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Posts posted by Janis

  1. well thank you Vanessa you have totally ruined big brother for me this year.  LOL its true though, so it looks like the wicked witch of las vegas is probably going to win this year and I am not going to watch this mess anymore this year.  First year I have not had a favorite and first year that I don't think anyone should win fan favorite LOL.  Boy I am really bad today but I just can't deal with watching the paranoid evil troll crying and lying anymore.  It's on to Survivor.

  2. Well its been an interesting season first one for me that I didn't have a favorite in fact pretty much disliked this whole cast.  I stuck it out but it's time to say good-by.  I do not think Vanessa played a good game probably because I dislike her so much nothing she will ever do will make me think she was good at anything but lying and crying.  Steve was talking to himself that he should have won the vero and used it on John if Steve threw her that veto then yes she does deserve to win but I don't have to like it or watch it.  I think this will be the worst final 3 ever but of course that is my opinion. Bring on Survivor I am ready and over this year's big brother.

  3. I am just going to throw this out here and leave it at that.  I do not like the way Vanessa is playing the game.  I do not think she has the Dan mist or any of that crap.  I think she is in a houseful of total idiots that have left her in the game when she should have been gone long ago.  They all seem to know that she is calling all the shots and they are ok with that.  Does she deserve to win this season of big brother??? Sure I think she does but I don't have to like her and I don't. 

  4. She is dillusional if she thinks she can sway a jury to not vote for the person that evicts her.  Once in jury her power is gone.  They will vote who they want to and not who she tells them to. I would love for her to go to jury last then she would not have a chance  to say anything to anybody.  What a waste of a summer.  She is so lucky she got players this year like Steve and Austin.  For that matter this whole cast with the exception of Becky who had her figured out. I have never seen a dumber group of people. I hope next year they try to cast people and not recruit them.

  5. Steve should have made a bold move on the double eviction he did not so I do not think putting up the twins is a bold move or is going to land him in the big brother hall of fame.  He is obsessed with whether or not he is liked and I think he will be sadly disappointed because in my opinion he is one of the worst players and is just a step above Victoria.  He threw way too many competitions for me to say he was a good player.  I think he is scared to death of Vanessa and if he wants to win he better get rid of her he maybe could beat Austin or Jmac but I think he tried to be too much like Ian and he is not even close.

  6. I do not respect her game because I do not like the way that she played.  Having said that this is big brother so whatever works for you works.  This year she was put into a house where no one wanted to get blood on their hands.  If I never hear that again it will be too soon. She went to every single person who won an HOH and told them who to put up and who to get out.  These idiots listened to her.  She should win the game if she makes it to the final 2 but it would not hurt my feelings if she left soon.  I think the biggest problem I had with her is when she would talk about how loyal she is and her word and how she doesn't lie.  I really could care less if you lie or if you switch loyalities but while you are preaching to everyone else and are lying  the whole time you need to just shut up.

  7. If they bring back BOTB next year I am out.  It in my opinion is the reason I did not like the show last year and its the reason I don't like the show this year.  I am glad they got rid of it long before they did last year but I hated that it was even back.  I did not like this cast this year at all.  I never had a favorite which is unusual for me.  In a couple of weeks this season will be done and hopefully none of these people will be on another reality show.

  8. If they don't vote out Julia then there is no hope for these idiots this year and that's being nice only calling them idiots.  I am so tired of the stupid way Vanessa decides who to put up and her stupid reasons why.  This is big brother the object is to get to the end and only one person is going to win so if you are HOH you nominate who you want out and you do not need a 10 page reason Vanessa!!!! You don't need to use something from week 2.  The twins should have never been brought into the game but they did so now one of them should go.  I do not think Steve or Johnny Mac will cross Vanessa on this though she wants Meg gone.

  9. I just read part of what is said to be the contract from BB14 and it does say that the HGs are not allowed to promise to share any prizes, so unless the contract is different now, Vanessa is no doubt breaking that rule.  And production is apparently fine with that.  Lots of favoritism in BB. :(


    I'm not sure how that pertains to bribery.  Is she promising to share, or is she promising gifts after the show?  I don't know, but it doesn't seem right at all.

    It was on after dark last night and she was insinuating that they could work out a compromise so that it would be favorable for the 4 of them,  I am not sure but I thought I heard something like 25,000 dollars and maybe they were talking about something else but the impression I got was that it would be a money deal of some sort.  Did anyone else hear this conversation????  I heard also she told Juilia she would buy her a car.  She also made comments to Jason about hooking him up with a job after big brother; Liz has also said she was splitting the winnings if she won with her sister.  I guess they don't care.

  10. what the hell Vanessa is going to be the reason I quit big brother!!! Well ok maybe not but I cannot stand to watch her and listen to her mouth anymore help me.................. I actually had to turn the channel because I couldn't stand to hear who wants to see my HOH room??? coming from her mouth.  Johnny Mac is an idiot for throwing it to her.  I did not think they could talk about splitting money.  Wasn't that what Vanessa was pushing on Austin when they get to the final 4???

