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Posts posted by Janis

  1. I must be watching a different show.  I do not see Nicole as sketchy or a rat or a snake.  She is trying to stay in the game and was never in my opinion with Frank or cabbage patch kid,  She is not a threat she has not won anything. She will get Davonne out before Davonne could get her out.  When has she thrown Natalie under the bus??? Really the girl walks around with a wooden spoon and kicks and jumps up and down wow what a player and definitely a person that should be a threat.  She went directly to Natalie about going on the block.  Yes she has said to put her up but if that is throwing her under the bus ok whatever.

  2. Not sure why everyone thinks Nicole turned on Day when Day was going after Corey long ago thinking she could get Nicole back.  Nicole at that time had not left her.  I am not fond of her game play I would have liked to seen her play without the guy but I don't think she is a rat.  She needs to start defending herself and tell Day all the crap Tiffany told her last week.  If I were Nicole I would not have trusted Day either.

  3. Come on Steve I want to see you win part 3 and Vanessa GONE.  I do not want to see her win.  If you make it to big brother final 3 then you have done something right and if you win so be it.  I will never think that Vanessa played a good game because I dislike her that much.  I quit watching my live feeds and after dark because I was tired of looking at her in that ridiculous beanie and listening to her mouth always telling Steve what to do.  I truly hope I never have to see her again on a tv.

  4. My understanding is that they were out there for over 4 hours and production finally made them get off of the disc's they were sitting on and sit on the ball or apple and Steve fell and then of course Vanessa started her talk about the next comp would not be good for her and Liz would do good typical Vanessa BS but Liz was not biting but actually slipped off the ball not sure if this is truth or not but I hope they did not just give it to her.  She was also talking to Liz and promising her to take her  to the F2 but she could not tell Steve.  Right here I would be running to Steve she has to pick someone so who cares if Steve knows maybe he would not pick Vanessa if he won.

  5. It's no secret that I dislike Vanessa so much and today I dislike her even more than yesterday.  I just want to weigh in on a few Vanessa things.  I agree if she makes it to the end she would deserve to win but with that being said there were many elements to her game.  She likes to claim she was alone but she was not alone in the game she always had an alliance with her whether it was Clay and Shelly or Austin and the twins or Steve and Johnny Mac.  She was good at covering her bases so she was not alone.  She loved to play the poor me blah blah blah I am so loyal and I never lie.  She wanted to kick Austin out early because he lied to her.  She lied everyday to people, was not loyal ask Austin or Clay and Shelli for that matter. She interogated people like they commited a crime asked for everything from them except maybe their first born child and then was shocked when people had an issue with her.  These idiots that were dumb enough not to get her out (James and Meg and Jackie) you deserve to be in the jury house in my opinion.  I think Steve or Liz could give good enough reasons to win the game also because they have all been aligned with her forever. They could make the same claims that she will make about evicting them all and they could say they were just as much a part of it as she was.  They would not be lying.  She loved to have her HOH deals and meetings. She was up their butts everytime one of them would win.  I am just saying she could lose to Liz or Steve if they make a strong enough argument.  Liz and Steve are more likeable. My problem with Vanessa was not that she lied and was not loyal my problem was the way she would throw it in their faces that she never lied and that she was a good person if you are going to go into a game like big brother and play like Vanessa did then own it and don't act like you were a saint on a reality show for 500,000 dollars when you were not. 

  6. What I did not like this year about Vanessa is she cried fake little tears and claimed to be all alone when she had an alliance with mostly everyone in the house.  She should have stayed with Austin and Liz and I think she would have won because she claims she is so loyal the whole time while lying. Which is fine its big brolther but she rubbed me the wrong way from day 1 when the feeds came on and she was crying about is it worth it to be here for the money blah blah blah.  I would have put her up and out just for that reason.  She always was in the face of whomever was HOH and like sheep they all listened to her so bravo for you Vanessa.  Does she deserve to win probably but I cannot stand her so like I said nothing she does will make me want her to win or think she played a great game.  She got lucky that more people were not on to her like Becky who had her pegged.  It is painful to watch her talk and talk about percentages and it drove me up a wall. I couldn't watch after dark last night because I knew she had won the veto.  Many people including Becky said that if she was at the end they would vote for her.  I think she wins no matter who she takes.  It sucks LOL.



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