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Posts posted by niteslacker

  1. 12:05 AM BBT Feeds back. Idle chit chat about pets/animals outside the house in the chair room. Feeds split apart and we also have Elissa and GinaMarie talking hair up in the HoH.

    12:08 AM BBT Amanda wonders what Elissa and GinaMarie are talking about upstairs. Judd thinks hair dye (ding ding ding). Amanda asks if Judd apologized to Elissa. Judd says she won't look at him. Amanda says "You told a mom to fudge off". Andy says Judd is on the hit list on the mom circuit.

    12:15 AM BBT Elissa is stretching out in the HoH with GinaMarie helping. Down in the chair room we have idle chit chat about Candice.

    12:23 AM BBT Elissa comes down from the HoH and whispers to Judd. They duck into the doorway of the cockpit room. Judd is sorry but he had to do it that way because he was afraid she would simply laugh it off if he did it any other way. Elissa says she was scared because she's never had anyone talk to her like that before. Judd again says he's sorry but they have to keep this up so people think she's mad at him. Judd says he'll never do it again. They quickly break apart. Judd heads upstairs but GinaMarie is blow drying her hair. Judd walks back down. Andy walks upstairs and asks to pee in her bathroom.

    12:29 AM BBT Amanda wants to go upstairs but GinaMarie is still up there. Elissa is down in the chair room and Amanda asks what she's doing up there. Meanwhile up in the HoH GinaMarie is telling Andy and Spencer (Spencer wandered up about 3-5 minutes ago) what she and Elissa talked about earlier. Going over how McCrae needs to go next and how she's upset with Judd. GinaMarie tells Judd she defended him.

    12:35 AM BBT The plan for The Exterminators tomorrow is that if Elissa wins HoH they'll tell her that McCrae voted out Amanda and wants to form a guys alliance and they don't want to. If McCrae wins HoH they'll tell him that Elissa voted Amanda out and that was the plan the entire time. Meanwhile down in the chair room we have idle chit chat.

    12:48 AM BBT Spencer recommends breaking the party up and heading down. Amanda, McCrae and Elissa have been talking down in the chair room about the hockey arena that Elissa and her husband owns and how she stripped the high end kitchen appliances out of it (that was used for concessions) and put it in her own. GinaMarie comes down and tells them that their hotel room is ready.

    12:58 AM BBT We've had idle chit chat for the past 10 minutes or so. Amanda and McCrae are moving in upstairs into the HoH for the night. They are going to take a shower. McCrae is nervous about something and Amanda starts to give him attitude about it saying she knows what to say if she does go home tomorrow. McCrae says he's nervous that they're trying to set each other up. They turn the shower on and take their microphones off. Feeds leave the HoH and move down to Spencer laying on his bed talking to Andy. Andy wonders if they're having sex yet. Spencer says they're probably getting him clean and ready for it.

    01:04 AM BBT Andy and Judd are at the KT table chatting randomly. GinaMarie is in the KT wandering around. Spencer is laying in his bed and Amanda and McCrae are up in the shower in the HoH.

    01:12 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae are out of the shower in the HoH bathroom. Down in the KT the rest of the HGs are gathered around the table playing rummy with GinaMarie teaching Andy how to play.

    01:24 AM BBT Rummy continues in the KT. Amanda and McCrae are sitting at the table in the HoH and McCrae is cutting into what appears to be cheese. BB calls the two of them out to put on their mics. Down in the KT they laugh and say "Ewww...BB." Spencer says they've already done it and they're getting ready for round two.

    01:30 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae are snacking at the table in the HoH watching them play rummy in the KT. Amanda says she can't wait to see GinaMarie's face tomorrow when she stays. Down in the KT Andy won the first game of Rummy. Elissa won the second game and she says she's heading to bed for the night.

    01:34 AM BBT McCrae is nervous about the vote tomorrow. Amanda doesn't understand why. McCrae questions Andy's loyalty. Amanda doesn't understand that either. Andy has been loyal up until this point...why wouldn't he be loyal now.

    01:38 AM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda says GinaMarie is disgusting and she can't leave the game because of her. McCrae says ultimately tomorrow is going to be a blindside no matter what happens. Amanda agrees.

    01:49 AM BBT Spencer, GinaMarie, Judd and Andy continue to play cards in the kitchen. Currently they are playing Bull****. McCrae is reading the bible in the HoH bed and occasionally recites scripture. Amanda is watching the spy screen and laughs saying she loves Andy. McCrae agrees saying he hopes Andy wins America's Player. They both agree that he's funny. Talk in the HoH turns to how many days are left and Amanda is scared to go to jury with all the girls because they do their nails everyday. "Why do they do their nails so much?!"

    RT @NeeCeeBoo82: Looks like its back to @mortystv for some BB15 live feed updates until I fall asleep! #AmandaVsGM freakin hilarious! -- We will be here until the HGs are horizontal in darkened rooms tonight!

    01:55 AM BBT McCrae once again states he's nervous about the vote tomorrow. He says if she goes they could claim that McCrae voted to send Amanda home. Amanda hopes that GinaMarie goes home second if there was a double eviction. McCrae agrees but fears that he could go home as well. Amanda understands. McCrae says if she stays he'll want to laugh in GinaMarie's face "Wasted HoH week!" Amanda says Judd cannot win HoH tomorrow.

    02:00 AM BBT Amanda hates GinaMarie and how crazy she acted during their argument tonight. McCrae points out that it was during After Dark. Amanda is shocked. The entire thing?! They heard everything? My yeast infection and all?! She says there is a delay. McCrae laughs and says whatever. Meanwhile the card game breaks up downstairs and Amanda questions where they are going. She starts to get nervous because they are all heading into the cockpit. She wonders if they should go downstairs to brush their teeth. McCrae says his toothbrush is upstairs. Meanwhile downstairs Andy heads into the WA to brush his teeth while the other three go into the cockpit.

    02:05 AM BBT Down in the cockpit they begin to whisper about the vote tomorrow and the fact that Andy gave Amanda his shirt to guarantee that he's voting to keep Amanda. Judd says that's a $20 shirt. GinaMarie laughs and says shirts are replaceable. All four feeds switch to the cockpit because Amanda keeps pressing McCrae about his recent DRs.

    02:12 AM BBT Down in the cockpit they're talking about injuries growing up. Meanwhile up in the HoH Amanda asks McCrae what he'll do with the half a million if he wins. McCrae says he'd give his parents most of it because they helped him with school and never asked for any of it back. He also wants to get himself a new car so he can deliver pizzas more efficiently. Amanda laughs and asks if he's going to move to Florida with her. He says he never said that. Amanda says he's supposed to take her on vacation as well. McCrae says he never said that either. McCrae heads down to get a glass of water.

    02:25 AM BBT McCrae flips off the lights in the HoH room. Down in the cockpit a whisper session has begun. Andy says if it's a single eviction and McCrae wins HoH they'll have to tell him that Elissa told them everything about the plan to vote out Spencer and he can't trust her. If Elissa wins they'll tell her that McCrae wants to start a guy's alliance. They rehash the plan for tomorrow if it's a double saying there will be little time to think and they'll just tell Amanda or McCrae (whichever wins HoH) that the other person voted Amanda out and they can't be trusted.

    02:37 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to talk in the HoH about a band that McCrae likes called "Why?". Down in the cockpit they continue to repeat the plan for tomorrow and agree they need to head to bed in increments as to not appear obvious. Judd is first to go.

    02:40 AM BBT Up in the HoH McCrae once again questions Andy's loyalty. Once again Amanda says it would be too early for him to turn on them. Amanda says when she or GinaMarie are gone the house will be super boring. Down in the cockpit Andy, Spencer and GinaMarie continue to whisper. Spencer mentions that if it is a double eviction and the two of them somehow end up in a tie breaker round for questions would Andy be willing to throw it to him so he could put those two up (McCrae and Elissa?) and then Andy would be eligible to play for the next HoH. Spencer's thinking is that Andy would have a better shot at winning an endurance or a memory/flashback quiz. Andy agrees.

    02:49 AM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda and McCrae continue to talk while laying in bed in the darkened room. Down in the cockpit the last three decide they are heading to bed now. Spencer heads into the WA and begins to brush his teeth.

    03:00 AM BBT We have horizontal HGs in a darkened colorful room with nothing being said. Meanwhile up in the HoH Amanda and McCrae continue to talk while in bed. Amanda is complaining that GinaMarie told everyone on National TV (is BB AfterDark considered National TV?) that she has a cocaine problem and a yeast infection. McCrae points out that everything GinaMarie said was all said by Amanda at one point or another. Amanda says that "we all go through our little drug phases" (Uh...no 'we all' don't - NiteSlacker). McCrae says she said she had a cocaine problem before. Amanda said no she didn't. McCrae said she did. Amanda says she may have been a little dramatic then when she was talking about it. McCrae points out that that is why you have to watch what you say when talking in the house (ding ding ding ding!)

    03:10 AM BBT Just prior to the start of the conversation about what GinaMarie said, (02:58 AM BBT) Amanda states she wants to carry McCrae around in her purse like a Chihuahua and she wants to stuff him inside her lady parts like a coat smuggler.

    RT @muffin126: @mortystv Why are they in the HOH and not GM something happen B#BB15 -- GinaMarie gave up the HoH room to the two of them tonight. She is down sleeping in her own bed once more.

    03:16 AM BBT We have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds. But...knowing how difficult it is for Amanda to fall asleep we'll continue to watch for a bit and include any WC visits that may occur downstairs.

    03:20 AM BBT McCrae lets out a large fart in the HoH room and Amanda cries out that it is gross. McCrae agrees. Amanda questions what he ate. He said it was her cooking and that it came from her. Amanda cries saying she can taste it. McCrae says he can't sleep. Amanda tells him to shut up.

    03:42 AM BBT McCrae stirs and Amanda wakes up. McCrae says he can't sleep. He's worried about tomorrow. Amanda asks "No matter what happens you still love me?" and McCrae replies yeah. All remains quiet downstairs.

    RT @Tammielee66: @mortystv where can i read the argument? I looked through all your tweets -- If you're talking about the GinaMarie and Amanda argument you can go to our BB15 update page and scroll down to 09:25 PM to get the details! Here's the site in case you don't know: http://www.mortystv.com/bb/

    04:05 AM BBT All remains quiet in the BB house with McCrae occasionally shifting restlessly in bed.

    04:32 AM BBT All remains quiet in the BB house at this time.

  2. 10:45 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the chair room with Amanda, McCrae and Judd. Up in the HoH Elissa is dying GinaMarie's hair while Spencer watches from the couch and Andy listens to music.

    10:53 PM BBT Spencer has come downstairs and is now packing his bags for tomorrow. Feeds switch to McCrae and Judd in the WA. Judd is telling McCrae that if he wins the veto (during a double eviction) he'll make sure he uses it to save McCrae. Both agree that either Elissa or GinaMarie has to go next.

    10:57 PM BBT Up in the HoH GinaMarie is rehashing the fight from earlier with Amanda. GinaMarie is going to paint her toe nails and invites Andy to participate. He passes on the offer and says he was going downstairs. Spencer, Andy and Judd in the cockpit. FoTH. Feeds back and Spencer and Judd are in the KT. Spencer points out that After Dark is almost over and tells Marilyn that he loves her. Judd starts doing shout-outs and we get FoTH.

    11:01 PM BBT Spencer, Judd and Andy are in the cockpit. They are making plans for what to say to Elissa tomorrow about what happened and why the vote ended up getting tied. Super-ultra soft whispering. Over in the chair room Amanda and McCrae are talking about Amanda and GinaMarie's fight earlier. Amanda says she wasn't expecting her to go off like that. McCrae says she should have known that it would escalate like that. He was afraid Amanda was going to spill the beans about staying (or so they expect). Amanda calls him a wussy for not standing up for her.

    11:05 PM BBT Elissa and GinaMarie up in the HoH bathroom. Elissa says she doesn't trust the guys at all especially because they all went back to the room together earlier. GinaMarie says when the guys hang out with her they usually talk about movies and such. FoTH.

    11:09 PM BBT Feeds back and Elissa continues to talk in the HoH bathroom over the sound of running water. Down in the cockpit Spencer, Judd and Andy discuss the competition in which Judd came back in.

    11:14 PM BBT Elissa asks GinaMarie what she would do during the double eviction tomorrow. GinaMarie isn't sure. Who does she think is the bigger competition. Elissa thinks McCrae is. GinaMarie likes Andy but he's good with memorizing competitions. GinaMarie starts to recite the competitions in order. Elissa asks her if she knows the days. GinaMarie does because she adds two days after the respective HoH day.

    11:18 PM BBT Down in the cockpit Spencer says Marilyn was kind of nerdy and he is kind of popular so she's kind of proud of herself for getting a popular guy. He is turned on by her nerdiness. Andy says he misses his friends. He says that he and one of his friends used to play a game where they would find famous people singing Silent Night on YouTube and try to guess who it is singing.

    11:23 PM BBT Intermittent FoTH because Andy keeps throwing out names and all four feeds switch to Elissa and GinaMarie in the HoH/Bathroom. Elissa says she is picky about her make-up/skin care because she has sensitive skin.

    11:34 PM BBT All four feeds remain on GinaMarie and Elissa in the HoH. We've discussed (in no particular order) make-up, Amanda playing the victim, what Elissa's husband thinks of all the fights as well as sticking with guys in relationships that don't fight/argue with their significant others. BB has called out for someone to stop signing twice now.

    11:38 PM BBT GinaMarie heads down to get her hair dryer. All four feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae flirting in their bed. Amanda whispers and says "Mamma loves you..." McCrae tells her to stop saying that. She asks why. He says because it's weird. They cuddle up together and we get heaving breathing/mumbles. All four feeds switch GinaMarie as she wanders back upstairs with the hairdryer in hand. Judd called to DR. Feeds 3/4 switch back to cockpit and Andy is talking about someone so we get more FoTH.

    11:41 PM BBT Feeds back and Andy is still telling his story. All four feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae cuddling in the chair room. McCrae is rattling off different fast food restaurants. Amanda asks if they have any nice restaurants. He says Dairy Queen. Amanda asks if he's serious. He says no and says Manzetti's (? spelling obviously) is nice. Judd walks in and Amanda asks where he's been. He says he's been hanging out in the cockpit. Judd puts on a giant red wig and stumbles around with it on his head being silly. Amanda asks what they've been talking about. Judd names off some people and we get more FoTH. Amanda and McCrae start singing...and more FoTH.

    11:46 PM BBT Amanda carries some dirty dishes into the KT and all four feeds follow her. GinaMarie is at the sink and they talk pleasantly for a moment. Andy comes out of the cockpit and asks what time it is.

    11:47 Pm BBT Amanda pours herself a bowl of cereal. Andy comes back out of the cockpit and says he'll be back he's getting something to snack on. He asks where everyone is. Amanda tells him that McCrae and Judd are by their bed. Feeds switch to Judd and McCrae whispering. Judd says she'll be super easy to beat. Andy walks in and asks what's going on. Feeds have finally broken off to two separate sets. Elissa is in the HoH bed listening to music while the shower can be heard running in the background (GinaMarie is probably washing her hair).

    11:53 PM BBT Intermittent FoTH. Judd and McCrae are talking about tomorrow and Amanda tells them to fudge off. She's leaving and she doesn't want to hear about. Talk turns to what day it is. Amanda says her ex's birthday is coming up on the 6th and he told her if she missed his 30th birthday then he was breaking up with her. She says she started it early! Judd asks if she thinks his (her ex's) mom is mad. She repeats/clarifies his question and says yes she probably is mad because she bought the feeds.

    11:59 PM BBT Amanda says she thought GinaMarie was checking out of her room at midnight. Spencer and Andy walk into the room and Amanda calls them Laughy McLaugherson and Laughy McLaugherson Jr. Andy is sorry. Judd tells Andy to tell them about his neighbor (no, wait stop!) and we get FoTH (nevermind...).

  3. 12:02 AM BBT Idle chit chat about drugs in the chair room with Judd, McCrae, Amanda, Spencer, and Andy. GinaMarie is upstairs in her bathroom taking a poop.

    12:08 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH as McCrae and Spencer talk about doing acid. Talk turns to idle chit chat in the chair room. Upstairs, GinaMarie cleans her HoH.

    12:18 AM BBT In the KT Judd, Andy and McCrae make something to eat while talking about previous seasons of BB. In the chair room Spencer and Amanda talk about Amanda and McCrae's love. Amanda calls (screams) for him several times. He wanders in with a plate of food in his hand and she asks if they go out to eat who would pay. He says he'd try. He gets up and wanders off and Amanda cries out "Where are you going?!" McCrae says he wants to get his water. Spencer makes fun of Amanda telling her she's crazy needy and he'd shoot her in the head.

    12:30 AM BBT Idle chit chat down in the chair room while some of the HGs eat. Up in the HoH GinaMarie listens to her CD while laying in her bed.

    12:40 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the chair room. Brief period of FoTH before we get all four feeds on GinaMarie. Elissa calls Amanda into the KT and pulls her into the cockpit. Elissa says she feels like she trusts Amanda and McCrae more than she trusts Andy or Spencer. She asks Amanda if she'll come after her next week. Amanda is stunned and gives her numerous hugs. "Are you serious? I was dying in there...and here you are trying to save me?!"

    12:43 AM BBT Andy walks into the cockpit and Elissa asks Andy what if the two of them make a final four with Amanda and McCrae. Andy says they'll talk later. (He looked as stunned as I feel...)

    12:45 AM BBT Amanda heads into the WC and Elissa heads out talking to GinaMarie in the KT.

    12:51 AM BBT Andy pulls Elissa into the colorful room and asks her if she's for real. Elissa says she feels like she can trust Amanda and McCrae more than Spencer. She feels like Amanda and McCrae would be able to help get them a step further in the game. Elissa says if Amanda stays GinaMarie would be the only one upset and she can't play for HoH this coming week. Elissa says the more she thinks, the more she can feel that she trusts Amanda and McCrae over GinaMarie and Spencer.

    12:56 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae in the BY. McCrae says 'she' sounded regretful earlier about the whole thing. Judd comes outside and talk has stopped. Meanwhile inside GinaMarie has bagged up a bunch of extra towels and dropped them off in the DR for them.

    12:58 AM BBT Spencer and GinaMarie in the WA. Spencer says Elissa has pulled Amanda and Andy off to the side. Spencer has no idea about what. GinaMarie wants to go track down Andy but Spencer says give it a bit and wait for the right opportunity. GinaMarie says she'll ask Elissa. Amanda and Elissa begin nightly ADLs.

    01:00 AM BBT Judd asks Andy what Elissa wanted. Andy says Elissa was concerned about what to do if it's a double eviction. (McCrae is sitting there smoking so this may be why he lied). Spencer joins McCrae and Judd on the couch in the BY. GinaMarie asks Elissa what's going on because Spencer is getting nervous. Elissa says nothing. Talk turns to makeup/color. GinaMarie tells Elissa to have a goodnight, she's going to have a shower and then go to bed.

    01:10 AM BBT Idle chit chat out in the BY. Elissa has joined the crew. Roll call...Judd, Spencer, Elissa and Andy currently in the BY. I'm fairly certainly Amanda was called to DR after she brushed her teeth.

    01:17 AM BBT Idle chit chat about different TV shows in the BY between Spencer, Judd, Andy, and McCrae.

    01:20 AM BBT Feeds 1/2 switch to DR door and Amanda comes out and she goes straight to the darkened colorful room where Elissa is trying to sleep. Amanda tells Elissa that Judd and Spencer are working together. Elissa understands. Elissa says she's 100% on board with voting Spencer out. Elissa says she feels it more. Amanda says she's never trusted Spencer. Elissa agrees. Amanda says she could always trust Andy. They both say reassure each other that they have to have each other's backs. They both understand. Amanda suggests they hold onto something of value of each others before the eviction. Amanda leaves the room lights out.

    01:25 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Andy is telling Spencer and Judd what Elissa is up to (and the net rejoiced!). Andy says he is telling them this to show them how committed he is to The Exterminators. Andy reassures Spencer not to worry about anything. Meanwhile in the WA McCrae says he wants to go smoke.

    01:28 AM BBT Amanda taking a shower downstairs. Idle chit chat in the BY between Andy, Spencer and McCrae.

    01:39 AM BBT We've had idle chit chat in the BY for the past 10 minutes or so. Amanda finished her shower and is out. GinaMarie finished her shower and is out. She came down to the colorful room for a moment to look for clothes in her drawers. She apologizes to Elissa and says she's going to go to bed soon. Andy comes in and talks to Amanda briefly in the chair room and says that's awesome but he's afraid she's going to try and frame him somehow.

    01:44 AM BBT Andy and Amanda in the WA. Andy says he doesn't trust Elissa and he fears she's doing this to frame him. Amanda says she understands but Elissa is willing to give her wedding ring so she believes this is legit. Andy wonders why Spencer and GinaMarie are heading up to the HoH. Andy is going to go break that up. Amanda agrees it's a good idea. Andy tells GinaMarie what is going on. Spencer and Andy tell her to not tell anyone otherwise it falls on him because he was being honest with them. Meanwhile out in the BY Judd wonders why everyone suddenly feels shady.

    01:49 AM BBT Amanda is telling Judd that she told Elissa that Spencer told her that he wants GinaMarie and Elissa out. She swears on her life. Judd doesn't know who he would put up. Amanda says if she was here, he could put her up. Up in the HoH Andy is telling GinaMarie she has to remain BFFs with Elissa over the next couple of days as to not tip her off that Andy told her. Andy says he and Judd are solid so worse comes to worse it'll be a tie and GinaMarie breaks the the tie. Back out in the BY Amanda says says Andy seems sketched out by it and she understands. Ultimately she won't believe Elissa until she gives up her wedding ring like she said she would.

