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Everything posted by ZuZuMamou

  1. 9:39 BBT Topaz and Gary join the others on the patio. "Wait! Gary and Topaz are awake! This feels so weird." AJ shouts. "Ugghhh, it feels so early I didn't even sleep." says a very sleepy sounding Talla. 9:40 AM BBT Andrew announces that he is going to check the weather network. "Huh, oh wait I get it, he's going outside." Talla observes. Andrew has gone for a cigarette. "Oh that would be a friendship ender, " notes Peter "If Andrew gets to watch TV." Gary hollering across the yard to Emmett, "Save me a cup! I want a cup!!!! Please?" he would like some smoothie. "Yumm this is so good. Tom had to leave for me to get this cup." jokes Gary. 9:44 AM BBT Emmett, AJ and Peter inside in the LR sipping smoothies. They discuss how it was 3 or 0 degrees last night (that's Celsius) as they sat in the hot tub. "Wow, well it is almost April" says Peter.
  2. 9:27 AM BBT The HGs are up and getting ready for the day. Sort of. They just got up. Gary preparing to do his laundry and Emmett getting multiple reminders to put on his microphone. Peter, Alec, AJ, Talla and Andrew having a chat on the patio about BBUSA. Everyone just waking up on a lazy Sunday morning.
  3. 9:30 PM BBT Emmett and Peter talking in BR. Emmett has heard that "She" is after him and Alec next. "She" has to go for sure. Andrew says that Jillian and Emmett were like speaking another language during the challenge. He was so confused. Suzette, Gary, AJ and Talla in the KT. "Julie Chen is my home girl." says Suzette. She tries to figure out who will be called into the DR next "Peter, Emmett, AJ, Liza played POV..." "Liza is not going to get called in that's for sure." says Alec. Topaz is currently in the DR. 9:37 Andrew telling us what Liza looked like, standing on the end... SoTH.
  4. 9:16 PM BBT I see Jillian, Peter, AJ, Topaz, Gary, Emmett and had a confirmation that two went home tonight. Alec and AJ talking in BR. 9:21 PM "Suzette gets a shout out because Liza is full of lies." AJ says to Alec. "Talla is freaking out right now because she's afraid." 9:25 PM BBT "With two people gone it just feels relaxing." says Alec as he sings his way out of the room. Andrew meets him in the hallway. It's official, Tom and Liza are gone. 9:25 PM BBT Andrew says BB says he gets the room tonight because he won HOH during the double eviction. But he's not supposed to talk about it.
  5. 8:46 PM BBT Talla has just spoken for 6.5 minutes without a break and barely a breath. She is telling a story about a waitress who hated on her but she doesn't know why and you don't just walk by me and go like this (insert snarky face) and don't think I;m going to take it and like I am so not going to take that so what you knew me in grade 6 so now you aren't going to serve me or whatever.... you get the point.
  6. 8:34 PM BBT Topaz and Gary are eating as Liza, AJ, Alec, Talla etc watch. They are going to have a "Have Date" when they get off slop.
  7. 8:11 PM BBT Jillian and Emmett chatting in HNR. They are whispering and it's hard to hear "Keep his word...you know... he never does." Jillian "You can;t look someone right in the eye and.... he could put us both up." Tom: The way I see it... Jillian: He's got a crush on you, are you ok with that? You've got to play the game...... he likes both of us so much....it would be hard for him. T: He told me he told.....everything..... she's like my girl 8:17 PM BBT Topaz and Gary talking in BR. They want to go on 'The Real World' after this. Or just a big reality show about them, just them after this. Topaz says something about liking Talla. "OMG you are feeling Talla now." laughs Gary "Tell her not to rub Liza's p&ssy anymore, ok?" Topaz says she tells her that every 8 hours or so. Topaz wants them to do a chair routine in a minute. "I'm not doing a f*cking chair routine" snipes Gary who is tired, bored or wants alcohol. They think it is probably 6 o'clock.
