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Posts posted by niteslacker

  1. 3:33 PM BBT (Current) Aaryn, Jeremy and David are in the colorful room chatting. Jeremy is worried that there are people that know each other in the house and that he and David may have chosen the wrong alliance. David says this house really starts to get to you. Aaryn says Elissa is going to be here until next Wed and it's only Fri.

    3:38 PM BBT Aaryn is worried that if Candice stays on the block and Jessie comes down there is a chance the house may flip to get rid of her instead of Elissa.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @KGarfein: @mortystv Is it me or is Howard simply absent? No feed action at all with him.... #bb15 He has his moments. He's no GM though!

    3:44 PM BBT Apparently Jeremy saw Aaryn and Jessie whispering in the photo booth and was questioning David about it. Aaryn wonders why he didn't say anything to her when they were just together. David doesn't know. Now Aaryn is questioning David's loyalty to her over Jeremy. David reassures her that she can trust him. David says everyone is reading too much into everything. Aaryn says everyone has bailed on Jessie as a friend and there's no reason. Jessie is a trustworthy person "...more than she is".

    3:45 PM BBT Aaryn doesn't trust Jeremy because of his big mouth. Aaryn says David doesn't make her feel secure any more. She says David and Jeremy are in too deep with each other and she's not ok with that. Aaryn says Jessie is her friend and of course she's going to talk to her.

    3:52 PM BBT Aaryn continues to grill David about what Jeremy wants. David says Jeremy warned him to be cautious of the girls. Aaryn waits a moment, looking lost in thought before telling David that she can't emphasize enough that she is an honest person. She had every intention of helping the guys out if she won comps but now because of Jeremy's extreme paranoia she's not sure what she's going to do. She needs to think. Meanwhile...Andy walks through...he's going to shower for the first time in 2 days.

    3:54 PM BBT Meanwhile elsewhere in the house there are assorted conversations going on. Nothing ground breaking. It's noted that Andy is on the lounger out in the BY now...so the shower thing must be on hold for the time being.

    3:59 PM BBT Meanwhile back in the chair room Aaryn and David continue to talk. Aaryn is sick of having to constantly reel David back in. David says she doesn't have to reel him back in. Aaryn pushes for what Jeremy was saying again. David says Jeremy brought up that Jessie and Aaryn may be sisters. Aaryn wonders if they are looking for a reason to send either of them out. David says no. Aaryn questions why he thinks this. David says because he overheard his and Jeremy's name brought up. Aaryn doesn't think they ever mentioned their names but can't for certain. She's stunned. She says Jeremy just told her in the colorful room (before Aaryn and David started chatting in the chair room) that if he has a question about something he overhears about her he'll talk to her. Clearly he didn't bring it up then so she can't trust him.

    04:04 PM BBT Aaryn and David head out. Cams follow Nick as he heads to the SR. Spencer follows in asking about fish. Spencer and Nick start to talk quickly. Nick says the plan is to divide the house and break their alliance between the 2 sides of the house. Nick says everyone has to watch Amanda and Helen because they are watching everyone closely.

    4:10 PM BBT Spencer heads out of the SR so it's not obvious they were in there together. All four feeds now on the BY. Jessie, Andy, Spencer and Helen are sitting on the loungers, Jessie is telling Helen about how her mom helps underprivileged kids. Aaryn has her feet in the pool telling someone (Kaitlin) about what Jeremy said. Kaitlin is mad. (She's mad about something else but the feeds/mics switched over after she revealed whatever it is she revealed).

    4:20 PM BBT Kaitlin and Aaryn near/in the pool whispering. (Judging by the reactions my guess is that Kaitlin is now realizing that Jeremy is only going to use her to further himself in the game). There's background water splashes and echoes making it difficult to hear the conversation. It sounds like Kaitlin is going to give it a day or so before talking to him. Production switches the feeds to David and Jeremy whispering while working out. David says "it's happening right now, Andy is by the pool." Work out stops briefly with Jeremy saying "...and we hooked up last night." David congrats him. David says Aaryn wanted him to turn on "us". David fears he may go home this week now.

    4:25 PM BBT Over in the hammock McCrae and Amanda are laying down running scenarios. McCrae says "Can you believe we're in the Big Brother house talking game in the hammock?" McCrae doesn't feel like he runs in the same circles as Candice. Amanda says no one runs in the same circles as Candice. Amanda says if anyone asks about her just to make them think she's trying to manipulate him. McCrae says he's already been doing that. Amanda is mad (playfully). Meanwhile McCrae says that Amanda should tell everyone that she's running his game because he's just a kid and she has boobies.

    4:29 PM BBT McCrae called to DR. Jeremy and David continue to work out with the weights. Helen takes Elissa upstairs to teach her how to play chess.

    4:36 PM BBT Spencer joins Amanda in the hammock and they begin chatting. Nothing that hasn't been said before already. Amanda says she feels like the house is very much an "older vs younger" crowd. Spencer agrees. She feels like Helen trusts her because she told her that it sounded like the house was all going to vote against Elissa and not tell Helen so then she would become a target for not going with the house.

    4:40 PM BBT David and Nick are laying out in the sun in the BY. Back in the hammock Spencer thinks someone is very trust worthy and he's close to Helen. Amanda finishes the thought and points out that he'd fit in great with the older crowd. Spencer says he doesn't connect with the younger crowd at all. Amanda warns him that he may become one of their targets if that's the case.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @KGarfein: @mortystv GM is one of a kind! #bb15 -- Yes she is!

    4:45 PM BBT Jeremy says Nick is an odd character because he sits and does his own thing. Amanda wonders if this is a game move similar to Dan by avoiding the drama.

    4:50 PM BBT Jeremy and Aaryn are chatting in the WA. Jeremy says he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Aaryn says she doesn't know what she can do to prove that she's not. The convo is very hard to follow due to Aaryn being mic-less in the shower. Jeremy says he approached it the wrong way. He says David is the one person he feels like he can talk to in the house. Jeremy says he and Kaitlin are real good in the house right now. He wants to keep Aaryn and Kaitlin on he and David's side.

    4:54 PM BBT In the SR Kaitlin, GM and David are talking. Kaitlin is very upset. She heard Jeremy talking to Andy in the shower and while he didn't say anything bad about her but she feels like she trusts him a little less. Yes she has a crush on him after 7 days but she's going to need his help to survive and by sleeping in his bed she's putting her eggs in his basket. David leaves. GM and Kaitlin continues to talk. Kaitlin says Jeremy doesn't trust her because he thinks they have ulterior motives.

    5:00 PM BBT Kaitlin goes out and has a seat on the hammock with Spencer. GM goes and tracks down Jeremy and David and pulls them into the lounge. She's telling the guys to be careful about what they say to the girls because they are an emotional bunch. FoTH.

    05:10 PM BBT Andy tells Jeremy and David that the girls were only talking about how paranoid Jeremy was being and that there was a bit of mistrust. HGs are transitioning around. David, Jeremy and Howard are sitting at the edge of the HT. Idle chit chat.

    05:15 PM BBT All four feeds on David, Howard, and Jeremy by HT. Idle chit chat about life an assortment of topics. Andy and GM's voices and laughter can be heard in the background.

    05:23 PM BBT Outdoor lockdown is called. GM scrambling to run in and grab things she or others may need. Andy running in to go to the bathroom. Feeds switch to Spencer and Jessie in the hammock, chatting.

    05:25 PM BBT Amanda and Kaitlin hanging out getting a bit of sun, chatting in the BY. Jeremy, Howard, and David continue to sit by the edge of the HT. No groundbreaking conversations here folks. Just a little bit of everything here and there.

  2. 11:02 PM BBT Jessie and Aaryn continue to bathe in the HoH tub. The conversation is difficult to follow with giggling, splashing of water and background conversations from the HoH. Amanda walks in and begins to rehash how she woke up last night startled and scared.

    11:06 PM BBT Feeds switch to Howard speaking in very hushed tones to Spencer over the chest board. Lots of background noise from a group in the kitchen. Spencer asks who's move it is and their chess game resumes.

    11:10 PM BBT Jeremy, is rubbing Kaitlin's back as she lies across his lap. Candice, and Helen are chatting in the lounge about being a have-not and the PoV competition today.

    11:14 PM BBT Amanda, Aaryn, and Jessie and are in the HoH bathroom with the latter two still in the tub in their bathing suits. General chit chat. Aaryn says they are refilling the tub because the water was "sick". GinaMarie walks in and bursts into a stanza of "The Love Boat" and we get a brief FoTH.

    11:20 PM BBT Andy hanging out with Candice and Helen in the lounge. Andy and Candice admit to paying for 1 admission to a movie theater and then sneaking in and seeing a second one when the first is over.

    11:23 PM BBT The lounge room breaks up and moves upstairs joining Howard, Spencer and David at the chess board. Andy walks up and Kaitlin asks if he's giving her the stank eye because she's sitting in his man's lap (Spencer). Andy says "Yeah I am!" with an additional colorful word thrown in.

    11:28 PM BBT Switched feeds and in the HoH bathroom McCrae, and Amanda are sitting in chairs outside the tub with Jessie, Jeremy and Aaryn sitting in the tub with their legs hanging out. Amanda is asking "What sound does a <subject> make" with the group in the tub trying to do their best impressions.

    11:35 PM BBT Spencer, Howard, Candice, David and Helen are still sitting at the chess board with the latter two actively playing. Candice asks what Jessie (BB10) has been doing. Spencer thinks something wrestling related (He was on Impact Wrestling on May 2).

    11:45 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH bathroom between Aaryn, Jeremy, Amanda, McCrae and Jessie still. Down in the lounge Andy and Kaitlin are chatting. Andy is missing friends and family. Kaitlin asks if he needs time alone. Andy says no and would love her company. Talk turns to missing people and Kaitlin. Kaitlin says she had a friend pass away from Lupus about 5 months ago and she misses her dearly. Brief FoTH. Feeds return and Andy says he can't wait for his have-not week to be over.

    11:47 PM BBT Kaitlin and Andy still chatting in the lounge. They're glad they figured out Elissa was now and not 4 weeks down the road. Andy says the MVP twist stacks the deck against the rest of the house with her in it. Kaitlin wishes Elissa would act like she's having more fun, she doesn't laugh nearly as much as the rest of the house does.

    11:52 PM BBT HoH crew still chatting it up. Judd has joined them. GinaMarie dances into the HoH with Amanda cheering her on with a beat. Amanda is trying to make a crown out of something but it's going to be hard for it to stay on her head. The "What sound does a <thing> make" resumes. "What sound does a caterpillar make?" Amanda explains that you have to use animals that don't actually make sounds.

    12:01 AM BBT Andy and Kaitlin are down in the Lounge whispering. Kaitlin doesn't want someone to come between her and Jess and effect their game play. Kaitlin says if Jess gets HoH and ends up putting her up out of jealousy it'll be messed up. Andy doesn't know what to do. He says he tends to avoid situations like that so he doesn't end up there himself. Andy now has to poop. Kaitlin loves Andy and is so glad they're in the house together.

    12:10 PM BBT Cameras flipping around a bit as production tries to keep things interesting...well...make that tries to keep up with GinaMarie as she bounces all around the HoH and just outside the HoH door. Candice is in HoH bed, GinaMarie settling down. Andy and Spencer also in HoH. Topics changing rapidly.

    12:13 PM BBT Judd, Helen, and Elissa are in the HNR discussing being a have not. Judd and Helen think last season's HNR is worse than this season's.

    12:25 AM BBT Assorted flipping of cameras. General chit chat and antics going on. Pictures will be going out shortly...but first plotting in the HoH!

    12:27 AM BBT McCrae and Judd up in HoH discussing votes this week. McCrae doesn't want to jump the gun until after he uses the PoV. Judd and he agree that as long as they have the numbers they run the house this week. McCrae says Amanda is keeping tabs on him.

    12:30 AM BBT Judd tells McCrae to avoid any large fights in the meanwhile. McCrae agrees. Judd wants to talk to Spencer, McCrae says give it a bit. Judd agrees. But he still wants to keep him close. McCrae needs to poop. Judd starts to walk out and Andy walks in asking if he can listen to a little Regina. McCrae says sure. Judd walks out.

    12:33 AM BBT Feeds switch to Aaryn, GinaMarie and Kaitlin in the WA discussing assorted bodily topics (hair extensions, cellulite and in-grown hairs). Judd walks in and throws himself down on the couch and Kaitlin stands up and says "Judd stop looking at my butt!" Judd says he wasn't. As she's walking down the hall towards the Kitchen he admits to doing it.

    12:37 AM BBT In the HNR Helen, Candice and GinaMarie (seriously this woman runs from room to room like a mad woman...and she's full of energy like no other). Candice says she didn't want to be like Kathy (from BB12) in the honey/muck today. GinaMarie does an impression by wallowing on the floor in slow motion.

    12:40 AM BBT McCrae and Andy are up in the HoH. McCrae is staring up at the screen and Andy is talking about sticking close to someone in the house. McCrae looks back and says "I'm sorry I wasn't listening at that moment." Elissa and Amanda walk in. Elissa is sore and needs Advil because of today's competition.

    12:46 AM BBT In the HoH McCrae, Elissa, Amanda, and Andy are rehashing today's competition. McCrae spelled the word "delivery" for the win. Amanda says BB is going to milk that with him being a pizza delivery boy. Elissa spelled the word "pot roasts" (which is two words and not able to be made pleural?) which caused McCrae to win. (It feels like to me that McCrae and Andy are being overly nice to Elissa by telling her that they thought it was a single word - NiteSlacker).

    12:51 AM BBT Lights are off in the schematics room. Aaryn and David are cuddling in bed. Aaryn doesn't like Elissa. David says she's been sticking to herself recently. Aaryn says yes because she's going to go home and have pot roast alone.

    12:57 AM BBT In the HoH Elissa, Amanda and McCrae are chatting. Amanda is telling Elissa she was one of the last the find out that she is Rachel's sister. Elissa said "What was I supposed to do, walk in and tell everyone that I'm related to a winner of BB." Amanda tells Elissa that she thinks she was set up to lose this season because of that. Elissa stays quiet on this note. Elissa is done with talking game. Elissa is now going to bed. After she walks out Amanda says Elissa wants to go home and that McCrae will have 10 happy people in the house after she is gone. McCrae says there is still a chance she will stick around. He doesn't care who stays or goes this week. It's not his decision.

