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Everything posted by brucebeh

  1. APRIL MIGHT NEED TO LEAVE THE HOUSE!! ERIC: April is in DR, because her heart rate is too high.. too high for us, and we can't bring it down naturally. I think she has some type of electrical problem. I don't know specifically, but all I know is she is having a medic tenting? to her now. KAYSAR: What happened. ERIC: She just came down and said her herat rate is too high. K: So is this normal? E: NORMAL? I don't think its the appropriate for her. And you have to give her medicine, and if you do, she has to go the hospital. What we're hoping for is she breaks on her own.. and she can just break out of it and its normal.
  2. damn april has been repeating the SAME THING over and over and over over!!!! April (speaking as Janelle): "I have no friends anymore...." April: "You know I don't hate you" She's said that at least 4 times in this hour!! kaysar looks really freakin bored and is repeating the same thing he has said before again! ie. "I like you" "I like you too" "We have no problems"
  3. how do we submit the video clips we've captured to morty's?
  4. BB: SARAH, please do not obstruct your microphone. no idea what she was saying.. cameras on IVETTE (the dumbass, as james just said) and James..
  5. yeah i noticed that.. but april is hot, so it doesn't matter..
  6. Kaysar and Janelle talking in the HOH room, Janelle seems really happy now shes allied with Kaysar and enjoyin the hoh bed . Kaysar: Does howie know rachel.. they had some sort of chemistry together. Int he begining, it was weird.. right after what happened that night on the surfboard.. Janelle: and she(rachel) said just let me take it. Kaysar: why was he so okay to just step down. Janelle: He told me he had to pee, I was right there. Kaysar: come on, the guy.. hates losing.. you think hes gonna walk away cus he has to pee? He'd rather take a dump on himself. Even on a game of coasters.. he screams and goes nuts.. when he thinks hes gonna lose. *kaysar now thinks rachel and howie is together..!!*
  7. eric seems kinda pissed.. in the middle of the HOH room celebration.. eric runs downstairs and starts working out hardly on the walking machine.
  8. janelle very lonely sitting outside smoking. april joins her.
  9. lockdown over.. they can go back outside.
  10. Kaysar, Howie, and Janelle are discussing who they should put up in the gold room.
  11. then they do the famous "technical difficulty" we ALL know shows do those on purpose.
  12. woah.. that sucks... that really sucks. that's the whole point of live television.. watch people screw up, watch them make mistakes.. watch the unexpected. and if it is really THAT bad, im sure they can make up a "technical difficulty". I think they are just practicing..
  13. hahaha.. he probably did. anyone notice at the end.. it says.. page 14 of 13?
  14. i hope mike gets saved.. that's my hope i bet.. the twist is, "eric.. you have been evicted from the big brother house by america's secret choice!"
  15. wow! i never knew they let people with a criminal record onto big brother!
  16. What do you think is going to happen after eric gets off HOH? Is his "team" still going to listen to him or are they all going to turn around on him?
  17. ha. they'll never stop, as long as eric is still there brainwashing everyone.. they will never know.
  18. gahhah.. okay. i have to see eric loose it again.. hope he breaks something in the house then gets kicked out
  19. we're hating the players.. not the game
  20. woops.. sorry.. i didnt check out your post. i thought you removed the ad. sry.
  21. gee.. they removed the ads IN the episode already. cant you not watch a 30 second ad in the beginning? its what pays cbs!
  22. Tonight's FULL big brother episode is now online at cbs.com! http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/i...ap=11173&cat=90



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