    01:53 AM BBT Up in the HoH they discuss the fact that Elissa apparently said she wants Judd out which makes them feel better because they feel like that means Judd and Elissa don't have a final deal together. Andy says he's going to act shocked on Thursday as to keep the ruse up. GinaMarie says she saw Amanda and Elissa come out of the cockpit together. She thought something was up. Andy says Elissa called Amanda into the KT telling her she left something on. Andy and Spencer knew something was up. Andy says he saw them in the cockpit and that's why he went in there.

    01:56 AM BBT Judd is down in the WA talking to McCrae. Up in the HoH Andy says he's heading downstairs. They all agree that Amanda and McCrae will end up in bed before anyone else tonight. GinaMarie and Spencer begin studying the different things that have happened on what days in the house. Andy comes downstairs and tells Amanda that GinaMarie and Spencer weren't really talking game in front of him. Amanda and McCrae are going to go snoogie in bed. Meanwhile Judd and Andy head outside to chat. Judd said he didn't want to go upstairs obviously. Andy tells him that he reassured Spencer that the two of them (Judd and Andy) are 100% in his corner and he will be safe this week.

    02:00 AM BBT Andy says he's going to act shocked on Thursday and hopefully that will put doubt in McCrae and Elissa. Andy pushes the point that Judd cannot act sketchy this week because it will tip them off that Andy told. Meanwhile in the chair room Amanda and McCrae are whispering in the chair room. McCrae wonders about Andy. Elissa says Andy wants to feel things out because he thinks this is an elaborate trap.

    02:04 AM BBT Spencer wanders outside. Andy points out that Elissa has a glass of wine and is trashed. Judd says it's always stranger how she comes out of DR and has a completely different mind (I've thought that myself about her, more-so than any other HG! - Niteslacker).

    02:14 AM BBT We've had more of the same from the chair room...Amanda believes Elissa is being genuine. While out in the BY Judd, Andy, and Spencer can't believe that Elissa flipped. All four feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae and the three are called out for talking about DR. Amanda says Spencer has to be freaking out right now.

    02:25 AM BBT Nothing new to report. All four feeds remain on Amanda and McCrae.

    02:27 AM BBT McCrae is speaking rap and finally we get a set of feeds in the BY. BY discussion...GinaMarie says she'll gladly break the tie on Thurs and vote to evict Amanda "I'll be like Amanda...get to steppin'" FoTH.

    02:37 AM BBT The BY crew Spencer, GinaMarie, Andy and Judd continue to Elissa/Amanda bash and plan for Thurs double eviction. Inside McCrae and Amanda talk music which gets us the occasional FoTH.

    RT @Bond1217: @mortystv something tells me this is Elissa just trying to made Andy look bad to others, and also to get McCranda jury vote. -- I guess we will see on Thursday or the following Sunday!

    02:46 AM BBT Amanda up and using the WC. Judd runs in from the BY and uses the bathroom up in HoH. BY crew says Judd is getting a bit heated and they need to reel him in a bit. Amanda back in the chair room with McCrae and says her period is here.

    02:54 AM BBT Amanda is talking to McCrae about his schooling and she asks if he has an Associates or a Certificate and he says he doesn't know. Amanda asks if he can transfer to a four year college. McCrae says he "probably". Amanda says she's going to have to be his mom. Meanwhile out in the BY the crew continues to sing each other's praises.

    03:03 AM BBT Amanda tells McCrae that he'll probably find work in Florida and McCrae does a couple phrases in what can be considered a stereo typical radio voice "You're listening to KPTX the voice of..." McCrae says he has something back home as well. Amanda says "You're going to come live with me right?" McCrae says yes but he has something back home as well. Amanda says it'll be the big time compared to Minnesota.

    03:10 AM BBT The BY crew has moved to the HT. GinaMarie has pulled out the claws while talking about Elissa behind her back. She brings up her child and says he looks like "f***** Spanish Puerto Rican little dirt f*******" Judd chimes in and says lets not talk about her kid. GinaMarie understands but says he looks Spanish. Andy says he thinks her son looks cute. GinaMarie is fired up. Judd wonders who even cares. Spencer says if she spoke the truth about things they wouldn't have to reverse engineer her stories.

    03:19 AM BBT Talk in the BY has turned to how Amanda said she and McCrae had sex in the WC and the photo booth and the bed Judd had to move into when he came back without the opportunity to wash the sheets. Now GinaMarie is going on about how Elissa is sleeping in her bed and that she will want to continue sleeping in her bed. GinaMarie doesn't understand why she suddenly wants to sleep in that room, in that bed.

    03:23 AM BBT Amanda is being obnoxiously whiny right now because McCrae is getting up and turning off the light. He says he's going to go smoke as well. Amanda whines out in a high pitch whiny voice "Noooooooooooo!" She asks if he'll be back. He says he will and she asks if he'll be back after he turns off the light. McCrae says no he's going to smoke first. McCrae flips off the light and makes a stop off in the kitchen and puts something in the microwave. Meanwhile in the BY they've begun studying what happened on what day.

    03:34 AM BBT We've had idle chit chat in the BY for the past 10 minutes or so. The conversation turned to the different things people call their grandparents. GinaMarie gets specific about someone (that didn't sign a waiver?) and we get a brief FoTH before being switched to all four feeds on a darkened colorful room with Elissa sleeping in GinaMarie/Nick's bed.

    03:36 AM BBT Feeds back and the talk is turned to needing to cut Elissa off because she gets down right silly when she drinks. Talk now turns to different cities.

    03:42 AM BBT Andy gets up from the HT and heads over to start working out. McCrae says he's going to try and lay down and go to sleep. Judd asks if Amanda is asleep and McCrae says "Yeah, she got her pills and she started acting goofy." All four feeds switch to a darkened colorful room.

    03:49 AM BBT All four feeds continue to show a darkened colorful room.

    03:56 AM BBT All four feeds cycle through a different camera focused on Elissa in Nick/GinaMarie's bed and then into the darkened chair room. We now have all four feeds on the chair room. The camera above Amanda/McCrae's bed slowly pans down, showing McCrae and Amanda in bed.

    RT @Tammielee66: @mortystv Disapointing is right. She is just as bad as Aaryn. I thought their was hope. I guess not. GM=Racist. discusting. -- It truly is sad. Especially when you're talking about a child that has absolutely nothing to do with the game.

    04:06 AM BBT Feeds finally return to the BY with Andy, Judd and Spencer now sitting around the couch. They're talking about Amanda and Elissa (still).

    RT @Tammielee66: @mortystv @bb15 It couldnt be cause BB cut them off cause GM is spewing racist remarks against a child. OMG what is wrong with this group -- Unfortunately that was before that. The last conversation that was being had was about Amanda and her pills (that McCrae brought up).

    04:11 AM BBT Andy leading the Elissa bashing in the BY at the moment.

    04:18 AM BBT In the BY Judd, Andy, and Spencer discuss options for who will do what during the double eviction. They're going to suggest to Elissa if she were to win to put up McCrae but there is no reasoning with Elissa. Andy is heading to bed. Judd says he's not far behind. Spencer thanks Andy. Andy says no problem. Spencer knew something was up the way Elissa told Amanda she left something on in the KT. Judd says he caught her talking to Andy and they quickly changed the subject to something random. Judd says that stopped working week 4.

    04:27 AM BBT Spencer and Judd continue to talk in the BY. General game play predictions/rehashing.

    04:39 AM BBT More of the same with occasional Elissa/Amanda bashing. Spencer confirms his final 2 deal with Judd. Judd agrees.

    RT @christophergia: @mortystv so if E votes to keep A:E-1, Mc-1. Votes to keep S: Ju-1, An-1. Deciding vote is GM? So Amanda goes regardless? Right?#BB15 -- GinaMarie has made it abundantly clear that she will vote out Amanda if it's a tie vote, so you are correct...unless something happens between now and then...which is entirely possible. It's only Tues Morning. We still have 2.5 days of campaigning/plotting ahead of us which means anything is possible.

    04:46 AM BBT Judd and Spencer continue to talk in the BY. The most interesting topic being how whipped McCrae has been. Spencer bets the place he rents stinks because he's seen how McCrae cleans around the house. Spencer says he's not a neat freak by any means but he does what he needs to. Talk turns to how everything happened at the right time to make their alliance work.

    04:50 AM BBT Spencer is heading to bed. Judd might as well too. They're going to use the bathroom and brush their teeth.

    04:56 AM BBT Spencer tells Judd goodnight before Judd heads into the WC. On that note, we're finished for the night as well! Have a great Tuesday everyone!

    RT @MrTatum24: @mortystv u do a great job i just kno u guys get no sleep -- Always appreciate the kind words!

  4. 11:00 PM BBT We have an alcohol delivery. Elissa and Andy are going to share a bottle of wine, while Andy, Judd, and McCrae are going to end up with 2 beers a piece.

    11:03 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae are sitting up in their bed in the chair room munching on popcorn. Amanda tells McCrae that she spoke with GinaMarie. He asks what she said. Amanda said she listened but she doesn't expect it to happen, but whatever. Popcorn munching continues while McCrae reads the bible.

    11:06 PM BBT GinaMarie comes outside and confronts Spencer (jokingly) "So I hears I'm your target?" GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy, Judd and Elissa talk in the BY. GinaMarie is glad everyone gathered knows that anything that comes out of Amanda's mouth cannot be trusted. They jokingly throw out different names saying that each person is their target.

    11:12 PM BBT In the chair room Amanda continues to eat popcorn by herself in bed. McCrae was called to DR. In the BY they are rehashing previous competitions with occasional Amanda bashing thrown in periodically.

    11:15 PM BBT Amanda is done eating the popcorn. She pulls her shirt off and slips partially under the blankets on her bed. Talk in the BY continues about the first HoH.

    11:21 PM BBT Talk in the BY continues to through the BBQ challenge and how Aaryn made three have-nots, have-nots for a second week ago. The talk turns to BB Lake (the first food competition). Andy realizes the entire yellow team from that competition has been wiped out.

    11:26 PM BBT Amanda gets dressed and goes outside for a cigarette and joins the conversation about BB Lake (the first HN competition).

    11:34 PM BBT Reminiscing continues in the BY. They talk about Hold 'em and Fold 'em, OTEV and Judd's solitary confinement. During the talk about OTEV Nick's name was brought up and we had a camera zoom in on his face on the memory wall. McCrae is out of DR.

    11:39 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae head inside to their bed. Amanda tells McCrae that Judd and Spencer are trying to protect each other and that one of them has to go on the block and go home. If not they will control the votes. McCrae understands. McCrae says Andy already wants Judd and Elissa to go up so don't even bother telling him that. Amanda agrees but points out he should keep the plan fresh in his mind. McCrae wonders if he should get close to GinaMarie.

    11:42 PM BBT McCrae says he hates DR and we get FoTH. Amanda asks if they're talking about her. McCrae says he found a bible verse for grief. John 16:22 "So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." Amanda says "That's cute baby" and they begin kissing.

    11:48 PM BBT Andy and Elissa wander inside briefly. Elissa is taking a poll. Who is the most immature HG. Amanda says Jessie (because of the BBQ luxury reward). Elissa and McCrae say Jeremy. Talk in the BY between Andy, GinaMarie and Spencer is about Amanda and how she's gotta go this week.

  5. 08/30/2013

    11:40 PM BBT Talk turns to White Castle's versus Krystal. Judd wonders where they are (north versus south. Generally White Castles are found in the north/NE while Krystal is located in the south/SE and Kentucky and Tennessee have them both). Talk turns to the pictures.

    11:48 PM BBT Elissa says she wishes Poopy (Aaryn) could see this. She misses her and thinks the house feels so different already with her gone. Amanda busts out laughing and tries to hide her face behind McCrae. Clearly she finds Elissa funny. She continues to laugh and cover her face. McCrae points out that you can see a bulge in Nick's photo. Amanda laughs saying it's funny that he's the one to notice that. GinaMarie shows the photo off to Andy. Spencer called to DR.

    11:54 PM BBT GinaMarie is going to head downstairs to get her shrine to Nick. Talk in the HoH turns to what if they have a luxury/punishment competition for PoV. Andy says if they have a gift card to PetSmart everyone should let him have it. Amanda warns him that if he takes that then she may have to go after him because he already has so many prizes. Elissa walks outside the door for a moment and Amanda comments "I miss Poopy so much. I love her? Did anyone else hear that? She said that twice!" Elissa and GinaMarie back.


    12:00 AM BBT Amanda whispers to GinaMarie quietly about what Elissa had said about missing Poopy (Elissa in the HoH bathroom). She tells her that she made her cry while she was in DR because she was being mean and nasty. Amanda says she's going to suck it up this week for her. GinaMarie thanks her. Amanda heads outside alone to smoke. Back inside Andy is rattling off different prizes "Would you throw the competition if there was a year subscription to Blockbuster's video service?" Etc. Andy questions whether they normally get the BY immediately after HoH.

    12:07 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH. GinaMarie heads downstairs to get a band-aid. Elissa chases after her. "Oh my god GinaMarie I can't even stand to look at her. GinaMarie invites Elissa to share her room tonight. Elissa says she will. Meanwhile back in the HoH Amanda is Elissa bashing saying that she's saying and doing things just to push her buttons. They watch on the spy screen as GinaMarie wanders from point to point downstairs and Elissa follows. Amanda says GinaMarie is probably trying to get away from her.

    12:12 AM BBT The awkward silence in the HoH has now begun. It seems as if it's going to be a waiting game...who will leave GinaMarie alone first? We have idle chit chat, but when it gets quiet...it gets quiet in the HoH as everyone snacks on the food. McCrae heads down to smoke.

    12:18 AM BBT Amanda joins McCrae outside. McCrae tells her to go back upstairs with her. Amanda says Andy is there. McCrae points out that he's listening to music. Amanda heads back in. Meanwhile up in the HoH Judd says he'll probably go to bed early tonight because that's the only time he can take off the chicken outfit.

    12:22 AM BBT Judd outside in the BY chatting with McCrae while McCrae plays pool by himself. Andy heads outside. He feels like running. We have idle chit chat in the HoH between GinaMarie, Elissa, and Amanda.

    12:27 AM BBT McCrae heads back inside, leaving Judd and Andy outside. Andy says Amanda and McCrae are driving him crazy. Andy says Elissa and Amanda keep pushing each others buttons and it's getting old. They know they won't be able to talk to GinaMarie tonight because Amanda and McCrae will be up there all night if they need to be.

    12:34 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues. GinaMarie, Elissa and McCrae up in the HoH talking about Britney Spears. Down in the BY Andy and Amanda are talking about how amazing GinaMarie was at the competition tonight. Talk turns back to Elissa. Amanda says everyone needs to point out to GinaMarie that Elissa is such a bad person.

    12:40 AM BBT Up in the HoH talk has turned to the fact that they haven't had a Pandora's box yet. In the BY Amanda complains about Elissa again. Amanda heads back in to go follow GinaMarie around some more. Judd and Spencer begins to chat. Spencer questions who should go home if Amanda and McCrae end up on the block. Judd thinks it should be McCrae because he is stronger at comps. Spencer agrees but says nobody can beat Amanda in the final 2. Judd agrees.

    12:55 AM BBT Amanda looks at a camera in the WA and says "If you can't see that she's taunting me then I've lost all faith in humanity". Out in the BY McCrae is setting up to play pool by himself. Spencer and Judd are sitting on the couch. Spencer tells Andy to stop procrastinating and start running.

    01:00 AM BBT Amanda says Elissa was telling GinaMarie not go in the diseased pool (a couple people have commented that the pool looks murky and should probably get treated before getting used). Amanda is taking offense (because she believes that Elissa is saying she would be the source of the disease?). Amanda tracks down Elissa as she makes her bed in the colorful room and tries to 'make ammends' by asking her why she's acting the way she is. Elissa pushes past her. Amanda calls to her saying she's being real mature.

    01:05 AM BBT Out in the BY now Andy (who still procrastinating his run), Judd, Spencer, McCrae and now Amanda are talking on/near the couch. Amanda begins crying. Judd tells her not to cry. Amanda stays quiet for a moment or so before saying she feels like she's in High School again. Amanda calls her the b***** girl from high school. In the WA Elissa has begun nightly ADLs.

    01:09 AM BBT GinaMarie is out of the DR and Elissa calls her into the WA and tells her about Amanda's most recent outburst. GinaMarie says she will talk to her. GinaMarie heads outside...and Amanda is crying. So now we're hearing Amanda's side of the story. Amanda is trying to make things better between the two of them. Amanda says Elissa has been torturing Aaryn since day 1. Amanda says that makes her angry.

    01:14 AM BBT Elissa bashing continues in the BY with Amanda crying. Andy asks chicken (Judd) if he has anything to contribute. Judd says he blames Julie. She's a pot stirrer. Spencer heads inside to use the WC and Elissa tells him about Amanda's outburst. Spencer asks if she's about to head to bed. She says she is. Spencer isn't far behind. Back out in the BY the Elissa discussion continue.

    RT @grilled_cheeser: @mortystv I wouldn't give Amanda the time of day after everything she has done either. E doesn't seem 2 do the "fake friends" thing much...

    01:27 AM BBT More of the same with people moving about the house. Elissa is heading to bed. Up in the HoH Judd and Aaryn are chatting about the Amanda/Elissa situation. Down in the BY Amanda says she feels that Judd is working with Elissa now because he defended Elissa earlier. Andy says he's not sure where Judd has been because he's been very quiet since getting back.

    01:31 AM BBT Up in the HoH Judd says he wants McCrae to go home this week. GinaMarie agrees. Out in the BY Amanda continues to complain about Elissa.

    01:37 AM BBT Brief period of FoTH. Feeds back and in the BY McCrae and Amanda are talking. McCrae says not to act lovey dovey because GinaMarie may get jealous. Amanda says Spencer can't be trusted. McCrae points out they trusted Poopy (Aaryn). Amanda agrees and she did all the work they needed.

    01:45 AM BBT Amanda in the BY crying next to the HT. She misses her family and Elissa is evil.

    01:56 AM BBT Judd and GinaMarie in the HoH chatting. Judd tells her that if Amanda and McCrae try keep her up all night to send them away and tell them they can talk tomorrow. GinaMarie agrees. In the BY Amanda and McCrae continue to talk about Elissa. Amanda wonders if they should go talk to her. McCrae is going to try tonight. Judd heads outside and says he's going to bed. Speaking of bed, Elissa appears to be in bed already.

    02:05 AM BBT Amanda heading inside to change out of her swimwear. GinaMarie heading into SR to get a heat patch before going to bed.

    02:21 AM BBT We more or less have had the same thing for the last 10-15 minutes or so. GinaMarie is going to bed to bed soon. Spencer says he will be right behind her.

    02:29 AM BBT Spencer is heading to bed. He's in the WA doing nightly ADLs. Out in the BY GinaMarie says she's heading to bed. Amanda stops her and asks about a final 4 deal. GinaMarie says it's clever and that's fine. Amanda wonders where her head is at with nominations. GinaMarie says Elissa for sure and the pawn is a toss up. Amanda asks for names. GinaMarie says Spencer or Judd. Amanda questions if Judd would pull Elissa off the block if he won PoV and he wasn't on the block. Andy and McCrae doesn't think so because that would be a massive target for his back.

    02:43 AM BBT They talk a bit longer and get some Elissa bashing in before GinaMarie says she's heading to bed. They'll talk tomorrow. GinaMarie heads in and they begin running scenarios for the week. Up in the HoH GinaMarie calls out to Andy (in the shower) telling him she's there and not to walk around naked. He comes out and they touch base briefly about the day's events. GinaMarie feels a bit guilty lying to Amanda and McCrae to their face, but it's something that needs to be done.

    02:46 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae decide that they're going to head to bed soon. They also head inside.

    02:52 AM BBT Andy heads downstairs to the WA to begin nightly ADLs. Amanda tells Andy she suspects GinaMarie has a deal with Judd and that's why she doesn't want to put him up. Amanda says she'd even be willing to go up as a replacement nom just as long as she doesn't go up against Spencer (for fear of Judd and Elissa voting her out forcing GinaMarie to break the tie thus getting more blood on her hands.

    03:01 AM BBT We now have horizontal HGs in almost darkened rooms. GinaMarie is bouncing and dancing while listening to her CD. Downstairs Amanda could be heard telling McCrae "it's going to be a while before I get tired". Updates may slow down a bit but we'll stick with it just in case anyone gets up and decides to start talking game.

    03:08 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae out of bed. They take their blanket and head into the cockpit. Meanwhile GinaMarie continues to jam out in the HoH room.

    03:09 AM BBT McCrae wants to tell Spencer that he should be the one to tell GinaMarie that Judd made deals with everyone in the house. Elissa bashing begins.

    03:20 AM BBT GinaMarie turned the light out in her room and is now laying in bed. Meanwhile down in the cockpit Amanda and McCrae make out.

    03:26 AM BBT McCrae repeatedly calls Elissa a c***. More Elissa bashing.

    03:37 AM BBT Elissa is entitled. Her family has money. On and on and on. They want to win veto this week and can't wait to make their goodbye message.

    03:37 AM BBT Elissa is entitled. Her family has money. On and on and on. They want to win veto this week and can't wait to make their goodbye message.

    03:52 AM BBT They agree that they want to try and go to bed now.

    04:02 AM BBT All four feeds show horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.

  6. 10:30-10:44 PM BBT Nothing new to report. The game of pool ended with GinaMarie scratching on the 8 ball. GinaMarie laid down on the hammock for a bit and Spencer tried joining her after mentioning to Amanda he was going to campaign. Amanda whispered to try and get Judd put up. Spencer laid down next to her (GinaMarie) and Elissa wandered over as well and the three of them were giggly about GinaMarie winning tonight. Spencer is hot and decides to inside. Everyone heads in.