    01:00 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda are annoyed with Jeremy because he's walking around the house telling people they have to watch McCrae because he is winning so many comps and he's supposedly on their side. Even if he's kidding he needs to stop because it's painting a larger target on McCrae's back. McCrae says if he would have taken the "y" off "delivery" he wouldn't have won.

    01:03 AM BBT Game chat comes to a sudden halt when Howard, Spencer, and Helen walks in. Idle chat begins. Howard collapses onto the bed with McCrae and Amanda. A few minutes later, Elissa wanders back in.

    01:08 AM BBT Down in the lounge Andy, GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Jeremy are chatting. Andy can't wait for McCrae's HoH camera. Jeremy is going to be in the most photos. Aaryn calls him cocky. Andy tells the group that he told Howard earlier that he wanted a really good group photo and that they should have Helen take it. Apparently Howard found it hysterical. GinaMarie is laughing quite a bit about it. Someone says Andy is so mean to Helen.

    01:13 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH as the lounge group sing and discuss the production side of the PoV comp today.

    01:20 AM BBT Spencer was talking about his girlfriend and we had another round of FoTH. Feeds back and the discussion in the HoH (Spencer, McCrae, Amanda, and feet belonging to someone (Howard?) is about eating out. The conversation swings back to Spencer and his girlfriend.

    01:24 AM BBT In the darkened chair room, Candice and Helen are discussing what they think is going to be aired and in what order over the next couple of episodes. They think the HoH results are being held for Sunday on TV.

    01:32 AM BBT Nick and Judd are going through the SR looking to make something. David and Aaryn are in bed whispering in the schematics room. Aaryn says there is no way David is going home as long as he keeps his cool. BB calls Aaryn out for not having her microphone on.

    01:35 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy are cuddling in the lounge. Kaitlin is worried their showmance is going to get targeted next, especially with Jeremy walking around saying he's going to win every challenge.

    01:38 AM BBT Judd, Spencer, Howard, Andy, McCrae and Amanda in the HoH laughing about something Helen did. Down in the lounge Kaitlin is still worried. Jeremy is trying to calm her nerves.

    01:42 AM BBT Talk in the lounge turns to the nomination ceremony. Kaitlin says Elissa raised her hand at one point while they were all gathered and asked to go to the DR which just made her being the MVP that much more obvious. David being the MVP nom is also a give away, although she thinks she was being sneaky. There was something also about her not wanting to sit next to Nick during noms and Jeremy begins to speak softer saying that she (Elissa) didn't want prod..." FoTH.

    01:44 AM BBT Idle chit chat about movies in the HoH. FoTH.

    03:51 AM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to cuddle in the lounge. Extremely hushed whispers. Kaitlin is emotionally drained. Jeremy needs her to try and hang in there another 80 days or so. It's only the first week. Two alliances are on the block and she knows they are next. Jeremy realizes this but there's nothing to do right now (besides separating yourselves from each other....)

    01:54 AM BBT HoH is still discussing movies. Kaitlin and Jeremy sitting in the lounge when Candice walks in. Kaitlin mutters and grumbles. Jeremy is about ready for bed.

    01:59 AM BBT While everyone else has been winding down Jessie has been cleaning the kitchen and Nick is sitting at the counter. Andy walks in to see if Nick is going to take his vitamins and Nick says probably not because he was looking at the ingredients only to realize that it has close to 550 mg of caffeine. Andy says that's good to know and explains why he is still awake.

    02:04 AM BBT Jessie continues to sweep the kitchen and dining room area while nick sits at the counter looking over the contents of Andy's vitamin box. In the schematic room Jeremy and Kaitlin are laying down to go to sleep.

    02:10 AM BBT HoH room consists of Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Spencer, Howard and FoTH.

    02:22 AM BBT Feeds back after an extended FoTH. Amanda, Jessie and Nick in the kitchen. Nick is cooking an avacado, Amanda is having a bowl of cereal. Up in the HoH Spencer, Amanda, Andy, Kaitlin, Judd, Howard, McCrae and possibly others are still hanging out. Current discussion is about how "That's what she said" is more fun when you say it when it doesn't make sense. Spencer can't wait for Zingbot to come in and Zing Judd.

    02:24 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Nick eating in the kitchen all by his lonesome. Feeds 3 and 4 are on the HoH room.

    02:32 AM BBT Howard is heading down to hang out with Nick. Nick in WA brushing his teeth. Howard joins him and Nick breathlessly whispers something about telling "him" that we need to talk to him but one at a time and we shouldn't always hang out together. Howard nods in agreement before wandering back off. Nick resumes brushing his teeth.

    02:35 AM BBT Howard returns to the HoH. Candice says she's going to make pancakes in the morning. Someone asks Judd what he's going to have. Judd says a protein shake for breakfast, maybe an olive for lunch. It's decided that they are going to make bacon and eggs as well.

    02:38 AM BBT Jessie heads off to bed. Everyone tells her goodnight. There's a couple different conversations happening, nothing game wise.

    02:43 AM BBT Apparently I missed Kaitlin sneak out of the HoH behind Jessie. I turned to the feed just in time to hear Kaitlin telling Jessie to not take it personal. Jessie is upset that the nominated folks keep hanging out in the HoH and it's making her nervous. Kaitlin reassures her that everyone is just mingling and she is certainly not the target this week. Nick walks up and asks for some lotion. Kaitlin offers him some of hers. He's going to bed as is Jessie. Jessie returns fingernail clippers to SR before picking up someone's shoes out of the LR and tossing them off to the side in one of the darkened rooms. Kaitlin into WC.

    02:45 AM BBT Candice and Jeremy leaving HoH room to head to bed. HoH room now consists of Spencer, Judd, Howard, Amanda, McCrae, and Andy. Howard mentions something about how long they were locked down and we get a brief FoTH.

    02:50 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy cuddling in bed on feeds 1 and 2. No whispers. Feeds 3 and 4 are in the HoH room with assorted conversations.

    02:54 AM BBT Amanda turns talk to production by asking if they think there is one guy watching all the screens and we get FoTH.

    02:57 AM BBT Feeds back and talk is still about production. Judd says let's change the subject guys. Andy says "Good idea. So in my Diary room session this morning..." (playfully) and we get more FoTH. (Keep it up...I know who I won't be voting for for MVP!)

    03:05 AM BBT Howard asks Amanda to "...do the voice from Mad TV" (Alex Borstein - Miss Swan). She does a very good impression. Down in one of the darkened rooms Candice, Jeremy and Kaitlin are chatting an assorted of topics. Andy passes through heading to bed in the HNR. The HoH party is breaking up. Andy now brushing his teeth. Lights out in HoH room. Amanda asks McCrae if he minds her sleeping in bed with him in the HoH. He says he doesn't really care. Amanda laughs saying it'd be nice if he'd say yes instead. McCrae laughs awkwardly. Amanda laughs even harder "The 23 year old pizza boy from Minnesota and the 28 year old..." McCrae tells Amanda that he likes talking game with her (pretty certain this is just a smoke screen because he's complained more than once to others that he has a shadow). Amanda asks who he's thinking of taking down. McCrae says Candice because he doesn't want her coming after him. Amanda reassures him that she won't be coming after him.

    03:14 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy still cuddling in their bed in the darkened room. A make out session ensues. McCrae and Amanda are still chatting in the HoH. Amanda says she and McCrae are a good combo because he's quiet and reserved and she is loud. Intermittent FoTH caused by the convo in Kaitlin/Jeremy/Candice/Spencer's room.

    03:20 AM BBT Spencer is throwing out one liners left and right. Make-out time is over. The room is laughing quite a bit.

    03:25 AM BBT Cuddling continues in Jeremy and Kaitlin's bed. Kaitlin pulls the blanket up and over her face as she whispers softly to Jeremy. Up in the HoH Amanda and McCrae continue to bond. McCrae is acting suspiciously shy and timid with Amanda. Amanda keeps laying on the praise to him.

    03:29 AM BBT Please note regarding the last update...McCrae appears to be deflecting Amanda's praise. Whether this is game or just because he's tired...or tired of her for that matter is unknown at this time. Amanda keeps rubbing the age difference in to him. Both agree that she doesn't feel that much older than him.

    03:32 AM BBT Down in Kaitlin and Jeremy's bed, the make-out session has stopped. Kaitlin is laying with her back against his chest. Suspicious blanket movements. Kaitlin's breath sounds are certainly...interesting. The blanket is pulled over their heads briefly with more suspicous hand movements. The blanket is brought down away from their heads and Jeremy whispers "...you have to be good too". Kaitlin rolls onto her back. Both giggling and laughing ever so softly.

    03:38 AM BBT Down in Jeremy/Kaitlin/Candice/Spencer's room Spencer says something and Jeremy and Kaitlin begin giggling again. Switching feeds back to the HoH and Amanda and McCrae are still discussing age. McCrae feels like he gets along better with the older crowd. He doesn't know any younger/newer music.

    03:43 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to chat in the HoH bed. Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to giggle and whisper off and on in their bed downstairs.

    03:49 AM BBT Talk turns to game in HoH. McCrae is talking about Elissa going home next week instead. Amanda says if talks like that in front of other people then he'll get himself a large target on his back. He agrees with her.

    03:52 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to whisper, giggle and shift positions in their bed downstairs. Difficult to hear anything specific due to ambient background noise and the shifting of blankets.

    03:56 AM BBT McCrae continues to run various scenarios with Amanda. Amanda is getting sleepy. Amanda says this week should be easy. Let's get the person that everyone wants-out out this week. Amanda asks if they can go to sleep now. McCrae agrees. On the opposite end of the spectrum Amanda playfully asks for loving and McCrae laughs and says he lies on the edge of the bed because he's afraid of being pounced by her in his sleep. Talk continues. Amanda asks him to roll over and face her because she feels like he really dislikes her.

    04:00 AM BBT Amanda says she really likes him and they both agree they feel like they can trust each other. Amanda tells McCrae that if she gets out and finds she's just another part of his Master Plan to win the game she'll back him over with her Audi. McCrae says he hates Audi drivers because they drive like jerks. Amanda asks what kind of car would be his dream car. McCrae doesn't know anything about cars. He just wants something that is efficient with gas because of his job.

    04:02 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy sleeping in their bed downstairs. Both sets of hands above the covers. A light snoring can be heard in the room from someone.

    04:07 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the HoH room. Amanda asks McCrae if he smokes a lot of weed, he blows off the question. Amanda said she never has. McCrae says he drinks a lot though because there's nothing to do in his home town. She asks if he'd love to move out to Cali and he says yes.

    04:14 AM BBT Amanda wonders how she's being portrayed on TV. McCrae doesn't know. She hopes she's being portrayed like Janelle (BB 6, 7 and 14).

    04:19 AM BBT Amanda says Jessie annoys her. Every time their voices start to get heavy and sleep filled...they laugh and they begin chatting again.

    04:24 AM BBT Talk turns to where everyone is from. McCrae turns over away from her. Amanda wants to continue talking and tells him to roll back over to face her. He lets out an expletive and does so. They laugh...well...she laughs and he laughs along. Talk turns to DR and we hear a production voice "Hey Amanda". She calls out yes a few times before we get FoTH. Feeds come back and Amanda is concerned what people are saying about her behind her back.

    04:34 AM BBT Conversation continues in the HoH room. Subjects are all over the place. McCrae tells Amanda about the jack shack of Season 6 and Season 7.

    04:40 AM BBT Talk turns to McCrae and his High School principal not getting along. McCrae says when he delivers his pizza to him he always feels looked down upon because he never got a job outside his little town. He told his friend to get a hold of the principal and tell him that he's finally out of the house. Amanda asks McCrae what he wants to do after he gets out of the BB house. McCrae says he wants to continue writing. He writes scripts. He did a BB podcast with his buddy. Amanda says he's 100% dork. He agrees. Amanda didn't realize there was such a huge BB following like there is. She wonders what the fascination is. McCrae says watching the fights unfold on the feeds are awesome.

    04:44 AM BBT Talk turns to showmances in the house. McCrae says if Kaitlin and Jeremy go on the block he'll dump her so fast. Talk turns to trust or something or other and Amanda rolls over in a playful huff and says fine you don't trust me. I get it. McCrae rolls over to go to sleep as well. Talk turns back to McCrae's upcoming chat with Julie on Wed (HoH usually gets to talk to Julie on live eviction day from the comfort of the HoH). The two of them keep rolling back and forth talking to each other.

    04:48 AM BBT Silence in the HoH bed for 60 seconds. This may be it for the night for the house.

    04: 51 AM BBT Feed 1 is a top down view of Jeremy and Kaitlin sleeping. Feed 2 is of their room with Candice and Spencer also sleeping. Feed 3 is the HoH bed with a still silent Amanda and McCrae and Feed 4 appears to be David and Aaryn sleeping.

    ****Twitter reply**** RT @Miss_Andi: @mortystv as the rest of the world, us normal people, are getting up for the day. LOL. --- They'll be sleepy later!

    ****Twitter reply**** RT @Jennifoo: @mortystv I would love to see top 3 MVPs in your opinion each week. It's hard to determine from edited episodes sun-tues, no feed, no BBAD -- That's a very subjective thing for us to try and post. Feed fans and TV fans are two very different groups and tend to vote different ways for different reasons especially when it comes to "Who played the best game?". However, you can always check out our poll on the left side of our main update page to see what our fans think!

    05:04 AM BBT We've had a mostly silent house for the past 10 minutes...except for Spencer's snoring and the occasional bangs/crashes from production/equipment. On that note we'll call it a night!

    ****Twitter Reply**** @Jennifoo Thank you for your tweet! We hope you're enjoying our updates this season!

  3. 02:10AM BBT Ian has continued to swing on the hammock for the past 20 minutes or so. It sounds like he working on things to say to Jury or to the winner of part 3 of the HoH.

    02:13AM BBT Ian off the hammock and headed into the WC.

    02:15AM BBT Ian out of the WC and washes his hands before heading right back to the hammock.

    02:30AM BBT Ian continues to swing and whisper off and on under his breath. Ian spots a mouse in the BY.

    02:48AM BBT Ian continues to swing in the hammock muttering/whispering. One of the key phrases he is beginning to repeat to himself louder and louder each time is "Hook lie and sinker!"

    03:10AM BBT Ian is still hard at work piecing together a speech or multiple speeches for the jury house while swinging in the BY.

    03:14AM BBT Ian is up and out of the hammock and comments that nobody plays pool anymore. Ian heads inside to the WC.

