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Posts posted by niteslacker

  1. 02:00 AM BBT In the WA Jace says he feels a lot of BB fans will hate him for the things he just said.  Austin doesn’t think so.  Austin says everyone has seen every conversation that has been had.    Over in the Ocean Room Audrey and Shelli are whispering but Meg’s voice in the back ground is drowning them out.  Shelli says she doesn’t really know and it’s easier not to know.  Shelli feels Audrey has done a really great job at playing this game but other people have started to notice.  Audrey says Da’Vonne and Jason have been speculating.  Vanessa walks in and says the house needs something fun.  She wishes they could pump some happiness through the air vents.


    02:06 AM BBT In the Ocean Room Austin says he can’t go to sleep until everyone else goes to sleep because the lights have to remain on.  Shelli says she’s consoling Audrey because nobody is hearing her side of the story.  Shelli says she cares for Audrey.  Shelli says she doesn’t want to go outside and sit just because people are afraid of someone whispering behind her back.  Audrey is upset.  She said everyone was laughing and giggling while Audrey was crying and it bothers her.  Back in the WA Jace says this season started with a lot of lies.  Jace says he’s a dead man walking so he’s making sure the secrets are getting out.  Jeff and James are also in the WA and remain quiet.


    02:10 AM BBT Shelli tells a crying Audrey to not give up.  If she wins HOH she’ll have the power and the people that are against her will get their chance to speak with her.  Shelli says Jace feels like crap right now and there’s nothing he can do.  Shelli says Audrey feels like crap but she has every chance to do something.  Up in the HOH John asks if everyone’s asleep because he doesn’t want to get cornered.  Meg tells him that there’s some things going on in the front (Ocean Room) so he can probably sneak in.  James wonders why Jace can’t accept that he’s the first to go home this week.  Meg agrees.


    02:15 AM BBT Audrey says she is only one person in the house.  Audrey tells Clay that if he thinks he can play better with another group then go.  Clay says he’s not.  Clay tells Audrey that he knows for a fact that she didn’t tell him something last night.  Audrey swears she did.  Clay says she didn’t.  Up in the HOH Meg is telling John to run down stairs and go while he has the chance.  Becky tells him to wait for her to use the restroom and she’ll run with him.  


    02:20 AM BBT In the HN room Da’Vonne says she needs to make sure she doesn’t explode like she did today.  Vanessa doesn’t think it was that bad.  Da’Vonne says everyone has their moment.  Vanessa says she (Vanessa) is otherwise boring so it’s good things happen like this.  Over in the Ocean Room Clay continues to argue with Audrey (in hushed tones) about why they don’t trust each other.  Over in the WA James is talking to Jace.  James says there’s too much unnecessary tension in the house.  Jeff brushes his teeth and walks through.  James says if someone is thrown under the bus that feeling will be felt.  He can’t help it.  James says he has not changed since he walked in the door.  James doesn’t think Jace is trying to do it intentionally but he is doing it.  Jace said he wanted to voice his opinion which he did.  James says Jace calling the cast horrible was not cool.  Jace says the alliances were horrible but players are very distasteful.  Jace says you can’t win the game alone and the alliances have been stabbing themselves in the back since day one.


    02:28 AM BBT Clay and Audrey continue to defend their own thoughts and feelings in the Ocean Room.  Audrey says she’d rather just stay to herself now.  Clay says she’s deflecting his questions.  More distrust continues.  Back in the WA James and Jace continues to talk  Jace says everyone’s been picking on him the whole time and it’s not cool.  Jace knows about the song.  James knows he does.  Jace says he’s never said any mean jokes about James and it’s horrible hearing that people have been doing that to him the whole time.


    02:33 AM BBT Shelli is telling Jason about how “these three people laid here giggling” while she was crying.  Jason says he can’t try to smooth things over just because.  He commends Shelli for trying but he’s not that way.  Shelli points out that Audrey has not left bed all day.  Both James and Jason realized that.  Shelli took her a sandwich today.  Jason doesn’t want to ostracize her but he can’t be nice to her face just because.  He’s trying.  Jason doesn’t think he wasn’t unkind.  The argument was game basis.  Shelli agrees it was.


    02:35 AM BBT Feeds switch to Jace whispering to Clay in the WA.  Jace says he’s had Clay’s back.  Clay understands.  Jace says he just can’t take it.  Clay says he was just talking to Audrey and that she’s alienating herself.  Clay begins to tell him how Shelli was upset that Audrey feels alienated.  Meanwhile over in the Cabana room Jeff, Austin and Liz are whispering, Jeff said he came in with target on his back.  Talk turns to winning HOH and the veto this week.


    02:39 AM BBT Jeff says if Audrey somehow stays next week then they know who she’ll be going after (Jason) the following week.


    02:42 AM BBT Jace continues to talk to Clay in the WA room.  Jeff and Austin have joined them.  Jace is worried about being made fun of for crying when Shelli came into his room crying.  Jace says Shelli is the most beautiful girl ever.  Jace doesn’t want any votes or for them to throw any of their games away.  Over in the Ocean Room Shelli continues to talking to Jason.  She wants to know when Jason went from trusting her to not trusting her.  Jason said he kept giving her the benefit of the doubt thinking then maybe she was only treating others that way before all the factors began piling up and they realized she was the common denominator.  Jason says Audrey wants her own agenda which they all have.  Jason says that’s fine because everyone has their own agenda.


    02:45 AM BBT Jace tells Clay that he (Clay) will go onto do big things outside the house.  Clay wishes he would have done more to save him.  Clay knew about the BD but what could he do.  Jace understands and says it’s ok.  Jace doesn’t hate him and loves him even more for telling him.  Over in the Ocean Room talk continues about Audrey.  Jason feels she owes him an apology.  James says it’s apparent and he told her this, but it’s apparent that she was playing the game too hard and too fast.  Jason says you have to expect that to happen when you’re talking to everyone.  Jason says Audrey was Queen in the house but she got nervous.  Jason says in real life he would have removed her from his life days ago but he gave her the over the benefit of the doubt.  James and Jason agree that they don’t want her to feel alienated but she did it to herself.


    02:50 AM BBT In the WA Jace tells Clay that he can still be Clay Honeycutt and win the game.  Clay feels bad.  Jace says he tried every game move he could.  He tried to pull a Dan and save his backside but upon waking up and hearing his name being thrown around this morning really lit a fire underneath him.  He tells Clay to go win the game.  Jace tells him he would have carried Clay on his back to the end of the game and never turned on him.  Clay knows.  Over in the Ocean Room Jason says that if she’s going to behave the way she is in the game then it says a lot for her character.  James agrees.  Jason says just like he can’t be fake with her.  He’s clear, cut and straight to the point.  That’s just not who he is.  James said he tried so spend time with her for 30-45 minutes to help her get her head straight.


    02:55 AM BBT Jace and Clay’s conversation is over.  Clay hugs Audrey in the KT.  Audrey says she just got out of the shower.  Clay says it’s f’d up how people treat other people in the house.  Audrey agrees.  Audrey says the way he’s acting makes her feel that he doesn’t see any integrity in her.  Clay doesn’t understand how people can just abandon themselves from people and he’s not that kind of person.  BB calls out Audrey to put on her microphone.  Audrey walks up stairs to the HOH.  Meanwhile over in the Ocean Room Jason continues to talk to James and  Shelli.  Clay joins them.  Audrey comes down from the HOH to get her mic where Meg and Jeff were hanging out on the bed.  Jeff wonders if she wore the sunglasses in the shower. 


    02:59 AM BBT Jace asks Audrey to talk outside.  Jace apologizes for arguing with her throughout the game.  Audrey doesn’t hold him responsible.  Jace tells Audrey that he blew up on everyone tonight and called them fake.  Audrey says she got yelled at for telling him everything.  Jace says he didn’t tell that she told them anything.


    03:00 AM BBT Jace is setting up the pool table while talking to Audrey.  Audrey asks why he doesn’t think he has a chance to get votes.  Jace says he pretty much ruined his game tonight.  Audrey asks Jace about hearing that he heard the song from her.  Jace says he won’t tell her and he will tell everyone that he heard someone singing the song which is the truth.  Audrey wants to know who.  Jace won’t tell her and throw someone under the bus.  She says this is effecting her game.  Jace says she effected his game by helping him get backdoored.  Audrey is frustrated.


    03:06 AM BBT Jace and Audrey continues to talk.  Audrey says Steve is no fool because he knows that there is an eight person alliance in the house and may be willing to vote to keep him.  Audrey whispers to him to not give up before heading inside.  Meanwhile in the LR James and Shelli chat.  Steve wanders in and asks if he’s interrupting and can join them.  They say sure.  Jace wanders in and apologizes to Shelli.  He says he thinks the world of her.  Shelli says thank you.  Steve agrees that Shelli is great.  Meanwhile Clay is on the hammock with Jason sitting on the couches in the BY.


    03:13 AM BBT James comes up to HOH and tells Meg and Jeff that he feels that the anger in the house has turned to remorse.  James tells them that Clay feels bad right now because Jace told him that this show was his dream and Clay had a part in the BD plan.  Meg says the show was everyone’s dream.  Jeff asks how upset Clay is.  James says he’s pretty close to crying.


    03:15 AM BBT  Meanwhile in the BY Jace is talking to Jason.  Jace says he’s rather bitter and doesn’t want to feel that way.  Jason says he doesn’t think he’s bitter.  Back in the HOH James says Clay and Shelli are both very upset emotionally.  James says Jason says he can’t be fake to Audrey.  She won’t be his friend outside and he won’t be friendly to her now.


    03:20 AM BBT In the HOH Meg says everyone knows the game and they all signed up to play.  Meg says it’s killing her that everyone agreed when they sat around the table that they were all human and were going to play the game.  But the first moment someone is supposed to go home then someone’s dream is hurt.  Meanwhile in the BY Jace and Jason continue to chat.  Jason understands the frustration of the game.  He tells Jace that he should be conscious about what may make it to air.  Jason doesn’t think the things tonight will make it to air.  Jace says if he has to he’ll go on Youtube to fix it.  Jason says you don’t want to be seen yelling with a Bible in your hand.


    03:25 AM BBT In the HOH James says he thinks it’s good everything happened because it will weed out the weak players.  Jeff and Meg agree.  James points out that Da’Vonne and Jason are really tight.  The other two agree.  Meanwhile in the BY Jason tells Jace to calm down and that it’s possible that they may only show a small clip of it.  Jason says he’s not really religious so he’s not the best to talk about it.  Jason really continues to praise Jace telling him that he’ll be something when he leaves the house.  Jason says the rest of them will take their stipend and return to their boring lives.  (Jason seems very very sincere here).  Jason is going to bed.


    03:30 AM BBT Jason is whispering to Audrey in the darkened Ocean Room.  Audrey wants to know if Da’Vonne lied saying Becky made a passive aggressive racial comment.  Jason said no and that he possibly read too much into something but it was not Da’Vonne.  Jason said he didn’t like something she said and made a comment about it.  Jason says he wants Audrey to know that he will never personally attack her.  They have similar backgrounds but he’s hurt and bothered by the game moves she made against him.  He wishes her well in the game but negative comments will never be personal.  Audrey says the things he says are personal though.  Jason says he’s trying to send her good love and karma right now.  Audrey disagrees.  Jason says ok and takes his mic off and goes to bed.


    03:33 AM BBT Jace and Steve chat in the WA briefly, they agree it’s just a game.  Steve says the game never ends while you’re in the house.  He’s been waiting for a commercial break but this episode in particular has lasted for 14 days.  Meanwhile up in the HOH James and Jeff don’t trust Austin or Steve (Meg was called to DR).  Jeff trusts Johnny.  James agrees.


