing any closer than three. Joel asks if since these past two HoH's if Tim has pushed to have Joel on the block. Tim said that he has only pushed to have Jared on the block. Joel explains how Jared said that Tim and Nikki do not need to win because they do not need the money. They both agree that Jared will win against anyone and Joel comments that Jared did not win the PoV and Tim explains that is why he is campaigning to get to Joel because he knows that he will probably go. Tim is going to vote for Jared to leave no matter how Joel votes. They both agree that Kelsey layers it on and Joel does not like it when she is constantly telling him that she has his back. Joel talks about the position that he is always in because he has to vote one way or the other. Tim explains that Nikki wants Joel to win very bad. Tim is happy for Joel or Cassandra to win because of their loyalty to him and he respects them.
  15. 12:21pm BBT Jared walks into the kitchen where Nick is fixing food, Nikki is doing something and Cassandra is sitting at one of the stools. Jared sits down next to Cassandra and then Cassandra sings "i'm pathetic, I can't think for myself" and Jared does not say a word. 12:37pm BBT Jared is in the wash area with Kelsey telling her that Cassandra is so ridiculous already. Kelsey asked what is she doing? Jared tells her that she said "oh Jared is sitting in my seat" Kelsey suggests that he keeps his cool. Jared continues with how nice Cassandra is being to Joel. Kelsey said let her act like that and Jared said "I know, I am going to be quiet." Kelsey is going to use Cassandra's wash room then she is coming back. 12:50pm BBT Jared joined Joel out by the hot tub and Joel is explaining that sixty days is a long time being there. Jared is advising him to take some time by himself. They discuss processing life and this game and it is hard to balance the two. Joel is feeling sad today. Jared is telling him that he is a smart guy and that he is not going to run around campaigning to everyone and he will not blow up everyone's game. Joel appreciates that. Jared is trying to tell Joel to think positive and they could shoot pool. Jared told Joel that Cassandra already tried to start a fight with him and he is not going to give her that satisfaction, he is just going to keep quiet. Their discussion turns to the weather, water bottles and staying up late.
  16. 9:46am BBT the feeds came up for a few minutes to see Cassandra in the HoH room talking to Tim. Cassandra wonders what is up with Joel because he wasn't really talking and said that he would talk to her later. Cassandra must have told Jared that he is going up as the replacement nom because she told Tim that Jared asked her as his friend if it is a tie would she vote to keep him and she told him that she did not know and asked him if he is going to pull that shit that he did last night...and then we get locked out again. 11:13am BBT the feeds come back up with Cassandra sitting on the couch outside by Kelsey who is laying down. Cassandra said that she is sorry as she was getting up and asked Kelsey if she wanted to come to the HoH. Kelsey said that she is okay right where she is at, she kinda wants to go outside if it stops raining and she already puked (she has a hangover because they got to drink and they got music in the BB house while the feeds were off last night). Cassandra went out by the hot tub area where Phil is and they hugged as Cassandra said that they (the brothers) have been the most loyal to her in this game and even with the Dallas/Maddy thing Jared painted a target on their back and he would have come after them and Cassandra felt bad and she had to say it (must of had the PoV ceremony and Jared is now on the block) Phil said that she did the right thing and HoH is super hard. Cassandra feels bad for Joel because he is on slop for the rest of the game and she wants to ask DR if she can take that off of Joel and do it herself. Phil said that he knows that Jared is frustrated. Cassandra said that he hates her and she hopes that it is not a tie because she has enough blood on her. 11:24am BBT Phil is now in the wash area talking to Jared and Phil is wondering what Cassandra will do in the next few days. Jared says a few things about Cassandra and went into the restroom. Cassandra walks in the wash area and Phil told her she looks nice. Jared asked what he said and Phil explained that Cassandra was in the room and he was talking to her. 11:37am BBT Phil and Cassandra are now sitting on the green couches and Phil is telling Cassandra to relax people are going to campaign. Cassandra said that she is not afraid of King Jared and she knows people will campaign, but if they are telling lies then she will straighten them out. 12:07pm BBT Nick and Jared are playing pool and Jared is explaining that he is going to pretend that he does not have the brothers vote this week and try and sway Tim just in case Joel waivers this week and that is his angle. Nick said cool beans and heads out by the hot tub as Cassandra walks through from the hot tub into the house saying something and ending it with "tell everyone like you did last night" (she was referring to Jared). Nick is now by the hot tub with Phil. Phil told him lets be chillers this week and Tim told him not to care what anyone says, people will tell lies and Phil follows that by saying that Jared and Kelsey are truthful and he does not care what anyone says. Nick agrees with Phil and told Phil about Jared going to say that he does not have the brothers vote. Nick leaves to make lunch. Phil told him not to talk to much.