    03:18AM BBT Ian out of the WC and stops to wash hands. He heads into the LR where he gets undressed before heading into SBR where he finally crawls into bed.

  4. 22:05PM BBT Jen talking about her ex saying they were going to take a trip out of country soon on business and that she originally was going to follow her out a few days later. Dani walks into the KT and Dan asks her what she thinks of Shane's jeans. Dani grumbles playfully the first time she's asked and when he asks a second time she says she thinks they are nice. Dan says he's going to go tell him for her. Frank singing off and on in the BY causing us to get intermittent fish.

    22:08PM BBT Feeds back and Ian and Shane are playing pool. Jen has Joined Dani, Frank and Joe near the HT. Random chit chat.

    22:11PM BBT Jen telling everyone what Joe said about her getting married within a year...living in the suburbs...Frank throws in working in a bank. Dani asks about herself. Joe says 6 months. Dani tells him to be realistic. Joe thinks about it (he's hosed no matter how he says it...) and responds 4 years. BUZZZZ! Wrong answer. Dani wonders why so long.

    22:22PM BBT Talk around the HT has turned to casual dating. Dani has said she casually dated several before. Frank interprets several as 7 or more. Ian and Frank have a laugh because they recently had this argument. Ian and most of the other HGs disagree that several mean 2-3. Dani says yes. She dated 2-3. Dan joins the HT crew.

    22:25PM BBT Jen tells the HT crew tell's a story about inviting an ex to a b-day part once and how it's a bad idea. Frank gets up and walks inside, mumbling softly to himself.

    22:31PM BBT Assorted conversations about life outside the house around the HT. Ian in to feed feed the fish in HoH.

    22:36PM BBT Dani now pointing out the bruises out on her legs reciting which competitions they are from. Ian pacing through the house making assorted noises with his mouth. He finally takes a seat at the KT table looking at the memory wall briefly before standing back up and heading back up to the HoH.

    22:40PM BBT Random rehashings of previous comps/seasons and Jesse's appearance around the HT. Ian continuing to pace around his HoH room.

    22:47PM BBT Ian wanders out into the BY and the HT crew gives him a slow golf clap. Still random chit-chat including Vegas and bashing of pervious HGs.

    22:50PM BBT The producers are clearly as bored as we are, because we know have a single feed dedicated to the fish tank. BB asks the HGs to raise the BY awnings.

    22:59PM BBT Ian heads up to the HoH and brings down the scooter he got from Pandora's box but discovers that it'll require a screwdriver to put together. He takes it back upstairs with disappointment. Meanwhile the rest of the HT crew continue to chat about random topics.

  5. 21:00PM BBT Frank and Jen out by the HT discussing why Dan and Joe are in the Arcade room chatting. Both very surprised. Joe in the Arcade room tells Dan not to use the veto. Dan thanks him for his suggestion and tells him it gives him something to think about.

    21:04PM BBT Frank tells Jen what Joe told him earlier about Jani talking to the feeders at night supposed inciting hatred towards Frank (once again...this never happened). Dan and Joe's chat in the Arcade room wraps up. Jen spots Joe exit the Arcade room and head into the KT.

    21:06PM BBT Dan remains in the Arcade room by himself. Jen and Frank near the HT Jani bashing. Jen said Jani had a sense of entitlement to her when she was in the house. Feeds switch to Ian and Shane in the hammock. Joe comes out into the BY and joins Jen and Frank in the HT.

    21:10PM BBT Ian subtly talking about his DRs and we manages to avoid the fish to start out. Ian switches to telling Shane about Dan's upcoming speech when he goes to use the POV. Shane asks Ian if Frank thinks he's going home. Ian says yes he thinks he is.

    21:13PM BBT Jen and Joe around the HT discussing how clean the HT is. Joe asks Jen if she has a HT. Jen is seriously thinking about getting one but she's not sure if she's going to live that long at the place she'll be going to when she gets out of the house. Joe says she'll be married within a year. Jen says she'll curse Joe when it happens. "Chef Joooooooee...."

    21:16PM BBT Shane and Ian now rehashing how long the've been in the house and the various important dates of key events. Frank says they've got 4 beers and a bottle of wine. Ian and Shane pass on drinking tonight. Joe and Frank will be drinking. They've give the drinks 30 minutes or so cool down. Jen tells Frank if he doesn't drink them then people like Jesse will come in and take them all away again. Frank says Jesse took 8 beers. "He took 8 of those jokers..."

    21:19PM BBT Ian's rocking in the hammock is slowing down a bit, he was really rocking away there for some time. Shane just laying there enjoying the ride. In the HT Frank, Jen and Joe are having idle chit chat. Joe says his wife will be closing up the pool soon and she'll have a busy day tomorrow. Shane yawns (causing me to yawn...grrrr!)

    21:23PM BBT Shane tells Ian that he's going to get some cardio knocked out. Ian remains rocking on the hammock. Frank gets up and begins to walk around saying he's trying to free some air in his belly to make room for some beers. Ian asks Frank how he's doing and Frank says he's doing about as well as he can while he's on the block. Ian lets one rip and Frank commends him on it. Jen gets out of the HT and lies on her back near the side. Joe gets out of the HT and sits with his legs in it.

    21:25PM BBT Ian begins making farting noises with his mouth and the cams switch to Dan in the Arcade room by himself. The sound of a hairdryer can be heard down the hall in the WA. Joe stands up and Frank asks him he's going to get started (drinking). Joe says he needs to use the restroom. Frank asks if it's a number 1 or number 2. Jen and Frank have a laugh. Frank says he's just curious. "Nobody goes number 2 with a wet butt crack".

    21:31PM BBT Feeds switch from Dan to Shane and Dani in the WA. Dani blow drying her hair. Shane tells Dani she has a lot of hair. Dani agrees and says it's extremely thick. Shane throws a "That's what she said." Frank wanders in and notices Shane has changed into his running shoes and asks him if he's going to work out. Shane says yes but he's trying to motivate himself to do it. Dani offers to let Shane brush her hair. Shane passes. Dani dissapointed.

    21:38PM BBT Dan shouts out to Shane and Dani from the Arcade room that they should hear this scripture. He begins reading the scripture aloud to them (I missed where from) regarding husbands and wives. After finishing Dan asks for thoughts. Shane said it was very nice. Dan wonders if it fits them. Dani points out that she and Shane aren't married. Dan says not yet. Shane chuckles and laughs nervously.

    21:40PM BBT Shane looking at his serial/mic number and he and Dani compared numbers (Shane is not doing a good job of motivating himself to go work out). Out in the BY Jen asks how long "that chicken guy" was on slop for. Ian says 5 weeks. Frank points out that it was slop only because they did not have have-nots that season.

    21:45PM BBt BY group remains mostly quiet with random brief chit-chat. Joe and Jen in/around HT. Ian in hammock. Dani flirting with Shane and being mostly shut down.

    21:47PM BBT Dani now trying to pull Shane off the lounger in the WA to motivate him to go work out. Shane doesn't want to. He will when he wants to. He doesn't want to right now. Dani says he doesn't want to because she's telling him to do it. Shane up and into the WC.

    21:53PM BBT Joe begins to tell Jen and Frank a Gunther story. Shane and Dani joins Dan in the Arcade. Agree that they have a final 3 deal. Shane says Ian has a plan they need to talk about later. Shane begins to head out and Ian walks in. Shane tells Ian that he was just about to give them a heads up but then Shane and Ian quickly leave the Arcade. After they walk out the door Dan whispers "suckers" and gives Dani a high-five. Dan and Dani whispering super faintly. Dani's hair/shirt rubbing up against her mic making listening to them difficult.

    21:59PM BBT Dani and Dan continue to whisper ridiculously soft like. Joe gets a glass full of ice and heads out into the BY with his bottle of wine. Dani in WA brushing her hair. Frank sitting next to the HT reading the back of his beer can aloud. Jen and Dan in KT chatting.

  6. 22:07PM BBT Frank calls Ian out for sending Ash out last week. Frank says Ash probably won't be happy with him sending her out last week. Ian says it was game. They were on opposite sides of the house. Frank says she didn't think so. Frank says he didn't think so. Ultimately there are 7 people to get out of the house still. Frank hopes Ian sending her home last week isn't going to ruin his game. Ian says he's happy with how he played thus far. Shane gets up and begins to clean the dishes. Awkward couple of moments at the KT table.

    22:14PM BBT Talk turns to what people are going to do when they get out of the house. Brit says it's real awkward when you sit down to watch your season. It's even more awkward if you try to watch it with other people. Frank says he'll have the double eviction loaded and ready to go when he had everything against him and pulled off a veto win.

    22:25PM BBT Idle chat continues at the KT table. Brit is going to make a pot of decaf coffee.

    22:33PM BBT Talk at the KT table has turned to horse racing. Brit doesn't understand why the gates aren't slanted like the lanes are for track meets. Frank points out that the horse on the outer lane has a disadvantage. Frank says the horses are free to run on whichever side of the track they want which is typically the inside lane. Multiple conversations about movies breaks out.

    22:43PM BBT Chat at the table has turned to music and we get intermittent FoTH when Brit breaks out into song.

    22:49PM BBT Wish I could report something entertaining folks but the random chats continue. Ian called to DR. You could see the green light next to the door flick on and off repeatedly each time he tried to open it up. After several attempts he finally got in.

    22:53PM BBT Talk has turned to video games. Brit's husband got addicted to Portal. Frank played Portal 2. Shane got one of the hunting games with a gun accessory. Frank points out that it's too cold to hunt so nothing like playing the game instead. Dan says Borderlands 2 is coming out soon. Multiple conversations break out again making it difficult to follow anyone. Ian out of the DR. Brit called to the DR.

  7. 20:59PM BBT Just before the feeds went to WBRB Dani was talking about her family. All four feeds back in the KT on Frank and Joe. Frank tells Joe after Thurs they'll be down to one coach. Joe points out that the coach remaining will be a huge target.

    21:04PM BBT All 4 feeds on Idle chit chat in the KT as Jen and Joe make dinner. Frank looks on silently.

    21:07PM BBT Frank up and standing near the stove, watching Joe cook. Jen heads upstairs to the HoH. Frank offers to hold the plate while Joe pulls the chicken off the stove. All 4 feeds remain in the KT at this time.

    21:12PM BBT Feeds back in the WA. Dani, Dan, Brit, Shane and Ian are chatting about names that start with G. Brit throws out classics like Gaylord and Gunther. Dani offers Garret. Brit says that's her nephew's name. Joe continues cooking in the KT. Frank and Joe wander over to the memory wall. Frank says Dani's memory is good, she's going to be tough to beat down the road. Joe says he can beat Jen in a comp because he's beat her out in most comps this season. Jen is his second favorite person in this house. (Let me guess...Frank is his first favorite until he sits down to chat with Shane or Dan later...)

    21:17PM BBT Frank says Showtime may be seeing some early bed times tonight. He says he's going to eat and probably head to bed soon after. In the WA name chat continues. Brit wants to be called Vivian or Piper. Dani says you can't pick the name you "look like". Brit yells to Frank in the KT that his new name is Elliot. Frank wants to know where that comes from. Dani, Shane and Brit agrees that Frank looks like an Elliot. Brit tells Frank she's Vivian. Dan and Shane say no, Brit is a Jillian. This frustrates Brit. Dani asks Frank if she looks like Jessi Sprano (from Saved By The Bell) or Bristol Palin. Dani says Shane picks the worst people to say that she looks like.

    21:21PM BBT The WA crew decides that Joe looks like an Owen. Shane asks about Jen City. Frank says she's JenEffingCity. Done. Jen agrees from the KT. Brit tells the WA crew to just let her die. Ian says <something Brit> and Dan says her name is Vivian. Brit thanks Dan saying it's the least he can do for her. Brit still searching for her smart sounding name from an Ivy League school.

    21:25PM BBT Brit says her name was going to be Hillary but her aunt stole it first. Joe continuing to cook dinner. Brit says Matt Hoffman is blasting each of the new HGs this season. Dani wonders what he's saying about them. Brit says he's ripping them new ones but they're funny. Frank called to DR and Joe shouts that he's making mashed potatoes. Frank says he'll be back. Talk in the WA has turned to last season's BB.

    21:28PM BBT Ian and Dani continuing to rehash last season's Pandora's box to Shane. Brit and Dan join Joe and Jen in the KT. Dan and Brit break out into song and we get FoTH.

    21:31PM BBT Ian says Shelly is a great BB player because of her behind the scenes workings in alliances. Dan disagrees. Ian says he met Shelly at a casting call and we get FoTH. Ian says he'd chose someone better with strategy over someone that is a physical player. He says if you have to pull yourself off the block week after week then you're doing something wrong.

    21:34PM BBT Dan and Jen sit down at the KT table to eat their slop burgers. Joe continues to fry up chicken before finally calling everyone to dinner. Frank is still in DR.

    21:37PM BBT Brit and Ian thank Joe for dinner. Joe beginning cleanup process. Shane in and out of WC, washing his hands properly. Dani checks herself out in the mirror before heading out to the table to join the rest of the HGs (minus Frank who appears to be in the DR still).

    21:39PM BBT Frank out of DR. Correction. Joe is not beginning cleanup process Joe is making Tuna for his diet and offers to make Frank a piece as well.

    21:44PM BBT Dan points out it's real quiet so the food must be good. Brit asks if everyone is down for poker tonight. Frank/Shane agree. Joe asks Ian how dinner is. Ian says it's very good.

    21:48PM BBT While the HGs eat one of the cams switch to the fish tank in the HoH room. Idle chit chat at the KT table. Shane called to the DR.

    21:58PM BBT Idle chit chat continues at the KT table. The current topic is the amount of vulgarity in the house. Ian says the R word was thrown around quite a bit at the start of the season with a couple of offenders being the primary ones using it.

  8. 22:02PM BBT Dan, Frank and Dani in the Arcade room. Frank pointing out to Dani that Dan has worn his swim trunks all throughout this season and all of season 10 without washing them because of the chlorine in the pool. Dani aware and says there's a blue spot on the bottom of his butt from where he sits in the pool.

    22:04PM BBT Frank says he's had to tell some porcupines to people because he doesn't want folks thinking the three of them are working together. Dani says nobody thinks that. The BY door slides open and quickly game talk stops.