    03:38 AM BBT Meg out of DR talking to Jace in the WA.  Meg saying the game is complicated and hard.  Meg says she knows it’s cliche but not to take anything from anyone personal.  Jace understands.  He likes her.  Jace says he may have said some mean things but he didn’t mean them.  Meanwhile in the HOH James and Austin continue to discuss other HGs and running scenarios about who might have won veto if they played.


    03:43 AM BBT Clay is whispering to Shelli when Jace walks in and lies between them.  It’s difficult to understand what is being said due to blanket on the mic.  Jace says the game is hard.  Audrey’s eyes are open briefly and look toward the bed without her head moving.  Audrey closes her eyes.  Meg has returned to the HOH, general chit chat.  Meg says too many feelings today.  She’s over it.  James says it was Soap Opera Central.  Meg says it’s a game.  They should have fun.


    03:46 AM BBT Jace continues to whisper to Shelli and Clay.  Jace says he forgives Clay and they’ll be friends forever.  Audrey’s eyes appear open again.  Jace says he won’t watch the show when he gets out of the house.  Meanwhile back in the HOH Meg, James and Jeff continue to run scenarios for the week.


    03:50 AM BBT Jace continues his whisper fest with Shelli and Clay.  Jace says he knows it’s just a game and that he doesn’t want them to get hung up on them.  Jace says wants to give his mom a hug.  He knows it’s cheesy but he wants to be held by his momma.  Shelli “Awww….”.  Jace says he’s good and he let it all out tonight.  Meanwhile back in the HOH Jeff, Meg and James now ask about who heard what and when.


    03:55 AM BBT Jace has left Clay and Shelli’s bed.  Clay and Shelli continue their whisper fest with static from a failing mic.  Clay says if he has to play the game alone (but with Shelli) he will.  Clay says he does play (the game) with his emotions.  Shelli says once eviction rolls around the game will start to get fun because the schedule will start to pick back up.  Meanwhile up in the HOH the HOH crew continues to run scenarios about who Audrey would put on the block if she won HOH.  Meg expects herself to get put up.  James says it’s been a crazy day.


    04:00 AM BBT BB tells Clay to not obstruct his microphone.  Shelli whispers that they’re not talking game.  Back in the HOH James is telling Jeff about the first HOH.


    04:04 AM BBT The HOH crew says this would be a good week to be HOH because Audrey will be such a good target.  Jeff wonders if it would be a wasted week.  Meg doesn’t think so.


    04:07 AM BBT Shelli and Clay continue to whisper.  Idle chit chat about Shelli and her family.  Back in the HOH James says Shelli had commented on the fact that some of the guys (Jeff included) were giggling while Audrey were laughing or ignoring her in nearby.  Jeff says Audrey almost ruined his BB game so of course we weren’t very sympathetic.  Jeff says Audrey should have stuck with the alliance but she didn’t which is her own fault.  Jeff liked Audrey a lot.  He doesn’t think she’s a bad person but her trying to get him replaced as the BD it doesn’t sit well.


    04:09 AM BBT James asks to reconvene the meeting in the AM.  The other two agree.


    04:15 AM BBT Shelli gets out of Clay’s bed and heads into the KT.  Jace is in the KT making something to eat.  Clay and Jeff are in bed together.  Meg is in bed with Jason.  Lots of inaudible whispering.  Jason’s mic improves.  Jason tell’s Meg about his earlier conversation with Audrey and how she is taking things personally even though that’s not his goal.  Shelli walks back into the room and crawls into Audrey’s bed.


    04:20 AM BBT Jason continues to talk to Meg about his conversation with Audrey and his frustration with her.  Jace is in the kitchen pacing around while making something to eat.


    04:25 AM BBT Jeff and Clay and Meg and Jason are the only four HGs visible in bed.  Jeff and Clay are whispering.  (Jeff?) says people from the original eight are trying to jump ship.  Very difficult to hear the conversation.  Across the room Jason says “he implied that it was James idea to BD me.”  BB calls Clay out for obstructing his mic.  Clay is annoyed.  It’s still very difficult to hear the conversation.  Jeff holds a pillow up between the two of them preventing the camera from seeing them.  Someone says “ride or die”.  “He never likes to talk game that much…”  


    04:29 AM BBT Cameras switch angles and we can now see Jeff and Clay.  It’s still hard to hear what they’re whispering about.  Back in Jason and Meg’s bed….Jace walks in and turns around and sits down near the door.  He walks over and kneels down beside their bed and whispers.  Jace says it’s easy to know when game is being talked because the cameras were following him and then just randomly stopped.  Jace laughs.  BB:  “The bedroom lights must remain on!”  Jace apologizes and walks out to the WA.  Jason and Meg are going to bed.


    04:32 AM BBT Jeff and Clay continue to whisper.  Still very difficult to hear.  One of them points out that Jason is loyal to Da’Vonne.  Something something James.  Meanwhile in the WA Jace is brushing his teeth.


    04:38 AM BBT The whisper fest in Clay and Jeff’s bed is ending because Jeff put up his microphone.  Well…it’s continuing.  BB calls out Jeff and Clay to not obstruct their microphone.  Jason calls them dicks.  Clay says Jason is on the block next week.


    04:40 AM BBT All four feeds currently show horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


    05:10 AM BBT Three of the four feeds display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  The fourth cam is currently showing us the HG display in the darkened KT.


    05:27 AM BBT Jace is up and heads outside.  A loud bird can be heard chirping.  Jace begins to run laps around the BY. 


    05:40 AM BBT Jace walks back inside a darkened BB house.



    05:35 AM BBT Jace is trying to look in one of the two way mirrors in the BY before giving up.  He walks a few paces down and tries another one.


    05:40 AM BBT Jace walks back inside a darkened BB house.


    05:44 AM BBT Jace begins to gather things from the BY and makes a pile near the work out bench.


    05:50 AM BBT Jace continues stacking things near the workout bench in the BY.


    05:55 AM BBT Jace tries to balance several pool cues near the work out bench.


    06:02 AM BBT Jace appears to be the only one up and is taking random things from the BY and making a shrine out of them?


    06:05 AM BBT Jace is finished with his creation and lies down on the hammock in the BY.


    06:07 AM BBT *FLASHBACK ALERT* Jace talks to the camera from the hammock.  Jace says in case any of the live feeders want to know what the creation is and that it’s live art.  He says it’s because he doesn’t have a pen and it’s the only way he can express himself.  Jace says he can’t believe how crazy this house is.  The camera pans to show the "live art".  He blew up on some people last night and he dosn’t think he stands a chance to stay.  Jace is not giving up, but hope is fading.  He’s grateful to be here but he’s probably going home.


    06:12 AM BBT Jace continues to talk to the cameras explaining what folks should do if they come in the house (don't trust anyone).


    06:18 AM BBT Jace takes a look at the art he created in the BY before heading inside to a darkened house.


    06:24 AM BBT We have all four feeds showing horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


    06:49 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


    07:07 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  Someone is restless in the HN room.


    07:30 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  Wait….Austin sat up…and he’s laying back down.


    07:54 AM BBT Three of the four feeds display horizontal HGs in darkened room.  The first feed displays a darkened living room.


    08:16 AM BBT All four feeds remain on horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  Austin got up about 10-15 minutes ago and used the toilet.  He was seen going into DR after his toilet visit.


    08:37 AM BBT All four feeds....continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


    08:54 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display sleeping HGs.

  2. So I'm going to throw this out there...I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts.  I had her ranked high on my list to make it to the end...imagine my disappointment as I've witnessed more and more people begin to question her honesty.  This bothers me because she is a fan...possibly even a super fan...but she's playing like...well....I don't know what.  So my mind keeps turning...why on earth would a fan play so sloppy on the show...then it hit me.


    Do you think it's possible that Audrey had no intention of winning the show and only planned on using it as a stepping stone to get National attention.  She figured/knew CBS would play on the fact that she's the first Transgendered HG and it would put a spotlight on her because of it.  She mentioned to one of the other HGs that she started a Facebook page/business (Lucidity) before coming in the house, therefore investing any time and money prior to going in the house would be a waste if she had to put it on hold over the summer.  But...what if she wasn't gone all summer and was only gone for a couple of weeks....then she'd have the National spotlight and then get to go back home (as long as she went out before Jury).


    I loved Audrey's interviews and I think she's certainly an interesting woman and certainly beautiful...but as a player...she's one move away from being a Lawon and getting sent home due to a stupid move.



  3. 02:50 AM BBT Jace, Clay and Jeff are in the BY talking.  Jace says he has no one campaigning for him and everyone is (pooping) in his face and it bothers him obviously.  Clay says he understands but Jace tells him he doesn’t because he hasn’t been on the block yet.  Clay says he still has to go with what the house wants.  Clay says he got new information tonight and he he sees what’s happening now.  Jace asks why he would be alligned with that person then.  Clay says he still has to think of his own game.  Meanwhile up in the HOH Audrey is talking to James and James tells Audrey that he told Jace that he is the one to blame for Jace being on the block.  Audrey says Jace thinks she got in his ear before the veto ceremony and told him to put Jace up.  Rehashing commences.


    03:10 AM BBT Clay and Audrey in the Ocean Room whispering.  Lights on.  Clay reassures Audrey that she’s worrying too much.  Audrey says there are conversations happening around her.  Out in the BY they’re (James, Meg, Da’Vonne, Jackie, Jeff, Jason, and Jace) discussing Audrey and how she’s a manipulator.


    03:15 AM BBT Jace continues to campaign for himself out in the BY.  Jace hates having to campaign against Jackie but this is the position that he’s in now.  In the Ocean Room Clay whispers to Shelli and tells her that Audrey did not tell him something that she’s now she did tell him.  


    03:16 AM BBT Audrey has joined the BY crew and James tells Jace that he can say what he wants to say eviction night about him but James came to battle.  Awkward….  Jeff is shocked that Steve isn’t out here.  Jeff says Steve has been everywhere tonight.  Jason says he’s probably in the SR.  Da’Vonne and James head inside.


    03:19 AM BBT Awkwardness continues in the BY while Audrey roams near the couch.  Jace asks for a hit of the cigarette that Jason and Jeff are sharing “Especially after the tension in the air….”  Audrey and Meg head inside.  Audrey whispers to Meg asking if they should call out Jace for trying to start things.  Feeds switch back to the couch.  Jace says he could pick the Bible up and swear on something if he needed to.  Da’Vonne wonders why Audrey is hiding her face while talking.  Jason says she’s sketchy.  Feeds switch back to Audrey and Meg in front of the BY door.  Meg says once he’s out he’s out.  Audrey says the tension will be worse over the next few days.


    03:23 AM BBT **FlashBack Moment** Audrey says the tension is not on one person, but everyone and it’s making him look bad.  Jeff says he’s been throwing a lot of people under the bus.  Audrey says it would make her feel more comfortable if she could confront Jace right now because her bun has been on the burner for a while now.  Audrey walks back outside and says she’s gonna do it.  Audrey says she wants to talk to other people and she doesn’t think it’s fair that James is going to get all of the heat.  She’s tired of Audrey taking heat as well.  Audrey says the entire house knew about the plan.


    03:25 AM BBT  Audrey says everyone knew about Five Alive.  Audrey says everyone knew about Jace wanting to backdoor Jason.  Audrey says it wasn’t her.  Jace swears it wasn’t him.  Audrey wonders where it came from.  Jace doesn’t know.  Audrey says Jace makes everyone feel uncomfortable.  Jace asks Audrey why she’s getting loud.  Audrey says because she’s arguing with a crazy person right now.  She feels sorry for him because he’s making himself look bad right now.  Audrey says everything that Jace is selling nobody is buying because they’re coming to her and telling her.  Audrey says he’s not self aware.  Jace and Audrey agree that they’re not afraid of each other.  Jace tells her to stop her crap.  Jace says he’s not feeling sorry for making her feel uncomfortable.  He calls her crazy.  She pity’s him.  Audrey says if people are promising votes and he doesn’t get them from his friends then to just remember that her friends stabbed him in the back.  The BY party breaks up.  Everyone says they’re going to bed.