    10:45 PM BBT Judd and McCrae head outside to smoke. Elissa says she'll join them. They go outside and then wonder where Elissa went. Amanda stuck her head outside and asked if McCrae was looking for her. He said no. Amanda says Elissa is lying. Amanda goes back in and confronts Elissa about it saying "I thought good little religious girls don't lie!" Amanda goes outside and tells McCrae and Judd what she said.

    10:48 PM BBT Amanda goes back inside and sits down in the LR with Andy, Spencer and Elissa and begins harassing her again. They go back and forth a bit and Andy tells them to settle down it's GinaMarie's special night (she's currently in DR). Amanda tells Elissa that she'll be on the block and to just wait and see. Elissa smiles and nods. Spencer points out that there is a giant chicken in the room.

    10:53 PM BBT Amanda begins in again and the party in the LR quickly breaks up. Andy and Elissa head into the WA. Elissa asks if she's going to have to listen to this for the next four days. Amanda calls out goodbye to her and says she should go hide out in her HoH...oh that's right...

    10:57 PM BBT Amanda says she hopes America sees what this c*** is doing. McCrae tells her to chill the f*** out. McCrae says she's not making it any easier on herself because GinaMarie doesn't like this type of stuff.

    11:00 PM BBT Andy and Elissa are in the WA talking. They agree to not put each other up if they need to. Elissa begins Amanda bashing. Back in the LR Amanda and McCrae talk about her attitude and her disdain for Elissa. Amanda says she's not going to let her bully her. The comment that set her off the second time was apparently when Elissa said Jessie was the only 10 (as in a scale of 1 to 10) in the house. McCrae tells her to let her and she'll look way better.

    11:05 PM BBT Spencer, Judd and Andy are having a talk in the far corner of the BY near the pool. They agree that this is going to be a long week between the two girls. The three agree that the vetos are what are important from here on out. Andy warns the other two that if they see him talking to Amanda and McCrae to not assume that he's working with them. Meanwhile back in the LR McCrae is coaching Amanda to play the victim this week. Amanda sounds annoyed but agrees.

    11:08 PM BBT Elissa goes outside. Amanda wants to go outside. McCrae says no. Amanda says she really wants to go outside. McCrae doesn't want to. Amanda promises not to say anything and that she doesn't want to isolate themselves either. Outside Elissa is saying she's tired of be followed around and attacked and harassed. She says that Jessie had a PG-13 meltdown the week she went home. Amanda is having an R rated meltdown.

    11:11 PM BBT Back in the LR Amanda is saying that Elissa is evil and she's always talking down about people. Interestingly enough Elissa is outside telling Spencer, Judd and Andy that yes her husband has nice things but he works hard for his money and he's entitled to nice things. Back in the LR McCrae is trying to calm Amanda down and to get her to avoid getting into fights with her. Amanda wants America to see (Oh we do see...) how Elissa is acting. McCrae says it doesn't matter. They're playing BigBrother not America's game.

    11:14 PM BBT Amanda starts to sniffle and cry. She says she's never met someone like Elissa before and she's such an evil person. McCrae says who cares. Amanda says she cares because she's being portrayed as a bully apparently. McCrae gets more firm and again says "Who cares?!" Amanda says there are 20 million people watching and McCrae interrupts and says there can be 200 gabillion people watching and he's telling them to f*** off. They're in the house playing the game of BigBrother and America is at home watching.

    RT @lvjan: @mortystv who won the HOH? GinaMarie did and she's currently in DR. We should be covering HoH reveal within the hour or so.

    11:20 PM BBT Andy comes inside and Amanda asks what she was saying out there. Andy tells her that it was basically what it has been. She denies that she's pushing buttons. Amanda starts bawling saying it's not fair because she's being portrayed as a bully. McCrae is really annoyed now and he says who cares. Andy is being portrayed as a floater and he is being portrayed as a p****. But again who cares?! Andy wanders off and Judd and Spencer wander inside. They say it's ridiculously hot outside. GinaMarie out of DR. Who wants to see my HoH room?!

    11:24 PM BBT Elissa says she's super excited for her. GinaMarie thanks her. GinaMarie got a picture of Freddy (her dad). The CD of the week is Britney Spears Greatest Hits. She also got some new underwear, nail polish. OPI. Rips. Diet Pepsi. Socks. Andy digging into the snacks and Elissa has asked for a soda. GinaMarie also got her teeth whitening and she starts to scream and bounce around. McCrae and Andy join in.

    11:28 PM BBT GinaMarie also got some perfume and Sweedish Fish. A new shirt. Elissa says the perfume her favorite kind. She also got some sausage. Lemonade. Frozen White Castle burgers. Rice Crispy Treats. Captn Crunch. Ice Cream. Raw eggplant parm. She's going to read her letter now.

    11:30 PM BBT "Hey G. How you doing. The house is finally finished. Baby Andy is getting big and he's talking up a storm and Freddy can't wait to watch movies with you. G. You won't believe this Andrew was outside playing with his cars and started eating dirt and it was in his teeth. He got sick all over Freddy. He really does miss you. Happy birthday baby. Me and Freddy are going to have a birthday cake for you on your birthday. We all love you so much everyone wishes you a happy birthday and miss you so much. We'll have a birthday party when you come home. Love Ma and Freddy." She says her family rocks. Elissa agrees and GinaMarie says her family will love them as well.

    11:35 PM BBT GinaMarie also got another picture of Nick. One of the pictures is when she was super skinny. She thinks it was 2010. McCrae thinks Freddy is awesome and he can't wait to meet him. Talk turns to the CD. GinaMarie is going through her lingerie that was in her basket. Spencer tells her to model it. GinaMarie and Elissa laughs. GinaMarie also got some coffee in her basket. Andy wants pictures of Freddy for his next HoH. He doesn't want pictures of his own family he'll take pictures of Freddy.

    ~~~~~~~~~~Under Construction~~~~~~~~~~

  7. 12:04 AM BBT Amanda out of DR. She apparently was talking with them about their parents meeting. Aaryn thinks that's cute. Feeds back in the HoH and Spencer has joined them up there. Idle chit chat.

    12:11 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae in the shower. If you're interested you can see most of Amanda's right breast over the top of the frosted glass 12:08 AM BBT Cam 3.

    12:16 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to shower. Up in the HoH we have Elissa telling passport disaster stories. Intermittent FoTH.

    12:27 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae out of the shower. McCrae tells Amanda about his conversation with Aaryn. McCrae tells Amanda that Aaryn told him that GinaMarie is going to be going after them. Amanda wants to talk to her. McCrae doesn't want to. Amanda wanders out and McCrae calls out "Just make yourself a bigger target..."

    12:30 AM BBT Amanda pulls GinaMarie into the cockpit and tells her that McCrae is upset because Aaryn told him that GinaMarie is going to be working with Elissa to get her out. GinaMarie denies it and says it's not true. Amanda goes and gets McCrae. McCrae is visibly annoyed. GinaMarie reassures him that she didn't say it. They go into the colorful room and GinaMarie tells them that it's not true and she's been making things up for the past couple of days.

    12:35 AM BBT Aaryn and Elissa talking briefly in the HoH. Elissa is sorry that they couldn't work together. Feeds switch to Andy and Spencer in the chair room. Andy just wants to go to bed. Back in the colorful room GinaMarie says she doesn't give names when she talks game because she doesn't know what she'll do. Amanda understands. GinaMarie points out that Aaryn said that Elissa said she thought Judd was hot. GinaMarie questions why a mother/wife would say something like that with cameras everywhere.

    12:39 AM BBT Andy just wants to go to bed. He wanders out of the chair room. Feeds switch back to HoH. Elissa is sorry. She really should have put up Amanda and McCrae. They continue to chat things out. Down in the colorful room the party breaks up.

    RT @moorejj3: @mortystv so it's true she's leaving next episode then? -- It is expected that Aaryn will be leaving Thursday. But this is BigBrother and things are very much fluid and can change at the last second so we'll just have to watch and see!

    12:45 AM BBT Cameras literally darting from room to room chasing people. They settle on the HoH and WA with several HGs doing nightly ADLs. Up in the HoH Aaryn is Elissa that she thinks 'they' ruined her game. She acknowledges that she made mistakes herself and this is where she's going to end. Elissa says Amanda should have went home early in the season but the votes were never there.

    12:48 AM BBT Aaryn says she knows she's going home but she wanted to come and tell Elissa before she left that she really does respect her. Talk turns to Amanda told Aaryn her only shot at staying was if GinaMarie went on the block next to her and that was a hard decision. GinaMarie is her friend obviously. Elissa says GinaMarie was never going to go on the block together. Aaryn goes on to say that when she told Elissa she was going to work with her she really meant it.

    12:53 AM BBT GinaMarie comes up to the HoH and tells her that Amanda pulled her off to the side and said that Aaryn told them that GinaMarie was coming after them. Aaryn says Amanda is just trying to stir the pot, she doesn't know why. Aaryn says Amanda could have waited for her to leave the house before starting stuff.

    12:56 AM BBT Down in the SR McCrae, Judd and Andy are whispering. McCrae wants Elissa out next week. Talk turns to how they think the jury would vote. They agree that Candice is a wild card. Jessie and Helen would vote for best game play and not just most competition wins. Up in the HoH they're discussing what they think the competition will be tomorrow. Elissa recommends that GinaMarie goes to bed. GinaMarie plans on it.

    01:00 AM BBT Amanda comes into the SR to see what the shady freaks are up to. Judd says they were just talking. They all agree that HoH is important but veto this week is most important. SR party breaks up. Aaryn is getting ready for bed. McCrae comes out and tells Spencer that Judd reassured them that he wants Elissa out this week. McCrae told him that he was afraid he would be working with Elissa.

    01:08 AM BBT Amanda and Judd remain behind in the SR talking. Judd isn't sure who he would put up next to Elissa. Judd points out that Aaryn started a fight with him out of nowhere this week and she's on the block. Judd once again points out that HoH isn't as important as veto this week. Amanda agrees and says she still wants to win HoH though if she gets a chance. SR party breaks up. Amanda sees GinaMarie sitting at the table looking at the memory wall and sits down to chat with her.

    01:13 AM BBT Amanda and GinaMarie are talking about the various HGs that have been evicted. Back in the chair room Judd, Aaryn, McCrae and Spencer are chatting idly. Andy went to bed in the colorful room.

    01:24 AM BBT Amanda and GinaMarie's walk down memory lane has ended. GinaMarie is going to bed soon. Amanda and Aaryn talk briefly while the guys Judd, McCrae and Spencer chat about various things. Aaryn says she told Elissa that she respected her game and Amanda scoffs it off and that conversation is pretty much over.

    01:39 AM BBT We've continued to have idle chit chat. GinaMarie is doing the dishes in the KT while Judd, Amanda, McCrae and Spencer chat in the chair room.

    01:49 AM BBT Elissa is horizontal in her bed in a darkened room. Idle chit chat continues. There was a pause in the conversation and Amanda says she just wants everyone to know that the loves everyone in this house except Elissa. Aaryn agrees and loves everyone and can't wait for them to get out a party hard in Vegas. Andy is back up.

    01:59 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues. Current topic. The cost of weddings.

    02:11 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues. Multiple conversations all at once.

    02:22 AM BBT Andy, Judd, Aaryn, McCrae, Amanda, GinaMarie and Spencer continue to chat in the chair room. There's been an assortment of topics. Amanda points out that Nick said he was a foot model. GinaMarie and Spencer point out he was a hand model. Amanda said he told her he was a foot model as well.

    02:27 AM BBT Andy is going to try and lay down. Spencer can be heard saying "These third shifters are strict!" (...and bored! - Niteslacker)

    02:40 AM BBT Nothing note worthy happening or being conversed about. Although I'm fairly certain Aaryn just said "We're going to have Aryan babies."

    02:53 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues with tons of intermittent FoTH. Amanda complains that she is always the large spoon when she wants to cuddle with McCrae.

    02:59 AM BBT GinaMarie is heading to bed now. Andy stuck his head out the door and asked the chair room not to scream. He's sorry but he feels like he's going crazy.

    03:04 AM BBT Judd crawls into bed with Aaryn. Spencer and Amanda egg him on to get intimate with her. Aaryn says no way. Aaryn turns the chair room lights off and they all get into bed. Aaryn and Amanda complain that the room is too hot.

    03:12 AM BBT We've had horizontal HGs in darkened rooms for the past five minutes. There was a brief make-out session between Judd and Aaryn. Judd gets up and heads into his room. Amanda laughs and points out the sloppiness sound. Aaryn laughs saying she hates her.

    03:23 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the chair room with the lights off. Meanwhile Andy is grumbling, ready to go insane next door because he wants to sleep but they won't stop talking. Andy says "Production...tell them they can't talk when the lights are off in the room! It's 03:30 AM in the morning!"

    03:32 AM BBT Brief period of FoTH after my last update went out. Feeds back. Everyone is quiet. Aaryn just bust out in a fit of giggles and McCrae asked what. Aaryn said "Amanda bleached her butt hole and got called to DR." Amanda chimes in "And I was talking about out parents on top of that."

    03:47 AM BBT We continue to have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds. Who would you like to see win HoH tonight?

  8. 10:40 PM BBT We've continued to have idle chit chat in the BB house tonight. Amanda, Aaryn, Spencer and McCrae are hanging out in the chair room chatting about an assortment of topics. Meanwhile next door GinaMarie, Judd and Andy also have idle chit chat.

    10:45 PM BBT We have game talk in the colorful room. Judd, GinaMarie and Andy are whispering. GinaMarie says Aaryn told her trust Judd and Andy but she warned that Andy was working with Amanda and McCrae. Andy says he was up until last week and GinaMarie says she understands. Talk turns what time the show comes on in different time zones.

    10:58 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the chair and the colorful room. Aaryn joined the colorful room and talk turned to sex. GinaMarie wouldn't be surprised if Candice and Jessie were treating each other with that extra bit of oral attention (use your imagination or don't...). Aaryn screams like a banshee and asks for nausea medicine. Andy goes to the chair room. Back in the colorful room Aaryn is using her fake Chinese voice talking about nails now.

    11:11 PM BBT Nothing to report. GinaMarie and Aaryn in the KT making something to eat as well as brewing some coffee. Back in the chair room Amanda continues to announce that she's horny and wants McCrae to pleasure her. Talk briefly turns to Vegas before turning right back to Amanda and her needs.

    11:20 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn have decided that they're going to bleach their buttholes tonight. Aaryn is putting the concoction together in the KT at this time. Idle chit chat in the chair room.

    11:25 PM BBT GinaMarie wants no part of this and she goes upstairs to hang out with Elissa.

    RT @KiMarsha49: @mortystv part of what? -- See the update from 11:20 PM BBT. It's not something I wanted to post the first time, let alone repeat it ;)

    11:35 PM BBT 2 feeds on HoH and 2 feeds on chair room. Elissa and GinaMarie rehashing veto competition. Down in the chair room Aaryn came in and told Spencer to come participate. She says you take the cotton ball and dip in the solution and then apply it to your butt hole. Aaryn told McCrae to come and look at Amanda so he can decide if there is a change. McCrae declines. Aaryn tells Spencer to come and participate once again. Spencer wants to see before and after. Aaryn walks back towards the WA.

    11:44 PM BBT Andy and Judd joins Elissa and GinaMarie in the HoH as they play Jenga. Idle chit chat/training for a possible quiz tomorrow. Meanwhile down in the chair room we have Amanda, McCrae, and Spencer with idle chit chat while they continue the bleaching process.

    11:55 PM BBT Intermittent FoTH. Feeds are back and Aaryn and McCrae are chatting in the chair room. McCrae doesn't know who he would put up if he won HoH. FoTH.

  9. 12:08 AM BBT Idle chit chat at the HT about how close Andy and Helen live to each other and how Joe (BB8) went to Andy's high school. Talk turns to DR and we get intermittent FoTH.

    12:12 AM BBT McCrae heads inside to Amanda. McCrae says they need to figure out how to get GinaMarie on their side. McCrae says they need to pull Judd off to the side ASAP after the ceremony tomorrow. McCrae says he's going to make a fish sandwhich and eat it right now. Amanda questions who makes a fish sandwhich at this time. McCrae says this is the time he almost always eats. He'll be back eventually. Meanwhile out in the BY Judd, Andy and Spencer are out at the HT. Andy says if he finds out he's going home on Thursday he's going to rip Elissa a new one.

    12:28 AM BBT We've had idle chit chat for the past 8 minutes or so while McCrae eats his fish sandwhich and Aaryn eats her watermellon. Aaryn questions whether Andy really believes that he's going up. Andy says he does. Aaryn wonders if she's doing that just to ensure that Aaryn goes home. Andy isn't sure. Spencer says there could be a TV in the BY that shows conversations and Elissa would still do whatever is in her mind. Judd wanders back outside with his own midnight snack.

    12:32 AM BBT Spencer questions McCrae how he feels after his first real fight this season. McCrae says he's alright but you have to get respect to gain respect and he doesn't feel like he gets any respect from her. McCrae says "everyday in DR I ask..." and Spencer quickly says they got a warning and he really shouldn't talk about DR or he might end up with a penalty nom. Aaryn and Andy are whispering in the WA. Andy says he's sorry and he feels they've tried everything they could to keep himself from going on the block against her. They agree they'll talk tomorrow.

    12:43 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the BY about what Judd said when he came back in the house. Judd says he didn't say anything to ruffle any feathers. Talk turns to Andy being glad Judd came back instead of one of the others because then it would have felt like someone's HoH would have been wasted. Currently we have Andy, Spencer, Judd and McCrae out at the HT. Everyone else is in bed.

    12:51 AM BBT Idle chit chat/rehashing going on at the HT. Andy tells Spencer that he single-handedly ruined Candice's game by telling her to vote for Elissa because immediately after the vote she started scrambling whispering telling everyone she voted for Elissa. Andy said he originally wondered why she would admit to voting for the person that stayed in the house. They all laugh.

    12:59 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH as they begin questioning Judd what he saw on his juror DVD. Feeds back and Amanda is outside. Andy wanders in. Amanda questions what is wrong with him. Awkwardness ensues. McCrae asks if she wants to go to bed. Amanda wonders if she came outside at the wrong time. Judd laughs and says she did and she should go back to bed. Amanda says she got her Claritin but she still can't sleep.

    01:07 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae have gone inside and began starting nightly ADLs. Out in the BY Andy, Judd, and Spencer are rehashing things that have happened since Judd left. Andy questions them whether he'll have their votes if he goes on the block. They both agree. Amanda questions what was wrong with Andy. McCrae says he's probably just trying to play it up. Amanda says "Yeah, but it makes it looks like he's just angry at me."

    01:11 AM BBT McCrae is worried about GinaMarie. Amanda says they have a few days to deal with that. Meanwhile out in the BY Andy says he trusts those two over Amanda and McCrae any day.

    01:16 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae have crawled into bed. Andy and Spencer continue to chat on the couch in the BY. Spencer says when Aaryn goes that they have got to try and get to GinaMarie and pull her over to their side. Andy says Amanda came up with the plan today and acted on it which shows her loyalty to him.

    01:24 AM BBT Amanda laughs which wakes up Aaryn. Aaryn whispers super quietly and says that Andy spoke with her in the WA a bit earlier and said they tried everything they could do to prevent him from going up basically preparing her that she'll be going home this week. Amanda dodges the comment saying nobody has any idea what's going to happen. Aaryn says if she goes home before Judd she's going to be pissed. She sent him home in the double eviction because it was best for all of their game.

    01:33 AM BBT Out in the BY Judd continues to try and come up with ways to prevent Andy from going up on the block. Judd says ultimately he's glad that he's working with Spencer and Andy and if he would have found out that either of them were working with Amanda and McCrae he'd be mad. GinaMarie comes outside and goes to lie on the hammock. Andy and Judd tells her hello but she never really speaks. Judd wanders over and has a seat with her on the hammock asking her what's wrong. She says nothing. He knows her better than that.

    01:37 AM BBT Ginamarie calls Andy over and tells him to be funny? Andy questions her and GinaMarie starts to go off saying she feels like everyone is grilling her. She says she's been working out with Elissa for weeks and now someone is questioning why she is and she doesn't want to feel bad about it. GinaMarie says Aaryn is supposed to be her friend and won't even sleep in the same room with her and instead she's sleeping in Amanda and McCrae's room and she's acting mad weird.

    01:41 AM BBT Judd says he heard people were discussing that he wanted GinaMarie and Andy on the block. GinaMarie agrees saying she heard the same thing but the person that told her this told her like 6 different things and she doesn't know what to believe. What she doesn't understand is how a conversation that was supposedly had between Judd and Elissa has made it back to this person. GinaMarie says she always talks good to people.

    01:44 AM BBT Spencer gets up and heads into the WC. Talk continues in the hammock. GinaMarie tells them to go get Spencer. He happens to be walking back outside and she invites him over. She didn't want him feel not included in things. Judd says he woke up this morning and they went outside and discovered the HT was overflowing and when they called the LD he went upstairs to hang out with her but he heard that people said he was trying to push an agenda or something.

    01:48 AM BBT GinaMarie tells Spencer several times that she doesn't have any beef with him. Spencer questions if Aaryn tells her that he doesn't like her and she says she has. He says he never talks about her. Talk turns to how she's heard from several people that Aaryn talks crap about her all the time even back with Kaitlin. GinaMarie turns the conversation to what people may or may not have heard about an eating disorder. She says her body operates the way it does and she works better on an empty stomach. She says it was brought up by the psycho doc and then about her possibly committing suicide over Nick. Brief FoTH.

    01:53 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae have been cuddling and kissing off and on since they laid down. It hasn't been worthy of really reporting but it's being reported now because the hammock crew spotted Aaryn walk into the KT and now she's back in the room talking with Amanda and McCrae. Aaryn is apparently eating cookies.