    22:07PM BBT Dan tells Dani he knows she's pissed but wonders how pissed her family is. Dani says Colt will be ticked and out for blood. The BY door slides open again and Frank whispers asking who it was. Dani whispers it was Joe. Frank says Ian is out in the BY trying to rally the troops. Dan says Ian talks more than anyone he knows (What about Joe?)

    22:10PM BBT Out in the BY Jen and Joe are chatting on the loungers. Joe tells Jen that her using the veto was a great move because it keeps the targets off of them. Joe says that was great because nobody is going to look at them. Jen seems uninterested in his praise and says she did what she had to do for herself.

    22:13PM BBT Frank has left the Arcade room. Dan and Dani sitting in silence. Back out in the BY Joe is running various scenarios about who might win HoH and who will win PoV the following week. Jen still sounds mostly uninterested in the conversation. Frank comes out to sit on the lounger with Jen and Joe. Frank says there's nothing like a Monday night hang-over. Frank grumbling because they won't let him turn out the lights because Showtime is on. Joe says he tried that last week in the boom-boom room but they wouldn't let him.

    22:16PM BBT Frank says he can't wait for that little joker to get out of here (referring to Ian squeaking in the background). Joe says Ian told him and Jen to get on the Ian bus or end up as roadkill. Joe, Jen and Frank have a laugh. Frank says if Ian would have stayed behind him he could have easily made it further in the game by playing the nice guy routine, but now his dirty laundry has been aired out and it's ugly.

    22:21PM BBT Dan and Dani still chatting in the Arcade room. Talk has turned to Dani's rash. Dani says she's never had something like this before. Dani tells Dan he never answered her question. Dan says what. Dani says your daughter were to get stressed out like this. Dan says she's on reality TV so it's her fault. Dan says he wouldn't let his daughter do reality TV Dani says he had no choice she just did it on her own. They whisper something when someone walks by the room and they continue on with their conversation. Dan says yeah he probably would be pissed. Dani hopes the rash is gone tomorrow. Dan hopes so to because then she'll forgive him. Dani asks if he really thinks that. More ultra soft whispering when someone else walks by the Arcade room.

    22:26PM BBT In the BY Frank says he can't stay awake until 12:00AM because of BBAD. Joe says tough you have to. Shane has joined them on the loungers. Meanwhile in the Arcade room there is more ultra soft whispering going on between Dan and Dani. Difficult to hear. Dani scolding Dan for freaking her out the way that he did because she feels like he put her in front a freight train. Dan says he put her in the driver's side seat. Dani points out that Ian thinks he's in the driver's side seat.

    22:27PM BBT Dani and Jen walks into the KT. Dani begins to whisper something but then walks away mumbling something about offering her something. Jen laughs, walking away asking if this is where Dani is going to stab her. She freaking knew it.

    22:29PM BBT Out in the BY Joe, Shane and Frank chatting on the lounger. Joe and Shane say that Dan is an emotionless player. Shane points out that he saw Dan, Dani and Brit talking in the Arcade a bit ago.

    22:35PM BBT Joe says Showtime on Monday nights. Joe thinks his wife DVRs it because it's so late to watch TV. In at the KT table Dani and Jen continue to idly chat. Dani bangs a butter knife on the table, intermittently scratching it. She apologizes to the live feeders because they are so boring but they have nothing else to do. She goes to check the SR for her medicine. Brit joins her asking her what's going on. Dani tells her absolutely nothing. Dani whines because she is bored. Brit and Dani go through the laundry of the floor in the SR and Brit wonders where her laundry bag went. Dani called to the DR.

    22:39PM BBT Jen has joined Joe, Shane and Frank in the BY. Frank comments on the emptiness of the house. Joe said Ian said that when Brit goes home there will only be 2 girls that like men (only in a much cruder form). Jen wonders why the lesbian is getting so much heat this week.

    22:44Pm BBT Jen has gotten up and left the guys in the BY. Frank calls Ian a little joker again. Jen back out in the BY. Repeat game chats about how Ian needs to go home. Frank tells Shane and Joe that he told Dan that they did a solid to him this week and if he somehow wins HoH this week that he should go after Ian.

    22:46PM BBT Dan and Brit were in the Arcade room chatting about their lives outside the house. Brit says she and her husband had a nice house, nothing beyond their means. All 4 feeds now on the BY. Frank wants Ian to feel completely alone on Thursday.

    22:49PM BBT In the BY Frank says if they win HoH this coming week he thinks Dan and Ian should be up on the block. Shane agrees and swears that's what he'll do. Talk turns to Ian saying he's been laughing and going crazy in the DR. All four feeds bounce to Dan and Brit in the Arcade room, rehashing Brit's season. Brit says she wasn't mad at Enzo because he never lied to her like Hayden did. Dan says she tried to get Lane as many votes as she could.

    22:53PM BBT Dani has moved out into the BY joining the guys. Feeds join mid-conversation saying Colt will probably be coming out for the finale and hopes that he'll be calmed down by then (referring to how Dan hurt her emotionally yesterday). Frank says he's taking applications for being girl's dates for Prom. Dani asks if there are any requirements. Frank says yep she has to be 18. It has to be her senior prom unless she got held back a year and is still a junior but she still has to be 18.

    22:57PM BBT Out in the BY Dani begins to hum and sing under her breath. Jen begins to join her. Shane says she's going to get called out by BB. Feeds switch to Brit and Dan in the Arcade room and BB calls out the HGs to stop singing. In the Arcade Brit and Dan still sitting. Brit asks Dan why he's going to vote her out. Dan says she hasn't come to him yet. Brit says she shouldn't have to ask for his vote.

    23:01PM BBT In the Arcade Brit and Dan continue to chat. Brit says she believed that Dan campaigned to get her put on the block. Dan says if she can get the votes together he may as well vote to keep her in the house. Brit says she needs 3 votes. She has Dr. Ian Terry. Joe is all over the place. Brit doesn't understand why Jen used the PoV. What using it gained her. Dan tells her she should ask her.

  9. 22:07PM BBT Down in the arcade Dani tells Dan that he stresses her out. Frank heads in to use the restroom in the HoH while Jen listens to music. Frank comes out and Jen says she knows he's been sad since Boogie left the game but she's got his back. Frank appreciates it and says that Boogie leaving was because of Ian.

    22:10PM BBT Frank comes down from HoH and pops into Arcade room and Dan excuses himself to use the WC. Frank tells Dani that he convinced Jen to remove Dan from the block. Dani asks who Frank is going to put on the block as replacement nom and before he can answer Brit sticks her head in the door and asks Dani how she's doing. Frank invites Brit in to chat he says he was just checking on her. Brit says Jen will probably want to talk to her. Frank tells Dani that Jen is upstairs listening to his CD if she wants to go up.

    22:14PM BBT Dani uses the opportunity to head up to talk to Jen and they hug it out immediately. Jen is on board with the plan to pull Dan down from the block. Jen says Brit and Shane are going to come after her. Dani says as long as Dani and Dan are in the house they'll have her back.

    22:17PM BBT It is believed so yes. Assuming that Ian's nom goes 2nd. Then Shane will go up. RT @nobgobblin69: @mortystv Morty? If Brit goes up when Jenn uses veto, can Ian take her down?

    22:19PM BBT Down in the arcade Frank and Brit are talking about Jury house. Frank ask's about TV. Brit says they get a small portable DVD player with the same old DVDs to watch. Brit says they may give you stuff that you couldn't bring into the house with you (like paper/pens and clothing they couldn't wear for whatever reason).

    22:23PM BBT Up in the HoH Dani and Jen continue to chat. Jen says Dan pulled a rabbit out of his hat. Brit comes up to the HoH to hang out. Brit says Eagle Eye is patrolling the house keeping track of everyone. Dani tells Brit that Dan is mad at her because she "went for spots" in the veto comp. Brit says Dan went for 2 things before she went for spots. Dani knows. Brit tries to clarify: "He's mad at you for going for veto while you're on the block." Dani says no he didn't say that directly but... Dani says her stomach is messed up and her IBS is starting up as well. Brit isn't surprised. She's going to make coffee. Jen says she'd love some.

    22:24PM BBT Should go down tomorrow morning/afternoon sometime so they'll have time to edit it for Wed. RT @alesiajean: @mortystv when is the Veto meeting??

    22:27PM BBT Shane, Joe and Frank sitting around the HT in the BY. Frank says Dan told him he respects him as a player. Shane says Dan is also a great player and he knows his days are numbered. Jen comes out in the BY to join the guys around the HT. Shane grumbling about no libations. Frank going to check again.

    22:30PM BBT Not sure. One would think game play wise Dani would want Shane out before the end before his winning comp dry-spell ends again. Not to mention he's got a significant number of wins under his belt compared to hers...another reason you wouldn't want to sit next to him in the F2. But in a game like this people tend to forget these details and instead play with their heart. RT @nobgobblin69: @mortystv ooooh wonder if dani gets that??

    22:33PM BBT Feeds frozen a couple of minutes for me. Feeds back and Frank is up in the HoH telling Brit and Dani that he and Shane are wearing the same shirt (light colored pink). Jen, Shane and Joe gathered around the HT, idle chit chat. The hammock can be heard squeaking in the background (one will assume that it's Ian).

    22:35PM BBT Brit now Dan bashing in the HoH to Dani telling her that she gave up more than he did to come into the house and he is acting selfish by expecting her to throw the PoV to him. Frank comes out of the bathroom in the HoH and tells Brit and Shane that someone in production (Kara?) called him out for spending so much time in the HT to avoid wearing the carrot costume. Brief FoTH.

    22:40PM BBT Idle chit chat now in the BY. Joe, Jen and Shane around the HT. Frank headed towards the washer/dryer. Up in the HoH Brit continues Dan bashing saying it's not fair for him to expect her to throw the veto to him when she was on the block as well. Dani says Dan feels betrayed by her. Brit says "All because you probably would have been ok. Because I could have probably got Shane or Brit put upon the block instead." Brit says what an awesome teammate. Dani starts to cry again saying she feels humiliated and betrayed right now (I will give it to Dani...if I didn't know what was going on...I'd totally believe her. She's riding the emotion that she showed earlier).

    22:42PM BBT Brit watching the spy screen. Comments that she thought Jen was coming back up. Shane and Frank in the BY sitting in the hot tub. Joe and Jen sitting with their legs in the HT. Chat is different kinds of alcoholic drinks.

    22:46PM BBT Brit and Dani continue to Dan bash in the HoH. Dani keeps mumbling "I'm getting screwed because I got spots in the veto!" Brit says she's not screwed. Brit says Dan won't even get a single vote on Thurs (little does she know...he won't...because he won't be on the block!) Brit says everyone was crapping their pants because they thought Dan was spilling his guts to Frank. Joe was freaked out because Dan was going to rat out the Head Hunters. Brit laughs and says she forgot she was in an alliance with him. Brit is scared Jen is going to use the veto. Dani tells her that she asked Jen if everything is going to stay the same and Jen said yes.

    22:49PM BBT Brit and Dani continue to Dan bash in the HoH with Dani periodically almost breaking down into tears about how Dan is pissed because she wouldn't throw the PoV this week to him. Down in the BY the HT crew has been joined by Ian. Still idle chit chat about different kinds of alcoholic drinks and bars.

    22:50PM BBTThat's what we are thinking. Ultimately it depends on when/where in the ceremony Ian's power is to be used. RT @CoDkiller87: @mortystv so if dan gets taken down and brit goes up wont ian take brit down?

    22:52PM BBT Dani and Brit head down stairs. Brit sticks her head out the backdoor and tells Jen the coffee is ready. Jen thanks her and comes in to get herself a cup. Dani gets herself a glass of Sprite. Out in the BY silence for a moment before Shane asks Frank what Nana is up to. Frank says she's probably in bed but mom's probably watching Showtime. He gives his mom a shout out.

    22:53PM BBT It is expected that Ian will use his power to remove Brit from the block if she is put up. RT @kntaylor15: @mortystv no Britney's toast not Shane

    22:56PM BBT Brit and Frank get into an argument about the "driver's side of the bed". Brit says the right side of the bed is considered the driver's side. Frank disagrees. Brit runs out into the BY and asks Shane. Shane says it's the right side. Brit agrees and says that's the side of the bed she sleeps on. Frank says Brit has issues. Frank says he's never heard this before but ok.

    22:58PM BBT Dani, Frank, Dan and Jen are going to spring the fact that Jen is going to use the PoV on him. Dani has to sell the fact that Dan is mad at her to the rest of the house. RT @StaceyGFoster: @mortystv what its Dani doing Dan aint mad at her

    23:03PM BBT This certainly does put him at the top of the list of great players that's for sure. RT @JohnWBell: @mortystv does this make dan one of the great players?

    23:05PM BBT RT @GKL1961: @mortystv It was stated that Ian goes first in veto ceremony.

    23:12PM BBT Dan held a funeral service for himself today in the LR with the other HGs. He told them that he was going to say a bunch of nice things for them instead of folks saying nice things about him. Dan saved Dani for last and told her she was dead to him in this game for something she did or said. This of course floored Dani. He ran up to the HoH immediately afterward and told Frank about Ian backstabbing Frank and Boogie. Menwhile leaving Dani downstairs balling her eyes out. Dan later pulled her off to the side and told her it was all game play and for the moment it seemed like it worked. Jen will be using the veto on Thurs to remove Dan from the block. RT @BradenMac: @mortystv What happened to Dan And Dani?

  10. 04:09AM BBT Random chit chit/observations. Joe says he's just contemplating Brit's demise. Brit wants to know why, all because he got teary-eyed. Joe says he wasn't teary-eyed. Brit wants to know who saw it (I did I did!). Talk turns to how Frank knew what they were talking about in the HoH earlier. Brit says the box in the crane game is a hint that Frank has x-ray vision.

    04:12AM BBT Talk turns to how possessive Frank and Boogie are about Ian and Jen hanging out with people outside their alliance. Shane says he spoke game with Ian like twice, once while he was playing pool just before the Pirate Ship HoH which he almost won. Shane was glad because Ian almost won it. Dani is quick to point out that he didn't win it, though...she did (Yes Dani, we all know...) Brit says she's not going to get stabbed in the back this season. She says she's going to get shanked in the front so she can say that she sees it coming.

    04:14AM BBT Someone start to hum Eminem's song "Stan" and we get FoTH.

    04:17AM BBT Feeds back long enough for Brit to start singing Na na na na... and we get another brief turn of HoH. Brit says all that he as left is Ian and Ash. Brit sings? something and Jen laughs and we get more FoTH.

