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Posts posted by Janis

  1. yeah right, that really made me laugh, that ED would hate Adam and his game play, what the hell ever, I think it pissed Adam off big time, that was the wrong thing to say, she is more upset over the fact that Jeff one upped her, and she did not win the veto,it didn't look to me as if she was really tryin that hard, I saw her durning her seasonwork a lot faster, I loved it when Janell said "by by Bitches" best line evah,lololol, I am gonna have to take a xanax for tonights show.

    I keep my hair as red as possible Janis to cover the gray,lololol, I am 24 yrs older than Shelly, she will be sorry for the sun and cig smoking later, oh yeah

    I need to get my xanax re-filled between work and this show (just kidding) but xanax does work. Love the color I keep mine dark brown to hide the gray and you look awsome, I wish I could pull of that bright of a color.

  2. She has finally reached the bottom. I hope that she realizes that she is looking really bad telling Adam that her father will hate him he didn't before but he will now gee I bet that ruins the rest of Adam's life knowing that Evel Dick hates him. Who does Evel Dick like???? I can't wait until I see her face when she realizes that she is in fact getting the boot. I only wish that her best girl friend Kalia could see her throwing her under the bus big time. Danielle is more upset that Jeff backdoored her before she could do it to him. I think that is what is really bothering her, when in reality she should have won the veto she knew it was possible that if she did not win she would go up. I think she didn't think Jeff would actually do it though because as she says she is the only one that really wants to be there and is the only one that is playing this game. Tell Brendan Hi for Rachel when you get to sequester and in the words of Jannelle Bye Bye Bitch!

  3. I need to get on my flashbacks for the storage room convo, surely rachel is just plyin Dani,lol I hope Shelly gets busted and I loved what Jordo said about lets not be too bad on her as for Josie not to see them yelling at her mom, amen Jordo

    aw shucks on the comment on my photo, I was t the MS clinic with my middle son the other day and the nurse thought I was his sister,lolol, cracked me up, I haven't tanned myself the way shelly has, and so shellys skin is lookin leather like

    I love your hair color. You look hot no question.

  4. I find this laughable, Dani is not one of the GREATS to play the game, she is gonna be number 2 in the jury house, the only reason she was anywhere nea winning her season is because of ED, and she is only here to prove she should've won that season and not him, I heard her say that which shows me what a silly vindictive person she is, what a beauty she would be if her personality and who she is inside matched the outside. Jeff is being smart not ot go off and say things to her to aggravait her any more, refferring to your DR comment you think Jeff is a coward?? that too is laughable, oh but you want Dani to let it out on Rachel and Jeff, to bring out the ED on them , Sorrry Dani is not her father if she was she surely would not be in this position, and I am sick of hearing how Jeff did not keep his promise well lets just Quote Dani when she was backdooring Brendon, "I'ts only a game" alls fair in love and BB,lolol Cannot wait till she walks out the door

    I agree 100 per cent. I often wonder if everyone is watching the same show! Oh well its all in the perception I guess. I find it funny that maybe she and her father don't remember or have selective memories about America helping him win 500,000 dollars and in the same breath complain about Jeff getting help in his season. Dani just does not understand America's infatuation with Jeff and Jordan, I am not infatuated but I do like them and I think Jeff came back this year to play and to win. He is playing a much better game this year.

  5. Ok so she just said she was good at whatever game they got way to keep yourself in the house!!! Oh I almost forgot production wants you there so they are going to let the fortune teller cast a vote this week along with your two friends in production a Donato would never be evicted I forgot. Even if jeff does go tomorrow my season will be great cause Dani's butt went out first! Threats in the diary room were actually funny

    Nope not the only one. And I suspect had she kissed Jeff's ass all season she would have more fans :food-smiley-005:

    I dont know about that I liked her dad but did not like Danielle in her first season.

  6. Well the Queen Danielle should know by now that you don't automatically come back into the house and I think she doesn't care if Lawon is gone. The only problem is that Danielle doesn't have the numbers she thinks she has so she is sending out a person who is in her alliance and is a vote for her side and she thinks she is so smart!!!! I hope he smartens up before the veto meeting or he deserves to be gone.

  7. Wow Cassie is so bitter and almost seems clueless as to why she is leaving....when Rachel walked in the BB house she should have known there are two things you can't do..1. get between Rachel and her man and/or 2. Be the hottest girl in the BB House...

    She should have known she was doomed...

    You are so right!

  8. Rachel considers her a floater haha when has she had a chance to play? ??? Rachel wants her out because Brendon got mad at her for being the beotch that she is. Ever since Brendon told her she can't just yell at people she has been on the let's get Cassie out bandwagon. I hope Dominic wins and puts her ass up and it's by by Rachel. I wonder if she will realize nothing in her game play has changed since last year.

  9. Is anyone watching the feeds on their iPhone? There is a place to put a coupon, but I don't know if that has to be filled out.

    Also, where will the billing show up? My cell phone provider or a charge on my CC from Real Player?

    I just signed up on my mobile IPhone. You don't need a coupon code and It will bill whatever you are using for your live feeds. The charge should appear when they charge for your 3 months of big brothere live feeds. I asked that same question but once you sign in it gives your account infomation and you have to agree. Once that is done you are free to watch the live feeds. It was very easy.

  10. why would he leave???? I am confused. On big brother 9 they gave whats his name a new partner when his left. I know the houseguests were sequestered but at this point I would think they could get someone else to partner with Danielle. Really can't believe he would leave on his own. Maybe its part of the twist????



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