    01:57 AM BBT Out in the hammock GinaMarie continues on her tirade about Aaryn and Amanda. GinaMarie thinks Aaryn's a puppet because she does what Amanda tells her even though she won all those HoHs. GinaMarie thinks the four of them at the hammock need the prize money more than the Audi driver or the one whose family owns a ranch with fifty lambs. Meanwhile back in the darkened chair room Amanda has joined Aaryn eating a cookie as well. Talk turns to how dirty the room is.

    02:02 AM BBT GinaMarie moves the conversation to the couch and goes in to get a drink. Judd spots Aaryn in the KT again and says she's like a hyena. Andy says that's why if he goes up on the block beside her then he'll just let her do her own thing. Spencer once again tells GinaMarie that he's never had a problem with her and GinaMarie agrees. Meanwhile back in the chair room Aaryn says 'she' believes GinaMarie and it's stupid. Aaryn says her chest hurts bad because she got fluid in her chest from the competition. Amanda points out there was something in the hot air because she's had crazy allergies since then.

    02:11 AM BBT Talk in the BY continues and Judd continues to push that the four of them stay solid. GinaMarie points out that when they started talking about Elissa's husband that was just crossing the line. It was funny at first but it's not right. Meanwhile in the chair room, idle chit chat continues.

    02:14 AM BBT GinaMarie says Aaryn came up to her today and said that McCrae might flip and vote with the guys and she questions why. Spencer tells her to not repeat this to anyone but nothing can be trusted that comes out of Aaryn's mouth and the guys know this. Andy continues to sell himself to the other three saying that they are four one man armies and they have to go after Amanda and McCrae. Andy says they've turned on him over the past couple of days.

    02:22 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the chair room between Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae. Meanwhile out in the BY the four continue to praise each other and rehash how awesome they will be working together. Andy says he feels way better now. GinaMarie agrees. Andy says they need to come up with a name. They decide to call themselves the Exterminators because they're going after the rats and snakes. Aaryn is the target this week. (Keep in mind...Andy is still in Amanda and McCrae's pocket and he'll just be using this as a side alliance for the week but ultimately he'll return back to them next week if they gain power).

    02:29 AM BBT Andy and Spencer agree to head into bed. Spencer hugs it out with GinaMarie. GinaMarie stays behind and talks to Judd. GinaMarie just doesn't want Judd to be aligned with McCrae. Amanda pulls her hair over the front of her face and wanders slowly out of the room towards the WA and stops at the end of the hall just staring down the hall. Spencer and Andy are doing nightly ADLs and Spencer glances down the hall looking at her silently for a moment. She busts out laughing. Spencer says he couldn't tell who it was for a moment because of all the gray hair.

    02:36 AM BBT Spencer crawls into bed in the chair room and Amanda asks if GinaMarie is still up and comments that she has the oddest sleeping hours (Elissa and Jessie are and have been the only ones with normal sleeping hours in the house). Spencer says they were outside talking. Amanda asks about what and Spencer tells her that she was talking about Nick. Judd and GinaMarie remain in the BY rehashing.

    02:48 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the chair room. Amanda tells Spencer and Aaryn that she's tried to have sex with McCrae in the house but he won't take the bait. Out in the BY Judd and GinaMarie continues their rehashing/bonding before deciding to break the party up and they head inside. GinaMarie goes into the SR and gets a pineapple.

    03:01 AM BBT Idle chit chat and giggles all around. Andy, Judd and GinaMarie now in a darkened colorful room laying in their beds. Meanwhile next door in the chair room Spencer, Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda are full of giggles as they try to go to sleep. Spencer says when he was younger and he couldn't sleep his dad told him "Son...close your eyes and close your dang mouth and you'll go to sleep. Silence for about 30 seconds. Spencer says he hopes he has a wet dream. Amanda hopes he does as well.

    03:05 AM BBT We've had silence for about 2 minutes now. Amanda looks up at the camera above the bed and says "Cancel the Xanax I don't need it any more". Spencer says "The ole Amanda reverse psychology..." Silence once more.

    03:12 AM BBT We've had horizontal HGs in darkened rooms for 5 minutes now and there was even a glimpse of the rest of the house being darkened as well. Aaryn can be heard coughing every couple of minutes or so.

    03:28 AM BBT We continue to have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds.

    03:51 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. GinaMarie had gotten up to use the WC but just returned to bed. Now Spencer is getting up and heading towards the WC.

    03:54 AM BBT Spencer back to bed without washing his hands.

  10. 10:54 PM BBT Judd, Andy, and Spencer are chatting in the BY. Andy wants to go and talk to Elissa if she's up. Spencer wants to go talk to GinaMarie and ask her what her problem is. Meanwhile in the colorful room GinaMarie is whispering to Aaryn that it may become a guys versus girl thing. McCrae is taking a shower.

    10:57 PM BBT Andy was unsucessful in talking to Elissa it seems. He is back in the BY with Amanda and Spencer now. Back in the colorful room GinaMarie hopes Elissa puts a guy up. Aaryn says Andy will probably go up. Judd comes in and talk stops, Judd is just as quickly out of the room. Aaryn is ultra stealth whispering which makes hearing her difficult. I believe she suspects Judd is outside the door listening still. GinaMarie is going to lay down. She doesn't want to talk to anyone anymore. Aaryn is cool though. Aaryn is going to go pee. She turns the light out before leaving the room.

    11:01 PM BBT Andy, Spencer and Amanda in the BY chatting. Andy hopes he doesn't go home this week. Amanda says he's fine and that he won't go home this week. Andy doesn't want to go home this week because he hasn't had a chance to play for veto. Judd comes outside. Spencer wants to know why GinaMarie is giving him the cold shoulder. Amanda says it's because she thinks he's trying to get her put up on the block. Judd wonders if she thinks the same thing about him. Amanda agrees. Judd wanders back in and Amanda asks if Judd and Elissa are working together. Spencer isn't sure but thinks so. Amanda says it makes sense if she's not going to put him on the block. Putting him on the block would ruffle zero feathers.

    11:06 PM BBT Aaryn heads outside to the HT and sits, eating a bowl of ice cream. Amanda and Andy head inside. Judd back outside. GinaMarie sticks her head out the door and says goodnight. McCrae out of the shower. Spencer now heading inside to get a cookie. Judd heads over to the HT with Aaryn. Andy outside to the HT as well. Amanda in the KT complains that production won't give her allergy medication.

    11:09 PM BBT Spencer whispering to McCrae in the KT. Spencer is telling McCrae about how GinaMarie is giving him the cold shoulder. McCrae heading outside to smoke. Amanda and Spencer in the SR. Amanda asks Spencer what they were talking about. Spencer tells her how GinaMarie said earlier that she doesn't want to be seen as a flip flopper because folks back in Stanton Island won't want to date her.

    11:15 PM BBT Amanda and Spencer have joined Aaryn, Andy and Judd at the HT. Aaryn just finished saying that she suspects GinaMarie won't go up because she probably told Elissa that she only voted out Helen because Aaryn told her to. Talk turns to different restaurants and how hungry Amanda has been. Aaryn says her mom used to call her a bottomless pit. GinaMarie can be seen sleeping in the chair room. Amanda gets up yelling "Why can't I get a f****** Clairitin around here?!" Aaryn says she can't get Pamprin because they want her to be pissed. FoTH.

    11:19 PM BBT Feeds back. Nothing being said at the HT. Amanda walks into the SR and says she can't breathe and we get more FoTH. Feeds back and she's crawled into bed. The camera spins to look down at her and she looks directly into the camera and says "I need allergy medication please, I'm dying." Out at HT Aaryn is upset that they haven't gotten alcohol tonight.

    11:23 PM BBT Talk at the HT has turned to Andy's favorite HGs from previous seasons. Jodi (BB14), Ragan (BB12) and Nakomis (BB5). Andy says Jodi would have won it all last season because she wasn't going after anyone but it ended up being one of the most tragic tales in BB history. All four feeds switch to Amanda laying in bed in the chair room with the lights on.

    RT @DLanzarotta: @mortystv what Elissa is doing is smart. She letting the mccranda minions fight amoung themselves and they keep devouring each other.

    11:29 PM BBT I've hit refresh on my feeds to make sure I've not frozen up. Feeds back to the BY briefly and Spencer is telling a story. Feeds switch back to Amanda. Andy comes into the room and tells her everyone is outside. Amanda says they need to tell Judd to get GinaMarie up on the block. Amanda questions why he doesn't think it will work. Andy says it wont because Elissa in her robot mind knows that she has to put Andy on the block. Andy says Judd will do what Elissa wants and Elissa wants Aaryn gone this week.

    11:35 PM BBT Andy says they'll talk tomorrow. Amanda agrees and Andy heads back outside. Out at the HT McCrae says he's not a fan of Family Guy. Aaryn and Andy agree that they're over that show. Spencer and McCrae like American Dad and the alien from that show (Roger). Talk turns to Survivor. Judd says after 20 days being on Survivor they get the chance to see their family. Andy says they're in the house twice as long and don't get that chance.

    11:40 PM BBT Feeds on Amanda switch to the DR/SR doors. Elissa comes out of the DR and heads upstairs to the HoH. Spencer catches a glimpse of Elissa and says "There's Elissa". Andy says it was an Elissa sighting. Spencer says "We can't be sure but if we slow the film down..." Talk turns to the darkened room HN competition. Aaryn heads inside and tells Amanda that Elissa came out of DR. Amanda tells him to tell Andy. Aaryn says Andy was sitting there, and that he knows. Aaryn offers to turn the light off for her. Amanda thanks her. Aaryn heads back outside. Meanwhile up in the HoH Elissa is getting a drink from her fridge.

    11:46 PM BBT Elissa turns the light off in the HoH. Out in the HT Aaryn tells Spencer that she bets he has people writing on his wall telling him how funny he is. Spencer thanks her and says if there was a pie chart for reasons why women have been intimate with him (not those words) the majority of the chart would be because he's funny. Aaryn says she (herself) is a b****. Spencer agrees and says that coupled with her body means she should have guys banging down on the door for her. Andy agrees and says she's about a 5 out of 10. Andy and Spencer tease her saying she's average looking.

    11:51 PM BBT Teasing continues in the HT. Spencer and Andy says David told them that since he didn't have a chance with Jessie or Candice he settled with Aaryn. The teasing continues (it's actually rather amusing...). Aaryn turns the conversation to "Maybe when Jeff settles down with Jordan and decides not to be a host anymore they'll let me do it." Andy and Spencer says they were told they were great. Judd says he was told it was a tie between Jodi and himself and they'll have to battle it out. They start throwing a rubber ball in the HT as hard as they can and they get a "Stop that!" Spencer cries out "For fudge sakes!" (not those words).

    11:57 PM BBT Talk turns to the PoV competition and Zingbot. Spencer says they were checking someone's blood pressure and Zingbot was standing in the background and he gave him the finger. Talk turns to The Hobbit. Aaryn hopes they do a Hobbit remake. Andy says they have. Aaryn says she wants to be cast in it. Spencer says she'd make a great Smeagol and they wouldn't have to do any CGI work on her. Talk turns to GinaMarie and Nick.

  11. 12:05 AM BBT Out in the hammock Helen and Elissa are talking about Amanda and how it's her show and if anyone talks about getting her out then they're gone. They agree it's crazy because she hasn't even won anything. Amanda and McCrae get up and head outside to smoke.

    12:14 AM BBT Idle chit chat across the BY between Amanda and McCrae and Helen and Elissa about the different ways they can make slop. Amanda is hungry and decides to make something to eat now. McCrae heads up to the HoH.

    12:22 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in all corners of the house. General game rehashing. Helen and Elissa head inside and Amanda is telling them what she's been up to with her slop baking. She's hoping to try and make a power bar of some sort.

    12:33 AM BBT Idle chat chat continues in the house. Helen, Elissa and Amanda continue to bake slop in the KT. Up in the HoH the rest of the house is discussing how they'll have to get together and hang out in Vegas when they get out of the house.

    12:39 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues. Down in the KT they continue to bake. Up in the HoH they're discussing Frank (BB14) and Aaryn's crush on him. It's a pretty graphic conversation with Spencer and McCrae making suggestions for how Aaryn should approach him regardless of if he has a girlfriend or not.

    12:47 AM BBT Baking/idle chit chat continues in the KT. Amanda heads up to the HoH and asks what they've been talking about. Talk turns to who the live feeders like and dislike. Aaryn thinks the feeders hate her. McCrae says the live feeders hate him and Amanda. Amanda says the live feeders hate him more than her.

    12:57 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues. Helen and Elissa heading upstairs. Current chat is about who might come back in the future. McCrae doesn't think it would be Jeremy because they would have had to sequester him for so long. Talk turns to who in the BB house had a hotter body Nick or Jeremy. The house mostly agrees that Jeremy's body was great but his face was less than desirable. The house agrees that Nick had a better face. GinaMarie hates the conversation period. Elissa tells her not to get mad at them. Andy is the one that made out with him (Nick).

    01:04 AM BBT Talk has turned to saving things from your kids past (teeth, hair clippings, umbilical scabs...). McCrae went downstairs to check for more alcohol and has been gone a while. Andy wonders where he went. Amanda says Andy should go find him and make out with him. Elissa says Andy has kissed all the guys in the house. Amanda gets up to go find him and joins him outside for a cigarette.

    01:17 AM BBT Idle chit chat up in the HoH. Amanda and McCrae have rejoined them. Current conversation is about Antiquing.

    01:28 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the HoH about relationships. Helen says her mother taught her that if a guy ever said he wasn't interested in a relationship then he's not interested in you.

    01:41 AM BBT Absolutely no game chat continues. We've learned Helen had a dorm mate with the last name DuPont. Amanda has dated a Sears and a McCormick and they were cheap. Andy wanders downstairs.

    01:47 AM BBT Spencer and GinaMarie have made their way out of the HoH as well and joins Andy outside. The three of them are sick of the conversation going on up in the HoH. Andy says he feels like he's from a different world than they are. Winning the money is so important to him and would improve his life. Talk turns to who Amanda dated and all four feeds are now on the HoH with the conversation about boats, yachts, etc...

    01:50 AM BBT The BY feeds return and Andy and Spencer are chatting. Spencer says he has a good shot at winning in the end against Aaryn because of his clean game and his likability. GinaMarie returns from inside. The three agree that they're all good with each other. Talk turns to the PoV. Meanwhile up in the HoH they're now discussing diamonds and pearls.

    01:56 AM BBT Spencer heads back inside. Andy and GinaMarie share a moment about the money and it's quite touching with GinaMarie struggling to hold back tears about being able to help her family with it. Then GinaMarie says "Wait until you see the clip when I get my key, my house is like the size of the HNR. It's not like I'm poor like I'm Mexican or live 8 billion people in my house."

    02:14 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the house with all HGs in the HoH. Current conversation is about their animals back home.

    02:25 AM BBT Idle chit chat has continued. Conversation has been about Stockholm syndrome and various kidnappings. Helen is going to bed. Elissa will be joining her soon.

    02:35 AM BBT Wish I could report that the HGs have had something interesting to talk about. Helen is down in the WA doing nightly ADLs. Up in the HoH Amanda says she requested a sifter for baking while she's a HN and then she was told that it is considered a luxury item and would arrive in an HoH basket. Amanda will be mad if she gets one in her basket. Andy says GinaMarie farted.

    02:44 AM BBT Andy down in the WA doing nightly ADLs. Up in the HoH the current talk is about "Molly" (The drug). Elissa is heading down to bed. Andy and Elissa pass at the bottom of the stairs as he heads back upstairs. Elissa can't believe it's three AM.

    02:50 AM BBT Elissa in the WA doing nightly ADLs. HoH crew begins talking about her husband being rich. Spencer asks if anyone else heard her say her son...FoTH. Feeds back quickly with all of them on Elissa in WA.

    02:52 AM BBT Feeds back with GinaMarie, Amanda and McCrae heading downstairs. Up in the HoH Aaryn is disappointed that she didn't get a Pandora's Box this week. Talk turns to Aaryn wondering what her family thinks about how she's doing in the house. Andy says he thinks his mom is watching the feeds this season. Andy says he's going to go to bed soon because it's almost three. Spencer says he probably will as well. Andy is heading downstairs. Down in the KT Amanda, McCrae and GinaMarie are snacking.

    RT @Markeene: @mortystv Real Quick ADLs? -- Activities of Daily Living. Nightly ADLs usually include brushing teeth, removing makeup, etc...

    02:58 AM BBT Amanda and Andy head outside to hang out on the couch. Andy says he's having a weird missing home kind of night. Amanda says she's already been there. Amanda says she's had a very quiet day. Andy says he spoke with Helen for about an hour today and it was ok. Talk turns to needing to separate Aaryn and GinaMarie because Aaryn seems to want to keep GinaMarie around. They agree Elissa should go first. Meanwhile up in the HoH Spencer and Aaryn chat some. Aaryn wants Elissa to go next week.

    03:06 AM BBT Spencer and Aaryn continue their chat in the HoH. Aaryn says she is working with GinaMarie obviously but GinaMarie talks way too much. Aaryn says GinaMarie made a comment earlier to someone that Aaryn thinks Spencer is a larger threat than Helen. Aary says that's not the case and she doesn't realize how that makes her sound. Meanwhile out in the BY Amanda, McCrae, GinaMarie, and Andy chat about who they would rather see come in the game if they had to vote on it.

    03:11 AM BBT Aaryn swears her allegiance to Spencer when the time comes and tells him not to tell Amanda and McCrae. Aaryn feels McCrae would vote her out in a heartbeat and that Amanda would keep her only because jury would hate her. Spencer says with her win record and everything she's been through...if she makes it to the final two the game is hers. Aaryn says that'll be hard to do. Spencer says nobody said it would be easy.

    03:13 AM BBT Idle chit chat out in the BY. Amanda wonders if Andy went to bed. Speaking of Andy he sticks his head into the HoH and tells them he's going to bed. Spencer questions the time. He's glad it's only Wed so they should be able to sleep in.

    03:18 AM BBT Andy comes outside and GinaMarie heads in to try and go poop. Andy sits down and they start talking about how easy GinaMarie is to control. Some squeaking or crying can be heard in the distance. Amanda starts screaming at the top of her lungs trying to get whatever it is to stop. Spencer comes outside and takes a seat. Meanwhile Aaryn can bee seen doing nightly ADLs in her bathroom. Feeds switch to Helen and Elissa sleeping in the HNR.

    03:26 AM BBT Spencer and Andy head into the WA and begin nightly ADLs. We had McCrae and GinaMarie in the BY but they started talking about when they think lockdown might be and all four feeds flipped to the WA. Feeds back and Amanda is back in the BY.

    03:29 AM BBT Spencer and Andy in the colorful room whispering. Spencer says Aaryn really trusts him and she's hesitant on what Andy would do if he won HoH which is a good thing in a way. Spencer says Aaryn likes him (Spencer), and GinaMarie and she likes Andy but she's not sure where he stands. Andy understands. Spencer says Aaryn says GinaMarie wouldn't put Andy up because she likes him. Andy says that's good. Spencer says he'll talk to Aaryn later. Conversation over and they say goodnight to each other.

    03:35 AM BBT GinaMarie is heading to bed and tells Amanda and McCrae she'll see them in the afternoon. Andy can be seen laying down in his bed in the colorful room. GinaMarie comes into the colorful room to get bundled up for bed. Back out in the BY talk has turned to various HGs. McCrae thinks Andy is acting weird lately. Amanda disagrees and says this is going to be hard this week because Helen is going home. McCrae says he (Spencer) asked him who he would put up. Amanda wonders what he said. McCrae says he'd try to talk Spencer into going up. They both agree that Spencer taking out Aaryn would be ideal.

    03:45 AM BBT Aaryn and McCrae discuss why Aaryn wants to keep GinaMarie so badly. McCrae points out that once GinaMarie is gone who will Elissa target? McCrae is biting his nails and Amanda's mic sounds muffled.

    03:51 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to talk in the BY. Amanda says Aaryn says things that annoy her "The 22 year old that thinks she runs things in this house". One of them points out that she has performed quite a few moves for them though. The other agrees. Amanda loves McCrae. McCrae loves Amanda. They begin to kiss (which is infinitely better sounding than McCrae chewing on his nails...). McCrae suggests they head in and they get up and inside.

    04:01 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head into bed. Spencer rolls over and starts to whisper to McCrae. They whisper back and forth. Spencer can't get close to Elissa he's tried. McCrae says he'll continue to try and build his relationship with her. Spencer says he wants to win HoH bad. McCrae says it would be awesome.

    04:07 AM BBT Whispering continues between McCrae and Spencer. McCrae isn't sure where Andy's head is at. McCrae says if Spencer wins HoH in final four and Andy wins veto he's not sure if Andy would take him or Amanda. Spencer believes he would take McCrae. Talk turns to they don't think anyone can beat Amanda in final 2. Spencer says they have to win HoH this week.

    04:14 AM BBT Whispering continues. They both agree that they can't trust GinaMarie even though they want to. They run various scenarios of different people winning HoH this week and who they would put up and what the HoH could be this week.

    04:19 AM BBT They agree to head to bed. We'll stick with the house for another 10 minutes or so but this should be it for the night.

    04:30 AM BBT We've had horizontal HGs in darkened rooms for almost 10 minutes now. We'll go ahead and call it a night ourselves. Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk or Down Under with our BBAU page: http://mortystv.com/bbau . Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

  12. 11:07 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the BY with Helen, GinaMarie and Elissa. Helen heads in to get some chocolate milk to drink. Up in the HoH Andy, Aaryn and Spencer are talking a bit of game. Aaryn says she can see GinaMarie getting more and more angry and upset with Amanda and fears she'll put her up. Aaryn asks that this conversation stays in the room. Aaryn says Amanda and McCrae would put up GinaMarie so it is what it is. She again asks that the conversation stays in the room.

    RT @JustEroca: @EastDallasAlice not sure if you found the link or not, but if you go through @mortystv. They have it. #BBAU FAR better than #BB15 this yr -- mortystv.com for all your BB needs!