    04:19AM BBT Feeds back. Dan says can you believe that we've stayed in this house for 48 days straight for 24 hours a day and we've not seen anyone else except tartar sauce? Brit says they wouldn't have got to see Zing bot girl almost die and we get FoTH. (So much for the east coasters enjoying the feeds this AM!)

    04:24AM BBT Random chat in the BY now. Shane mentions a good zing and Dani says to not tell Brit because then it'll fester. Dan speaks in a robotic voice. "What did Shane ask for Christmas from Danielle? ...some space!" The BY group laughs a bit. Dani says everyone is mean to hurt her. Their jokes cut deep. Brit says it's all in jest but we may sound personal. Brit says she'll try to stop with a straight face. She snickers a bit and everyone laughs. Brit says she can tell that she does get mad. Dani says it hurts a bit.

    04:28AM BBT BY crew is winding down some. General chit chat about how Dan can be hurtful at times to Dani. We now have 2 feeds in the SBR on Frank, and Ian and Boogie sleeping. Joe says Boogie is going to be pissed in the AM when he finds out about what went down tonight. Brit says no battery calls in the morning. They better just put them in the SR. Everyone has a laugh. All four feeds jump to Frank, Ian, and Boogie sleeping in SBR.

    04:32AM BBT Feeds in the BY back. Brit says Joe walked in the room and said "Well he didn't take that very well!" and then Joe saw Brit wave him off and that's when he saw Ian. Jen says it just sucks that he's crying over Boogie but he has no idea what Boogie is saying about him. Brit says it was so funny earlier when Ash and Jen started to go outside to chat during Ash's break down and Brit looked over at him and he was wiping tears away. Joe denies it over and over again. Dan mimics Joe "But I have a house full of girls...you don't understand..." Joe says he's about to crush Dan. Dani says please do. Joe says when he gets out of the house he's going to come to Dan's house.

    04:37AM BBT Brit singing random phrases "Blah blah blah and I'm sweatin' my .... off" to Jen. Dani headed inside to bed.

    04:43AM BBT They're extremely giggly because of Brit's song that she's making for Jen to record when she gets out of the house. Shane asks Jen if Boogie asks for a haircut on Thurs if she'll give it to him. Brit says she can't wait to see the video for this song. Jen says the feeders are already on top of this and making it. She says she'll put SI in the back of his head for Suck it.

    04:51AM BBT Jen and Joe are heading to bed leaving Shane, Dan, and Brit outside. Dan says this is the night he'll remember. Shane says their side of their house has to win HoH because it's Frank and Ash against the rest of the house. Dan asks Brit if Ian was faking it over the whole Boogie thing. Brit says he just feels bad. Brit knows where he's coming from because she did that with Jani. Dan says he'll probably get a little bit of heat from Jen. Brit agrees saying Dan and Shane took tons of heat from Boogie and Frank so she was equally taking the heat. Dan asks something about DR and we get FoTH.

    04:59AM BBT Dan, Shane and Brit continue to chat in the BY rehashing conversations from earlier in the day and plans to win HoH this week and take Frank out.

    05:04AM BBT Talk turns to how Ian wants Joe out of the house. Brit says Ian wants Joe out because Joe is just as much of a social threat as Ian is. They question whether or not Ian will put Frank up for them. Brit says he's being selfish in that sense.

    05:08AM BBT Brit says they shouldn't tell Ian that Ash may vote for Boogie because then he may try to flip his vote. Shane asks who Jen would put up. Brit thinks Frank and Ash because of what went down. They start talking about votes on Thurs. Dan wants the vote to be 6-1 so they know where Ash stands. Shane and Brit points out that a 5-2 vote would be more interesting because then Frank will be pissed at Ash or Ian, not knowing who voted to keep Boogie or vote him out.

    05:10AM BBT Talk turns to the fact that it's daylight on the East coast. They figure the people waking up are wondering why the HGs are all awake. Brit lays it out saying that they want Boogie's side of the house to fester and stew over the fact that they can't argue or fight with Brit/Dan's side of the house because they're all going to be asleep all day. Dani comes out to the BY after her shower.

    05:17AM BBT Brit, Dani, Shane, and Dan rehash conversations from earlier beginning the Ash bashing all over again. (On that note we are finished for the night. These 4 have mentioned going to bed soon...but I just don't have the steam to continue on myself especially if we are going to begin rehashing the bashing).

  11. 03:04AM BBT Jen and Ash continue to trash talk about Ash in the HoH. Frank and Ash are leaving the WA heading towards the darkened bedrooms. Frank heads into SBR and Ash crawls into the round bed in the MBR. Up in the HoH Dani says she hates the fact that everyone in the house didn't want Dani and Jen being close in this game. Ash is jealous of Dani. Everyone is so mean to her. Yadda yadda yadda.

    03:06AM BBT Feeds switch to BY briefly where Brit is explaining to someone that all the hours of gameplay/chat that happens in the house has to be condensed down into 3 hours per week. All four feeds now in HoH. Dani says she's not a fake girl. Jani started talking trash about her. and she got rid of her. She's real. Jen loves that about her. Dan has been passing tissues to Dani and he doesn't know how to handle it because his wife doesn't cry. Feeds back in the BY. Joe asks what day it is.

    03:13AM BBT RUTT (Repetitive Unsportsmanlike Trash Talk) continues against Ash in the HoH with Dani leading the way. Down in the BY Brit and Shane come out carrying cups of coffee. Shane asks Joe and Dan if they have a Final 2 deal yet. Joe says they just finished the deal up. Dan says his wife is getting up. Joe tells his wife good morning as well and says she's checking book bags and making lunches. Brit wishes her husband a happy birthday. She tells Dan that he has to read his card to see where she hid his birthday present. Talk turns to goodbye messages and we get brief FoTH and all four feeds turn back to HoH. (For the love of BB please make it stop...give us feeds of someone sleeping or something)

    03:15AM BBT Ding ding ding ding! We haven't seen the bed but last we heard Ian was telling Frank to wake him up in the AM when he gets Boogie up because he wants to be part of the convo with them. RT @rodellccs: @mortystv @tweetdiane in bed?? Is Ian there too?

    03:18AM BBT After a few more minutes with Dani and Jen continuing to build each other up we get brief FoTH. Feeds back and Dani says "...bitch". Dani could punt her fake blonde ass across the state... Feeds in the BY back and we have idle chit chat for a moment. Now the BY crew begins rehashing the conversation Jen and Ash had in front of them.

    03:21AM BBT Brit says they're all going to stay upstairs tomorrow (today) in the HoH and hide from Boogie and Frank today. Dan asks Joe if he made the bed thing up. Joe said no. He wasn't aware that he was supposed to keep that part of the conversation quiet. Brit says everyone is crying tonight (True that...we're up to Ian, Frank - was close when he stormed the HoH earlier, Ash, Joe, and now Dani which Brit isn't aware). Brit blames the soy sauce.

    03:27AM BBT Brit asks Joe if he removed his contact info from his website (madlovecooking.tv - Account is suspended according to the website). Joe says he's pretty sure it only has his e-mail address on it. But Joe says he's on LinkedIn as well and he's got over 7000 people he's associated with. Joe says it'll probably be a mess when he gets home to untangle. Dani and Jen continue to Ash bash up in the HoH.

    03:29AM BBT Dani says she has to stay away from Ash tomorrow. Jen agrees. Dani says she wants to call her out for her lies and being fake. FoTH.

    03:34AM BBT Chat in the BY turns back to the previous season. Chat up in the HoH is...more Ash bashing. FoTH because Britt says something along the lines of the first night after you are evicted before you head to jury you stay in a hotel so you can do media the next day.

    03:36AM BBT Dan says what if he were to win HoH and would see Chelsea on Pandora's box, walking around. He'd go into PB and Chelsea would be out in the BY and everyone would be like "who is this girl?"

    03:39AM BBT Joe talking about his family now in the BY. Britt points out that Dan hasn't touched his coffee. Dan says he's nursing it. Brit has drank about 3/4 of her mug (we're talking about a beer mug here...) Dani up in the HoH saying she's been around so many girls that are jealous of her (seriously...getting...old...).

    03:43AM BBT Brief period of FoTH. Dani and Jen still Ash bashing upstairs. Dani asks Jen if she wants to outside. Jen says let's go outside. Shane now sitting by the HT with his feet inside. More FoTH.

    03:44AM BBT Jen and Dani now outside. Dani takes a seat next to Shane by the HT. Jen joins Joe on the lounger.

    03:49AM BBT Joe, Dan, and Jen are trying to guess the name of someone's subdivision/street? Throwing out such names such as Lake in the Hills, Sleepyburg Subdivision, etc...

    03:53AM BBT Shane and Dani whispering near the HT. Difficult to hear because of Joe, Jen, Brit and Dan's convo/laughter in the back ground. Shane thanks Dani for talking to Jen for him. Shane says we're close to making it to the final 5. Brit calls Shane and Dani out for whispering. Brief FoTH. Brit begins to scour the BY looking for clues to the mystery box in the crane game. Brit starts giving the plants a shake down in the BY and checking underneath the pillows and towels near the pool in the BY.

    04:03AM BBT Brief period of FoTH. Feeds back and Shane is hitting some pool balls around. Brit is still scouring the BY for a hint in regards to the mystery box. She tells Shane that he can't waste a second HoH. Brit says Boogie is going to get up in the AM for his morning workout and they're all going to walk inside. Joe says Frank is going to crawl into bed with him during the day. Shane now inside examining the crane machine once more. Brit watching him from the couch in the BY. She says she has Shane up to her level of paranoia now. He comes back out and Brit asks what it said to him. Shane says he stared it down and it didn't say anything. Shane points out that its 4am. Dani points out that the East coasters that never get to see them awake get to now. Everyone says hello. Dan warns the East coasters that Jen has had a rough couple of days and to hide the lighters (she mentioned earlier that she was ready to burn the place down before Ash came up to confront her). They start mimicing the Britney Spears video in which she says "You can suck it. You can suck it. You're cool. I'm out..." Dani asks Joe if he's alright he's quiet. Brit points out that Joe's had a very emotional day. Joe says he hates the fact that Brit keeps picking on him.

  12. 02:03AM BBT Talk in the HoH has turned to Boogie's supposed wealth. Out near the chess board Jen says she feels just alone in this house. Boogie has Frank and Ian and obviously the HoH crew has themselves. Jen says she can tell by the vote on Thurs. If she votes to keep her then she'll be able to roll from there. Ash says she wasn't sure if she had Jen and she started and wheeling and dealing with the wrong group. Ash says she wasn't sure if she had a fighting chance with that group (Dani, Dan, Shane, Brit, Joe). Jen wasn't sure if she did either but she's not feeling any love from Boogie. He may have love for many other players and people both inside and outside this house but she isn't feeling that with him. Ash says it sucks to be up on the block against your homie. Jen says she doesn't feel like Boogie is her homie. It's hard because Boogie is a good player and she respects him for that, and he has another very good player working for the votes as well which isn't fair. Ash says Jen's done good for herself and she expects her to go far. Jen thanks her for the compliment. Ash says all she wanted to do was work with people in the house. Jen says she did have her. Ash thought she made ammends with everyone. Jen says of course she has other friends in the house.

    02:07AM BBT Ash says it sucks that Joe got to Jen before she did because she had every intention of talking to her before the vote on Thurs but Joe let it slip first. Ash says she just feels like a jealous girlfriend by Jen making up with everyone. Jen said of course she was going to talk to everyone, she needed the vote. Ash still crying off and on. Ash asks Jen if she was aware that she was the pawn. Jen says she now knows she is after talking to everyone. In the HoH random conversations the lastest being Shane calling Dani out for farting on him while sleeping. Dani saying she didn't she hates farts.

    02:13AM BBT Awkward silence at the chess board with Ash's sniffles and moans/groans thrown in. Ash breaks the silence and asks if there's anything else Jen wants to talk about. Jen thinks about it for a moment. Jen says she'd still like to sleep in the bed with Ash. Ash says she doesn't want to switch beds. She blames Joe for Jen thinking Ash didn't want to share beds because of a joke Ian made. Ash says Joe is such a trouble maker. Ash thinks she needs to go to bed. Jen doesn't respond to the statement. Ash begins whimpering again and asks if there's anything else they should talk about. Ash asks Jen if she had a good Pilates class today. Jen said yeah PIlates and Yoga helping make her butt tight. Ash begins laughing. Jen asks Ash to take in a few deep breaths. Ash takes in one and begins crying again saying she just wants love. That's all she's ever wanted.

    02:15AM BBT In the HoH room Joe is staring at the spy screen watching Jen and Ash talk. Dan says Brit made fun of him week one. Brit admits to it and says she spoke of Dan's mist. She also called Kara is work-horse.

    02:20AM BBT Joe being a bit disrespectful saying "I'm going to go back home and my friends are gonna be like 'Dude, do you realize you were the number pick to the biggest gay guy in the Big Brother house'" (referring to Wil?) Outside near the chess board Ash and Jen hug it out. Ash says she's going to go to bed. Jen says she'll be down in a bit. Jen gives the box of tissues to Ash. Jen stops in to chat with the HoH crew. Jen says once she realized Ash was genuinely upset that's when she offered to take her outside to chat. She hates to see pretty girls cry. Ash walks around looking for Ian, she stops by the SBR and Frank gets up to talk to her. Jen tells the HoH crew that Ash blamed Joe for going to Jen before Ash could talk to her. Jen says she expected that Frank and Ian were down stairs listening to them.

    02:26AM BBT Ash rehashing her conversation to Frank in the MBR. Ash says she's most upset that Jen made her talk to her in front of everyone. Frank said that was wrong. Ash said Jen said "Everyone said she was talking shit on me" and Ash responded that everyone talks shit on everyone. Ash tells Frank about Joe lying about her wanting to switch beds. Ash tells Frank that Jen said she was upset because everyone is saying that Boogie and Frank are talking trash about her. Frank says why would we talk trash about Jen to them. They run their mouth with everything that is told to them. Up in the HoH they're saying how Ash is breaking down.

    02:31AM BBT Frank says everyone up there are cowards because they didn't say a word when he went up. Up in the HoH Brit says a lot of good things came from tonight. If Ash wouldn't have lied to Brit earlier by telling her that she was keeping Jen this week and then to turn around and tell Joe that she's going to keep Boogie this week. Jen says she did attack her character in the HoH but that was intentional. Jen says she was trying to get Ash to laugh and to finish the tears off. Shane points out at least she still has a bed and a bed mate now. Down in the MBR Frank rehashes that they're all cowards, especially Jen because nobody said a word when he was up there.

