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Everything posted by ZuZuMamou

  1. 9:35 AM BBT Liza and Aneal hang in the LR. Topaz joins them. Everyone is wrapped in blankets, it's cold in the BB house this morning. AJ dancing and making breakfast. Andrew and Emmett also trying to make coffee, etc. AJ grabs a banana, puts it at his groin level and makes some rude gestures behind Emmett's back. [it's going to be that kind of day...]
  2. 9:19 AM BBT Gary sitting in bed with the covers up to his head trying to wake up. The buzzer goes off softly each time he falls back asleep. In the WCA Suzette is trying to apply ointment to her eyes, they are very puffy underneath. "It's not so bad, it just looks weird." Alec offers "It's not so bad." 9:23 AM BBT Peter and Emmett sitting in the BY. "You better put on a good show." Peter yells across the yard to one of the girls. 9:27 AM BBT Gary's refusal to get out of bed this morning is subjecting all of us to "The Alarm". Sorry Glitter, there is no snooze button.... 9:29 AM BBT Danielle up and stretching her obliques in the yard. This must be who Peter was yelling to about a 'good show' earlier. It looks like she might be doing a pilates/yoga work out but it's like BB hit the fast forward button.
  3. 9:05 AM Good Morning HGs! Aneal brushing his teeth as Alec & AJ comes in for ADLs 9:08 AM "I think I'll start using face lotion. Good thing we have it in abundance" Alec laughs pointing at the gallon it. 9:11 AM BBT Liza has also completed her ADLs and is making slop breakfast with the boys. 9:12 AM BBT Jillian and Emmett are waking up in HOH. Everyone else still asleep. 9:14 AM Loud Buzzer going off causing Gary, Suzette and Topaz to stumble out of bed. Danielle up and making her bed. Talla does the 'under cover' getting dressed routine. Buzzer does not stop until all HGs are up. It's VERY annoying.
  4. 3:29 PM BBT [sings, "You ain't seen nothing yet. Oh baby, no you ain't seen nothing yet.... because the feeds are still off]
  5. 9:58 AM BBT [suspecting the 'Hush Hush' signs are to keep us from waking up the HGs and not actually a sign that anything fun is happening - ZuZu] Still FOTH
  6. 9:37 AM BBT The feeds have been on 'secret' mode since our first check in this morning at 9 a.m. Zzzzzzzzz
  7. 10:55 PM BBT AJ and Gary having a spat in the KT. Gary doesn't like being told what to do. AJ apologizes. Gary accepts. BB fights Canada style. Gary and Talla having a dance something in the KT. He's messing around. 10:58 PM BBT Suzette in KT making a snack. Gary and Talla eating something sweet - cake? With maple syrup on it. At the ridiculously large dining room table.
  8. 10:45 PM BBT Tom first guy to change in front of cameras. "You are way hotter now." says Talla. "Someone get a hose to put that fire out." Tom says. Emmett comes into BR and jumps on bed. Talla screams. "Danielle is going to kill you for messing up her bed." Tom comments. 10:50 PM BBT Andrew joins Emmett on Danielle's bed as she puts her shoes away and looks for a new outfit. and then.... FOTH
  9. 10:27 PM BBT Feeds Live! Gary practicing his cat walk in BR with Aneal as company. They head to KT for coffee. 10:30 PM BBT Talla, Jillian, Peter and Tom in BR. Tom explains the mood in the rest of the house is depressed because there is no booze. 10:35 PM BBT In the LR Emmett, Aneal, Danielle, Gary, Topaz and others are all discussing what their friends/family must think right now. 10:40 PM BBT In BR AJ, Peter, Alec, Tom, Talla discuss music. iPod in HOH and it can't leave that room. Talla laughs "Waaay too much noise coming out of there" says Peter. Discussion is all about drinking and getting booze. Will they get it yes or no? They are in their early 20s you know, they should be able to grab a beer etc tec.