    03:30 AM BBT Jeff wants coffee and Jace offers to make it for him because it’s simple.  Jace rehashes part of the conversation with Da’Vonne.  (Da’Vonne wandered in during the argument).  Back in the Ocean Room Audrey rehashes the argument with James and Shelli (they were in the room during the argument in the BY).  James says he’s going to remind Jace that it was he that put him (Jace) on the block.  James walks into the KT and Jace rehashes the argument with James.


    03:34 AM BBT James says this was the best thing she could do for herself.  Jace wants to have a house meeting tomorrow so everyone can have the clarity to see what she’s doing and deflect some of the heat off her.  Jace wants James to say that he was fed misinformation in a house meeting tomorrow so he at least has a fighting chance.


    03:40 AM BBT FoTH.


    03:42 AM BBT Jeff is in the KT waiting on coffee.  In the Ocean Room we have awkwardness.  James leaves the room.  Jason and Da’Vonne are in the same bed.  Shelli and Audrey are in the same bed and Clay is in his own bed.  


    03:45 AM BBT Audrey tells Jason next time he’s in an awkward fight she’ll randomly walk away.  Jason says he’ll be more intense if he’s in a fight.  Out in the BY Jace, Da’Vonne and Meg are chatting about Audrey.


    03:48 AM BBT Jace says if you give ideas to an HOH it’s a mistake even if you are working with someone.  Jace says he was privy to the conversation but it wasn’t his idea.  Back in the bedroom Jason asks to turn the lights off.  Audrey says sure.


    03:50 AM BBT Lights off in the Ocean Room.  Out in the BY Jace, Da’Vonne and Meg continue to chat.  Meg says it’s hard to play the game when you have to lie to someone.  Jace understands.  Jason comes out.  Jason says if Jace goes, she’ll be right behind him because she’s next.  Meg points out that they’ve been onto her trail but they see it completely now.


    03:55 AM BBT  Talk in the BY continues saying that Audrey will go next week.  Jace points out that he still has a chance to stay.  They agree.


    03:57 AM BBT James says if he throws Audrey under the bus right now then he’ll be on the block next week.  Jace says he’ll throw her under the bus.  Da’Vonne says Jace is the only one that can throw her under the bus.  Jason hasn’t slept in like 48 hours.



    04:00 AM BBT Feeds 3-4 Out in the BY Da’Vonne, James, Jace, Jason and Meg are talking.  They mention how Audrey spins everything about everyone.  Jason wants to where the original plan to backdoor him came from.  Jace swears it wasn’t him.  Meg walks in.  Jason says it’s irrelevant.  Da’Vonne wants to know where the plan to backdoor her next week came from.  Jace says it has to be Audrey because it wasn’t him.  Da’Vonne says she wants to know the truth if she’s expected to give him her vote.  Jace swears it wasn’t him and Da’Vonne thanks him for his honesty.  Da’Vonne wonders where it came from.  Jace swears again that it wasn’t him.  She says if she gives him a vote to keep him and it she finds out otherwise later he is going to have serious problems with her.


    04:00 AM BBT Feeds 1-2 Meanwhile Meg walks inside and tells Audrey about the conversation being had outside.  Someone was being thrown under the bus.  Meg says it’s not worth it.  People are trying to calm down.  “He needs to realize that we’re all trying to play the game.  Meg says it’s not working and Audrey agrees.  Audrey doesn’t think Jason and someone else is really part of the group.  Meg doesn’t understand.  Audrey says this is one of the most organized games of BB ever.  Very difficult to hear the conversation due to whispers and the mic rubbing against clothing/blankets.


    04:06 AM BBT Feeds 3-4 Clay comes outside and Jace asks James to explain to Clay what he figured out and James says that he realizes now that Audrey has been feeding him false information.  Jace says he’s on the block and possibly going home this week because Audrey fed his friend James some lies.  James says he laid the hammer down and put Jace on the block so he takes full responsibility.  Jace agrees but says says it was still Audrey’s fault for putting the idea in his head.  Jace says if he goes home this week that he hopes everyone goes after Audrey and takes her out.  James says there’s nothing that can be done about now by putting her on the block.


    04:07 AM BBT Feeds 1-2 Meanwhile in the darkened bedroom Meg and Audrey continue to whisper in the darkened Ocean Room.  Audrey says they better hope she doesn’t win HOH next week.  Audrey says she doesn’t question Meg and Jeff?.  Audrey doesn’t think Steve or Austin will come after her.  Meg agrees.  Audrey says she has tried to repair the rift for the group.  Audrey says he feels like “she’s out there blowing sunshine up this kid’s a** and it’s not necessary.”  Meg agrees and says it sucks that they can’t make it through the first week.  Meg says she trusts Clay and Jeff.


    04:11 AM BBT Feeds 1-2 Switch to Day’mvonne, James and Jeff in the KT whispering saying that the house will be going after Audrey next week.  Jeff says they have to win HOH to make sure she doesn’t win it.  Da’Vonne heads into the WC.


    04:13 AM BBT Out in the BY Clay, Jace and Jason continue to talk, comparing notes about what happened vs what Audrey says what happened.  Jace says he’s trusted Clay since day one.  Jace says it looked like he was working with her earlier but Jace realizes now he wasn’t.  Jason says “Ain’t nobody sleepin’ up in this house tonight!”  Meg walks back outside and Jeff asks if she’s awake in there and Meg says she is.


    04:15 AM BBT Meg says she feels bad because she’s asking questions.  Jeff asks what.  Meg says she doesn’t know what they’re fighting about.  Jeff says they’re not fighting over anything.  Meg says she doesn’t have any more energy to devote to it any more.  She told her to not go start a fight but she did anyways.  Meg doubles over in frustration.  Meg says she’s not covering tracks any longer.  Meg says she’s done and she’s not giving any more energy to this tonight.  Jason, Da’Vonne, Jeff and James tells her to go to bed, but Audrey keeps going.  James says every time he lays down something bad has happened.  Clay agrees.


    04:18 AM BBT Jace walks in and Meg wonders where he’s going.  They say he’s going to bed.  Jace walks into the storage or the DR.  Feeds switch to Meg’s empty bed and Audrey can be heard saying “She better hope I don’t win HOH because she will not like the person I will become.”  Shelli asks where everyone is and Audrey tells her that they’re all outside blowing sunshine up Jace’s a** for at least 20 minutes now.  Audrey tells her that Meg told her that everything is dramatic.  Audrey thinks Da’Vonne and Jason are opportunists and are perpetuating the situation because it serves their agenda.  Audrey says if there’s a rumor that Jeff and Meg are going to target someone and the rumor is coming from within their group then the only person she sees releasing that information is Da’Vonne. 


    04:20 AM BBT Shelli wants to know what they’re outside talking about.  She asks Audrey what they were talking about when she left.  Audrey gives her a curt “Nothing.”  Jeff said he was going outside.  James followed.  Jace followed and Da’Vonne followed.  Jason said he was going to go pee but never came back.  Shelli asks where Audrey has been.  Audrey said right here.  She says she went outside briefly and came back here.  Shelli says felt Audrey just get into bed.  Audrey says she was sitting up talking to Meg.  Shelli wonders what they’re all talking about outside.  Audrey asks Shelli if she feels like going out there.  Shelli asks if she wants her to.  Audrey says she’s the only she trusts to tell her what’s going on.  Shelli says she hates tonight and gets up to go outside.


    04:23 AM BBT  She asks what’s going on.  Meg says every time she walks in that room she’s under fire.  Shelli says she’s in the worse spot possible.  She hears everything that everyone is telling her but Audrey just woke her up telling her that Jace is outside talking to everyone right now.  Meg says they’re crazy town right now because they’re all going to go after each other right now.  


    04:26 AM BBT  Da’Vonne says Audrey makes a statement and then goes and says that the person she told the statement to said the statement.  Clay says they have to stay good with her right now just in case she wins HOH.  Da’Vonne says they can’t change things right now and she’ll keep up the awkwardness with her and Shelli and Jeff have to continue to act super close.  Talk turns to what Audrey said her occupation was.  She told some that she’s a Psychic.  James told him that she’s a communication specialist.  Shelli says she had a feeling about Audrey when Audrey told her about a dream and then during the BoB they were sitting next to each other and Audrey kept saying “Oh my god…just like in my dream they were building a puzzle…” Shelli began to wonder whether or not she was getting fed information behind the scenes.  Shelli also points out that Audrey was getting called into DR at very specific times.


    04:30 AM BBT Jason asks everyone if they remember going to DR the first couple of days behind the camera there was a black folder…FOTH.


    04:32 AM BBT Shelli said she thought there might be a twin in the house and Shelli told her that she (Shelli) and Jeff both have twins.  Audrey told Shelli in her “session” that there’s a Matthew.  FoTH.


    04:35 AM BBT Shelli and Da’Vonne both tell stories that Audrey told them about Psychic readings she had just before she came in the house.  All Jeff can do is laugh.  They begin to compare stories.  Shelli can’t help but wonder if she (Audrey) is going to be a twist or a BB Takeover.


    04:35 AM BBT Meanwhile in the darkened Ocean Room, Audrey and Clay are whispering.  Clay has joined Audrey in her bed.  Clay says they’re simply trying to calm him down.  He says nothing Jace tells them is going to break up the group.  Clay says he’s healing up the group by sealing cracks with concrete.  Audrey just wants to make sure that Clay, Jeff, Meg and Shelli are not going to turn on her (Audrey).  Clay asks for who.  Audrey doesn’t know.  Clay tells her to stop worrying then it’s not a concern.  A door can be heard opening and they stop talking.  Clay asks if it’s Jace.  Clay reassures Audrey that nobody out there is going after her.  Audrey says she’s going to make toilet paper confetti and will throw it on Jace when he walks out the door.  Clay says no she won’t.  She says she will.


    04:38 AM BBT Jace joins Shelli, Jeff, Meg, Jason, James and Da’Vonne in the BY.  Da’Vonne says Audrey’s game fell apart the day Da’Vonne had a conversation with Liz and Austin.  (It’s difficult to follow the conversation due to several conversations going on.)


    04:40 AM BBT Back in the darkened Ocean Room Audrey asks Clay why the group doesn’t try to avoid Jace.  Clay says Jace is everywhere and it’s hard to.  Jace is a man on a mission.  Clay says Audrey can call Jace out on the day of eviction.


    04:44 AM BBT Clay gets up and says he’ll be right back.  Jeff meets up with clay in the cabana.  Jeff says he kind of made it look like Jace started sharing the Audrey information since he’s on the way out the door this week.  Clay thanks him for sharing the information.  Jeff says he threw Clay and everyone a bone.  He hopes they throw him a bone back.


    04:45 AM BBT Meanwhile in the BY Jace is telling everyone gathered that Audrey told him to go start a fight with Jason while he was HOH and was acting like it was no big deal.  He said no way because Jason was HOH and Audrey laughed like it was no big deal.  That was almost saboteurish in nature and considering how Audrey is the first Transgender player of BB it would make sense that America would chose her to be the saboteur.  Clay walks out and says he calmed her down.  Clay says they need to keep her calm because she wants Da’Vonne out next.  Clay says if she walks out and sees them all together then she’ll be suspicious.  He suggests Jace goes in and goes to sleep.  Jace wonders where he stands because he doesn’t want to go home.  Da’Vonne says that depends on if he can get the votes to stay this week.


    04:50 AM BBT Jason apologizes to Shelli for thinking she was the mole/leak.  Shelli thanks him and says it’s alright she understands.  Meg, James, and Jeff wander in so they can trickle in.  Clay says today is a new day.  James says he has a few votes to stay and with the six that were outside he’ll have enough to stay.  Da’Vonne points out that Jace has to go in before everyone.  Jace gets up and is glad that they know that he wasn’t the one going after James.  Jace goes in and Clay, Shelli, Da’Vonne and Jason agree that Jace has to go home this week because he will go after James first chance he gets. 