    02:35AM BBT Ash says tomorrow is going to be so bad. Frank says it's going to be great. He says every time Joe doesn't wash his hands he's going to call him a disgusting mother fucker (I wish someone would!) Every time Brit leaves a dish behind he'll tell her to clean up after herself. Shane is going downstairs to get a glass of water. Dan follows. Brit gives a hug to Jen. Brit said when Jen said she was going to go downstairs and burn the mothafuckin house down she loved it.

    02:38AM BBT Brit says what kills her about this whole situation is that fact that Ash came to her while she baked cookies and told her that she was keeping Jen. Brit says but Joe told her 20min before that that she was keeping Boogie. Brit says she's a liar. straight up. Shane comes back into HoH. Brit asks for a status update on where everyone is. Shane says Dan and Dani are headed outside and Frank and Ash are down in the MBR.

    02:41AM BBT All agree that they're going to stay up all night. Brit headed down to make a pot of coffee. Shane joins Dan and Dani in the BY, eating chips and salsa. In the MBR Ash and Frank continue to pad each other's egos in the round bed. Frank hears the various doors opening and closing and says they're all scared because they waited for them to go to bed before coming down from HoH.

    02:43AM BBT Dani and Shane head in and Dan says it's good to be king. Just kidding he's not king. He wants to give us a recap but he wants to make sure Ian isn't hiding somewhere so he wanders around the BY looking for him. Brit and Shane come back out.

    02:44AM BBT I'll give you one guess! RT @TweetDiane: @mortystv where is Boogie while all of this is going on?

    02:47AM BBT Joe comes out in the BY and Dan says "From eagle eye to teary eyed." Joe says it'll be the last time he takes it from anyone about the tears. Shane tells Levi that Joe wants the movie The Notebook for Christmas with a bow on it. Joe gives Brit a bit of a chase in the BY because they're throwing blankets at each other.

    02:52AM BBT Frank and Ash continue to rehash previous conversations throughout the day. They play a bit of tickle tickle with each other. Now talk turns to what Jen does outside the house. Ash says Jen is in a girl band of some sort. Out in the BY Joe thanks Dan for the advice to talk to someone (I missed it). Dan says his talking helped everything work itself out tonight. Joe says he may not be good in competitions but he'll tell his alliance everything that he hears (how is that different than any other day?) Dan says in an alliance everyone plays their part. Shane asks Dan what his role is supposed to be. Dan says he's still trying to figure it out. Shane laughs saying Dan is the thinker. Brit gives the stank eye. Brit says she's a pro at drive by stank eyes.

    02:57AM BBT Ash and Frank continue to chat in the MBR psyching each other up to try and win HoH this week. Ash yawning. Feeds in the BY switch to Jen and Dani in the HoH. Dani says she's used to girls being mean and jealous of her but Ash was exceptionally so. Dani now crying? telling Jen that she's never said anything negative about Jen. Dani says she's so sorry that it appeared to be that way. Dani says if this bitch wants to go toe to toe then that's fine. Jen laughs. Dani says her and Jen will super close at the end of the show, she'll be in Dani's wedding (to Shane or Hayden?).

    03:00AM BBT Frank asks Ash if she wants to cuddle a bit in the bed before going to sleep. Ash asks where. (Feeds froze up, I'm unsure how she responded). Ash and Frank head into the WA. Ash begins to wash her face. Frank uses the WC and washes his hands. Ash says she loves BB and she loves the game but she was unexpecting this.

  13. 01:08AM BBT Joe telling the HoH crew that Frank gave Ash permission to flip her vote and vote to keep Jen if it looks like Boogie is going home. Ian was downstairs on the couch crying (?) with Ash saying how upset he is with Boogie going home this week. Ian jumps up off the couch and starts to run upstairs saying he can hear Joe and Brit yelling and running their mouths.

    01:13AM BBT Frank and Ash stop Ian pulling him into the WA. Ian says he heard Joe shout that "he is sleeping while having Frank do all the work for him!" Ash disagrees. Ian knows what he heard. Frank wonders if he should go up. Ian now wonders if they should avoid the confrontation tonight. Frank says he wants to go up and tell the group that they're voting Boogie out and dogging him while he's downstairs asleep. He says kicking him while he's down. Frank walks upstairs and tells them that they can hear them downstairs.

    01:17AM BBT Frank tells the group that Ian is downstairs crying because a good guy is going home this week. He gave Ian $3000 because he is a good guy. Frank walks out and Jen says "Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone right now?" Shane says you can't hear anything through the door. Joe says you can hear stuff down in the living room he heard Wil laughing in the living room. The HoH crew surfs through the channels and spots the three of them sitting on the couch in the LR. Jen sees Frank and says "Yeah buddy that's my seat right there and I'll still be sitting there Thurs night."

    01:19AM BBT Ash wonders if Jen is upstairs speaking bad about her. Frank says it's alright if she is, she hasn't won shit all season! (Saying it rather loud). The HoH crew pauses their conversation as they hear him raise his voice. Ian gets up and wanders away.

    01:23AM BBT Frank and Ash listen quietly as the HoH room gets loud again. Shane points out that it takes balls to come up and do what Frank did. Ian back on the couch. Frank gets up to go to bed. HoH watching him on the cam. Before Frank heads into the bedroom he says he's going to have to start acting like Evel Dick and start banging some pots and pants together up in here. Ash and Ian remain on the couches. Ian looks very upset (if he's acting he's certainly doing a very good job. One has to believe this is an act...but...let's be honest...this is Ian...)

    01:26AM BBT Ash asks Ian why he's upset and Ian says it's because Joe comes up after talking to Frank for so long in the BY and then to gloat about voting Boogie out regardless only to turn and realize that Ian was in the room. Up in the HoH Brit says the biggest crap of the pants this season would for Jen to win HoH this week. The group gets very loud and cheers.

    01:31AM BBT Joe saw Ian shift in the chair and said "Look he's going to come up here and tell us off!" After a few minutes Ian stands up and says he's going to outside and sit. Ash asks him where he's going. Ian is salty towards her and tells her he's going to sit outside. Ash wants to go upstairs and talk to Jen. Everyone in the HoH is curious where Ash is headed and Ash heads upstairs. Everyone is shocked when Ash comes upstairs. She knocks and Shane invites her in. She asks to talk to Jen if she'll talk to her.

    01:33AM BBT Jen tells Ash she can suck it because she's going to vote to keep Boogie this week. Ash is laughing awkwardly. She points out that she laughs during awkward situations. Jen is pissed. She hates the fact that Ash chose Boogie over her. Jen says she's been tight with Ash all season and for Ash to do this to her is doing her dirty.

    01:38AM BBT Ash says Jen is putting her in a spot making her talk to her 1 on 1 instead she's stuck talking to her in front of everyone. Ash points out that she has no one in this house. Jen says she doesn't either. Ash begins to cry saying that no one respects her in this game as a player. Jen says that's BS. Ash said she had explore her options because she wants nothing more than to work with someone. They're promising her the world and she's trying to figure out where she Jen is at. Jen says she's trying to survive with her ass on the block. Ash in full blown sobbing mode now. Jen invites her outside and they sit next to the chess game. They walk out of the room and Brit tells Joe not to believe her. Joe appears to be wiping tears away as well saying it sucks to see someone hurt like that.

    01:41AM BBT Ash reiterating to Jen that she wanted to work with someone and they were promising her the world she wanted this to work out. Jani was her coach and she didn't work with her. Someone sets a box of tissues outside the HoH door and Jen goes to pick them up. In the HoH room Dani wonders why she was thrown under the bus when Ash was in the room (Ash had mentioned that she was concerned that Jen was going to buddy buddy up with Dani...there was no bus throwing).

    01:47AM BBT Jen says she's in a spot. Ian walks upstairs and asks if they're alright. Ash says to give them a couple of long minutes. Jen says she wasn't spouting off at her but more the situation. Jen says Ian is crying but he has no idea about the things that Boogie has said about him. Jen says Ash can change her vote if she wants to. Jen says she wasn't trying to make Ash feel alone. She's been there. She knows how that feels. Ash says she won't vote Jen out. Jen says that's fine but she'll have to wait and see. Jen says it's a shame because she's been nothing but good to her. Ash says she's been nothing but good to her as well. Ash knows Jen will be upset. Ian and Frank down in the HNR. Frank asking Ian what they're talking about. Ian explains what he heard. Frank points out that the HoH crew doesn't talk smack about Boogie in front of him. They didn't talk smack in front of him when he confronted them. But Ash goes up and they apparently made her cry.

    01:51AM BBT Frank calls up from downstairs asking if everything is alright. Jen says yeah things are ok. Frank offers an explanation to Jen but Jen interrupts him and says she just wants to talk to Ash for the moment. Frank says he hears someone upset and of course he's worried. Ash says she's fine. In the HoH room talk has turned to Brit being funny especially when stressed. Joe says her poor husband. Brit agrees saying yeah after a bad day especially. "Poor Ryan..." they all say.

    01:56AM BBT Out on the chess couches Ash points out that the group in the HoH is so tight and she feels like such shit. Jen agrees and says she feels like shit as well. Joe starts talking about his Good-bye message to Boogie and we get FoTH. Feeds back and the HoH crew is watching them on the spy cam saying they're making up. Brit points out that the 2 hour lock-down in HoH on Thursday is going to be fun. Dan wants to know if anyone wants to play chess. Shane hopes Ash doesn't burn through all of his tissues because he only gets one box as HoH. Dan feels his pain.

  14. 02:14AM BBT Up in the HoH Shane says Boogie was pissed because he wasn't told he was going up this week. Shane says it's the rules of the game they're not allowed to tell anyone because they want to capture the reaction of everyone's face. Dani says Ian needs to step up this week. Shane agrees that Ian, Joe or Brit needs to win HoH this week. Dani throws out to Shane that he brought up Daniele Donato again out of the blue tonight. "Are you trying to upset me?" Shane says he likes the way she played the game. Dani says he's only seen a few of her episodes. Dani says she's going to throw out Hayden's name periodically. Shane says that's fine, he doesn't care. Shane says "Here comes the emotional Danielle again". Dani says she's not getting emotional (if this isn't emotion...then I'd hate to see what is with her...)

    02:18AM BBT Down in the BY Jen and Frank have continued chatting about different aspects of the players that went down this week. Boogie comes back outside (He must've went in during a FoTH because I never saw him leave). Talk has turned to Ian. Jen says someone says Ian's name got thrown under the bus. Boogie says Ian is not even a factor this week (little does he know....). Frank says he isn't sure about Ian, but he's speaking so much with the other side and not winning things it's starting get on his nerves (correction...little do they know...)

    02:24AM BBT Shane flips out the HoH lights and he lies down in the HoH bed with Dani. Shane says if Dani talks to Jen to make sure she knows that he probably told her she was safe before the noms. Down in the BY Frank wishes that family dinners would be over. Jen says thank heaven's above that Joe didn't cook tonight. Frank says it's because he's cooked everything in the house. He cooked turkey burgers earlier in the day and then opened the last of the turkey burgers for his cooking show. Stupid. Talk turns to his celebration cookies. Frank says they were peanut butter which are Shane's favorite. Shane says he's safe there's no reason to keep kissing his butt.

    02:29AM BBT Frank, Jen and Boogie begin to bash Frank's choice in pink clothing and his necklace. One of them says he's dressed like a member of a boyband. Jen agrees. Up in the HoH Shane and Dani continue to play/flirt. Shane gets climbs up on top of her back to give her a massage. He begins speaking in a semi-comedic Gollum impression. Dani slips off her shirt and he begins to rub her shoulders and mid-back.

    02:34AM BBT Down in the BY Boogie wonders why Joe couldn't have went up this week and everyone would have been happy. Jen says she legitimately doesn't think Brit had any idea about what was going to go down. Boogie says Shane has become Dan's pet vs. hers. Jen thinks Ian needs to feel the heat of the seat for a bit. Boogie agrees. Jen says she doesn't like the fact that he's playing pool with Shane and hanging out with people on the other side. Jen says Ian should be running around the house trying to hear what's going on and breaking up chats and stuff.

    02:34AM BBT Jen spots Joe in the kitchen with his shirt on and a bandanna on his head. Frank and Boogie are disgusted. One of them spots a creature on the wall and Frank points out that the camera is trying to look at it. He lifts the awning up so they can see it. It flies down and slowly crawls up the wall. Boogie points out that it flew a bit.

    02:43AM BBT Shane continues to give Dani a massage up in the HoH. Frank says he's going to head in and use the WC to chase Joe of to bed. Jen and Boogie stay outside. Frank asks Joe what he's up to with the bandanna. Joe says he uses it to sleep but he can't sleep. Frank takes a seat at the counter in front of Joe as he snacks. Frank says he needs Joe to saddle up with him even if Boogie goes home. He really needs him. Joe asks Frank how Jen's doing. Frank says Jen is heated yo.

    02:45AM BBT Jen and Boogie remain silent in the BY and feeds switch to the HoH where Shane crawls off Dani's back and Dani crawls onto his back to begin massaging him. They can hear voices downstairs and they start feeling around for the remote but give up. Shane doesn't want to talk to anyone. Dani says the door is locked.

    02:48AM BBT Down in the KT Frank and Joe still chatting. Frank says he's not even on the block and he's ready to work and deal. Joe mumbles something and Frank says "You think I'm gunning for people?" and Joe says no he thinks he's coming for other people by winning HoH. Jen comes in and Boogie is right after her about 2 minutes later. Jen empties/rinses her glass. Boogie heads into the WA. FoTH.

    02:50AM BBT Feeds back and Joe is putting on his mic. Jen and Boogie nowhere to be seen. FoTH and we switch to all 4 feeds on Dani giving Shane a massage up in the HoH bed.

