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Posts posted by niteslacker

  1. 12:06 AM BBT Elissa tells her not to worry about it because if Judd didn't like her he wouldn't have thrown the veto to her. Elissa heads back out into the KT and Candice says she needs to know what's going on. She can't campaign to McCrae. Elissa tells her to think of all the bad/mean things they've done to her or other people and bring that up every day like they do on a daily basis themselves.

    12:09 AM BBT Up in the HoH Andy, Judd, McCrae, Helen, GinaMarie and Amanda are chatting (ie: Jessie bashing). Down in the KT Candice is watching Elissa as she makes something to eat. Candice is tired. She says when she gets stressed out she sleeps. Elissa feels her pain and understands. She says it is all very stressful. Candice feels Spencer has already made deals with people. Elissa says she should make her own deals then. Elissa says you need to come up with your two targets and give those names out. Candice says let's be realistic that she told off McCrae's girlfriend on National TV. Elissa says let's be realistic and that she was just as inappropriate.

    12:23 AM BBT More of the same. Jessie bashing in the HoH continues. Spencer, McCrae and Andy have all made their way downstairs to get some pizza before coming back upstairs. GinaMarie keeps saying Jessie has no power so she can't make any deals. Meanwhile down in the KT idle chit between everyone include Candice and Elissa with them while they're down there. Aaryn makes her way to the BY to get her laundry.

    12:31 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head outside to smoke. Jessie sits with her feet in the HT. Talk about how chilly it has been outside lately and how awful it's going to be for Amanda when she spray tans later. Amanda says she hasn't seen Jessie much today. Jessie says the same and asks where Amanda had been. Amanda says she didn't feel well earlier but she's feeling better now. Andy comes outside and says he wants to another set of 25 on the weight bench. Back up in the HoH Helen lets everyone in the room know that she loves them (Helen, Judd, Spencer and GinaMarie). Helen says she and Spencer had some history but they're finally past that.

    12:38 AM BBT Out in the BY McCrae is giving Amanda a thrashing telling her she needs to stop leading the charge. Amanda says she's not. McCrae laughs and tells her she is. She wonders what she's supposed to do. McCrae says she needs to just tell everyone "Well, I'm on the block, what am I supposed to do?". McCrae says Andy had everything covered with Helen but then she turned around and went back after her again even though she said she was good for this week. McCrae points out that Aaryn is getting into his head especially with all of the comments she's making about Jessie wanting Amanda out so she can have McCrae to herself.

    12:47 AM BBT Up in the HoH GinaMarie is telling Helen that she will tell Spencer tomorrow that he's going up as a pawn. Feeds switch to Amanda and Spencer whispering in the WA while she brushes her teeth. Spencer says he has some news for her and he hopes she doesn't get pissed at her but he wonders if America is MVP. Amanda says she's beginning to wonder that as well but she doesn't understand why they would put Elissa up, then GinaMarie and now her and why they weren't continuing to go after just one of them.

    12:50 AM BBT Elissa and Candice continue to chat in the KT as Elissa works on making Amanda's bridal cake. Amanda heads outside briefly where McCrae, Andy, Jessie, Judd and Spencer are hanging out. Amanda and McCrae head inside to the lounge. Andy hopes he's up for Amanda's next tan. Spencer mentions that they told her it would be her last PM tan and we get FoTH. Feeds back and Andy is laughing with Spencer saying "Will you at least finish the thought?" Andy says it sounded like the "Please stop singing." More FoTH.

    12:59 AM BBT In the lounge Amanda, McCrae and Judd are whispering. Amanda is telling Judd that he needs to stay close to Jessie for the rest of the week. Judd is reluctant and says Amanda is exhausting him. Amanda says she needs him this week. Judd understands and he'll do it but he'd rather hang himself in the shower. Aaryn comes into the lounge. Aaryn says she's tired. Judd says she's not going to give him information. Aaryn agrees and says they already know what's on her mind.

    01:03 AM BBT Out in the KT Helen, GinaMarie, Elissa, Jessie, and Candice are chatting. Helen is running through the list of things she's ate today (it is a fairly long list), and GinaMarie says "...and you're a petite little thing, go you!" Candice is getting tired. Helen is as well.

    01:13 AM BBT Same old chit chat for the past 10 minutes or so. More Jessie bashing in the BY with Spencer, GinaMarie, Judd and Andy. Feeds switch to Helen and Jessie whispering. Jessie is rehashing the brief convo that she and Aaryn had in the BY and tells Helen that she figured she was getting raked over the coals upstairs. Helen says she was and she quickly shot it all down. Jessie says that Elissa heard a conversation earlier that Andy said "Me, Judd, Amanda and McCrae are solid." Which to Jessie means Andy is more loyal to them than her. Jessie is going to keep working on Judd.

    01:25 AM BBT In the lounge Amanda, McCrae and Andy are whispering about how much they don't trust Jessie. McCrae feels like Aaryn is good with them but she has a tendency to stir the pot. Amanda and Andy agree. Elissa comes in and gives Amanda a sample of the icing her for wedding cake.

    01:30 AM BBT Candice and Judd are chatting. Candice is heading to bed. Spencer and Helen are playing pool. Back in the lounge room they continue bash Jessie and now Aaryn because she stirs the pot. McCrae tells Amanda to stop letting Aaryn get to her with the "Jessie wants McCrae" comments. Switching feeds Judd is talking to Jessie in the colorful room. Jessie says that she has safety for this week because of the veto but she thinks she's next in line. Judd says he wouldn't have given the veto to her if she was a target because it makes it look like they're together.

    01:35 AM BBT Jessie says if Candice goes home this week then she (Jessie) will go home next week. Judd says he doesn't want to vote out Spencer. She doesn't want him to. Judd asks "Amanda?" Jessie says yes. Judd thought they worked their beef out. Jessie says they did but she (Amanda) was upstairs talking about her earlier. Judd wants to know how she knows. Jessie says that doesn't matter. Jessie says if Judd helps vote out Amanda this week Helen, Elissa, and Jessie would be loyal to him. Jessie also thinks Andy would come over as well. Jessie says McCrae would be pissed but he wouldn't be mad at Judd and that McCrae and Judd could work together. Jessie says if they don't do this, then they're just giving Amanda and McCrae the game.

    01:39 AM BBT Just prior to this conversation Aaryn came into the room briefly to get something out of her drawer. Judd asked Aaryn where she would be sleeping. Aaryn thinks down here. She leaves and Jessie asks if he's sleeping with Aaryn tonight. Judd thinks so yeah and asks if she'll be upset. She says yes. Judd says finish what you were talking about.

    01:42 AM BBT Over in the lounge Elissa is talking with McCrae and Amanda. Amanda told Elissa how Jessie had referred to them as Princess Elissa and Princess Amanda. Elissa says "At least she knows we're Princess'". She leaves the room and Amanda says she feels like she can trust her. Amanda says she knows Aaryn doesn't like her but she can trust her. McCrae says Aaryn just wants her gone next week. McCrae says the girls aren't playing a game. They're playing High School. Because they don't want their friends sitting next to their enemies (Preach on brother!)

    01:47 AM BBT Back in the colorful room Judd and Jessie hug it out. Jessie asks Judd to think about it please. Judd says he will. He kisses her on the cheek and she gives him "the look" and he starts to pull back and she whispers again to think about it. He leans in and they kiss briefly on the lips. She asks for him to please sleep with her tonight and not to sleep with Aaryn. He agrees. She says she wants to cuddle. Judd comes out and Andy asks where he's sleeping. He says with Jessie. Andy goes off to find Aaryn to see where she's sleeping. Judd comes into the lounge. They ask where he's sleeping. He tells them. They ask what else is up. Judd says nothing. (Judd does NOT tell them about the Amanda conversation).

    01:53 AM BBT Amanda tells Judd that they figured out what the conversation that Elissa and Jessie had earlier and that it was only Jessie complaining about the bed situation (This is not the case, there were more things said. See the updates at 10:40 and 10:44 PM BBT). Andy comes into the lounge and they do a bit of Jessie bashing. Judd offers Andy a sip of water from McCrae's cup (Judd already took a sip). McCrae cries out as Andy drinks from his straw and they all have a good laugh.

    01:59 AM BBT Over in the colorful room Candice is getting ready for bed. Jessie and Candice are talking about who MVP might be. Candice suspect's it's Amanda and McCrae together. Jessie thinks it's McCrae only. Jessie says Elissa is 100% on board to get rid of Amanda. Judd is 50-50 and Helen is 0% on board. Candice says she'd be more loyal to keep around than Spencer. She wonders why Helen would want to keep Spencer over her. Candice called to DR. She is freaking out that she is going to be in trouble for not wearing her clown costume (she just got out of the shower and was in bed in a t-shirt and her underwear).

    02:07 AM BBT Over in the colorful room Jessie has grabbed Elissa from the next room (dressed in her yoga outfit) and tells her that Judd is thinking seriously about it. Meanwhile back in the lounge Amanda, McCrae, Judd and Andy continue to whisper and bash Jessie. Amanda says Candice makes Helen stronger. Judd tells McCrae to take a drink of water. He says no way. McCrae needs to poop. Amanda needs to pee first. Judd needs to go smoke.

    02:22 AM BBT Judd wants to out and smoke. Judd, Spencer, McCrae and Andy all head out into the BY. Spencer says when he says he gets called into vote on Thursday he wants to say "I vote to evict Bozo, I mean Candice." Back in the colorful room Candice says Judd had mentioned giving the veto to Amanda and Candice told him that Amanda was telling everyone he was MVP. Judd questioned her (Amanda) and that's when she went crazy and started screaming at her. Jessie wants to talk to Helen tonight so she gets up and goes next door to the chair room and wakes Helen up. She sticks her head of the bedroom doorway and asks Elissa to tell her if someone is coming. Jessie tells Helen things are looking solid with Judd "We kissed tonight and he's thinking about it". I'm going to give him a day or so to think about it.

    02:30 AM BBT Jessie says she hasn't told him that she talked to her about it. Helen appreciates it and wants to think over it a day or so herself and see where he settles down. Jessie goes over and tells Elissa about the conversation she's had with Helen and Judd. Elissa questions whether or not she would ever work with Aaryn again. Jessie says if they do this for her she would not work with Aaryn again. Jessie heads in to use the WC. Meanwhile out in the BY we have a discussion of movies.

    02:41 AM BBT In the colorful room Candice and Jessie continue to whisper about Amanda being a bully and running the house. They both want to evict her. Candice is going to sleep. Jessie is reading the bible. Switching feeds into the lounge and Judd is whispering to Andy saying he doesn't want to tell Amanda yet and he asks Andy if he knows what's going on. Andy says he knows Jessie is starting a plan to get Amanda out. Amanda walks in and the conversation quickly stops.

    02:55 AM BBT Jessie is called to replace her mic. She heads outside. Judd leaves the lounge and also heads outside and asks her what's up with her mic. She's not sure. General talk in the BY while they discuss movies and stars while smoking. Back in the lounge rinse and repeat game chat between Amanda and Andy. McCrae comes inside and says Jessie, Judd and Spencer are out there. Amanda wonders if McCrae wants to go back outside and chat with Jessie. McCrae says no. Amanda then questions how long she's been out and why she's up.

    03:08 AM BBT Talk is slowing down while those awake wait for Amanda to get called for her next spray tan. Rewinding a bit, Jessie and Judd were left alone on the BY couch with a light make out session beginning (02:59 AM BBT Feed 3). Jessie told Judd that Candice told Elissa and Helen were in the room and heard Amanda say that she wanted to get Judd out because she thought he was the MVP right before the PoV. Jessie said it is another reason to get her out. Jessie tells Judd her theory that McCrae is MVP. Judd tells her that he thinks Elissa is.

    03:18 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae remain in the lounge after Judd and Spencer walk out to the BY for Judd to go smoke. Andy went to bed. Judd tells Spencer to trust him in the future and that if he asks him to vote a certain way to just remember he has his back. Spencer says he may ask him to explain himself. Judd understands but he's just trying to get them down to the final 7. Spencer says he can't rock any boats until they get to jury. Judd says you can trust him, Andy, Amanda and McCrae. Judd warns him he may go up tomorrow but he's not going home.

    03:26 AM BBT We've had idle game chit chat for a little bit now with Judd and Spencer in the BY and Amanda and McCrae in the lounge. The only two noteworthy moments...Amanda asked McCrae if he thinks she'll make it to jury. He's not sure. Also, Judd tells Spencer he'd love to be sitting in the final 2 with him because obviously Amanda has McCrae.

    03:30 AM BBT Judd and Spencer continue to talk. Judd tells Spencer how Jessie started throwing his own name out there last week when they were close it was getting scary. Spencer says he had a sit down moment with Jessie before the HoH LD last week and he asked who she would put on the block if she won and she said "You and someone else because the house wants you out." Judd asks Spencer if he's heard any more about him being MVP. Spencer doesn't think they think that any more. Back in the lounge Amanda is telling McCrae that she doesn't feel like he's fighting for her and he's arguing with her every day. McCrae says it's because she doesn't listen to him and she's always running around making scenes everywhere. Amanda asks if she's been better this week. McCrae says yes and she should try to do it again this week.

    ***Retweet*** RT @reneebrownxo: You guys know you can follow @mortystv for minute by minute updates of #BB15.. otay? lol. -- What a great idea! We also have a website http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

    ~~~~~~~As of 05:00 AM BBT they are still awake and going at it~~~~~~~~~

  2. 11:08 PM BBT In the chair room they continue to chat about why someone recommended putting up Andy or Elissa and Aaryn says it was because they wanted to get Amanda out. Aaryn says she squashed it real quick. Out in the BY Judd and Elissa are whispering on the couch. Various aspects of the game. Elissa doesn't feel like she's close with Spencer. Judd says he is was before TMC was revealed and then he thought he was sketchy. Judd says he's getting closer to him because there are not many guys left in the house.

    11:15 PM BBT Amanda has gone up to the HoH to take a shower. GinaMarie comes in and checks on her. She says she can see the orange coming off of her. McCrae and Spencer are now playing pool. Andy starts to sing "Shady <freaks> getting up off the couch making shady deals" to Elissa and Judd as they get up to go inside. Elissa says she's working to get him out of the house and everyone says they're on board.

    11:21 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn are chatting up in the HoH bathroom while Amanda is showering. Something is sketchy with Jessie. Amanda says there is plenty of time to get things figured out. Aaryn points out that Jessie told her today just before the BBQ that Helen and Elissa didin't want to talk any game today. Amanda says Aaryn needs to try and stay close to Jessie to keep an eye on her. Down in the lounge Helen and Elissa are whispering. Helen says if she wins HoH she'll put up Aaryn. Helen says Aaryn is going to try and win HoH this week just to ensure her safety. Helen says Jessie would be a great person to win HoH this week because she won't be afraid to go after people.

    11:29 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda asks who Jessie said she'd put up. Aaryn says Spencer and GinaMarie. GinaMarie says "Whoop deedoo! I put her up so she'll put me up, I don't care, I'm not scared! She sucks at everything!" Aaryn points her out that she was in the top three in the last comp. GinaMarie doesn't care. Aaryn says she should care some because she can't play for HoH next week. GinaMarie is not going to spend her week worrying about next week. Aaryn understands. GinaMarie can't wait for Jessie to leave and she's not going to let her listen to her CD anymore.

    11:33 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn are worried that Jessie can get Helen and Elissa to flip. Amanda says Candice has to go this week. GinaMarie says she's been trying for three weeks. Aaryn tells Amanda that she has to stop doubting Judd. Amanda says she has stopped doubting him. Aaryn says he's still scared that she doesn't trust him. Judd asked Aaryn today "Are you sure that Amanda isn't coming after me?" Aaryn points out that they need Judd to stay solid with him because he is a vote and she doesn't want him to get freaked out and make a mistake. Amanda understands. GinaMarie chimes in that Judd never said anything like that to her. Aaryn points out that she and Judd has a much different relationship. Amanda says Judd is good then but Jessie is clearly coming after her. Aaryn agrees. Aaryn says Jessie said last week that It's Princess Elissa and Princess Amanda's world and she's just living in it.

    11:40 PM BBT The HoH conversation continues. Aaryn says Helen lied to her today because she interrupted a meeting that was being had in the SR room. Helen said it was one conversation but then later Andy confirmed that it was in fact a different conversation which upsets Aaryn because she did her dirty work for her last week. They debate on when they're going to out Jessie. Aaryn is trying to hold out on making any waves because she could end up on the block next week. Meanwhile down in the lounge Elissa and Jessie are whispering. Jessie says she feels like one of the three of them (Helen, Elissa or Jessie) have to win HoH to vote her out. Jessie and Elissa agree that Amanda has to go this week.

    11:44 PM BBT Feeds switch to Judd and McCrae in the LR whispering. McCrae reassures Judd he is safe from going up this week. Judd says if one of them wins HoH next week they need to make sure they put up Elissa. The meeting adjourns as movement can be heard in the KT. Feeds back in the lounge and talk is about how "they" have controlled the house since week one and they continue to pick people off one by one. Elissa says people aren't smart because they don't see it.

    11:48 PM BBT Up in the HoH McCrae, Helen and now Andy are chatting. They're talking about Jessie and the fact that she's trying to flip the house again. Andy and McCrae point out that Elissa and Jessie are talking in the lounge and they have the bible in there. Andy says they wouldn't let him in the room right now. McCrae says the same thing. Helen says if Elissa wants to try and flip the house then that's on Elissa and they can't freak out about it because they have the votes. Amanda says she is freaking out because Jessie has been up her rear end for the week and that scares her. Helen says she understands that but she has an army behind her and Jessie doesn't so of course she is going to make stuff up.

    11:54 PM BBT Amanda continues to Jessie bash. Helen says she will continue to on Elissa and point out the suicide of her game if she tries to vote to keep Candice this week. Amanda asks if she contemplated voting her out. Helen says no that Elissa wants Spencer out. Amanda says it's very scary that they are down in the lounge talking with a bible between them and that they wouldn't let Judd or Andy in. Down in the lounge, the Amanda bashing has come to an end and they walk out into the KT. Jessie goes outside and takes a seat near the HT with a cigarette in hand.

    11:58 PM BBT Up in the HoH Judd and Spencer have joined the group. McCrae and GinaMarie are looking for the spy screen remote while Amanda, Aaryn and McCrae continue to question why Jessie has flipped. Everyone relax! The remote has been found between the chest at the foot of the HoH bed and the bed. Out in the BY Jessie continues to smoke by herself. Jessie comes back inside and signals to Elissa to come into the lounge. Jessie tells Elissa that she was outside smoking and Aaryn came out and she called out "What's up girl?" twice to Aaryn. Aaryn responded the second time saying that they're up in the HoH dealing with people that say they're loyal when they're not. Jessie guarantees that Amanda and McCrae are upstairs raking Helen over the coals right now. Elissa says she has to calm down. Jessie fears Judd is throwing her under the bus.

  3. 10:05 PM BBT Not much happening. Idle chit chat out in the BY between Helen and Aaryn. GinaMarie and Judd had a quick whisper session in the WA. Judd asked if he's for sure safe this week and GinaMarie told him he shouldn't even have to ask. GinaMarie and Judd also had a quick conversation regarding the fact that he had set the washer to sanitize which would have been a 2 hour wash. GinaMarie discovers alcohol in the SR.

    10:12 PM BBT GinaMarie leads the conversation in the KT regarding alcohol tonight. She wonders if they should save it for Amanda's bachlorette party tomorrow night. The idea is quickly nixed by Amanda who says everyone should drink tonight and hopefully they'll get more tomorrow night when they do the party after GinaMarie gets her collar off and Amanda won't have to tan any more.

    10:19 PM BBT Out near the HT Elissa, Jessie and Helen are chatting. Jessie wants to start a segment called..."What should we do with Jessie's life?" Andy comes outside and asked if there is any alcohol left. Someone says there should be a beer somewhere. Andy thanks them. Someone commented that the guys had the beer last night. Andy points out the girls will get it tomorrow night. Up in the HoH Aaryn and GinaMarie are chatting. Aaryn thinks it's hilarious that Candice has been trying to work Helen all night. GinaMarie doesn't want to invite her to the party tomorrow. Aaryn agrees but says she has to. GinaMarie says it's HoH room and she can do what she wants. Aaryn really feels like she can trust Judd.

    10:24 PM BBT Judd has joined the girls out at the HT. Candice is there as well. Multiple conversations going on. Elissa is playfully joking about noming Judd. Jessie asks if Rachel gets paid for appearances. Elissa says yes but not BB wise. Jessie says Rachel is famous. Elissa says Rachel isn't a famous. Jessie sounds very defensive saying she is. Elissa only laughs and says BB doesn't make you famous. Judd chimes in saying BB wise she's famous. Jessie asks if Rachel has ever been paid for a BB appearance. Elissa once again tells her no and she gets paid for her own things that she does outside of the house. Jessie seems rather dissapointed. Helen asks if contestants ever get flown out to party in Vegas for anything.

    10:30 PM BBT GinaMarie comes outside and tells the girls that the bachlorette party will be about 9:30 in the HoH and be dressed up but do their makeup in the room together. GinaMarie tells Candice she's sorry that she's going to be wearing her clown outfit (What happened to the straight shooter that didn't want Candice coming to the party?). Jessie asks Candice if they can do her makeup as a clown. Candice hesitates and says yes, she's game for whatever. GinaMarie says they'll lock the guys in the SR or maybe make them up and dress them up again.

    10:35 PM BBT GinaMarie wants to play volleyball tonight. Helen and Candice says they have alcohol on board and they'd rather not. GinaMarie understands. They'll play tomorrow. Back in the chair room Spencer, Judd, McCrae, Aaryn, and Andy are talking about previous comps and the HGs that left. McCrae says Jeremy made him uneasy on things because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Talk turns to Jessie getting injured in one of the early comps and getting a gash. Spencer thought it was a scratch. McCrae and Aaryn disagree saying it was deep but not as deep as she was making it out to be. It left a scar. Talk turns to Power Rangers. Spencer and McCrae agree that Tommy (the green/eventual white ranger) was the coolest.

    10:44 PM BBT Judd, McCrae and Amanda head outside. Intermittent FoTH. Judd says he had to get a point and McCrae agrees. Judd says he told them all to go for prizes. McCrae understands and says that he is safe this week. Judd asks Amanda if she doesn't feel well. She says she doesn't and she's just annoyed. Silence. Elissa's voice can be heard over at the HT talking to everyone. Judd comments on Amanda's orange. She says she'll have to tan after twelve. Back in the chair room Aaryn is whispering to Spencer. She's barely whispering. It sounds like she's saying he's safe this week. Aaryn says at the BBQ today it would have been great opportunity for game talk but then Helen invited Jessie. Aaryn says she's heard everyone's name tossed around and even if they feel safe they may not be.

    10:51 PM BBT Talk turns to comp wins this season. Aaryn says she won her first HoH with a partner and the second one was a crapshoot. Spencer says he got really lucky with his win because he just happened to lay down his pieces in the right direction. If any of them were to have been flipped he might have spent too long on it. Out in the BY Elissa has joined Amanda, McCrae, and Judd on the couch. Brief talk about open comps versus submitting online only like Amanda did. Amanda and McCrae head inside. Judd and Elissa are now venting about the HT talk they're having about being famous outside of the house.

    10:59 PM BBT Back inside Spencer, Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda are whispering about how much Jessie and Candice have been hanging out with Helen and Elissa. Aaryn briefly speaks about the tough love she received from Amanda and McCrae early in the season by telling her David and Nick went home at her hands because people couldn't stand her. Amanda says Jessie has been repeatedly asking Helen if she likes her more than Aaryn. Aaryn says that sounds rediculous. Aaryn says she does nothing but constantly try to build her up and this is how she repays her. Amanda is sorry because she's clearly the victim here (sarcasm). Amanda points out that Jessie has tried to flip the house on her four times. Aaryn says it's because she wants McCrae.

  4. 12:01 AM BBT Amanda asks McCrae if he'll move to Florida. He says he will. Back in the lounge we're discussing...well...evolution. Spencer says if you believe in an intelligent God then even evolution makes sense. Back in the chair room...we have Amanda and McCrae kissing under the blankets with one of the cameras still making a loud buzzing noise. The buzzing stops when the camera moves and McCrae knew it would fix it. McCrae says he should be in production. BB reminds everyone not to talk about production.

    12:08 AM BBT Judd joins Amanda and McCrae in the chair room and talk turns to Christmas. Judd asks McCrae when the last time he was the Christmas star was for in Grandma Olson's Christmas presentation they do every year. McCrae says he never got to be the Christmas star. Amanda offers to talk to Grandma Olson for him when they get out. Back in the lounge Helen is telling a story about a flight she took that had bad turbulence and the Stewardess was smiling and laughing.

    12:18 AM BBT We've had idle chit chat all around the house. Jessie told a story that's been heard multiple times. Judd, Andy, Elissa, McCrae and Amanda get called out frequently for singing and talking about production.

    12:21 AM BBT Andy wishes Howard would finish packing up so he could go to bed. Elissa tells him he should over to go in and help him pack up. Elissa tells him he should go offer to be his moving company (It was pretty funny...) Back in the lounge they're talking about the different props in the lounge and where they got things from. Helen and Jessie are going to try and go to bed. Spencer hopes to be in bed by one am (I'll believe it when I see it).

    12:27 AM BBT GinaMarie whispers to Spencer that she had to talk to the Doctor lady in DR and we get FoTH. GinaMarie gets called out by BB. Helen and Jessie in WA doing nightly ADLs. Back in the chair room the discussion is about previous seasons of Survivor.

    12:43 AM BBT Helen, Elissa and Jessie are all going to bed. In the lounge Amanda and McCrae hope they're not being lied to about the vote tomorrow. Up in the HoH Aaryn is freaking out about the house flipping in Candice's favor.

    12:50 AM BBT In the HoH Aaryn, Andy, Judd, and GinaMarie still trying to figure out who the mystery MVP is this week and run scenarios about who will win HoH and who will end up on the block. Aaryn is packing up her HoH room. Meanwhile downstairs in the lounge Amanda and McCrae continue to cuddle and whisper, hoping she won't end up on the block again.

    12:57 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to cuddle in the lounge. Nothing worthy of reporting. Feeds switch to Howard and Candice chatting in the HNR. Candice says she'll be working with Spencer but she's going to try and line herself up in the middle and work with Andy. Candice says Andy is in the best spot right now because nobody will mess with him (she has a valid point). Candice is afraid she will be used by the other side and then discarded. Part of her wants to see her family. Howard says it sounds like she knows what she's doing but she's constantly second guessing herself. Howard says they're doing the same thing that TMC was trying by getting the strong players out. Howard says their are not many strong players left. Candice says Helen, Elissa and she are athletic.

    01:07 AM BBT Howard warns Candice that Andy will flip to the other side. Over in the lounge Andy comes in and tells Amanda and McCrae that Aaryn is freaking out saying Howard is for sure leaving but she's questioning whether Candice is coming after her. Andy suggests they go upstairs in a few minutes. Amanda agrees to come up. She wonders if there is any chance she will go home. Andy says no if anything it would be a tie between Howard and Candice.

    01:11 AM BBT Andy and McCrae comes up to the HoH and Andy explains that they have been discussing the pros and cons of keeping Candice over Howard. Aaryn says it's hard going from power to being back in the hot seat.

    01:00 AM BBT *Rewind* It seems I missed an impromptu wedding ceremony for Amanda and McCrae officiated by Andy in the lounge. In attendance was Judd, Elissa, and GinaMarie. Amanda wanted to elope just in case she gets evicted tomorrow.

    01:21 AM BBT Howard and Candice have moved into the WA with Candice straddling Howard's abdomen as Howard talks about scripture and compares something with his game.

    01:25 AM BBT Up in the HoH they are playfully pointing out that they are all related to previous HGs. Judd says Amanda is Howie's sister (BB 6 and 7). McCrae says she has the same amount of back hair. Andy says he's Remy's (BB 11) son but she's not good with computers so he's she's not able to pull in any votes for MVP for him. Talk turns to other conspiracies in the house. Judd probes GinaMarie saying "What if..." and she gets heated saying she's voting out Howard. GinaMarie mentions briefly that 'they' loved the shake and we get FoTH.

    ***Retweet*** RT @Eddie1118: @mortystv America should put her up again just to see the REAL paranoia ensue. #BB15 -- It certainly would be interesting!

