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Posts posted by nyse

  1. Does anyone else agree that it would be smart for Spencer to use the POV on Howard?

    I think if he does that, then he will definitely go next week... If Helen can once again rally these idiots... They can blindside McGruff's girl.. She basically has the votes to go bye bye and she knows it, she went mental after she was "nominated".. If Candice goes up it'll actually be perfect... They won't see the blindside coming.. Judd, Jessie, Helen, Elissa and Spencer vote Amanda... Bye girl! I hope they don't say anything to Andy because he runs back and tells Amanda everything. He is such a servant..

    You know what, I change that.. I hope they mention a back door plan to Andy and he runs back and tells her because she will go into defcon 9 mode and start bullying folks for votes and that will seal her eviction. The key, I think is doing this after Candice goes up, it will probably go all to crap if anyone else goes up like Elissa, they still have the votes to evict Amanda but it'll be twice the work to convince people because then Aaryn would definitely know Helen is not keeping her word.

  2. I hope they blindside her somehow, I really liked her in the beginning but of course she became too comfortable and now she is a bully, threatening people.. She seriously thinks she is calling the shots... Do they not see her allegiance is to McRib only? She lives up under whoever the HOH is.. Smart move is to evict her next ... Mcnugget will get over it, he'll be fine. Helen is another one making huge mistakes ( she is too involved with the big decisions) she should becareful also and try her best to make sure Amanda leaves next week.

  3. I didn't want this chick on the show, but I like her. What I don't like about her gameplay is she is trying to incorporate a little bit of her sister's persona into the game, I think she needs to drop that. Yeah Aaryn hates her but she should have offered her MVP services to her in order to keep herself off the block and then backstab Aaryn and her idiot crew in the following weeks. This is what's killing me, Elissa has leverage but she isn't using it to her advantage.

  4. I'm with you I am so tired of hearing about her. But what bothers me is that the people on this board are so happy about seeing this girls life fall apart. She is a dumb kid that has a big mouth.

    Life fall apart? Oh please, don't make this grown woman the victim in all of this.

  5. Okay, she has now been fired from her agency without much hope of finding another gig and had all of her remarks viewed by tens of millions of people who will remember her as that racist chick from BB for the rest of her life. Can we consider this as punishment enough and move on with the show?

    Ha! No.

  6. He talks too much, gonna talk himself into a hole. He is all over the place running his mouth, for heavens sake listen to what people are saying for once and have nothing to say! His name will get tangled into so much crap within the next few weeks. I can't wait for the tears because they're coming.

  7. Could be very possible they have Salmonailla or something going around from some bad food or unwashed veggies.

    (BB is not exactly known to buy top-of-the-line anything when it comes to food and items for ADL's)

    More likely, you put 16 people in a house with two bathrooms (one getting used 80% by most), 3 shower stalls, a hot tub & pool, fake grass and the fact that the majority of these people are slops with poor hygiene and you are going to get something started.

    Additionally, the BB house is on a studio lot, not on a tree-lined street with a bunch of other houses. You have trucks, heavy equipment, dust, sand and other things blowing all over the place, plus all the people on the lot.

    I Agree, Did anyone catch them talking about how Aaryn (I think) got a box of crackers that had crackers missing out of them and then the box was taped up and put in her HOH basket? Everyone was like dont eat those!

  8. there is something extremely irritating about him, not sure if it's because he looks like Gwyneth Paltrow to me or maybe because everytime I switch on the feeds he is talking a crater in someone's head. He just lays it on really thick, I cant wait until the power flips and like Elyssa wins HOH, he seems so predictable..

  9. Haven't been watching the show.. but saw the TMZ reports.. what is CBS going to do about the racist comments made by this little girl? anyone know? Her job fired her already which is fantastic! but apparently there was a conversation had that was caught on the feeds between her and another HG and many racist comments were made...



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