    11:13 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are pitching to GinaMarie the importance of keeping Helen this week because she'll be someone to go after Amanda in the upcoming weeks. Meanwhile up in the HoH they continue to rehash game chat. Aaryn tells Spencer that if he wins HoH Amanda will be his best friend. Spencer knows this. Aaryn says "Once you put up the replacement nom that she wants...she's done with you".

    11:20 PM BBT Up in the HoH they're discussing how they expect something wacky to happen soon and they're surprised it hasn't happened already based upon the previous season. Andy comments that he expects someone to come back. This thought makes Aaryn sick. Talk turns to Candice saying the $5,000 was the only good thing that happened to her in the BB house. Aaryn is offended by this statement. She says they all worked hard to get in the house and she "walked-in" because she didn't have anything to do this month. Spencer starts talking about his job and we get FoTH.

    11:26 PM BBT Down in the HT GinaMarie, Elissa and Helen continue to talk. Current conversation is about Spencer and how sketchy/lazy he is. Helen says if she stays this week they'll control the votes if they win HoH. Helen says if Spencer wins HoH it's scary because he'll send home Aaryn, GinaMarie or Elissa without thinking twice. Helen says Andy is so tight with McCrae and Spencer. GinaMarie isn't sure why he's like this suddenly. Helen says it's because he's being manipulated by Amanda and he doesn't realize it. Helen points out that he's not been on the block yet.

    11:32 PM BBT Down in the HT Helen and Elissa continue to pitch the idea to keep Helen this week and how to pitch the idea to Aaryn. Up in the HoH they're currently chatting about Twitter. Spencer is asking how Twitter works and they're trying to explain it to him. Aaryn explains how hash-tags works.

    11:37 PM BBT GinaMarie goes inside. Helen and Elissa stay behind. Elissa says they have to get Aaryn to know that if Helen stays she's not going to go after Aaryn or GinaMarie. Helen wonders how they can get Andy and Amanda to fight. Meanwhile back in the HoH GinaMarie has joined Spencer, Andy and Aaryn. Idle chit chat/rehashing.

    11:44 PM BBT Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae laying in bed in a lightened room briefly. Elissa and Helen head inside. Up in the HoH Andy is disappointed that there wasn't another gay guy in the house. Aaryn says there was. GinaMarie tells her to shut up. Aaryn says she wasn't talking about Nick and that she just assumed she was. Andy asks GinaMarie "You said you'd drown Nick's date in the pool if he brought one. What if he says he had a crush on me? Would you drown me?" GinaMarie laughs and says no and she'd be happy for him. Andy assures GinaMarie that Nick seemed closer to her than him so he thinks she's safe.

    11:48 PM BBT Talk in the HoH turns to how Andy is more flamboyant than most women. Aaryn says GinaMarie is more masculine than Andy. Andy says GinaMarie is more masculine than Spencer. GinaMarie tells them all to eat fudge.

    11:55 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH. Helen and Elissa in the hammock chatting about what they want to happen versus what they need to happen. Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae in bed in the chair room whispering super softly. One of their mics is being obstructed. Aaryn comes downstairs and says they're all just doing nothing. Amanda gets called out for obstructing her mic. Aaryn has TP rolls in her hand and heads back upstairs.

    11:58 PM BBT It's very difficult to hear what Amanda and McCrae are whispering about. McCrae mentions she needs to keep her cool before saying anything and they can't really do anything for the moment. Amanda says all they can do is cover their bases from week to week. Amanda and McCrae want to take each other the end. McCrae fears that Elissa may try and take her shot next week at them. He tells her that she needs to continue to point out that they are a weak power couple because they've not won anything since week 1. He says they have to be afraid of Aaryn though especially in the end. Amanda wants to break up GinaMarie and Aaryn.

  13. 12:05AM BBT: Aaryn and McCrae head down stairs into the kitchen and they wonder if it's just game. McCrae thinks it could be because she's that good. Back up in the HoH Spencer, Andy, Amanda, Aaryn, and GinaMarie continue to console Helen. Helen wonders if she needs a day to calm down because she's mad. GinaMarie says no she doesn't because she's in the house with a bunch of peasants and she's too good to even be here. Spencer agrees that she's probably having a bad day. GinaMarie uses colorful language that ultimately says no way.

    12:10AM BBT: McCrae says he regrets keeping her around now. Aaryn understands and isn't mad. McCrae starts comparing Elissa to DR. Will (Oh geeze...) because of the target he had going in and how fast his target shrunk. Aaryn says DR. Will was respectable and she's not. McCrae agrees and they both say that he knew what he was doing compared to her.

    12:13AM BBT: The party in the HoH has broken up with a majority of the house coming downstairs. Amanda, McCrae and Spencer discussing Elissa just outside the lounge room. Amanda says she feels no sympathy for her really. It's so hard to fake it. McCrae is worried that if Helen goes home this week that Elissa will find some hidden strength and win an endurance competition next week if it happens. Amanda says she predicted this would happen. McCrae and Spencer walk into the lounge room.

    12:17AM BBT: Amanda joins them in the lounge room. Amanda hopes Elissa walks so they'll have a chance to win America's choice. They all agree. Amanda says she doesn't have any sympathy for Helen, does that make her a bad person? They laugh as well. They agree to head back upstairs. Talk turns to how Amanda and McCrae tore Aaryn a new rear end about how awful her game was. Amanda says "How did this conversation turn into you? It's all about the HoH!" Talk turns to what they would do if Elissa walked. McCrae says it would probably become America's vote.

    12:25AM BBT: Amanda says once they made it to jury she wasn't nearly as stressed about the game she just wanted to be a part of the game and not watching from home. She says she'll judge the final two based on game play and not whether someone stole their curler. Andy laughs and says he's sorry! Amanda says "I won't drop it Andy!" jokingly.

    12:33AM BBT: Idle chit chat up in the HoH. Jessie apparently had a sex dream about Spencer. This news makes him happy. Talk turns to who won the most competitions in a single season. They agree that Janelle has the record with 6 competition wins (For the record, Janelle had 9 competition wins in Season seven and Danielle had seven in Season 8). Aaryn says "Janelle call me..."

    12:39AM BBT: Aaryn returns the conversation back to what is the record number of competition wins in a single season. Amanda says they just covered this! Aaryn says they have to entertain her with this because she's HoH and she has to make nominations still. McCrae offers to go to DR. Aaryn asks someone to come over the speaker and to tell her. Amanda says it's Janelle with 6 competition wins. Aaryn wonders if she's shaking in her space boots (Yes...she said space boots).

    12:43AM BBT: McCrae and GinaMarie down in the kitchen whispering. McCrae just wanted to touch base with her. He knows how she hates people throwing competitions but he didn't want Helen's blood on his hands. GinaMarie understands and they shake hands. GinaMarie says if you can win, then you need to win. McCrae says she's a competitor (GinaMarie). GinaMarie heads upstairs and he heads towards DR. Back in the HoH Helen is leading the Elissa conversation once more.

    12:45AM BBT: McCrae back into HoH and says they said they'll get back to him. Helen says she doesn't think they've had two mothers on the same season (She knows this trivia...but she didn't remember how Willie was removed from the game last season because of his altercation with Chef Joe- NiteSlacker). They discuss it for a few minutes and ultimately agree that this is the first time they've had two moms with young kids on the same season.

    12:58AM BBT: We've had idle chit chat and laughs in the HoH, no serious conversations or bashing for that matter.

    1:02AM BBT: Amanda is heading down to DR. Aaryn asks her to ask about the largest number of competition wins. Amanda says "It was 6! Don't you feel proud, you win!" Aaryn tells her to ask anyway and she should feel privileged being in the same room with her.

    1:05AM BBT: Amanda down to DR. Feeds switch to a sleeping Elissa. Back in the HoH the Elissa conversation begins again. They try to figure out how many step-children she has and whether or not they live with her. Amanda comes in and says she's going to rock their world with the knowledge she's about to drop on them. FotH. Janelle has won four HoHs and 5 PoVs. They agree that's impressive. Amanda doesn't think they're not getting any more alcohol and we get FotH.

    1:11AM BBT: Intermittent FotH because the HGs continue to talk about production.

    1:15AM BBT: Idle chit chat continues in the HoH. (Regarding my 1:05AM BBT: update, I realize I tossed in an extra word. Amanda doesn't think the HGs will be getting anymore alcohol tonight).

    1:26AM BBT: Intermittent FotH. Brief glimpse of HoH and some of the HGs are saying goodnight. FotH. Feeds back and McCrae and Helen are in bathroom area whispering. Up in the HoH Aaryn mentions they got in trouble over the speakers and we get more FotH. Feeds back and Helen and McCrae continue to whisper. They wonder who she is going to put up. Elissa for sure. Helen says Spencer has to go. McCrae doesn't think she'd put Spencer up but instead would put up someone that would vote for Elissa. Helen says it would be her at that point.

    1:32AM BBT: Intermittent FotH continues. Amanda wonders why she was the only one that had to do a DR and we get more FotH.

    1:43AM BBT: Idle chit chat regarding what the PoV competition could be this week. Amanda down in kitchen making a pizza and some bagels. Andy is going to bed.

    1:48AM BBT: Aaryn, Spencer and McCrae up in the HoH. McCrae warns Spencer that Helen is throwing him under the bus to try and get him to go up the block. Intermittent FotH continues.

    Meanwhile down in the bathroom area Helen and Andy are chatting. Andy is going to go to bed. Helen needs to do a DR and she asks GinaMarie if she has any facial cleanser she can use real quick. FotH. Andy and Helen now talking about Elissa. Andy says he's almost certain Elissa is going up but he doesn't know who else will go up next to her. Andy again says he's going to bed. Helen agrees. GinaMarie back with her bag. FotH. GinaMarie adds concealer for Helen.

    1:58AM BBT: Intermittent FotH continues. (I think they're talking about production and people in production). Amanda wonders in her drunken stupor tonight how many things is she going to regret saying. Spencer says "The racial stuff...you just said the are word." Amanda replies "Not that, I'm talking game stuff" and we get more FotH. Feeds back and GinaMarie opens the stove and a large plume of smoke/steam comes out from it and GinaMarie says "Uhhhh..." FotH. Feeds back and talk in the HoH has turned to how nice it'll be to get Helen out.

    2:04AM BBT: Feeds back and GinaMarie and Helen are talking in the kitchen. Helen is going to talk to Elissa tomorrow. General flirty horseplay between Amanda and McCrae in the HoH with Aaryn and Spencer laughing as they watch. FotH.

    2:08AM BBT: Feeds back but not for long. GinaMarie doing dishes in the kitchen. Aaryn is walking around wearing her blanket. General silliness and more FotH. GinaMarie calls out that the pizza is done. More FotH.

    2:13AM BBT: Feeds back. Spencer heading downstairs to get himself some pizza. Amanda wonders what Aaryn and McCrae thinks about the final 5 she suggested with GinaMarie in the room. They think it's OK but GinaMarie is going to be nominated first and she's going to be like "What the fudge?" (Not fudge). Intermittent FotH continues. Spencer is back upstairs. GinaMarie continues to do dishes down in the kitchen.

    2:22AM BBT: Chat in the HoH is about what Aaryn should say in her nomination speech to Elissa. General Elissa bashing begins.

    2:30AM BBT: Intermittent FotH continues. Spencer said he was telling a Jeremy story and FotH once more.

    2:33AM BBT: Amanda and McCrae are heading down to the lounge room. GinaMarie and Helen are cleaning the oven. Spencer in bathroom area brushing his teeth. McCrae says he's getting tired and he begins brushing his teeth as well.

    2:40AM BBT: Spencer into bed in the chair room. Andy is woken up and can hear the sounds from the kitchen. He debates on saying something to them. Helen and GinaMarie comes in saying they had to clean it because the pizza burned a bit. Andy appreciates the oven cleaning but not at this time of night he jokes. Meanwhile Amanda and McCrae are cuddling in the lounge room. McCrae ate too much. Amanda doesn't want to lay there if they're going to sleep, she'd rather go to bed. McCrae isn't sleeping, he's talking. Amanda is horny. McCrae can't help that. Elsewhere in the house Aaryn is cleaning up her HoH room.

    2:44AM BBT: Aaryn into the bathroom area. Helen is doing nightly ADLs. She apologizes for being a Debbie Downer. Aaryn understands and says they'll talk tomorrow. Back in the lounge room Amanda and McCrae decide to go to bed. Spencer is excited to hear this because they'll be turning off the lights in the house soon. Spencer says he was thinking about getting up and cleaning out the microwave and the refrigerator.

    2:47AM BBT: Aaryn and GinaMarie have turned the lights out in the HoH. Brief FotH and GinaMarie is running downstairs to get her hat. The lights begin to click out around the house and Aaryn and GinaMarie see it on the spy screen. They head out onto the balcony to look at the lights in the house and the lights start come back on. They run back into their room. Spencer grumbles from his bed in the chair room and Andy groans that he's been trying to sleep for an hour now.

    2:54AM BBT: GinaMarie telling Aaryn Elissa and Helen had all the power (MVP) for weeks and they didn't have to do anything to win. Now they're going to have to work to stay (I'm fairly certain this is what the conversation was about...GinaMarie is talking ninety to nothing and it feels like she's everywhere). Aaryn says "Psssst. Thanks for boarding BB Bunnies airline and enjoy the flight home!" GinaMarie says she feels bad for Amanda and Aaryn says she thought about giving it to Amanda but after about 10 seconds she thought Amanda didn't deserve it. GinaMarie says McCrae apologized to her but he didn't throw the competition to Amanda. GinaMarie wonders why nobody is upset with Spencer and what he did during the veto competition.

    3:00AM BBT: Talk for the past five minutes between GinaMarie and Aaryn has been about who Spencer would put up. Aaryn worries that GinaMarie or herself could go home. Next Thurs is GinaMarie's Birthday and she wants to win HoH. Aaryn says she better because they might go home. Aaryn says she worries "they" want to keep Spencer over them. Every time she brings Spencer up they tend to ignore it.

    3:08AM BBT: Talk is winding down in the HoH. Aaryn points out that GinaMarie beat Helen in the HoH tonight and that was impressive. GinaMarie agrees. They decide they're going to sleep. We'll stick with the house for an extra twenty minutes or so just to make sure. Aaryn wonders what if tomorrows competition is the shot glass challenge. GinaMarie says she'll drink them, she's got this.

    3:13AM BBT: Talk turns to what happened with Elissa today. Aaryn saw she looked stressed out today while she was curling her hair and she asked if she was OK and she never responded. Aaryn asked if she heard her and asked her again. Elissa again didn't respond. McCrae later told her that he and Amanda had put the condom with the banana that was in their bed on Elissa's dresser and Elissa thought that Aaryn and GinaMarie had done it. Elissa was wondering if she should go to DR to complain that they are being inappropriate. GinaMarie questions if it's true Elissa wasn't in the pre-sequester hotel with them. Aaryn said she didn't and she was with Rachel. GinaMarie questions how and Aaryn says she is exempt and we get FotH.

    3:19AM BBT: Aaryn and GinaMarie are now quoting Napoleon Dynamite. Spencer can be getting a drink.

    3:21AM BBT: All four feeds now on Spencer as he gets into bed.

    3:27AM BBT: All four feeds remain on the chair room. We're going to go ahead and call it a night, it's unlikely Aaryn and GinaMarie will have any game changing chat tonight.

    We're going to go ahead and call it a night, it's unlikely Aaryn and GinaMarie will have any game changing chat tonight. Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat).%C2'>

  14. 10:34 PM BBT The HoH party has broken up because alcohol has arrived. Spencer, GinaMarie and Aaryn stay behind chatting about the HoH comp tonight and why Spencer put GinaMarie up to battle right after she did. He made a mistake and it worked out. GinaMarie had a plan this week. Aaryn asked what her plan was. GinaMarie says to put a pair up. Aaryn says it's happening not to worry about it.

    10:38 PM BBT Aaryn laughs that she got something relaxing in her basket and wonders if people think she's stressed. Helen and Elissa walks in with wine and they all have a cheer with Helen leading the charge "Congrats everyone! No more Have-nots!" Elissa doesn't feel well and she's going to bed. Talk turns to photos she got. Meanwhile down in the KT Andy, Spencer, Amanda, and Elissa are hanging out with Amanda rapping. Spencer says she has some of the worst rhymes ever.

    10:44 PM BBT Talk in the HoH has turned to Elissa tonight. Helen says Elissa is getting stressed out before competitions. GinaMarie is getting fired up. Helen asks for a moment to finish. Helen says she misses her family, etc... Aaryn and GinaMarie wonder why Elissa didn't want to sit next to them on the couch after "they" (producers) told them to. Helen agrees that it is like a very high school kind of action. GinaMarie jumps in and says she's tired of Elissa acting like she's better than everyone. GinaMarie says who cares that she has a wonderful husband and plenty of money because she doesn't realize how good she has it. GinaMarie's home was roughed up the hurricane and it looks bad and she wears twenty dollar Wal-Mart shoes and she doesn't care because she makes them look good.

    10:49 PM BBT Helen chimes in every so often or saying she doesn't understand Elissa acts this way really. Aaryn wonders if maybe she acts this way because she feels like she can't live up to Rachel's shadow. GinaMarie asks to ask Helen something. Brief Foth. Feeds back and Helen is explaining that Elissa is constantly saying "My sister didn't warn me about this part of the show" so Helen thinks it caught her off guard because she thought it was going to be fun all the time. GinaMarie says she sucks at competitions as well but she tries her hardest and she gets happy for people. She's glad Judd won money. She's glad Spencer won a trip and she wore her cone of shame with pride. Helen thinks they both look at things differently. Helen says ultimately she suspects she somehow feels like she's letting her family down because she's not winning comps.

    10:54 PM BBT Aaryn disagrees saying they should be very happy for her though because she's made it so far. Helen agrees saying if you don't go home week 1, you should be very happy. Meanwhile else where in the house we have idle chit chat with the rest of the house as they try find bottles to use for bowling.

    10:57 PM BBT Elissa called into DR. Meanwhile in the HoH Elissa discussion continues. Spencer, Andy, and Amanda have joined in the conversation. GinaMarie points out that Elissa and Rachel are two different people and they shouldn't be compared to each other. The conversation begins to wrap up. Helen says she doesn't think it was malicious but she does owe them an apology. Aaryn and GinaMarie says they don't need one and they're over it. GinaMarie doesn't talk bad about anyone except Candice only because she is vile person. McCrae is sad he only got 2 beers. Amanda points out Spencer got no beers.

    11:00-11:24 PM BBT Idle chit chat up in the HoH. Topics range from production the song "Christmas Shoes".

    11:26 PM BBT Helen and Elissa down in the SR talking. Helen says they're upset that she didn't want to sit next to either of them. They wonder who told them that. Elissa only told Amanda, McCrae and Helen. Helen says it had to be one of the two of them them. Helen says if they go up together then it's possible that one of them may go home. Helen just has a feeling that "they're" working together. Helen says she tried to smooth it over by explaining that she misses her family, etc.

    11:29 PM BBT Up in the HoH the rest of the house is Jessie bashing, conversations we've heard over the past week. Talk turns to Elissa. Spencer says he's never met someone who acts so much like they are better than the rest of them. McCrae agrees. Amanda says if Elissa goes in the next week or two she may leave jury which would open up America's Player to the rest of them. Someone points out that Judd would probably win it. Everyone agrees and would be ok with that because he deserves it more. Back down in the SR Helen and Elissa continues their pow wow. Elissa says to go home soon, no amount of money in the world would be worth it because she's missing her little boy so much. Helen understands. They head out of the SR.

    11:37 PM BBT Helen catches Elissa outside the cockpit and talks to her and tells her to go talk to Aaryn. Elissa doesn't want to. She can't stand to even try to act like she agrees with what Aaryn is about. She'd rather go home and make money with her wellness group. Elissa hates the way they talk about Candice and who cares if she doesn't know BB (Fair enough statement!). She doesn't think they're nice people. Helen isn't going to make her do anything, but just offering a suggestion. Elissa thinks it's a good suggestion and appreciates it. She'll try to find the will to do it but it's going to be so hard.

    11:41 PM BBT Elissa says it's really hard because she caught Aaryn telling Amanda everything they talked about. Helen says Amanda says they weren't talking about anything in particular. Elissa says it's because Amanda told Aaryn to get close to her (Helen) to see if she was trying to flip the house on her (Amanda). Helen says she wasn't so it's alright. Elissa points out obviously someone is stirring the pot. Helen didn't want them getting into a fight before a comp (Elissa and Aaryn). Elissa says she doesn't have a relationship with her therefore she can't have a fight with her.

    11:44 PM BBT Meanwhile up in the HoH they are discussing previous competitions. Amanda says "Everyone wants to play keep the key away from the Jewish kid! This isn't Auschwitz!"

    11:46 PM BBT Back down outside the cockpit Elissa is wiping tears away saying she has so much to think about outside the house including whether her child has school supplies or whether he got signed up for baseball in time. She doesn't have time to worry about some 22 year old that doesn't have any responsibilities. Helen understands saying they both have tons to worry about and that she still has to try. Helen says she's constantly worried about her father who's getting chemotherapy. She says she tries to stay strong because if she can't who will keep Elissa strong. Elissa isn't shocked that someone told Aaryn and GinaMarie that she didn't want to sit next to them. She says Helen and Amanda went and told the house.

    11:49 PM BBT Helen says she didn't tell anyone obviously. Elissa understands. Elissa says if she gets evicted then she's going to go home instead of going to jury. Helen says "So if I make it to the end you're not going to be there to vote for me to win? What if Andy makes it to the end? You're not going to vote for us to win it?" Elissa stands there without saying anything. The conversation is clearly over. Helen starts to go upstairs but hangs off to the side where she should be hidden from the spy cam and can be heard sniffling. She takes a moment to compose herself and heads inside to join the rest of the house. Elissa can be seen downstairs going through her drawers.