    01:35 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae had moved back down to the lounge. Nothing worth reporting. Still running with the "I'm related to such and such". Up in the HoH GinaMarie asks Andy how his day was. Andy says he it was alright but he had to hang out with a bunch of people that he doesn't like and then he was threatened with the Coup de'tat and he threatened peoples lives and he got yelled at by production. FoTH. Andy is heading to bed. Judd and GinaMarie remain up in the HoH and Judd wonders why everyone is acting so paranoid. GinaMarie says Aaryn is because she's about to be out of power.

    01:42 AM BBT Down in the lounge Amanda is telling McCrae about how their parents met, got engaged and married. Up in the HoH GinaMarie is saying that Candice kept changing things around in the HN comp "on purpose". (It's called slop exhaustion...being a HN two weeks in a row will do that to you). Aaryn comes in saying the HoH smells like GinaMarie's farts. Judd invites Aaryn in the fart proof cave (beneath the blanket). Judd called to DR. Aaryn tells GinaMarie that if she wins the endurance comp tomorrow and she gets to pick HNs for the week the house would be pissed if she didn't make Aaryn one. GinaMarie says of course she wouldn't make her a HN.

    01:48 AM BBT Andy has joined Amanda and McCrae in the lounge. Amanda is speaking very quick. She hopes she doesn't act paranoid and try to over think things or find a deeper meaning of things when she gets out of the house. Amanda swears Judd is MVP. Amanda walks out to get something to eat. McCrae says Jessie seemed pissed off today. They think Judd threw them under the bus some how with her and is setting up for next week if he wins MVP to put her up.

    ***Retweet*** RT @DeannaAaron24: @mortystv were is howard and Candice -- They've been mostly off the feeds tonight. I've seen them in the HNR and WA periodically. I believe I heard Candice's voice out in the KT a bit ago but I'm not certain.

    01:54 AM BBT McCrae is whispering in the lounge but it's very hard to hear him because of the background buzz his mic is picking up. Ultimately it sounds like they really don't trust Judd. McCrae says Judd might want him to throw the HoH if it gets to them as the last two up. Amanda says don't. McCrae says he won't. Up in the HoH. Idle chit chat with Judd, Aaryn and GinaMarie.

    02:04 AM BBT Andy is going to bed. Amanda crawls on top of McCrae and begins kissing him. She wonders if they should consummate their marriage. McCrae says not until their real wedding. Amanda wonders which real wedding. McCrae says the one outside the house. McCrae says every time they talk about Judd he gets worried. He knows he's upstairs with Aaryn right now. Amanda points out that GinaMarie is up there as well.

    02:08 AM BBT GinaMarie and Aaryn are watching the spy screen making fun of everyone. Their current victim...Candice while she makes dinner. Comments include them mimicking Howard "You ate 15 times today how many times are you going to eat today!" GinaMarie wants to go get the oven mits and use them as hand puppets. Aaryn tells her no. She's going to do it anyway. GinaMarie goes pee instead. Aaryn is sick of people telling her that they are responsible for her success this game. GinaMarie says she is her own individual and she has won her HoHs with her own heart, mind and body. GinaMarie says they went the longest as not being a HN because they fought hard. GinaMarie says they may have saved her. Aaryn says between you and I "I don't think Amanda needs Adderall." GinaMarie disagrees. Aaryn says she gets crazy when she gets it. Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae.

    02:14 AM BBT Aaryn says when she takes Adderall she calms down and chills out. When Amanda takes it she starts acting a bit too crazy. Aaryn says to her it's obvious that she takes too much. Aaryn says she's supposed to take one and a half because she legitimately has ADHD. Aaryn says Amanda started off with just one and then she saw that Aaryn had an extra half so Amanda started asking for an extra half. Aaryn says she self medicates herself and picks and chooses when she takes it and how much. Aaryn admits to not taking hers all the time either but it doesn't sound like she's claiming she hangs onto hers like Amanda does. GinaMarie says she asked to get something out of Amanda's drawer once and Amanda said sure. She opened the drawer and saw pills in there. Aaryn says see. Aaryn says if she doesn't take hers she gets anxious and her brain doesn't work right.

    02:19 AM BBT Talk in the HoH continues. Aaryn apologizes for eating a snack in front of GinaMarie. GinaMarie says she doesn't care because she's a HN. Everyone that complains about it are a bunch of babies. "What you can't have a cookie? You don't need one! Go kill yerself!" BB calls out Jessie to put on her mic. They thought she was going to bed. Talk turns to Amanda bashing and they start flipping around the spy screen and discover Jessie talking to Candice in the KT and they get nervous. GinaMarie tries to open the door a crack and Aaryn warns her they'll be able to hear it. Aaryn is freaking out saying this is sketchy. This is why Aaryn wants her gone. (You want her to be alone without someone to talk to?). Aaryn says they're sketchy and Jessie says "she told her".

    02:26 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae are throwing out random names for kids. "Apartment. Softball. Chocolate milk." McCrae asks if Amanda is ready for bed. Amanda is. GinaMarie goes downstairs to run a little recon for Aaryn. She drops dishes off and scurries into the WA to wait for Andy to get out of the WC. GinaMarie heads back out into the KT. Feeds stay with Candice and Jessie making amends in the WA. Jessie says there are people in the house that has opinions about her and she was going along with them. Jessie says this morning she realized that Candice was going to hate her after last night and she spent the morning waiting for that to happen. Candice says that's not her personality. Amanda and McCrae come in and start doing nightly ADLs.

    02:32 AM BBT GinaMarie and Aaryn are back in the HoH. GinaMarie says she's acting too happy. She says everyone boohoos and feels sorry for her. (It seems pretty clear they just don't want the woman to be happy...at all). Amanda and McCrae goes to bed. Judd is already in bed in the HNR. Jessie and Candice continue to talk in the WA.

    02:40 AM BBT Candice told Jessie that she didn't linger much on their conversation yesterday and she was just wanting to spend her time with Howard and she was worried about being on the block. We went to FotH shortly thereafter. It's been about 2 minutes now. Feeds back and Jessie is apparently telling a story about Josh and we go back to FoTH again.

    02:44 AM BBT Feeds back and Jessie is telling Candice that because she wasn't there for the those couple of days and it hurt her, but that wasn't fair for her. Jessie is used to a certain level of attention and again...it's not fair for Candice. Jessie admits during her moment of weakness she may of said some things about her and if that effects their friendship going forward then she understands. Howard can be heard chuckling and saying "The maturation of Jessie..." Candice understands and appreciates her telling her that now.

    02:52 AM BBT The Howard, Jessie and Candice chat continues in the WA. Jessie admits that she is easily influenced. Candice points out that people like that are taken advantage of in the game. Jessie says if she wins HoH she will be freaked out. Candice points out that she'll have to be strong and figure things out for herself. Jessie is worried of making mistakes. Howard points out that if you make a mistake for yourself that's one thing but you don't want to look foolish and make a mistake because you listened to someone else. Candice and Jessie both agree. GinaMarie down out of the HoH and heads off to bed, telling everyone goodnight.

    ***Retweet*** RT @mortystv Jessie needs to be on the middle school version of Big Brother, wait is this it? BB#15 -- Zing!

    02:59 AM BBT Jessie says what sucks about this game is the majority rules thing. She would vote to keep Howard if she could but then the rest of the house would come after her. Howard understands and that's why he hasn't tried to campaign any this week. He says he's giving his goodbye speech on the fly tomorrow and it's going to be done in front of America. Jessie says this is the first time in her life that she's ever felt oppressed and she cried about it in DR. She said they keep trading one ruler for another ruler each week.

    03:04 AM BBT Brief period of FoTH. Feeds back and Candice is explaining to Jessie how the Vets picked off the newbs. Only Dominic and Cassie stood up to the Vets and they were picked off. Howard points out that GinaMarie and Andy probably also feel alone. Spencer would be happy to back them up but he has to know the votes will be there. Candice questions Jessie whether she came up with the plan Aaryn used to save herself. Jessie says she told her to offer whatever she could and it worked. Candice recommends moving into the lounge. The three move rooms.

    03:12 AM BBT Howard and Candice continue to pitch the idea of drawing in those people on the fringe (Andy, Aaryn, GinaMarie, Judd, and Spencer). Jessie thinks Andy are their ears. Howard says that may be true but he's only the ears he'll be cut off sooner rather than later. Candice and Howard suggest Andy, GinaMarie, Spencer and get Aaryn to break the tie. Candice suggests telling her that they can work together while taking jabs at each other still and having hate for each other. Jessie wants to go Aaryn before the live show. Candice says do it in the morning. Jessie wants them to talk to Spencer. Howard says he'll be on board. Howard will go talk to Andy and GinaMarie. They feel like they can trust GinaMarie and Andy.

    03:22 AM BBT Howard will talk to GinaMarie, Spencer and Andy which is normal for him. Candice says Jessie will have to make it crystal clear for Aaryn, Candice wishes she could be there. Candice says they need to offer Andy safety and allow him to continue playing down the middle if he wants and he can play the vote off like he voted the way he was supposed to. That leaves Elissa and Judd as suspicious votes. Howard and Candice whisper that Jessie has to be completely on board with everything and can't back out. Jessie doesn't want to be oppressed any more in the house.

    03:27 AM BBT Jessie agrees once more and they recap the plan once more. Jessie wants to go, she's paranoid that someone is going to come in and see them together. They tell Jessie good night. Howard looks up and says they're being looked out for. Candice wants to talk to Andy as well. Howard says the best time to talk to Aaryn is after the second HoH LD. Candice disagrees because they'll lock HoH at that point. Howard suggests the SR. Candice disagrees. Howard says GinaMarie and Spencer will be a quick conversation for him. Candice wants the three of them to go up early in the morning. Howard says that's too much too fast. He doesn't want her to end up on the outs especially if he goes home.

    03:33 AM BBT Candice begs God that she grows some balls and this happens. Howard says they ain't going home. Candice wants to bring up the fact that Aaryn and GinaMarie's boys went home. Howard thinks Aaryn will be really catty about it. Candice says she's going to tell Aaryn that they clearly hate each other but that they both clearly want the prize money. Howard warns Candice not to out think herself. Candice is worried that Andy is in a good position and he won't flip. Andy apparently walks by the lounge. They debate mentioning to him now. Candice gets cold feet and says they should wait for in the morning. Howard agrees. Last time he came tried a deal like this with him he tossed and turned all night. Candice wonders if they should talk to him now. She admits she needs to calm down.

    03:45 AM BBT Howard leaves the room to get something or go do something. The feeds don't follow him and we're left to watch Candice stare off into space, lost in thought.

    03:52 AM BBT Howard is back. Candice wants to go to Elissa right before the show and offer her a deal that they will offer her protection from their side of the house if they help keep Howard. Candice will ask her if she trusts her. Candice will point out the first person of the four to go will be her because everyone likes Helen and McCrae. Howard says to take care of one thing at a time. Candice questions Andy's loyalty. "Please Andy..." Jessie comes back. She doesn't think she can do it.

    03:56 AM BBT Howard tells her that she needs to go lay down and stay there after this conversation. Jessie questions Andy's vote. Howard says not to worry about Andy. They reassure her that this will work. Jessie is going back to bed. Candice continues to over-think this. Candice wants to make a secret hand touch up. Howard says he's going to tell Andy to go to Spencer and GinaMarie and say "We good?" and they'll agree.

    04:07 AM BBT Helen passes by the lounge. They continue to debate details of the plan. Candice asks if Howard is ready for bed. Howard says not until Helen goes back to sleep. She's already walked back by. Howard wishes Candice would go to bed because she asks if Spencer would vote her out and that's yet something else for him to wonder about. Candice tells him to tell Spencer the house meeting was a diversion. Howard "I ain't fittin' to lie." Candice laughs and says maybe she meant for it to really be. They cuddle up in the lounge not saying anything.

    04:15 AM BBT GinaMarie is up in the KT. Howard wants to go get her. Candice agrees. GinaMarie had a headache. She asks what's up. Howard tells her it's a mission impossible again. She asks why. Howard says they have the four votes again. We get FoTH. Feeds back and GinaMarie is sitting with Howard and Candice in the lounge. Howard informs GinaMarie that Jessie came to them tonight. Candice tells GinaMarie that Jessie apologized to her for any sort of personal comments paid. Howard interrupts and tells GinaMarie that she needs to go back to bed because the house went to bed early because they thought they were safe. Amanda hasn't even packed all the way yet.

    04:21 AM BBT Howard brings up Andy and GinaMarie questions whether they have really have Andy. Howard knows he does. Candice agrees with GinaMarie. Howard says he knows with Andy is ok. Candice questions whether Aaryn would vote to evict Amanda. GinaMarie doesn't think so. Howard says that's why they have to get together and talk to her about it. They will continue to pick everyone else off. Candice says she can't talk to people about the game because they think she's trying to save Howard. Candice says they can hang out after the show. They're here to win! GinaMarie questions Judd. Howard says Judd is out of the question because he divulged the secret alliance to Amanda and he was acting very sketchy when he realized that he (Howard) was awake. Amanda went off on Spencer the very next morning about it. FoTH.

    04:28 AM BBT Feeds back Spencer and McCrae are in the kitching with GinaMarie, Howard and Candice still in the lounge. McCrae and Spencer are snacking. They don't appear to be wise to the meeting in the lounge at the moment. They walk by the lounge into the WA and don't mention anything about anyone being in there.

    04:30 AM BBT Howard and Candice are now pitching the idea about offering Aaryn safety. GinaMarie is heading out. She's going to tell them (Spencer and McCrae) that they were just saying their goodbyes. GinaMarie comes out and tells them that she got up to get some medicine for an ache and stopped to tell Candice that in case she goes home tomorrow that she knows that GinaMarie shoots straight from the hip. FoTH (GinaMarie doesn't have her mic on and outside the closed room it's difficult to hear her). Feeds back and Spencer and McCrae are talking possible votes today. Spencer says he's throwing a vote at Candice. McCrae understands. GinaMarie is back with her mic.

    04:35 AM BBT Back in the lounge Howard and Candice are once again cuddle up beneath the blanket. Out in the WA they're talking about possibilities for the HoH tonight. McCrae reminds them of the pirate ship, surf boards, and the skis they had to balance on. GinaMarie just hopes she can be good at won. GinaMarie doesn't want a letter from home, just some hair dye. She'll see her mom in a couple of months.

    04:41 AM BBT GinaMarie is going to bed. She sticks her head in the lounge and tells Howard and Candice goodnight. Back in the WA McCrae says last year one of the lures to get someone to drop was a guarantee to play in veto that week. McCrae says he always gets the comp speculation wrong. Spencer agrees and says everyone does it. Spencer hopes they can work things out and work together some. McCrae says they're cool but Amanda is really pissed. Spencer was going to give it to the weekend. McCrae understands. Spencer says he didn't say "I hope she chokes on her saliva... I don't even say saliva. I'd says spit." McCrae questions who Spencer would put up. Spencer says if he had to say names he'd put Candice and Aaryn up probably. McCrae says Amanda would figure she'd go up. Spencer says no.

    04:46 AM BBT In the lounge Howard and Candice seems to be playing with someone in production by trying to get one of the cameras to nod. "Nod once if I'm better lookin' or nod twice if he's better lookin'" The camera doesn't do anything and Howard laughs saying he's on break. Howard says if people don't go to bed they won't be able to get any plans done today. Back out in the WA we have idle chit chat.

    04:51 AM BBT In the WA Howard and Spencer continue to chat. Spencer says he'll give Amanda a couple of days before talking to her. Obviously today will be bad because of the possibility of eviction and it might set her off. McCrae agrees. Spencer says when Howard is gone he'll be flapping in the wind. Awkward silence on the lounger in the WA now.

    04:54 AM BBT In the lounge Howard is trying to get Candice to go to bed. Back out in the WA they are laughing about GinaMarie saying scientists are going to want to study her because she digest regular water. They start talking about cameras and production and we get FoTH. Spencer says Andy's been getting snarky BB messages lately. "Andy Put ON your MICROPHONE!"

    ~~~~~~~~~~Spencer, McCrae, Howard and Candice all awake as of my last update. Howard and Candice have yet to go to bed.~~~~~~~~~~~~

  5. 11:06 PM BBT All the HGs have gotten together in the HOH to do the Harlem Shake video. GinaMarie is explaining how it works. Helen has never seen it. Candice and GinaMarie explains it to her.

    11:12 PM BBT GinaMarie starts the dance with everyone sitting around casually. Everyone gets their props and starts dancing. Aaryn asks for the music and BB replies "We can't have nice things..." and the HGs erupt in laughter. They decide they're going to do it all over the house.

    11:17 PM BBT The Harlem Shake has continued in the KT. They're moving into the LR now. (Don't worry, we're getting screen grabs and will process them asap).

    11:21 PM BBT Harlem Shake in the LR has finished. They've decided to move into the HNR room now acting like they're waiting on a flight.

    11:24 PM BBT And that's a wrap. Harlem Shake in the HNR is now complete. They congratulate each other on a job well done. They hope production puts it together for them.

    11:31 PM BBT Idle chit chat around the house as some of the house snacks. In the lounge Amanda says she's over raisins. Judd asks Amanda if she'll leave him her cigarettes tomorrow...you know...in case something happens and she goes home. Amanda says she's been out of cigarettes for a month. Spencer chilling in his bed in the chair room alone.

    11:39 PM BBT McCrae comes into the chair room and talks with Spencer a bit. McCrae can't wait to see the video and hopes it's long enough. Spencer thinks they might be able to edit them all together to make it long enough. Andy, Aaryn, GinaMarie, Jessie, Judd, Helen all in the lounge with idle chit chat.

    ***Advert*** It appears images from the Harlem Shake video have been posted in our screen capture forums by one of our live feed updaters. How can you find them? Go to our Feed Summary Page and find the link near the top of the page! Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

    11:45 PM BBT McCrae in the shower. Amanda and Andy watching him. Andy says McCrae is one of his crushes in the house. General chit chat and laughter. The lounge room HGs are currently talking about what the lounge is called in previous season. Jessie asks Judd if he watched the live feeds last season. He only watched BBAD. Judd watched some of BBCA live feeds and heard it's similar to the US version. Aaryn says McCrae told her that there is a chat room next to the live feeds. Elissa thinks they added that this year on CBS.com.

    11:52 PM BBT In the lounge Spencer, Aaryn, Helen, Jessie and Judd are chatting about watching the show when they get out. Helen isn't sure if she wants to read what the live feeders update. Spencer, and Aaryn says no way. Aaryn says she's afraid of having her day ruined by one negative comment. Jessie would really be curious. But then after Spencer and Aaryn say they won't Jessie agrees. Talk turns to how BBAD works compared to the feeds. They explain to Helen that BBAD is on TV and is one camera focused. Talk turns to whether folks will still watch it on TVGN because it will probably be Spencer. Elissa says TVGN would be better because everyone has it compared to SHO2. Elissa says she watched TVGN all the time.

    11:56 PM BBT Elissa and Jessie says that people are more likely to stumble across BBAD with it on TVGN and may get drawn into watching the show or the feeds. Talk turns to which channel CBS is on for different people.

    11:58 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae settle into a bed in the chair room. Amanda asks if his mom buys him clothes. McCrae says he does for his b-day and he lots of clothes at home. One of the cameras appears to be having technical difficulties. It can be heard making a loud buzzing noise. Amanda asks if he'll cry if she goes home. McCrae says no.

  6. hshoh.jpg


    Harlem Shake in the HoH



    Harlem Shake in the kitchen



    Harlem Shake in the living room



    Harlem Shake in the have-not-room


    Spencer chilling.


    Howard and Candice hanging out.


    No funny business under the blankets this time. Just Judd inviting her in to get away from GinaMarie's farts.


    Last minute campaigning to try to get the house to flip...starting with the least likely candidate this season...Jessie.

  7. 12:00 AM BBT Feeds back and they're still running possible votes up in the HoH, explaining how they were using candy to predict the votes. Back down in the BY Helen and Spencer hug it out again. He thanks Helen again and hopes that everything can be put behind them. Helen says absolutely and he's paid his price. Helen says he was just playing the game and no one can blame him for playing the game. Her heart came out for him today. Spencer says it is a game and you get caught up in it. Helen starts to cry saying she left her friends and family to come here and she's dying to win this game...dying to win this game. She's sorry. Spencer tells her she doesn't have to apologize any more. Helen knows and says he's a stand up guy. Helen says people don't need to be yelled at like that in the game.

    12:05 AM BBT Up in the HoH the crew is continuing to talk about Judd being sketchy and how Aaryn doesn't trust Elissa. Aaryn says Candice will get into their heads just like she did tonight. McCrae says if she really wants Candice to go home next week then he'll gladly do it. McCrae says he'd even put a vote out there to show her it's coming. Aaryn says she wants her gone as well. Amanda says Judd, Amanda, McCrae wants her gone. She'll go home next. Aaryn worries that Helen and Elissa won't want her to go home. Amanda and McCrae says that they'll go with the house. Amanda tells her that she can't run away from Candice and she needs to shut her down. Aaryn says she can't because Candice is so loud. "I don't understand...I just don't understand..."

    12:09 AM BBT Andy comes back in and says Helen is coming up. Amanda says Andy will probably be in and he tells him that Candice is the target next week. Andy understands and is ok with it. Andy says he just told Helen that it's all BS and that Aaryn is upset that she doesn't trust her. Amanda and McCrae laughs saying that they have to go up to Andy at least once a day and ask about Helen and he's always turning around saying "I know, I know, I've talked to her and told her that's not ok.". They all have a good laugh. Aaryn tells GinaMarie not to bring up counting the votes with candy because then it sounds kind of sketchy. Apparently they're now wondering if maybe Candice heard them (Aaryn and GinaMarie) discussing possible scenarios while using candy while she was in the WA earlier.

    12:14 AM BBT Aaryn tells GinaMarie not to bring it up. Even if she did hear them it was not a plan it was merely them thinking. GinaMarie says they were whispering so it wasn't even a plan. They ask where Helen is. Andy says she's talking to Judd. They question why he's acting so weird. Andy thinks he's having a slop freak out. Andy says he'll still trust Judd until a suspicious vote. McCrae agrees. GinaMarie says if she wins HoH she'll hang a sign on the door that "No CandyLand allowed!" Andy suggests going to get Helen and Judd.

    12:17 AM BBT Meanwhile down in the lounge Helen is talking to Judd. Andy opens the door and Helen says she's coming. Andy tells her them that both of their presence is requested. Helen reassures Judd that they're alright and that they have to send Howard home and they don't want any votes to keep him. Judd agrees. Up in the HoH Helen says of course she heard this and she had to check it. Amanda wonders why she has this theory. Helen says she won't tell her where she got it from.

    12:21 AM BBT Down in the hammock in the BY Candice and Howard are snuggling talking. Candice doesn't feel like Amanda and McCrae have been that close lately. Candice wonders if McCrae is using Amanda by having picked the most loud mouth girl that he can hide behind. Howard agrees. Talk turns to who MVP could be. Back in the HoH GinaMarie is swearing that she hasn't talked to Judd in 5 hours. Helen understands. Helen says she's so paranoid of Howard staying in this house. Amanda says Howard stood in the kitchen and told her "I'm going to **** the **** out of you when we get out of here." FoTH. Feeds come back and says he has no relationship with that man anymore. He's never going to talk to him again. Andy questions what he would do if he got chained to him for his last day in the house.

    12:26 AM BBT Back in the hammock Candice is continuing to talk with Howard listening. Candice hopes she wins HoH next week. Running various scenarios. Up in the HoH McCrae is going to smoke. Amanda and Judd are following. Helen apologizes because she just wanted to get to the bottom of it. She didn't mean to cause drama but anything that could prevent Howard from walking out the door. Aaryn says Candice is the thing that could prevent that. Helen says she was sitting in bed thinking about going to sleep when she decided she was hungry and then she had this dropped on her.

    12:31 AM BBT Down in the BY on the couch Judd, McCrae and Amanda are talking. Judd suggests putting Jessie up as a pawn so he can show that they're not together. He feels like she's sabotaging his game without realizing it. McCrae thinks it's a good idea. Amanda says she heard that Jessie through her name (Amanda's) out weeks ago about putting her up. Amanda says Jessie had no targets on her back this week. Judd says even if she's in conversations with people and peoples names get brought up then that just puts a target on her back. Judd says Howard and Candice are listening to them over in the hammock. He shhhh's Amanda because her voice gets a bit louder. Judd wonders where Jessie and Spencer are. He bets she's plotting. Amanda offers to go get a scarf to see. Judd says no. Judd points out that they're listening in the hammock again.

    12:35 AM BBT Up in the HoH Andy, Aaryn, Helen and GinaMarie are Candice bashing. Aaryn says it makes her sick that everyone is praising Candice, etc. Helen says she realized that may be bad. Helen says she feels bad for Spencer today. Candice called to DR. Down in the BY Amanda and McCrae head over to the hammock. In the WA Candice thanks DR for calling her while she looks like ahotmess.com. Elissa is out of DR. Judd whispers to Candice telling her that if she hears anything from Jessie about him that it's strictly her. He's going to try and distance himself from her. Candice appreciates that. Judd heading towards the bedrooms.

    12:39 AM BBT Judd heads back outside across the BY to Amanda and McCrae and says he just talked to Candice. He tells them that he told her that he heard that Jessie is saying she controls his vote. Judd thinks he squashed that. Judd says Jessie is trying to be a power player overnight. Judd says you can't become Janelle overnight. McCrae says the next two weeks should be easy. You have Candice and Spencer left in the house...it should be two easy weeks. McCrae says there is no reason to do that right now. Judd says he'd vote Jessie out in a hot second.

    12:43 AM BBT Up in the HoH Helen says everything is good. Andy says things are good until the votes aren't good...then he won't be good. Helen agrees and says that when votes get funny she gets upset (She'd get to feel how the other side felt the first two weeks!). Aaryn says they question whether she (Helen) would be able to put Candice up. Helen says it would be hard and she needs them to do that. Andy pushes saying she'd have to do that. Helen says she would but it would be very difficult. Judd comes in and Andy (without skipping a beat) says "We'll back door Judd, oh crap!" Helen agrees and says she'd do it. Judd: "Back door me?" Andy laughs and explains what they were talking about. Judd says Candice needs the money though. Helen says she left a job at home to come here.

    12:48 AM BBT Helen says Candice went through 2 weeks of casting to get on the show. Helen says a fan of the show doesn't need to win the half million dollars. Aaryn and GinaMarie says they went through 6 months of casting. Andy questions six months and we get FoTH. Feeds back and they're talking about how lucky Aaryn was winning this HoH this week. Aaryn says there is no way anyone other than Howard is going home this week.

    12:50 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the hammock Amanda and McCrae are talking but Amanda is obstructing her mic so it's hard to understand what she's saying. McCrae agrees (I'm glad someone does). Amanda says she'd probably put up Spencer and Jessie. McCrae says Jessie would probably go. Amanda says Jessie would be a vote for Spencer. McCrae hopes they're mending fences upstairs. McCrae wants Howard gone so bad. Amanda loves McCrae and he loves her back. Amanda says they talked too much game. Amanda is called out for obstructing her mic.

    12:55 AM BBT All four feeds now on Amanda and McCrae in the BY. McCrae spots Helen coming downstairs. Helen and Elissa in the WA now. Helen tells Elissa that she feels bad for Spencer because he paid the price for TMC and she's done and she's apologized to him and told him that. Elissa says "Mmmhhmmmm...ok. I respect that." Helen feels he paid the price on national TV today. Elissa "Mmmmhmmm..." Helen has been so focused on going after him for so long now and she's done. Elissa "Ok....mmmmhmmmm...I respect that. I can't wait to put him up" She laughs and says she's ok with that and respects her decision. Helen goes into super whisper mode but I'm fairly certain she says that in the next couple of weeks she wants to go after Judd. She tells Elissa that she is the only person she is telling this to and if anyone asks they all love Judd.

    01:00 AM BBT Elissa asks who Aaryn would put up if she wins HoH. Helen says Candice. Elissa questions if she would put her up. (Oh geeze...these two...). Helen reassures her that she would not put her up. She was just talking to Aaryn tonight and she is done going after her. Elissa says Aaryn rolled her eyes today at her for something. She hates that she is so unapproachable. Helen asks Elissa who she would put up and Elissa says GinaMarie and Spencer. Jessie comes through to use the WC and says she can't sleep.