  11. 1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.... they will act shocked that someone is coming back even though they know its tonight


    2.  Who do you feel had the better game play between Steve and John? neither one played much of a game



    3.Who do you want to return to the game(Shelli, Jackie, Becky , steve/john) and who should they target or work with  ? Becky or Jackie  they should target the 3 stoogies disguised as twins and Austin.

  12. Vanessa only thinks the HGs are smart when they agree with her theories & logic. She believes that she controls all the information flow in the BB house and that anybody that has information that she doesn't know about is either weird, dumb, or not logical.

    She actually told Johnny Mac that he couldn't put together the pieces and figure out the 8 person alliance on his own.

    The way she interrogates the HGs really pisses me off, I just want one of them to tell her " shut up and leave me alone, I don't have to answer your stupid questions." Vanessa was correct when she said that the people left in the house are whimps.

    That's why I want Jackie to return to the game. She is definitely not intimidated by Vanessa and Jackie has plenty of "reasons" to come after Vanessa without fear.

    Me too I so agree she is lucky they are whimps because other past houseguests would definately put her in her place.  It makes me mad too when she starts asking people for information.  They need to tell her to shut up and then start grilling her I bet she would tell the rest of the house that she is getting bullied.

  13. What I hated was how vicious some of the bullies were about Steve/Jmac...whoever picked this bunch needs to be fired.

    LOL that is so true but unfortunately I think the producers probably think they have a great cast.  Since most of the casting involves recruiting maybe they should try not recruiting for one season and see how it goes.  I know they get enough people at open casting and through videos that are sent in. I did go to an open casting this year in Denver with my nephew and trust me some of the people in line you knew were not going to make it but some were the typical blonde hair very pretty I figured they would have a shot.  What was interesting to me is that my sister was on her way up the mountain to Black Hawk and she saw the Big Brother Van with the Big Brother eye and house going up the pass a week before the open casting in Denver.  She called me and asked if I was sure that the open casting was a week away and I re-checked.and it was, which means they were probably recruiting people for at least a week.  I also heard if they recruit you that you still need to go to open casting but you don't need to stand in line. I was there to give support to my nephew so I never witnessed anyone not waiting in line so I don't know if that is true or not. If i am not mistaken they found Becky on Tinder or something so she did not just show up and apply.

  14. One of the twins questioned whether British and German people are Caucasians.

    The way that Julia constantly criticized Johnny Mac's game is ridiculous especially considering that she has absolutely no game whatsoever. Julia tried to cozy up to Johnny Mac weeks ago, but he wasn't falling for it.

    The only reason that Julia wants to keep Vanessa in the game is because she thinks Vanessa will take her to F2 and she will gladly take 2nd place riding on someone else's coattails.

    Very true  she wants her sister to take her also but I don't think she cares who takes her.  She has no room to talk about anyone's game play. 

  15. I also think Austin is a good person, but he's just so odd with that whole alter ego thing.  I mean, really, grow the ffffffffff up (pardon my French :) ), Austin.  Lose the imaginary friend. 


    That being said, he's going  to feel very stupid about what he wrote in his blog, and about everything he's said about his feelings about Liz, when this is all over.  Seriously, Austin, she's horny.  That's all. 

    LOL thank you I needed a good laugh this morning. 

  16. Austin was one of my fav for a time and he is one that I thought would make a big move and then he didn't not a surprise.  I think he overthinks too much alot like Vanessa and given that he is a big brother fan I am surprised that he is playing this game the way he is.  Its easy for me to sit and judge from my couch but I cannot believe that he is a fan of the show and then plays the way he does.  It must be the big brother house LOL it destroys any good brain cells you may have. I think Austin is a good person and I hope that he does not get his heart broken by the evil twins (sorry) I just don't think she will stay in a relationship with him. 

  17. I didn't like her when I saw her interview with Jeff.  I kinda liked her as the season went on but now I am back to not liking her at all.  She is a mean girl and with her twin, who in my opinion is totally an air head who does not have one thought that is not someone else's,she is twice as mean.  She did comment on her behavior earlier in the HOH with Austin and said she felt bad but evidently not that bad because she has not changed it.

  18. I hope that I am wrong but I don't think it matters who comes back they will go right back out but having said that I would like Jackie to come back she I think is the one person that will not be swayed by any of their bs,  Meg and James would I believe back her up and stick with her if she wins the HOH.  If Becky came back I don't think they would stick with her and Shelli wants to go with Steve or Johnny Mac that isn't going to work out so well.

  19. I think its not so much complaining as frustration.  All of us are of course are big brother fans and we look forward every year to watch this show.  Its my summertime addiction I get mad threaten to not watch but I always watch anyway. For me last year was the worst it was predictable from start to finish and I was not a Derrick fan. I was really mad when they brought the battle of the block back this year I hated it and I think that Battle of the Block is the reason a season can become predictable.You have 2 hoh's working together you have people throwing comps it sucks. I wish they would return to the old concept of playing for food and  privilages (didn't they used to have to earn the hot tub?) and get rid of slop and the have nots.  This year I want to strangle these people but I am afraid its too late and Vanessa will walk away with 500,000 dollars.  Johnny Mac should have played the game and not thrown every comp he was asked to. I think they cast Steve as a Ian character and I don't think it worked out like they thought it would.  I could be wrong,



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