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Posts posted by nyse

  1. Those little packets the astronauts eat in space... Just add water and eat.. Well slurp.. They come in a million flavors, I remember I had one years ago from the air and space museum, it was okay.. I took a dessert one, apple pie.. But they had turkey dinner, meatloaf dinner and fried chicken!! They have all the nutrients the hamsters will need also, If its good enough for NASA it's good enough for BB.

  2. They sign confidentiality agreements.. We all know this show is rigged and they know we know, I don't care what interviews the producers do swearing it isn't... The houseguests can't speak in public about it, that is why it has not come out before.

    Matt season 12 was asked about Pretzelgate and he said something about not wanting to get sued.

  3. If he goes in with his family reunion shirt on or a visible Hantz tattoo like his nephew did on Survivor, I think he will be enemy #1 week 1. If he goes in like My name is Willie and I'm from blah blah blah, I don't think a connection in who he is related to would be made right off the bat.. We see the resemblance some what to Russell because we all know Willie's last name. If he keeps his last name quiet for a while I doubt it would click in anyones head, "hey you kinda look like that guy from Survivor!!!"

    That's why I'm interested to see what his REAL approach will be on Day 1...

  4. Bottom line why NO HG should ever do more than ONE season.

    CBS/Grodner are more to blame than anyone...they bring these people in, bring them back, and make icons and "celebs" out of them, then the stupid HG's figure "wow, easy way to make a living...better than being a 9 to 5'er in some office or pounding the pavement", they accept every offer CBS sends their way, think of themselves as celebs and then they moan and complain when someone says a mean thing.

    If everyone were only allowed to play ONCE people would love or hate them in their season and then move on, they would go back to their lives and everyone pretty much forgets. You keep bringing them back and it it just accelerates the negative more than the positive.

    The 2nd season for Janelle her fan base was scary...people would kick you out of chat rooms and issue death threats if you even so much as said you did not care for Janelle or made any slight remark which criticized anything she did, including game play.

    Shelly and her family got death threats because she had the unspeakable nerve to vote out precious Big Jeff, only because he had a big fan base and was a BB veteran, did TAR and his own show...! Doubt it would have happened on a one-trick-pony season and everyone was new...people would have gotten over it. Jeff & Jordan's fan base should have been left off reality TV (especially Big Brother) after their first appearance.

    CBS pretty much tried to remake "I Love Lucy" with Brenchel. Rachel is a big media seeker. Big Brother was not her first rodeo...apparently she was pretty much the same big baby when she was modeling and did Hawaiian Tropic...if Rachel is not winning or on top she's a big Boo-Hooo fest! I also don't recall that Brendon was on the Big Brother show when he video taped his package and sent it to some girl, aka: all over the internet.

    The "big brother experience" used to be referred to by HG's as "once in a lifetime experience" and that's EXACTLY what is should be...ONCE!!!!

    JeJo fans are special arent they?smh :).. I was a fan of his season 11 but he was a total douche last summer and dont even get me started on Princess Jordan. ugh..

    I agree with everything you said, once in a lifetime..

    I don't mind every maybe 5 years or so an allstars season is done but 3 summers back to back is a bit much. there are thousands of people who audition for this show why in thee hell do we need to see some of the same people summer after summer?

  5. Bad idea.. Let these new Hamsters play on their own.. Why do they need help? If I were a Hg this season I would be first pissed that production would think I would need assistance to navigate through the game and second that I possibly would have to do what some former Hg tells me to do. Wtf?

    And I don't like the fact that this is being sugar coated as a new twist, just be straight forward and say we are doing another season with some former Hgs AGAIN.. It's being presented like its something new and fresh. I am the farthest thing from dumb so don't try to camouflage something as something else..

    I'm telling you right now if they pull this crap next season and it's not all stars 2, I'm done with this show.. My allegiance will go to the glass house which by the way I'm beginning to enjoy a lot more now.

    We have been fans of the show for YEARS and have been begging for new and exciting stuff and especially on here amazing ideas have been given and if Allison chooses to treat us like we're the dumb die hard fans that will support anything, she will lose a fan in me.



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