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Posts posted by nyse

  1. Don't like the house, it's so drab and blehhh , very stuffy looking... And if Rachel's sister is going to be on this season. Not watching. I want fresh faces, not relatives, neighbors, best friends of previous Hgs. Ugh the BS begins, kinda pissed I paid for feeds now.

  2. Depends on which definition of floater...

    A houseguest who sides with whoever has the power from week to week or a houseguest that wins nothing, plays it safe, doesn't really play the game and gets all the way or very close to the finale.

    What on earth can production possible do to avoid either scenario from happening? No Floater Summer?

    If they eliminate the Veto all together, then there will be no other choice but to play to stay?

    Hmmm, I'm officially intrigued.

  3. If they really want to go the route of a punishment, slop isn't my choice. If you threaten to take a portion of their stipend that should do the trick. When you talk about taking someone's money they usually sit up and take notice. rofl It would be a good incentive and I bet ya they cut out all that singing in a short period of time. I don't consider that harsh at all. When you want to scold a child you usually target the things they like best so you get the point across. Removing computer time from the agenda is a great attention getter for kids and taking money from kids or adults is pretty darn effective too. lol

    Sounds like a plan to me! Allison, are you listening out there?? :laugh4:

    If their stipends are targeted as punishment for singing then the Hgs will start having conversations about the stipends, which they aren't allowed to speak about, so if its not singing it's speaking about "production". No libations and no food for everyone for a week if anyone sings. Threaten something that is at hand , besides who is thinking about a stipend while in the house?

    I agree - and in the context of the broadcast shows would make no sense at all. And I don't believe for one minute that even if these rules were strictly obeyed the live feeds would be cut any less - they'd find other excuse to go to FOTH.

    As some of you may or may not know Brazil has an adapted version of the US format which basically see the HoH nominate one person, the other HMs vote for the second nominee and the public evict and ultimately vote for the winner. I'm not suggesting the US go down that route, but they have had a few variations to the Veto. Firstly it occurs before the nominations and allows the winner to award immunity to another housemate. However there is a second challenge - effectively a Veto Veto - where the winner can veto that decision and take the immunity from them. They've also had years where as well as awarding immunity the winner of the "Power of Immunity" also has to award a punishment to a housemate of their choice, and most recently have introduced the "Power of No", which allows the winner to prevent a certain number of HMs competing in the next HoH comp.

    I always thought 2 vetoes comps or vetoing a veto was a good game changer, had no idea this was actually being done on one of the other BB shows, I think it's brilliant.

  4. I don't like the idea of the VETO winner choosing the replacement nominee because I think it takes too much power from the HOH and esstentially you are giving a coup de tat to the VETO winner. In my mind the VETO winner should just be able to take one person off the block and the HOH should remain with the sole power to replace. Another reason for the HOH having the power to replace is it has has the potential to make trouble for the HOH as the repalcement could go after the HOH if that person were to win the vote.

    The dangers of not having a veto is the HOH has all the power. One of the great things is the HOH nominating two people for eviction and the one person who has vowed to come back with a vengence wins POV basically making the HOH scramble to make deals.

    I actually quite like the idea of the VETO only being able to be used once per person. It shakes the game up and makes people seriously think before they use the VETO.

    So for the entire season you only have one chance to save yourself with the Veto? Say what now?

  5. Just thought of something extra to the POV winner chooses replacement... If someone else mentioned this already, well good on ya! Great minds think alike.

    Okay, so someone wins POV.. They can choose to exercise their right to name a replacement or they can refuse to, if they choose not to name a replacement then its business as usually, HOH names replacement. So it'll go like " I have won the POV and I am using on myself or I am using it on blah blah blah and I choose not to name a replacement."

    If the POV winner chooses to exercise their right to name a replacement, in turn they forfeit their right to vote on eviction night, there fore giving the HOH the right to vote on eviction night.

  6. All new faces, no one who knows a previous Hg's.

    No returning Hg's, coaches, pairs, friends.

    More food comps.

    Early double eviction, like week 2..

    POV chooses replacement ( hopefully that will cease the throwing of comps)

    There should be a way to lock the bedrooms during the day, only bedroom that stays unlock is the HOH.

    If someone must return from jury, let all evicted HG compete for the chance to play again.

    Please no Pandora's box

    I do like diamond POVs, let them compete for it though, an endurance challenge maybe.

    Everyone plays for POV.. Everyone plays for HOH even if you were last weeks HOH..