    04:53 AM BBT James is in bed with Audrey.  Jeff comes in and Audrey asks what was discussed.  Jeff tells her that he’s just campaigning that’s all.  Out in the BY the current talk is about Jackie and she’s an open book that doesn’t trust Audrey so she has to stay this week.


    05:00 AM BBT Jace comes into the darkened Ocean Room asking where his Bible is.  Out in the BY Clay, Shelli, Jason and Clay continue to talk trying to figure out what they’re going to tell Audrey if she questions them.  Shelli can’t create a story.  Da’Vonne and Jason head inside.  Shelli says “…and here we thought today was a no game day….”  Shelli and Clay begin to walk towards the hammock.  Audrey runs for the WC.


    05:07 AM BBT Audrey heads out to the hammock to ask Clay and Shelli about what Jace has been saying.  They say he’s been campaigning.  Audrey says she’s going to hide in the HOH and wants breakfast, lunch and dinner delivered to her.  Clay says if he gets his way she’ll starve (jokingly).  James and Jeff head out into the BY to play pool.


    05:10 AM BBT Clay says they have to reassure folks that there is no distrust because there is an HOH coming up.  Audrey wonders if it’s a full moon (I worked last night, I can say it was without looking up at the sky - Niteslacker).


    05:15 AM BBT Shelli continues to cuddles Clay in the hammock.  Shelli says that she wants to go to bed.  Clay tells her to shut up.  Audrey tells him not to talk to her elders that way.  Audrey is called out to plug in her battery tray in her mic.  Jason yells out sketchy.  Audrey tells Jeff her plan to lock herself in the HOH the rest of the week.  She tells him he can knock three times so she’ll know it’s him.  Jeff and James continue to play pool.


    05:20 AM BBT Shelli says she’s going to talk to Vanessa and tell her what happened tonight.  Clay questions whether or not Shelli is going to tell Vanessa about Audrey getting in the argument tonight.  Shelli will sleep on it.  She’s not sure.  Clay says they need to tell the other side first so they’ll know that she’s a target and that they didn’t know she was sketchy.  Shelli is concerned that there is a twist coming up.  Shelli points out that the sun is coming up.James and Jeff continue to play pool.


    05:23 AM BBT Shelli and Clay head inside.  James and Jeff continue to play pool.  James calls Shelli sketchy for not having her battery pack plugged in.  Clay leans in and whispers to Shelli that she knows she can trust him.  She knows.  Shelli says Jace wanted to tell her something earlier but then he never did talk to her.  Jace says he has something else to tell Shelli.  Clay says he wants Shelli to go as far as he does in the game.


    05:27 AM BBT Shelli heads towards the bedroom.  Clay heads out to join Jeff and James in the BY.  Clay says he reassured Audrey they have to stay close to the group of eight because we have an HOH coming up.  Clay says they have to make sure she doesn’t win HOH and if she did win it and the BOB and the POV or POV wasn’t used that they have enough votes to protect Da’Vonne.  Jeff has to poof and asks Jeff to make a celebrity shot for him while he runs inside.


    05:30 AM BBT James and Clay discuss when they realized Audrey wasn’t a trust worthy person.


    05:35 AM BBT Jace has joined the guys in the BY.  Jace says he’ll lay low today.  Wednesday will be is day to shine.  Jace says he won’t blow up their game because they’re his friends.


    05:38 AM BBT Clay inside to use the WC.  Jeff, Jace and James continue to play pool in the BY.  Jace says James was woken up for no reason.  James is glad he was woke up.  James said he began to realize it yesterday and when the events happened today he really knew it.  Jace says that she has to be America’s player.  James thinks so.  Jace says he’s thought about it for a week.  Clay goes to bed.


    05:41 AM BBT James says he’s going to lock himself in the HOH the rest of the week.  Jace wants to have a bathtub party with the babes in the house.  Jeff says he’s been trying since they got here.  Jace heads into the WC and gives the camera a thumbs up.


    05:45 AM BBT Pool continues in the BY.


    05:50 AM BBT James educates Jace about rules of pool.


    05:55 AM BBT James walks over to the weight bench while Jeff and Jace play pool.


    06:00 AM BBT James gets up and stretches a bit before using the weight bench once again while Jeff and Jace play pool.

  4. 04:02 AM BBT The BY crew continues to run scenarios and discuss the difference between feed watchers and TV watchers.  Da'Vonne can't wait for Thursday because she wants to compete.


    04:07 AM BBT Random chatter from the BY crew.  Talk turns back to their social media accounts.  Jason had zero online presence so he simply deactivated his and they (BB) was ok with that.  Others apparently had to give their PWs to BB.  Audrey mentions she didn't get to interview with Rachel and others because "the story broke..." Jason and Da'Vonne are shocked "Why do they even care?"  Audrey said she felt like Lynsey Lohan.  FoTH.  All four feeds come back to horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


    04:12 AM BBT Feeds back briefly but then production talk begins again and we get more FoTH.


    04:15 AM BBT Feeds back Steve has joined the BY crew.  Steve and Audrey were dancing around a bit.  Audrey wants to play charades and act out favorite cartoon characters.  FoTH.


    04:20 AM BBT Feeds back briefly discussing how Steve and Jason remember the different years of BB (actual years they aired).  FoTH.  Feeds back quickly.  James joins the BY crew.  James says he got woke up.  Jason asks why and we get FoTH.


    04:23 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH as the BY crew talks about the veto comp.


    04:28 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues regarding the house and rules that are in place due to previous infarctions by previous HGs from other seasons.  IE: No glass bottles, no hangers, etc because they could be used as a weapon.  Since these guys don't seem to want to go to bed we're going to take a bit of a break.  We'll get everyone caught up once our updaters have gotten a bit of rest.

  5. 02:04 AM BBT Jace finally finishes up his speech to Audrey and Shelli about keeping him while sitting on their bed in a darkened Ocean Room.  Out in the BY James continues to talk to Jackie about Audrey.  Others can be heard playing pool in the background.


    02:10 AM BBT Audrey and Shelli whisper in their bed.  Audrey wants to backdoor Da'Vonne.  Shelli isn't sure it's not a good idea.  Audrey thinks it is.  Out at the couches in the BY we have Meg, Da'Vonne and Jason.  Jason and Jackie continue to talk near the weight bench.


    02:13 AM BBT Jace pulls Steve into the cabana room to convince him to vote for him.  "How would anyone else in this house know that you voted for me?"  Steve says they wouldn't.  Liz walks in and Steve quiets.  Jace asks Liz to step back out.  Steve tells Jace over and over again that he doesn't have to sell him on anything.  Out in the BY James tells the group he can't trust anyone in their group.


    02:22 AM BBT Becky is making something to eat in the KT while Steve and she talk about travel.  Becky has never been to the East Coast and Steve has never been to Colorado.  Out in the BY Jeff is talking about his ideal woman.



    02:29 AM BBT Clay crawls into bed with Shelli and Audrey and starts whispering faintly.  It sounds like someone's mic is rubbing against something, making hearing the words difficult.  Out in the BY Steve probes for more information about his ideal woman.  Becky, Da'Vonne, Steve, Meg, Jace, Jeff, Steve, James and Jackie all laughing and being sily.


    02:37 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the BY.  Inside the house in the Ocean room Clay, Shelli and Audrey try to come up with a name for their new alliance.


    02:44 AM BBT Clay gets into his own bed.  Out in the BY we have general chit chat from the still awake HGs.  Currently the discussion is about social media accounts.


    02:53 AM BBT Steve and Da'Vonne are the only two left in the BY talking.  Steve asks if there is anything wrong between the two and Da'Vonne says no but she believes she was lied to by someone.  Steve asks who or about what.  Da'Vonne doesn't want to say.  Jason comes out and starts chewing obnoxiously.  Da'Vonne heads inside in an effort to use the WC.  Becky and Jackie crawled into bed in a darkened room.


    03:01 AM BBT Johnny stumbles around the darkened Comic Book room asking Jace if he is going to lay on him.  Jace asks if he is hard.  Johnny says "Wha?" Jace "Wha?" Johnny "Wha?"  Jace "Wha?".  Out in the BY Steve, Da'Vonne and Jason are talking about previous BBs.


    03:04 AM BBT In the KT James, Jeff and Meg graze.  Jeff is whispering fast while Meg crinkles up a bag of some sort.  Almost impossible to identify words.  Someone is chewing and swallowing obnoxiously.


    03:15 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the BY between Jason, Da'Vonne and Steve.  Da'Vonne called to DR.  Meg, James and Jeff out in the hammock.  Lots of whispering.  it sounds like they're going back and realizing how sketchy Audrey can be.


    03:20 AM BBT Audrey has joined Steve and Jason on the couches in the BY.  Idle chit chat about the show and fan sites.  Meanwhile over at the hammock James, Meg and Jeff swing lazily and call Audrey a snake and Vanessa a mongoose.


    03:30 AM BBT All four feeds on James, Meg, and Jeff in the hammock.  More rehashing and realizing how Audrey is the source of their information leaks.  Jeff makes fun of Audrey because she's had her hands all over Clay.  James playfully gets mad and gets up and leaves the hammock telling Jeff he can have Meg.  Couch feeds back, James has joined Da'Vonne, Steve and Audrey.  James begins to sing some Lauren Hill and we get FoTH.


    03:41 AM BBT Idle chit chat between the group on the couches in the BY and Meg and Jeff in the hammock.  Feeds coming and going focusing on one, the other, or FoTH as they talk about production.  Audrey asks Da'Vonne if she's ever had a tarot reading.  Da'Vonne says no.  Audrey asks why.  Da'Vonne says because she doesn't believe in it and she doesn't want to know what's going to happen.  James gets up and wanders back to the hammock.


    03:46 AM BBT James and Jeff are going to bed.  Meg joins the couch group (Da'Vonne, Audrey and Jason).  Jason says Steve asked him if he knows what's happening this week.  Jason said it was the first time he was talked game to by Steve.


    03:50 AM BBT All four feeds currently on James getting into HOH bed.  Last we saw of the BY crew they were discussing possible twist scenarios for the week.  Currently all four feeds are displaying horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  Just like that we get our BY feeds back and Jason is talking about a TV show and how it might pertain to the Takeover.


    03:54 AM BBT Meg comes in and heads into the WC.  All four feeds flip back to horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  Meg washes hands and face before heading towards the bedrooms.  Out in the backyard Da'Vonne, Audrey and Jason Jedi train questions "Who would most likely steal your boyfriend...blank or blank?”

  6. 01:37 AM BBT In the SR Jeff is talking to Jackie.  Jeff says Audrey isn't as big a target as Austin is.  Jackie says she feels like the rest of the cast are kids which Jeff agrees with.  Jeff says this week will be fine.  Back in the cabana Jace is pleading for his BB life to Clay.  Jace says if he goes home he'll have to call his parents.  He didn't expect to leave the first week.


    01:44 AM BBT General silliness around the HT by Steve, Jason, Jackie, Becky, Johnny, Da'Vonne and Becky.  Back in the cabana Jace continues to beg for his BB life.  James and Jason whisper about Audrey near everyone else but they agree that she's the mole.


    01:51 AM BBT Cabana party breaks up.  Jace heads into a darkened ocean room where he finds Jeff whispering to Audrey.  Jace apologizes to Audrey for exploding earlier.  Audrey understands and plans on staying in bed for the next 4 days.  Out in the BY James is telling Jackie about SongGate and how he and Jason figured out it was Audrey.


    01:56 AM BBT  Jace now continues to pour his heart out to Audrey.  Audrey says she's seriously going to sleep the next couple of days away.  Out in the BY Jackie, Jeff and James continue to talk about Audrey.

