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Everything posted by MadMarty

  1. I don't watch the feeds, but read about them here!! Also, always happy to read Marty's input on things!!!
  2. Sometimes Creepy!!! He's all the time creepy!!!!
  3. I can't wait for her to go, that voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard!!!
  4. I really started out liking Shane, but now he is just showing he is as dumb as Jessie!!!
  5. Isn't the the object of the game, to make it to the f2 and win? If you know you are the target and going home you will find anyway to stay another week. Played well Dan!!
  6. Sooner or later one of the QP is going to win HOH and Frank will not win the POV. Then he'll be gone.
  7. Oh Crap, the HOH room is locked, Hmmm wonder if there is going to be a pandora's box. Perfect way for AG to bring Booger back into the game!!
  8. We knew they were going to enter the game, they had no one go to the jury. They had to bring the coaches in the game or bring back players. Now they can have a double eviction and the game goes on.
  9. That way AG has an excuse to bring Jessie back!!!
  10. I can't wait to see Jani and Boogie gone...
  11. I wonder how they are going to swing bring Brendon, Rachel and Jessie back into the game!!
  12. Let the hamsters get the good players out, then the coaches come into the game for the WIN!! What a stupid twist!!!
  13. I'm sure AG will make the HOH contests coach friendly!! Like past season trivia!! You can bet when the coaches enter the game one of them will be HOH.
  14. Maybe they should bring the fishies in the game also!! What a crock... I am really sick of seeing old faces show in the BB house. Can't wait for Survivor and TAR... But the highlight of the season his coming here and seeing all of you!!!
  15. No offence Marty, but I hope they DON'T put the coaches back into the game. Talk about totally unfair to the players!! I didn't like the coach twist when they announced it, and I like it even less now that they WILL be putting the coaches back in the game. Why doesn't AG just give whoever she wants to win the 1/2 Mil and put us out of our misery!!!
  16. Get this season over with so I can watch Survivor and TAR!!!
  17. I just hope they don't let the coaches enter the game, now they are a player short what are they going to do? Have a NEL like TAR? So far I am really hating this season, I already shut off the BBAD record. I get much more info here than on the show!! You all ROCK!! Unlike the players!!!
  18. I hate to say it, I have been watching the shows and catching up a bit here. But I (so far) really don't give a crap about this season. The whole coach thing stinks, and having Willie there does nothing for me!!



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