    02:59AM BBT Super exciting feeds here. Finally 2 of the feeds switch back to the BY where Boogie, Frank and Joe are sitting on the loungers. Boogie pushing for Joe to keep him. Joe says it's a house divided. Joe says he needs to know where I sit on the totem pole in either group. Boogie says they saved him 2 weeks ago when they had the power. Joe says they said something supposedly changed and that's why he was saved. Frank and Boogie say no they had the power so it was their choice to pull him down. Boogie says if Brit suggested that she said to keep Joe that may be true. Wil became weird and then they realized that Brit was ok with keeping Joe so they ran with it. Boogie says Shane may have a nice room to chat and offer stuff in the HoH room...he may have some snacks up there but that totem pole is set. Whereas Frank and Boogie's totem pole is still being formed. Jen would have to go home for Boogie to stay. Ian is flighty with his magic 8 ball answers and Ash is well...Ash. Boogie says they know it's a hard sell against the HoH crew. Boogie says Ash has really started to build momentum in the house. Boogie says in regards to the totem pole, they're still trying to formulate theirs. They just started working with Ash and Ian is pissing Boogie off.

    03:05AM BBT Boogie stresses that Shane and everyone may sound great for the moment but when they're out of the power, you're likely to be the first to go. You have Dan, Dani, Shane and Brit, they seem likely to be super tight. Joe says he's really looking for a home but he's rather this be a battle back and forth not flip flopping from team to team each week. Boogie agrees. Boogie says what else do we have, after this we have nothing. Boogie says in his previous season his alliance won four in a row before and when they finally stopped the line was drawn. Boogie says he and Frank were saying the same thing today. They have every intention of going after the other side of the house next week and even if they don't end up with HoH they'll be the targets over Joe. Frank points out that Shane has broken his promise twice to him this season.

    03:13AM BBT Boogie says Shane and Dani have their showmance or whatever going down and Dan and Brit being up there as well just complicate things. Boogie says he's thoroughly shocked by Ash's turn around. She's done a 180 because she came to him and said that she wants to fight for him to keep him in the house. Boogie says that Jen may not be his biggest fan this week if she stays. He won't put words in her mouth. Boogie goes onto say that it will be 5 on 3 if they get rid of Jen this week when it comes to HoH. Joe says he wants to speak to Ash because if she flips on him then he'll be burned. Joe says he really questions how Ash will vote he's watched her very carefully (that's why they call you 'ol eagle eye) and she votes with the house. Boogie agrees that the three of them should talk to her later. Boogie again pushes how excited and ready to play that Ash is acting. Boogie says Ash knows that Boogie is a better ally to have in the house. He rehashes that he and Frank are a huge target to keep in the house. Joe questions whether the two of them will switch sides. Frank and Boogie crack up saying no they are not returning to the other side.

    03:17AM BBT Joe says he's going to go to bed but he needs to talk to Ash to find out if she's making the permanent switch to Boogie's side. Boogie understands. Boogie warns him to watch what Dan says. Boogie says he's ready to make some moves. Boogie tells Joe to have a good sleep. Joe heads in. Up in the HoH Shane and Dani are cuddling in the HoH bed, Shane listening to music.

    03:23AM BBT Boogie says they have to keep pushing the fact there is a line drawn in the sand. That's the selling point for Joe. Boogie says we called someone out while they were reading the bible. They've dug a trench and ready to win the war. The two go onto say how awesome this will be this week if they can save Boogie. Boogie says he's due for an HoH win. Boogie says Ash needs to hit on the points that Joe was questioning to help sell him. Boogie says Joe really could climb in the pecking order if he helps them pull this off. Frank agrees that Ash is the same way. Frank says you can tell because Jen is willing to vote out her friend. Frank says they did the same with Wil when he voted out Kara.

    03:27AM BBT Having heard the conversation I think it is genuine that he is at least kicking around the idea. However it is only Tuesday. There's still plenty of time for him to flip back. Joe is one of those players that does go back and forth. Game play wise it certainly makes sense for him to consider the option because he is ranked number 5 in his new alliance with Shane, Brit, Dan, Dani. Not to mention Ian is still a part of the Quack Pack which also throws a wrench into Boogie's vote this week. RT @StaceyGFoster: @mortystv so hes jumping ship again r its he just sayn that so they will shut up?

    03:32AM BBT Boogie is certainly invigorated after his talk with Joe and Frank tonight. Boogie says you never know with Joe still. He won't get his hopes up like he did this morning (when he thought Dan was going to go up as a replacement nom for Frank). Shane and Dani continue to sleep in the HoH bed. Frank and Boogie head into the WA. Frank begins brushing his teeth. Frank says what would be more awesome would be if Jen caught wind of this and blew up on Joe so he'd feel a bit more heat from her and want to get her out. Both agree that they need to get to Ash in the morning before Joe does so they can coach her a bit.

    03:34AM BBT Boogie and Frank head into bed. All four cams now display horizontal HGs sleeping in darkened rooms.

    03:36AM BBT Dani now getting up to head downstairs and to wash her face. She offers to tuck Shane in. She puts the picture of Dozer in bed beside him. He says Awww. He tells Dani he'll see her in the AM. Dani heads out.

    03:41AM BBT Dani currently the only one up washing her face.

    03:49AM BBT Dani still in the WA, she brushes her teeth and lets her hair down for the night before removing the polish from her finger nails.

    03:58AM BBT Dani heads into the WC and comes out to wash her hands. She pauses in front of the mirrors and checks out her backside/figure in the mirror a couple of times before heading off into the darkened rooms. Once again, we have 4 cams displaying horizontal HGs laying in darkened rooms. BB sets the rest of the house to basic night-time lightning.

    04:03AM BBT On that note we're finished for the night ourselves. Will Joe flip to the other side or will he simply tell his new alliance the Head Hunters (Dan, Dani, Shane, and Brit - even though Brit wasn't there to agree/name it) about what was said? Will Boogie's plan to go to Dani and hint that he may have a special power work? Or will someone call Boogie/Joe out leaving Boogie no other choice but to simply self destruct and make everyone's life miserable for his last couple of days in the house? We'll just have to wait and see!

  15. 01:05AM BBT Joe, Dan, and Shane up in the HoH Boogie/Mike bashing a bit. They look for the spy screen remote and spot Dani getting some soda. Joe says no one should be left in a room together with them. Shane agrees. Joe says we're all 100% loyal and from here on out we all play to the best of our ability and that's it. Joe says we gotta go for it but I don't want to go for it with them. Ian and Britt's voice can be heard faintly on the feeds (they were in bed down stairs last we saw).

    01:10AM BBT Down in the BY Frank is saying he's wondering what would have happened if he would have opened up a Pandora's box and it would have been something good for the house and bad for him. Frank explaining how PB worked in Vets/Newbs season in which Rachel and Jordan were able to hook up because of the duo's twist. Boogie wishes he could be a part of a Fast Forward. He won't be surprised if BB tells them that they're doing the vote quickly on Thurs.

    01:15AM BBT Frank says he is surprised but he thinks Shane is a little scared of him. Boogie says he should be. It's been Shane and Frank winning everything this weekend. Meanwhile up in the HoH Shane says he hopes he gets to talk to Julie on Thurs. Dan says he thinks he'll get to. Shane is surprised that there weren't have-nots this week. Dani explains that it's because the HoH comp past the live evict. Shane says this week it'll be 8 people playing for have/have-nots. 1 of them will have to join the other side and should bomb the comp to force them to be have nots. (Unless it'll be individual based...) Dani points out that Shane hasn't been a have-not yet.

    01:19AM BT Talk in the HoH turns to cast photos outside the front of the house. Dan says when you're evicted you sign about 20 of them next to your face and they are given out at the finale. Joe asks about the weekly HoH photos. Dani says she asked and most are loaded up on the CBS website. Joe says earlier today that Brit stuck her head out the door and told Joe the cookies were great. Joe was sitting outside with Mike, Boogie and Jen and Boogie asked if they were celebrating. Jen said something along the lines of "Celebrating...yeah...celebrating this whatever..." she grumbled out. Shane says they make cookies every day.

    01:22AM BBT Out in the BY Frank is telling Boogie that Ash was saying how she was told/she thought that if she stands still "they" take digital photos of her. Boogie laughs saying this house is stupid. Boogie says the crew wants to finish this season off and pack it away for the year and start planning for it next year. People in this house don't realize that they're going to back home and their normal lives once more. If they're lucky they may get a small article in page 2 of their local paper.

    01:27AM BBT Boogie wishes they could have found one or two more worth while players to roll with. Ian and Jen can't win anything. They wanted to work with Wil but then he flipped on them. The week they worked with Jani everything fell apart. Boogie points out that Frank has been on the block 4 times and is still in this house. Up in the HoH Joe asks Dan if he and Boogie will hang out after the season. Dan says maybe, Boogie will take time to cool off. They probably won't be BFFs. Shane asks Dan if he has Daniele Donato's number. Dan says no but he can probably get it pretty easy. Dani says "Yeah, you Daniele and me and Hayden can all go on a double date!" Shane says Hayden gets to pay. Dani says "Touche because he won" (Not exactly a touche moment...but good try).

    01:30AM BBT Joe, Dani, Dan, Shane trying to come up with an alliance name. They put it on Joe to decide. Joe suggests Head Hunters and all point their fingers at each other's heads when they come up with something. Joe says "Clear eyes. Full Heart. Can't Lose." Joe says he worked on that with his kids. He would say "Clear eyes" and they would say "Full Heart" and he would finish it up with Can't lose" and they'd get it going in rhythm.

    01:36AM BBT Switched feeds to the BY and Frank is called to the DR. Boogie stands up and says "Big fucking brother" and feeds switch to Ian, Brit and Ash chatting in the darkened Shoe room. Ash says she gets something out of her hair using Goop-on? Brit asks Ash and Ian if they have "stickers" in their yard. Ash and Ian says no. Brit explains that they are cactus like weeds that they have in Arkansas. Ash says "You know what I thought you were going to ask if you ever used sticker books" Talk turns briefly to it. BB calls Ash out for not having her mic on. Ian says "Yeah Ash get out...or get in my bed." Brit tells Ian not to be pervy. Ian says he's not. Ash comes back with her mic and gets back into the bed she was in and Ian says "Wrong bed Ash". No comments made by either girl. Ash appears to be in bed next to Brit (where Dani normally sleeps).

    01:41AM BBT Feeds switch to Jen and Frank in the SR. Frank taking inventory to where everyone is. Frank thinks Ian, Ash and Brit are in bed just talking. Jen says yeah they're just shooting the shit." They leave the SR and head towards the KC. Boogie walks towards the bedrooms. Frank asks if he's going to bed. Boogie says he's going to stay up for a bit. Jen heads towards WA and Frank heads into BY. Feeds switch briefly back to Ian, Ash and Brit continuing to talk about random kids toys (Light Bright now). Feeds switch back to the BY where Frank and Boogie are. Frank says Jen was asking what everyone was up to. Frank says Jen said she heard him talking to Joe earlier. Boogie says wow she heard that convo? Frank isn't sure she heard the whole thing or just the part where Joe was talking with his loud mouth.

    01:44AM BBT Up in the HoH Joe, Dani, Dan, and Shane continue to talk. Idle chit chats. Dani asks Joe for another story. Shane says not another Guenther story. Joe says he and Guenther were unseperable growing up.

    01:45AM BBT Talk turns to how Shane had a problem with learning to take bras off one handed, especially when the clasps are in the front and they don't tell you.

    01:52AM BBT Down in the BY Frank and Boogie are still surprised that Shane didn't stick with them, more rehashing of the same conversations. Up in the HoH Shane says that Boogie was staring at the memory wall for 2 hours today. Joe says an hour 2 separate times. Dani says what else..."Have you ever taken a girl's bra off and their boobs deflated?" Joe says "deflated?" She said no I mean if you thought she had big boobs and when she took her bra off and they were just padded. Shane says yeah and he's come across stretch marks that he's not been expecting. Joe says guys don't pad their stuff. Dani says girls do because guys can gauge girls chest sizes through their shirt, it's hard to judge a guy's size through his jeans. Talk turns to Ian's toe looking like it has fungus or something on it. Joe is disgusted (Pot meet kettle, when's the last time you washed your hands?)

    01:55AM BBT Down in the BY Frank and Boogie chatting about using "Muppeteering" or "Jim Hensoning" in a sentence as a verb. "Did you see Dan and Shane muppeteering in the pool today hitting the basketball of their heads. Boogie says Ian gave him a magic eight ball answer today and Boogie was ready to throw him through one of the windows. "You're not gonna vote for me?! Well...I uh...."

    01:57AM BBT Talk in the BY turns to how they wish they had one more player to give them something to work with this season. If only Jani would have worked with them. Up in the HoH has turned to a mature nature again.

    02:04AM BBT Jen has joined Boogie and Frank in the BY, Jen sitting by the edge of the HT. Frank asks Jen if Dan went to bed. Jen says yeah (that would explain why the conversation turned the way it did upstairs, Dan doesn't normally stick around for those. Checked the wide angle feed of HoH and yes, he's no longer there, leaving Dani, Shane and Joe up there). Frank says they have got to be tired of Joe being up there. Jen says Joe's up there hooting and hollering and having the time of his life. Boogie says that's what they wanted. Jen asks Frank what he and Joe talked about. Frank says he tried pointing out that it would be 5 and 3 if he rolled with them. Brief FoTH and Jen has joined Frank on the loungers. Jen says that the Joe that she knows always runs to the opposite side of the house to tell everyone what is told to him. They spot Joe coming down out of the HoH and Jen says old eagle-eyeing it up.

    02:08AM BBT Dani and Shane the only two remaining in HoH. Dani says she'd going to steal his bed. Shane acts distant/tired. Dani asks if he wants her to leave. Shane says no. Dani says Jen told her that she was safe this week. Shane says that's a lie. He told her she was not safe and if she wants to play like that then he'll call her out. Meanwhile down in the BY Frank says "America Shane is not Mr. Nice Guy like he thinks he is". Jen agrees and she's going to call him a liar tomorrow in front of everyone tomorrow (the timing here was pretty humorous within about a minute to two minute of each other.)

  16. 02:32AM BBT Frank and Brit commenting on Pandora's box. Neither of them thought that it was going to be his week or even Shane's week. Brit says Pandora's box just comes. Talk turns to today's PoV competition. Brit says she hates counting games. Frank says sitting at home he always thought about how bad it would be if he played a counting comp during a week that he had to win.

    02:35AM BBT Out in the BY Jen and Ian continue to chat. Jen says you can float your ass to the end of the game. Ian says yeah you can. Ian says Jen did a great job during the moonshine competition even after she filled some of her nom barrel up. Jen says Shane told her that he'll be keeping an eye on her because she did so good.

