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Posts posted by lvgal

  1. BB should NOT have a game where some ppl are put in a POWER position (coaches/mentors) and others are put in a weaker position.......and later put them all on the same playing field and call it FAIR.

    I don't "hate Dan", I think I have more insight to him.....he obviously took advantage of the situation he was in and the DR has certainly helped him.....what I resent is calling diabolical play "magical misting" or "unbelievable powers of persuaion" when IMO, his real "power" is finding the weakness in ppl and use it against them/ or being able to look ppl in the eye and LIE.

    So, I have no problem with WHAT Dan is doing to win, but since I haven't been misted, I think his tactics have been unwarranted and over the line.....JMO.

  2. Also, Ian,there are heavy weight blankets and vests, made to help stop stimming and they do bring comfort and work.....invest in some with your winnings.

    Brittany & Danielle obviously have no brains, so the "mist" will make them vote Dan.

    Hopefully the rest never were in it deep enough and have been away long enough to detox and will vote for Ian.

  3. Ahhhhhh, yes.....ITA, Dan has covered all his bases, even when it's not needed in the "game" but to try to protect his image outside of the house. Except for diehard Dan fans that have ridden his train from the start and can't jump off now, the world is seeing who Dan REALLY is, not an actor or someone with magical powers. His fans believe that ppl in the real world will look at what he's doing as gameplay and not a reflection on his character, but ppl who are not diehard BB fans will see him for who he's been this season and what he's done to win.

  4. Dan celebrated Ian's victory in front of Dani......the big "plan",dani screaming at Ian that if he doesn't take her she's going to make sure he doesn't get jury votes....... was supposed to scare Ian into throwing the last comp to dan.......another "mind f***" dan came up with thinking Ian's stupid enough to trust Dan in the end and give him control.....in any case, Ian didn't bite, he could care less about the D/D show or the influence she's pretending she'll have over the jury, Ian WANTS the final win "for his resume" (LOVE HIM!).

    Either way, it doesn't hurt dan at all, whatever happens, dan is F2.......but all the BS----uh,oh I mean "mist" makes him look good to dani that he was "trying" to get her to F2 but in the end....too bad, so sad.

  5. If I was a HG is this season, I would not be able to get past the whole coaches getting to come into the game twist. I consider it a kick in the teeth to each one of the newbies that BB set them up to get to know and trust (to a certain extent) the reruns and then turned the coaches loose to steal the season from the newbies. If this had been All Stars and Dan had gotten to this point by playing them all, I'd have no problem with him winning (unless Jeff was there, then it would be all about Jeff) and taking home the title. I would hate to see Dani win but if it comes down to her or Dan, she'd have my vote.

    ITA......especially the part about WHO he's competing against/with.....in ANY game, when coaches BEAT players, it's expected but when players BEAT coaches, it's a WORTHY win.

  6. I am pretty sure that the bigger football schools will be coming after Dan now. I am quite sure that a number of top schools in his state are discussing his power of persuasion over people. It's what you look for in a football coach.

    As far as his church...if he wins, his catholic church will happily accept his 10% donation.

    AHHHHHH, yes, I am sure that all of the Athletic Directors of all the "top schools" in Michigan and probably around the world are holding meetings and fighting over this "assistant high school coach" who was able to "persuade" a group of BB HGs :animated_rotfl:

    probably because "what theyare looking for" is to hire someone as controversial as Dan will be when he leaves, so they have a great big spotlight on their school's athletic program.......hiring someone who believes in "winning" at any cost.

    As far as the church ITA the church would not turn it down (lol).........but DAN said today that his wife may get fired from the Catholic School where she works because of HIS actions......if he doesn't care about that, I doubt he cares about donating.

  7. Then I apologize to you and to not the others that are judging him. I'm not saying anyone has to like how anyone plays the game, just that if people are going to complain about people lying and backstabbing and being deceitful in a game that is about all those things, then why are you watching.

    No offense taken.......I think you missed my point.....I really have no problem with lying, backstabbing and/or being deceitfu in bb as long as they are all on the same level.

    In sports terms this years BB is like seniors playing against freshman and then calling it a "fair" game.

    As far as "watching", I have watched less BB this season and posted less this season than ever........but I did tune in tonight to see Dan, once again using his power and reputation as a coach in the REAL world to advance his BB game.

    In all sincerity, I have been surprised at how Dan has affected me this season. There was no one I liked, and truthfully, he's the first HG that I cannot stand watching AT ALL. I mute or FF and tune in and out hoping because I know that if/when he is ever gone (doubtful) I will get some pleasure. It's like, OMG, he could have been my brother because we have the same background and if he was my brother I would still feel embarrassed and shocked for him.

    I watch because watching BB has taught me that someone who is "perceived" to be a cad like Mike Boogie can turn out to have more morals than someone who presents himself as........well, you know, Dan.



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