  7. 01:07 AM BBT In the Ocean Room Vanessa tells Jackie that Vanessa was trying to start an all girl's alliance.  Shelli and Jackie says no way.  Jeff says Vanessa must be on someone's agenda.  Jackie asks Jeffs "Jason and James?" and Jeff says yes.  In the Cabana room Audrey and Clay are whispering.  Clay asks her if she's talked to Vanessa.  Audrey says no not yet.  Clay says Jeff was supposed to come in here.


    01:10 AM BBT Audrey asks Clay to go sit outside with Da'Vonne and others.  Clay wants to go find Jeff to see why he was abandoned.  Feeds switch to Jace reading the Bible in the Comic book room.  Back in the Ocean room Shelli, Vanessa and Jackie talk about massages.


    01:17 AM BBT Audrey's game continues to unravel.  In a darkened HNR Austin is telling Liz that Audrey has an eleven person alliance and she is getting him to constantly butt heads with James so they won't trust each other.  Vanessa comes in and says she's glad she handled it.  Austin wonders if she told them to quiet down.  Vanessa said she just had to get some things straightened out.  Jace heads into WC.  In the Ocean Room Jackie and Shelli remain sitting quietly


    01:20 AM BBT Shelli and Jackie are chatting in the Ocean Room.  Shelli says she's making fun of this week because she has no game to chat so her and Jackie can just sit there.  Jackie laughs.  Shelli says this game is being playing ridiculous today.  Shelli makes fun of the alliance names saying "today we're the grey alliance....tomorrow....maybe the pink alliance.  Meanwhile in the  BY Jeff, Steve, Jace, Meg, Da'Vonne and Clay are gathered around the HT chatting randomly.


    01:27 AM BBT Shelli and Jackie whisper in the WR about how certain people seem to know everything about everyone.  Jace comes in to the rooms smiling.  Jace says a wave of contentment just suddenly washed over him.  Jace says he read the bible and realized "God loves me...."  Jeff walks into the room.  Back at the HT side we have random chit chat.

  8. 12:32 AM BBT Da'Vonne is complaining that she needs to poop but she can't do it around people.  Every time she tries to go somewhere quiet people come in or she simply can't go.  Vanessa said she had a bad one today where she had to chase someone away before they walked in.  She said it was super embarrassing. Back in the HOH they continue to discuss how to smoke out the mole in their group.


    12:37 AM BBT SongGate continues in the HOH while the non pooping conversations continues in the HNR.  We are pulled away from the HNR and sent to the SR where Austin and Liz are chatting.  They both know Jace is going home and have to distance themselves.  Liz says a small group got up and left when she came outside.  Austin wonders if they are targeting her.  She doesn't know but she points out that Jace walked up at the same time so maybe they were avoiding him as well.


    12:41 AM BBT Jason, Meg and James comes into the SR looking for Advil, abruptly ending Liz and Austin's chat.  The three of them whisper in the Ocean Room wondering about Audrey and Clay.  Meg thinks those two have something going on.  James says Audrey has her hand in every cookie jar.  The three figure that Audrey is their mole.  A door opens and the conversation stops.  Steve walks through and the conversation starts.  Meg tells Jeff "go shower smelly" as he walks through.  James thinks he may let the whole thing go (SongGate).  The Ocean Room party breaks up and goes their separate ways.  


    12:46 AM BBT Feeds jumping all over the place as HGs move around.  Audrey tells James that she straight up asked "him".  James says he's probably going to just drop it because he doesn't want to create any more waves in the house.  James says his head hurts.  He's done talking game tonight.  Out in the BY Jason, Meg and Da'Vonne are talking.  James joins them.  James says he's going to drop it.  Audrey comes out and says "Jace says it was you Jason!"  Jason says go get him and he'll go Chima on him.


    12:53 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the BY.  Steve is working out.  He's letting some facial hair grow out and asks for Jason, Da'Vonne and Audrey's opinion.  In the KT Shelli and Clay appear to be cleaning.


    12:55 AM BBT Johnny and James are chatting near the hammock.  James can't wait until next week so he can just sit back and chill.  Johnny says if he wins he'll keep James safe.  James says he needs to keep Jackie safe as well (she's nearby working out in her yoga pants/sports bra).  James says if he gets booted out before he sees her do a handstand then he lost the game.  Johnny agrees.  Johnny tells Becky she's safe until she stands on her hands.  Back at the couches in the BY we have idle TV chit chat.
  9. 12:00 AM BBT Up in the HOH James wants to go find out who told Jace about the song about him.  Meg asks what his gut says.  James says Jeff, Jackie or Clay.  Meg says no way Jeff.  James agrees because Jeff helped created it.  Down in the BY Jason is giving Becky, Steve, Da'Vonne and Vanessa?  A history of the BBCA and about other fan sites.


    12:10 AM BBT In the HOH James, Meg and Audrey continue to try and unravel who told Jace about the song.  They wonder if it was Clay.  Meg is going downstairs.  Audrey is going to get Clay and bring him up.  Down in the BY we have idle chit chat.

    12:13 AM BBT Jace comes over to the couch in the BY and mentions that his Bible is missing.  He can't find it anywhere.  Steve says he can use his.  They question whether someone may have hidden it.  Meg can be seen walking across the yard.  Steve calls out Johnny for "getting buff!"  Back up in the HOH James is telling Da'Vonne, Audrey and Clay about Jace knowing the song.  Da'Vonne laughs.  They continue to run scenarios about how to ask/find out who told him.  If they can't figure it out Da'Vonne says she's done with the group.  It's too big and and this is such a minor thing and she can't trust her BB life to a group.


    12:23 AM BBT Meg and Jackie are near/on the hammock.  Meg needs to get caught up on that TV show (Amazing Race?).  Back in the HOH Jason has joined the others and discussion continues about who knew about the song and told him about it.


    12:27 AM BBT Mole talk continues in the HOH.  Audrey seems reluctant for James to confront him.  Down in the BY Johnny and Jeff hang out near the hammock while Jeff talks to Jackie.  Feeds switch to Austin whispering to Vanessa in the HNR.  Vanessa says it will give him a day or two until... and Austin agrees.  Austin says he can't sit with Jace and be a martyr right now.  He wants to spread his wings and become social.  Austin hopes the group they were pulled into earlier was real.  Vanessa agrees and says if it's not she's going to blow stuff up.  Da'Vonne comes into HNR and the conversation stops.  Vanessa tells her that she folded her blanket for her.
  10. 11:33 PM BBT Liz says she's jumping ship because they're sinking and she knows it.  Jeff tells Liz not to talk to Audrey because he knows she's working with them.  Liz is freaked out.  Liz says Audrey is not with them.  She tells him before the veto comp Austin said to Da'Vonne "who do you think is playing both sides of the house?"  Da'Vonne said Audrey.  Liz agreed.  Liz said Audrey is running the house.  After the veto comp Da'Vonne pulls Liz into a room with Austin and Audrey and Audrey had found out everything that was said and Liz says she thinks Da'Vonne told her (Audrey).  Liz says she felt done with Audrey at that point.


    11:37 PM BBT Jeff says he needs Austin to stay because he wants Austin to take someone out for him.  Liz asks if she's the next target then.  Jeff says no but he's going to try and keep both around but he can't be seen talking to her otherwise he'll be f'd.  Back in the HOH Da'Vonne, Meg and James are talking wondering if Vanessa is stirring the pot.  James is playing with his MIC which is making hearing him difficult.  James gets called out for his MIC being off.


    11:42 PM BBT Jeff continues to coach Liz to try and lay low and realize that yes she has a target on her back but to remember that there are bigger targets than her in the house.  He recommends that she stops hanging out with Austin because he's the bigger threat.  Jeff says Jace formed an alliance with someone who already had alliance.  Back in the HOH Da'Vonne, Meg, James and Audrey run scenarios for next week.  James offers to go up on the block with Becky.  Meg asks Audrey what she feels about Vanessa.  Audrey agrees that something seems off with her.


    11:46 PM BBT Down in the SR Jeff says he's going to start planting seeds.  Jeff says to really stop hanging out with a certain someone that runs around and "you know who I'm talking about.  Liz says she understands and agrees and is glad to hear that he sees through Audrey's game.  Liz hopes this conversation will stay here.  Jeff says it will and Audrey has already caught on to things he's saying and confronted him about them.  Liz swears this conversation will stay here in the SR.


    11:50 PM BBT Jeff and Liz hug it out in the SR.  Back in the HOH Meg is concerned that Austin is a smart dude and will figure out how big/true group is.  Audrey doesn't think so.  James says someone in their group told someone about the song and they told Austin about it.  James offers to ask but he'll have to throw Audrey under bus.  Audrey asks to not be thrown under the bus.  James wonders how many tire tracks she has on her.  "Enough...." she says.


    11:55 PM BBT Down in the WA Austin and Vanessa are chatting about casinos.  Back in the HOH James continues to try and figure out who told whom about the song.
  11. 11:02 PM BBT Out in the BY Audrey and Jackie are in the hammock with Becky sitting nearby.  Someone asks Audrey how her day is.  Audrey says "other than Jase trying to blow me up all day because he thinks I masterminded his demise.  BB calls Becky out for microphone obstruction.  Back in the HOH Jason has joined the crew.  Meg says Austin and Steve has been talking a lot today.  James says that Jace said Austin said James will be a target next week.  Da'Vonne says she's been sleeping a lot today.


    11:08 PM BBT Up in the HOH more "he said she said".  They don't like the person(s) they see on the spy screen in the kitchen.  Down in the SR Vanessa appears to be giving Jace a pep talk.  Vanessa says he probably can't change things right now and it will be two days but at least he hasn't made any enemies.  Feeds switch back to Audrey, Jackie and Becky at the hammock.  Audrey is holding her mic to her mouth (nothing sketchy about that....- Niteslacker).


    11:12 PM BBT Da'vonne says she can't believe Jase told Production to "F off" earlier when they called him out for singing.  All four feeds switch to Audrey, Jackie and Becky in the BY before BB calls Jason out for talking about Production.  Feeds 2 and 4 switch back to the HOH and Jason says "Ya'll know you heard him whistling!"  Meg wonders if Vanessa is putting on a show about not realizing how difficult the show would be.  Jason agrees it's a possibility.


    11:17 PM BBT Out in the BY Becky says Jace is going to try and take down many people with him when he goes out on Thurs.  They all agree.  A loud thumping can be heard along with Jeff's voice.  Back in the HOH James says Austin told someone that James is going to be a target next week.  The conversation pauses briefly and they stare at the screen wondering how they will get out of the room.  They agree to start going one by one.  Clay goes first to get cake.  Jace gets called out by BB for singing.


    11:23 PM BBT Idle chit chat up in the HOH about Jace knowing he's dead in the water.  Out in the BY the loud thumping can be heard intermittently still.  Audrey and Jackie are in the hammock, Becky has wandered off.  Jackie says they've all made sacrifices to be here.  Audrey agrees.


    11:26 PM BBT Assorted chats about HGs continue in the HOH.  They (Jason, Da'Vonne, James, Shelli and Meg) all think that Becky is playing like she doesn't have anyone in the house.  They feel if it's true then it's her own fault for not making connections.  Out at the hammock, nothing new to talk about.  Jackie says she needs to get off the block.  Audrey thinks "...that we're all solid.”


    11:30 PM BBT Hammock feeds switch to Liz and Jeff in the SR.  Liz wants to talk game.  Jeff says it should be obvious she's on her own.  Liz knows.  Jeff says when they (Austin and Jace) started making songs about themselves then he knew he had to get away because they would be targeted quickly.  Jeff says she needs to distance herself from those two.
  12. 10:15 PM BBT-10:30 PM BBT Clay, Shelli, Austin, Vanessa and Audrey agree to create an alliance (either Splinter Cell or Splinter...Shell as per suggested by Shelli).  They agree to have each others backs.  Austin is tired of the BS within the house and is ready to play.  They all agree.  The party breaks up and most of the HGs attempt to leave one by one as to not appear sketchy.  Shelli and Clay hang back and chat a bit.