    01:04 AM BBT Elissa wants wine. Helen wants to go to SR to check. She's asked in DR twice today. Elissa tells Jessie that she's going to check on her medicine request as well. No wine. Helen says they're going to be locked down in the house for two full days and the feeds switch up the HoH. Andy is suggesting who to put up as HNs if they get to chose. GinaMarie says she shouldn't be put up on it for two weeks in a row. Andy says Candice already is. GinaMarie and Aaryn says they would put her on it for a third week in a row (Who here is surprised? Anyone? Anyone?). Aaryn says she deserves MVP this week. She was HoH then on the block two weeks in a row and HoH again. Andy says she was running her mouth though and that's why she was on the block.

    01:09 AM BBT Aaryn says she was but then she came back and she's gotten better. Aaryn points out that the camera isn't looking at her. Andy says the camera finds him blowing his nose more interesting. Aaryn calls out GinaMarie's situation going on with her extensions. GinaMarie says it's difficult because of her cold showers. Andy asks if they (BB) flies them out for Vegas. Someone says yes. Conversation continues and BB calls Andy out for talking about production. Aaryn says GinaMarie needs a boy. GinaMarie says Nick isn't going to know what hit him. Aaryn bets money Nick won't have sex with her. They shake on a $100 bet that Nick will have sex with GinaMarie when they get out.

    01:14 AM BBT Up in the HoH Andy wants to blindside Helen next week. Talk turns to Clownie. Andy says he's always awake listening. Judd says he's like Howard. GinaMarie laughs and says Clownie is white. Judd does an imitation of Clownie being like Howard with one hand controlling Clownie and the other hand being Candice. Candice whispers at him and he'll look up at everyone before lowering his chin back to his chest. He does this a few times. Aaryn says no one in America can say they're jealous of Candice because there is nothing for them to be jealous of her (...).

    01:20 AM BBT Down in the HT Jessie told a story about she was cleaning house one day when apparently her dog got a hold of a bag of chocolate chips and she had to take him to the vet to have them induce vomiting. Howard and Candice are in the lounge, cuddled up in Amanda and McCrae's spot.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @Bot_Dictionary: @mortystv, I've never seen 'continueing' in the dictionary! Try 'continuing' instead. - I'm only human! Sometimes typos happen when you're trying to quickly document things that are happening in the BB house! Thank you for the feedback!

    01:29 AM BBT Aaryn wanders down from the HoH and goes to Amanda and McCrae in the hammock. Amanda doesn't want Aaryn to be stressed out about things that are pointless. Aaryn feels the same way about Amanda. Amanda laughs wonder when she gets stressed out. McCrae laughs. Aaryn says "It's Jessie's idea". She whispers it twice before wandering off (Jessie is near the HT). McCrae needs to fart. Amanda tells him to do it. McCrae laughs and says it's not ready yet. He wants it to be super loud. Amanda wants him to warn her so she can be prepared. She wants him to do it under the cover. Conversation turns to farting. So we'll jump up to the HoH.

    01:32 AM BBT Up in the HoH Aaryn has returned and Judd is telling Andy that Jessie came up with that idea about the four of them voting to evict Candice. Judd is mad because he had no say in that. Andy is shocked and says he told Candice that Jessie is using his name without talking to him. Judd says it's putting a huge target on his back. Judd wants to go call her out for trying to make a power move in the house while ruining other people's games. GinaMarie comes in and Aaryn asks where the plan to flip the house came from when they were talking in the lounge. GinaMarie says Jessie. Judd is upset because she's sinking his game. Andy wonders if she's making other things up as well and tells Judd that other people have been coming up and telling Judd that he's acting weird. Andy told them it's just a slop freak out.

    01:38 AM BBT Aaryn wonders how Candice found out about the plan. GinaMarie says Jessie had to tell her. GinaMarie starts to rant about Jessie saying she's desperate to get into a relationship in the house and she didn't need Nick and Aaryn didn't need David. Andy wonders why Jessie is doing this. GinaMarie says Jessie flipped the early weeks because she said she didn't want to be considered a flipper and GinaMarie says she called her out saying that she flipped on Jeremy, Kaitlin, Nick, and Aaryn to evict Nick. GinaMarie says she went from guy to guy and settled on Judd which they've all tried to warn him.

    01:42 AM BBT Aaryn clarifies they were doing the votes with the candy and Jessie never said she wanted to flip the house but she wanted to get Candice out. Andy questions if she didn't realize it would flip the power in the house. Aaryn says that's why they shot the idea down (This makes much more sense now). Someone asks if Amanda, Helen and others know about it. Aaryn says no they didn't tell them. Aaryn says it was really awkward earlier when she went outside a moment ago. Aaryn says she feels like Jessie is drawing her down a rabbit hole which she wants nothing to do with. She's come too far in the game. She's been HoH twice and on the block twice. Aaryn says everyone would be smart to take her to the end because she hasn't done anything.

    01:46 AM BBT Down in a darkened chair room Helen is talking to Spencer telling him that she is sorry for everything he has been through and she's going to try and get him to jury. She needs to mull over it and think of what she can do to make this happen. Essentially she's repeating the apology from earlier. Spencer thanks her over and over again. She says she didn't realize the grudge she had with him until he was called out by Candice today. Andy takes Clownie to DR. Aaryn says they need to evict Jessie so she can be in a showmance with Judd. Judd laughs and says he's down with that.

    01:52 AM BBT Meanwhile there seems to be a crisis in the BY. Something crawled into a hole (a bat it seems). Jessie points to a crack between the main wall and the extended ceiling and says it crawled into there. Jessie repeatedly says it's in the house. McCrae and Amanda point out that the camera guys will have to deal with it because that's part of the camera track. Amanda and Jessie keep looking up into there with Jessie trying to scare her. Back in the SR Judd asks Elissa what's going on. Elissa tells him he will be the 8th HG evicted. Judd says he has a few weeks then. Judd questions her once more. Elissa says she talked with Jessie a bit about various things but Judd wants her to know that Jessie is throwing his name out there and it's not him talking. Elissa asks if they have a final 2. Judd laughs and agrees before whispering that he'll turn on her first. Elissa laughs and agrees.

    01:59 AM BBT Judd, and Elissa join Spencer and Helen in a darkened chair room. Idle chitchat/playfulness going on. BB informs Judd that the lights must stay on. Helen apologizes to Spencer. He says he's awake. Talk turns to the carvings in the door of the WC. "Dan was here. Other HGs that barely lasted a few weeks. The Renegades. There's a few Dan was here. DG." All four feeds currently on the chair room right now. Helen wishes they had a HG book or a wall devoted to previous HGs allowing them to sign it.

    02:02 AM BBT Elissa can't believe that girls carved their name on the door. She says it's only girls from their season. Aaryn, Kaitlin, Amanda and McCrae. Idle chit chat continues about previous seasons of BB and what they show. Someone doesn't remember seeing the WC camera (It's there! We've seen folks crying in there!). Feeds switch back to the HoH. Andy says he says there is a missing piece. McCrae questions who all was up there. Aaryn says it was just three of them. Feeds switch back to the chair room.

    02:09 AM BBT **FlashBack Alert!** Feeds 1 and 2. Feeds switch back to Amanda and Jessie in the hammock. Jessie admits she told Candice that because she doesn't like her and she doesn't want her to feel safe. (Oh geeze...) Amanda points out that by doing that she's freaking everyone else out. Amanda knows and understands. Jessie says she doesn't understand why Helen and Jessie are still hanging out with Candice and she wants to make her feel threatened. Amanda says she needs to calm down because she's only putting a target on her own back. Amanda questions whether Judd has gotten to her yet. She says yes and Judd told her not to scheme. Amanda questions who came up with the idea. Jessie says everyone did but they shut it down. Amanda questions why she said it. Jessie says she's bored that's why. Amanda tells her to talk to Judd or McCrae or herself. Jessie says she's bored (she sounds incredibly whiny and childish right now).

    02:14 AM BBT Amanda questions if Spencer and Judd came up to her with the idea. She says no. Amanda suggests scheming with Andy or Helen. Jessie understands. Amanda points out that she hears things. Jessie says she doesn't scheme against her. Amanda says she's heard things. Jessie admits in her dark past she did. Amanda understands. Jessie doesn't think she has a target on her back. Amanda says she doesn't and why would she say that. She should be saying she doesn't have a target. Amanda wonders why she would say that. Jessie says she's bored. Judd comes out asking if his cigarettes are over there. Amanda asks what his relationship is with him. Jessie says nothing. Amanda asks if they kiss and Jessie tells her no that he tries and she pulls away. Amanda wonders why Judd is always grabbing her backside and such with him. Jessie says because she is bored. Jessie says they have a flirtmance if anything.

    02:19 AM BBT Amanda asks where McCrae is and Jessie growls/whines a bit saying she doesn't know. It seems he's up in the HoH. Speaking of which, up in the HoH they're once again Candice bashing. GinaMarie says she and Spencer timed her (GinaMarie) in the Keeping up with the Jonses' veto competiton and she only took 5 minutes. There's no way Candice beat her. Aaryn will freak out if Candice wins HoH this week and puts her up. Andy thinks she'll put up Spencer and Jessie. McCrae doesn't think she'll win it this week. They're expecting it to be a girl's endurance this week and Candice's center of gravity will be so far off because of her big backside she'll fall early.

    02:24 AM BBT Back in the hammock Judd has joined Jessie and Amanda. Talk is about who has MVP. Amanda is certain that Howard doesn't have it because of who was put up as a replacement nom last week. He wanted Kaitlin to stay and by GinaMarie going up she would lose that extra vote in her favor to stay. Jessie is mad because Candice knows that Jessie hates her and she wonders how. Amanda suggests that Helen told her. Amanda points out that she also sat in a room talking to GinaMarie and Aaryn about votes. Andy comes outside. Helen comes outside to say goodnight.

    02:32 AM BBT Talk in the hammock turned to being on LD for 2 full days (they suspect it'll be an endurance comp) and we get an extended FoTH. Feeds switch back to Elissa, Helen and Spencer chatting in the chair room. Current topic is about children. The hammock feeds switch up to the HoH where McCrae and Aaryn are talking. They question whether Judd knows or doesn't know they don't trust him. As if on cue Judd knocks on the door and Aaryn invites him in.

    02:38 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH. Aaryn asks what's new. She asks if he talked to Jessie. Judd says he didn't talk to her. Talk turns back to Spencer and the things he's said about Jessie (the butter scotch comment). More idle chit chat.

    02:46 AM BBT Down in the chair room Andy is whispering to Helen telling him that he doesn't trust Judd after tonight because he slipped up a bit ago and made the comment that he knew Jessie had started the thing about about trying to get Candice out. Andy said he questioned why Judd had blamed it on Howard then. Judd stammered and said he thought they were talking about something else. Andy says things aren't adding up and he wants to talk to him about it. Helen says absolutely but they need to do it after the vote on Thurs. Andy agrees. They out into the KT where Elissa is.

    02:50 AM BBT Elissa and Andy trade playful jabs. He says he Elissa is always trying to crawl into bed with him to cuddle at night. Elissa said she can't help it with the things he wears. She said she's been trying to break it off with her husband since she saw him the first night with his cat shirt. Andy says he has to get up and go to the DR to get them to chase her out. This goes on for a brief period of time. Andy says he's going to evict her this Thurs. She giggles uncontrollably. Andy goes up to the HoH. Feeds switch to Candice and Howard in the lounge. Candice is whispering a saying of some sort. Switching feeds to the HoH Andy says things aren't adding up and someone told Candice of the plan to try and send her home.

    02:54 AM BBT Jessie doesn't know how Candice found out. Jessie says no one was around. Jessie asks Judd if she told him. Judd says "Uh...I don't think so...maybe out in the hammock. Jessie asks Judd to clarify because it looks like she's shady. Judd says he said there was a conversation but he doesn't remember what it was about. Jessie says she never told him. GinaMarie says she must have heard bits and pieces of the conversation and tried to put them together, especially after seeing them walk upstairs together after leaving the lounge.

    03:02 AM BBT Talk has continued on that she must have come up with it on her own before coming back around questioned whether Howard or Spencer came up with it. Jessie is kind of glad this happened because now she knows that how Howard and Spencer operate. She's only heard about their plans before and now she sees them. Amanda questions who initiated the thought to get rid of Candice. GinaMarie says no one did. They all were just running various scenarios. They question again how she found out about it. Amanda asks Andy for his thoughts because he looks like he has something to say. Andy says he trusts everyone in the room but something isn't adding up. There's no way Candice happen to come up with the same plan that the three of them came up with at the same time. Nor is it possible that she happened to hear parts of the conversation that was merely mentioned in passing.

    03:07 AM BBT Amanda questions whether Jessie ever said that Judd would vote Candice out over Howard. Jessie says she doesn't know. GinaMarie isn't sure but she doesn't think so. Aaryn stays quiet. Amanda questions Aaryn. Aaryn says she's in an awkward position right now. She doesn't think she said it but it may have been insinuated. GinaMarie says the conversation happened in passing and not made official. "It's not like we had army tanks ready to go after her." GinaMarie says it was just normal talk "We hate Candice." Jessie hates the fact that this has been brought up because it was just a conversation that happened in passing. Andy says he's worried because Candice clearly found out about it and if it were a real plan he'd be on the other side of the vote which would be bad for him and his game. Amanda agrees. Andy says running scenarios is fine because he does it all the time.

    03:13 AM BBT Aaryn knows what happened now. Someone walked out of the lounge leaving the three of them behind and they started talking about how much they hate Candice. Candice opens the door mid-conversation and Aaryn just knew she was outside the door and could see her and hear her pacing back and forth outside it (...and you're just now remembering this?). Talk turns to whether Candice is going to call another house meeting tomorrow. Aaryn isn't going to go do another house meeting that Candice calls. Amanda wonders how Candice's house meeting today effected her and her game. Aaryn says she just doesn't like how high and mighty she acts. GinaMarie agrees and says she should have pulled him off to the side and talked to him. Amanda disagrees saying this house meeting helped get the truth about Spencer out there. Aaryn agrees but says Amanda has never been attacked by Candice like this.

    03:20 AM BBT Amanda points out that Aaryn complaining about Candice having the meeting today makes it looks like she has a deal with Spencer. She knows it's not true but it still looks that way. Andy wants to change the subject because he feels like they're going around and around in circles at the moment. But...they continue on. Aaryn says Amanda isn't mad about the meeting because it helps her and her game. Amanda points out that she's on the block and last week when Aaryn needed help Amanda helped her. Amanda is very upset with Aaryn for complaining about the house meeting when all it did was help the house especially with her being on the block.

    03:24 AM BBT Aaryn isn't sure why they are still having the conversation (either do we...). Andy recommends changing the subject. Amanda says no one is upset with her for wanting to target Candice next week. Checking on the other feeds Howard and Candice are in the lounge. Jessie went outside briefly, looking upset. Jessie comes back upstairs asking McCrae for a lighter. Amanda says let's clear the air and be honest. They question Jessie whether she talked to Judd about it. Jessie asks what they're implying because it's making her look guilty. Judd tells her to slow her roll because he hasn't said anything. Jessie doesn't remember the supposed conversation had at the hammock. Judd says maybe he got confused with Helen.

    03:32 AM BBT Andy questions Judd about the conversation he supposedly mentioned he had with Jessie. Judd seems to be getting upset and questions whether Andy is trying to throw him under the bus. Everyone tells him to call down. Andy repeatedly says he's not trying to throw anyone under the bus. He's just asking. They try to figure out when this supposed conversation actually happened. Judd questions Andy if he forgets when he asked him the first time about this conversation. Andy again clarifies that he's just trying to figure things out. GinaMarie asks everyone to raise their hand if they are voting out Howard. They all do. Judd says he wants Howard out more than any MFer in the house this week. Aaryn agrees that Candice must've overheard something.

    03:37 AM BBT They are still trying to figure out how/when Candice heard/figured this out. They have finally agreed that they were all with each other during this time. Andy and Judd can vouch for each other where they were at the time. The three girls can vouch for each other as well. Aaryn says she must've overheard it and she doesn't want people to know that she creeps around in doors. GinaMarie belches in my ear (Thank you). Amanda says Candice has to go next week. They all agree. Aaryn says "For us the thought of her staying here for another hour is awful. Howard is going this week no matter what." They all agree Howard is the target this week and she will be weakened to go home next week. Jessie is glad she stayed up because she is afraid this whole thing almost came down on her head. She asks Judd to go outside and smoke with her. He says he'll be out in a little bit. She asks him to come out now. He asks why. She says she needs to talk to him.

    03:42 AM BBT Out in the BY...we have Candice/Howard's mics and miss the first part of the conversation. Talk is about who had what conversation when. Jessie says she never would have said that "that" because she knows how he feels about Howard. Jessie says the house sees them as a couple. Judd says they shouldn't Judd says he doesn't bring her name up without talking to her first. Jessie says this is the first time something like this has happened which is forcing them to have this conversation. Judd agrees. Jessie says she never knows where Judd stands on things. Judd asks her if he should tell her about his BS deals. Judd tells her about the Howard BS deal he made because there was no way to flip the vote to evict Amanda.

    03:48 AM BBT Jessie tells Judd that was brought up a few days ago. Judd says that's good because then it looks like it was a fake deal since she knew nothing about it. Jessie says she thinks the opposite. She thinks it makes Judd look shady. Judd says they're a flirtmance. Jessie says that's fine but if they're partners then they have to talk. Judd says the house is always questioning things but they don't have to know anything. Jessie says the conversation upstairs made her look bad because she felt like he was throwing her under the bus. He says he wasn't. Jessie feels like they're a hot mess. Judd says they're not. He's going to go back up the HoH to talk and asks Jessie if she's going to come. Jessie says no. Judd tells her to come anyway.

    03:51 AM BBT Back up in the HoH Aaryn is complaining about Candice saying she doesn't like that she's getting in close with everyone again. Amanda says she's not. McCrae tells them both to settle down. Judd comes in and says he saw Candice has his blanket in the lounge. GinaMarie says she can't just take his stuff like that. Judd says he told her to make sure she put it back. Amanda questions what Jessie said. Judd says about stuff. She pushes asking if she talked about what was said tonight. Judd says yeah and that she felt like he was throwing her under the bus. Andy said he wasn't trying to throw Judd under the bus. FoTH. Feeds back and Amanda says it's annoying. She said she said it because she was bored and was laughing about it. Judd says she's mad because he wouldn't stay out there with her.

    03:55 AM BBT Down in the lounge...Howard and Candice are cuddling. Candice thinks America is/has been the MVP the past couple of weeks. Howard says America was picking the MVP. Candice points out that Julie said to expect the unexpected. Howard agrees. Howard says as MVP you can't strategize because it'll create paranoia. Howard is done thinking about it and it's out of his hands. Candice wonders if Elissa and Helen are playing everyone and put her up and vote to evict her on Thursday. Back up in the HoH...we have idle chit chat. Andy gets called out for talking about DR. GinaMarie laughs. Amanda says tomorrow is going to be a long day. Aaryn says and it's all because of Candice. Andy tells her not to worry about it.

    04:03 AM BBT Idle chit chat/Candice bashing in the HoH with Aaryn leading the charge. Down in the lounge Candice is explaining to Howard how the Spencer thing started this morning. He deflected something to her and she stood up for herself with five people out there.

    04:06 AM BBT GinaMarie is now leading the charge about Candice bashing. Amanda wants to go brush her teeth. McCrae agrees. Andy says he feels like he trusts everyone in the room. Amanda says that sucks because he's going home next. Aaryn agrees that she trusts everyone. If she didn't she would have put whoever else on the block. McCrae asks what time it is. Amanda says it's time for the lounge (Bahahahaha! Candice and Howard are in there still.) They open the door and Candice tells them they can come in because they are about to go to bed.

    04:11 AM BBT Up in the HoH Aaryn is saying that when there are three noms on the block everyone is going to evaluate all their options. Andy understands. GinaMarie apparently farted. Aaryn wishes she would hold them in. Aaryn doesn't trust Jessie. Aaryn says she can't make waves in the house and it makes her look shady. Aaryn says she had to hold her tongue when Amanda questioned her about who brought up Judd's name. GinaMarie thinks it's kind of sexy when Judd gets mad. Andy doesn't because he was getting mad at him. Judd says he just talks loud. Andy reassures Aaryn to not worry about Candice and Jessie. Andy says they're too close to jury to implode on each other and tells GinaMarie that her farts are awful. Andy is going to bed.

    04:15 AM BBT Amanda is told to reattach her mic so we find her out at the HT talking to Jessie. Jessie says she's tired of everyone asking her about their relationship. She can do way better than Judd. Amanda agrees. Amanda asks if she thinks Judd has been acting shady these past couple of weeks. Jessie says he always acts weird. She says she had the conversation with him outside that if they are together then they need to start talking to each other. Jessie says going forward she would like to be seen as one person. She can't work with him. Amanda agrees that that's probably a good idea. Jessie feels stupid for talking to Aaryn and GinaMarie today. Amanda says not to worry about it because tomorrow it'll be something else (Truer words have never been spoken!). Amanda says they had to clear the air and find out that Judd and Spencer didn't start the plan.

    04:19 AM BBT Talk turns to the fake alliance to evict Amanda this week and how Judd told her it was good that they kept her in the dark. Amanda proceeds to tell Jessie how she had to ask him three times to get the truth out of him. Jessie tells her that Judd just told her that if it were to come up that she was to tell everyone that Spencer wasn't involved. She doesn't know what that's supposed to mean. Amanda continues on with her tale that she doesn't trust Judd. Amanda tells her this is a private convo. Jessie agrees because her and Jessie are partners.

    04:24 AM BBT Jessie says she doesn't understand what Judd is doing. Amanda tells Jessie that Judd wants Spencer to go to jury. Jessie says then maybe Spencer needs to go next week. McCrae comes outside and Amanda turns the conversation to how bad it looks when Aaryn is trying to complain about Candice's meeting today. Amanda says Aaryn has a bad case of HoHitis. Jessie says told her all she knows about Judd and that going forward she's finished with it.

    04:26 AM BBT Up in the HoH Judd and Aaryn are chatting in bed. Judd says she needs to realize this is not showmance world it's BB. Judd is going to close Aaryn's bathroom door for her and she says her bathroom smells like GinaMarie's farts. Aaryn knows she'll be a HN this week if HoH gets to pick it. She wants alcohol later tonight so she'll have the chance to drink. Back out in the HT Jessie says the scariest part of tonight was that she almost lost Andy's trust.

    04:30 AM BBT Judd comes outside and asks what's up. Jessie says they have about an hour left of freedom before they lock down the BY. Jessie can't wait for Candice to pack her stuff up because she has it all over the house. Jessie says she put her fedora down and Candice picked it up and put it on. Amanda says yeah that she's really bad about that. Jessie says she's going to smoke once more cigarette before going to bed. Judd tells her to sit her butt down. Amanda asks babe if he's ready to go inside. Judd wonders if she put his blanket back on his bed. He says he'll flip the lights on. They agree she's very inconsiderate. Judd asks her if she's mad at him. She says no, she's just tired.

    04:34 AM BBT Judd once again asks if she's mad. She says just a little. Switching feeds Amanda and McCrae have moved into the lounge. Amanda says Judd is sketchy. McCrae tells Amanda she needs to stop being so aggressive. He says Andy, she and he all know what's going on that's all that matters. McCrae tells her she's making a huge target for herself because she never concedes the point. She admits she pushes too much at times. Amanda tells McCrae about the conversation she had with Jessie and how he told her to make sure if it ever came up to make sure she told them Spencer had nothing to do with it (Perhaps he's trying to take Spencer back off the radar?). McCrae admits that's pretty weird. They get quiet. Amanda asks McCrae to stop thinking game so much. She's on the block and she wants to enjoy time with him. She says he looks mad. He admits he is because she keeps pushing even while being on the block. She understands.

    04:40 AM BBT McCrae says she was almost calling out Judd and they still need him. She says she was calling out Spencer. McCrae disagrees. In the house Jessie is passing through the KT. Back in the lounge...we have silence between Amanda and McCrae before Amanda speaks up and says tomorrow is another day. McCrae agrees. Amanda says there is still the possibility that Candice is just brewing this up. McCrae agrees. He doesn't understand why Aaryn is so pissed off about this. Amanda says she was pissed off all day.

    04:44 AM BBT They can't figure out why Aaryn is so pissed off at Candice about the meeting. They hug it out. Amanda says she hates him right now. McCrae says he's just annoyed. Amanda says she said she was tired of talking game today she's been talking about it since she first woke up today. McCrae tells her that she jumped into the middle of it. Judd knocks on the door and says he checked on his blanket. Judd asks Amanda if she is mad because he got snappy with Andy. Amanda says he was just trying to clear things up. Judd explains that he got loud because he felt like he was demanding things. Judd says he doesn't have to explain every breath he makes in this house.

    04:49 AM BBT Correction...it seems Judd is about to go turn the lights on to make sure his blanket was returned to him. He says there may be a show. He's going to tell them not to touch his stuff. Judd is heading to bed and leaves the room. Amanda and McCrae lies there in silence for the moment. Amanda doesn't like it when he thinks too much. She tells him to stop thinking and to love her. He says he does. They agree that they're both tired and that they're going to go to bed.

    04:52 AM BBT It seems Judd's blanket is where it is supposed to be because clicking over, he's crawling into bed without anyone saying anything in the HNR. Back in the lounge McCrae stands up with Amanda following and Amanda asks what's happening. McCrae says he's getting some water.

    04:54 AM BBT On that note I think we're done for the night. I'm sure Amanda and McCrae will start making out sooner or later. They'll rehash how much they distrust Judd. How much they want Howard to go and Candice to follow over the next couple of weeks. What more can be said other than the fact this house never sleeps at the same time. Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

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  8. 11:06 PM BBT Helen retrieves Andy from the hammock and pulls him into the lounge. Candice just told her that Judd, GinaMarie, Jessie and Spencer were going to evict Candice this week. Andy says it's not true and she must be lying. Helen rehashes the conversation that was just had in the SR. Andy wonders where she heard that from. Helen doesn't know because Candice wouldn't tell her. Helen says Judd doesn't Candice in jury because Howard would be a vote for him in the end. Helen wonders why GinaMarie would flip. Helen wonders why Aaryn would flip. Andy doesn't know.

    11:10 PM BBT Helen asks to go get Candice but Andy seems reluctant. Helen then mentions going to get McCrae and again Andy dodges it. Andy wonders if that's the plan then how Candice found out about it. Andy thinks she's just trying to stir the pot and turn them all against each other.

    11:12 PM BBT They run the votes again. It'll be a 4-4 tie and Aaryn would vote to evict Candice. Helen says it was Jessie's idea to keep Aaryn this week. They don't trust Judd or Jessie. Amanda comes in and Helen tells her. Amanda wonders how she knows that. Helen doesn't know. She tells her that Jessie has been following her around all day and finally pulled her off to the side and tells her that she feels like Candice is giving her the cold shoulder. They wonder what they should do. Helen again suggests talking to Candice. Again the suggestion is danced around. Helen says Jessie is acting super weird today and Judd has been super nice. Helen offers to go get Candice again and Amanda says sure. Helen out of the room.

    11:17 PM BBT Helen comes back with Candice and Elissa. They question Candice. Candice says she's figured it out. No one told her. Elissa suggests that they would do it because they would control the votes next week and not their group. Candice says Jessie hates her because she leaves the room. Amanda says she'll talk to Aaryn to make sure she votes to evict Howard. Andy doesn't think the plan would work. BB calls out a reminder to not obstruct your mic. The super hushed conversation continues. BB calls out Helen and Candice to not obstruct their mic.

    11:20 PM BBT Candice says she figured it out today because she (Jessie?) went upstairs and talked with Spencer after questioning in the BY why Candice would call this meeting today the way she did. "Doesn't she know this is BB?" Feeds switch to Judd passing in front of the lounge door a time or three. The hushed whispers have become normal speaking voices. Whispers resume. They question how they should talk to Aaryn. Candice says you have to think about the core of the person, she flipped a mattress. Jessie walks in and talk stops. Amanda tells Candice that they're good.

