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Posts posted by lvgal

  1. He'll be right back coaching at OLSM as soon as this season is over. People were saying the same thing the first time he was on the show. For a game that is all about deceit and lying and backstabbing why do self rightous people watch it?

    I guess you're intent was to call me "sel rightous"?? I actually watch BB because I love the original "intent"......a social experiment to watch people and learn something about what people will do when confined and/or to "win money". The posters turned into "all about deceit, lying & backstabbing" and have made that the goal (?)

    As far as Dan, he pretends to still be coaching but has NOT been on the roster.........just more "mist".

    And, BTW, I'm not "judging him".......I'm just looking at him with clear eyes, not through the mist.

  2. Again, looks like bad acting to me. The show felt really scripted tonight.

    LOL, hmmmmmmm, every time Dan made a move, he made it a point to look in the camera and then, wow! Dan in the DR, how convenient....and, then, Dan once again, explaing in full detail to Danielle, how he "had to do THIS PLAy BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT COACHES DO..... :animated_rotfl: ..........SCRIPTED????'

    No! All of it was just off the top of Dan's head, like all the rest of his big moves.........you must have not been "misted" enough to see through it.

  3. Mist???LOL, he used his power as coach, his religion, his wife and his dead grandfather to further himself in a game to win money. Nothing "misty" about it. BB shows how far a person will go to win. In Dan's case, the only reason he was able to get further in this game was because of who he was going into the game, a Catholic, a coach, newly married, bible reader who supposedly won the first time by being loyal and the obvious help he got in the DR.

    He was able to "mist" people by using every ounce of respect that anyone else in the game had for him, against them. Tonight he even used his own books and his & his wife's "love for Danielle", along with a promise of a possible new book about "how much she as a player taught him, the coach"...... :animated_rotfl: .........nothing "misty about it....just outright deceit and lies to win BB, which if done by someone you don't like would be perceived totally differently......SKILL? wow!

    He better win the money because he'll never coach again (unless penn state is hiring)

    And I doubt any Catholic school would let him teach there again (in fact, he is not on their roster-lie?) after he used the story about "how his wife goes to church every morning for adoration to pray for him to win"....."adoration" is sacred to Catholics, it's about showing your love and respect for God.....we don't go to ask for God to help us win BB or any other game :animated_shocking: ...........and, no, it's NOT holding HIM to a different standard......HE set that standard about himself and set out during this game to use his prior reputation to purposely to deceive....... it's really not that hard if you have no morals and will do anything to win with a lot of help from the DR.

    Win or lose, other than some posters who believe and like Dan, (some who BTW also have condemned other players they don't like for doing much less degrading and disrespectful things) better beware in their real lives if they're so easily swayed by "mist". :angel_not:

  4. Favorite: Dan because I have no respect for these amateurs that are left. Dan with these people is like throwing a piranha in the fish tank.

    funny, exactly why he's my LEAST fav.......he's playing with a bunch of fish who were thrown into the tank and for the first half convinced to "follow".......NONE of them ever got out of that mindset, even Frank......first year of BB I get the conspiracy, production rules theory.

  5. I was watching the feeds but never heard clearly who won.......Dan & dani were whispering so low I had to go to Joker's to read if they got it & then read that their poster , posted he had won. Jenn certainly didn't, in bed under the covers....dani didn't, crying and certainly not happy.

    IF Shane won it and doesn't take himself down......STOOPID.

    I thought Dan was asking dani during thie whisper moments if she could cry & play him not to use it.....just heard it confirmed.....ugh, so Dan.....even dani has more morality than him.

  6. NEVER......IMO, unless you have no "real life" or a career why would you? I get that would be actors, models or some ppl. ike Joe or Renny who are older may think it could be a way to promote their business,,,I get that and as a viewer THAT's who I want to watch.

    NO ONE going INTO BB leaves their life or their values at the door.....anyone who enters must ask, do I value my life? or my values? If YES, do not enter.

    So, why would they?

  7. Frank, as someone who really hated the great big smile at first, thinking, how PHONEY, you made me believe that outside of the BB house, you will be accepted as truly genuinely optimistic as you are......trust me, outside the BB house,you will be successful and be offered opportunties that will take you places Dan will only dream of......use BB as a stepping stone to the rest of your life.

  8. I think it could have been a good idea but they should have followed through......they never thought ahead, hello, they were 2 coaches with 1 and 2 coaches with 3.....seems to me they had NO guidlines and played the whole thiing by ear. Then, put the coaches in; IMO a fair game has rules and the contestants are advised at the start. The rules of this game changed with the circumstances.

  9. Jeff would never beat Dan.........Jeff actually has a moral base.......Dan has looked into the camera and told us all that he has decided that he will do ANYTHING to win BB and he is.......NO ONE can compete against someone who has no moral compass in this game.....certainly, everyone can fault Frank (and I do for believing Dan) but Dan came in as a different person than who he's leaving and swearing on his marriage, his wife and his dead grandfather's cross again, was something that would have swayed anyone with a good heart. When the HGs see the tapes and realize that, as he said, he is someone addicted to winning BB at any cost....not my words but his.....they will understand and feel used

    Great game in some ppls opinion.......

    Sorry life.......win or lose.......IMO

  10. ??????

    He certainly has "mean talked"........not sure how he's done it better:?

    This is Big Brother where you will do anything...say anything to win a half million dollars. Saying what you have to to say to stay in the game is one thing....but threats and just mean talk about others is just wrong. Dan is doing what others have done for 13 seasons...he just does it better.

    Also...how boring would it be if there were no lies or backstabbing? Hell...I'm here for the backstabbing!

    I have no problem with lies or backstabbing but being mean for no reason is wrong.......and Dan doesn't get a pass because "he does it better".

  11. ITA Shaggy.....and I'm sure his wife is going to love hearing him say that the BB house is his drug and how he would rather live there than in his real life.............sad sack, IMO......but, of course, maybe it advanced his game, which I guess will validate it all for some.

  12. Who's angry?

    I'm just a bit baffled by the praise for someone who IMO, doesn't deserve it.

    and the question was, why is Dan held to a higher standard......IMO, because HE presents himself that way.

    BTW.........From what I'm hearing & watching on the feeds (first day I've had to do so at any length this season).......we can expect Dan to show up, invited or not to the BB house for years to come.......Dani may be stalking Shane but Dan's admittingly addicted to being in the BB house, how excited his wife must be to hear this.......I thought not washing his bathing suit for 3 years was a bit gross and over the top but now I get it, everything in this guy's life is about BB........look for him in coming season's, peering in the windows, those bug eyes looking around corners, OMG.....lol

  13. Honestly if some other player had said that to another player with Dan not being the person.... would people even notice or would people care? I think most people would laugh. People tend to expect Dan to live up to higher standards then the other players. It should not be that way.

    ?????Dan made it that way, spending his time reading the bible, presenting himself as someone who HAS higher standards than the rest of the HGs...........unfortunately even Dan can't have it both ways.



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