    10:40 PM BBT Out in the BY we have general silliness and exercise going on.  Meg says the daybed is covered in ants.  Jason is smoking and the rest of the HGs are having several conversations while wandering around.  Meg made Johnny a cake.  Back in the HOH Clay and Shelli continue to talk while watching the spy screen to see if anyone comes up-stairs.  Audrey comes back up and says she chased everyone outside to dance for the those two to escape.  Audrey says she wants to lay low the next week and keep her mouth shut.  (I'll believe it when I see it - Niteslacker)


    10:41-10:46 PM BBT Jackie runs through the BY in her bikini.  Meg, Da'Vonne, Seve, Liz and Johnny are hanging out on the couches in the BY.  General ant chat.  James and Jeff are playing pool and Austin can occasionally be seen running and doing handstands in the BY.  Up in the HOH Shelli and Audrey are going back and forth about trust.  Shelli says tries to ask questions when tidbits of information are given to her but she never gets the whole picture.  Shelli says this may have been to her own benefit at this point because she literally knows nothing.  However, moving forward she will eventually want to know more.  Shelli says the 8 person alliance is taking small snippets of conversation and blowing up the house by running around the house and divulging parts of it.


    10:47-10:53 PM BBT Shelli says this 5 person thing they just did and the first thing Audrey did was try to splinter everyone up to different parts of the house.  Shelli runs her mouth quickly mimicking Audrey "...and you're going to do this and I'm going to do this...and we're all gonna do that.  Great?  Good!" Shelli says then she has to sit back and go "....neat...."  Audrey has a good laugh.  The three are concerned for Austin.  Clay says he's going to stay in Austin's ear.  If Austin gets HOH next week he may target Jeff and they'll have to distance themselves from him.  Clay says they still have the five....the three of them (Clay, Shelli, Audrey, Meg and Jeff).  Clay says they are the core until they get Da'Vonne out.  Audrey wants to get Jace out this week because he keeps throwing her name out there.  James can be seen on the spy screen heading towards the HOH.  Audrey hides underneath the blanket.  James sees the two of them and looks to the camera and points at the two of them and says "look at this!"  Audrey jumps out as James walks by.  He seems unphased.


    10:54 PM BBT Down in the BY Jeff and Vanessa are now playing pool.  Back in the HOH Audrey suggests that they have an eight person check in at 5 am.  They worry that Becky or Steve may get up and wander around the house to look for people.  James suggests that the majority hide in the shower and James will flip the lights off and act like he was being woken up.  Talk turns to what will happen next week.  Jeff is going to go get cake and then he may work out with Shelli.  Audrey really wants to meet up with everyone.  Clay suggests doing it when it's not sketchy by them all being up there.


    10:58 PM BBT Audrey is going to get members of the eight person alliance and will slowly send them upstairs.  Shelli wants to talk to Da'Vonne.  Audrey says that everyone needs to stay upstairs and wait.  She (Audrey) will be the last one up.  Clay says to hurry.  Audrey can be seen talking to Jackie in the BY.  Meg and Da'Vonne come into the HOH.  James wonders who invited her.  Meg tells him to shut up.

  13. 03:00 AM BBT Austin and Liz says that Jase is going stir crazy inside.  Audrey comes in and asks if anyone wants to make out.  Audrey asks if you're allowed to sleep on the floor.  They say no.  Up in the HOH James chases everyone out of the HOH and Jase stops him briefly to talk to him.  Jase says he thinks there is a mole.  James questions "about the back door plan?"  Jase rehashes that Jason wanted to play in veto.  James points out that Audrey was the only other person in the room.  They both agree that she talks to everyone.  Jase tells James about the plan to plant a fake story to try and out her.  James doesn't want to know about it.


    03:08 AM BBT There is a small crowd gathered in the KT.  Feeds jumping around.  It sounds like the house is going to settle down for the night.  Shelli and Audrey are in the same bed in the Ocean Room.  Audrey is hitting a ball around.  Jase and James come down out of the HOH.  James heads for the BR.  Austin is going into the toilet.  Clay is brushing his teeth.  Liz is on the lounger in the BR.  Austin out of the toilet.  Jase comes into the BR.


    03:12 AM BBT Jeff is tired and wants to go to bed but Audrey says that if someone comes in and starts talking they'll have to turn them back on.  Jeff says the bed is way bigger than his own.  Meg agrees.  Audrey and Shelli appear to be sharing a bed in the Ocean Room and Meg and Jeff have their own beds in the same room.  Back in the BR Austin, Liz and James continues to chat.  The current topic is about the casting process.


    03:14 AM BBT In the KT James walks in and tells Da'Vonne and Jason about his conversation with Jase.  James asks for something to make it look like he's helping clean because he knows Jase might watch.  James tells them of the plan for Jase to plant fictitious information.  Various people walk in and out so the conversation switches volume several times.


    03:19 AM BBT James is going to sleep in the HNR.  He and Vanessa are chatting.  Back in the KT Austin and Jase are whispering with Da'Vonne, Jason and Liz nearby.  Conversation is difficult to follow.  Jase pulls Austin off to the side at the table and whispers something "That's not what this is about…"


    03:21 AM BBT Jase straightens up the pillows and benches in the Beach/Bench room.  Back in the HNR James and Vanessa continue to chat randomly.


    03:25 AM BBT In the HNR Vanessa says today makes her realize that she wants to win HOH next week.  Vanessa believes she's cool with everyone.  FOTH.


    03:35 AM BBT James is telling Vanessa how was in the service but he was never deployed over seas.  Austin comes into the Beach/Bench room and Jase apologizes.  Austin says Jase might need some time to cool off.  Jase says he wasn't trying to implicate him when he was talking to James.  Jase tells Austin that he told James about the possible mole.  Jase is stuttering a lot.  "I said....I said....I said...I said...."  Meg interrupts the conversation.  Austin tells Jase he's good and that they are back in business.  Jase just wants Austin's support.


    03:37 AM BBT Conversation between Jase and Austin is over. Liz is making tea for her and Austin. They are the only three in the KT. Back in the HNR the conversation has wound down. Feeds show three horizontal HGs on the dentist chairs. Vanessa and Austin are missing from the room.


    03:39 AM BBT Austin, Liz and Jase are walking towards the darkened bedrooms.  Jase is confused as to where he is supposed to sleep because Meg is in his bed.  Jase says the bed he's in has been his bed the whole time.  Audrey and Shelli tell Jase there is a free bed in the comic room.  Meg agrees.  The tone between Audrey and Jase was quite tense.  Jase comes back out and says there is a bed in there.  Jase tells them there was not an empty bed there earlier but there is now.  He wishes everyone good night.  On that note it's safe to say we have or will soon have horizontal HGS in darkened rooms.


    03:44 AM BBT Brief conversation between Jeff, Audrey and Meg saying things were awkward with James.  They agree that he must know something.  It makes Meg uncomfortable.  They listen to the HNR grumble about the state of affairs of the beds.  Da'Vonne, Liz and Austin are grumbling about the chairs.  Austin wonders if he should tell night time stories.  James went back to his HOH room.  Vanessa is absent from the room at this moment.


    03:52 AM BBT Meg is going to DR.  Jeff crawls in bed with Jason.  Jeff says Jason is scaring him.  Jason agrees.  Jason is glad he gets to play for veto.  They both want Jase to go.  BB calls out that the BR lights must remain on.  Jeff asks Jason if he and James are close.  Jason thinks he is.  Jeff says Jason can't give in.  Jason says things change every 15 minutes.  Jeff wonders why James would not sleep in his bed and in the HNR instead.  Jeff wants to known when Da'Vonne and Liz talked.  Jeff says they were in the SR for a while.  Back in the HNR the crew continue to talk and grumble about their sleeping arrangements.  James is joining them tonight.  Jason will make sure he wins POV.  Jeff wishes he was playing in it.  They agree that it's great that Jase isn't playing.


    03:59 AM BBT Jeff and Jason continues to whisper.  Jeff is here to play.  Back and forth praising each other discussing how they want to be here.  Meg out of DR.  Jeff will talk to Jason more tomorrow.  Jeff goes back to his own bed.  Meg crawls back in hers.  On that note we are officially finished.

  14. 02:02 AM BBT Up in the HOH they are talking about Jeff and his relationship with Jackie.  Meg says Jackie holds her own against him.  Meg smelled a fart and James says "The one that smelled it dealt it."  HOH room breaks up and heads downstairs.



    02:06 AM BBT Random chit chat in KT as some of the HGs graze.  Jackie, James, Jason, Meg, Da'Vonne, Jeff and Becky are all present in KT.  Jeff called to DR.  Jase and Vanessa continue chatting in darkened HNR.  Jase is growing as a person in the house and is learning things.



    02:15 AM BBT Clay, Shelli, and Audrey are chatting in the Beach/Bench room.  Clay is impressed with what Audrey has gone through and wishes others would put things into perspective about what they considered a bad day "like when someone's boss yells at them or they had to pick an Instagram filter....or someone was shsssshhhing them" (referring to Jase and Becky).  Talk turns to Astrological signs.


    02:20 AM BBT Vanessa and Jase chilling in HN chatting.  Jase says there is already so much drama.  Vanessa wishes she hadn't had a blow out already.  Jase leaves the room and turns the light back off (BB made them turn the light back on 02:05 AM BBT).  Vanessa is going to bed.


    02:24 AM BBT Jase catches Meg in hall outside SR and apologizes he's had a bad day.  Meg says no big deal.  Meg goes in SR and rolls her eyes.  Feeds jumping around rapidly as BB tries to find a room to settle on.  Jase tells Austin about his conversation with Becky.


    02:27 AM BBT  Conversation continues in the Beach/Bench room.  Audrey throws out comparisons about herself to her Astrological sign.  Shelli's mom and Audrey are the same sign and share many similarities.  Clay asks Audrey about herself.  Audrey created a FB page called "Lucidity".


    02:30 AM BBT Liz, Jase and Austin are in the Ocean room.  They think Audrey is America's player.  They say she's always talking game to everyone.


    02:30 AM BBT Jeff eats something in the KT.  Meg makes fun of Jeff.  Da'Vonne is washing dishes and Jason is laughing at Jeff and Meg.  Jeff says he feels like someone is conspiring and wants to know about what.


    02:35 AM BBT Whispering continues in Ocean room.  Jase has an arm around Liz.  Back in the KT Jeff wonders where Audrey is.  Meg hears her.  Jeff wants to keep an eye on her (joking?).  Meg and Jason continue to idle chit chat in the KT.  Jason thanks her for being a big help.  Meg is sitting at the counter saying she's being entertainment.


    02:35 AM BBT Austin, Jase and Liz continue to whisper in the Ocean Room.  Jase says "she probably told Jason I was gunning for him".  Jase wants to come up with something to say that they keep between themselves and then mention to Audrey and see if it makes it back to the rest of the house.  If it does then they know she's the mole.  Austin mentions telling people that Liz is related to Janelle (BB6, BB7, BB14).  Jase says that's a bad idea because it might put a target on her back.  They discussion who they could rope into their alliance.  Jase says Jeff is a leach.


    02:39 AM BBT Meg and Jason continue to chit chat in the KT.  Meg is telling a story about her first trip to LA.  Back in the Ocean Room Austin says they have to get James to feel comfortable with them and keep things the same.  Austin wants to put a restraining order on Jeff.  Jase is going to stop flirting with Liz and stop hanging out with Austin as much.  Audrey is asking very deep questions and that scares them.  Austin suggests telling people that "Honeycutt" (Clay) was drafted by the NFL and doesn't want people to know because he will be making good money.  The three agree that they have to stop hanging out together.  Jase says he'll admire Liz from a distance.  Liz laughs.