    11:55 PM BBT Helen isn't able to stay composed very long and breaks down. She starts to go and Andy tells her to stay with people that loves her. Helen says she's tired of trying to keep her spirits up. Helen tells them about the jury conversation with Elissa. They think it's bad sportsmanship. McCrae says as a fan of the show it's frustrating. The five people that went home before jury would kill to be in jury. Aaryn says she tried to get her out two weeks in a row. GinaMarie agrees. McCrae doesn't think they would let her. "They" (production) talked her out if it the first couple of weeks when she thought she was going home and they'll do it again." Everyone seems to agree. Spencer says Elissa wasn't sequestered like the rest of them were and we get FoTH.

  15. 12:08 AM BBT Everyone continues to eat in the KT. Aaryn says "They got alcohol for their wedding and we don't get it for being released from HN restrictions? Boo!" Amanda questions why she'd undermine their wedding like that. They question if they may have a physical comp tomorrow because of the lack of alcohol. Someone points out that normally HNs are released Thursday nights and this week they're being released a day early.

    12:15 AM BBT Aaryn apparently replaced Amanda's pillow with a sack of mung beans. Amanda calls her out on it and they laugh. McCrae tells Andy they need to talk stay up late tonight and talk some to secure some things. Amanda comes back into the colorful room. Amanda tells Andy he needs to get with Helen soon to try to figure out where her head is at. Andy agrees. She suggests he goes right now. Andy points out the entire house is in the KT. Amanda understands.

    12:19 AM BBT Amanda says "she" understands that the three of them cannot go up as pawns this week (Feeds freezing/background mic noise makes this difficult to hear for sure who). Amanda and McCrae are currently making beds while the rest of the house continues to chat in the KT while the HNs enjoy their eating privileges.

    12:24 AM BBT McCrae comes back into the colorful room and Amanda doesn't think they should tell her that the plan is only to backdoor Aaryn but instead make it a possibility. Amanda suggests telling her to make sure it's not set in stone. McCrae says the only person he spoke with was Elissa. McCrae walks back out. McCrae, Andy and Spencer now hanging out in the LR.

    12:29 AM BBT Amanda and Jessie in the colorful room now chatting. Amanda says she was never ever coming after her. Jessie says that didn't matter because she was closer to Helen and Elissa and that everyone else was in the same boat as she was. Amanda questions for who so? Jessie points out that Amanda seems to speak for McCrae and Helen seems to speak for Elissa and Andy. Amanda questions why she wouldn't get on board then. Elissa walks in and awkward silence ensues. Elissa asks if she can make her bed she's getting tired. Jessie asks Amanda if they can go in HNR to chat. Elissa wants to listen. Jessie says it's a private conversation and she says she doesn't care any more.

    12:32 AM BBT In the HNR Jessie says it seems like there is a final 5 deal with Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa and Andy. Amanda says she shows loyalty to people that are loyal to her. Jessie says that's an alliance. Amanda says no that's loyalty. Jessie says as a viewer that would certainly seem like an alliance. Amanda says her only loyalty is ultimately only to McCrae. Jessie says Amanda's position in this house is similar to Helen's position and she's not trying to downplay this as all because that's great game play. That's very lucky. Jessie says she would expect to see three of the final 5 of them in the final 3. Meanwhile back in the KT Elissa is talking to Helen, Aaryn, and GinaMarie about what just happened. Aaryn says she's trying to get Amanda and McCrae to keep her so she can go after Helen, Elissa and Aaryn like they're in an alliance.

    12:37 AM BBT Back in the HNR Amanda and Jessie continue to talk. Amanda says Judd's mistake was he tried to sprint to the end and it was his downfall. Jessie says she didn't come into the game as an expert. Jessie says she tries to make the best judgement that she can but she's never had anyone she could trust. Amanda is thankful for McCrae but ultimately she knows showmances have never made it to the final 2. Jessie says she thinks they can pull it off. Amanda isn't so sure. Jessie says 2 weeks ago she would have called BS. But she was on the block for 2 weeks in a row and survived. Jessie says any move she makes becomes house knowledge. Amanda points out that's also part of the problem. Meanwhile out in the KT Helen, Aaryn and GinaMarie continue to rehash different things Jessie has said mixed in with standard Jessie bashing.

    12:42 AM BBT Back in the HNR Amanda says the Judd move...while it wasn't her idea...she knew it had to be done on a double eviction and it had to be done quick and it had to be a unanimous house decision. Jessie and Amanda continues to go back and forth. The feeds in the KT switches to McCrae, Spencer and Andy chatting about comic books. GinaMarie runs through a few times and can eventually be seen putting something in Spencer's bag. GinaMarie is giggling non-stop. Aaryn calls McCrae into the SR and tells him to try and lift Spencer's bag. She says it was empty (maybe she put the mung beans in there?)

    12:49 AM BBT Feeds switch to Helen and Andy in HoH. They agree they need to talk to McCrae and worth with him. Andy feels this is the safest bet this week. They question what Spencer would do. They're not sure and it makes them nervous. McCrae now up in the HoH and the three agree that they should work together another week. Helen feels Aaryn is beginning to trust her. She doesn't know that Helen and Andy are together. Andy says good good good let's keep it like that. McCrae says the thing that scares him is the more people that get knocked out the better chances she has of winning things. McCrae really wants HoH this week because he wants blood on his hands. Helen says if it comes down to the two of them she'll throw it to him. Andy says he doesn't have any blood on his hands. Someone can be seen on spy screen and they scatter across the room. Spencer comes in.

    12:58 AM BBT GinaMarie comes in. Spencer discovered she filled his back with mung beans. He says it's war. He's going to toss mung beans at her. Talk turns to where Amanda is. McCrae thinks she's talking to Jessie somewhere. Helen says Jessie came up to the HNHH (Have-not happy hour) and said "I'm just trying to take it all in." Helen and GinaMarie says they were trying to celebrate and she came up and tried to rain on their parade (BooHoo?) Down in the HNR Amanda and Jessie continue to chat. Amanda is explaining how they had planned out the knock out competition and Spencer went against what he was supposed to do and can't explain it. Aaryn peeks her head in looking to see if she left anything behind. Elissa comes in shortly after and takes a seat behind Amanda. (Someone's transmitter starts emitting static making it hard to hear).

    01:04 AM BBT Feeds freeze up and Jessie is leaving the room. Amanda is telling Elissa what the conversation was about. Elissa wants to make sure she knows she didn't say any of 'that'. Amanda questions if Helen said any of it. Elissa doesn't know. Amanda trusts Elissa and Helen. Elissa says it's scary to make any game decisions because everything has worked so far. Amanda tells Elissa that she's not going anytime soon. Amanda isn't sure she'd take take McCrae to the final 2 because she's not sure she could beat him. BB tells Jessie to exchange her mic. Meanwhile up in the HoH general chit chat and occasional Jessie bashing while Andy is gathering his things.

    01:08 AM BBT Someone lets out a loud fart. McCrae blames Aaryn. GinaMarie is sorry. Her belly doesn't feel well right now. Back down in the HNR Elissa says she'd rather of sent Spencer home this week because he's equally unpredictable but Jessie has to go home this week. Amanda says she'd be ok with Aaryn going home next week just as long as it's just us five (Helen, Andy, Amanda, McCrae and Elissa). Elissa questions who would be better. Elissa says Aaryn would be a bigger threat. Amanda says it's a toss up between Aaryn, GinaMarie and Spencer. Andy comes in and questions what's going on. He said Aaryn came up and told him that Amanda was downstairs talking to Jessie about the veto. He worried that he was being thrown under the bus. Amanda says no. She says she told her originally she was the pawn this week.

    01:13 AM BBT Amanda says she was telling her that she cannot trust her ultimately. Amanda says she never brought up his name. Andy says that's good. Aaryn told him that she heard them talking about the plan and he was like *freaked out face*. Amanda says nope he's good. He figured but still he was like *freaked out face*. Elissa is going to bed. Lights are out in the chair room. Helen is in the KT doing dishes. Amanda and Andy heading upstairs.

    01:16 AM BBT Elissa comes out and gives Helen the status of the beds. Helen pulls Elissa into the cockpit and asks what the conversation was about. Elissa tells her that Jessie was telling Amanda that the three of them were working/planning to get her and McCrae out and Elissa and Helen had almost masterminded the plan. Amanda questioned her about it and of course she shot it down quickly saying it's not true. Just as quickly as the convo starts it's over. Elissa points out that Jessie told her the conversation was private and that's why they left the room. Helen says "Oh my god. Done." Helen goes back to doing dishes in the KT. Meanwhile in the HoH McCrae, Amanda, Andy, Aaryn, GinaMarie and (I think Spencer) are Jessie bashing.

    01:21 AM BBT McCrae jumps up and says he's going to go change his goodbye message. He heads downstairs and Helen pulls him into the cockpit and tells him what Elissa just said. Helen says Jessie is beginning to get to Amanda. McCrae doesn't think so but Jessie is trying to do everything she can to stay. McCrae says Amanda is obviously probably worried about Helen coming after her. Helen laughs and says eventually. McCrae understands. McCrae tells Helen that Amanda apparently told Jessie about the PoV play/hold plan. Helen says it was all of their plans. McCrae understands and is equally upset. Helen questions why. McCrae says to get a vote he doesn't know. He came downstairs to see if he can change his goodbye message because it'll make him look shady. McCrae says he's fine with having his wifey but she can't screw up his game like this.

    01:27 AM BBT Helen and McCrae wonder who should talk to her about this. McCrae is upset. Helen says she could have easily voted Amanda out but she knew she'd have a far larger threat coming after her and she wants to work with them. McCrae understands and says Amanda trusts them (Helen and Elissa). He says he'll talk to her tonight. Helen says talking to Jessie is not good for her. McCrae wants to figure out why Andy was pissed off originally when he went downstairs to talk to Amanda but then came back like it was no problem. Helen says they still have a month left in the house. Idle chit chat in the HoH and we get a couple "You are not allowed to talk about production" before Aaryn says "Big Brother you need to get laid!" (Is it just me or do we need BB from Australia to come into this house and lay down some law? - NiteSlacker)

    01:32 AM BBT The HoH party breaks up. Amanda comes into the cockpit to talk to Amanda and McCrae. Amanda wanted to tell her what the conversation with Jessie was about. Amanda tells her that she basically told her she is probably going home tomorrow. Helen says Jessie was trying to rain on the HNHH (have-not happy hour) earlier and it was just bad. Amanda says she told Jessie that yesterday she was acting like Evel Dick and then today she's playing chess and acting chummy and clearly she can't be trusted.

    01:35 AM BBT Amanda steps out briefly to get a Biore strip. Helen warns McCrae that he's really going to have to think about cutting Amanda off because who knows if she'd take him to the end. What if she took Aaryn instead? McCrae knows. Helen says Aaryn will probably get at least one more HoH. McCrae understands. McCrae says Amanda trust Helen and Elissa. Helen again points out that she could have voted her out those weeks but she wanted to work with her. Amanda heads up to HoH. McCrae says everyone wants to take Elissa to the final 2 because they'll win. Helen agrees but says she had a giant target on her back and she's got no blood on her hands letting Helen do all the fighting for her.

    RT @oh4foksake: @mortystv While I acknowledge ur desire to get the info out to the #bb15 public quickly, could u please figure out the paragraph system? ty -- I do try to keep my updates short and concise but on fast paced nights they sometimes get a bit long because of who is chatting where. I certainly do appreciate the feedback though! I'll try to shorten them a bit more tonight.

    01:44 AM BBT The HoH party has broken up. Aaryn and GinaMarie down in the WA doing nightly ADLs. Feeds switch to Amanda and Spencer in the HoH bathroom while they both use the Biore strips on their nose.

    01:45 AM BBT Down in the cockpit Andy has joined McCrae and Helen. Helen is now telling Andy that Amanda questioned Elissa whether they helped mastermind the plans to get her (Amanda) out. McCrae doesn't think she believes Jessie. McCrae gets up to go see about changing his goodbye message.

    01:48 AM BBT Amanda and Spencer now at the memory wall talking about the various pictures. Spencer tells Amanda that some days Jessie's picture is to the right and some days it's to the left. Amanda laughs. Back in the cockpit Andy and Helen continue to chat. Andy reassures Helen that working Amanda and McCrae is really smart. Helen agrees.

    01:50 AM BBT Andy suggests leaving the cockpit now (they've begun to rehash things). Helen agrees. Feeds switch to a sleeping body in the chair room (Sleeping must be difficult because whoever it is seems to be rolling back and forth and GinaMarie's voice can be heard with loud slams and thumps from elsewhere in the house). Cue GinaMarie screaming. Jessie is the body that was in the bed because she gets up and turns the light on in the chair room.

    01:53 AM BBT Jessie looks in a mirror briefly and then crawls back into bed after the flipping the light off. She sounds like she's sniffling. Amanda gets called out to "Stop that!" by BB. She heads up to the HoH and complains that it smells like farts. Down in the KT Spencer and Helen are chatting while Helen does the dishes.

    RT @oh4foksake: @mortystv You missed my point. Very few enjoy a rambling paragraph. Composition 101. Of course, perhaps I'm just an english composition snob -- Your point is acknowledged, sometimes there's a bit too much information in a single update! Once again, thanks for the feedback! I really do appreciate it!

    01:58 AM BBT Amanda and Andy now in the HoH whispering. Andy questioning what they were talking about earlier. McCrae comes in shaking his head. He tells her that whatever she said to Elissa now has Helen freaked out. Spencer can be seen on the spy screen coming upstairs and McCrae flips over onto his belly and Spencer walks in laughing. He was afraid Amanda was on the other side of him and he was just about to spin around and leave when he saw her sitting on the couch there. He didn't want to interrupt anything.

    02:04 AM BBT Andy, Helen, Spencer, Amanda, and McCrae are chatting in the HoH about how crazy it is with fewer people in the house. They wonder if they're going to get the smaller table this week. Amanda tells the group how Elissa came up to her and Jessie when they were talking in the colorful room originally and Jessie then dragged her into the HNR to talk for what felt like hours. McCrae points out he had to do that for Helen and Elissa earlier. Helen says Jessie cornered her out by the pool as well. Jessie was telling her that she is reliving the start of her week in DR and she feels horrible now.

    02:10 AM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 are showing horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. It appears one may be Elissa and the other is Jessie or Aaryn. Meanwhile up in the HoH feeds 1 and 2 is more general rehashing of Jessie conversations from today and how she is a flip flopper, etc...

    02:18 AM BBT General Jessie conversation rehashing continues in the HoH. Helen says originally when Jessie came in she said she never had a good experience with friends in High School and College and Helen couldn't understand why...but now...now she has a better idea. Spencer laughs and says she made a final 2 deal with him today. Amanda gasps and says "What?" She then realizes it's a joke (because they're both on the block...one of them has to go home) and says it took her a moment. McCrae thinks Judd will be happy to see her leaving the house next. Helen agrees saying that Jessie helped ruin his game.

    02:23 AM BBT Helen is going to bed. Andy is going to take a shower. Amanda and McCrae are going to bed soon as well. Amanda and McCrae are going to play chess (that's not an obvious way to get away from Spencer!). Spencer laughs saying "Ya'll want to play three player chess?" Amanda and McCrae go to the chess board. Spencer asks Andy if everything's ok. We seem to lose Spencer and Andy's mic for a moment and we get FoTH.

    02:26 AM BBT Spencer lying on HoH bed listening to music. Feeds switch to the WA. No mics for a moment between Helen and GinaMarie. Idle chit chat. Feeds switch back to Andy and Spencer whispering. Spencer wants to work with her and to be in her plans. Just let her know the two of them talked tonight. Andy agrees and goes back to the HoH bathroom. Amanda and McCrae continues to play chess, McCrae puts her in check. Back down in the WA Helen and GinaMarie are whispering. Helen telling her how much fun she is. Amanda's voice can be heard crying out "Fffffffuuuuuuudge!" (For once...that's the real word used!)

    02:35 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda now stealth whispering. Production eventually gives their mics a boost and McCrae brings up that Helen is worried about how Amanda questioned Elissa about what Jessie said earlier. Amanda begins to rehash the conversation. The WA feeds switch to Andy and Spencer in the HoH and we join them mid-conversation. Spencer suspects Amanda, Aaryn and McCrae might have something going on. Spencer feels that McCrae is getting "Juddy" (shady). Spencer suspects McCrae has a second final 3 deal but they suspect they can still work with him. Spencer says Aaryn is "onto him" based on the conversations that are getting back to him.

    02:42 AM BBT Spencer leaves the HoH and stops at the chess board with Amanda and McCrae and pulls out the bag of mung beans he has (GinaMarie filled his bag with them earlier). He wants to get her back so bad. McCrae points out she's still up. Spencer listens a moment and says he wants to drop them on her when she leaves the WA. He takes a seat near McCrae. Meanwhile down in the WA Helen and GinaMarie are Jessie bashing/rehashing.

    02:48 AM BBT Spencer gets tired of waiting and decides to try and lure her out of the WA by calling her name. She apparently never hears him. He stands on the balcony over the WA hallway entrance waiting for her. He almost throws the bag down on Helen as she comes out to get TP from the SR. He calls out "GM!" a few more times. She turns on the blow dryer and he gives up. He heads down to the WA and begins brushing his teeth. Idle chit chat between GinaMarie and Spencer. Spencer will probably be going to bed soon.

    02:51 AM BBT Helen comes out of the WC and questions Spencer about the mung beans. GinaMarie laughs wondering when he found them. Spencer says about two hours ago. GinaMarie says she was bored. Spencer says he'll get her back. Meanwhile up at the chessboard Amanda wonders if Andy is sleeping. Feeds switch to Andy's spy screen watching McCrae slowly pushing open the HoH door. McCrae whispers that he'll hurry their game along.

    02:55 AM BBT Back down in the WA Spencer and GinaMarie are whispering about the votes this week. GinaMarie assures him he's safe and Spencer leaves towards the bedrooms. Soon after Spencer can be seen starting a strip tease in a darkened chair room. Meanwhile up in the HoH Amanda and McCrae join Andy. They begin rehashing the numerous conversations that have happened tonight. Amanda says it's imperative that Helen goes home in the next two weeks. Andy says Spencer has been talking more game to him recently and that he'd go after Helen.

    03:02 AM BBT Talk continues about how Andy needs to keep close to Helen and Elissa and not end up with a break in communication. Andy says Spencer doesn't see Andy and Aaryn together at all. McCrae says people are beginning to see how upset that Amanda and McCrae get at each other and are likely to not put them up together and instead just put up Amanda which is good. The conversation turns to the veto plan and why Amanda told Jessie. Amanda says she never brought up Andy's name it was only her own. Amanda says by ruining his game she'd ruin her own. Amanda says it'd be great if Spencer got HoH and got Helen out this week.

    03:07 AM BBT They begin to run scenarios as to who Elissa or GinaMarie would put up. Amanda says GinaMarie has a final 2 with Aaryn. Amanda says she doesn't want them to spread themselves too thin with alliances. She wants to make sure she and McCrae get separated and she doesn't want to be associated with Aaryn either. Talk turns to Helen saying two days ago that Helen says she wants GinaMarie out. Amanda isn't sure that Elissa would her or McCrae up but she's not sure. Helen may have her do her dirty work. It's too much of a risk this week if Elissa wins HoH.

    03:14 AM BBT The party breaks up. Amanda is going to ask for her meds. McCrae goes into the WA and GinaMarie is giggling about Spencer and the mung beans. Helen comes in and Amanda is behind her shortly. McCrae brushes his teeth. GinaMarie asks if Andy is sleeping. McCrae says yes. She questions if they're going to play chess. McCrae thinks Amanda is done. Helen in and out of the WC. Brief FoTH.

    03:23 AM BBT Note to self...don't say brief FoTH until the feeds switch to FoTH and then come back. Feeds have remained FoTH since my last update.

    03:24 AM BBT Feeds back and Amanda and McCrae are whispering in the cockpit about what HoH could be this week. Conversation turns to how Helen was questioning McCrae about what she questioned Elissa about earlier (In summary: Jessie told Amanda that Helen and Elissa led the charge to get out Amanda and McCrae. Amanda questioned Elissa about this. Elissa then went to Helen and told her. Helen then went to McCrae and told him and this is the conversation that has been running around for the past 2.5 hours).

    03:33 AM BBT McCrae tells Amanda to go take her meds. Brief FoTH. Feeds back. McCrae says when you question people's loyalty like that you make them nervous. Amanda doesn't get it. McCrae continues on before she finally gets it. Now she says he's just worrying too much. She feels they have all the bases covered. McCrae hopes so. Amanda says she's not afraid any more. She obviously wants to make it to the end but she's made it to jury so she's alright. She wants the two of them to make it to the end together.

    03:36 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to whisper in the cockpit. Amanda tells McCrae that she only told Elissa what was said...in question form apparently. McCrae tells her not to say anything to her. Amanda won't because she feels like it's not a problem. Meanwhile Spencer can be seen in the chair room laying in his bed in the awful spot with the house lights shining in. Clearly he's awake.

    03:39 AM BBT McCrae wants to keep Spencer over Elissa. Amanda disagrees. Amanda says you can't trust Spencer. McCrae feels like he can trust him more. Amanda insists but then back pedals a bit saying she's not sure. Amanda yawns. McCrae yawns. Amanda says McCrae doesn't love her any more. McCrae says they're down to the wire where every little thing matters. Amanda understands but says he worries too much. McCrae says Aaryn would keep Amanda over him.

    03:43 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue back and forth. Amanda insists that McCrae is going to get her sent packing. McCrae says he fears Helen might put the two of them on the block together. Amanda doesn't think so. Amanda says he worries too much and he says he has to. They finally agree to go bed, clearly a bit heated still. Spencer gets up and heads to the WC after dumping something out of his shoe "I'm gonna kill this crazy *****".

