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Everything posted by stagehand

  1. I love a good conspiracy theory This is probably old news to a lot of people here, but my wife was telling me last night that Aaryn's mom hire a PR firm to work at easing some of the negative public perception of her. And one of the things they are trying to do cast some of the other players in a negative light. My wife is the true BB fan in our household, I mostly find it a curiosity. So she spends most of the season watching the feeds every waking hour, reading all the messageboards, tweets etc I mostly just come here and as you might gather from my post count, I am mostly a lurker. Anyway my wife was saying that the PR campaigne for Aaryn seems to be working. I started thinking about it and I realized that Aaryn does seem to be slipping under the radar as the negative stuff against Amanda has become more extreme. In the sense that when they announced the first week, America would be the MVP, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was done to get rid of Aaryn, but I certainly don't feel that way any more. Is this all due to the natural progression of the game, or is this PR company direction public perception? If they are a really good PR company, do they have moles here and on other messageboards? Is everything really as it seems, or are we all sharing a very strange dream? I have to go now, the tin foil on my hat is starting to sag a little
  2. I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I am trying to understand why one player is being singled out as vile when this players behavior is not significantly out of line with what we've seen on the show over 15 seasons. And in fact in past seasons other players have exhibited far worse behavior and not received the same type of negative response. Why is that? I think that could be an interesting topic for a respectful conversation. I can understand why you might have concluded that I am rooting for Amanda, but the truth is I'm not going to lose any sleep over her potentially going home this week or making it to the very end. I'm really just a fan of watching an interesting game. No I'm uncomfortable because I see post after post of negative attacks. It's especially uncomfortable when people are wishing ill will upon another human being. I understand passion, it can cause us to do some crazy things sometimes. Although I've learned through my years on the planet, that people are generally happier when they express their passion in positive rather than negative actions. It's just a game. Please enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  3. Vile compared to what standard? I've seen what I consider much worse vile behavior on BB before but I've never seen this type of near unanimous attack before. I've been coming to Morty's for years and I have watched the live feeds since season one. I don't always agree with everyone, in fact a little back and forth is a good thing. But I have to be honest, it doesn't feel all that comfortable around here lately.
  4. Helen is going to win this game, no doubt. She's completely off the radar as far as anyone going after her. She gets the best edit on the broadcast show, so she's never going to get the MVP nomination, and she has a solid couple, every other thing she says are "me and Elissa."
  5. Oh wow! I forgot she was still in the game....
  6. What would be the point? I can see doing what they can to keep popular players in the game, we've seen multiple examples of that but planning for a specific player to win the whole thing? Very low return on investment there. "Hey Alison, this is Amanda. Hey I could really us some money, do you think you could put me on your show and allow me to win?" I'm thinking not.
  7. Watch her make it to the end because everyone forgot she was there, then for how long would we have to hear, "another legend like her sister?"
  8. Grodner's player is whomever she thinks will bring in the highest ratings. And it changes throughout the season. At the beginning it was clearly Elissa, but she's turned out to be a wet noodle so now she's getting the bad edits on the broadcast show, production is ready to cut her loose. Now it's most certainly switched to Amanda because she is creating the most drama, people are voting for her to go on the block, it's good for ratings and I don't see production throwing that away until someone else comes along and fills that role. It's just like with Rachel, most people can't stand her yet when she played production was clearly manipulated in her favor to keep her in the game as long as possible. I think she clearly goes down as the least deserving of any BB winner based on the multiple times BB saved her rear that season. I would suspect that the majority of players, for at least the past several years if not the very beginning, are ringers of some sort. It's all entertainment, not a true game anymore, if it ever was. Maybe all of us who have been fans all along are going to need a 12 step program to come to grips with that.
  9. It changes the entire dynamic of the game. It would be like watching a football game and allowing people to call in and vote on which play should be called at random intervals, we no longer have a game that is fair for the best player/team to win. It might be fun for entertainment purposes, but if that is the direction they want to go, lets stop calling it a game.
