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Everything posted by karenGa

  1. Ok I will say that Kayser seems very intelligent but Micheal??? He is the epitome of a typical frat boy at a beer bash. Swilling beer, oogling and fondling the girls and being a typical ass. What has he said since he has been in that house that was intelligent?
  2. karenGa


    I still don't have a fav. What is wrong with me??
  3. I saw Ivette's childish behavior and there again proves my point. More people over 40! Some of that acting out is sad but ratings gold. We aren't all on medicare and walkers :fface
  4. Howie is very touchy with both sexes if you have noticed he is all over Beau and Janelle. I thought that all along. Would it not be fitting if Eric was transgendered. No offense to any group.
  5. OK I will admit I am a reality TV whore, junkie call it what you will. I love it all and at times hate it too. I really don't have any favs right now. Howie is on my last nerve with nothing but sex talk. He does know there are millions of other words he could use right????? I think they are all stored in something called a dictionary? Thats all I am saying. :rofl
  6. Eric will be going very soon. He is too bossy and too tempermental. He sat outside and you could just see him building a head of steam and honestly I think he would have hit Micheal had BB not stepped in. I don't believe his apology to M at all that he would never come to blows with anyone. He is very unpredictable.
  7. no disrespect but other than some being so NOT PC what does race, ethnicity or religion have to do with the game. They were all getting in an uproar over the war. Ivette is an instigator and she needs to go.
  8. I think that they should have had at least 2 people with a little more life experience, a little out of shape. Nothing but 20 somethings and 30 somethings on the show. I am a little disappointed. We old codgers can be funny as hell when we want to be I am only 45 but still....
  9. I would defintely vote out Howie! Just his constant sexual remarks are getting on my nerves. I would love for viewers to be able to boot hg's.
  10. Howie is soooooo disgusting!!! I hope to hell they don't keep him there long because I won't be watching if that is all I will be seeing. What a skuz.
  11. I think they should have had at two people over 40 in there. Not everyone is 22 and pretty or a hunk. Howie needs to go now. He is already on my nerves. Don't know how much of that is for the show or if he is that irritating in real life.
  12. I defintely remember them saying no communication with the outside. I will be curious to see how they block info



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