    02:44 AM BBT In the Bench/Beach room Audrey, Jeff, Shelli and Clay are talking.  Audrey says Jase is very Ride or Die.  Lots of whispering.  Very difficult to understand.  Liz, Jase and Austin break up the convo in the Ocean room and head into the HNR.  James says he could pass out on the dentist chair tonight.  Liz and Vanessa make fun of him.  Someone turns the lights on.


    02:49 AM BBT James is going to sleep in the HNR tonight.  Vanessa laughs and tells Jase when he comes back in.  Back in the Beach/Bench room Audrey is telling a story to Shelli and Clay non-game related.


    02:55 AM BBT Up in the HOH Meg is talking to Jeff.  Jeff says "he really wanted to compete in the POV".  Jeff says logically someone must have said something to him about the plan.  Meg says "don't ask me I don't know."  Jeff says he tried to create an alliance on the fly.  Meg says that by them coming to James is that they completed outed their whole alliance right off the bat.  Jeff agrees.  Jeff says he and Clay don't want to work with a bunch of dudes.  Jeff asks if the girls would see that coming a mile away.  Meg agrees and says the all dude's alliance has been so over played.


    02:58 AM BBT Down in the HNR James says the dental chairs are leather.  It could be worse, especially if they were vinyl.  Vanessa tells James he'd be crazy if he slept in the HNR.  FOTH.

  15. 01:03 AM BBT Feeds are back.  Da'Vonne says Vanessa had a bad night because she is missing home.  Audrey says "if she really misses it then...." and her voice trails off.  Grazing commences in the KT.  FOTH.


    01:07 AM BBT Becky is sitting at the counter.  She is excited that some of the guys agreed to take a makeup bag and will try to put things on where it all belongs.  Meg grumbles about dishes being piled up.  Jackie is making something to eat.  Back in the Ocean Room Da'Vonne and Audrey are whispering.  Audrey thinks they can beat Shelli because she doesn't have a social game.  Da'Vonne says she does.  Audrey isn't sure.


    01:11 AM BBT Jase and James whispering in BR, Jase asks if the plan is the same.  James says something about veto and Meg walks in to brush her teeth.  Talk turns to Jeff and Meg's love-hate relationship.  Meg laughs.  In the HN room Vanessa and Jeff are talking in a darkened room about various HGs.


    01:15 AM BBT James in HOH and is telling Jason, Da'Vonne and Meg that Jase and Steve were talking in the BR when he (James) walked in and Steve looked up at him and wandered off slowly.  James knows they were talking about something but she doesn't know what.  James says Steve is up to something.  Audrey comes out of the HOH BR and Da'Vonne sends her back in to wash her hands.  Meg says Jase says he's mad that he can't play in veto.  He just wants to "play".  James rehashes the story to Audrey.

    01:19 AM BBT Jason and James says Steve is going to be a pawn.  James thinks that Steve is the one person that could mess the plan up this week.  James asks the girls to talk to Steve because he might be inclined to talk to one of them.  Down in the LR Liz continues to do her nails while Steve, Clay and Becky(?) chat about the best burgers (Five Guys vs In-N-Out).


    01:22 AM BBT  Talk continues in the HOH.  Apparently Jase was throwing out Alliance names (Cloud Town, Beefcakes).  Jason says Jase's mom "should have him checked in somewhere where they tie you down and such because that boy needs help).  James reiterates that Steve is a concern for the plan this week.  Johnny is also playing for veto this week according to Da'Vonne.  They all think Steve is looking for a place/group to be with.  They question if Steve would leave himself on the block.  They don't think he would pull a Marcellas (BB7) and leave himself on the block.


    01:22 AM BBT Feeds 3 & 4 are on Jase and Austin in the BR whispering.  They think "she" will kill it tomorrow.  Austin says someone told "him".  Austin says he thinks it was Audrey that told "him" about it.  Jase is concerned.  Austin tells him to calm down.  Jase says he can't talk game with anyone besides Austin.  Jase says Jason was not his idea.  Austin agrees.  Jase says they have to talk to "him" and make him understand.  Jase says Audrey is catty.  Austin says they don't know for sure it was her.  Jase says it was either her or Jeff.  Austin agrees.  Austin says they need to try and solidify a deal with James.  Jase says they have too many alliances right now.  Austin disagrees.


    01:25 AM BBT  Jase wonders if they should talk to Jason.  Austin asks what they should say.  Jase says they should tell Jason that they've been privy to several conversations about the other side gunning for Jason.  Jase says the conversation he walked in on is now causing him to be targeted.  Jase says he shouldn't have told Jeff.  Austin asked Jase why he did.  Jase says Jeff came to him and asked.  Liz is calling for Austin and Austin heads into the KT.  Jase checks himself in the mirror and checks the Beach Room before slowly wandering through the KT towards the LR.


    01:29 AM BBT Up in the HOH the conversation continues.  Da'Vonne says to be clear that Jase is going up because he's annoying or what.  Meg says it should be because he tried to create an alliance.  James says he's willing to get blood on his hands this week.  They say that Liz winning HOH next week would be terrible.  They wonder what is up with Liz and Jase.  James says Jase is holding Liz close but she's not entirely receptive of him.  They agree.  They also agree that Jase is the only thing holding Austin and Liz together.  Several conversations going on at the same time.  Jason may take Steve off the block if he wins veto in an effort to "pay the universe back for having Steve pull his chip".  On the other hand Jackie may resent not being saved instead.  Conversations continue.  James says Johnny doesn't know anything about the game.



    01:34 AM BBT Clay and Shelli are in the Beach/Bench room talking.  Shelli says Clay seemed down today.  FOTH.


    01:41 AM BBT Feeds back.  Jeff has joined the HOH crew.  Meg says Jeff said the first blowout argument in the house would be he and Meg.  James says he's nervous about nomination stuff.  Jeff thinks everything went perfect today.  James wants to make sure they have the votes.  Jeff says the only votes not on board would be Austin and Liz.  Da'Vonne says "Mmmhmmm..."  Jeff says he just got done talking to Vanessa because she's been having a bad day.  Johnny is in there helping keep her calm as well.  Audrey heads down stairs.  Down in the Beach/Bench room Shelli and Clay continue to talk random game chat.  Clay wants to make it to jury.  Shelli agrees.


    01:46 AM BBT Down in the HNR Austin, Liz, Jackie, Jase and Vanessa are laughing and goofing off.  Austin says the bed is unacceptable.  Vanessa wonders if he fits.  Jase asks if Austin wonders if he ever fit in anything.  Liz doesn't ever want to be a HN again.  Back in the HOH the crew talks about something Austin said that offended him but he's not taking it personal.  He knows Austin doesn't want to be his friend in or outside of the house.  Meg wants to know if Jeff wants a tissue.  Jeff laughs and tells her to get out of here.  James feels like they have a good crew here.



    0150 AM BBT Jase reels Becky into the SR and tells her that she has been "Sshhhhhhsshhhhing" him and it's very frustrating to him and he doesn't understand.  Becky says she didn't realize she was doing it to him.  Jase is sorry that he is so worked up.  Becky says not to worry about it.  Becky says that she doesn't know how to turn off being a manager and she is very sorry because it's not her place to manage people that she shouldn't manage.  Becky understands that it's not her place to manage the way Jase acts.  Jase thanks her for saying this.  Becky says she's glad he brought it to her attention.  Jase was concerned that he had done something to offend her or something to make her act like this.  Becky says she's German and she can't help but wonder why people don't follow rules.


    01:53 AM BBT Becky says she's burned through three boyfriends because she was bossing them around.  Becky says one of her girlfriends also gripes at her for bossing her around as well.  Jackie walks in.  Jase hugs her and says not to worry about it, he's glad they've had this talk now.  Jase admits he doesn't follow the rules and Becky is a rule follower and they laugh that BB put them in the house together hoping they would kill each other.  Jackie leaves the room.  They both admit that they were just trying to help Vanessa feel better and were doing it different ways.  Jase asks that they talk to each other in the future when they feel this way so there isn't awkwardness.  Becky suggests they get together and talk more because she could learn from him some.


    01:57 AM BBT The conversation breaks up and Jase goes to tell Vanessa about the conversation with Becky.  Vanessa says Jase has powerful energy because when his energy is up it's great, but when his energy is down people really feel it.  Vanessa suggests that he learns to control his energy and when Becky walks in in the future to try and be mindful of her and reel it in.  Meanwhile up in the HOH James plays with the light switch while other HGs are present and is scolded by BB to keep the lights on.

  16. 12:30 AM BBT In the HOH room Jackie and Audrey continue to chat. Jackie volunteered to go up on the block. Audrey likes people in the house. Jackie asks Audrey if she won HOH next week who she would put up. Audrey would leave her loyal friends off the block and if other people didn't even bother to come talk to her then it would make things a lot easier. Jackie agrees. If you're not interested in playing game you can go home.


    12:32 AM BBT The nail party continues down in the LR. Austin, Jason, and Meg are on the couch. Liz, Shelli, Becky, Clay and someone else are on the floor. Steve walks in eating. Idle chit chat.


    12:36 AM BBT Up in the HOH Jackie and Audrey continue to chat.  Jackie says that she and Jeff are not a duo.  She didn't want to be up against him on the block the first week.  Audrey understands.  Jackie says her and Jeff wordlessly agreed when they walked in the door that they would play as singles and not a duo.  Jackie is fine with Jase leaving.  Jase has been asking Jackie questions whether or not they kissed and such.  Jackie says their past is not important and this is a game.  FOTH.


    12:39 AM BBT In the HOH Jackie was shocked and had no idea how the twist was working. Audrey thinks the twist will be based off a different TV show each week. Audrey hopes they hide an immunity idol in the house like they do for Survivor. Back in the LR the nail party continues. I believe Jeff is the unknown HG from a previous update.


    12:40 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the HOH.  Jackie and Audrey are surprised at how well sound travels through the house.  You have to really whisper in the house.  Jason comes into the HOH.  "What's up hooks?  Whachu wachin' on TV that you flippin' away from?" Jason asks Audrey.  Audrey was trying to see who was coming in the HOH door.  Nail party continues in the LR.


    12:42 AM BBT Back in the HOH Jackie asks why Jase is acting so weird since veto.  Jason says Jase wants him (Jason) out and he's upset that Jason's name was pulled for veto.  Audrey says this is how it always works on the show.  Jackie and Jason agree.  Audrey points out you need to be humble if you win veto because of how karma works in the house.  Jason and Jackie agree.  Audrey says Steve might be coming up.  Jason says Steve looks for people when they leave the room.


    12:44AM BBT  Clay is doing James' nails in the LR.  Idle chit chat continues.  Feeds switch to Steve talking to Johnny in the BR.  Steve asks Johnny if he agrees.  Johnny says sure.  Steve asks if he's sure.  Johnny agrees.  Steve says people sleep with their allies.   Johnny says Steve knows this game better than he does.  Steve says he's a smart guy though.  Steve knocks on the Beach Room door and Jase is inside saying the game is getting to him.  Jase is/was reading the bible.  Steve says he is completely non annoyable.


    12:47 AM BBT Back in the HOH Jackie, Audrey and Jason continue to talk.  Jason wonders if Steve knew that "they" want him out.  Jackie doesn't think so because Steve "picked" him (Jason?).  Jase and Steve continue to talk in the Beach Room.  Jase says Steve is a good guy.  Steve tells a story about how someone at his school is hated by everyone but he didn't realize this kid was hated because he doesn't pick up the negative tendencies that others might.  Jase says he doesn't like being “Shhhsssshhhhh'd".