    We need a fresh new game this year, because I'm about to seriously be done with this repackaged crap every single year , enough is enough.

  7. OK Something I just remembered .. that I wanted to say and I don't know if we would even get that better of contestants and that is ... Why the Hell hasn't Big Brother raised it's Prize Money from 1/2 a Million to 1 million ... I mean Survivor is a Million and Amazing race is going to 2 Million Dollars ... Isn't Big Brother a game that is at least as intense and longer than those two ?

    if I recall they did it one year but the stipulations were you and your partner had to make it to F2 for it to apply... anyone remember what season that was?

  8. Didnt like this season, only really liked IAN, hope he wins.

    AG if you read this and sincerely give a crap, the next 2-3 seasons need to be original format, a full cast of fresh faces and personalities.. please no more returning HGs. I have had my fill of it.

    I wanted so badly for the last 2 seasons to be Allstars 2, but I can seriously wait a few years for another allstars. No more Coaches, No more Jesse in tight underoos.


  9. ..and can someone explain to me what Britney was crying for? she caused 90% of the crap that occured.

    She did that ALOT her first season, ran her mouth non-stop and when things blew up in her face she went all victim on everyone. Dont talk to Willie.. who the hell does she think she is? what a mouthy lil disrespectful idiot, she has her funny moments but her attitude towards Willie was disgusting. Willie was trying to do exactly what she was supposed to be doing after losing HOH and a Coach's comp... get the team together and plot how to survive the week, but she wanted to go braid Wil's fake hair and swoon over Janelle instead I guess. Its a pity that Shane is associated with this because he is doing his part by winning, JoJo why is she there? I guess to annoy the masses. Britney was one of the greatest players at what? She chose a solid team thats about it. Willie's behavior is a result of pushing an animal into a corner, the man had ZERO support in a house where everyone hated him and his own team disowned him because their idiotic leader commanded it. The Violence, there is no excuse for it, it should not have happened, but I feel if he had a team backing him, he would not have gone to the point of no return.

    I doubt we will see the last of Willie on CBS, I would not be surprised if Survivor is in the future for him or maybe Amazing Race with his big brother Russell ( CBS get on that!!)

    I am so upset I wasted money on the feeds, I havent turned them on since he left, everyone else is so friggen boring, the cast sucks this year. its no surprise Britney is once again part of a sucky cast.

    I love Ian, I hope he makes it to the end and wins.. somehow he gets traded to DAN so he can get the Coach's prize.

  10. Willie needs to be under a coach who is going to control him. Britney is more concerned about who hair is blonder hers or Wil's, she is not in the game, why doesnt she just leave the show. i am so tired of this sad story of her missing her husband, look just leave. i'm tired of her. control your player and quit being concerned and obsessed with the other coaches players.

    All of this is Britney's fault.. if I were Willie i would be highly upset to, he has had absolutely ZERO leadership, she is there to lead and has done nothing but screw everything up. why isnt she rallying her team, she is up Janelle and Wil's butt all day. Get Willie and your team in a room and talk about what they have to do to get everyone to the next week. She is nothing but nasty and condescending to Willie like she had nothing to do with all the crap that took place. if you are the coach and your team is losing, it's the coach's fault, point blank.

    She and her mouth need to go.

  11. she is being a total b*tch to Willie now on the feeds..

    now she is saying that none of it had to happen, so I guess she is assuming no responsiblity for the chaos last week, wow.

    Willie is not his brother, Russell would have mad her cry by now and that is real talk.

  12. he should keep a low profile and focus on POV.

    I doubt Britney will pull a Coach's win this week, well maybe if it's a running your mouth comp, she's a shoe in.

    they may back door him so his odds of getting picked for POV comp is low, the BB gods will most likely intervene and place an extra ball with his name on it in the satin bag. Willie is good TV, I'm pulling for him... He needs a Miracle right now, lucky for him AG is in the business of making miracles happen on this show, haha!


  13. so early in the game and people are shooting themselves in the foot ..

    Britney should have kept her mouth shut on basically what is Speculation.. (coaches entering the game)

    that meeting Willie summoned should have never taken place, dude its not your place to tell people how they should play.. its bad enough there are coaches in there.

    Frank running his mouth.. Who flips before eviction night while on the block? this idiot was safe, the blonde was for sure getting the boot on thursday, WTF.

    Jenn, Kara, Michelle... are doing the best thing.. saying very little and being invisible.

    This is insane, this may be the best season ever.



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