  17. 8:51am BBT Nick walks back out by the pool table as Phil is walking in. Cassandra said that she has the worst headache. Phil said that he is tired of wearing the skunk outfit because it is choking him. Tim comes down stairs to fix some breakfast and he is going to make extra scrambled eggs in case anybody wants any. 8:57am BBT Phil takes his coffee and cookie out by the hot tub area and is just hanging out there. Tim is still in the kitchen cooking while Cassandra and Nick are at the dining table. Nick is trying to fix Cassandra's mic...and then we get locked out.
  18. 8:43am BBT Kelsey is in the blue bedroom complaining that she cant find what she is looking for and then she finds it and then said she might puke all over it...and then we get locked out. 8:44am BBT Kelsey is in the wash area talking to Jared saying that she is going to have to stop talking so much because if she don't stop talking then she will go out right after him. Jared thinks that they still have Joel and Kelsey said for now but there is still four F***ing days left. Kelsey said that she needs to stop drinking and stop smoking so much. 8:50am BBT Nick is in the kitchen while Cassandra is at the dining table drinking her coffee.
  19. 8:33am BBT Nick is done cleaning the kitchen and heads outside by the hot tub and sees that it is a gloomy day so he heads to the back yard to play pool by himself. 8:36am BBT in the pink bedroom Joel is getting dressed and Phil is putting on the skunk outfit. The feeds switch back to the wash area where Tim is still in the shower talking about a show to Kelsey and Jared. Kelsey is called to the DR and she leaves the wash area complaining that she does not feel good. Jared says that he feels great and then starts singing "I feel good"...and then we get locked out. 8:39am BBT the feeds come back up with Phil in his skunk outfit walking into the wash area asking Tim if he could put the skunk outfit in the dryer and it would make it smell better. Tim asked Phil to get him a towel out of the dryer so Phil does that. The feeds then switch to Nikki standing in the kitchen waiting for the coffee to finish.
  20. 8:20am BBT Kelsey is done in the kitchen and heads upstairs with Tim behind her asking her how she feels. She does not feel good and he told her to drink some water. Kelsey comments that she knew they were going to make her change the batteries because BB said good morning house guests... and then we get locked out. 8:22am BBT the feeds are back up with Jared in the kitchen cleaning. There is a big bowl of desert on the counter and Jared comments that he does not know where to put it. (he is talking to himself because there is no one else in the room). Nick walks in the kitchen (head totally shaved now) and they discuss the desert on the counter. 8:24am BBT Phil and Nikki talking showers while Kelsey is brushing her teeth. Phil's head is totally shaved now too. Tim walks in and tells them that it is not going to be an outside day because it is cloudy and looks like rain. 8:25am BBT There was a big cake on the counter that Jared is trying to fit in the small fridge. They discuss how they feel after getting drunk last night. They both feel okay. There was another cake on the counter that Nick is putting in the pantry. Nick carried the big bowl of desert into the storage room and set it on the counter. When he walked out of the storage room he was called to the DR. After Nick came out of the DR he finished cleaning the kitchen and Jared went up to the wash area where Kelsey is putting on make up and complaining that she does not feel good. Tim is in the shower giving Kelsey advise on how to shew the hangover away.
  21. 8:15am BBT Kelsey is in the blue bedroom with Jared changing the batteries. Kelsey comments that they have to clean the kitchen. Jared said that he heard and Kelsey comments that it is not even that messy. We can hear the rooster crow. 8:17am BBT Kelsey is done with the battery change and puts the box back in the storage room and then heads to the kitchen to start cleaning. Tim walks in the kitchen and they discuss having to clean the kitchen. Kelsey asked Tim if it could be a punishment for getting so drunk. Tim thinks it might just be for the PoV ceremony because it is in the background.
  22. 8:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! The feeds are still down so we do not know what is going on. 8:12am BBT The feeds are back up with Tim in the pool and Kelsey passing out new batteries. BB just announced good morning the house guests and told them it is time to wake up.
  23. 9:20am BBT Jared and Tim are working out in the back yard while Phil plays pool by himself in his skunk suit. Kelsey, Nick and Joel still out by the hot tub with not much conversation going on.



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