  10. 10:08 PM BBT Trying to get you some live feed updates BB Canada fans but experiencing some technical difficulties. - Zu Zu
  11. "Oh Canada, I stand on guard for thee.." -ZuZu reporting for duty
  12. It wouldn't be a BB experience without checking in with my friends here at Morty's so...... I'm about to leave for the auditions in Toronto. Hoping for the best but really, want I want is to capture the experience of the casting call. You know me, it's all about capturing it all; like the chomping sounds into the mic, the 400th time someone repeated the same conversation and who won the HOH. Slice just announced yesterday that Mike "Boogie" will be there. I hope I have the chance to thank him for making some of my morning shifts here pretty interesting this past summer. Wendy - I hope to see you in line. Try and capture your experience to share here in our own BB Canada forum - same goes for the rest of you who have auditioned. Obviously don't share anything that could affect your standing or is against any agreement you signed but what you can share - please do. Be proud Canada!! Morty - if there's an opportunity to capture a photo in front of any Big Brother Canada back grounds, I'll drop a Morty's TV bomb in one of my personal pictures and share it here for you! Hope everyone is enjoying the rest of their reality year!
  13. Way to go Moderators of ALL the Morty's mediums. You all work so hard year round to make this a great place to be! Take a bow, all of you
  14. 5:54 PM BBT Ian talking about the attempts to build a stadium for Tulane. "It keeps getting shot down by the NIMBY's" Dan laughs, "What's a Nimby?" "Not In My Back yarders," Ian explains "The Lights! They cry The Noise! It's just impossible and stupid." Dan asks Ian if he's going to e-bay his shoes. Ian might just keep them for exercise purposes although he won them for "Soak up the Sun" as well. [Meaning they have sentimental value for him. With that...I'm out for the season. See you all next year! - ZuZu]
  15. 5:51 PM BBT Ian tells Dan that he originally wanted to work with Shane and Danielle but he couldn't. He wanted to work with Kara but she was out early. They are now discussing Tulane's colours. Danielle is prepping chicken for dinner.
  16. 5:41 PM BBT Dan and Ian chatting outside still; Survivor locales etc. Danielle has gone inside to do some packing by the looks of it. Ian says the second he won the "Soak up the Sun" competition there was no discussion, it just was man. "Did he try?" Dan asks. "Yes, I was like Dude, I have an alliance of 4 soon to be six" Ian laughs. Boogie said if he ever won HOH he was going to put up a velvet rope, that no one could come into the room, there would be no point. "Time flies by when you go on 'The Talk'" quips Dan.
  17. 5:35 PM BBT Dan shares how Jerry and Renny got in a fight in the jury house, "Don't put your finger in my face, it's inappropriate!" "What were they fighting about? Metamucil?" jokes Ian.
  18. There won't be a 'local' channel as it will air on Slice. Either you have Slice or you don't. It's a specialty channel. I can't imagine that they would give up the chance to earn money with feeds - at least on a minor level anyways in form of an After Dark or something......
  19. It will be different just from the fact that there is less of a chance of it being cast full of models and actors, you'll get a good representation of our country as it's not yet a vehicle for achieving fame and fortune. I hope they have challenges that are Regional in nature. A Carnivale for QC, The Stampede for Prairies etc.
  20. All I know is that there better be Timmy Ho's, Molson, Moose Blood and Maple Cookies. Also, if the NFL strike lasts long enough they can bring them into the BY for a game of hockey as a challenge!
  21. 5:03 PM BBT Ian says that yesterday when Danielle was doing upside down push ups yesterday "they" weren't doing anything. This comes up because she admits to having fake boobs. Shane didn't even know and he doesn't like fake boobs. She wanted people to get to know her for her, not think of her differently or anything. "It has to work out, it just has to." says Ian "Me and Shane?" asks Danielle "Why?" "Because you were so good together." Ian says "I'm not so optimistic." interjects Dan "I just don't think it will, it's so hard." "I was doing pushups, not handstands, over there and Ian told me that both cameras were zoomed in on my ass." Danielle says "Yeah, I wasn't getting any camera love and then I was like, oh." says Ian. Cam #2 is out. There's a message from Superpass "We're sorry, this videostream is temporarily unavailable. Please try again shortly." We get a blue screen and the cam is back.
  22. 5:03 PM BBT "When are you guys going to pack?" Dan wants to know "I'm already mostly packed." Ian says. Danielle is getting attacked by her couch seat. They all thought the mystery box was cash in the endurance comp when the first person to fall won the punishment. Ian thinks Britney could have won "Swamped" if she had tried for HOH. She went for safety instead, she had the benefit of being able to play next time, which is the smart thing to do.



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