    03:47 AM BBT Spencer is out of the WC and eyeing things in the WA closely. He heads into the KT (without washing his hands) and pulls out a handful of sandwich bags. He takes the pizza left out and puts them in the baggies and puts them back in the fridge before heading back into bed.

    03:52 AM BBT We currently have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds.

    03:58 AM BBT That's it for the night. All four feeds continue to show horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk or Down Under with our BBAU page: http://mortystv.com/bbau . Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

  16. 08:47 PM BBT (Rewind) McCrae and Elissa in the chair room whispering about Aaryn being a strong competitor in the final 2 because she'll have friends in jury plus her winning competition record. They both agree. Elissa's hair is rubbing up against her mic making it difficult to hear. BB asks her to move her mic. Elissa now saying it's not good to do Yoga without a Yoga mat. She says it's not fair she doesn't have one but everyone else has things they can work out with. Amanda comes in.

    09:05 PM BBT Aaryn continues to do Andy's make up in the HoH. Amanda was doing her hair and finished to lay down next to McCrae on the lounger in the WA. Amanda likes their nicknames. A squeak can be heard behind the wall and McCrae turns and asks if Julie Chen is back there. McCrae says if he was making a fake alliance up he'd give everyone nicknames. He calls out to one of the camera windows "I see you back there".

    09:13 PM BBT Andy's beauty make-over has been completed by Jessie and Aaryn. Helen is listening to music in the HoH. He walks down stairs to show Amanda and McCrae. Amanda says he looks like Rocky Horror Picture Show. Andy says it's not weird enough but yet weird enough. Andy asks if Amanda had a fun DR and talked about the wall and we get FoTH.

    09:20 PM BBT Andy is currently doing Aaryn's makeup in the HoH. Spencer was down in the WA chatting with Amanda and McCrae about how there's not much going on. Yoga now doing Yoga in the chair room. McCrae is about to take a shower.

    09:28 PM BBT GinaMarie was woken up when Amanda was calling out to Andy to tell him that McCrae was taking a shower. Having seen Andy's expert work on Aaryn she wants him to do her nails now. Meanwhile we have idle chit chat in the WA. Aaryn comes in and says they can't look crazy right now because they're about to start DRs. Amanda says they need to give them a deck of cards. Aaryn comes in and tells Jessie that she can't get her make up done right now because she has to go to DR.

    09:35-09:44 PM BBT Aaryn is now correctly doing her makeup for her DR session with Jessie chatting with her. Jessie says Amanda told her she would work with her (it's clear by now that Amanda won't). Aaryn says nobody thinks Jessie will throw HoH, it doesn't make sense. Jessie says it does make sense because she will at least be here another week and she would have a chance to play for PoV still. Aaryn agrees but her past has been sketchy. GinaMarie chimes in as well. Someone starts to sing in the WA and we get FoTH across all four feeds. Jessie points out that Jessie tried to flip the house and Jessie says it was her and Helen. Aaryn points out Helen isn't on the block. Jessie says fine vote me out. She's annoyed. Jessie's annoyed and GinaMarie...well...she's GinaMarie.

    09:45 PM BBT GinaMarie Andy and Spencer heads into the SR and she begins to tell them what Jessie was saying upstairs. Spencer says his favorite part of this conversation was her makeup. Meanwhile upstairs Jessie says she's done campaigning then because it seems pointless. Aaryn says it's not over. Jessie says it sure seems like it. Jessie questions why evict someone who is apparently so bad at implementing plans because everything has failed so far. Aaryn says she makes people nervous.

    09:54 PM BBT Aaryn and Jessie continue to do their makeup in the HoH bickering back and forth without any serious arguing (Special thanks to GinaMarie for that description it sums it up quite nicely!). Spencer and Andy down in the KT chatting. Andy laughs saying McCrae is taking the world's longest shower. Spencer tells him to ask to save some hot water for people. Andy calls out to McCrae and tells him to save some hot water. McCrae says "NOoooooo!" Aaryn says she needs better light so she's going downstairs to finish. Brief FoTH. They both head downstairs.

    10:03-10:22 PM BBT General chit chat down in the WA between a majority of the HGs while Aaryn continues working on her makeup. Jessie and Helen playing chess.

    10:25-10:47 PM BBT Idle chit chat around the house. Andy, Spencer, McCrae head up to the HoH. Andy has nothing new to report he just wants to touch base. Talk turns to Nick and how he sniffed out the "Andy, Mandy, Candy" alliance. McCrae laughs and agrees. Spencer says he came up with that name. Amanda comes in and they tell her. Amanda says she never talked to Candice. Helen comes in and they tell her. Talk turns to Candice and how she stuck up for Howard even after TMC was revealed.

    10:47 PM BBT Jessie bashing in the HoH with Spencer, Andy, McCrae, Amanda, and Elissa. Aaryn was seen in the KT. Jessie and Helen playing chess.

    11:02 PM BBT Just before this time the subject was Judd and Amanda mentions she feels much more at ease now that Judd is gone. She points out that this is the first time she's not been on the block for 2 weeks. Talk is currently about GinaMarie and how much fun and silly she is and how Nick is at home probably worried about being left alone with her and how frustrated he is that she survived so much longer in the game than he did.

    11:09 PM BBT The HoH party is watching the spy screen which is trained on Helen and Jessie playing Chess. Game ends and Helen wins. Jessie says she's going to pack her stuff up tonight. Brief close-up on GinaMarie apparently taking a snooze somewhere with Nick's hat over eyes, mouth wide open.

    11:17 PM BBT Up in the HoH Jessie bashing has begun again with theories about what may happen still because of Julie's last message "You are out of the house but you may not be out of the game". Andy laughs saying if he talks to Julie he'll tell her "You need to stop! You have to tell us things!" Meanwhile Jessie packs downstairs.

    11:24 PM BBT Up in the HoH Helen, Spencer and Andy are chatting. Spencer understands what Jessie is doing right now. Talk turns to the BBQ challenge. Meanwhile Aaryn is down stairs getting some food together it's almost have-not happy hour.

    11:34 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH with Aaryn continuing to make dinner in the KT (It's almost Have-Not Happy Hour!)

    11:43 PM BBT Nothing really to report. Elissa tells everyone she won't be able to see her husband for a year because she won't want to travel because of her experience sleeping in the HNR this season. Amanda laughs. Elissa says the house won't be the same without Amanda in it. Amanda says it's another reason to keep her around.

    11:49 PM BBT Up in the HoH they're discussing what HoH could be this week. Andy says HoH should be determined right away because for the past two weeks they've had cliff-hanger style episodes as a fan that's awful. Down in the KT Aaryn continues to make dinner.

    12:01 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the BB house as the HNRs get ready to dig in to their dinner. They're watching the clock.

    12:03 AM BBT Everyone celebrates the start of end of HN restrictions and begins eating. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any alcohol as of this moment so there is some disappointment.

  17. darkenedhouse.jpg

    Jessie up getting a drink of water in a mostly darkened house.


    Play time is over!


    You know what time it is!


    Tonight GinaMarie took a step back in her path towards getting over Nick.


    I feel your pain McCrae I really do.


    Cleaning up the BY from tonight's events.


    McCrae getting the garter.


    McCrae going in for the garter.


    Amanda throwing the bouquet and Elissa catching it.

  18. 12:02 AM BBT In the WA GinaMarie doesn't feel well. She doesn't think she can eat any more slop. GinaMarie truly looks miserable. Aaryn says she doesn't want to take her makeup off because she she knows she'll be called to DR. Out in the BY Andy is talking about an app for his phone that the gay community uses to find other local gay people locally to hook up with (Grinder). He downloaded it on the offset chance that he might find the love of his life. Instead he and his gay neighbor mess with people on it. They'll get similar messages and mess with the people and then forward the messages onto each other.

    12:18 AM BBT We've had continued idle chit chat. Brief discussion about pre-house entering interviews, how being a have-not sucks. Lots of DR talk. All of which results in lots of FoTH. Amanda went to DR and they asked how the night was. She says it was a great time and everyone came together and there was plenty of food with only ONE BOTTLE OF WINE! FoTH.

    12:22 AM BBT General consensus seems to be that everyone is tired. In the colorful room Jessie tells McCrae that she feels better now and that her alter ego was very taxing on her. Jessie hopes they only use footage from last night but not this morning because last night was very much in perspective. Out in the BY Helen wonders if they will be allowed to look into the house from production's point of view which results in more FoTH.

    12:26 AM BBT McCrae tells Jessie that he thought the target was Spencer this week. She still thinks this will be split vote this week. Jessie says she understands everyone's thinking though you have to vote with the house or risk making more enemies. Amanda comes in and asks what they're talking about. Jessie says that she's in a tough spot and she's learned that everyone talk

    12:34 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Spencer and Helen are chatting. Helen says Spencer called it when he said Jessie's alter ego wouldn't last long. Spencer says it takes a lot of energy to be that out of character. Spencer says she wondering earlier how much they were going to show of it. Helen says they'll show all of it because that's all she is getting asked about. Intermittent FoTH.

    12:37 AM BBT Jessie and Amanda run voting scenarios in the colorful room. Jessie says Andy told her that if it's a tie vote he'll break it in her favor. Amanda points out that Jessie tried to flip the house on her twice so she won't lie, she's not going to necessarily push to keep Jessie. Amanda says from a personal standpoint she doesn't feel like Jessie helped her game and she knows Jessie feels Amanda is a threat to her and she understands. Jessie says she feels like there were people she tried to trust in this game and she couldn't. Meanwhile out in the BY Helen and Spencer continues to chat about the BB experience, GinaMarie joins them. The three of them then get up and begin cleaning up the BY.

    12:43 AM BBT Jessie says she was lead to believe that they had a a final four deal with each other. Amanda asks "But you know that's not true any more?" Jessie agrees. Amanda suggests she talks to the other side because she's not going to do it for her. Jessie understands. Jessie leaves the room. McCrae whispers "Where did you go?" Amanda smiles real big. McCrae tells her it's the same story over and over again with her. The BY party moves upstairs to the HoH with Jessie joining them shortly after.

    12:46 AM BBT Amanda says she almost wants to tell Jessie that she's done and to give up. "Kiss me my husband." They begin making out. "We're married!" Meanwhile up in the HoH Spencer joins the group after a DR session. Talk is them getting to eat real food tomorrow.

    RT @Ianboy7: @mortystv it's GRINDR with no E, just in case all your crazy gay followers are trying to download it! #BB15 #playsafe -- Thanks for the correction! Always remember to play safe and use common sense with any apps you use!

    12:53 AM BBT Up in the HoH we have idle chit chat about how many days they've been in the house and how many days they think they have left. Meanwhile down in the colorful room Amanda and McCrae continues to cuddle. Amanda thinks that since she cooked the food other people should put it away.

    12:57 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH continues with rehashing of previous competitions and hoping that ZingBot makes an appearance soon. He suspects they'll get a good idea of how they're being portrayed. Meanwhile down in the colorful room Amanda and McCrae continues to cuddle. They begin whispering but Amanda puts her hand on his mic so it makes it very difficult to hear what is being said. GinaMarie will put up Aaryn. Amanda agrees.

    01:03 AM BBT Amanda wonders that if Andy and Amanda are on the block together how would he help get Andy evicted. McCrae says he'd point out that Andy has more friends in jury.

    01:05 AM BBT McCrae is going to get a drink of water and brush his teeth. Meanwhile up in the HoH GinaMarie begins Candice bashing. Spencer wonders if the two of them will keep in contact after the show. Jessie starts giggling.

    01:08 AM BBT McCrae is in the KT putting things up. Up in the HoH talk is about Brenda and Dawn and the teeth story from Survivor Caramoan (Season 26). Down in the WA Elissa and McCrae are doing nightly ADLs. Helen walks in saying she's so tired she can't stay up any longer. Elissa agrees.

    01:17 AM BBT We haven't done a roll call recently. We currently have Spencer, Jessie, GinaMarie and Andy in the HoH. Talk is about previous seasons of BB. Andy says he started watching with season 3. He was home one Saturday night and stumbled onto it and became hooked. Spencer agrees. He says the show really gets you hooked when you start watching it. They can't wait to get caught back up with life when they get out of the house. GinaMarie says all of her clubs open up in September and she will be able to party! She says she'll be married to Nick in a year and be a mom by 35! Andy and Spencer hopes they're invited to the wedding. She says they'll be in it. She wants to have a big wedding.

    01:22 AM BBT Down in the colorful room Amanda and McCrae are talking about home and family. Amanda says they'll have this bond because of the show. "When we wake up we get woken up to three songs. The first thing we have to do is change our batteries. Our microphones are like an extension of our body." Intermittent FoTH. She starts mimicking the BB production voice and we get more FoTH.

    01:27 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH continues. Spencer broke out into a song including the lyrics "Elevator boobs with...". Feeds back and Andy says "We all had to talk to the psychologist last week." GinaMarie laughs and says it was like the fifth time for her. More FoTH.

    01:30 AM BBT Up in the HoH random Candice bashing continues with GinaMarie leading the charge. Everyone else just chimes in adding fuel to her fire. Down in the colorful room Amanda feels McCrae is in a better spot than she is. She feels everyone would target her before targeting him if they want to try and break them apart. They're whispering very softly so it's hard to get all of it.

    01:37 AM BBT McCrae expects Elissa to win fan favorite this season because of the three seasons of fans Rachel/Elissa will have accumulated. Amanda thinks that's stupid. McCrae doesn't feel like he'd be in the running. He mentions DR and Amanda says "Do they?" we get FoTH briefly. Meanwhile up in the HoH the conversation has become about their lives back home.

    01:42 AM BBT Down in the colorful room Amanda says she did consider the Jessie thing but she's too flip floppy. McCrae agrees. Amanda says Spencer knows he's next. Amanda says Helen has to go next week or the week after. They start talking about the PoV. Amanda wonders if Judd saw it. The HoH party breaks up. Jessie heads outside to smoke and asks GinaMarie if she wants to come. GinaMarie passes.

    RT @Imstraightup2: @mortystv Depending on final 2, I''d vote for Howard or Candice due to the racism they had to endure, just to piss them off. #BB15 -- That's not a bad idea!

    01:51 AM BBT Jessie out in the BY with her feet in the HT while smoking. Feeds switch to GinaMarie in the KT briefly before heading into the WC. Feeds switch back to Jessie. Back in the colorful room Amanda and McCrae continues to chat. Current discussion is about tattoos. McCrae thinks he should get a tat on his male genitalia and she should get one on her female genitalia. She laughs.

    01:53 AM BBT Out in the BY Andy comes out to check his laundry. Jessie asks to talk to him for a moment. Brief FoTH. Feeds back and Jessie is apologizing for letting things get to her this week. Andy understands. Jessie says she's going to try a bit harder and talk to people and throw out the fact that Spencer was a part of TMC. Andy says it's worth a shot. Jessie wonders if it's a good idea. Andy says "As someone grasping at straws with nothing else to do it's absolutely worth a shot". Jessie just wants to stay in the house a bit longer. Andy says he wants to talk to people tomorrow and get a feel for where their head is at.

    02:00 AM BBT Aaryn comes into the colorful room. Aaryn Amanda is the Mastermind, McCrae is the enforcer, Andy is the Agent and she is the beast. They laugh and say that's good. Aaryn doesn't want people to get the idea that she's a target again. McCrae don't think they will. Amanda heads out for a moment. She tells the darkened chair room what she and McCrae had been discussing tonight (about what they'll tell their friends and family about their BB experience when they get out of the house. These are things they would know about if they watched the feeds!)

    02:09 AM BBT Amanda is back in bed with McCrae. They begin whispering softly again making plans to get out Helen within the next two weeks. Meanwhile next door in the chair room Spencer whispers something into his mic. Jessie asks when they'll turn off the lights in the house. Spencer isn't sure. He says he just whispered and asked them to. He thinks it'll be about 15 minutes or so. Jessie begins to sing "When the lights go out in the city..." and we get FoTH. Feeds come and go for a period. Feeds back and McCrae and Amanda are walking towards the KT and Jessie says "Now they're not going to turn off the lights!" Spencer says he's going to try and go back to sleep and says night girl. FoTH. Feeds back and they're in the WA with Amanda starting nightly ADLs. Feeds back. Amanda McCrae says it's weird they'd say that. (Production talk apparently).

    02:15 AM BBT Amanda brushes her teeth in the WA with McCrae using mouthwash beside her. Now Amanda uses mouthwash. McCrae says he should go to production and tell them that he wants them to send a message to his friends back home and we get more FoTH. Amanda asks if they watch the live feeds. McCrae isn't sure he'll get the message. They walk out to the memory wall and Amanda says "Good night Jeremy? How is it watching from home?" Andy comes out and says "I saw that Amanda!" She asks if he was watching. Andy says he was listening to music and watching the spy screen. He sees everything. They say goodnight. Just before they reach the bedrooms Amanda thinks she has to go pee and tells McCrae to come with her. She scolds him for not holding her hand like he even cares to. She does her business and they walk back back to the bedroom.

    02:20 AM BBT They crawl into bed in the colorful room with the lights off. McCrae isn't sure he should take his mic off. Amanda wonders why. McCrae feels she's awake and she wants to talk. Amanda says she wants to do more than talk! Amanda tells him to make out with her.

    02:22 AM BBT Amanda tells McCrae to get on top of her. He doesn't seem to want to. She says he's being a lug right now and it's not sexy. She pulls him on top of her and they begin making out. The mumble something and curl up beneath the blanket.

    02:25 AM BBT There are some interesting noises coming from beneath the blankets in the colorful room. We'll just leave it at that.

    02:26 AM BBT *Flashback Alert* Cam 1 there is definitely some riding motion going on beneath the blanket with resulting gasping/moaning sound coming from McCrae. (Let's be honest...is this really a flashback moment? It's not like it's the first time.)

    02:31 AM BBT Motions with the occasional sounds continue to be seen/heard on the camera aimed at McCrae's bed. 02:32 AM has Amanda making some noises before letting out a sigh of...relief? She says it's hot in here. McCrae agrees. Amanda says her hands smell like onions. It's so gross. (We agree...wait...what are we talking about?)

    02:35 AM BBT Meanwhile elsewhere in the house we seem to have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. This includes Andy in the HoH listening to music while appearing to watch the spy screen as well as Spencer and Jessie in separate beds in the chair room.

    02:39 AM BBT Sounds and motions have stopped in the colorful room (after Amanda reached out and grabbed her underwear from the night stand and slid them under the blanket, we assume to put on). Clicks, clacks and bumps can be heard from around the house which typically begins after the HGs appear to have settled into bed for the night.

    02:54 AM BBT We've continued to have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds.

    03:09 AM BBT All four feeds continue to show horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. We'll give it another 20 minutes or so before we call it a night ourselves.

    03:18 AM BBT Jessie is up and gets herself something to drink before heading outside to sit with her feet in the HT while smoking a cigarette.

    03:23 AM BBT Jessie back into bed. On that note I think it's time we turn in as well. Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat).%C2'>

  19. 11:00 PM BBT (Rewind) In the KT Aaryn is telling Helen and Elissa about Jeremy and the wine bottle incident early in the season. Aaryn says he pushed the bottle to her and said no one would no. Elissa points out that nobody except the 90 cameras in the house. Out in the BY Andy is talking about the gym that he goes to. Conversation turns to what Amanda prefers sexually and the size of McCrae. Amanda says it's huge. McCrae says it's small.

    11:12 PM BBT (Rewind) Talk in the KT continues about life outside the house. Meanwhile out in the BY they continue talking about sex and self pleasuring. Andy while laughing says he's still looking for places to try and self pleasure in the house. He doesn't think it would take him that long because it's been so long. This conversation more or less continues up until 11:20 PM BBT.

    11:20 PM BBT Talk in the BY is Amanda disusing different types of sex with orgasms. Andy has never experienced that. Jessie says he's still just beginning and it will take time. Amanda agrees. Andy bets Aaryn, Helen, GinaMarie and Aaryn are having the same conversation inside.

    11:24 PM BBT Andy and Aaryn speak quietly in the colorful room. They make a final 2 with each other. Andy says he really wants to work with her. They realize that Amanda and McCrae has each other even though they act like it's no decision. He likes that he can talk to her (Aaryn) every five days or so and still feel solid. Aaryn agrees and just as quickly as the conversation begins it ends.

    11:27 PM BBT In the KT Helen is telling GinaMarie and Elissa in 24 hours they will be able to eat real food and it will be great. They agree. GinaMarie's stomach doesn't feel well and she heads off to the WA asking if she can change out of her toga bridesmaid's dress. Helen and Elissa stay behind. Elissa says she tries to make the connection with her (GinaMarie) but it just hasn't happened yet. Normally when she meets people and makes the friendship connection it happens for life.

    11:31 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the KT about loosing memories in the KT, while out in the BY Spencer is telling Andy when he gets out to track down his guy and hook up. Jessie asks for a conversation change. It's been too long for her.

    11:39 PM BBT Out in the BY we're about to do the garter and bouquet toss. McCrae pulls off the garter with his teeth. Amanda yells at the camera in the middle of the yard to pay attention to her. Spencer points out that 2 other cameras are already on her. The bouquet is tossed and Aaryn catches it.

    11:41 PM BBT Aaryn suggests that they jump into the pool with their clothes on. They pass on the offer. Aaryn asks if they waited until their wedding night. Amanda says yes. Andy and Helen head up to HoH. Helen is sorry for leaving things behind up there. Helen asks how the week has been for him. Andy says people come in and chat often and it's been nice. Out in the BY Amanda and McCrae are sitting on the couch making out some. Amanda says she told Jessie that trust wasn't broken with Jessie the human being but with Jessie the Big Brother player. Amanda says they have her vote now.

    11:48 PM BBT Talk in the KT with Andy, and Aaryn about what the HoH could be. Aaryn thinks they are do a knock out round. Andy hopes so and sings "Alliances are over and colors are shown!" (Or something along those lines). Aaryn starts singing that she is ready for bed. Out in the BY Amanda, and McCrae are cuddling while talking to Spencer. Idle chit chat.