    11:26 PM BBT Up in the HoH McCrae, GinaMarie, and Aaryn are talking. Amanda left the lounge after asking Jessie where everyone was. Talk up in the HoH is about how many people jury will consist of and how many weeks worth of people they have to get rid of before jury starts. McCrae says Helen knows she has to cut Elissa off when the time comes. GinaMarie says she's all in and when they get down to the final five they'll all compete because it'll be everybody for themselves.

    11:29 PM BBT Switching feeds to Jessie and Judd in her bed in the color room. Judd says someone is pissed. Jessie says Helen, Elissa, Amanda, and McCrae and Andy is in the middle. Judd says they need to roll with them then to stay safe. Jessie says it would be Judd, Jessie, Candice and Spencer and she doesn't want to roll with Candice though. Jessie fears that Helen and Elissa wouldn't put Candice up though if they won HoH. Judd says it wouldn't be the worst thing. Jessie says it still wouldn't be the worst.

    11:33 PM BBT Jessie and Judd think Candice is bad news. Jessie says Helen showed her cards today by coming out and getting Andy and then by them all meeting together in the lounge. Jessie is mad that Candice is being so nice to all of them again. Jessie questions why Helen wouldn't talk about something. Judd doesn't know. Judd says she only talked to Andy. Judd says he'll get to the bottom of it tonight. Jessie wants Spencer and Howard to go over the next couple of weeks.

    11:36 PM BBT Back in the lounge Amanda is telling Candice about the plan that the other side had to evict her (Amanda) this week. Candice tells Amanda about how Spencer had commented on her choking on her own saliva or choking on her transmitter. Back in the colorful room Andy has joined Judd and Jessie. Andy is reassuring them that she doesn't have anything to worry about. Ultimately your word is on how you vote not how other people say you are going to vote. He doesn't trust Candice and they all will see how loyal they are when Howard goes home on a vote to 8-0.

    11:41 PM BBT Back in the lounge Candice continues to talk with Elissa, Helen, and Amanda. They appear to be rehashing different conversations that they've had recently with different people. Candice admits to Amanda bashing because she wasn't exactly on Team Amanda. Candice mentions talking to someone yesterday and they "DR'd" her yesterday. FoTH. Back in the colorful room Andy is continuing to reassure Judd and Jessie that the group is all fine and they have Aaryn as well. Andy says unless Judd and Jessie or Amanda and McCrae are being shady but then if that's the case shame on him. McCrae called to DR.

    11:44 PM BBT Andy says Aaryn really put her neck out on the line this week and he's appreciative of it. Jessie is going to bed, she feels better. Judd and Jessie kiss before heading out. Andy turns the light out. Judd tells her good night good lookin'. They leave the room. Judd walks out and tells Andy that Jessie is starting to scare him because she's having conversations about him without talking to him about it. Andy says she's fine. Judd doesn't want Elissa and them to think he's involved in the scenarios she's coming with. Judd suggests putting her up as a pawn if he wins HoH. Andy says Spencer definitely needs to go up. Judd agrees and says he was thinking three to four weeks down the road.

    11:48 PM BBT Andy and Judd go looking for other people. They find the crowd in the lounge. Amanda asks if they were upstairs. Andy says no and explains where they were. Amanda goes upstairs to the HoH and asks GinaMarie and Aaryn about Candice's conspiracy theory and tells them to be honest with her. GinaMarie tells Amanda they've been using candy to decide votes and Aaryn says she even thought out a vote where there would be 3-3-2 and Aaryn would still evict Howard. Aaryn says it was a worse case scenario. Andy comes up as well. He says he just talked to Judd and Jessie and they're solid, he hopes Candice is being crazy. They all agree they are. Aaryn says Candice acting like this makes her want to vote to evict her. Amanda says no way.

    11:53 PM BBT Down in the BY Helen is talking to Spencer. Spencer thanks her for saying that. Helen gives him a hug and says that America will see that he is a good guy. Spencer says he worries that his family is going to see that it's going to break their heart. Helen agrees and says it's very similar to the way things went down with her and Jeremy. She says it kills her to think that her family had to see that. FoTH.

    11:56 PM BBT Feeds back and Helen is again telling Spencer that the way he was called out today was very much like the way Jeremy and her went at each other. Similar but not exactly. Helen tells Spencer that if she gets HoH she's not going to put him up. He's paid the price more than enough. Spencer says he respects Candice way more than she respects him and he's heard her stories about her adoption and...FoTH again.

  9. 08:02 PM BBT Up in the HoH Andy and Spencer are talking. Spencer said he was crucified today and he thinks he handled it quite well. Andy says he hates when people say he's a floater because he says every vote he's gone in knowing what he wants to do. Talk turns to Howard. Spencer says Howard is ready to sink his own ship and that's something Spencer has discovered over the past couple of days which is bad because he's getting pulled under because of the suction as well.

    08:06 PM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Howard, Helen and Candice are chatting near the HT. The current conversation is about previous competitions and GinaMarie said Nick was really smart and had the packages down and it's probably good he went out the night he did. Talk turns to how Candice had 2 weeks to get ready to go into the show. Being a single woman with bills it was all very stressful for her. GinaMarie comes out and talk turns to getting ready to play volleyball. GinaMarie needs to pee first.

    08:10 PM BBT In the lounge Aaryn is eating while talking to Amanda and McCrae. Talk is currently about Spencer and things he's said. Aaryn says Candice blows everything out of proportion. Amanda doesn't care. Amanda says Candice has no reason to lie to her. Aaryn says Candice is trying to get in close with them. Amanda tells her to stop because she's starting to sound like Jessie now. They have a final four deal and there's nothing to worry about. Amanda is playing with her mic and making it difficult to listen to.

    08:16 PM BBT Aaryn continues to say Candice can't be trusted. Amanda tells her she knows and she wants her gone but regardless they're still solid. Aaryn says Candice lied about something Spencer said. Amanda doesn't think so because Spencer is a liar. Aaryn doesn't want them to be buddy-buddy with Candice. Amanda says she has to realize that it's not real if they do hang out with her. Aaryn says Candice is just as untrustworthy as Spencer. McCrae says ultimately it doesn't matter at all because they're solid with a final 4. Aaryn thought Amanda thought that Candice didn't have a reason to talk like she (Candice was).

    08:20 PM BBT Aaryn says she understands everything Amanda is saying but she just wants to make sure that they're aware. Aaryn says Candice being here another three weeks is bad. Amanda starts to say something. McCrae jumps in and the conversation goes from super quiet whisper mode to full voice with McCrae saying it doesn't matter. McCrae says Candice can go next week. Amanda starts to say something and McCrae says nothing she says will make it matter any more. They get a bit heated with each other before finally McCrae says "Let's hear it then..." Amanda says Judd and Spencer are working together.

    08:25 PM BBT Amanda goes onto say that if Judd or Spencer wins HoH next week then they'll (Aaryn and Amanda) will get put up. Aaryn says she was so happy when Candice was on the outside looking in. Now she fears Candice is going to feel like she's back on the inside. Amanda says of course she is because she has nothing else right now. Aaryn says Jessie and Judd want her and Amanda out. Amanda says everyone else wants them all out. Aaryn says Jessie will vote to evict Aaryn over Candice. Amanda says no because Jessie and Candice hate each other right now. Talk turns to Helen and how she said they're all going to have turn on each other sooner or later. Amanda says that was just stupid of her to say.

    08:27 PM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY the volleyball game appears to be going full force. Back in the lounge McCrae says no matter what happens ultimately whoever goes on the block next week and the following week they will go home no matter who goes on the block next to them (because they'll have the majority of the votes). Aaryn is worried that Helen is acting strange. Amanda tells her to go talk to her because she's a straight shooter. Amanda tells her to stop acting paranoid and emotional about it. "Just go talk to her and ask her what's going on because she'll tell you."

  10. 12:07 AM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda suggests a final four deal with Andy, McCrae, Amanda, and Aaryn. Aaryn's ok with that but she doesn't want a fake alliance. Amanda says it's not fake and they can use Helen as a fifth. She tells Aaryn about the final four deal they had with Judd and that he was in a great spot.

    12:11 AM BBT GinaMarie comes up to the HoH and they question if Howard has talked to her yet. GinaMarie says yes and that he speaks without naming names. Andy and Aaryn agrees. Andy says that no matter who says what over the next couple of days Howard is the target this week. She agrees.

    12:21 AM BBT Up in the HoH talk has turned to how nice and funny Elissa has been over the past couple of days. Meanwhile down in the hammock in the BY Elissa and Jessie are chatting about how different Candice has become since starting to hang out with Candice.

    12:27 AM BBT Andy is going to pull Spencer off to the side at the very last second on Thursday before the live eviction to let him know that they don't have the votes to keep Howard this week. Andy will even try to have a tear in his eye.

    12:35 AM BBT Up in the HoH Howard, Spencer, Judd and Candice bashing continues. Andy says he's friends with Candice and Aaryn says "Why would you be friends with someone that doesn't have any integrity?" Down in the hammock Elissa sounds like she's probing Jessie for information. Talk turns to Judd. Elissa asks if our "friends" (DR) ask about her and Judd and Jessie says not at all. Not once. Elissa is shocked by this.

    12:46 AM BBT More Howard bashing continues in the HoH. Aaryn says "A Jew and Candice and Howard are on the block and I'm the racist." Amanda says no one thinks that. Amanda gripes saying that Candice is always borrowing things of hers. Amanda says Candice asked to borrow her black shorts. GinaMarie says "Her fat rear-end <not that word> wouldn't fit in those shorts!" She goes onto say it again. McCrae outside smoking. Amanda gets called to DR. Judd comes in to the HoH.

    12:53 AM BBT Down in the hammock Elissa and Jessie are now talking about the lack of decent guys in the house (You're evicting them one by one!) Up in the HoH we have idle chit chat with Judd, Aaryn, McCrae, and GinaMarie. GinaMarie farts. McCrae is heading down to eat his salad. GinaMarie is going to get a cookie. Aaryn tells Judd that Amanda is freaking out. Judd wonders why. Aaryn tells him that she's afraid the vote will get flipped. Judd says he told McCrae not to freak out about it around her. Judd wonders if they don't trust him. Aaryn says they do. McCrae comes back up and Aaryn says "We were just having sex". Judd says "Way to ruin a moment McCrae!"

    01:05 AM BBT Down in the BY Spencer, Candice, Helen, and Andy are chatting about different movies. Up in the HoH we have idle chit chat. Elissa has joined Aaryn, GinaMarie, Judd, and McCrae. Talk turns to families briefly. Elissa mentioned that 'they' call your family once a week to touch base and to let them know how you're doing and BB gives a "You are not allowed to talk about production!"

    01:15 AM BBT Amanda, and McCrae has moved down to the lounge. Judd comes in and goes back out to grab something to eat. Upstairs Elissa and Aaryn are chatting. The current topic is clothing and how Danielle Donato had many outfits. Howard sticks his head in the door briefly and says he was just checking in on her because he hasn't seen her all day. He goes back out. Elissa says he's weird and asks if he does that all the time. Aaryn says he did that the first time she was HoH but not nearly as much this time.

    01:25 AM BBT McCrae says their son will be a hockey player. Amanda asks what their daughter will be. McCrae says a hockey player. Amanda doesn't agree because she wants her daughter to be a girly girl. McCrae says his sister is a hockey player and she's a girly girl. Talk turns to different names they could call. Maddie is Amanda's favorite name. McCrae says no way. FoTH.

    01:28 AM BBT Up in the HoH Elissa and Aaryn are talking about different HG's. If Elissa were Jessie she'd be offended the way Spencer talks about her. Feeds in the lounge switch to the WA briefly where Candice and Helen appear to be doing nightly ADLs while talking about how weak Candice feels after being a HN two weeks in a row. Feeds switch out to Howard, Spencer and Andy talking in the BY. Howard wants to bombard Jessie on Thursday for the vote. Spencer thinks Judd and Andy need to talk to her. Candice comes outside and joins them. Andy asks how DR was. Candice says she talked about him (Andy) and told them that he's always being mean to her so he's getting a penalty nom. She tells him to keep her name out of his mouth. Andy "Nah..."

    01:34 AM BBT Spencer tells Howard that he and Candice talked earlier and they're going to continue working through things. Howard says he's telling everyone that he wants to go home. Candice isn't amused. Howard says she's done so much for his game and he doesn't want her game to be ruined. Talk turns to how they need to get Candice up and running this week and get some food in her belly when she gets a chance. Spencer tells her to eat the slop. She agrees. Howard says he admits that today is the longest day and he slept through half of it. (That seems to be the recurrent conversation of the night). Candice says she thinks the house is so quiet because they're thinking.

    01:39 AM BBT Switching feeds to the lounge and they switch to Aaryn and Elissa's conversation continues in the HoH. It sounds like they are continuing to mend the broken bridge. Elissa admits that she wanted to stay away from Aaryn because some of the things she's said. Aaryn says she is the youngest person in the house but she is learning. Elissa says she's willing to put things behind them but she's not interested in getting into arguments with women. She doesn't claim to know her personally, only what she's seen in the game. Aaryn says them having these kinds of conversations allows her to see that she's a real person and not just Rachel's sister. Aaryn says she the sees that she's a good person. Aaryn says she has respect for her. Helen comes in looking for Aaryn. All three agree that they're getting tired.

    01:44 AM BBT Checking in on the BY the talk is about children. Jessie asks Candice if she would adopt. Candice says she would and she would love to adopt a child from another country. Candice knows there are kids in our country needing homes as well but she's always been fascinated with foreign countries and learning about them. Candice says we have a foster system in place which is better than other countries have. Feeds switch down to Elissa and Helen in the KT. GinaMarie wanders through complaining about her allergies.

    01:54 AM BBT Talk in the BY continues about babies and different organizations that are out there that can help mothers unprepared for pregnancy. Switching feeds back to the lounge we have a conversation about noses and surgeries done. GinaMarie had a nose job done.

    02:02 AM BBT Andy and GinaMarie have a quick meeting in the SR. Andy and GinaMarie agree that they are going to be voting however Helen votes this week. Feeds switch to Elissa, Helen, and Candice chatting in the chair room. The conversation is how long Candice has been a HN (21 days come Friday). Andy joins the party and Elissa asks "Do many people get it for weeks in a row?" and Andy asks "Periods?" They all have a laugh. Talk turns to the cups that are all in the room. Out in the BY McCrae, Spencer, GinaMarie, and Howard are chatting. Amanda is out of the DR so McCrae follows her inside.

    02:09 AM BBT GinaMarie goes in to get finger nail polish remover and Howard tells Spencer it seems good right now. They just have to wait this thing out. Spencer heads in to get his shoes. GinaMarie back and she asks Howard how many votes he needs. She asks who. Spencer, Judd, Andy, GinaMarie, and Jessie. GinaMarie questions Andy and Judd because they flipped on her before. They feel solid with them because they're 'on the outside'. Howard says if they don't flip the house soon it's going to be too late and the alliance of four will control who goes home. GinaMarie is cool with it but she is worried with Judd and Andy flipping on the last moment.

    02:16 AM BBT Switching feeds to Jessie and Andy whispering in the colorful room. Andy is telling her that everyone is on board with getting rid of Howard. Jessie is concerned Candice is going to come after her. Andy reassures her that if Candice doesn't win HoH this week then she's going home and if she wins HoH Andy is close to her and she will not be a threat to them. Switching feeds next door in the chair room Candice is whispering with Elissa and Helen. Candice says Howard is very sad and he's ready to go home.

    02:24 AM BBT Candice explains to Helen that her riff with Jessie is because Candice was there for Jessie those first couple of weeks when she was being picked on and emotional because of the other side of the house. Now Candice has needed her, hoping for the same and Jessie refuses because she's afraid of what her alliance will say. Helen tells Candice that Jessie came up with the idea for Aaryn to stay on the condition that she gave up her noms. Candice understands. Helen says she had no idea until today (She did have an idea. Aaryn told her when she suggested it). Helen or Elissa explains that Jessie wanted Kaitlin out because of the Jeremy thing.

    02:29 AM BBT Out in the BY GinaMarie, Howard and Spencer are chatting still. Talk has turned to what might have happened if things had gone a different way.

    02:35 AM BBT Conversation between Candice, Elissa and Helen are over. Andy comes in and the girls say it's bed time. Andy offers to tuck them in. Helen tells Andy to tuck Elissa in because she's going to get a drink. They flip the lights off and Elissa asks for a bed time story. Andy tells her about a beautiful princess that had her BB dreams crushed by a charming Prince Andy because he voted her out. Switching feeds to the lounge we have Amanda, McCrae, Judd and Aaryn. Andy joins them. Talk is about the chat rooms how some people watch people's roots. Aaryn and McCrae says the internet is mean because of anonymity. (Not all of us!)

    02:40 AM BBT McCrae hopes they keep the feeds active after they get out of the house so they can go back and rewind to watch them (Avoid tonight...you won't miss much!). Out in the BY Howard and Candice are snuggling on the couch, with Candice telling a story from outside the house. Her Uncle Steve apparently has a sex swing. Howard wonders if you forgot to take it down if you'd have your kids swinging on it.

    02:49 AM BBT Idle chit chat for a few. Feeds switch to Andy, McCrae and Amanda talking in the HoH. Talk is about trying to keep on top of everyone so they aren't cornered by Howard or Spencer. McCrae also wants to keep on top of Judd. Andy says he'll get up in the mornings with him. McCrae says he'll try. They don't trust Judd, etc... Out in the BY Howard is talking to Candice. He says it took him 3 months of employment to come on this show. He says if he was employed otherwise with the money he was making (or going to make, I missed that part) he would have turned it down. Candice says she has a lot of friendships to repair. GinaMarie, Aaryn, etc. Howard says she has to try. She's better at the social part of the game than he is.

    02:56 AM BBT Andy says he's going to keep letting people walk all over him like a doormat. That's all people think anyway, especially the people that have been evicted so far. Andy says even Helen thinks he is because he came up to her today and told him "I'm not supposed to tell you this and you have to keep it a secret but Aaryn and (Amanda/McCrae) talked to me today and told me that they trust you." Andy laughs and says she has no clue that he hangs out with them already. He heads to bed. Amanda loves him. The two of them begin to make out in the HoH bed.

    02:59 AM BBT Down in the lounge Spencer, Aaryn, GinaMarie and Judd are all talking. Andy comes in and says he's going to bed. Judd and Spencer are not far behind. Aaryn wants something cool to happen tomorrow.

    03:04 AM BBT In the lounge Aaryn is rambling to GinaMarie and Judd, saying what she wants to include in her blog tomorrow. Out in the BY Howard is telling a story. Switching feeds around and Aaryn is still going on about all the things she wants to include.

    03:16 AM BBT Out in the BY Candice and Howard continues to chat. Back in the lounge Aaryn is going on a Candice bashing spree. Nothing we haven't heard before. GinaMarie is chiming in and parroting things she says as she works on her hair in the mirror. Judd points out that the camera is going crazy. Aaryn says it's because she talking poop <not that word> and she hasn't talked it in so long. Judd is going to bed. GinaMarie and Aaryn starts whispering about how bad the other side wants Amanda out so bad. They both laugh saying it's not happening.

    03:23 AM BBT Aaryn and GinaMarie continue to whisper and talk in the lounge. Aaryn is giving a pep talk. "Good things happen to people with positive attitudes. Look at us. Last week we were bottom of the barrel. This week we're not even on the radar." GinaMarie hates Amanda because she's the Queen Bee of the house but she doesn't want to go against her and end her game early (Mind you...Aaryn made a final 4 deal with Amanda/McCrae/Andy earlier). GinaMarie is laying on her mic and it's making it difficult to understand some of this.

    03:31 AM BBT Aaryn and GinaMarie continue chatting in the lounge. More of the same. Go team go. Up in the HoH Amanda and McCrae are chatting in Aaryn's bed. Aaryn is ready for bed and heads upstairs. GinaMarie is going to the WC. GinaMarie in whispering with Judd in the HNR. Aaryn starts talking to McCrae and Amanda.

    03:42 AM BBT Judd and GinaMarie whisper a bit. GinaMarie doesn't think the votes are there to evict Candice over Howard. Both agree they like Howard. Up in the HoH Aaryn rehashes the conversation she had with GinaMarie down in the lounge as well as how sketchy Judd is. Aaryn is now practicing speeches she'd like to give in the event of needing to break a tie vote Thursday.

    03:49 AM BBT Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae are all praising themselves for figuring out that Judd is MVP this week. Apparently Judd was telling a story after his solitary confinement about how he was giving shout-outs to different people and companies and one of them was a BB fan site and then he said they cut to 'fishies'. They wonder how he would know that unless he was coached in the DR. Aaryn says Judd has told her that he's went to BB finale parties which is an invite only. Amanda tells McCrae that he's questioned whether Judd is related to a previous BB player. McCrae says Howie. McCrae thinks Amanda looks like Danielle Donato. Talk turns to pre-sequester finals and how McCrae spotted Judd and told all his "friends" that Judd looked like Howie. Intermittent FoTH.

    04:05 AM BBT Judd theories continues. No new content on feeds 1 and 2. On feeds 3 and 4 we have sleeping HGs in the HNR.

    04:19 AM BBT Judd bashing/theorizing continues. Aaryn offers Amanda and McCrae her snacks because she doesn't want to gain 3 lbs off the food. Elissa bashing now begins.

    04:26 AM BBT Amanda asks baby if he's ready for bed. He says yes. She asks if he could sleep on the floor next to her chair. He says yes. She thought he was going to be there with her through Have and Have-Not BBdom. Aaryn has a laugh. Aaryn points out that she never sees the two of them kiss and wonders why. McCrae says it's because she has a boyfriend back home. They finally rise up and head down stairs.

    04:32 AM BBT Amanda wants to go in the DR and check on something. Feeds switch to the inside of the SR and they can be heard laughing as they go in together. Feeds switch to Aaryn brushing her teeth in the HoH bathroom. Feeds back and Amanda and McCrae are in the SR. They come out and head into KT. Amanda grabs something to eat before going outside so McCrae can smoke.

    04:38 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae begin Judd bashing again. Amanda knows Judd is a huge BB fan but he's burned her trust and he's coming after her so he can't be trusted. They get into a discussion about who Elissa trusts more. Amanda caves and says she probably trusts McCrae more because she told him she was MVP both times. They head inside and begin nightly ADLs.

    04:51 AM BBT Nightly ADLs complete and they make their way towards the darkened bedrooms. There was a brief whisper session from McCrae reminding Amanda that they have to stay on top of Howard and Spencer so they don't corner one of the voters and get them to flip.

    04:55 AM BBT Amanda had to stop and use the WC. McCrae paused at the memory wall and looked over the images. Amanda out and they head back towards the darkened bedrooms. McCrae holds the HNR door open for open for Amanda to see and get settled into bed. McCrae crawls into his own bed. We now have all four feeds showing horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.

  11. 9:30-10:30 PM BBT We've had more more or less of the same that we've had off and on all day. Amanda has spoken with/is speaking with Jessie. Jessie is worried that she is being set up to vote incorrectly this week. Amanda tells Jessie that if she is told to vote for anyone other than Howard then she knows something fishy is going on. Amanda told Jessie to listen to McCrae and Andy, they wouldn't lead her astray. Assortment of people coming and going from the KT table as they all eat. Aaryn and GinaMarie hung out in the hammock and chatted for a bit. General Candice and Elissa bashing. Aaryn says "Everything you put out comes back (Karma), maybe not immediately...but down the road it will." McCrae and Judd chatted for a bit in the chair room about previous versions of the house. For the most part everyone is talking about how tired and bored they are.

    10:39 PM BBT In the colorful room Howard and Candice are laying down whispering and chatting. General talk. Candice is tired and hungry from her two weeks of HNR in a row. She says her mom is probably sad because she's hungry.

    10:41 PM BBT GinaMarie and Helen are hanging out in the hammock. Talk has turned to Aaryn and the flipping of the mattress. GinaMarie says she never heard them talking next door and the DR never asked her about it. Helen says people take things out of context all the time. Back in the colorful room Candice and Howard are still talking. Howard says he told someone that he and Candice and were close. Candice questions it and Howard repeats it, telling her to try and stop catching him in a lie. She says she's not.

    10:49 PM BBT Out in the BY Aaryn and Jessie are sitting with their legs in the HT. Aaryn says something feels off this week. Jessie agrees. Aaryn says she's afraid of how she's being portrayed outside of the house. Aaryn says everyone is only talking to her this week because she's HoH. Jessie understands but tells her that she's doing a good job by talking to everyone and building relationships again. Aaryn says the only person she doesn't have a relationship with is Candice. Jessie understands and is having the same problem. Aaryn inquires why. She thought they were close.

    10:53 PM BBT Jessie explains that they smoothed things over but she didn't like the fact Jessie was telling people that she had spoke with her in a hostile tone. Aaryn wonders why it's ok for Candice to complain/talk about other people but not in reverse. Amanda and Andy come out to join them at the HT. Talk turns to Amanda and Aaryn wanting to skinny dip.

    11:03 PM BBT Helen and GinaMarie continue to chat in the hammock. Helen says she is quite surprised about how Aaryn has turned herself around this week. Helen says Aaryn is someone she really feels like she can work with. Talk turns to Jeremy. Helen says she's really sorry he left as early as he did because she knew his mom was such a fan. Talk turns to how lucky they all are to be there.

    11:13 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the BY between those in the hammock and those near the edge of the HT. Topics include: Previous competitions and production.

    11:20 PM BBT Helen tells GinaMarie that she wants her to win the next HoH. GinaMarie would like to and wants Helen to win again as well. Helen says that's sweet but she's already won one. Talk turns to what the different names of the competitions were in case it comes up in a HoH quiz this week. The HT party breaks up leaving Judd and Aaryn behind. Aaryn wants something cool to happen like a Pandora's box. Judd agrees.

    11:31 PM BBT On the couch in the BY talk is about Andy acting like he has a Coup de'tat. Elissa says they were told that if anyone found it it would be invalid. McCrae laughs and says they'll find one in a box of cereal. Amanda and McCrae heads up to play chess but finds their way into the HoH instead. Amanda seems surprised/disappointed that Aaryn is in there. They begin chatting.

    11:36 PM BBT Out in the BY Elissa is talking to Howard and Spencer about her husband. Elissa turns the conversation to "So I wanna hear more about Candice and Howard." Howard says they met in the BB house. They began getting closer after the bed flipping incident. Elissa wants to know if he's falling more in love with her everyday. Howard feels like he's getting closer to her. Spencer says you have to meet somewhere. Elissa's inquiry continues in a very awkward manner. Up in the HoH they begin running voting scenarios. Amanda is going to stick on Jessie. Aaryn is going to stick on GinaMarie and Andy is going to stick on Elissa and Helen.

    11:49 PM BBT Talk in the HoH has turned to Judd. Amanda knows Judd is MVP this week because it makes sense that he would put GinaMarie up last week and Amanda this week. McCrae and Judd also talked earlier and when McCrae mentioned that he was going to go crazy if Amanda went home this week and Judd mentioned she'd have to go home eventually. Judd speculation continues in the HoH.

    11:56 PM BBT Feeds switch to Spencer and Candice chatting in the WA. Spencer whispering to her saying he knows she doesn't trust him. It's not that she doesn't trust him but she doesn't like his sneaky ways because he threw her under the bus with Helen. Spencer says Helen told him that she was intimidating them. Candice says of course they'd say that. Spencer says if he keeps saying things playfully towards her, it's just that...playfulness.

  12. 12:02 AM BBT It's midnight Friday morning in the BB house! That means its Have-Not Happy Hour! Shouts and cheers erupt as the HNs begin eating and drinking normal food. Cheers to everyone that have been HNs more than others. Amanda gives cheers to everyone for making the final 12. Someone points out "We're finally a normal sized cast now!"

    12:12 AM BBT General chit chat and joy all around the house right now as the HNs eat normal food. Amanda and McCrae are in the chair room whispering. McCrae is telling her about Dan's funeral last season and that they need to plan for something like that. Andy passes into the HNR to retrieve food he stashed away during the week. Judd, Howard and Andy have joined McCrae and Amanda are just having idle chit chat. Amanda is tired (I'll believe it when I see it!). Out in the KT Aaryn, Elissa, Helen, Jessie, GinaMarie and Candice are chatting about the Bachelor.