  8. 7:57 PM BBT Peter predicts that the opening of her book will be "Why have all of these things happened to me haven't happened to you?" He tells her she knows why, she's said it to him a million time.s. "Self-confidence?" she asks "It's so true. I will be writing this down and dirty tell all. I can tell you how to get backstage like that. Snaps. I totally positive thinking into everything. I zoned in once in a concert on someone and everything else went numb. 7 days later I was with him on a tour bus to Moncton. I zoned in a person on an American TV show and something they said spoke to me and I said I'd be with him and I was." She then goes on that there is nothing or no one she wants anymore she's had it all. [sorry Liza but backstage/groupie stories are one in a million, it wasn't confidence that got you there..... - ZuZu] 8:02 PM BBT Chapter in Liza's book. A major movie was filming in Toronto and she was on the set in a ball gown with a split down to her belly button. There was an actor she was crazy about and he played the Vice President in the movie. Movie sets are a fish in a barrel for Liza. "Fish in a barrel and I had a boyfriend that loves me at home and maybe I'm a bit of an asshole but I'm thinking, well if you aren't going to marry me (about her BF that's why they broke up) why aren't I shooting this guy's fish?" The story is boy meets girl naked.... she has to stop herself being lured, she has to allow someone to love her fully for once. Maroon 5, Adam Levin, she gets it, that body she's been in the front row of hos concerts a bunch of times... AJ arrives with a battery change and spares us for a moment. 8:07 PM Alec and Gary making something to eat. Talla sitting at KT counter chatting at the guys. She is asking Gary if his "Dear Mom I love you shirt" is long. She wants to borrow it, put her hair to the side and wear her big boots.
  9. 7:48 PM BBT Lisa and Peter talking in WCA. She is talking about...gasp... herself. She's self-confident and doesn't make it up. She's outspoken and doesn't try to hide who she is anymore because she's a grown woman. Peter says he is also self-confident etc but he comes across as arrogant or cocky and he knows this. He's smart and makes people feel dumb. They head out to the KT area to join everyone else as Andrew goes into the WC. "What is this nap hour? Is it nap o'clock?" asks Liza as she enters a room with everyone sleeping. She goes back to talking about herself, her story, to Peter. She likes to push limits and boundaries and that makes people uncomfortable. She does stuff to make Tom uncomfortable, she finds it hilarious. AT some point in her life a major event happened to her, something that made her vulnerable, and she thinks that is why she's on the show, that tiny bit of vulnerability because before she would have been way too impenetrable. "Too high on yourself?" Peter asks with a straight face. "I could be on a Tim's Horton commercial if I wanted to." Peter says he doesn't cry over real life, just over fiction, he cries a lot actually. Real life just doesn't affect him, he has to process it. They both agree that the timing on this was perfect because at any other point in their lives this just wouldn't have worked. Liza wants to write a book. One big score. The deals you can close completely. She has stories, as a writer she knows she can write it. She's a good writer. Peter asks how she writes. Like she talks. Peter too.
  10. 7:44 PM BBT AJ and Andrew compare Toronto to Halifax. AJ trying to prove that they aren't all that different. Both have Universities, club areas etc although Toronto is way bigger. They are now discussing what the difference between a bar and a club is. Club's have cover charges and huge dance floors, bars have bands or just a bar to drink at.
  11. 7:28 PM BBT Liza is still talking in awful accents as she tries to plank on a chair as Peter also tries to plank next to her. Meanwhile in the KTA Gary admits that he tells his friends he had a horrible time in Cleveland so none of them go there because it was awesome fun.
  12. 7:13 PM BBT Andrew, AJ and Tom look at the pictures on the picture wall. AJ thinks Danielle looks better in her picture than she did in real life. Andrew tells AJ that his picture looks really good because he looks like shit right now. They laugh that BB hasn't given them a new picture wall yet, they've practically destroyed this thing. "Imagine all of the girls you are going to get out of this. At least two." Andrew tells AJ "I hope I just get a girl eventually" 7:17 PM BBT Liza and Tom in the WCA as Talla takes a shower. They are practicing accents. She does her English one again. Peter likes that one the best. They discuss Kiera Knightly, then the movie she is in with Steve Carell. Peter gives the last 30 seconds two thumbs up.
  13. 7:02 PM BBT Liza talking with Gary and Talla. She is giving away her possessions. Talla asks her what she's going to do now. Liza says she's going to go to a movie. 7:05 PM BBT In the KT Andrew is painting clear coat on his nails as AJ talks away at him about his friend that is in the entertainment business who he has seen in the studio audience. Suzette is there with them too.
  14. 7:47 PM BBT Liza and Tom in BR. She is changing her shirt, he grabs her with his ice cold hands and she screams. Andrew, Alec and AJ in the KT talking about how eating in the BB house will mess up their regular eating habits. There has been nothing but general chat during this hour. No game talk.
