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Posts posted by Janis

  1. He is walking around in his stupid Judas hat like he really is going to do something big.  If that happens then hell will freeze over too.  He is going to whimp out and put up Johnny Mac and Steve because he is just that a whimp.  He really is iritating me as much as Julia is.  Vanessa told him that he got pictures of his gay friends because his family wants him to stick with her. Really?? Only Vanessa would come up with that bs.  She also told him the clown nose has a hidden meaning.

  2. I think it was during the last veto comp.

    oh ok was not sure it was one minute she was fine and the next she was hobbling around the house.  I feel bad for her the people she thought she could trust don't like her and want her gone and Liz was laughing at her last night because of the toe injury,  They all say they don't like her stories but if you ask me her stories are more exciting than the rest of the house just my opinion.

  3. Becky wanted a group to work with and when her and Shelli were HOH she thought they had a bond and they really didn't.  I thinks she would have given clay and shelli her first born if they would have worked with her.  She and Johnny Mac formed a friendship because they were both outsiders (their words not mine) unfortunately I think Becky realized that Clay and Shelli didn't want to work with her after she told them everything.  When she won her last HOH she picked a side and she picked the wrong side even her best friend in the house voted against her. They never wanted to work with Becky and I don't think anyone really likes her that much.  I hope for that reason she is the one to come back.

  4. What are the chances that she will use the POV today to try and backdoor Vanessa?  Does Liz have the stones to do it?  Or will she play it safe and just let thing remain the way they are?

    She will not use it to put up Vanessa unfortunately she is going for Becky but I think if she would put up Vanessa she would have a shot of winning the game if she made it that far.  I found it comical that Austin said he would do it if he was HOH.  She didn't get the hint.

  5. Vanessa will make it to the end because eveyone wants her out but they won't vote her out.  Call me crazy but if I knew what Liz knows about Vanessa I would put her up so fast.  Who cares if Vanessa rats them out seriously is there no one in  the house that doesn't know they are in an alliance??????  She will probably win the next HOH and I am sure that she will send out James if that happens so really all he got by voting out Shelli was 2 weeks.  I cannot believe that they are afraid to put up Vanessa she will eventually have to go so why not get her out now when you know they all want her out. I hope this comes back to bite them in the butt.

    UGH. I wish they would have dinner before BBAD. Especially Liz & Julia. Gross me out.

    I know what you are talking about.  I want to know how they eat so much and are so thin???? Must be youth.

  6. Well its another Vanessa HOH.  I think we can write Vanessa the check to add to her millions LOL and be done with this season.  I really hate that she is going to win this game.  I cannot watch after dark or the feeds this week because I have had it with her voice and her face.  I yell at my tv for her to just shut up.  My husband is ready to have me commited LOL.

    Vanessa is one evil, psychopathic train wreck. Just what this show needs to keep it interesting. I love to hate her.

    I wish I could say I love to hate her but right now I just hate her in this game she may very well be a nice person outside of big brother. I just can't deal with her whispering voice or her squished up facial expressions anymore.

  7. I read where she said she hopes that its not a DE so if she wins HOH she has time to sift through the information.  What information at this point does she need to sift though??? Maybe her pants are getting looser since Austin seems to be coming out of her butt into the real world and probably taking Liz with him what a relief that must be for her!  She may be good for drama in the house but I cannot stand to watch her I would hate to have to live with her.  Austin should flip the vote on her but I don't quite think he is ready to climb all the way out of her butt right now. 

  8. what kills me about James is he wanted Shelli out last week and it was Austin and the twins that wanted to keep her.  He told Jackie and Meg that Austin and the twins did not want to work with them after they told him they were voting Clay out.  He was right so this week they all knew that Becky wanted Vanessa out and they were all on board until Vanessa blew up Becky's game.  Then the Becky bashing started.  Does he think that Austin and the twins suddenly want to be with them???   As long as Vanessa is in the house the twins and Austin will do what she wants.

  9. I would like her to have one thought that was her own and defend it.  I do not think Meg is stupid or anything like that but she does not always agree wth the James and then allows her ideas to be thrown out in favor of his or Jackie's.  I think she trusts Austin and the twins way more than she should. 

  10. Vanessa just told the twins that Becky and Jackie will be her targets going forward.  I am sure Vanessa plans to put them up together.  I don't know how Jackie can be so blind to consider keeping Vanessa over Shelli.  Vanessa is by far the bigger threat.

    I agree with you totally Shelli does not have the loyality of the twins and Austin that Vanessa does,  I think that Shelli would have definately worked with the 3 plus Becky until she had to start getting rid of them because no one was left in the house.  Of course this is just my opinion and really I don't care about this cast this year do not like many of them  Jason was growing on me and he is gone and I like Johnny Mac and Vanessa unless she flip flopped is gunning for him too.



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