    12:27 AM BBT Down in the chair room there is a mash of conversations going on about different subjects. Feeds switch up to Andy snacking on Aaryn's food from her basket. Aaryn and GinaMarie walk in and Andy laughs saying he though she was up there and saw the basket and started snacking. Aaryn tells him it's ok and offers him some wine. The three of them toast (GinaMarie drinks apple juice). GinaMarie is going to take off the nail polish. She says it's for people with darker skin. She knows the company and it's for black people. She goes onto say that they were looking at the pictures on the memory wall and they were talking about the black and white pictures and GinaMarie chimed in saying "The pictures were already black and white! Zing!" (Can one double face palm?). Judd knocks on the door. Aaryn says if you knock you can't come in. Judd says he wasn't sure if she was naked. Aaryn: "Yeah naked for the live feeders!".

    12:35 AM BBT Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae whispering. McCrae wanted to tell her to throw the comp before they went out. They talk about hearing the crowd gasp/cheer when the ball almost went in what it did. McCrae says that's good because if America is MVP then...<mumble> They wander off and feeds switch back to the HoH. Down in the lounge Candice and Howard are talking. Candice says she's worried if they put Howard up. Howard isn't going to simply throw names out. Candice understands but you have to give her something (names/votes). She goes on to clarify that you can't say you have the numbers without giving her the names. Candice asks who they have for votes. Howard says they have 4. Candice says you need 5. Howard says no. Candice says the HoH will break the tie. Howard says there you go. Candice says that's still so far away.

    12:49 AM BBT In the lounge Candice is weighing the option of telling Aaryn about the plan to evict David the first week. Candice is afraid that she may take that information back to Amanda and McCrae. Candice wants to point out that they did with David, Nick, and Kaitlin. She knows Aaryn wants to make moves in the game, how great would it be to flip on them. Out in the KT McCrae is offering a pep talk to Elissa telling her to keep trying to build on her relationship with Aaryn. Elissa isn't hearing any of it. Elissa said she offered her congratulations. McCrae praises her for that.

    12:55 AM BBT Elissa says she's not going to let Aaryn effect her ever. She doesn't care if Aaryn likes her because she doesn't effect her at all. She has a good life outside the house because she is a good person. Amanda offers her a piece of advice: Don't stress or panic about going up because it will happen. Elissa doesn't care if she goes up. McCrae and Amanda disagree saying she shouldn't say that. McCrae continues to offer his pep talk to Elissa about trying to befriend Aaryn. Elissa starts bringing up the racial things that were said by Aaryn. Talk turns to the earlier conversation I didn't document. Aaryn had told Candice and GinaMarie that she has started saying "axe" instead of "ask". Amanda doesn't think that's racial necessarily. Elissa disagrees.

    01:01 AM BBT Talk turns away from Aaryn when Candice walks through to use the WC. Elissa says she doesn't want to be a HN again because her eyes were so sunken in. "They" told her they would give her eye cream and she told them she was using the best eye cream possible. FoTH. Feeds are back and talk has talked to hemorrhoids. Switching feeds, Howard is in the lounge by himself. FoTH. Feeds back and Andy says "I feel like when I go in I get an intern and they're like 'What do you want Andy?!'" More FotH. Feeds back and they're laughing at Andy. Talk turns to what the HNs have eaten. Candice had 3 slices of pizza and a baked potato. Andy calls her the p-word. They start trading lists of what they've all eaten tonight.

    01:07 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH. Down in the KT Judd, McCrae and Elissa continue to talk. Back around 12:55 AM Elissa had also mentioned she felt like she had been misled about this show. She was not prepared for it at all. She hopes Aaryn goes off the deep end because it will make for good TV. Idle chit chat has continued. McCrae asks if Rachel and she will get their own shows. Elissa says they already do. They do a show about pet-friendly places while traveling. During one of her trips they were driving to Vegas and they stopped at a gas-station and some lady was like "Mama won't eat!" She asked for clarification and a lady had a dog that wouldn't eat. She had to talk her husband into buying the dog from the lady. She didn't want to sell it. Eventually they finally settled on a price and the lady started crying. The dog had a large belly and was either filled with water or worms. Eventually they had to find a Wal-Mart to get food, a crate, etc... and they continued on to Vegas to catch their flight back to North Carolina. The dog's name is Zona. Feeds switch.

    01:16 AM BBT Feeds switch to Amanda and Andy in the lounge. Andy asks how things went after he went to bed last night. Amanda says she's tired because she was waiting out Howard and Spencer. She points out that the Goof Troop has yet to be even up on the block. Both agree that they're all playing their parts perfectly. Amanda says Howard and Spencer will be going home this week and there is no blood on their hands. FoTH. Feeds back. Amanda says Candice is going to go insane. Andy says Elissa is insane. Elissa is saying that Aaryn snubbed her after the competition but he watched her slither away from Aaryn making it clear that she didn't want her touching her after the competition. Amanda agrees saying that she was in the KT boohooing that she'll being up. Andy and Amanda both say "Shut up! It's not going to happen!"

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @whiteyX: @mortystv I never thought anyone could annoy me more than Rachel ... I stand corrected!! Elissa is SOO annoying when she drinks!! oi #BB15 -- Or when she's sober for that matter. Zing!

    01:23 AM BBT Talk in the HoH is about BB finals (just before coming into the house). Intermittent FoTH. Back down in the lounge Andy tells Amanda that Elissa tried to flip the vote today with Helen and then when Helen tried to call her out on it she denied it. Amanda says Elissa turns everything Aaryn says into a racial comment. Andy says the one thing that terrifies him is if she gets HoH. Amanda says she doesn't know the four of them are working together so it doesn't matter. Spencer comes in and the talk turns to the HoH tonight.

    01:35 AM BBT Checking up in the HoH we idle chit chat between Helen, Howard, GinaMarie, Aaryn, Candice and Jessie. The current topic is an episode of Sex and the City. Back down in the lounge McCrae has joined the conversation. Talk is about Elissa really being crazy. Amanda says she's known this. McCrae wishes they knew exactly what was going on with the MVP. Andy says if Elissa did have a stroke of genius and nominated herself last week she wouldn't dare do it again this week. They all agree.

    01:45 AM BBT They wonder what Kaitlin is up to right now. Amanda doesn't. She says it was her own fault. Spencer says all she had to do was keep her mouth shut and she would have been safe this week. Talk turns to the blindsides of the season. They think Nick was the most surprised. Jeremy was the exact opposite.

    01:50 AM BBT Idle chit chat around the house for the most part. Sex and the City talk continues in the HoH. Spencer thinks he's going to go to bed around 2:00 am BBT. Repeat game chat. Elissa has gone crazy. Candice is crazy. Kaitlin shouldn't have spoke. Judd comes into the lounge and Spencer mentions to Judd that he mentioned to Amanda and McCrae that he saw a new side of Aaryn tonight especially when she showed the picture of her in her snowboarding gear. "How great is it that she teaches under-privileged children how to snowboard!" They laugh and joke about it for a bit. Elissa comes into the lounge. Talk turns to stinky feed. Spencer and McCrae both have stinky feet.

    02:06 AM BBT Up in the HoH bathroom Howard has begun talking to her. Howard is clarifying the conversation that Candice had with Helen earlier. Aaryn says that Candice told Helen she knew that she made a deal with her (Aaryn). Aaryn tells Howard that she had to make a deal with them to keep herself safe for the week. Her original plan was to throw the competition but that didn't work out as she intended obviously. Aaryn says whoever she puts up she is doing strictly going with the numbers. Howard understands and says the he knows she's a smart girl because he talked with her during her last HoH. But next week when she's out of power she'll be back where she was the week before. But if she shakes the house up things have the possibility of changing.

    02:12 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH. That's all Howard has for her and he'll talk to her tomorrow. He heads out and Aaryn tells Andy, Jessie and GinaMarie what he just said. Aaryn tells GinaMarie that Howard wants her (GM) there when he talks to Aaryn in the morning. Aaryn said that Howard said GinaMarie has been with him 24/7 and she knows him. Aaryn is scared to talk to him. GinaMarie laughs and says she may be stuck in traffic but then says she'll be there for her. Aaryn says Howard comes at you like "a heathen!" Aaryn said on the one hand she was relieved when she got 36 in the HoH but she was scared. She said last time she had Jeremy, being HoH alone is scary!

    02:20 AM BBT They begin to say how crazy Elissa is. Down in the HNR Howard and Spencer are whispering. Spencer said he told her that she could put him up if she wanted to. Howard says he talked to her as well. Spencer asks who he told her to put up. Howard says he wasn't going to give her names. Spencer understands. Spencer says but if she flips and gets another powerful player out that would be huge. Spencer says Elissa is his first choice out, but Amanda would be just as good. Howard says she's thinking about it because she's getting nervous about it (I don't personally believe so, she seems as if she really wants to work with Helen these next couple of weeks - Niteslacker). Spencer thinks they're in good shape. Spencer says Amanda and McCrae are upset about Candice and he asks he talked to her. Howard says he did. Howard says Candice is working to build her relationship back with Aaryn.

    02:27 AM BBT Spencer says he believes that they need to get Elissa out soon. They've all said that they will vote her out when she goes up. Spencer says if she goes home they'll be able to pull in Andy, Jessie and Judd, add in Candice and they'll have themselves a small army to go after Amanda with. Talk continues on. Spencer is going to bed soon because he wants to be social tomorrow.

    02:35 AM BBT Up in the HoH talk is about the different competitions they've done so far. Aaryn starts to say something but then stops. Jessie tells her to say it. Aaryn points out that she's won 2 HoHs and never been a HN that'll be good to have if she makes it to the end...and that she probably shouldn't have said that. They laugh and say they already did. Spencer comes up to the HoH. Feeds switch down to Candice and Howard in the WA. Candice says "she told me to wake her up to make pancakes with her in the morning. So I feel she wants to talk." Feeds switch back up the the HoH. Idle chit chat. Candice comes in and says she's going to bed. They tell her good night. Aaryn tells her to wake her up in the morning so they can make pancakes together. Aaryn starts to tell a story about High School and the feeds switch down to Amanda and McCrae making out.

    02:42 AM BBT Feeds switch back to the HoH and Spencer is telling a story. Feeds drop back down to the lounge. Amanda says she's going to go to bed. Amanda asks if he needs to use the toilet first. McCrae smiles and laughs and says they're not going to talk about it (See yesterday's updates early morning). Amanda asks if he's sure. McCrae says he thinks he found the camera in there. Andy is may be back. He's not sure. Spencer asks if that's his good bye. Andy says it is. Talk turns to some of the different kinds of kinky sex they've had. Back down in the lounge Andy has joined Amanda and McCrae. Andy is relaying the conversation Howard had with Aaryn and someone walks by. Andy freaks out asking who that was. *knock knock knock* Howard opens the door. *Dun dun dunnnn*

    02:49 AM BBT Howard says "Sup..." Andy says "Huh?" (He has a deer caught in the headlights look on him). Howard mumbles something and starts to pull the door closed but then opens it quickly and he starts laughing. He says "Uh...it's late...just so you know...we're all good right?" McCrae says yep. He's heading to bed and pulls the door closed. Andy is freaking out that he might have been heard. McCrae crawls across the floor trying to see if he can see through the frosted glass to see if he's listening outside the door. Andy spends the next five minutes running back and forth while having McCrae and Amanda talk in different voice levels to see if there was any chance he could have been heard. Andy reassures himself that he couldn't have been heard. Andy says their voices were mostly muffled even when they were talking loudly. Talk resumes. Andy says Howard, Aaryn and GinaMarie are talking tomorrow.

    02:57 AM BBT McCrae says the final six is Goof Troop, Helen, and Aaryn. Andy is still freaking out. McCrae says ultimately it'll all fall back on Aaryn so who cares. Amanda goes to take off her makeup. Andy and McCrae go back and forth over whether Andy was heard or not. Switching feeds Howard flips the lights off and kneels down to pray next to his bed with Candice already in her spot. Howard finishes and rises up to take off his pants (leaving boxers on) and Candice says "I wanted you to win HoH so you could get a new pair of flip flops". Howard laughs hard. Howard says "Ok first off the conversation with Spencer is he asked Howard if Candice said if Aaryn won HoH and she said to put up GinaMarie and me." Candice says she hasn't even talked to Aaryn yet. Howard repeats his convo with Aaryn.

    03:05 AM BBT Howard said he talked to Spencer again and Spencer asked about it again. Candice says she didn't talk to her Helen or Aaryn about putting Spencer up. Howard says he told Spencer they each need to try to get Aaryn to make a move this week. Howard says he told her she's low man on the totem pole on that side of the house. Howard says he talked to Aaryn about the rumor as well. Candice wonders where it came from. Candice says she told Howard that she's going to suggest Spencer and GinaMarie. She questions Howard if he said anything. Howard says no he's just repeating what he heard. Candice wants to sit people down and call them out. Howard says to let it go. Candice gets really defensive. She wants to know who said what. She starts to move and Howard rolls over on top of her to get her to stay put. She tells Howard to get off her. She's not happy she wants to know who said what.

    03:12 AM BBT Candice scolds Howard to get off of her because she wants to think. She raises her voice numerous times asking who said what and he tells her to quiet down and relax and listen to him. He makes her promise not to get off the bed and listen. Howard starts repeating the story. He heard it from Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae, and Spencer. Candice is not happy. She wonders if Spencer and Howard started it. Howard says she's all he's got in this game. She starts to raise her voice and he hushes her up again. Candice keeps raising her voice and Howard keeps telling her he doesn't want her to blow up. She gets really defensive about this and says she's not going to blow up. Finally she says she just wants to go to bed and tosses her mic on the table. Andy, Spencer, Judd, McCrae and Amanda are all going to bed as well. Amanda is walking around with her hands over her naked breasts waving a cup around. They're all laughing quite hardly. We'll rewind in a moment.

    03:20 AM BBT Up in the HoH Jessie is talking to Aaryn and GinaMarie. Jessie is telling Aaryn that she thought her game was shot last week. Andy comes in and says he's going to bed. He clarifies the sleeping arrangement with GinaMarie (his bed mate this week) and tells Aaryn that he was in the lounge earlier and talking with Amanda and McCrae about Howard and he opened the door and just stared at them before closing the door. They all laugh and say there's no way he heard him but Howard just does that.

    03:25 AM BBT Andy, GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Jessie are all running scenarios this week. Aaryn hopes this HoH doesn't come back to bite her in the butt. Jessie and Andy says Elissa is on her 2nd strike and if Elissa turns on Aaryn that they have 7 people that will talk Elissa into not mistreating her. Aaryn says she's going to put up Howard and Spencer this week but she wants safety next week (uh...you were kept in the house this week...That was your safety. How'd Kaitlin's deal work for her?)

    03:39 AM BBT Up in the HoH room Aaryn, Jessie and GinaMarie continue to game. Jessie says that if Aaryn wants to get out Elissa this week she would completely understand and support her. However...she's played with the house alliance for 2 weeks now...wait...no...1 week now and they'll keep you safe if you do what they want.

    03:45 AM BBT GinaMarie asks what had happened the week Nick went home. Jessie explained that she didn't feel safe with GinaMarie and Co. She felt very awkward around them and the other side of the house made her feel welcome. GinaMarie explains that Spencer told Judd that Nick was gunning for him but GinaMarie says that was the first week only but because Spencer said that it had caused Judd and Jessie to ultimately flip. Jessie says "So what we're all learning hear is that Spencer is the root of all your problems!" Aaryn says she doesn't feel like she is on Howard and Spencer's radar. Jessie understands and says that Elissa is crazy. Jessie says ultimately you have to do what's best for your game. Aaryn says she doesn't want to put Elissa up this week because if Elissa is MVP again she'll put up Howard and the house will still vote out Howard.

    04:02 AM BBT The children continue to discuss scenarios in the HoH. Meanwhile Howard is up and heading into the HNR to look for Candice. Howard tells her to come back to bed. She says she doesn't want to. Howard asks if she's mad at him. She says she's just stressed out. That's what he's here for. She says he's a loyal person but if he has a game with Spencer then he should go play with him and leave her alone. Howard asks if this is about he and Spencer and then explains that he was close to Spencer early on because he is more savvy at the game than he is but he's a good guy that he trusts. But he likes her as well especially because she has helped him especially when it came to dealing with Elissa.

    04:07 AM BBT Candice says the only person she told that Spencer and GinaMarie should go up to was Howard. Candice doesn't care about Spencer. He could go home for all she cares. Candice wonders why he doesn't defend her when Amanda and McCrae talk bad about her. Howard says it's because he's mingling...that's his game. Candice tells him to play his game then. She doesn't care. Howard doesn't like that. He wants to play together. He just doesn't want her to drop names. He mentions he's worried about her blowing up. She goes off on him telling him that he needs to stop telling her that he's worried that she's going to blow up. She is a professional woman. She is a Speech Pathologist on National television and was Miss Louisiana. He has known her for thirty something days and she doesn't blow up. She did blow up about the mattress because her mattress was flipped and she was antagonized. Of course she blew up.

    04:14 AM BBT Howard just doesn't want her to drop names because he's seen what happens what names are dropped in this house. Candice says she's not afraid to say Amanda and McCrae's names. Howard gets really defensive saying that he's not scared of anything. Candice questions if he's working with Amanda and McCrae. He blows her off and says no. She wonders why he waited until 2 am to tell her this. Howard says he has defended her since the flipped mattress. He didn't come to the house to get involved with someone. Howard says she is constantly telling him to not get onto people about things but then she gets mad when he doesn't defend her. He wants to know what she wants him to do.

    04:19 AM BBT Meanwhile Jessie has left the HoH and GinaMarie and Aaryn are still chatting about who is going up this week. Back down in the HNR Candice wants to tell GinaMarie that whatever this rumor is she wants to make sure she understands that she didn't throw her name out there. Candice says she's a real person and she hates when people lie on her. Candice says if she has to she'll sit everyone down in the LR and make each and everyone of them air the dirty laundry. She hates secrets and lies. If it sends her home then so be it. Jessie comes in and flips the lights on and asks if they've seen Judd (She had a glass of wine...it seems she's lost), they point her in the direction of the bed those two are supposed to be sleeping in. Lights back off. Candice wants to talk to Aaryn and try to get her to do a power move. Howard agrees but he doesn't want to drop names. Candice says everyone else is quick to drop his name. Howard says he ain't like that.

    04:24 AM BBT Candice wonders why he's so afraid to drop Amanda and McCrae's name. She wonders what if he and Spencer are going to plow over her at the end of the game. He is mad that she doesn't trust her. He's not gaming her. He trusts her. She asks if Spencer knows about the deal. Howard says no. Howard says he didn't get it from him if he does know because he's been with her all night. Candice wonders if anyone heard them talking.

    04:29 AM BBT Howard wishes she'd stop questioning his loyalty. Candice says she's more upset that she's been played by Helen. Howard understands. Howard needs her. Candice apologizes and says this all real and she's a real person and she's a fighter and she doesn't want to be fake. Howard understands and he's playing the same game with her. Candice says it's a stressful game. Howard understands. He needs her. You can hear one of their hearts beating through the mic. Howard says they need to keep it together and talk to the most important person. That person is Aaryn.

    04:33 AM BBT Howard needs Candice. They get up and head back into their room. The matter seems resolved for the moment. Meanwhile up in the HoH...GinaMarie and Aaryn are still going strong. GinaMarie is on a rampage about being real. She'll compliment people when she needs to but she's not going to have tea and crumpets with someone if she doesn't really like 'em. She'll be there for Aaryn if she needs it but she needs to watch people closely. She wishes Aaryn a goodnight and tomorrow is a big day for everyone. Aaryn says it's a bigger day for because it'll be the HN comp. GinaMarie says she'll probably sleep late but she can wake her up if she needs to. She turns the light off in the HoH and takes a few dishes downstairs.

    04:38 AM Feeds 1 and 2 are on Aaryn in HoH. Feeds 3 and 4 appear to be Jessie and Judd but one of them may be Amanda and McCrae as well. GinaMarie can be seen in one of the mirrors crawling into bed.

    **Advert** 04:40 AM BBT On that note...it's been a busy day in the BB house. What is to become of Howard and Candice? Will Aaryn put up Spencer or Howard, or will she flip and put up Elissa, Amanda, or McCrae? Lastly, will GinaMarie become a HN? We should start to see some of these exciting things begin to unfold today. But are you aware we have more than just our Twitter or Facebook pages? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net(New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

    04:45 AM BBT We have all four feeds on horizontal HGs at the moment. Loud clicks, slaps and bumps can be heard echoing around the house which is typical after everyone goes to bed.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Under construction...or is it destruction?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  13. hnhh.jpg

    Have-not happy hour


    Everyone "hiding" from Aaryn while they wait for her to get her HoH room.


    Amanda trying to distract us while Candice and Howard work through a marital spat in their bed.


    The results of Candice and Howard tonight. Candice has moved onto one of the beds in the HNR.


    Howard talking to Candice.

  14. 10:45-11:00 PM BBT The HoH party broke up pretty quick once Aaryn finished going through her basket. She thanked everyone for coming and Andy jumped up and said Goodbye! (Playfully). Aaryn invited the HNs to come up and eat her goodies when their restriction is lifted at midnight. Candice asked Howard to teach her to play chess.

    11:05 PM BBT We have idle chit chat all around the house. Apparently Howard and Candice's game of chess is over because down in the WA we have Spencer, Howard, Helen and Andy chatting about their friends and family. Intermittent FoTH. Up in the HoH GinaMarie is listening to Aaryn's CD while Aaryn unpacks. Jessie, McCrae and Amanda are also hanging out. More idle chit chat. Amanda is waiting to be called to the DR with Aaryn's clown. Amanda asks why Candice is wearing her hairband without asking and it's super annoying. Aaryn says Candice has gone through her hairbands as well and asked to wear something of hers that she thought was cute.

    11:09 PM BBT McCrae and Judd are whispering in the SR about Kaitlin going home. McCrae says he would have felt bad but she never asked for their vote. Judd says he feels bad. McCrae points out Judd didn't have a vote so it doesn't matter. Judd tells McCrae to tell Amanda to not bring up the fake alliance any more. McCrae says she's done with it but the house is going to go after them now. McCrae says they need to get Candice out as well but they can't do it if Howard is on the block. McCrae says that if Howard has the coup de'tat power that they still have the votes to chose who goes home.

    11:14 PM BBT McCrae tells Judd to tell GinaMarie that if Amanda or he gets HoH that they won't put her up because she's not on their radar. The SR party winds up. Up in the HoH Andy knocks and comes in with Aaryn saying "You don't have to knock, <Q word> boy." Downstairs Judd ducks down behind the couch when Amanda is called to DR. She walks through with the clown in her hand and Judd jumps out at her causing her to scream. Feeds switch to Helen and Candice in the lounge. Helen is saying that Amanda is trying to control her and that Candice's gut was right again. Helen says as long as she (Helen), Candice and Elissa stay off the block then it's ok.

    11:21 PM BBT Helen and Candice continue to bash Amanda and how much air time they think she is getting. Apparently someone heard Amanda talking about her DRs and she says she goes in "Do you have a card under the seat for me?" They wonder how she knows that's how it happens. Helen wants to talk to Elissa about it and ask. Helen says MVP usually finds out on Friday night. Spencer knocks on the door and they invite him in. Howard walks by saying he's just mingling. Talk turns to how excited they are to get off the HN restrictions. Up in the HoH Judd, McCrae, GinaMarie Jessie and Aaryn continue to chat as Aaryn unpacks her suitcase. Andy comes in and says he has pizzas in the oven. They have 35 minutes to go.

    11:29 PM BBT Down in the lounge Helen wonders what Jeremy is thinking because they sent Kaitlin home tonight. Candice asks why they wanted her to go home this week. Helen points out that she has such a good social game and that she was such a competitor. Talk touches briefly about the live feeders and where they find time to document everything that she does. Helen says it would take her years to go through everything that's written so far. Up in the HoH they're discussing Julie mentioning the bear shirt. McCrae says it's kind of cool that people are watching for it. They agree that they want to try to put it on someone for each competition/ceremony. Jessie points out that Kaitlin wore it in the photo booth. GinaMarie says "That don't matter, we're talking about the real cameras".

    11:38 PM BBT Up in the HoH talk is about the things that Aaryn's family sent. Aaryn knows that her mom sent the earrings because that's the box they came in and her mom had it. Judd asked if her mom signed a release. Aaryn says she did not and that her sister sent the letter. GinaMarie asks how old her sister is. Aaryn says 18. Aaryn says getting the things from home makes her feel super supported and cared about in the house. Aaryn says she knows she's said and done some super stupid things while being in the house and these things from home makes her realize they're still watching and care about her.

    11:45 PM BBT Idle chit chat down in the chair room with Elissa, Judd and Helen. Up in the HoH GinaMarie and Aaryn are alone and GinaMarie whispers asking who she is going to nominate. Aaryn tells her why she was able to stay this week (by making a deal with the other side). Aaryn says she couldn't tell her because she knew she was super close to her. Aaryn says she was the target but then she made a deal with the following people. Amanda, McCrae, Jessie, Judd, Helen and Andy. The feeds are officially acting up again. No live cams at the moment. Close the browser and reopen and everything is back. Aaryn is telling GinaMarie that she told Helen she would nominate whoever she wanted.

    11:55 PM BBT Aaryn tells GinaMarie that Helen pulled her into the SR earlier...and this has to stay between us...but she told me that Elissa has gone bat s*** crazy and she's flipped on her twice so far. If she puts her up she won't care. Aaryn points out to GinaMarie that the two of them had never been a HN. Candice and Howard are playing chess. Downstairs the rest of the house are gathered around the memory wall playing BB superlatives. "Which of the HG would be king and queen? Who is the hottest? Most likely to be lying about their profession?"

  15. 12:03 AM BBT Aaryn turns off the lights in the colorful room and crawls into bed. Up in the HoH we're talking about plural of different words. Dice, mice, fish, deer, etc... Helen starts to say the words to a Beastie Boys song and we get intermittent FoTH.

    12:14 AM BBT Amanda in WA brushing teeth then goes to retrieve her and McCrae's blanket. McCrae now brushing his teeth. They head into the lounge. McCrae asks her what she thinks about the comp tomorrow. Amanda says she'd almost rather see where everyone ends up first to see where they end up and then base her strategy off that. McCrae agrees. Watch how the ball rolls speed wise and think about the ball leaving your hand during practice over and over again. Amanda wonders why Judd would say anything like he did earlier. McCrae thinks he has his own agenda. McCrae flossing his teeth.

    12:20 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae cuddle up in the lounge. She asks to examine his teeth. He doesn't like for her to. Amanda hopes that Candice doesn't win it tomorrow. McCrae says "It's called crap-shoot because anyone can win it...even Candice." They begin cuddling under the blanket. Amanda says she was so turned on up there. McCrae says he was trying to not think about it. They begin making out again. Meanwhile up in the HoH they are talking about previous seasons of BB and how there wasn't haves or have-nots. Cams switch around as if looking for someone while keeping the audio up in the HoH. They flip through the door outside the lounge, inside the WA until settling on Candice and Howard in the HoH bathroom whispering. Howard is talking about his hair before they begin talking game.

    12:27 AM BBT Howard and Candice talk in the bathroom but it's difficult to hear due to the echo of the room and the conversations in the HoH. Candice begs Howard not to volunteer to be a HN this week. He looks as if he's really debating it this week. There was some game talk about what to do next week but again it was hard to hear. Candice can't believe his mother wasn't mushy with him as a kid. Howard says they weren't like that. Candice asks what about when he was younger. Howard doesn't remember. Howard suggests they rejoin the HoH group. The group asks what they were doing. Howard says he washed his hair because Elissa is going to give him a haircut tomorrow.

    12:33 AM BBT BB calls out McCrae and Amanda for obstructing their mic. Elissa raises her eyebrows. (Don't worry Elissa...they're just making out and grinding beneath the covers). Talk turns to the different kinds of music everyone requested. Elissa rattles off a few country artists (Blake Shelton was one...honestly I forgot the other) and she mentions Nelly. Again...this talk of music causes the HGs to periodically break out into song and we get periods of FoTH. Feeds are flipping around crazy as if they aren't sure who to follow. Amanda and McCrae down in the lounge who have begun to talk about DR or the HoH who are still breaking out into music. BB reminds everyone they aren't allowed to speak about DR twice.

