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Posts posted by lvgal

  1. True. I wonder if by some miracle Frank was sitting next to Danielle in the final two, would Dan still support her? Or would he cast his vote for Frank?

    ?? didn't he already tell Ian that he wouldn't support HIM against Frank if they were final 2? IMO, if Dan doesn't make it to the final 2 this season, he may take the drama to another level......maybe we'll be watching fake rescue squads at the JH and see Dan rolled out (lifting the sheet up to wink at us all, of course).

  2. I think Danielle is smarter then you think. She may get the last laugh on Dan and it might be Jenn and Danielle in the final 2 when they dump Dan. :lol:

    LOL, Marty, ITA, I really don;t know if Danielle is smart.........but Dan treats her like she isn't.......I'm still not a Danielle fan but truly as far as Dan goes she has played HER cards as "close to her vest" as I've ever seen. I'll probably never "like" her or Jenn but they would definitely earn my respect if your prediction came true,

  3. IMO it is apparent that many of the males have said & done things that truly showcase them as "sexist" but Frank & MB certainly aren't the only ones..........funny thing, you dn't have to be crude & vulgar to be "sexist". IMO the way that Dan has used and abused Danielle for his and suppossedly "her own good" is also sexist. He treats her like she is a five year old, not an equal partner.......the very essence of sexism IMO...."I couldn't tell you MY plan because........." says to me, I'm the male, I'm the smarter person, I decided for you, YOU couldn't handle it".......sexist pigism 101..

  4. Love, love love the selective memory. Dan is the only reason Frank is still in the house because weeks ago when it would have been a done deal to get him out, Dan thought only of himself and his desire to be with MB at the end. Is he doing a good job digging himself out of this hole (?) YES, but let's not forget that he dug the hole & jumped in, So IMO, ok, Dan, you are back to even.

  5. Never been on the Dan train but have always given him props when he is able to do whatever it is he does to keep himself in the game.

    THIS season, whether it's an act or not, I find him a bit whacko and NOTHING like Dr. Will. IMO, Dr. Wll did some of the craziest, most outlandish things that even he did not expect ppl would believe or would work. He had a personality that drew the hg's to him. Dan is scripted and has studied and is "trying" to be DW but the other night when he did the whole funeral thing and was then trying to explain his plan to Danielle....and why he couldn't tell her before (she wouldn't have cried), he never once showed one bit of empathy (IMO) for what she had gone through. He sat there, bug eyed, not even capable of understanding her emotion (and I'm no Danielle fan but what he did was cruel) ........ ALL he cares about is winning the game at any cost. Maybe in some ppl's eyes that makes him a great coach/ player but not in mine. I was thinking, wow.......would hate to know with this guy out of the BB house.......... hope his wife knows that he is capable of hurting her deeply IF he thinks it's "for her/their own good".....pretty scary IMO.

  6. IF DAN wins HOH and gets Frank out I will take back every unkind word I have ever said or thought about him, in fact, he will be my BB HERO :animated_rotfl: (if he doesn't, I 'll know I was right, he only won BB because he was against a bunch of losers)


  7. I agree. And as far as not getting how nasty they are, that's because they do most of it behind his back and have included him in their "group" only when they needed him. The sad part is if Boogie hadn't ignored Ian so much to keep his lips permanently attached to Frank's butt, Ian would have been more than happy to do the QP with his original team. He would have loved being Boogie's number one. Someday I hope someone treats Boogie's kid the way Boogie has treated people like Ian or Joe. Sadly, I doubt Boggie would learn anything from it though.

    Nope, he's too far gone to learn anything and neither him or Frank see anything WRONG with anything THEY do......they are bullies and the only hope for MB's son not to become one will be if his mom is smart enough to not let him have a big influence on him.



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