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Everything posted by brucebeh

  1. Eric just said Prostitution in thailand is $15 ALL night. Howie: ALL NIGHT? for as long as you want? eric: yeah. Howie: Wow, I gotta go there.
  2. Maggie asked if Howie is competing today... Howie didn't answer and just went to talk to Ivette about Bambo?
  3. eric keeps referring things to her wife... they are talking about reproduction systems. Eric: when my wife got pregnant, she spread her legs right away and we had Joseph (a boy) Ivette: My period has been shortest in thsi house. eric: stress.. when my wife was stress.. her period was really short
  4. Janelle just kissed i think Michael's picture on the wall. *anyway, im gonna get in bed now.. so no more updates from me for tonight.. g'nite* So far i know these people are still awake: Janelle, Maggie, Howie, Kaysar (i think), Eric
  5. HA! Feeds 3 and 4 cut to gold room. beau and april are tickling james.. beau was bouncing on james and james said, "okay that's enough" feeds go back to kaysar and janelle outside smoking table. - edit.. sorry, they WERENT making out.. i'm just really tired.
  6. Most people are sleeping. Girl: There's someone right behind this wall. James: You've been in this house 3 weeks.. Girl: I know, but i've never heard them before, i had my earplugs in. It's so scary.. being watched. (*sorry, can't figure who the girl is*)
  7. hey, does anyone know if veto competition is tomorrow? and around what time (BBT)? thanks.. i just need to know if i need to set my alarm
  8. Howie, Rachel, Sarah, James are discussing their(kaysar's) mastermind plan
  9. Howie: I can't believ this party.. this neighbourhood has no one over toc ome party? SomeGirl: this neighbourhood sucks! -- Fishes
  10. -- EDIT: Beau is touching Howie's Penis! the girls are SCREAMING! Kaysar gets called to DR Howie & Beau keeps saying, "LOVE IT!" *this is funny, have to watch a video of this*
  11. BEAU, APRIL, SARAH talking outside at smoking table. April: We eat likes its... ???? Beau: every two secs i get hungry April: Are you competing for veto? Beau: o'course April says "oooooh, we have new people we can cheer on!" Sarah: can you even compete? Beau: You don't have to worry about that, you don't understand, I'm actually a sports boy. Baseball 9 years, Soccer 5 years, Volleyball 4 years, I mean Cheerings, and student council, and getting A&Bs and couple Cs here and there. April: haha, couple C's and here and there. Beau: well i was so involved with extra curricular activities April: But you're a freakin boy scout. Beau: -------- fricken to the max. April: I'd be laughing so hard. Beau: I can't believe you stick you leg up on BB April: I forget the cameras are here.. *waves at camera*
  12. Everyone is outside talking.. Howie comes yelling out... He gives his play-by-play coaster action. Howie declares he is the coaster champion of Big Brother 6! -- now fishes on all 4 feeds
  13. Getting ready for lockdown. Maggie is going to get cookies and "snacks". -- edit-- Howie is yelling all over the house REALLY loud because he beat cappy in coasters. (sorry, didn't pay attention to who he was playing with)
  14. --- Feeds 1 & 2 Jennifer, April, Sarah are talking in the bed room downstairs. JEN: IM HUNRGY! JEN: I'm just hungry cus I can't eat so much, my stomach has to get use to it, i'll get a headche for a day and a half, and i'll be fine. JEN: this is the best week too, because I lose my appetite when I get my period. APRIL: I eat like a horse on my period. JEN: *yawns* --- Feeds 3 & 4 Ivette: I have such a headche, i already took two advils. Beau, James playing coasters.
  15. oh.. does anyone know what time the nominations are? use the time from the BB house.. thanks.
  16. Beau, April, Sarah outside at smoking table talking. B: this is your 4th fricken cigarette today A: Maybe 5th, maybe 6th. B: So you're smoking 2 a day? A: thats how much i was gonna smoke? I never said that B: yeah you did A: bOBO! i'm gonna get some q-tips to clean out those ears S: I thought you're not suppose to smoke heart girl. A: I can smoke.. i just can't take caffeine, I was drinking caffeine. S: I gotta go.. A: James is making up s*** B: I have no clue.. Feeds 1 and 2 goes to sleeping room. Ivette, Eric, Maggie chit-chatting in the room. Maggie: Something about getting choclate doughnuts everytime her and her brother come back from somewhere. And she will never forget that. Eric: exactly, you'll NEVER forget those things. Ivette: those are the good things Eric: those are the things where I know my kids will remember in their lives
  17. feed 3 & 4 ivette, eric, james.. talking. but feed keeps jumping to fish every 5 seconds.. no idea why and what they are talking about. - edit: i THINK they are talking about their sex dreams. eric is in his underwear lying on the bed.. :| feeds 1 and 2 rachel and jennifer chit-chatting
  18. rachel looking through recipe book and wants to make something. jennifer is playing with blocks? Jen: You shut up (to james) James: I'm gonna beat your ass. Jen: I hate you... James: Whyd o you hate me? Jen: I don't James: Those who can't spell this week do all the cooking
  19. i have the first 2 episodes on my computer.. and i'll be getting yesterday's today. if you PM me, i'll be able to hook you up with a direct downlod link. (kinda slow though.. 120kb/s) EdiT: BTW, I think Morty's coverage is GREAT! I read the mainwebsite just to see what I missed myself even though I'm watching the live feeds.. sometimes its just so hard to keep up. Great work Morty and everyone!
  20. HA! what a jackass like I expected.
  21. Very late into the night.. 1:08am in the BBH. Kaysar and Howie and Janelle are still trying to figure out who they should nominate. Here's a short video (4:48) which shows a little of what they talk about. Sorry, i'm waaay too tired to post a transcript. video: http://swifthostnet.com/stream/khj-discus.asx
  22. Kaysar, Howie, and Janelle are STILL talking in the HOH room about who they should put up to evict. everyone else is asleep.
  23. APRIL IS FINE AGAIN! A: I'm ALIVE!!! K: What the hell happened to you! Howie: MY APRILL! ----- can't hear lots of stuff.. their mics aren't on. H: Want me to give you some foreplay? (to April) H: Maybe you're just missing some action..
  24. kaysar and howie talking about how they are all telling K to turn on Janelle.



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