    12:41 AM BBT Up in the HoH Elissa mentions going to bed but then Jessie tells her to listen to a song on Judd's CD with her. Down in the lounge Andy has joined Amanda and McCrae. Andy tells them that he thinks Judd made everything up. McCrae says that's genius. Amanda says there's no way he had time to talk to someone before McCrae's birthday party because the girls were with her. They continue to whisper that they don't trust Judd which is strange because they do. They're tempted to talk to one of them to tell them someone from their alliance told her something (I cannot apologize enough here, I'm completely lost which makes this conversation difficult to follow). Amanda says this pins everything on her (Amanda) and McCrae agrees. Andy says something in her eyes tells him that she's serious and not lying.

    12:51 AM BBT Amanda says they need to get in Kaitlin's ear and tell her that someone from her alliance told them this information so she can take it back to her alliance and they can start pointing fingers at each other. McCrae thinks it's a bad idea. Amanda says it'll take the target off her back. McCrae says if it's not true then it makes her look even worse. She asks Andy to talk to Kaitlin. He can try but it'll be risky to say anything. Andy says it might be better to be vague and not drop names because Kaitlin can start WWIII before she goes and she may throw his name out which will put two of them on people's radar. Andy doesn't want to leave Amanda hanging out there by herself obviously.

    12:55 AM BBT Meanwhile up in the HoH Candice is talking to Howard telling him that the house wants Kaitlin to go home this week and not Aaryn. They run through the votes. Candice "Andy will do what they want". Spencer comes in from the bathroom and says "Ya'll are being awfully quiet." Candice is going to bed. Elissa, Jessie, and Judd are missing from the HoH. Down in the lounge Andy wants to talk to Judd and ask him if he made everything up. Amanda says she wants to know tonight. Amanda wants to know why he said Andy and Helen's name. (Now it's beginning to make a bit more sense...). Andy thinks it's because Judd sees them as floaters.

    01:01 AM BBT Up in the HoH Spencer doesn't care who goes home this week. Spencer thinks if Kaitlin is being honest then they should keep her. Spencer doesn't think this should be a hard decision this week. Howard says it shouldn't be but people are making it that way. Spencer points out that Aaryn was doing really well during practice. Howard agrees and says it's going to be a crap-shoot still. Back down in the lounge Candice sticks her head in the door and says she's going to bed. Elissa comes in (they agreed not to say anything to Elissa about Judd). Elissa asks if she was talking to Candice. Talk turns to tomorrow's HoH comp and how well people were doing. Elissa interrupts and says she really doesn't want to get in the middle of the Candice/Amanda drama.

    01:08 AM BBT Switching feeds Candice and Jessie are talking in the HNR Amanda not going after Candice not going after someone. Switching feeds back to the lounge and Amanda questions who is taking the blame for starting the rumor about the overnight alliance and mentions that she and Elissa are taking the heat for this one. Elissa laughs and says she's tired of the drama. Switching back to the HNR and Andy has joined the other two and asking if they think the five person alliance is true. Candice says she doesn't believe it's true. Andy agrees. Candice wants to just stay quiet. Candice sees the big picture. Jessie wants to know what that picture looks like. Candice says it doesn't matter. Each little picture doesn't adds up to a bigger picture and she doesn't like where this one is headed. Andy wants to know what it is and if it's going to effect him or Jessie. Candice dodges the question briefly before saying no.

    01:16 AM BBT Candice is worried that Aaryn staying will effect her game. Jessie points out that Aaryn staying means there's a bigger target in the house. Candice says she won't be working for the three of them. Jessie points out that she'll be working with Helen though and they trust Helen to have their back. Andy and Jessie continues to reassure Candice that things will be ok. Back in the lounge Judd is in with Amanda, McCrae and Elissa. Elissa is giggling non-stop. She says everything that Judd says is so funny. Judd apologizes for throwing Andy and Helen's name out there. He says nothing has been said since so he thinks it's ok. (They can't question Judd about his honesty because Elissa is there). Amanda is called to DR. Elissa reassures Amanda that she did not confirm with Candice that Amanda started the rumor. Amanda understands and says she trusts Elissa. Elissa is going to bed. Feeds switch to the HoH. Andy is making his rounds and is now speaking with Howard and Spencer.

    01:25 AM BBT Judd is eating pizza down in the KT chatting with Kaitlin and Elissa. Kaitlin heads up stairs to the HoH. GinaMarie came in shortly before she did. Andy says they're going to do a practice vote every week and we get FoTH. Feeds back and Spencer says he's the King of Shout-outs. Switching feeds...Judd is talking to Elissa down in the KT. Elissa asks how late he stays up at night. Judd says between 3 and 5. (Verified!) Judd says he can't sleep in this house. Elissa says she slept the best when she was in the HoH. People should throw the HoH to her. Judd says he can't play. She asks him if he would consider it and...Andy and Spencer come down from the HoH. Idle chit chat begins.

    01:34 AM BBT Up in the HoH Kaitlin, Howard and GinaMarie are talking about Amanda and McCrae. GinaMarie fears he's going to kill himself after the show. Howard says no because he knows it's strictly game play. GinaMarie tries to say "She is manipulative (and murders the word)" GinaMarie says Amanda was grabbing five balls at a time during practice with the game earlier and cutting in line. Kaitlin agrees she was cutting in line.

    01:38 AM BBT Up in the HoH Howard says he's going to go downstairs and see what they're talking about. He's going to bring somebody back up with him. Howard enters the lounge joining Judd, Spencer, Howard and McCrae. Howard wants to know what's up. Spencer says "If you don't want to tell her then don't tell her". Judd says Kaitlin says she doesn't want blindsided though but they're not supposed to tell someone they're going home (someone mentioned they were told that after they told Jeremy he was going home). Spencer mentions that if America is picking the third nom then they can't control that any more. Andy points out that if he wins HoH whoever doesn't go home tomorrow will go up on the block next week and then the following week the third person can go home.

    01:43 AM BBT Howard says it's easy but he doesn't know why there is so much speculation. Andy says because Aaryn hasn't been throwing people's names out there like Kaitlin has and they all agree. Someone suggests that they tell Kaitlin tomorrow that the votes to keep her just aren't there. Andy tells Judd he doesn't think this is going to come down on him. Everyone else agrees. Andy says if Kaitlin is making people that he's friends with nervous then he'll just tell her that she's going to have to go. Meanwhile up in the HoH GinaMarie isn't sure why they want to keep Aaryn around. Kaitlin says because she's a bigger target. GinaMarie says she needs someone in her corner because she can't win this thing on her own. She says she needs to start going to bed at 10:30 and not talk to anyone like Jess does. Kaitlin agrees saying she's sitting pretty.

    01:50 AM BBT Howard is whispering to Elissa in the WA saying he's going to let everyone sleep on it. Elissa says they should all try to push to get Aaryn out. Howard says he's smart enough to know to vote with the house. Elissa starts complaining that everyone puts their fingers in things that everyone uses (referring to the petroleum jelly). She gets a cotton-swab and smears it across her lips. Feeds switch back to Andy, Spencer, Judd, and McCrae still in the lounge talking. McCrae says Kaitlin threw his and Amanda's name out there as the source of this secret alliance and that's why they really want her gone. Up in the HoH Kaitlin mentions that the house wanted her and Aaryn put up on the block. GinaMarie says if that's the case he should get a say in who goes home. Kaitlin doesn't think he's vocalizing it clearly enough.

    01:57 AM BBT Amanda out of the DR. She tells McCrae that they're (DR) onto them referring to them being travel advisors and they questioned her about it in Mexico (DR). FoTH. Judd suggests they move up to the HoH because he hates the lounge. Candice and Howard are in the LR whispering softly to each other. It's difficult to hear anything because she keeps grinding her mic against him as she whispers in his ear. Howard mentions going to bed and he'll join her in there. Up in the HoH they're following Howard walk across the house on the spy screen. Howard comes up to the HoH with a smile on his face while carrying his toothbrush. Amanda asks why he's so happy. Howard says because he's smart as heck because he wanted to ask what people were doing with the votes so he wasn't set up to vote wrongly. Spencer says up until 15 minutes ago he was voting for Aaryn. Andy says he found out today. Kaitlin and Candice comes up to the HoH and chat stops. (This is very very awkward...)

    02:05 AM BBT Amanda asks Kaitlin what's up and she says nothing...she tried going to bed early but now she's wide awake (Have I mentioned this is awkward?). Talk turns to music and Candice speaks out lyrics to a song and we get FoTH. Talk turns to another song...and we get FoTH. Talk turns to haves and have-nots and foods Candice is going to eat when she finally can eat real food again. Amanda wonders if everyone else is sleeping. Feed 1 shows Helen and Elissa sleeping and Feed 2 is Aaryn sleeping.

    02:11 AM BBT Talk now turns to who's parents are together and who are only children. Talk quickly turns away to a new topic and we have multiple people talking at once. Spencer's voice eventually dominates and he says his parents becoming grandparents is such an amazing thing to watch. Now Candice is talking about her parents. Someone yawns. (I do as well. Game talk was kicked into overdrive for 1.5 hours and then it comes to a screeching halt just like that.)

    02:20 AM BBT Talk turns to where everyone is from and why BB had them say they are from certain areas even though they actually live elsewhere. Judd starts talking about his area and Amanda laughs saying "We weren't talking about you Judd!" Talk then turns to something else and then Amanda chimes in "Oh ok...we were talking about us and then again we're chatting about someone else again!" (In a playful tone). Talk turns to what everyone's parents do.

    02:32 AM BBT The topic has turned to what everyone is going to do when they get out of the house. A few of them plan on going to Vegas after they get out. Andy says they should come see him do improv in Chicago. They try to get him to do some now. He says not right now because he says he takes it seriously and being put in an awkward spot like this won't be very good for him. Talk turns to the cameras and that they havn't moved tonight in the HoH. They wonder if they're even on them. Amanda isn't sure who else they would be on. Judd says the feeds might not be on. McCrae and Spencer head down to the KT to get food.

    02:37 AM BBT McCrae says he wasn't trying to mislead them about who they were voting for. Amanda comes down as well. Amanda wonders what Kaitlin, Howard, and Candice were talking about in the LR when they were watching them on the spy screen. Spencer suggests they were being campaigned to by Kaitlin. Amanda says "Yeah but then they all go up to the HoH with us?" Spencer points out that they're the only ones up and they were looking for someone to talk to. FoTH. Amanda wants to know if people think she made that up or Elissa did. Spencer mumbles something and Amanda is ok with it. Amanda asks Spencer who Howard and Candice would put up if they won HoH. The microwave is running and it's hard to hear the whispers. Spencer mentions Elissa's name.

    02:41 AM BBT (Now that they've separated...let's check out the HoH...) Howard says he'll do what needs to be done. Andy understands. Spencer comes up and asks what they decided. Howard says he wanted to ask everyone what they're doing so they're not being scumbagged and not being the only one or two not voting with the rest of the house. Judd speaks up and says he doesn't know if he's talking about him but he's not been able to split everyone apart today. Candice asks him where his head is. Judd says he feels like he's being used as a scapegoat more than any of the other HoHs especially since he can't play for HoH next week. Andy points out that other HoHs have made which nom they want to go home clear. Candice says she understands and she'll be honest when she asks who is going home everyone says "Let me talk to Judd." Amanda comes in and asks "What?" Candice points out that they're asking who they should vote for.

    02:46 AM BBT Judd tells Amanda that he's being used as a scapegoat. Andy again pushes that previous HoHs made their targets clear (Fair enough...) Amanda and McCrae say they want Kaitlin out this week because they she's been dragging their names through the mud. Candice points out that if someone is protecting Aaryn then clearly she isn't as alone as she is being made out to be. Amanda says they're only keeping her because of Kaitlin throwing names out there. Candice understands but says that if Aaryn wins HoH next week she'll put up Candice. Candice says when they go to vote they can either vote for whoever they fear will go after them in the future or vote with the house. Amanda and McCrae say they want Kaitlin gone. Howard says that's fine then Kaitlin is the target.

    02:51 AM BBT Amanda points out that Kaitlin tried to get Howard put up instead of Jeremy. Candice says she knows and that Kaitlin told her that when it happened. Amanda wonders why. Candice says because they've been close and she completely understands because she was trying to save her guy. Amanda says that Aaryn that hasn't even brought her name up. Candice understands but she just wants to get the vote clear. Howard says she can go to bed now. Candice tells him to go to bed. Andy says he's going to bed in a few minutes. Judd says if there's a tie vote then he'll break the tie. Andy offers to talk with Helen and Elissa with Howard and Candice tomorrow about the vote so they can see they know who everyone is voting for.

    02:55 AM BBT Kaitlin and GinaMarie are in the KT snacking. Talk in the HoH about who to vote to evict tomorrow is beginning to cycle again. Spencer says he has a list of reason to evict Kaitlin so he's ok with it. Amanda says keeping Aaryn in this house is a bigger threat and a larger target in the house. Brief silence...and Amanda points out that Kaitlin hasn't even tried to campaign to her or McCrae. Spencer wonders why anyone on the block would start talking their future targets. Amanda agrees. Back down in the KT Kaitlin says she doesn't know what's about to happen. GinaMarie says "I'm not trying to be mean but this nail polish is for black women. No really, that's the company's name" She goes on to say she didn't want to say it out loud (...uh....). Kaitlin points out that America heard it just now. GinaMarie says "Yeah CBS buys nail polish for black women"

    03:01 AM BBT Kaitlin wishes she knew what was going on in this house. She's almost ready just to go home. She looks at the bright side "At least I'm almost 6 grand richer". Back up in the HoH game talk has settled. Howard whispers that he misses his mom. Candice asks if he wants to go home and see her. Talk turns to HNs.

    03:06 AM BBT Andy is heading to catch his flight. Kaitlin asks to talk to him. Andy says quickly because he's sleepy. They go into the lounge. Kaitlin said she felt earlier that she was safe and now she is getting mixed signals. Andy says "I don't know...everyone is weight the options...I don't think it's going to be a unanimous vote". Kaitlin doesn't understand how there are more pros in keeping Aaryn in the house. Kaitlin wonders if Helen is planning on keeping her word to protect her. Andy imagines she would. Kaitlin whispering to GinaMarie and tells her what Andy just told her. Kaitlin says Amanda is talking very loud (in the HoH). Idle chit chat in the HoH. GinaMarie wonders why Spencer is up there with them. Kaitlin says they can go up if they want to. Kaitlin goes into WA while Andy is brushing his teeth.

    03:11 AM BBT Kaitlin can't figure out if Helen and Elissa are working with Amanda and McCrae why they are saying they are voting separately. Andy is heading to bed. He tells GinaMarie "Good night stupid, I hate you!" Kaitlin comes back out and tells GinaMarie that Spencer said he's uncertain who he is voting for and not to trust him. GinaMarie says she doesn't anyway. GinaMarie says if a girl goes home this week that a guy should go home next week. Kaitlin thinks it will Howard. Up in the HoH they're talking game mechanics for something. Candice starts singing and we...don't get FoTH. Candice is ready for bed.

    03:16 AM BBT Kaitlin and GinaMarie has moved into the WA. Kaitlin hates the fact that she knows how much they hate Aaryn and the fact that they want to send her home more makes her sick. Random chat continues in the HoH. GinaMarie and Kaitlin whisper a bit more before going to bed. GinaMarie stops at the memory wall and asks Nick why he had to leave. "Please tell me..." Kaitlin laughs a bit before saying she needs to pee. She tells her to wait a moment. Up in the HoH the room is quiet as they watch GinaMarie on the spy screen. Amanda says "Why is she looking at my picture! She's going to target me next!" Candice cries out from the bathroom saying she hit her head on the fire extinguisher above the toilet. Spencer said he did the other day. Judd steps outside to invite Kaitlin and GinaMarie up. They say they're going to bed.

    03:24 AM BBT McCrae points out that details were released about this season of BB and some things had already come true. Spencer asks what. McCrae said three noms was hinted at on <another fan site>. Amanda didn't hear that but she did hear about the largest cast ever. Talk turns to them being 4 evictions or so away from people being sent to the jury house and what the jury house supposedly is like. Judd doesn't want to be alone in that house because he'll go crazy. Idle chit chat begins.

    03:39 AM BBT Talk has been here and there...namely first impressions of each other and Candice saying Amanda told her about her boyfriend out of the house the first night they were in the house. Amanda tells Judd that he's flat footed (welcome to the club! - NiteSlacker). He asks if that's bad. Spencer knows you can't join the military if you are flat footed. Candice looks at his feet and says he's not that flat footed (...membership denied!). Talk turns to the Roscoe report and the naming of the rubber ducks in the "jacoochie" (Candice's word).

    03:45 AM BBT For the past hour or so Candice has been saying that her flight is boarding...it finally seems that may be the case. Candice and Howard leave the HoH room. McCrae is going to get a nicotine patch and starts singing "chocolate milk" on the way down the stairs. Candice joins in and we get FoTH. Feeds back in the HoH and Judd says he wants to give her a heads up. Amanda recommends not doing it because they don't want it to effect their goodbye speech. Amanda says she got in trouble for telling Jeremy he was going home. Amanda says when a HG changes their speech and says something like "We all know what's going to happen so let's just get this over with..." people are more likely to change the channel at that point. Judd says that sucks and he's going to ask about it in the DR. He read something in the manual and we get FoTH.

    03:52 AM BBT Feeds are back and Judd says he doesn't want to blindside her. Amanda wonders if she really thinks she's safe this week. Judd isn't sure. Feeds have started acting up. This is similar as to what we experienced almost a week ago. Feed 1 is live which consists of Helen and Elissa sleeping while feeds 2-4 are replays from earlier. Clicking Live Feed only restarts the replay.

    03:58 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda come down from the HoH. They know what "they're" up to up there. McCrae can stay up all night. McCrae says Howard usually goes to bed early and Spencer is a have not they should be exhausted. They begin to make-out (C'mon control room...give us something else to watch! We're limited to 1 set of feeds right now due to technical difficulties with the site).

    04:06 AM BBT Feeds are still messed up. Amanda and McCrae could hear something from the HoH so they moved into the WC to listen better (multiple HGs have mentioned that you can hear HoH conversations in the WA/WC if they're loud enough). These two are whispering super faintly...and kissing.

    04:06 AM BBT ***Flashback Alert!*** Cam 1 (the only cam at the time) Well...this certainly was interesting...I'm not entirely sure they were just listening to the HoH...there clearly were other noises coming from the WC...it sure sounded like a lot more than just making out. You decide!

    04:19 AM BBT Feeds are still messed up. Currently feed 1 is Aaryn sleeping. Feeds 2-4 are replays from earlier. We'll rewind a bit back to Amanda and McCrae since we have nothing else to do for the moment...

    04:07 AM BBT *Rewind/Flashback* Cam 1 A...sloppy/slurpy sound can be heard at this time...and considering Amanda's conversation in the HoH room earlier... Shortly thereafter at 04:08-04:09 AM BBT McCrae can be heard gasping multiple times. 04:09 AM BBT They exit the WC with McCrae having a giant grin on his face. Shortly thereafter Amanda says she's not really hungry any more and McCrae's giant grin returns.

    04:29 AM BBT Jumping back live Spencer and McCrae are in the lounge talking about Amanda. Spencer says Amanda tends to act sketchy and that's why she's on everyone's radar. Spencer says he'll be completely loyal to he and her and keep their names out of his mouth. McCrae understands. Spencer asks for protection. He says he's a huge ally to have. He questions whether Andy will be as tight as he will be with them. McCrae understands. Spencer says he's going to talk to Spencer and try to keep his head in the game. Spencer thinks Howard feels like he's at the bottom of the totem pole. Spencer says Howard will also be a huge ally to have. Spencer asks McCrae to not lie to him because he's going to do whatever he can to protect them. McCrae says any information that comes his way from Spencer has been kept by him.

    04:34 AM BBT Amanda comes into the lounge to join them. Spencer says he was just telling McCrae that he's not after them and he wants to work with them. Spencer says that everyone's picture in color on the wall thinks she's sketchy. Amanda says Candice and Jessie are the only two that think she's sketchy and she dealt with it and Spencer's name is tossed out just as much if not more. Spencer says whatever. He's got their back. Amanda asks about the five person alliance and Spencer says it didn't exist that they only hung out together by staying up late. Amanda questions why Kaitlin ran up to Howard every time she collected information from upstairs. Spencer says he doesn't know what they're conversations were about but he asks when. Amanda says 'recently in the past'. Amanda asks who said the alliance rumor started with her. Spencer says Kaitlin mentioned it to her. She asks when. Spencer said the night she went out there and confronted them about it.

    04:40 AM BBT Amanda tells Spencer that she is tired of hearing that people thinks she's sketchy. Spencer says it's true. Amanda asks who. Spencer says everyone including Jessie, Andy, and Elissa. Spencer says Amanda ran around the first three weeks whispering and acting like it. They continue to go back and forth. Spencer says if they get rid of him they're going to lose an ally. Amanda understands. Spencer says Andy will be more loyal to Helen over them. Amanda agrees. Spencer says if they're planning and scheming he wants to be a part of it. Spencer says he can get Howard back on track. Spencer says Amanda sketches him out. Amanda says he sketches her out. Amanda says Candice is constantly against her as well. Spencer agrees and he'll talk to her as well.

    04:46 AM BBT Spencer says until he can get Howard back in line and not to lump them together. Spencer says he has Howard's back until he proves that he's gone off the deep end and he certainly has their backs. Spencer says yesterday everyone say that Elissa went crazy and that most of the people think that as well. Spencer goes on to say that Amanda makes everyone nervous because her brain is always going. McCrae is saying "Yep..." with each of these statements. Spencer says everyone likes to lay back and chill a bit but her brain is always running and they worry that she's plotting and planning. Spencer says to keep him and Howard off the block and he'll do the same with them. Spencer says they all know that she is most loyal to McCrae.

    04:51 AM BBT Spencer says if they want to vote out Kaitlin then they will do that. Spencer says if she makes them uncomfortable then she needs to go. Amanda says vote how you want we're not pushing anything. McCrae says he told Spencer that he was pushing for her a bit ago. Spencer says everyone wants to vote with the house and if that's what they want and they're trying to sway the votes. Amanda and McCrae say they don't want a target on their back because they're trying to target someone. Spencer doesn't understand why she is getting so defensive. Amanda says it is his wording. Spencer says maybe he should have found a different way to word it then. Amanda understands. Talk turns to the HoH being a crap shoot this week.

    04:56 AM BBT Spencer says she is more like the Pied Piper and is leading people along instead of dictating who they want to go home. Spencer says he wants to be very loyal to them. McCrae says they were dead set on Aaryn going home but ultimately all this other stuff went down. Amanda says all this happened because of the stupid rumor thing. Spencer again says he wants to be loyal to them. He says Howard is drifting away and it's making him nervous. Amanda agrees. Amanda says Howard, Candice and Spencer are always being lumped together. Amanda throws it out there that Howard swore on the bible that they were going to be loyal to each other. Spencer points out that McCrae lied about being MVP. Amanda doesn't understand what that matters. Spencer mentions if they can lie to him why can't he lie to them. Amanda sees the light "...so what they cancel each other out?" Spencer again summarizes that he'll be loyal to them but he wants to be included in on plotting.

    05:04 AM BBT Spencer finishes up his speech and says it's late and he's ready for bed. Amanda is ready to go back upstairs. (Please note...the feeds continue to be messed up. Feed 1 is the live feed while feeds 2-4 are repeats from earlier in the evening). The feed does not follow Amanda and McCrae to the HoH. Instead it goes to an empty WA. Spencer can be heard peeing in the WC.

    05:09 AM BBT The only active feed goes to the HNR where Spencer is crawling into bed. Once again feeds 2-4 are showing replays from earlier.

    05:15 AM BBT Well...since the feeds continue to be messed up for most folks I think it's about time we call it a night ourselves. Currently it sounds like Kaitlin will be walking out the door tonight. The question is...will they keep it a secret from her or will she try to create drama for everyone by going on a rampage today? If only there were a site that covered things like this in the house with people that you could talk to about it...oh wait...there is! Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat athttp://www.tvfanforums.net/ (New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds:http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page:http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

  16. 09:58 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are pitching the idea for sending home Kaitlin this week in the SR. They are saying that Kaitlin is a very strong player and can win things compared to Aaryn. Candice says she understands and if that's what the house wants then she'll go with it. Candice warns that Aaryn has said she would flip on the house if she got HoH again. Elissa says she understands her concern and it makes her sick to think about keeping her around. Helen says keeping Aaryn in the house also keeps an extra target that could get put up on the block week after week.

    10:04 PM BBT Candice asks Elissa and Helen if they have a final four deal. Both laugh and say no. Candice tells Elissa that Amanda told her that they had a fake fight the first week. Elissa clarifies that Amanda told her that was what she was going to do and she didn't have much choice in the matter. She says Aaryn also tried that with her and she says that she's just not a catty kind of girl. The girls splinter off. (After listening to that talk I believe that Kaitlin will be going home this week...ultimately we'll have to wait and see what happens when she explains it to Howard later on).

    10:09 PM BBT Candice heads up to the HoH to wash her hair in the sink in Judd's bathroom. Jessie and Andy question if she can do that. Candice says Elissa said she did. Andy questions it again. Candice says to not make a spectacle of it. Andy questions it again with flair and Candice laughs, telling him to not ruin her game. Spencer and Judd are also in the HoH. They guys begin discussing the practice HoH game tonight. Down in the KT Amanda, McCrae, Elissa and Helen are eating/cleaning up and chatting about the practice HoH game.

    10:15 PM BBT Aaryn, Amanda, and GinaMarie are doing various nightly ADLs. Helen walks in and Amanda walks out. GinaMarie said she asked for her crown but she never got it. She guesses they'll give it to her when they give her the clothes she wasn't supposed to have. Switching feeds back to the HoH...Howard, McCrae and Amanda have joined Judd, Andy, and Spencer with idle chit chat. Candice and Jessie are still in the HoH washing her hair. Idle chit chat.

    10:21 PM BBT Aaryn has joined the HoH crew. Idle chit chat continues. Spencer likes comparing sex lists with other people. Realization that this topic is probably on BBAD. Jessie lays on top of Amanda whom starts to begin making...interesting sounds. Meanwhile down in the KT Helen and Elissa are cleaning up. Helen says she makes the slop for the HNs and then they leave their plates for her to clean up. Talk turns to Helen's family. Aaryn comes down from HoH to join GinaMarie in the WA. Aaryn says it's overwhelming because there are so many people upstairs and there's barely any room to sit.

    10:32 PM BBT Helen, Elissa and Andy are in the lounge chatting about talking to everyone tonight about getting rid of Kaitlin tomorrow. They tell Andy that Candice is on-board with it. Andy wonders what he's supposed to do if Kaitlin confronts him tonight about it (because Judd made the mistake of telling her earlier that Andy and Kaitlin may vote to evict her). Helen recommends telling her that he's voting to keep her but if the house wants to do it then he'll go along with it. Elissa points out that she doesn't hate Aaryn but she doesn't like her character and she can't work with her. That's as far as it goes.

    10:38 PM BBT Andy pulls Kaitlin into the HNR and tells her that he heard whispers that he might be voting to evict her. Kaitlin says she's not saying who she heard it from but yes she did hear it. Andy says he thinks it's because he hasn't talked to Judd about his vote this week but he talked to his girls (Helen and Elissa) and they're pushing to get Aaryn out. (Again, the target really is Kaitlin. He's just trying to make the next 24 hours decent instead of tense).

    10:42 PM BBT Andy is back in the lounge with Elissa and Helen whispering, debating on who to put up this week if one of them wins HoH. The oven dings so they head out into the KT. Down in the colorful room Kaitlin, Aaryn and GinaMarie are chatting while Kaitlin tries on an outfit for tomorrow. Feeds switch up to the HoH...and we have chat about how many times the guys pay attention to themselves in one day. McCrae says 4-5. Howard agrees. Candice seems shocked. Amanda says she's spent that number of times with a man before in a single day. Spencer says 10+. Andy...3-4. Checking in on the KT and we have chit chat about food.

    11:08 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda continues to lead the conversation...topic...sex. Jessie is taking notes on giving men proper oral pleasure. Down in the lounge Helen and Elissa continue to talk. Back up in the HoH Amanda wonders if she's the only one that's horny. Judd wishes they'd stop talking about it or act on it already. They all have a good laugh.