  15. 7:35 PM BBT Tom and Liza outside with the smokers testing each other what they know about each other. It is snowing on them. Tom knows she's traveled to Paris, her favourite colour is purple and Liza's middle name is Ashley.
  16. 7:22 PM BBT Talla and Topaz hiding under the hammock. Suzette and Gary sitting beside it. They are planning on creating a fort to have their sock puppet show from. They are talking in Italian, and other accents as they make their puppets talk.
  17. 7:03 PM BBT Andrew and Jillian chatting in the KT about making people laugh so hard stuff comes out of their nose. Emmett is cracking up listening. 7:05 PM BBT Peter and Topaz whispering in the WCA. Topaz saying that Liza is totally ignoring her. "Those fuckers. They are lucky this is not the real world and that I came to play." Peter had explained that everyone could hear her and Gary laughing up in the HOH. 7:09 PM BBT Jillian (sounding high) "Turtle neck and chains" she keeps saying. "What is that?" Peter asks. "A soooong... A soong I know. I like your hair Peter." Peter looks in the mirror "Ugh! It looks awful!" He's just out of the shower. "I like you Peter. I like youoooo". "Ummmm I like you too Jillbot." laughs Peter. 7:12 PM BBT Tom chatting with Liza. They say that Gary is being such a jerk about it. (Being HOH and nominating them). "I mean locking his door and everything, way to be a dick." Tom calls the kettle black.
  18. 5:54 PM BBT Topaz and Gary talking about one of her GFs back home that she doesn't see very often. The GF is now married and has a baby. Topaz is still young and single. Just general chat. In the KT Alec bounces the ball around as Andrew makes stupid sounds. Everyone is really just hanging out and making noise until something more exciting happens.
  19. 5:38 PM BBT Gary thinks that Emmett is rich. He had a lot of extra cash laying around all of the time. He can't find the words for disposable income. When you are done paying all of your bills and you have extra money left over. He finds the term. This is all because he thinks that Emmett earning $200 a week as a kid was a lot. They are watching BB TV. Topaz remarks that you can tell that in his normal life it is 'bros before hos' . Alec spinning a ball on his fingers in Harlem Globe Trotter style. Jillian is looking for something to eat. Andrew trying to wonder what is about to happen. Peter comes out of the DR (where he was) and whispers into Jillian's ear "They want you in the DR. Head over there." "The DR. ok?" says Jillian loudly. "Shh they don't want anyone to know." Peter whispers. "HGs this is your three minute warning, the backyard will be off limits" says the male BB voice. 5:45 PM BBT Andrew says to the remaining people in the KT "Peter just came over and whispered something in Jillian's ear and then she went somewhere. There is obviously a task going on but let's not talk about it."
  20. 5:18 PM BBT Topaz and Gary are rolling around on the bed. They are just hugging. Gary notices that he has left make up all over her shirt. "I tried Canada, I tried to make a move." Gary laughs "We tried Canada." Topaz laughs. They are joking how they need to wash after their "Session". Topaz is now crusty. She has to change her clothes. Gary tries to wipe off her shirt with some spit on a napkin. "Ewww!! Stop! I'm crustier now." squeals Topaz. "You're friggen bejewelled!" laughs Gary. They now discuss how Jillian and Emmett won't vote with him. Topaz is going to make Talla go off by telling her stuff to upset her. Topaz telling Gary to stop working them so hard, leave them alone. Don't be mean there is a game after this week. 5:22 PM BBT Gary apologizing to Topaz still. He's so sorry Canada. He can't hug everyone without leaving a puddle of make up. He's going to only blow kisses from now on. "We have to start looking at Alec in a better light again, for my sanity." says Gary "I caught myself staring at him with the worst look on my face." "I Know, I'm trying to not just be monotone with him but some things you just can't fake." Topaz says. They are back to joking about how Gary's make up is going to give them away. His bejewels and make up all over her all the time. She's found it on her jersey, her ps everywhere. They laugh. Gary keeps asking for his tv to go on. 5:26 PM BBT Andrew and Alec are playing a version of shuffle board on the dining room table. "That would be a really cool segment for an episode." says Alec. "It really would be because I would be in it." Andrew now has all of the shuffle rings on his thumbs and is shaking them doing a belly dance. Alec keeps telling him to stop it, he's a small phallused dancer, he's annoying. The live feeders hate this kind of stuff. Stop it. Finally Talla hollers "Stop it! That's fucking annoying!" They resume playing. They are counting up their scores. Alex says 190 is his score. Andrew jokes that he is a cheater. "Video evidence proves it!" he jokes and then the both break out laughing at what he said. I can't see how they are creating a score on the table but they've marked it somehow.