  10. I agree, whether you like her or not Amanda is playing the game and if and when she leaves the season will turn into a real yawner. It's also interesting to me how many people here were big fans of ED because of his aggressive and often mean spirited game play, a dual standard perhaps? Elissa on the other hand is just taking up space. I couldn't stand her sister when she played, especially when Brendan was around, but at least she made the game interesting to watch. I don't know what they were expecting when they brought Elissa into the game, but she has turned out to be a real dud. She thinks she is better than everyone else, is condensending to the other players, and in general is just not a very nice person. If she were actually playing the game, I could forgive all of those things, but it's just not the case. Without the MVP she is like a deer in the headlights.
  11. I agree, and I have noticed most of the time when houseguest say they are big fans of the show, with a few exceptions, it usually means they've watched it once or twice a week on the regular broadcast. I think the whole mvp thing was a set up to use Ellisa. They knew she would win at the beginning of the game and now the fact she not winning it anymore is creating a lot of drama in the house. It was all a big setup and now Ellisa's usefulness to production is gone, her edits on the last two shows demonstrate that. I was happy they showed Ellisa's comments to Amanda over her one-piece. Ellisa is not a very kind person by any means and it will be good to see her go.
  12. I don't think she knows much because every time they do try to tell her anything she sits there with a complete blank look on her face. The woman is a complete idiot and a liability to any alliance she may a part of.
  13. After all that happened last night and reading the comments here, I'm convinced that Elissa is indeed production's player this year. Her actions defy any logic thus far in this game. Either that or they plucked her from a mental ward before entering the BB house.
  14. Elissa is as dumb as a board. Her light bulb is apparently burned out because it never goes on....
  15. Brought back nightmares for about 30 seconds. Ironically except for a few tantrums I liked Rachel on TAR. Of course it could have been that I really disliked some of the competition. Everything is always relative...lol
  16. Elissa is Rachel's sister, she certainly didn't come across as someone I would like, but she also didn't come across to me as being a lot like her sister, except for Jeff having her do Rachel impressions. She is married.
  17. None really stand out exceptionally for me either. I would put my money on Aaryn as the first to go. Seems like there is always that jealousy amoung the women sort of thing going on and she makes an easy target. I'm thinking that Spenser shouldn't last long but he seems like the kind of guy, they're down to the final five and you wonder why he's still there. Even though most said they were fans of the show, none really impressed me as being true fans. Wouldn't it be cool to have a season where the chosen houseguest had to pass a BB IQ test..... oh nevermind...
  18. With newscasters who have the IQ of a rabbit...
  19. I realize this is tangent to the thread, but I have been wanting to say this for awhile and I can't take it any more. I think I can safely say that the majority of members hear loathe the returning houseguest, Jessie, Zingbot, etc etc, Yet BB keeps bringing these things back, why? Are we that out of touch with the majority of BB fans out there?
  20. I was going to say, is she going for an academy award nomination or does she really believe the stuff she's saying to Britney right now?
  21. What always kills me is when someone says, "why did you tell me you were going to play the veto?" (when I still had time to squash the plan)
  22. For most of this season I was pulling for Ian, but yeah he's pretty much lost the luster.
  23. If Britney hadn't spent Friday though Sunday gloating and sucking up to Frank and truly had her head in the game, she might have realized that Dan wasn't just going to lay down and die. Up to this point she's coasted through the whole game. And does anyone else feel a little nauseous every time Britney says "Dan hit the reset button...?" And, "if we are going to be mad at someone, can't we all just be mad at Dan?" As much as I don't like the idea of past players returning, and certainly would rather a "newbie" win, if he gets that far, Dan certainly deserves it this year.
  24. Not to worry, Britney is not bitter or sour... I guess everyone in the house has been nothing but sweet and kind to everyone else except for Dan. He should have just taken it like a man and rode out this final week and not upset the apple cart, I mean what was he thinking? How could he be so cruel? lol



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