    12:49 AM BBT Up in the HOH they think (more like hope) the veto comp will be a spelling comp.  Jason says he asked Johnny if he'll pull out dentist words like Orthodontist.  Back in the Beach Room Jase tells Steve to not let anyone ever bother him only allow God to lead his way.  Jase says that Steve really helped him put things in perspective and he's glad he stopped in.  Jase says it's just one person that's rubbing him the wrong way right now.  Jase asks Steve what he should do.  Steve can't relate because he's never been in the shoes that Jase is in.  Jase likes that Steve isn't BSing him.


    12:54 AM BBT Up in the HOH Jason thinks Austin will swing to their side if Jase goes.  Austin is being loyal to Jase because Jase is being loyal to him at the moment.  Liz has gotten close with Jase and they don't know why.  Jason thinks Liz is getting close to him because she likes him and because she might be playing him a bit.  They all agree that once Jase is gone she'll find someone new to be close with.  Audrey spots movement on the HOH.  Steve is coming up stairs they wonder if they should scramble.  They waited too long to decide and Audrey stands up and turns the TV off and says she was just about to leave just as Steve walks in.  Steve sits down and talk turns to how grainy the spy screen is.


    12:57 AM BBT Audrey joins the crew in the LR.  She says Austin isn't a beefcake any more.  He's a cheesecake now.  Feeds switch to Jeff talking to Vanessa in a darkened HN room.  Vanessa says she feels sorry for Steve because people are mean and he doesn't understand.  Feeds switch back to LR mid conversation.  Back in the HOH idle chit chat about the show and what is being shown.


    01:00 AM BBT Da'vonne and Audrey are talking in the Ocean BR.  Da'vonne is glad Steve picked Jason for veto because it helps Jason.  Audrey agrees.  FOTH.

  17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6/25/15~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    11:10 PM BBT Audrey, Clay and Meg discussing the veto pull in the HOH.  Meg and Audrey can’t believe someone’s name was pulled.  They say the veto pull is absolutely real.


    11:15 PM BBT Discussion turns briefly to the sharing of contestants between shows (Amazing Race and Big Brother).  Meg talks about her friend from Survivor that was recognized once in public with her.


    11:16 PM BBT Meg lives in New York.  Doesn’t have a car.  Clay hasn’t ridden on a train.  Meg wants him to come to New York with her.


    11:18 PM BBT Audrey presses Clay to sing a small song because he says he has a good voice.  Meg agrees he should sing.  Clay sings “This is the HOH room”.  They like it.  Audrey sings the same thing.  Meg takes a stab as well.


    11:20 PM BBT Feeds switch to Austin and Jace whispering in the HN room.  Austin wants to talk to Johnny Mac.  They like the name “Quad Town?”


    11:22 PM BBT Austin says they’re done for (He and Jase?).  Austin hates slop.  Austin hates the rest of the house.  Jase likes <someone>.  Austin agrees.  Jase says Johnny is a rockstar.  Austin agrees.  Jase says there is a week until an eviction.


    11:26 PM BBT Feeds switch back to HOH.  Jonny has joined Audrey, Meg and Clay.  They are singing a round of “This is the HOH room”.


    11:29 PM BBT Talk in the HOH turns to pooping.  Johnny is scared of crocodiles coming up the plumbing.  Audrey tells a news story about a woman that had a snake crawl up the plumbing.


    11:32 PM BBT Feeds 3 & 4 are on a workout session being done in the LR.  Austin is working out with Jason.  Da’Vonne is watching and giggling as the guys joke around with each other.


    11:35 PM BBT Back in the HOH there is general chit chat.  Austin and Jason continue to work out Austin has Jason leanining back against the front of the couch and has him lifting his butt off the floor.  “There’s a whole lot of humping going up in here!” Jason exclaims.  He realizes the camera is on him and wonders if the camera should switch somewhere else in the house to find scheming going on somewhere.  Steve “wanders into the room.


    11:40 PM BBT General chit chat about actually being in the HOH house.  Clay can’t picture the house as he’s seen it on TV.  Clay realizes they will have nothing to do for a whole week.  Exercise has stopped in the LR.  Austin and Jason shouting out to BB fan sites.


    11:45 PM BBT Austin is working out with Da’Vonne in the LR now and Jason is watching.  Up in the HOH Jase has joined Johnny, Audrey, Clay and Meg.  Johnny says it’s snack time.  It’s relatively quiet in the room.  Audrey laughs and says they must be so interesting.  Audrey found a BB script card on the night stand and she says “Congratulations James you have 24 hours to create an alliance with two people.”  They wonder if they are supposed to be reading the card.


    11:50 PM BBT HOH feeds switch to Beach room.  Steve, Jeff, Jackie and Shelli are chatting.  Becky and Liz join them.


    11:54 PM BBT In the LR Jason, Da’Vonne and Becky(?) are chatting.  Becky wants to have a nail party.  James is so bored he wants to join them.




    12:01 AM BBT Nail party is commencing in the LR with most of the house present.  Meg is doing Jeff's nails and Liz and Becky are doing their own nails.  Austin and Da'vonne are hanging out on the couch just watching.  Various conversations going on.


    12:10 AM BBT Audrey and Jackie are up in the HOH talking.  Audrey is watching the spy screen.  They are talking about a male in the house dominating the conversation and they don't like it.  Audrey says she's seen 'him' walk up the stairs and up and down the walkway in front of the HOH door (using the spy screen) and then go back down.  They both feel like 'he' is trying to listen into HOH conversations.  Jackie says "poor guy and it just doesn't work in a setting like this.  Da'vonne comes in and they tell her they were just talking about Steve.


    12:15 AM BBT Talk in the HOH turns to wishing they knew when the feeds were on them.  Back in the LR the nail party continues.  Liz is going to do Austin's nails.  Assorted conversations.  Back in the HOH the talk has turned to how the Amazing Race competition works.  Jackie says they were sequestered a week after they did the race because they met up with the rest of the teams at the finish line.  Jackie says they came in 7th out of 11.


    12:20 AM BBT Talk continues about Amazing Race in the HOH.  Jackie would absolutely do it again.  She would like to do an All-Star season if invited.  Down in the LR Jeff is criticizing the way Meg did his nails he thinks a child could have done better.  James says that's rough to say.  Jeff says the paint job is rough.
  18. I'm not looking forward to it either. I agree with all your points. I was shocked to hear that it was a fan favorite but rather relieved to hear that the initial feed back from other feed followers is that they dislike it as well. Clearly CBS either just called it that or polled fans of the TV portion of the show.

  19. Prior to the cast reveal I was at a 3. But a after the cast reveal it jumped to a 7. Yes it's a young group, but initially they don't seem like a super catty bunch. Don't get me wrong I enjoy my drama on the BB house, but for the right reasons ("Who threw that comp while we were blindfolded?!" vs. "He/she doesn't belong here because he/she isn't <insert type>".

  20. Honestly I'm looking forward to this cast more some of the previous casts.  I'm not entirely certain why...I just feel like there's a bit more of an upbeat feel based upon the interviews I've seen.  I could absolutely be wrong though.  I like most of the HGs so I'll list my problems with the few that I don't feel too thrilled with.


    Clay:  Too much of a pretty boy.  Claimed to be a fan for 4 months?


    Da'Vonne:  There's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way.  I can't really put a finger on it though.


    James: Casting tried way too hard to replace Donny this year with someone even more unique.  Don't get me wrong...I was not expecting that voice to come out of that face...but wow...Donny was one of a kind.  We'll just have to wait and see.


    Liz:  That voice.  Too much.  Annoys me almost as much as Rachel's.


    Obviously it's way too hard to judge off the interviews.  Right now Johnny Mac is my favorite but I can see how his personality may grate on other people's nerves as well.


    Again, we'll just have to wait and see!

  21. 03:33 AM BBT Jon says he's done for night and Arlie if it lights and mics off time. Arlie agrees and good night brother. Meanwhile in the BR Neda can be seen coming in the door and crawling into bed.

    03:35 AM BBT Lights in the HoH dimmed rapidly and are now off. As of now all four feeds display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.

    03:48 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.

    03:55 AM BBT All four feeds continue to show motionless HGs in their beds. On that note we'll do the same. Good night Canada!

  22. 03:00 AM BBT The three thank Arlie for making chicken and rice. Arlie says no problem. Rachelle hopes for the umpteenth time tonight that there is a luxury comp tomorrow. Sabrina thinks there will be.

    03:09 AM BBT Neda and Sabrina head up stairs after eating. They thank Arlie for his cooking. Jon tells Arlie everything played out too perfect today. Arlie agrees. Jon and Arlie agree to go to bed.

    03:15 AM BBT Neda is in WA doing nightly ADLs. Talk turns to how funny Rachelle's legs looked. Sarah spray tanned her legs and they were super dark compared to the rest of her. Neda told her to wash it off. Jon and Arlie tell Neda good night before heading into the HoH. Jon picks up his picture of his girlfriend and says she's f***** gorgeous. Arlie tells him he's a lucky dude.

    03:20 AM BBT Jon continues to repeat how amazingly beautiful his girlfriend is. Arlie agrees. Over and over again this gets repeated with Arlie agreeing.

    03:29 AM BBT Nothing new to report. Jon keeps repeatedly saying what a beautiful girl he has. Jon says he's done everything in the house that he wanted to do. He's been on a secret mission, won HoH, won a PoV.

  23. 02:37 AM BBT Adel and Heather have taken off their mics and have closed their eyes in bed. Allison joins Neda in the WA and begins to take off her makeup and "look like a boy". Meanwhile Arlie can be seen cutting up chicken in the KT.

    02:40 AM BBT Jon tells Neda that Sabrina and Rachelle offered them a deal to be votes for the two of them. Neda asks if he's considered it. Jon says he'd consider everything. Neda says that's smart. Neda thinks Jon should still take out Rachelle this week. Neda says Arlie annoys her because he's always trying to tell her what to do. Neda says everyone keeps saying "You're so close to Jon and you'd give your vote to him." Neda says she'd vote based on best gameplay. Neda once again scolds Jon for telling everyone that she threw that food out.

    02:47 AM BBT Lights are beginning to dim in the BR. Arlie comes in and says "Hey! Remember how we were going to hang out in the KT for 20 minutes while I cooked and instead I've been down stairs by myself?" Jon carries Neda to the BR. Sabrina and Rachelle are in bed. Jon heads down to join Arlie in the KT.

    02:52 AM BBT Neda can be seen talking to Sabrina in the darkened BR. No audio. Allison gets into bed. Neda and Allison head down to the KT to join Jon and Arlie to eat. Idle chit chat in the KT at this time as Arlie finishes making the chicken and rice.

  24. 02:03 AM BBT Arlie and Allison get off Jon's bed and give him a hug before wandering out of the HoH. She heads into the BR and tells them that Jon just gave a 45 min to one hour dissection on his dad's letter. Feeds 1 and 2 are now Sabrina and Rachelle next to the HT. Arlie says he and Jon are going to go down and make some food.

    02:10 AM BBT Arlie and talking in the SR. Arlie and Jon saying how great this week is going to be and how great it would be if they made it to the final two. Jon says even if he came in second place that would be great, there's so much he can do with $10,000. FoTH.

    02:16 AM BBT Feeds back quickly. Arlie is going to be making chicken. Jon runs outside to the HT and asks the girls if they are hungry. Sabrina says she's full.

    02:21 AM BBT In the KT Jon, Arlie, Sabrina and Rachelle are chatting. Jon says the guys back home are going to give him so much grief for crying while reading his HoH letter. Arlie says everyone has cried when reading their letters from home. Jon is glad he still has a girlfriend. He doesn't want anyone else in his life. Jon says he and Neda have a brother-sister relationship.

    02:30 AM BBT Jon discusses the fact that his girlfriend is amazing. Idle relationship chit chat. Adel tells Jon to go check on his chicken. Neda gets up to go get a piece. Feeds switch to Neda telling Jon to give her a piggy back ride up the stairs. He does. They head into the wash room. Sabrina, Rachelle and Neda are doing nightly ADLs.



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