  21. 5:04 PM BBT Topaz and Gary are talking about the times she's been in the DR. She says during her longer visits there they have covered some shiiiiiit. They talk about what Alec is really talking about in there now. She asks him to think about what Alec is really talking about in there. "They are talking about the game, playing the game." Topaz is sharing something that happened between Andrew and Alec. "Besides writing papers and watching Survivor, Big Brother and other reality shows, what else do you do with your life?" Andrew and Topaz has agreed that they don't know anything about Alec, they know nothing about him. "What's good about the showmance between Alec and I is that is takes the heat off of you and I. We aren't going to get put up on the block together because we're not a couple." Topaz is really going to try and get to know Andrew.
  22. 4:51 PM BBT "I give you so much in this game. You know this. I give you 10 and you give me 2. I still trust you. In order for me to trust you more you have to do this for me and give me something when I've won it, I've won HOH. You have to start telling me things, telling me more." Gary says to Jillian and Emmett. "I tell you stuff, you should teust me." says Jillian "Actions speak louder than words." Gary says "My actions and votes have shown me to be loyal to you now it's your turn to prove yourself." Gary says "Do you realize that Tom must have been shown as someone so awful that Canada voted to save Suzette when she was the one that called Tom horrible names, a redneck!" "Are you kidding me right now?" asks Jillian "Her community came together and voted for her to stay." "She works for a radio station or something.." Emmett trails in "Exactly, they came up witha campaign to save her or something. She got more votes than AJ not been voted as the best person in the house." says Jillian. 4:56 PM BBT Tom and Liza snuggle under the sheets in the BR as Suzette in the bed next to them snores in a manner that sounds like Darth Vader. 4:58 PM BBT Andrew eating a snack as AJ and Tall sit on the small couch in the KT area. Talla is napping and AJ is braiding/running his fingers through her hair. Andrew wants to rip off his own skin. It is so sore and itchy. AJ asks if it helps him to say that. "It doesn't not make it better." says Andrew "It would make me feel better to rip off your skin, to make it into a hat." "Oh come on, it wouldn't although it would make an awesome cape." snarks AJ. They discuss being in a peak and valley in the game. The peak is when you have the HOH, you are completely vulnerable up there because the minute to POV ceremony is over you are useless. As useless as tits on a boar. So says AJ. "On a bull.." corrects Andrew
  23. 4:36 PM BBT Emmett and Jillian are talking with Gary. Gary telling Emmett to make sure that going forward "You follow all of the f8cking rules, even if it takes you two more moments." Emmett says that Liza told him that Andrew was an alcholic that they should just put put of his misery and send home. Gary says she told him the same thing and that she said AJ was totally useless. Gary is guessing that Canada was sending a message to Tom that we think he is a homophobic bully. Gary is going to be close with Liza next week because he wants to keep his enemy close. Gary says that Jillian might not get a chance to talk to Liza next week because she hates Emmett. Emmett won't vote against Tom. Gary wants a zero vote against Tom. Jillian is saying not to make Emmett do this. Emmett says that this is personal. Gary says that yes, of course it is, but also he wants the house to know that they are behind Gary and want what he wants. Send a message to Liza that she is next. Emmett doesn't want to burn any bridges. "Have you told Tom anything we've said?" Gary asks "No.' says Emmett "Then that bridge is already burned. It's a f-ing game. Bridges are going to be burned. You all can't make me feel like an evil bitch. This is a game. None of you told me anything when it was me or when it was Danielle. You all gave me nothing, blue's fucking clues over here."
  24. 4:31 PM BBT Talla and AJ are talking about what everyone should be doing right now. They guess that Alec and Emmett have some sort of working together plan. Pairs are Tom and Liza, Emmett and Jillian, Topaz and Alec and AJ and Talla and Gary and Suzette. Andrew and Peter. They are talking about a whole bunch of what if's who should etc. Talla thinks she is ok with no matter what happens. "No you're good, whatever happens we need to work a little on Alec for what will happen in the next few weeks or so"



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