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Posts posted by lvgal

  1. None of my opinons about Dan are based on Danielle's reactions to how Dan has treated her and for those who believe "the end justifies the means"..........I just wonder, really? If she WInS it's OK, if she doesn't, t's NOT?

    OR is it IF he wins, it's OK? because we ALL know she wasn't going anywhere and he did not save HER from anything.

  2. One thing Dan has shown is in the world of BB if you have diehard fans, you can get away with anythiing.

    I remember complaints about Jeff when he just raised his voice to Jordan to clarify strategy.......good grief, if HE would have done what Dan did to Dani..............it would have been "brilliant"?

    I was a diehard Jeff fan but never defended any time he lapsed into his macho reactions which although they were reactive, hurt Jordan to advance their game.

    IF Dan "wins" it will obviously be at Danielle's expense. Brilliant?

    USING a female that you came into the game to coach and hurting her & her emotions will keep yourself in the game is brilliant? or scummy?

    Whether he wimes or loses, scumbag move IMO.

    OMG in REAL time, Dan just told Dani, he hates the thought of leaving the BB house, explaining his feelings about being in the BB house.... BB is "like a DRUG".....poor Dan. He obviously lost his soul to BB.

  3. ITA............Ian would have loved it, the audience would have loved it and no one would have had to see Jesse again.

    That's another thing I love about Ian, he accepts who he is (nerd) just wants to be accepted in our screwed up society as a nerd, IMO, THAT takes B****........................ don't try to be macho by swearing/being gross just be yourself, Ian......lots of ppl will see & love that in you.

  4. LOL, Bigmack, some of the sme thoughts I've had at times.....but I have to admit he's been entertaining.......I would have never believed it but seeing this guy in a carrot suit play BB with a smile almost erased all the bad feelings I had about him when he was joined at the hip to MB.

    ITA on what will turn out to be the WORST move of the game, convincing Jenn to take Dan off the block.

    He replaced the previously worst move---Dan getting him off the block to cater to MB.....Dan survived, Frank will not.

  5. What Dan said to Danielle was a strategy move and was not personal. Threats to you and your family are personal and make you a scumbag.

    We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

    I consider when anyone intentionally hurts another, strategically or not in the BB game, they're a scumbag.

    I also believe that if someone threatens someone else or their family, it should be reported to the police and you should be arrested (ranted that it should have happened to some Hgs in the past)....Dan has never gone that far, IMO, he's reached scumbag, hope he doesn't cross over to possible felonious activity s other HGs have in the past, just to win BB.


  6. I sometimes wonder if he's telling the truth about not knowing much about BB, last night he asked Dani & Joe about what happens in F3 but before they answered he rattled off the last 3 comps.......could he be lying in the BB house? lol

  7. Clearly you have made up your mind about Dan so like politics there is nothing anyone can say to change your mind.

    I think that Dan has really moved Danielle to the final leg of the game and it is up to her to decide if she wants to remain friends with Dan and if she feels he is a scumbag.

    choo choo

    LOL, Marty, ITA with the first sentence, on the other hand, my opinions about Dan have no relation to how Danielle (a girl who's been chasing a guy who obviously has no feelings about her) decides to treat Dan after the show.

  8. ITA, I couldn't stand Frank at the beginning of the season, couldn't stand that constant smile and thought it was all an act but as the weeks have gone on, this guy has really shown, through all that he's gone through, he truly has an optimistic personality. He walked around with a smile on his face while wearing a carrot suit all week, kudos for that!....but WTF? something more than Dan coming into the HOH room for a few minutes & selling out Ian (who he already knew deceived him) convinced him to do what he did........he isn't that stupid and Dan is not that smart......BB behind the scenes?

    Maybe the chance to be on BB ALLSTARS?

  9. The d

    Exactly. The difference between Dan & ED and MB is that Dan's antics are always game and never personal. He's never purposely disrespected anyone on a personal level, you will never hear him call anyone hateful, derogatory names like MB or threaten to rape someone like ED.

    ?????Did you miss the "funeral antic" where he declared to the house that Daniel was DEAD to him because of "what she did"???

    THAT wasn't "personal"? He purposely hurt her in front of everyone to make her cry but "because it advanced his game" it was OK? IMO, it was hateful and and one of the most scumbag moves because of who he pretends to be........ IMO there is no difference in being derogatory by outright calling names or trying to hide it..........what Dan did was to berate & hurt Danielle while manipulating the rest of the HGs.......no, HE didn't yell out, "Danielle, your a bitch" because that's NOT his style........what he DID was hurt HER, personally, more than name calling would have and it was purposefull........his apology and attempt to justify his action to Danielle later- "I did it for your own good", doesn't make him any better than MB or ED in my eyes because his target was someone who was close to him & trusted him and what he did was a move only a BB scumbag like ED or MB would have made.