    11:20 PM BBT Up in the HoH, Howard, Spencer and Candice had all left the room so Andy used the opportunity to ask what to say if he gets questioned about who he's voting out for. Amanda replies to tell them that you'll vote for whatever the house wants but don't be the one dropping whoever's name first. Aaryn turns the conversation to Elissa and Judd says that Elissa doesn't even care about her. They all wonder why she's so obsessed with Elissa and her family. Aaryn laughs saying she can't help it, she dreams of them all the time and she collects lockets of hair. Spencer comes back and talk turns to TV. Down in the KT Howard is getting a drink.

    11:32 PM BBT We've had idle chit chat up in the HoH. Most recent topic is how they're going to chose who goes first tomorrow for the HoH comp. Andy and Spencer says random draw probably similar to how they did the balls for the BBQ challenge. Down in the WA Elissa is working on Candice's hair and Kaitlin comes through panting. They ask what she's up to and she says she's working out.

    11:45 PM BBT Idle chit chat around the HoH continues. Jessie called to DR (she was complaining earlier that she's only been to DR once and that was when Judd got HoH and apparently she told them to go fudge off). Everyone has a laugh about it. Candice is currently in the KT making something to eat. Elissa mentions something about goodbyes and we get FoTH. Feeds back and Jessie is whispering with Elissa between the chair room and the LR and Jessie is pushing to have Kaitlin evicted tomorrow. Elissa is still scared for what Aaryn is capable of doing to her game because now she's on Amanda's side. Jessie says Kaitlin going home this week may be merciful by sending her home before jury. Voices can be heard coming down the HoH stairs and it makes listening to them difficult.

    11:45 PM BBT Idle chit chat around the HoH continues. Jessie called to DR (she was complaining earlier that she's only been to DR once and that was when Judd got HoH and apparently she told them to go fudge off). Everyone has a laugh about it. Candice is currently in the KT making something to eat. Elissa mentions something about goodbyes and we get FoTH. Feeds back and Jessie is whispering with Elissa between the chair room and the LR and Jessie is pushing to have Kaitlin evicted tomorrow. Elissa is still scared for what Aaryn is capable of doing to her game because now she's on Amanda's side. Jessie says Kaitlin going home this week may be merciful by sending her home before jury. Voices can be heard coming down the HoH stairs and it makes listening to them difficult.

    11:51 PM BBT Jessie reassures Elissa that Aaryn told her she would put whoever they (Amanda and Helen) wanted to put on the block. Elissa is still worried. Jessie says if she doesn't then she's out the following week. Checked in on the HoH and Helen was talking about BBCA. Someone's name gets mentioned and we get FoTH. Feeds back and Elissa is called to DR. Jessie pulls Judd into the lounge. Judd asked what Elissa said. Jessie says she's going to vote out Kaitlin. Judd says she doesn't want to. Jessie says she understands why though.

    11:56 PM BBT Judd grabs Elissa before she goes to DR and whispers to her asking if she's ok. Elissa says she understands. Judd mentions something about Kaitlin being a good person and we get FoTH. Up in the HoH and they continue talking about BBCA.

  17. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****This needs to go under Tuesday's updates...sorry for the delay, I was a bit tied up trying to get conversations************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10:30-11:00 PM BBT - Over the past thirty minutes the HGs have been running around rehashing Elissa going off the deep-end tonight. Helen explained to Candice what had happened while she slept and Jessie was in the hammock with her. Candice and Helen says Amanda probably started the rumor. Jessie called to exchange her mic and she spoke briefly with Aaryn in the SR with Aaryn saying this was great because it puts larger targets on other people's backs. Andy up in the HoH telling McCrae and Amanda that Kaitlin is saying Amanda probably started this. Jessie comes upstairs and tells Amanda and McCrae that Candice is saying Amanda is the cause. Amanda wants to go down and call people out. McCrae says no it's a bad idea. Aaryn comes into HoH.

    11:06 PM BBT Down in the hammock Candice, Helen and Kaitlin are discussing how Elissa could go off the deep-end the way she did tonight. Amanda called to DR. Feeds switch to GinaMarie and Spencer on the couch. GinaMarie thinks someone is shady, she wants to separate "them two". Amanda comes out. Spencer invites Amanda to sit down and join them because they were just having a secret alliance meeting. Amanda laughs and says apparently she concocted the whole thing (in a loud tone so those in the hammock can hear her) she walks back in to get something. Spencer mumbles "We know you did..." (He drops the c-word here). Amanda comes back out. People think I'm stupid!

    11:12 PM BBT Amanda goes and confronts Kaitlin and Candice in the hammock and says "If you have something to say then say it to my face." Kaitlin says she hasn't said anything. Candice says she was directing it at Kaitlin because she can't direct it only at her for fear of her going off. Kaitlin says she tries to avoid the drama. Amanda can be heard talking back on the couch and Candice mumbles "Sure you aren't..." Kaitlin says this bad for her because she's on the block.

    11:16 PM BBT Judd, Andy, Jessie and McCrae up in the HoH rehashing the event from earlier. McCrae says Amanda's name is going to be thrown around now as well. Andy says "Yeah I could tell Kaitlin that I masterminded the plan to evict her and she'd run and tell someone that Amanda got into Andy's ear!" Andy says he's been so quiet this season, he's ready to yell at someone. Jessie says she feels like all she does is yell at DR. FoTH.

    11:21 PM BBT Amanda back in the HoH. McCrae is asking her what she did out there. Amanda says nothing because they won't talk to her. Everyone cries out "What did you do?!" Amanda says once more nothing because they wouldn't own up. Helen comes up and says she can tell them what was said. Helen says Candice thinks Amanda started the drama tonight. Amanda says of course she does but she can't say anything to her face. Helen says Candice is gunning for Amanda because she wants to take out Howard. Helen is terrified of Elissa spilling the beans about the alliance. Judd goes outside to smoke.

    11:25 PM BBT Switching feeds. Kaitlin, Judd, Spencer, Candice, GinaMarie and Howard on the couch in the BY discussing Elissa going crazy tonight and that she's trying to draw attention from the fact that nobody knows who MVP is this week. Helen and Andy comes outside. Kaitlin says "Andy where were you? You missed another s**** storm!" Andy says "What?! I always miss everything!" Candice asks Andy who was in the HoH. He's honest and tells them everyone but says he was listening to music. Andy is asking what he missed. Kaitlin doesn't know where to begin. Candice doesn't wan't to talk about it. Judd asks Spencer and Spencer summarizes the hammock incident between Amanda, Kaitlin, and Candice.

    11:32 PM BBT Amanda, Jessie, McCrae, and Aaryn are in the HoH. Amanda is ready to go off on 'her' for continuing throw her name out there. General Kaitlin and Candice bashing continues. Out in the BY we have multiple conversations going on at once. Talk includes when they're going to get called to DR for this among other less exciting things. Andy wishes his name could have been throw into this exciting alliance so he can finally get some DR time.

    11:37 PM BBT Kaitlin wishes Elissa would have told her who started the rumor about the secret alliance. Candice agrees. More rehashing. Up in the HoH...more of the same. Amanda hates Candice.

    11:42 PM BBT Amanda is heading out to smoke. Kaitlin goes inside and GinaMarie chases after her while dragging her mic. Amanda asks what that was about. Helen says GinaMarie and Kaitlin feel as if they're being picked on by everyone in the house. Amanda says let me get my violin. Kaitlin had also mentioned she gave up Jeremy for safety and yet she doesn't feel safe. Amanda says she doesn't need to feel safe. Nobody should feel safe in the house. Jessie comes outside. Talk turns to Helen wanting a cigarette and quitting after she got married and had kids. Amanda starts griping saying if she's upset about using the veto then she shouldn't have used it and she would've went home like Marcellas. Helen agrees. Aaryn said Kaitlin told her she was going to use it no matter what and she got something out of it. Helen said that's her bad.

    11:49 PM BBT Helen can't believe they're being called to DR over this yet. Amanda says she was called to DR for her nicotine patch...or because she concocted this whole plan. Candice remains quiet. Switching feeds Kaitlin is up in the HoH talking to McCrae and Judd. Kaitlin heard she might go home this week and she wishes people would tell her to her face. Switching feeds again because we see Spencer and Amanda moving into the lounge. Spencer wants to know where this came from. Amanda starts to explain that Candice keeps throwing her name out and she's sick of it. Spencer says Elissa called everyone together except Amanda and McCrae and Candice because they were all sleeping. Elissa told people that she wanted to know who to vote for this week because she heard Kaitlin has a secret alliance.

    11:54 PM BBT Amanda says Howard told her that he and Spencer offered a deal with Kaitlin. Spencer explains that they offered Kaitlin something because they knew Aaryn was the target and they wanted to make sure they were ok with Kaitlin in case she had a secret power. Amanda continues to Candice bash saying that Candice only whispers behind her back that's it. Spencer says Amanda has been known to whisper. Amanda says she's gotten better but Candice always throws her name out there. Andy and Howard join the lounge.

    11:58 PM BBT Amanda wants to pick Howard's mind to try and figure out why Candice keeps speaking her name. Howard looks at the floor, not making eye contact with her that Candice is her own woman. Amanda says Elissa told her that Candice was telling people that Amanda and Elissa's fight the other day was staged. Howard says "Elissa said that?" Amanda says yes and maybe one other person. Howard wants to know who that other person was. Amanda isn't sure she doesn't remember. Howard says it might be important if she told two people. Amanda doesn't know and it's not important.

    *****************************Begin Wed updates*************************

    12:04 AM BBT Amanda continues push Howard to get Candice to not talk negatively about her. Howard again says Candice is a grown woman and it's up to her to play how she wants. Amanda says they're trying to protect each other and he's closest to Candice and he should bring her back in line. Howard says again she's her own person. They go around back and forth. Howard asks if the small group of them are an alliance. Amanda says we're in a protection. Howard offers to have Candice brought in to be a part of the conversation. Amanda says no because she's not in the original deal. Again they go around in circles. (Howard is beating around the bush but I feel Amanda certainly is as well). Amanda leaves the room and Andy whispers "WTF is going on today?!"

    12:11 AM BBT Kaitlin knocks on the door and is invited in while brushing her teeth. She asks what's going on. Spencer doesn't know, he thinks everyone except he and Andy got crazy pills this morning. Kaitlin walks off and Spencer whispers something to Andy before Kaitlin returns. Kaitlin comes in flossing and tells them that Helen told her she may go home this week even though she was promised safety this week. McCrae and Judd also mentioned it as well.

    12:14 AM BBT Spencer tells Andy that someone must've spotted him, Judd, Kaitlin and GinaMarie hanging out late at night and thought they must be a new alliance. Andy explains how crazy Elissa was acting today by going off on he and McCrae because she thought they were making fun of her and her religion. Switching feeds for the moment since we're starting to rehash...and Helen, Judd, and Candice are in the BY chatting about...you guessed it...Elissa being crazy.

    12:17 AM BBT Worthy of noting is that Howard was still in the lounge and hasn't spoken a single word since Amanda left the room. Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae are hanging out in the HoH with Amanda rehashing her conversation in the lounge. Back down in the lounge we have Aaryn bashing now. Kaitlin says Aaryn is a huge liar about things and she 'forgets' things that she says. Howard whispers something under his breath. Talk has apparently turned back to Elissa bashing.

    12:04 AM BBT Amanda continues push Howard to get Candice to not talk negatively about her. Howard again says Candice is a grown woman and it's up to her to play how she wants. Amanda says they're trying to protect each other and he's closest to Candice and he should bring her back in line. Howard says again she's her own person. They go around back and forth. Howard asks if the small group of them are an alliance. Amanda says we're in a protection. Howard offers to have Candice brought in to be a part of the conversation. Amanda says no because she's not in the original deal. Again they go around in circles. (Howard is beating around the bush but I feel Amanda certainly is as well). Amanda leaves the room and Andy whispers "WTF is going on today?!"

    12:11 AM BBT Kaitlin knocks on the door and is invited in while brushing her teeth. She asks what's going on. Spencer doesn't know, he thinks everyone except he and Andy got crazy pills this morning. Kaitlin walks off and Spencer whispers something to Andy before Kaitlin returns. Kaitlin comes in flossing and tells them that Helen told her she may go home this week even though she was promised safety this week. McCrae and Judd also mentioned it as well.

    12:14 AM BBT Spencer tells Andy that someone must've spotted him, Judd, Kaitlin and GinaMarie hanging out late at night and thought they must be a new alliance. Andy explains how crazy Elissa was acting today by going off on he and McCrae because she thought they were making fun of her and her religion. Switching feeds for the moment since we're starting to rehash...and Helen, Judd, and Candice are in the BY chatting about...you guessed it...Elissa being crazy.

    12:17 AM BBT Worthy of noting is that Howard was still in the lounge and hasn't spoken a single word since Amanda left the room. Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae are hanging out in the HoH with Amanda rehashing her conversation in the lounge. Back down in the lounge we have Aaryn bashing now. Kaitlin says Aaryn is a huge liar about things and she 'forgets' things that she says. Howard whispers something under his breath. Talk has apparently turned back to Elissa bashing.

    12:25 AM BBT Talk has slowed down in the lounge...Howard is explaining that he knows Amanda lied about a few different things tonight. He doesn't go too in depth here and says that Amanda gave him a few things to keep an eye out for over the next few couple of weeks. Howard catches Amanda whispering to Elissa all the time. Howard says Amanda never talks game to him. Howard says he has to win HoH this coming week or veto because he knows his days are numbered. Up in the HoH Amanda is rehashing the conversation in the BY concerning how Kaitlin was playing the victim earlier and she's tired of it. Amanda says Howard is a bad liar and disgusting. Howard thinks he's full of it. McCrae agrees. McCrae says they're all dumb.

    12:35 AM BBT Candice is in a darkened chair room talking to Elissa. Elissa says Aaryn is an actress either here to make fights in the game or she's just clueless. Elissa explains that last night Amanda and McCrae brought up the secret alliance. Candice says she told Amanda that it was her but then she turns around and says that she didn't say anything to her because didn't want to fight. Candice goes to take off her wet bathing suit. Feeds switch to Andy and McCrae in the hammock whispering. Andy is asking if he's still close to Spencer and Howard. Spencer is giving him 12 hours to come up with an alliance name.

    12:40 AM BBT Candice, Kaitlin and Howard now in the lounge. Candice is saying that Helen was HoH for only 1 week. Talk is now about how it should be a house consensus to send Aaryn home this week. Kaitlin wonders if it's still true. Candice doesn't know but if she finds out she'll tell her. Candice is going to investigate. Talk turns to staying on Howard/Candice's side of the house. Howard asks Kaitlin who she would put up if she won HoH. Kaitlin says she'd do what the house wanted. She's start with Amanda and then she'd put McCrae up beside her. She asks Howard what he would do but he avoids the question.

    ****Twitter Reply**** RT @RJSquirrels: @mortystv Howard is the quintessential bad boy gone good, trust me not your lying eyes.

    12:54 AM BBT Things appear to slowly be calming down still in the BB house. Judd has joined Kaitlin, Howard and Candice in the lounge. Judd is trying to avoid the drama because it's too stressful especially with everyone yelling at each other. Out in the hammock Andy invited Helen over to join him and Spencer. One of them thinks Elissa went rogue today. Intermittent FoTH. Feeds back and Candice and Howard are talking alone in the lounge. Howard repeats the Amanda conversation from earlier.

    01:00 AM BBT Kaitlin has joined Helen, Spencer and Andy in the hammock. Kaitlin tells Helen how Aaryn played a joke on her last night telling her that Jeremy was her brother and she used valid points that had her going. Andy asks about other funny things that have happened. Andy begins laughing and asks Helen about the time Judd told Helen her kids were on the phone. Helen came running and Judd was like "It's in the living room!" She got in there and he was like "Just kidding!" Helen says it was like day five so she didn't know Judd was a trickster. Talk turns back to Elissa going off the deep end again.

    01:03 AM BBT Back in the lounge Howard and Candice continue to talk. Candice is telling Howard she thinks Spencer told Amanda that she was throwing her name out there because only Spencer and Jessie were around and Jessie went straight to the have-not room. Candice says this is Spencer's way of keeping the target off his own back. Howard is sorry. We have idle chit chat rehashing tonight on the hammock in the BY. Andy wonders who he should yell at tomorrow.

    01:17 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the hammock with Helen and Kaitlin eating banana bread. Howard and Candice leave the lounge and feeds switch to Amanda snacking/smacking on something in the kitchen (thanks BB!). Feeds switch to Elissa and Candice in the WA chatting. Elissa comes towards the KT and Amanda says "I missed the action..." She mouths something towards her while nodding towards the WA and we get FoTH.

    01:20 AM BBT Feeds back and Amanda smiles towards Elissa while continuing to much on her chips while watching/listening to the WA. Spencer, Kaitlin, Helen, and Andy all come in from outside. Elissa isn't sure where she heard it from but she heard there was a skinny dipping alliance. Amanda says she (Elissa) is in it. Andy says "You're up! How was your sleep so far?" and we get FoTH.

    01:23 AM BBT Out in the BY we now have Kaitlin, Howard, Judd and Helen. Someone is smacking while eating. More intermittent FoTH. Howard looks as if he's about ready to play pool. Spencer and Andy make something to eat with Elissa standing around chatting with them about the overall decent kinds of food options America has voted them so far. Intermittent FoTH continues. Spencer moves out to the BY to eat.

    01:32 AM BBT Andy goes up to the HoH to talk to Amanda and McCrae and just as he's about to tell them what Howard and Spencer said in front of him Kaitlin knocks on the door and asks to talk to Andy for a bit. Andy and Kaitlin head out to the hammock and Kaitlin tells him that Spencer and Candice both confirmed tonight that Amanda is campaigning to keep Aaryn this week. Kaitlin feels like she's going to cry. Andy says maybe it's because I'm close to you but they haven't told me that. In the lounge room Helen and Elissa are talking about one of Helen's high school friends and Elissa is listening saying her usual "Mmmmhmmm..."

    01:38 AM BBT All four feeds now on Kaitlin and Amanda. Helen called to DR. Spencer (from across the yard) and Andy laugh saying "It has begun!" (referring to the DRs from tonight's drama). Kaitlin says Amanda is going to go talk to Elissa now. Andy laughs and yells to Spencer that now they know who started the rumors. Kaitlin continues whispering to Andy saying she's afraid of going home now. Andy says to get some sleep tonight. BB tells Elissa to move her hair away from her mic. Kaitlin says "See...she's in there talking to Elissa now". Switching feeds...Amanda and is talking to Elissa in the lounge.

    01:43 AM BBT Elissa and Amanda are rehashing the conversations Amanda had with the different people tonight. Switching feeds back to the hammock and Spencer has replaced Andy with Kaitlin. Kaitlin is mad that Amanda has started this and she might go home because of it. Spencer asks what Andy thinks. Kaitlin says he's blown away. Andy is heading inside. Spencer says he doesn't trust Andy entirely. Kaitlin does but she doesn't tell him everything because she's afraid he will flip if he gets pressured.

    01:47 AM BBT Meanwhile back in the lounge we have still have Elissa and Amanda whispering and rehashing. Judd comes out and joins Kaitlin and Spencer near the hammock and Kaitlin begins to tell him that she has figured out that Amanda started the rumor.

    01:57 AM BBT Elissa and Helen are now in the lounge talking. Helen thanks Elissa for not calling out Judd during her revelation about the alliance earlier. Helen says part of the reason that Aaryn came to her (Helen) was because she doesn't feel like she can talk to Elissa. Elissa says that's because she doesn't feel like Aaryn tells her the truth and she's always running behind her back whispering things. Helen asks Elissa what started the whole thing. Elissa says she questioned Kaitlin about whether she was working with Spencer and Howard. She says Kaitlin got super defensive and said she would call them out in front of her. Elissa says Kaitlin is the one that was ready to make a big deal out of it.

    02:04 AM BBT Helen says they need to do some damage control because they think Kaitlin is going home this week. Talk turns to that they need to make sure in the end Kaitlin is aware that she is a strong player. Helen says Howard and Spencer are very good liars and they can deny deny deny all they want but everyone says it's happening. Helen says now Kaitlin is campaigning to stay and Aaryn is flipping out because she thinks she's going to go home. Judd heads up to the HoH where Andy, Amanda and McCrae are. Andy starts rehashing the conversation he had with Kaitlin in the hammock.

    02:09 AM BBT Feeds switch to Kaitlin and GinaMarie walking into the SR. GinaMarie drinks straight out of a bottle from one of the cabinets and puts it back. They laugh and head out to the hammock. Kaitlin tells GinaMarie to get ready to have her mind blown. Kaitlin starts telling her what she's been telling everyone else tonight. Back in the lounge Helen apologizes for not sticking up for Elissa earlier. Elissa understands. She doesn't like Aaryn as a person because of the things she's said, but Howard and Spencer have screwed them over before so she understands that Kaitlin should still be the one to go home.

    02:19 AM BBT GinaMarie says if she wins HoH she plans on putting Amanda and McCrae up. She's going to ask who the MVP is and if no one owns up to it then she's going to put everyone's keys into a hat and pull them out one by one. The last two will be the noms for the week. Meanwhile in the lounge Candice comes in. Candice says it's been a crazy day. She wasn't up for the fight and yet she got dragged into it.

    02:22 AM BBT GinaMarie and Kaitlin join Howard on the couch. He's waiting for Howard to play pool. Kaitlin just saw Candice. Spencer figures he's in the WC. GinaMarie doesn't trust Candice. Spencer does. Meanwhile back in the lounge Elissa and Candice are tired. Talk turns to how messed up their sleep schedules are going to be when they get out.

    02:36 AM BBT Nothing new being brought up in the BY or the lounge. Candice, Elissa and Helen are called out by BB for talking about production. GinaMarie laughs and says "Yo dude, you're ruining people's games! Don't call people's names!"

    02:43 AM BBT Howard and Spencer have moved to the hammock in the BY following their pool game. Spencer says he like Andy but he's such a floundering fish. Meanwhile on the couch in the BY GinaMarie, Kaitlin and Judd continue to rehash conversations and plan for winning HoH this week. McCrae comes outside to smoke and the conversation changes.

    02:53 AM BBT Out in the hammock Spencer asks Judd what McCrae and Amanda told him earlier about who they would put up next week. Judd says they said whatever the house would want, but Andy was in the room so who knows how true that is. Andy is heading to bed. McCrae heads back inside. GinaMarie, Kaitlin and Candice are on the couch in the BY rehashing the day's conversations.

    03:02 AM BBT Candice continues to bash Aaryn and Amanda on the couch while Kaitlin and GinaMarie listen and chime in. Out in the hammock Spencer is giving Judd a pep-talk telling him the house needs another power swing soon. He (Spencer) is on the out right now but he's ready to start swinging in the right direction.

    03:14 AM BBT More of the same rehashing and repeating on the BY couch. The only thing worthy of reporting was Kaitlin told Candice that she did suggest Howard as a replacement nom when Jeremy was on the block. Candice understands. "You gotta protect your Boo!" Switched briefly to the hammock and Spencer was talking about his brother. Intermittent FoTH and all four feeds are now on the BY couch.

    03:25 AM BBT More or less the same thing on the couch. Brief FoTH. Kaitlin is gone (DR?). Candice is explaining to GinaMarie why she doesn't like Aaryn (fish tank comment, bed flipping, Aaryn told her she doesn't like her, etc...). Back at the hammock they're having random chats about things outside the house.

    03:30 AM BBT They guys join the girls on the couch. Judd is going to smoke. Spencer will stay up with while he smokes. Talk turns to the worst beds to sleep in because of lights, doors slamming, etc... Candice and Howard whisper softly to each other. Feeds 3 and 4 switch to what looks like Amanda, and McCrae sleeping together and Aaryn sleeping in her bed.

    03:42 AM BBT Howard, Spencer and Candice are all going to bed. Kaitlin is out of the DR and isn't ready for bed yet. Judd hangs behind to talk with her. Kaitlin asks what the guys talked about on the hammock. He says they talked about life outside the house. Kaitlin says he's lying. He said he wasn't. Kaitlin asks how they didn't talk about any game. Judd says they were burnt out on game talk. Judd tells Kaitlin what he put in his blog and what he tweeted.

    03:52 AM BBT Judd and Kaitlin talk a bit more. Judd tells Kaitlin she needs to win HoH this week. He's nervous because he can't play. At the very least he hopes he can play for PoV. Conversation eventually ends and Kaitlin goes into the WC and Judd heads up to his HoH room. On that note it looks like our HGs are going to bed early tonight!

    03:56 AM BBT Well...we spoke too soon. It looks like Kaitlin still isn't ready for bed. She takes a seat near the edge of the HT and puts her legs in the water.

    ***Advert*** It's unlikely that we'll have any more game talk so we're going to turn in for the night ourselves. Today could certainly prove to be interesting especially if Kaitlin decides to confront Amanda regarding her supposedly campaigning for Aaryn to stay. Or, how will Elissa act around the rest of the house after her incident last night? We'll have you covered! Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums & Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net (New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat).%C2'>

  18. 12:10 AM BBT In the HoH we continue to discuss Howard and Spencer. Down in the BY McCrae and GinaMarie are chatting on the couch while McCrae smokes. McCrae wants to visit NY. GinaMarie says come on up and visit and stay with her.

    12:14 AM BBT Aaryn is also on the couch in the BY painting her nails. GinaMarie talks a bit about her friend Danny that was on The Amazing Race. She said she was in the intro to the show because she was standing between him and his race partner Joey. http://bit.ly/161etz3

    12:27 AM BBT We continue to have idle chit chat all around the house. In the HoH we have Howard, Andy, Spencer, and Elissa with current topics including Spencer wondering if the Nike museum is in Chicago still and whether anyone has ever tried dropping peanuts into Dr. Pepper and drank it that way. Apparently it's a thing.

    12:33 AM BBT Out in the BY on the couch we have GinaMarie, McCrae, Amanda, Aaryn and Candice are chatting. GinaMarie is telling the story about how her ex-fiance proposed to her by a surprise proposal through the Tyra Banks show in which she thought she was interviewing for a health segment on her show and she was sent to get a bag out of the next room of her studio and when she walked in and some of her kids were there and had signs reading "Will you Marry Me?"

    12:44 AM BBT Up in the HoH Howard, Spencer, and Judd are talking. Judd is complaining about how weird Elissa has been acting all week. Spencer is probing Judd for why Aaryn told them to come chat with him about them having an idea for keeping her. Judd says she came to him and said that someone might have a plan. Spencer says Aaryn told them the same thing and it's even more reason to get her out because you can't trust her. Judd says he's made deals with both girls this week because he doesn't know who will end up going home. Howard says he likes Kaitlin but she has a tendency to easily be lead. Judd says Aaryn knows the game but Kaitlin's more physical.

    12:50 AM BBT Judd asks them what they're thinking. Howard says it's not his decision. It's his decision as HoH. Someone recommends that it may make sense to keep a physical person like Kaitlin around because you can get her to work for you. Down in the WA Candice mentions that she's going to be recording her good-byes in DR tonight. Elissa is confused by this wondering why so early. Candice called out by BB for talking about production. Elissa asks Candice about keeping Aaryn this week. Candice says she'll have to think about it (What happened to keeping this a secret? - Niteslacker), but she's just one vote. She'll do what the house wants her to do.

    01:07 AM BBT Jessie comes up to the HoH and says she's going to bed. Judd asks her to stay up a bit. She's tired. Spencer asks to pick her brain about who is going home this week or who she'd like to see go home this week. Jessie isn't sure. Switching feeds to the BY Kaitlin, Candice, Amanda, Aaryn, and Andy are talking about funny things that have happened in the house this season.

    01:10 AM BBT Feeds cut away to McCrae briefly as he whispered to Helen in the lounge. They agree they're trying to keep Aaryn staying a secret so Howard and Spencer don't try to offer her a better deal than they do. Helen agrees and clarifies that Aaryn said she's going to either throw the HoH or nom whoever they suggest. McCrae says they all really think Aaryn shouldn't throw the HoH. Helen understands. McCrae heads back to the BY.