    11:51 PM BBT GinaMarie just realized in the KT that if there was a real bull in a China shop that it wouldn't be good because he would run over everything. Andy says she may be onto something there. Andy and Aaryn agree that if they owned China shops they wouldn't want bulls in them. Aaryn tells GinaMarie that she's a bull in a China shop.

    11:55 PM BBT Idle chit chat/rehashing in the KT and the BY. (Also, a correction from earlier Elissa caught the bouquet not Aaryn).

    11:58 PM BBT Out in the BY Andy says Elissa just made him and Aaryn think they were crazy when they discussed having to talk with the psychologist last week when everyone did. Elissa was like "I didn't have to talk to one". Conversation continues for a few minutes and then Spencer is called out for talking about production. Talk turns to what Jessie's alter ego should be named.

  20. 10:30-10:45 PM BBT Hot potato and Simon says are played. No game chat. Talk is briefly about the DR smelling like farts.

    10:47-11:00 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda have moved off to the colorful room while GinaMarie and Spencer play musical chair. Idle chit chat as some of the HGs make something to eat. Talk turns to previous seasons of BB.

    11:05 PM BBT GinaMarie, Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae are chatting in the colorful room. Conversation is about their dislike of Candice and Howard. Aaryn asks GinaMarie if she wants to fight Candice and GinaMarie says no she already asked. Andy speaks with Amanda briefly in the WA and tells her that Aaryn is pushing for Spencer to go home over Jessie. Amanda tells him it's ok and that they should all head upstairs to chat.

    11:05-11:12 PM BBT Amanda, Aaryn, and McCrae are up in the HoH chatting. Andy joins them and Amanda asks for information to cross reference who has been saying what. Amanda says that "she" is trying to get Andy to use the veto on her to backdoor Amanda. It's hard to hear because McCrae is obstructing his mic.

    11:17-11:30 PM BBT They continue to run scenarios and what everyone has said. Aaryn can't believe that Helen wants to backdoor Amanda but Amanda says Helen has brought this up before. Andy says he's been cooling her off for weeks about not not targeting Amanda. Talk turns to who to target next week. Helen comes in and chat changes.

    11:31-11:40 PM BBT Aaryn is heading to bed and McCrae wanders out as well. Helen saying Jessie is acting too happy at the moment. Amanda agrees. McCrae and Andy comes back in. Helen says Jessie is way too confident and she's afraid that Jessie has concocted a plan to get her backdoored this week. Amanda laughs saying that's not it at all. She thinks it's funny that Helen would think this. Andy laughs as well.

    11:45-11:52 PM BBT Amanda hopes GinaMarie doesn't make it further in the game than she does. Amanda, Helen, and McCrae continue to run various scenarios. Andy is back. More scenarios ran. They think Elissa sucks at comps and Aaryn is great at comps. Andy points out that her comp wins were one with a partner, one was a crap shoot, and the third was a question that everyone else got wrong. Helen points out that she won veto as well. Andy says it was less than a minute in length.

    11:57 PM BBT Alcohol has arrived in the BB house and Amanda calls for everyone to come on down. Andy and Helen stay up in the HoH for a bit longer to chat. Andy questions if she's heard his name thrown out. Helen laughs saying he's the safest one in the house because she's never heard his name thrown out there. They head down to join the rest of the house in the KT as they sort through the alcohol.

  21. candicesleeping.jpg

    Candice sleeping while everyone else is out celebrating Amanda's bachlorette party.


    McCrae knows his woman. He placed the band-aids while being blindfolded.



    Amanda and Aaryn dressed up for the bachlorette party.


    Jessie complaining about how she felt she was treated to Candice at the bachlorette party.


    Seems someone is very comfortable in the BB house. This is the third or fourth time I've seen her do this.



    GinaMarie fired up after Judd tells her that Elissa and Helen has her and Nick's bed tonight.


    By far my most favorite pic of the season. Everyone in bed before the sun rises for the day!

  22. 12:01 AM BBT (Current) The game of telephone continues in the BY with 2 of the feeds on them and one feed on the WA with the occasional HG coming in and out to use the WC and/or fix the makeup. One feed is also focused on a sleeping Candice in a darkened colorful room.

    12:10 AM BBT (Current) The BY group has broken up leaving Amanda McCrae and Helen. Aaryn, Jud and GinaMarie can be seen in the kitchen eating. Spencer walks in. Idle chit chat all around.

    12:18 AM BBT (Current) Idle chit chat in the KT with people continuing to mill around the KT while snacking. Helen wants Bon Jovi to come in the house. Spencer says that's alright he can stay out. Helen disagrees. Talk to turns to Jodi from BB14 and Helen says she's gotten more airtime this season than she did last season. Amanda and McCrae head into the lounge to begin their nightly cuddle session. Feeds switch to Jessie whispering to Candice in the colorful room. Jessie is whispering that they were playing telephone tonight and a lot of the sentences were about Aaryn and Judd and the Aaryn and GinaMarie were being mean to her tonight.

    12:26 AM BBT (Current) Jessie continues to give Candice the rewind as to what happened tonight. Jessie says Judd threw her under the bus tonight because apparently Jessie made a story up about McCrae or something and Judd told (she keeps starting and stopping making it very difficult to follow). Candice asks if he's a good kisser. Jessie says he's a sloppy kisser.

    12:31 AM BBT (Current) Down in the colorful room Jessie and Candice have begun (Jedi) training what happened on what days in the house. Out in the KT Aaryn, Andy, Helen, Judd, Elissa and Spencer are chatting. Elissa and Andy being silly with each other.

    12:39 AM BBT (Current) Idle chit chat in the KT with most of the house. Jessie and Candice continue to chat in the colorful room (training didn't last long). Jessie is pissed about Aaryn. Candice wonders where the drama started. Jessie says nowhere and that Aaryn is just being a little brat. Jessie wonders if the old Aaryn is coming back. Candice says the old Aaryn never left.

    12:44 AM BBT Helen joins Jessie and Candice in the colorful room checking on her. Candice says she's alright. Helen asks if she's been sleeping. Candice says she did some. Helen says they missed her. Candice says if she got fake BB proposed to by Howard that Aaryn, GinaMarie and Amanda wouldn't come to her party. Helen asks if Jessie told her about the game of telephone. Candice says no (she did complain about some of the sentences that had her name in them or Judd and Aaryn's names together). Helen points out that they are making a pizza. Candice says she has to go pee so she'll get up and get a piece. Other feeds bounce around the house. Idle chit chat.

    12:54 AM BBT Aaryn has joined McCrae and Amanda in the lounge and is telling them that Judd is playing both sides by telling Jessie things. Aaryn says he's sketchy. Amanda agrees but points out that yesterday Aaryn was saying that she trusted him. Aaryn says she did but she over hears him saying things. Amanda points out that she's easily influenced by things he says because she's constantly flip flopping on how she feels about him. Aaryn says Judd keeps pushing (the agenda) that Elissa is MVP but if Elissa was MVP she'd have put Spencer on the block. Talk turns to Jessie. Aaryn says it wasn't a push to get Amanda out necessarily but she is doing everything she can do keep Candice here because she feels Candice is a bigger target than her and if she keeps Candice here another week she'll have another week and be able to make it to jury.

    12:59 AM BBT Over in the colorful room we have idle chit chat between Helen, Candice and Elissa. A bit before this when Elissa came in she had talked to Candice and told her she missed a heck of party. Sophistication at its best. Elissa says she suspects they have parties just like that at the white house. Sophistimacated. Candice is impressed.

    01:03 AM BBT Amanda tells Aaryn that she'll have deep conversations with Judd but she always has to remember that she can't trust him. Ultimately he can't be trusted. Meanwhile over in the colorful room Helen and Jessie chat about the party tonight. Helen says it's good that she came into the colorful room to get away from Aaryn instead of letting her get to her. Jessie tells her that the day before Judd had asked where he should sleep and she recommended in Aaryn's bed...referring to Aaryn's bed. Judd then asked "What's that supposed to mean?!" Which leads her to believe he had a guilty conscious.

    01:08 AM BBT Over in the lounge Aaryn and Amanda continue to chat with McCrae coming in and out retrieving food for he and Amanda. Aaryn brings up the Jessie wanting McCrae thing and Amanda tells her to stop it. She knows but she needs to stop. Aaryn says it is something that should stay fresh. Amanda says she knows it but she needs to stop. They go back and forth for a few moments about this. Judd and Andy come into the room. Andy informs Aaryn of the new sleeping arrangements for the night. She and Andy are going to sleep in the chair room tonight and Helen and Elissa are going to sleep in the colorful room tonight. Andy says he was just informed and Aaryn says she didn't get the memo but ok. Andy and Aaryn head out. They're going to turn in early tonight.

    01:13 AM BBT Judd whispers and says that Candice doesn't want to sleep in the same room as Aaryn tonight. Amanda says "Oh god, these girls." Amanda says Jessie questioned her in the WA earlier asking about all the Judd/Aaryn jokes tonight and Amanda told her she didn't know anything. Judd asked if they had sex yet. Amanda says she wants to but McCrae has live feeders on the mind. Judd laughs and says it's all fun and games until you have screen shots on the net. Feeds switch to Aaryn and Andy whispering in the WA. Aaryn says she trusts Helen. Andy agrees. Aaryn makes Andy promise not to repeat something and informs him that Amanda and McCrae are pushing to get Helen out next. Andy says he won't tell anyone. Helen walks in and talk quickly stops. Helen informs Aaryn about the change in sleeping arrangements tonight. Andy rejoins the lounge.

    01:18 AM BBT Meanwhile back in the colorful room Candice and Jessie continue to whisper. Jessie wonders why Helen is protecting Amanda and lied to her just now about it. Candice points out that they are playing a game for half a million and lying is involved sometimes and she's finally seeing that Helen is trying to protect the alliance that is protecting her. Jessie sees the light. Candice is glad. Jessie hates the fact that Helen is being so friendly to Candice while stabbing her in the back or not trying to protect her. Candice says it's because Helen wants to make sure she'll have her vote in case she makes it to jury.

    01:22 AM BBT Andy left the lounge to go get a tank top. Spencer, Judd, Amanda and McCrae remain. Talk turns to the comment Spencer made in DR weeks ago how he bets Jessie tastes like butterscotch. Amanda says she heard that he said she tastes like PB and J. Spencer denies. Judd laughs and says you did. Spencer laughs saying no he didn't. Judd says Spencer said it was like a PB and J sandwich. Talk turns to how many people they've slept with. McCrae says he's slept with three people. Spencer asks for first and last names and to look directly at one of the cameras. McCrae says two of them were one night stands. Spencer congratulates him and says most of his were one night stands apparently he has very few repeat customers. Amanda laughs and says that's something he shouldn't be saying in front of America. McCrae didn't use protection in the two one night stands. Amanda says he has to get tested before they do the deed. Andy sticks his head in and says good night.

    01:28 AM BBT Jessie has moved into her bed in the colorful room. Candice is without her mic and says it's strange how you after 40 days of living with someone start to miss them. Jessie asks if it feels like they should be in the next room. Candice agrees. Other voices Elissa comes in with the comforter for her and Helen's bed. The lights in the chair room are off. Jessie says she can "hear them talking". Candice says 10 million more people now know her because she's been on the show. She points out that people may like her because of her laugh or because of her bikini's. Candice says 10 million more people may be saying "Boo" now (That was a thing before Candice wasn't it?).

    01:33 AM BBT Amanda, McCrae, and Judd head out to smoke. Judd asks what's the word. Amanda and McCrae says nothing. Amanda says he'd hear more than they would. Feeds switch to Spencer and GinaMarie in the hammock. Spencer says you'd think she would be acting like someone who wants to be kept. They both agree that she's a wild animal because one moment she's sweet and the next its "Keeping it real with Candi!" Spencer is surprised that GinaMarie didn't put up Elissa. GinaMarie says Helen and Amanda would be upset with her and it wasn't worth it.

    01:39 AM BBT Talk in the hammock turns to how GinaMarie told Aaryn she wanted to sleep alone tonight. She says she (Aaryn) tosses and turns all night long and she wants to sleep alone for one night because she may never get the opportunity again. Judd wanders over. Judd has to use the WC but he's waiting for "them" to clear out first. GinaMarie tells him to go use the HoH. Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae doing nightly ADLs in the WA.

    01:43 AM BBT GinaMarie says she would love to get Amanda out but she's been less annoying over the past couple of weeks. Spencer agrees. GinaMarie says no one can beat Helen in the final 2. Spencer agrees. They both agree that they've said in the past they can trust each other. GinaMarie apologizes for putting him up this week. Spencer understands and says she did what she had to do without ruffling feathers and if anything she is giving him the opportunity to tell Marilyn on Thurs on live TV that they will be taking a trip. Talk turns to the Candice and her lack of wearing the clown costume properly. GinaMarie hopes that she gets a penalty vote for not properly wearing the costume and says she'll tell DR. Spencer says they know about it. They see the cameras and hear them complaining about it.

    01:48 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head into bed. 2 Feeds now showing darkened rooms and 2 feeds on the hammock. Judd comes out. GinaMarie asks if she should get her blanket. Spencer tells her to. Judd asks about game talk today. Spencer didn't talk to anyone really today. Either did Judd. Spencer says GinaMarie was complaining about how much she hates Candice. Someone begins belching. GinaMarie back outside.

    01:52 AM BBT Idle game chit chat. Who is going to knock out whom in case there is a knock out HoH this week. Judd tells GinaMarie that Helen and Elissa are sleeping in her bed in the colorful room. GinaMarie jumps up like lightning and runs inside. Judd calls out and tells her not to tell them he said it. GinaMarie feels her way around the room and bumps into a bed as well as trips over the pile of stuff at the foot of Candice's bed. She makes her way out and heads to the chair room and whispers out to Andy asking him who is sleeping in her bed. Andy tells her it's Elissa and Helen. GinaMarie comes out outside heated worried about the bed situation. Judd and Spencer both agree that it's a one night thing only and they'll make sure she'll get it tomorrow. GinaMarie says it's her and Nick's bed and she'll stay there until she gets evicted (What is this? Bed War 3 or 4?)

    02:01 AM BBT GinaMarie continues to go off about how it's her bed and she wonders why Aaryn gave the bed up (almost sounds like she's eluding to the fact that she did it intentionally). Judd says he was with Andy when he told Aaryn. Spencer says the chair room is hard to sleep in with the lights on (Just a thought...when everyone goes to bed the lights in the house are flipped down to a much dimmer level...perhaps that would help?) GinaMarie is still ranting saying it's BS and calls Candice the C word saying it's not her fault if she wants to mope around and be a loner because she feels sorry for herself. GinaMarie calls her the C word again and says she'll let her rot in the bed if she really wants it. GinaMarie will talk to people in the morning. GinaMarie is heading to bed to listen to music. Judd begs her not to mention his name. GinaMarie says she already talked to Andy and said she discovered it herself.

    02:08 AM BBT Spencer and Judd have idle chit chat in the hammock regarding watching the show at home. This is the first year that Spencer has had DVR. Before that he made sure he was home every night to watch BB. That's dedication. Talk turns to Kaitlin never watching the show and Candice being recruited as well. Talk turns to their homes.

    02:15 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the BY. Spencer said he tries everyday to make his life better even if all it is just waking up and organizing the silverware drawer. Spencer talks briefly about a property that he owned one of his tenants pulled all of his copper piping and after he moved out and came back two weeks later and held the new tenants at knife point and stole the garbage disposal. Obviously they wanted their deposit back which he had used to help replace the copper piping so he had to borrow money from his dad.

    02:30 AM BBT Idle game chit chat in the hammock. Judd will use veto on Spencer if he wins it in the upcoming weeks. A bit of chat about Candice and her speech to Spencer last week. Spencer said she put about 15 to 30 minutes into her hair and makeup for the speech. Judd didn't know that. Spencer is going to poop and tells Judd to wait a second before he sparks up his cigarette and he'll come back out with him before he smokes and heads to bed.

    02:39 AM BBT Nothing ground breaking here for the moment we've havd idle game chit chat in the BY between Spencer and Judd. They both trust each other. They'd be ok with either themselves or maybe Andy winning HoH this week.

    02:52 AM BBT Judd and Spencer continue to chat in the BY. Judd says he never watched the feeds, just After Dark. Spencer said he watched the feeds for the All-Star season (7). Spencer points out how awesome it is to be in the house. He's watched people smoke in the BY on that couch and here he is next to Judd as he smokes. Judd laughs. Judd says he watched the Canadian BB feeds and realized on how much he missed out on. Spencer is ready for bed. Judd is as well. Both agree that they'll clean up in the morning. They don't want to be banging things in the KT around tonight. Judd heads in and begins nightly ADLs in the WA Spencer in soon after. Spencer said he put in a request for TP because they don't have any.

    03:01 AM BBT Judd has to poop and there is no TP. Spencer heads into bed. Judd checks the SR but appears to come up empty. He heads into the hallways leading to the darkened bedrooms to change into his night clothes before heading into the colorful room.

    ***Retweet*** RT @Ramona1271: @mortystv do we have MVP vote and POV? --Nothing is listed on their website so it is unknown at this time. If they haven't mentioned anything yet it's safe to say we won't see it for the double eviction but who is to say it won't be back the following week. We'll just have to wait and see!

    03:09 AM BBT What's this? We have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds? It's only just after 03:00 AM BBT! Various clicks and bumps can be heard in the distance in the rest of the house.

    03:22 AM BBT Andy up to use the WC. He washes his hands and heads back to bed.

    03:41 AM BBT We continue to have horizontal HGs in darkened rooms on all four feeds. We'll stay with them for another 20 minutes or so but it's safe to say they are all done for the night.

    03:53 AM BBT Some stirring in the beds, but otherwise everyone appears to be done for the night. On that note we'll call it a night ourselves. What will the ramifications of the day be for GinaMarie when she confronts Aaryn, Elissa and Helen about the latter two taking her bed in the colorful room tonight? Will this increase her chances of becoming a nom during the double evict on Thurs, or will Helen and Elissa have their target size increased instead?

  23. 10:00-10:15 PM BBT (Rewinding a bit) Amanda, McCrae, Spencer, and Andy discuss the fact that Candice doesn't want to attend the party because she is embarrassed about the clown suit. Part of the group moves outside to smoke while some of the girls get ready for the party tonight.

    10:15-10:22 PM BBT (Rewinding) Elissa and Judd stop in the colorful room and talk with Candice who is sleeping in bed. Elissa just wants to check on her. Candice is alright she is tired and doesn't want to come. Elissa asks her if she wants her to save some alcohol. Candice says it's fine. Candice says she's good. Candice says she knows they all talk about her the moment she leaves the room so she'd rather be by herself. Jessie comes in and Candice checks out both their outfits. Jessie offers her a glass of Sangria. Candice passes. Jessie leaves and Elissa tells Candice that sometimes she'd rather go home because she's afraid of picking up their bad/nasty habits. Elissa says she'd never hang out with them outside the house. Candice understands but tells Elissa she's playing a good game and she should be happy.

    10:20-10:30 PM BBT (Rewind) Jesssie and Helen chat next door in the colorful room. Helen wishes Candice would come but it's unfortunate. Meanwhile back in the colorful room Elissa and Candice continue to chat about how frustrated she (Elissa) is with everyone especially after how they're treating Candice. Candice and Elissa both cry. Elissa says she feels so bad for her and it's not right the way they treat her. Elissa goes onto say it's almost flattering that people always talk about her (Candice) because she's all they can seem to think about. Candice agrees and says she's alright, the season has just been extremely frustrating. Elissa says they have to know that she acts different around them because she doesn't want to hang out with Amanda. Candice says she never wants to go the HoH because she took her HoH and tried to humiliate her. She starts to talk about how she couldn't write her blog today and Elissa warns her she shouldn't stoop to their level. Save that for outside the house when the cameras aren't around.

    10:25-10:37 PM BBT (Rewind) The party in the HoH is beginning. Elissa is called to DR as she heads up the stairs. The party consists of Amanda, Andy, Jessie, Aaryn, Helen, Elissa and GinaMarie. Helen asks for their engagement story. Amanda explains that McCrae flipped on the spy screen in the HoH and ineligible writing could be seen on the table and McCrae asked her to marry him. The party is on three feeds with Candice laying in bed with her eyes closed. The feeds switch to Spencer, Judd and McCrae sitting out in the BY with idle movie chit chat.

    10:37-10:45 PM BBT (Rewind) The party in the HoH continues with the guys coming to join them. Assorted conversations. Two feeds show the HoH with the other two showing a sleeping Candice.

    10:48 PM BBT (Rewind) Helen proposes they play a game where Helen asks a bunch of questions regarding McCrae to Amanda. The questions include his full name, what sport he played in high school, how old he was when he had his first kiss and his favorite dish that Amanda made that he liked the most.

    10:54-11:08 PM BBT (Rewind) The questions continue in the HoH. We now have three feeds on the HoH with one feed on a sleeping Candice. The play spin the blind folded Andy and put the band-aid on her chest. Amanda has her back to him and he puts one on the middle of her back and the other on her right shoulder. Next up is Jessie. The party moves down to the BY after everyone makes a quick stop in the KT.

    11:08-11:28 PM BBT (Rewind) Idle chit chat and giggles in the BY. Three feeds on that group with one feed on a sleeping Candice. The game of telephone begins here (11:28 PM).

    11:28-12:01 AM BBT (Rewind) The game of telephone continues in the BY with idle chit chat and giggles in the BY. This concludes our game of catch-up.

    11:50 PM BBT (Current) There's a small gathering in the BY playing telephone (whisper a sentence or a phrase into your neighbor's ear, who in turn repeats the sentence to their neighbor and it continues on until it gets back to the original person). It sounds like people (Spencer) will periodically intentionally change the sentence and they laugh hysterically.



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