  10. IMO, Ian doesn't have an evil bone in his body. He obviously has had a difficult life outside of the BB house (geez, his father didn't even show him how to shave, ugh).......I admire th HGs who have "taken him under their wing" (ex. Frank--you need to move the razor one way, son) and LOVE the way he has "grown" during his time on the show. Certainly that "growth" has also had some growing pains (trying to fit in with his peers by swearing and going overboard and trying to be overly macho--"nothing wrong with hitting on married women"--is his way of getting clarity and developing into an adult)........ anyone who's been around teenagers trying to be adults (who never had guidance in the past), IMO portrays Ian's transformation over the past weeks would get it.......I think when he leaves the show, win or lose, he will be a better person for having been there.........I watch BB for the entertainment and the insight it provides about ppl and personalities......I may be wrong but I thought that was originally the intent of the first BB, a social experiment....... I LOVE times like last night on BBAD......when it was not about game......that discussion was REAL for the most part.

    Except for Dan, of course, who actually said to Danielle "I'm just here to give the viewers what they want" (sell out) when he kept nagging her to get her to discuss Shane.

  11. IMO, Frank is "dead man walking" and it's his own fault. Dan kept him in the game the week he could of gotten him out because of his desire to please MB......Frank kept Dan in the game the week he could have gotten him out because of ?????? wanting to get back at Ian????? to have Dan as a partner because of how loyal he has proven to be (LOL)????? or being manipulated in the DR?????

    Doesn't matter

    STOOPID moves they both made, lol, but Dan dug himself out of it with a little help from the BB gods.....Frank's not going to be a "lucky".

  12. Dan's playing a good game. Danielle is just fine and like I tried to say before. She is using Dan, Shane and Jenn each having a final 2 with her to get to the end. She has lied and deceived just as much as Dan so nooooooooo she is not a victim. This is a game to win at the end and that is what they are all there for.

    This is not a game to see who can be the nicest most honest person to get to the end. ;) choo choo

    ITA and Dan's convinvinced me this this season that he is not the nicest or most honest person to ever win BB......he's now in a class with ED & MB as BB scumbags IMO........and Danielle's game or reaction to his game has nothing to do with it.

  13. Obviously, like any "reality" show these days, BB is scripted to a point by the influence they are able to put on the guests in the DR. It's a TV show, the producers want viewers and they TRY to make the show what THEY think will get the most viewers, it's not rocket science, just "reality". It's always been somewhat amusing to me that some ppl. have bought into the whole "game show"" aspect of it because in a REAL "game show" the producers would not be ALLOWED to influence the events or the winner, I'm old enough to remember the trouble another "real game show" got into, feeding the correct answers to certain contestants for ratings.......hmmmmm......I think they even made a movie about it (lol).

    BB is entertainment, certainly returning HGs are more willing to go along with what the DR wants because they've learned that BB will have them back if they cooperate and certainly, they will get "perks" ......let's face it, the producers can show the best or the worst of the 24/7 feeds they have of you. So, the blatant manipulation isn't going to stop and the HGs who don't go along with it won't get propped up or presented in a good light........that's the REALITY. (lol) IMO, of course!

  14. And yes Dan is very sexist and classist. He thinks people who didn't attend Catholic High Schools are not quite as good as he is.

    OMG LEN, you hit the nail on the head......since the first time he was on BB I tried to like him and I just couldn't.......I'm Catholic, my chidlren & I attended Catholic school, I have 3 brothers, 2 who became coaches and one at a college level......I should LOVE Dan, a CS coach but I couldn't and it's exactly what you pointed out. Arrogance is NOT taught in Catholic schools. In sports, those who believe in winning at all costs coaching results in what we have all seen on the news regardiing Penn State.

    As far as BB and Dan, once again, he "used" being Catholic & a CS coach to get ppl to empathize with him. Never using his position or background as a "teaching moment".

    For those who may say, he's not there as a coach, Catholic or whatever, fine......but you cant have it both ways.

  15. To Carmen: IMO Dan could care less about Danielle, I guess I missed his "fawning over her' unless you mean AFTER he used and abused her during his "funeral" and then had to get her back on his side.....I agree with what Marty pointd out which I miissed, maybe it will turn out that Danielle turns on Dan......but don't mistake Dan's "coddling" for anything more than what it is to him. away to further HIS game.....doesn't tell us ANYTHING about how this guy will vote.....we only know now that he is LOYAL to no one (IMO:)

    OMG POOR, POOR Richard (lol) you are right.......Dan chose his words carefully and any poor sap who didn't parse them correctly should not blame Dan....he really "wasn't making a deal with Frank", Frank just thought he was,,,,...I never cease to be amazed at the lies Dan tells that are never addressed or excuses are made for him....is it his cross? is it his 3 y/o unwashed bathing suit? his unshaved arms? bugged out eyes? he obviously did something to get ppl. on his train and keep them there.....ITA he has a gift, what scares me is the "win at all costs" idea.



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