    01:14 AM BBT Up in the HoH talk continues about who they trust or don't trust more between Kaitlin and Aaryn. Jessie will support whatever decision he makes but she thinks he needs to come up with a plan because someone might take advantage of this. Judd says everyone can take advantage of it already. Spencer agrees with Jessie. Jessie also points out that they've not seen much of Kaitlin's game without Jeremy meanwhile they've seen Aaryn's game since David left. Spencer agrees. Jessie pushes for Kaitlin to go home because Kaitlin will work with Amanda and McCrae because McCrae and her are already close. Judd says if that's they case then she certainly should go. Judd wants to tell her that she's the target then. Spencer says to tell her Thurs.

    01:27 AM BBT The HoH crew, minus Howard continues to run scenarios and pros and cons of who to keep and who to get rid of. Meanwhile downstairs in the HNR Howard is pitching the idea of keeping Aaryn safe this week to Candice. Candice isn't keen on the idea. Candice says if they keep Kaitlin she won't put them up (Howard/Candice). Howard says Kaitlin is a competitor while Aaryn knows the game but her social game is sunk. Andy and Jessie come in and talk stops. Jessie is going to bed. Candice needs to wash her face. Andy is just getting his stuff ready.

    01:33 AM BBT Howard and Candice leave the room and Jessie and Candice begin whispering. Jessie says she was put on the spot in the HoH and it was really awkward. Andy tells her that Howard and Spencer can't be trusted. Jessie knows but she just wants to know what to do. Andy says Kaitlin is the target. Jessie says ok but up in the HoH Howard and Spencer are saying the exact same thing. Andy is surprised but says they're shady and may be thinking a few steps further ahead. Andy says Aaryn trusts Amanda. Jessie says Elissa doesn't want to work with Aaryn though. Andy says Elissa has agreed to work with Aaryn. Jessie is glad that they all have this worked out.

    01:38 AM BBT Out in the BY Amanda and McCrae are smoking discussing the numerous discussions they've all had today. Amanda loves McCrae. She loves looking at him. He wonders why. She wonders if he's attracted to her. He says of course. She says he turns her on. She wants to go to SeaWorld with him. (Not gonna like...I was assuming that was an innuendo but then they proceeded to talk about where it's located in Florida).

    01:43 AM BBT Up in the HoH Andy, Judd, Spencer, Howard, and Candice are talking about everyone's tips and tricks for sleeping in the HNR. Out in the BY Aaryn, and GinaMarie are hanging out in the hammock. GinaMarie's eating something and it's fairly obnoxious to listen to.

    01:52 AM BBT Aaryn is telling GinaMarie that if she stays she has to win HoH. Aaryn says she is nervous about Julie talking about expecting the unexpected. GinaMarie wishes the MVP thing would end soon "How long's it gonna last? A year?" She goes onto say that if the MVP wouldn't be in the house they'd be running the place with all the guys still at their side. Up in the HoH they have idle chit chat. Howard is called to DR. Spencer says "Oh...it's because you're the MVP." Judd is going to go smoke.

    01:58 AM BBT BB tells Candice to put on her mic. Candice: "I have...oh..." and she attaches her mic. "I've been getting in trouble about that recently." Spencer laughs and whispers into his mic "No she doesn't!" Talk turns to Jessie and how intelligent she is but still lacking in overall street smarts but she's still very sweet and smart. Spencer agrees and says she also has a nice booty. Talk turns to music. Andy hopes Elissa doesn't win HoH because she'll request country music. Someone points out that she'll be playing hard for it because she can't play in PoV this week.

    02:01 AM BBT Talk turns to where Evel Dick is from... Spencer: "A******ville?" Candice wonders if he's related to Amanda. Candice: "She seems really schooled on this game..." Howard is back from DR and tells everyone he had to tell them he wasted his MVP this week. GinaMarie is called into DR. Feeds in the BY switch from the hammock to Jessie, Judd, McCrae and Amanda talking on the couch with Jessie talking about how everyone was telling her to get an education at a good school...and she did...but then discovered you need more than just an education to get somewhere in life.

    02:15 AM BBT Out at the HT Aaryn wants to tell Kaitlin a secret...Aaryn seems scared to tell her. Kaitlin says she'll keep it a secret. Aaryn tells Kaitlin that she's Jeremy's brother. Kaitlin doesn't seem to believe it...but she does. Kaitlin is very weirded out right now. Aaryn swears. She says there are some things regarding their background that they had to change to keep it secret. Kaitlin is not ok with this...she's very weirded out by this. After a few minutes of awkward laughing Aaryn finally comes clean.

    02:20 AM BBT Up in the HoH Judd, Howard, Candice, and Spencer are chatting about their jobs. Out in the BY Kaitlin laughs and tells Andy (across the yard) what Aaryn just said to her. Andy seems uninterested. Jessie continues to talk to McCrae and Amanda on the couch. Judd comes outside and Kaitlin tells him what Aaryn did. Otherwise idle chit chat including Jeremy's "low numbers for a guy".

    02:28 AM BBT Judd and GinaMarie crawl into the hammock together. GinaMarie thinks if she gets HoH next week she'll put up Amanda and Elissa next week. GinaMarie says she told McCrae she wouldn't put him up and Elissa...she told Elissa she wouldn't either but since she put her up as the MVP nom then that deal is out the window. With her not being able to play for veto this coming week they have a good shot at getting her out. She asks Judd what he thinks. He says it's a good move. GinaMarie knows Elissa is MVP because Howard wouldn't have put her up. GinaMarie says it's a good plan. Judd whispers to her and tells her that he heard Howard was MVP and she can't tell anyone he told her this.

    02:39 AM BBT Talk in the hammock has turned to Howard being shady (rinse, repeat). Meanwhile in the WA Kaitlin and Aaryn are doing nightly ADLs with Andy passing through towards the KT.

    02:50 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the KT with Aaryn, and Kaitlin and the occasional passer-by as they make themselves something to eat/snack on. Meanwhile out in the hammock Judd and GinaMarie continue to chat. Judd is rehashing different things that have happened in the house. Aaryn comes out and says they're going to do the cinnamon challenge.

    03:03 AM BBT Cinnamon challenge results...Aaryn, Jessie and Judd all coughed up mouthfuls of cinnamon. GinaMarie wants to jump in on this action and chews it up, sticks her tongue out revealing she was able to conquer the challenge. Kaitlin has never seen that before. NiteSlacker grabbed a couple screenshots, you can find them in our Screen Captures board.

    03:11 AM BBT GinaMarie goes back for seconds for the rest of the HGs that missed it. This time she does a tablespoon full successfully. Brief FoTH. Feeds are back and the HGs are saying "They probably googled it and realized it might be bad..."

    03:22 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the BY. Jessie, Andy and Candice have turned off the lights in the HNR room and crawled into their airplane seats for the night. Feeds switch to McCrae and Amanda in snuggling in the lounge.

    03:32 AM BBT GinaMarie and Kaitlin into WA, beginning nightly ADLs. In the lounge McCrae's face can be seen but Amanda can't be seen...but she can be heard as she talks periodically. She says after BB they need to go straight to Vegas and try to see how they get along together outside of the house.

    03:40 AM BBT All four feeds have been on Amanda and McCrae cuddling and kissing in the lounge for the past 5-10 minutes or so.

    03:43 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 finally switch to the BY. We have GinaMarie, Kaitlin, Judd, Howard, Aaryn, and Spencer chatting. Spencer tells GinaMarie that if she and Nick doesn't work out that she should move to Arkansas because he knows all sorts of guys that would love a girl like her.

    03:56 AM BBT Elissa bashing begins in the BY and rehashing of the night she was drunk. Kaitlin tells them how Elissa told her that she should call Jeremy up and say "How do you spell Evicted?". Aaryn starts freaking out wondering how Elissa would know what Aaryn said in her good-bye speech to her. Aaryn explains her good-bye message to Elissa and Kaitlin and GinaMarie says the two messages don't sound familiar at all. Talk turns to cell phones and Nick. The dryer can be heard going off in the background and GinaMarie laughs saying "Nick?!"

    04:01 AM On that note Kaitlin is going to bed. This leaves Howard, Judd, and GinaMarie outside in the BY. General rehashing of conversations from the past couple of days. Talk turns back to the cinnamon challenge. Judd wonders how it could be dangerous (One word...aspiration!) Meanwhile back in the colorful room Aaryn and Kaitlin are getting ready for the bed with the lights on. Spencer comes in from outside and Howard gets up. "GinaMarie: Is it your turn next?" Howard mumbles something and heads inside.

    04:18 AM BBT GinaMarie is still rehashing various conversations she's had with people throughout the season. Howard is back outside. GinaMarie is weighing pros and cons of keeping Kaitlin versus Aaryn. Meanwhile in the colorful room Kaitlin and Aaryn are lying in their separate beds laughing and giggling talking about an assortment of topics as well as rehashing things from the week as well. Aaryn changes the subject "Does it feel like we're in a little kid's room?"

    04:27 AM BBT GinaMarie asks Howard who he would put up on the block if he were to get HoH. Howard says Amanda and McCrae are a couple and they should be targeted. GinaMarie agrees. Back in the colorful room Aaryn and Kaitlin are whispering without their mics on so it's difficult to understand because their voices appear to be echoing around the room. Discussion is about Elissa and how much different she is from Rachel. Aaryn says Rachel is way cooler. Kaitlin doesn't think she'd say that. Kaitlin says "She's probably on the other side of the door listening" (She's probably laying in bed listening, the echo sounds very loud from their conversation!)

    04:36 AM BBT Aaryn and Kaitlin have been quiet for the past five minutes in the colorful room (with the lights on). Out in the BY Howard is giving the others reasons why Amanda doesn't like him because she can't read him because he's got such a good poker face. Howard knows the two of them started the rumor that he's the MVP. Spencer says they started talking about him (Howard) being a pro football player and Spencer blew their theory out of the water by asking why he'd be in the BB house trying to win half a million dollars when league minimum is more than that (not quite). GinaMarie goes on a tirade saying the girls all need someone to protect them and she's her own girl and she liked Nick but she didn't need him.

    04:43 AM BBT Brief FoTH. Feeds are back and GinaMarie is gone. GinaMarie comes back and Judd says that was fast. GinaMarie says "Yeah they just wanted to check on me after the whole cinnamon thing. I told them I was good and thanked them for being concerned. They're so sweet!"

    04:54 AM BBT GinaMarie sticks her head out the door and says it's almost 5 am. She's heading to bed. Judd, Spencer and Howard continue to run various scenarios and discuss who they do or don't trust. Intermittent FoTH.

    04:57 AM BBT They agree that Amanda and McCrae needs to be the target this coming week that way one of them goes home. Spencer tells them that McCrae told him that when Amanda goes home he'll come back to him. Judd doesn't like that. Spencer says he told him the same thing. Judd thought McCrae was smarter than that. Judd says he told McCrae that he needs to mingle more with other people instead of just Amanda. They've laid claim to the lounge and it ticks people off.

  19. 10:43 PM BBT Not much to report over the past 15 minutes or so. GinaMarie was called to DR and Elissa is getting ready to go in right after her. Out in the BY Helen and Jessie are preparing to play some pool.

    10:48 PM BBT Back inside Amanda and Elissa are whispering while Elissa puts on makeup for her upcoming DR session. Amanda thinks Howard is MVP especially since he is being called to DR so much. Andy comes over and Amanda voices her concern. Spencer asks Elissa if she is going use the HT later. Elissa says yes. Spencer says he's going to take a cold shower.

    10:51 PM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Howard and Candice are laying in the hammock. Brief period of FoTH. Andy and Spencer are in the WA. Spencer starts singing "In your eyes" and Andy and Aaryn joins in. BB calls out Andy and tells him to stop singing. Aaryn starts freaking out because she has a pimple on her face. Spencer and Andy laugh making jokes with her about it. Andy says he thought her zit was Kaitlin the other day and he started talking game with it. Spencer said her zit walks into the room long before she does.

    10:59 PM BBT Back out in the hammock Candice and Howard are talking about who needs to go home this week. Howard says Kaitlin hasn't talked game with him this week so she thinks she's on the power side. Candice says Kaitlin isn't a game talker. Howard knows this. Howard knows that if Candice, himself, Spencer, Jessie, or maybe Andy wins HoH they'll be safe this week. Howard isn't sure Andy would be able to put up Amanda and McCrae though. Across the yard, Jessie tells Howard his laundry is done. Candice is tired. She's thinking of going to bed early tonight.

    11:07 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda is whispering with Judd while watching the spy screen nervously. Amanda is telling Judd her theory that Howard is MVP. Judd asks if Elissa is on board to vote out Kaitlin this week. Amanda says she is. Amanda says if she wins HoH next week she's putting up Howard and Spencer and she doesn't care who the third nominee is, one of them is going home. Amanda and Judd rehash earlier conversations. Amanda can't stand Spencer. Out in the BY Howard and Candice are discussing Bible verses.

    11:20 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda and Judd continue to run various scenarios. Judd thinks if Candice wins HoH this week there may be concern. Amanda says "They're master manipulators...that's why you couldn't put up Howard because they probably made a deal with you to keep you safe". Judd doesn't deny it, but he doesn't agree with it either. Judd says he had other reasons as well. Aaryn comes up into HoH and talk turns to this week's HoH. Aaryn says she'll throw it. Amanda and Judd says to not throw it and she can even act like she "accidentally" won it. Judd accidentally won it this week.

    11:30 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn, Judd, and Amanda continue to run various scenarios/previous discussions. Amanda says the other side can't find out about their plan to evict Kaitlin because they're going to flip and do damage control. Out in the BY Candice, and Howard continue to snuggle with general chit chat in the hammock.

    11:35 PM BBT Amanda repeats to Aaryn that she can't let anyone know that's she is safe. Aaryn says she wishes she would have known this earlier because she wouldn't have confided in Spencer that he needs to talk to Judd because she thought there might be a way for her to stay. Amanda wonders why she thought she could confide in Spencer for anything. McCrae comes in. Amanda tells him that "they" tried to align with Aaryn as well (Howard and Spencer). McCrae laughs. Aaryn tells McCrae that Jessie came up with the idea to have Helen tell Elissa that if Aaryn won HoH this week she would give her noms to "them" (Helen/Elissa) or throw the HoH. Aaryn says since it seemed to work that they need to thank Jessie for that Master plan.

    11:42 PM BBT Out in the BY Jessie and Spencer have joined Candice and Howard in the hammock and continue to have idle chit chat. Judd is called to DR. Back up in the HoH, McCrae and Amanda continue to preach to Aaryn the importance of moping and being sad for the week so it looks like she is going home. McCrae says Aaryn has done a good job so far. Aaryn says she's trying to dig herself out of the hole but people keep throwing dirt on her. McCrae says that's just going to happen unfortunately. Andy, and Elissa joins the HoH group.

    11:49 PM BBT Amanda tells Andy and Elissa that Howard and Spencer came to Aaryn for an alliance. Amanda says they've come to everyone in the house. Andy wonders if they think people doesn't talk to each other. Andy says if he wins HoH he'll put up Howard and Spencer. Amanda and Aaryn agrees. Elissa sort of agrees. Elissa wants to call them up to the HoH and call them out. The group disagrees and they say to keep this information on the down-low for the week.

    11:59 PM BBT The talk in the HoH continues to be rehashing of how Spencer and Howard are shady and stupid for trying to make deals with everyone in the house. Out in the BY Helen has joined the hammock crew...still idle chit chat. Right now Helen is talking about her kids. (On a side note my feeds froze briefly and when I reloaded, the time listed beneath the feeds has synced up properly again).

  20. 12:01 AM BBT General chit chat about music at the hammock. Helen has brought a chair over from the HT and is sitting on the ground near them. Shenanigans breaks out in the BB with Andy, Judd, Candice and others throwing the beach balls at each other.

    12:11 AM BBT Everyone is gathered out in the BY now. Some in the hammock some on the couch. Jeremy and Kaitlin come outside to do Dirty Dancing. It takes them a few times until they finally nail it. Pictures incoming shortly.

    12:22 AM BBT General chit chat/late night snack time in the BB house. Topics are of a very broad variety that end just as quickly as they begin.

    12:33 AM BBT McCrae, Amanda, and Elissa make their way up to the HoH with food. Elissa wants to talk to her besties. Amanda is concerned..."What if tomorrow is a double eviction and someone manages to put one of us on the block?". They begin to run scenarios. Amanda doesn't think Aaryn would put anyone other than Spencer or Howard on the block. In the BY they continue to have idle chit chat. Helen is ready to play volleyball but it sounds like they're lacking enough players.

    12:40 AM BBT Candice and Jessie are going to head to bed. Helen, Spencer, and Howard start hitting the ball up in the air with their heads. The record is 10. Feeds switch to Andy and Candice chatting in the lounge. Candice said she never really had any problems with Kaitlin before but here lately she's been distant. She's sure it's because of the Jeremy thing. Andy tells her that GinaMarie wanted to know who to vote out this week and Andy recommended voting Jeremy out so Spencer doesn't use that vote on her. Candice says GinaMarie apologized about the bed incident but Kaitlin never did and Kaitlin called her a trashy hoosier (not hoosier...). "That trashy hoosier wakes up every morning and puts my weave in her head...whatever...". Their meeting breaks up.

    12:44 AM BBT 2 man team volleyball has begun in the BY. Feeds switch to Judd rubbing Jessie's shoulders down with something. Judd says GinaMarie trusts him. Jessie agrees. Judd says Howard talked to him earlier. Howard told him that he was watching Judd and Jessie's back and Judd said he's watching Candice and Howard's back. Judd thinks he wanted to talk to him about something else. Judd says he got up extra early this morning to so they could chat and then the chat only took like 35 seconds. Jessie thanks Judd for being so great this week. Judd mentions McCrae and TMC and we get brief FoTH. Feeds back and Judd says "They're always together". More FoTH. Feeds back and Judd tells Jessie goodnight. We now have a darkened HNR.

    12:50 AM BBT Candice, Andy, McCrae, Amanda and Elissa are discussing possible ideas for what HoH will be tomorrow. Andy hits the nail on the head "It could be like who does America think..." Talk turns to periods and missing family. Andy says he doesn't mean his friends and family he hates them all (kidding of course). Out in the BY Judd has joined Aaryn on the couches and they're also discussing what the HoH comp will be tomorrow.

    12:56 AM BBT The volleyball game in the BY has appeared to end. Spencer walks over and asks what the contents of one of the glasses were. Aaryn says "Semen..." Spencer says "Yep it's mine!". He walks inside to get something to drink. Judd says if he's not a have-not next week he's going to want to quit smoking and get the patch. Randomly Aaryn tells Judd that she's afraid Jessie wants her out because they're friends (Judd and Aaryn). Judd says no but he'll talk to her just to make sure. Up in the HoH chat has turned to last names.

    01:05 AM BBT Talk out in the BY has turned to Aaryn's family ranch. She tells Spencer to Google her last name when he gets out and he can find out all about their Ranch. Spencer wonders if they would offer he and his brother a discount to hunt. Aaryns says yeah probably. Aaryn says our names are going to be all over the internet when they get out (Some more than others! - NiteSlacker). Feeds switch to HoH as she starts to talk about her brothers. Feeds switch to a darkened chair room with GinaMarie whispering to Kaitlin and Jeremy. Jeremy says to tell them they'll have a Cherokee working for them. GinaMarie says she's going to talk to someone. GinaMarie says she's going to go try right now. Jeremy and Kaitlin says to keep trying and she's the best. Andy can be heard telling her he's getting tired.

    01:11 AM BBT Switching feeds to the BY. Andy, Spencer, Judd, Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda are chatting. Random topics. Someone yawned (they're not the only one). Up in the HoH Elissa is talking to Candice. Elissa is talking about someone that "says so many things that are bizarre"... Candice says she feels like she's spending so much time and energy trying to ignore her that she doesn't feel like herself. Even though another part of her tells her that she did some really mean things to her. She feels like this truly is a growth moment for her. Elissa says she can't have a conversation with her because she twists so many of her words around that it could be dangerous for her game.

    01:21 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda are getting comfy in the lounge room. Up in the HoH Elissa and Candice continue to talk about how they handle Aaryn. Candice says she's more mad at Spencer for lying about the hat thing. Aaryn bashing continues. Switching feeds down to the lounge room. Aaryn and Judd have joined McCrae in the lounge. The discussion is about GinaMarie and Nick's hat. Apparently someone suggested that the hat is worth about $6 on e-bay now and she got mad. She also complained that she'll loose the bed that her and Nick slept in together. Aaryn says she told her that she's slept in all of the beds except for those in the HNR. It happens because there's a different HoH and have-nots every week.

    01:33 AM BBT Talk turns to the HoH tomorrow. Amanda points out it could be a "Who would you rather..." that America voted on. Amanda asks Judd "Who would America vote as prom queen?" Judd says "Aaryn?" Amanda says "Aaryn?" Judd says "Well...before we first came in the house maybe...". Aaryn laughs and says Judd should go fork himself. They throw out a few "Who would you rather?" questions before Aaryn says she's going to bed. Judd says he won't be too far behind. Up in the HoH Candice and Elissa continue to bash the other-side. The current topics are Aaryn and Jeremy.

    01:45 AM BBT Talk in the lounge has turned to Judd and Jessie. Jessie wants him to find another couple for them to partner with. Amanda and McCrae say the Goof Troop comes first. Obviously they have their friends they want to protect...Jessie, Helen, and Elissa but if any of them are on the block against a Goof Troop member then the non-member is getting a vote to be evicted. Andy comes in and out of the lounge. Lots of whispering. Very difficult to understand. GinaMarie annoys them. Judd especially. He's not sure if he's just tired of slop. Andy wants to know what Howard wanted to talk to Judd about. Judd tells him (Howard has he and Jessie's back). Andy says Howard told him that he has his and Helen's back. Amanda says he never talks to her.

    01:51 AM BBT Meanwhile up in the HoH is making a defense for Aaryn. Helen says the "wh*** house comment really bothered her. Elissa immediately says it wasn't directed at her but at the couple that she was renting the room out to in the BB house (Call me crazy...but that sure seems like the HoH should be offended by it if they're allowing the couple to sleep there...- NiteSlacker). Helen brings up the Adderall comment Elissa made (about folks on Adderall having an advantage over those not on it). Elissa says "Well it's true..." Helen says but if you have a medical reason to be on it (ADHD) they have that right. Elissa says sure but... Feeds switch randomly to the lounge for a few minutes.

    01:58 AM BBT Feeds switch back up to the HoH and Helen is trying to stay neutral about the wh*** house comment but Elissa is pushing saying it wasn't directed at her "Can you see how she twists things like this?" Elissa explains the comment in context "She told Jeremy and Kaitlin that 'You can sleep in MY room in MY HoH bed' and I mentioned how unfair it was to use the room like that...we all fought for the room and deserve it over someone using it like a ...well...wh*** house." (How is that NOT directed at Aaryn? Mind you I'm...not taking sides here but I'm just asking) . Helen continues to listen and dodge taking sides on it. Talk turns to Jeremy needing to go this week and Aaryn is wounded and trying to get along with folks.

    02:04 AM BBT Down in the lounge...Andy is going to bed. Amanda and McCrae head into the WA to use mouthwash. Up in the HoH Jeremy bashing continues. Down in the BY Judd, Andy, Howard, and Spencer are chatting. Andy says last week when they were in power they were rude to everyone and they didn't want everyone coming up to the HoH room, whereas with Helen this week she wanted everyone to come up. Brief FoTH. Candice comes outside and asks what everyone is talking about. Judd heads in to go pee and to grab his cigarettes. Andy is heading to bed.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @Markeene: @mortystv my bb obsession lol - You're following the right person! We're here for you!

    02:13 AM BBT Judd comes back out. He has about 17 packs of cigarettes left. Spencer asks if Kaitlin and Aaryn were on the block together who would you want to get out. Judd says Kaitlin because she's dangerous because she can get in nicer with folks. Aaryn doesn't have anyone. Judd says GinaMarie is just crazy. Up in the HoH bathroom Elissa and Helen are doing nightly ADLs. Helen is now crawling into bed in a darkened HoH room.

    02:15-02:55 AM BBT (Rewinding a bit to check the feeds that were down) It appears that Spencer and Judd sat out in the BY to talk for a bit about various things before going to bed. (Sounded mostly like rehashing to me).

    02:28 AM BBT There appears to be some technical difficulties with the feeds at this time. Myself and a handful of other users are no longer getting live access to the feeds instead we're getting a replay of feeds from earlier. When he hit the "Go Live" button it plays about 5 seconds and then says to reload. I'll update you just as soon as I'm up and running again.

    02:36 AM BBT We appear to only have feed 1 right now. Feeds 2-4 are reruns/reloads from earlier. Feed 1 is Amanda and McCrae cuddling in the lounge listening to one of the cameras make noise at them. Amanda wonders if BB is toying with them.

    02:46 AM BBT (Just a reminder we're running on limited feeds due to technical difficulties on CBS' end). On Feed 1 we have McCrae and Amanda making out. Feeds switch to Howard getting into bed with Candice. Feeds switch to Jeremy, and Kaitlin in bed with Jeremy laughing. Jeremy apparently made up a poem that was super cute but made her laugh at him. Aaryn chimes in and says they (Jeremy and Kaitlin) should totally have the HoH room tonight. Kaitlin didn't want to ask for it even though Helen offered it to them any night this week.

    02:51 AM BBT Feed is back in the lounge. Any guesses as to who and what is happening? Here's a hint...it's the same two people and it's the same thing that has happened every day this week at this time. If you guessed Amanda and McCrae making out underneath the comforter...you win! Amanda comes up for air and says she's hungry. They lay outside the comforter for a bit before curling right back up underneath it only to begin kissing again.

    *FLASHBACK ALERT* Feed 1 - 03:00 AM BBT Well...the make-out session has gotten significantly more intense.... Amanda was clearly straddling McCrae beneath the comforter with some serious hip movement going on and moments ago she let an...interesting sound. She rolls off of him and lies down and says she's hot. She asks if he feels used now. He agrees. Amanda tries to talk to him about it and he finally says "Stop talking about it..." and she says "why they're not watching us..." McCrae replies and says there's a camera on them. (Well...the rest of our feeds are down...so all eyes are turned on the two of you right now because you're all that we have! - NiteSlacker).

    03:13 AM BBT Conveniently the feeds all appear to be back now. Feeds 1 and 2 are Amanda and McCrae in the lounge. Amanda asking "How will they feel about that?" McCrae says about half and half. McCrae telling her about people from previous seasons that have performed oral stories (not really stories) for each other. Amanda says we haven't done that. McCrae agrees. Talk turns to what GinaMarie and he talked about earlier.

    03:34 AM BBT Amanda has been dancing around the lounge in her underwear for McCrae mimicking him. "Hey guys! I have an idea for a game! Let's take a ball...wrap it up in a bandanna...and wrap another bandanna and another bandanna and we'll throw it in the basket! We'll call it bandanna ball." "I'm such a nice guy that for my birthday I only want all of the have-nots to have!" McCrae is laughing and joking with her saying yes or no to things he agrees with. Amanda begins singing and we get FoTH. Feeds back and their lips are locked.

    03:49 AM BBT More of the same for the past 10 minutes or so with another hot-n-heavy make out session under the comforter. At one point Amanda busted out into laughter and retrieved a bandanna and tucked it under the comforter.

    03:54 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head outside for a cigarette. Talk turns to that they can't believe they're in the BB house after seeing so many seasons of it. Amanda likes it when everyone's asleep because it's so quiet. Amanda says imagine if we were the final two... McCrae says he'd be $50,000 richer! McCrae hopes he makes it to jury. Amanda thinks he will. McCrae hopes she does as well. Talk turns to Judd asking to bring Jessie into the Goof Troop, trying to figure out why he was being so bold.

    04:02 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head in to begin nightly ADLs. Talk briefly about how much Elissa loves them.

    04:11 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head into the HNR for the night. All four feeds have sleeping or almost sleeping HGs in darkened rooms now.

    04:29 AM BBT We've had horizontal HGs in darkened rooms for about 15 minutes now. It looks like they're all asleep. Good night everyone and have a great day!

  21. juddrelaxed.jpg

    Judd hanging out on the BY couch


    This is what Amanda was wearing when she crawled out from under the comforter after the Flashback alert tonight at 03:00 AM BBT Feed 1...you decide! Was there a little adult action or just frustration between the two of them?


    Amanda busts out laughing and retrieves a bandanna...


    Evidence of the bandanna between them after their...session...



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