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Everything posted by arrowhead

  1. Not the most flattering picture is tranny like. That poker player above looks like a girl and Elissa a tranny.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_15_%28U.S.%29 POV week 5.
  3. Wonder what would have happened had Aaryn put up Amanda instead of Judd ?
  4. Yea, I never heard Aaryn whispering ''nigger insurance.''
  5. Aaryn says y'all better keep open my thread after I get evicted Thursday.
  6. Aaryn has to be one of the most beautiful girls to have ever been on BB and that Playboy model did not even go to jury.
  7. Oh, I am sure I could come up with some for the penis that would get me a warning. and how about panucha for vagina as I kinda like the sound of it.
  8. Not the way I heard it and good thing that guy is pretty rich because he looks a lot older then forty. Arayn is just playing the game trying to stay in the house not seducing Spencer.
  9. Elissa said on BBAD that they would throw themselves at my husband. Really, really so beautiful Aaryn would do that and be attracted to a man that looks to be over 50, old enough to be her father.
  10. Another good one and would it not be doubly hilarious if Amanda out of spite screwed duckface's eviction plan and got GM to vote with her and McDiddle to keep Aaryn.
  11. Yea, the same way Evel Dick would have felt had he not won the game.
  12. Elissa reminds me of that Kirk Cameron type the Christian hypocrite that got Julie McCullough fired from the TV show Growing Pains because she had posed for Playboy.
  13. Main point is Amanda did not lose her license either way and is only an inactive realtor now.
  14. Elisse looks pretty good in that red dress but that priss pot voice. Man I would be smashed if I had a date with her. GM voting no for Aaryn so she will be gone Thursday. The holier then thou Elisse has to lay it on thick,shut up you have GM's vote.
  15. Just pointing out he made sure to include that gem to insulate himself. It is kinda laughable and pretty pathetic Spencer has to get sex that way. Marlyn has to be on the watch now Spencer will be a trawling for streetwalker hookers. Then again the whole story is a lot of baloney which is probably the case.
  16. Spencer did cover himself by saying he bartered with a hamburger.
  17. So is Judd gonna start calling Aaryn bunny all the time now ? No argument there and I bet if she stays odds are she would win another HOH.
  18. Amanda has not lost her realtor license it is only on inactive status now with the state. Also, there is another possibility her Mom could have known her password for the Commission website and easily changed it to indicate that position and had her association with Prudential taken down until BB is over. We really don't know for sure what happened.
  19. You have great photos that show the theme. So is Amanda ,Mcdiddle and GM gonna keep Aaryn ? I so want Andy to be evicted and see him bawl a river.



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