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Everything posted by gishy333tx

  1. 1. Kaitlin (although I wish it were Aaryn-can't wait for THAT exit interview) 2.GM or Aaryn will cry 3. Anyone who will put up McCrae and Amanda
  2. Okay, I get how Howard looks like a physical threat. But when has he proved this? Oh wait, never. I don't think he wants HOH. He hasn't been in the running in any of the comps
  3. I agree with y'all. Expected much better game play from the pizza man! I didn't even mind him latching onto a "cutie" to get some help. But damn dude, come up for air.
  4. I loved how on last night's show she was talking w/ Judd telling him he needed to put up Howard/ Spencer/ Candice because they are 3 strong players and we need to get people like that out of the house. Then Judd counters with, "But then the other 2 will be mad at me and gunning for me." And stupid Amada comes back with, "No they won't, they're weak." Well, which is it you big dummy?!?!?
  5. Still would like to see McCrae and Amanda up to see some real fireworks.
  6. I understand being proud of yourself but GM takes it to a whole nother level.
  7. He is showing up just enough to be a part of an alliance. Yet, staying far enough under the radar that he is no-one's target. You can win BB that way.
  8. I don't know why but he still seems so shady to me.
  9. I still really like Candice and hope she goes far. She showed sooo much restraint when dealing with GinaMarie.
  10. I just hope he is playing with his head. (twss) Seriously though, don't be turned by the pretty girls. Think logically.
  11. Even though she is a far different HG from Clifford. I would like to see the house without her as a target. Then who would Aaryn blame for everything?
  12. I just caught that. I had to sing it a few times. It actually comes from Lillian Gish but how funny.
  13. Thanks to straykat. I switched to Google Chrome and was able to get my fix. Thanks!
  14. Yeah, tried that. For me, they are just black boxes with NSFW. Nothing to click. Oh well.
  15. Okay, I admit it. I'm a perv. I can't seem to find pics of BB15 nudes anywhere. How to view them?
  16. We all know that production does sway HG in certain ways about who to put up and votes. HGs have eluded to it for years. It won't change.
  17. So, she finally got a guy to hook up with her. What, the first 2, 3, 4 didn't want her? My opinon of Judd is so low right now. In the words of the Geto Boyz, "Gotta let a ho be a ho!"
  18. I figured him for the underdog of the house and was so surprised when he won first HOH. Glad he was invited into TMC and got paired up with a girl to keep him in the game. Now though, couldn't care less. Don't these people realize that all couples get split up? Him & Amanda need to be next on everyone's hit list.
  19. He is like a droid. He will just do whatever everyone else tells him to. Him winning HOH, Veto or MVP would just be wasted.
  20. As an older HG, married with kids I was all gung-ho Helen. Seeing her work with Elissa, way to go. But talking about having HOH-head. Helen, you may be running things right now but not after tonight. Remember that. When you are HOH, you have to give yourself some wiggle-room for when your side is not in power.
  21. I figured with his jumbled speech and people's thoughts about it, he would be one of the first to go. I honestly think if he can distance himself a little bit from Jessie, this dude has a chance to get down to the end.
  22. My feelings on her have gone through the ringer. Hated her when I first heard she would be in house. Started to like her when I saw she wasn't like Clifford. But now, she's kinda a non-exsistant entity for me. Don't love her/ don't hate her. To be fair with the MVP, I would like someone else to get it. But overall, just blah.
  23. I'm in the middle of the road about Elissa but that line about being a non-exsistant entity and now one of top faves. So many people kiss butt and pat you on the arm saying, yes I hear you, we can work together, then stabbing in the back. No Elissa just told her to her face. Nope, not going to happen. Loved it. I kinda feel sorry for this girl. She thinks Amanda is picking on her, making her look racist. Just no clue. Oh just waiting for her to face the real world again.
  24. I really expected him to come in being an alpha male. Nope. Half the time, I forget about him. Play the game Howard!
  25. I also would love to see her and her lover-boy on the block. Then let's see if she can de-tangled herself from him to go work the votes.



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