    02:38AM BBT Frank says he can't believe that Wil lied about his job. Brit doesn't understand why anyone would do that. Brit says it's the dumbest thing to do. Brit says the risk of being found out is way too great. Brit says she told him at one point that she doesn't like people that lie about their profession and in retrospect it's funny.

    02:40AM BBT Brit says that when people stand up to give speeches and they give funny speeches that mostly only the other HGs understand them because they're so far out of touch with the real world that they find things funny that aren't. Brit says having watched the shows previously and played previously she gets it now. (Joe's speech Thursday anyone?)

    02:45AM BBT Talk turns to whether or not Jani knew she was going home. Frank said something in her eyes when she stood up to say goodbye led him to believe that she did know. Brit says her attitude was a bit off that day so she was paranoid that she knew. Frank says he was surprised that her speech before the eviction was so cliche. He expected her to go big. Frank tells Brit that he mentioned to Jani before the trade thing was ever mentioned that he might go her to her team he told Boogie that he was going to distance himself from him and Boogie thought it was a good idea. Eagle-eye sticks his head in the door "I thought I heard someone..." they say hi to him and he apparently doesn't close the door all the way and they laugh.

    02:47AM BBT Out in the BY Joe and Jen are sitting. Joe says he's going to grill at 3am. Only in the BB house. Ian says the grill is awesome. Jen says the gril is slamming. Jen says she's going to hit the ladies. She'll be right back.

    02:49AM BBT In the Arcade Brit and Frank hug it out. Frank says he feels she needs a hug. Brit says she's been stressed but it's just a game. Frank says just a game my ass. Joe tells Brit that he hasn't eaten since breakfast. Joe is prepping himself porkchops. He tells Brit that Ian's outside folding laundry. Brit heads out.

    02:52AM BBT Brit asks Ian if Ash is with Frank. Ian isn't sure. He tells Brit now that Wil's gone she clings to him like glue. Brit has noticed. Ian isn't complaining. Frank sticks his head out in the BY to tell everyone goodnight. Brit joins Jen on the lounger. Joe sits down as well waiting on the grill to heat up. Ian says joins the group as well. Brit's microphone is filled with static.

    02:57AM BBT We had a brief period of lagging/repeating with the feeds that lasted about 2 minutes. Feeds are back and Brit is telling Jen that she has to eat the food that Joe cooks for her or else. Brit says that's way this works. Joe walks over and Jen asks where we stand on the pork chops. Joe says 2 minutes. Brit says 2 minutes until you have your pork chop at 3am in the BB house.

    03:02AM BBT Jen tells Joe that he did a 180 after they got the grill. Joe was saying he was going to bed early. He was on his period. He couldn't poop and then the grill showed up and we had food being cooked. Dani's chicken got swiped. Jen says it's been 2 minutes. Joe goes to check on the chops. You can hear the sizzle in the back ground. Brit says "Do you hear the sound of that sizzle that's going to be your belly. Joe starts turning knobs on the grill. Brit says Joe's turning knobs over there he might blow himself up and have to jump in the pool and it would be a bad night for pork chops at 3am.

    03:05AM BBT Joe brings over a plate of pork chops and spears one with his fork and starts to eat it while it's still steaming. Joe says you're going to love me after this, you'll never be able to vote me out after this. Brit says don't you know it Joe but don't be surprised if I forget it after it digests. Ian gets up and heads to the hammock saying he needs some hammock time in before going to bed. Brit says "Pork on a fork". Jen thanks Joe. Brit says they have their pork on a fork. Ian has his hammock swinging higher and squeaking louder than a honey mooner's bed.

    03:08AM BBT Ian is swinging on the hammock muttering something under his breath about something being incredibly dense. Joe, Brit and Jen's voice drowning him out but you can hear the swinging in the background.

    03:10AM BBT Ian says he's done and heading to bed. Joe says no Ian you can't go. Ian says yeah he's tired. Brit says she's ready to roll in as well. Jen agrees. Brit and Jen thank Joe for the pork chop. Joe says "Pork on a fork". Brit says she's going to go see when Dani is going to bed because they are bed mates now.

    03:13AM BBT Feeds switch to Dani in bed with Shane (opposite sides, no cuddling or anything). Dani gets up thinking she saw Brit on the spy cam. Dani crawls back into bed not sure before finally getting up and deciding to go look for her. Shane tells her to make sure she unlocks the door before leaving. Dani comes down off the balcony. Jen tells her that she had pork on a fork. Dani asks what that is. Jen explains it to her. Brit can be heard in the background asking Dani about being up. Dani says she was waiting on her.

    03:18AM BBT Brit brushing her teeth in the WA. Dani walks in and whispers to her. Dani says Shane was waiting up for her. Brit says she never found a good time to just head inside. Brit says she went up there but the lights were off and she walked back out of the room. Dani says that's what she thought she saw. Dani whispering faintly as Brit brushes her teeth, making it impossible to hear her. Brit says she's not sure why Shane wants to talk to her. Jen walks in and tells everyone that Chef Joe extends his good nights to everyone.

    03:21AM BBT Dani uses the WC. Dani back out. Brit uses the WC. Brit back out. Both wash their hands. Jen brushes her teeth and tells everyone to have a wonderful night. Brit and Dani alone in WA now. Dani whispers saying he was acting weird. Brit says she was talking to Frank. Impossible to hear Dani's ultra whispers over background noise.

    03:26AM BBT Brit says she was talking to Frank. She explained to Frank that if Shane happens to put up Dan on the block and she votes to keep Boogie then that's going to make her go back on her word. Frank understood. Dani says she knew she saw Brit at the door but when they looked at the screen she wasn't there. Brit says she talked to Ian for like two seconds to find out if Ash was with Frank but Ian wasn't sure. Brit asks if Ian came up to talk to them. Dani says Ian came up but she was half asleep. Dani asks what she should do. Brit says she'll talk to Shane in the morning. Dani says Shane is acting weird. Brit says Frank was just asking for Boogie's vote and he was very nice apologizing for Boogie's attitude. Dani still isn't sure what she should do about Shane tonight. Brit says once more that Shane is probably asleep.

    03:29AM BBT Brit says let's go to bed. Dani agrees but wants to start a load of laundry. Brit says no...it's 3am do it in the morning! Dani agrees and they head off to bed in the SBR. Dani hits her head on the shelf over her bed and someone (Frank or Dan) asks if she's ok. Brit whispers to her asking if she's ok. She did it the other night. She knows it hurts.

    03:30AM BBT All four feeds now display horizontal HGs with the sound of a lone snorer being heard.

    03:50AM BBT Joe is up snacking a few minutes before heading into the WC.

    03:52AM BBT Joe elects to skip washing his hands after using the WC before heading outside to sit on the edge of the HT with his feet in it.

    04:02AM BBT Joe gets up from the HT and heads inside to get something else to snack on, appearing to reach into a box of cereal and grabbing out a handful of pieces. Absently wandering around the KT. He heads back into his bed in the MBR and we once again have all four feeds showing horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.

    04:30AM BBT All feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms with one lone snorer breaking the silence.

    04:45AM BBT RT @RiverCityOtter: @mortystv But who is the lone snorer among the Houseguest ? You know America Loves & needs to know the dirt #BB14 ! LoL --- (I believe I've narrowed it down to Jen or Ash. You can only hear it in the MBR which has Joe, Jen, and Ash it. Joe is constantly up and down throughout the night and the snoring continues with him awake so he's ruled out. However, we have had mics bleed over to other cams before so it's hard telling. As I responded to your question, Jen gasped a bit and shifted in bed with the snoring continuing...so...I'll go out on a limb and say Ash but again...there's no concrete evidence yet!)

    #BB14TFU All HGs remain horizontal in darkened rooms. Our lone snorer has (mostly) stopped for the night. We'll be back when the HGs are back on their feet!

  17. 01:08AM BBT Dan comes up to the HoH after doing nightly ADLs and asks Joe to get him up to speed. Joe starts off by telling Dan he has his back. He tells Dan that the line is drawn and it's Boogie, Ash, Frank, Jen, and Ian. Joe says he walked outside and they all stopped talking so he knows Ash is working with them.

    01:10AM BBT In the BY Frank, Brit, Ash and Jen chatting. Ash asks Brit if she told Jen about the hammock. Brit says if you pull one of the cords on the hammock it sounds like a bass.

    01:16AM BBT Up in the HoH Joe continuing to praise Shane and Dan saying he has their backs. Shane says he'll look at Joe during the PoV ceremony and point and someone else when it comes time to make his nomination. Dani walks in. Down in the BY Boogie sits up (his yellow shirt helping him to blend into the couch) and talk has turned to an earlier discussion they had in the season. Frank says he agrees they should rent the BB house out to super fans. Talk turns to Ian. Brit says the joke is on them because Ian would've came here for free.

    01:18AM BBT In the HoH talk has turned to Pandora's box not being used this week. Shane says even more reason to get HoH this week. He then says it's too early in the game for it to be used it normally gets used later (which is interesting considering numerous HGs have pointed out that Shane only watched some episodes during his sequester). Dan heading to bed. BB tells him to change his mic.

    01:23AM BBT Talk in the BY has quieted down. Brit tells Ash she thinks the wine made her tired. Frank says he's also tired. Boogie says he wishes there was tee-pee in the back yard so he can sleep outside. Ian says sleeping outside was awesome in the dog house. Brit questions Ian if he was only one of 3 HGs to ever sleep in the BY. Brit says she and Brendon got to sleep outside during her season because they were doing gunk dunks.

    01:26AM BBT Ian says he's glad they cleaned up the broken glass today that was lucky and Brit agrees and we get FoTH.

    01:30AM BBT Feeds back. Shane and Joe silent in the HoH. Dani listening to music. Shane says he thought Brit was coming back up. Joe says he's sure she's working them outside and we get more FoTH. It was idle chit chat in the BY.

    01:38AM BBT HoH is quiet with Shane and Joe staring off. Shane questions why Ash flipped. Joe isn't sure. Dani still listening to music. Down in the BY Brit is telling everyone how Ian feels guilty when he takes a nap because he knows the feeders are upset. Frank says he understands and hates taking naps for that reason as well. Brit says she always feels tired around the time to pick players for PoV. Ian agrees and says he felt that way on the day he was in the baseball game. Jen says she feels the same way it's hard to keep her eyes open around those times. Brit says the Zingbot day was the worst because they waited around all day...and we get FoTH.

    03:43AM BBT The feeds are back and all 4 are on the BY before switching to 2 in the BY and 2 in the HoH. Shane says it was the worst veto pick ever and all four feeds flip to HoH (Clearly the most entertaining part in the house right now!)

    01:46AM BBT Feeds in the BY are back and Jen and Ian are taking clothes out of the washer/drier. Up in the HoH Shane is asking Joe about money as a Chef. Joe says money is alright, there's plenty of options to choose from to do. Sales, Executive Chefs, etc.

    01:54AM BBT Brit pulls Frank into the Arcade room and Brit says she trusts Shane that's why she works with him. Brit says she was upset that Shane threw her under the bus the way she did and she told him this. Frank asks Brit who she wants to work with. Brit says she's been burned once in this game before and it takes longer for her to get to know/trust people. Brit tells Frank that she was not the person that led the charge to put Frank and Boogie up. Brit says she does feel Frank is an honest individual and his actions in this house have proved this. Brit says she does feel sorry for him because he was unfairly targeted the first week and he's had one of the hardest trips to this point this season. Brit says she feels like the whole house has betrayed her.

    01:58AM BBT Brit says the last 24 hours has been crazy for her. Shane threw her under the bus by passing the ball of responsibility for putting Frank and Boogie up. Now Brit says she's hearing that Dan has a Final 3 deal and she's not sure who she can trust any more. Brit says she trusts Shane and she wants to continue to work with him and he's not someone that sneaks around. Brit says she feels like Shane has carried her because how many comps has she won thus far? Brit says she is hurt that Shane did that. She's hurt that Dan supposed has this Final 3 deal. She's hurt that Boogie and Frank didn't come to her to warn her about Dan. Brit says she's here to not to be made to look like an idiot this season and yet she feels like she is now.

    01:59AM BBT Frank says Boogie came out hotter after the ceremony yesterday than Frank would have preferred. Frank says he apologizes for Boogie acting like that, that's not how he likes to play.

    02:05AM BBT Frank tells Brit that her name was brought up because Frank suggested taking a crack at Shane soon but Boogie was against it. Instead Boogie suggested taking out Brit because the Shane would come over to their side. Brit seems to understand. Frank appreciates the fact that Brit is having this talk with her. Frank admits to being a bit star struck with the coaches himself but it's still his game. Frank knows that Boogie has his back because Boogie struck true to the people he struck true with during his season. Brit agrees saying Jani was her favorite player but then after a couple of days she realized that she was playing with Jani. When Jani makes toast...she's doing so for a reason and playing the game.

    02:07AM BBT Up in the HoH Ian is walking to the door. Shane says he probably won't put Ian up because he needs that vote to help get Boogie out.

    02:11AM BBT Down in the Arcade Frank and Brit continues to chat. Frank says everyone is playing week to week and not thinking long term. Frank says "they" saw his face and wanted him in the house regardless of what he knew of the show and it just so happens that he started to win comps. Brit says she trusts Frank and she will see what happens on Monday. She doesn't know what Shane is going to do and she doesn't know what he's going to do. She trusts Frank she really does. She knows that if he gives her his word she'll trust him. Frank says does this mean that if I can talk to Shane in keeping Boogie would I have your vote? Brit says she could maybe see that.

    02:15AM BBT Frank wonders what America thinks of him. Brit says she wondered the same thing during her season but it's so hard to guess what's happening outside the house. Frank says Boogie told him that he can kiss the $25k away from America if he works with him this season.

    02:19AM BBT Ian and Jen in the BY talking rehashing previous comps. Back in the Arcade Frank telling Brit he doesn't trust Dan. Brit says "like he's condescending?" and Frank says yeah.

    02:24AM BBT Brit says the first couple weeks in the game are always so silly because you have to pick silly reasons as to why to put people up on the block whether it's because they leave towels out or they open 2 packs of cheese a day. Frank says Joe is another one that he doesn't trust. Brit calls him old eagle eye. She says he has 9 lives and he's probably up to number 6 or 7.

    02:28AM BBT Jen is talking to Ian telling him that she doesn't think Dan will be an easy sell next week. Ian agrees. Jen says Jani was making mistakes and getting caught up in her mistakes. Ian agrees saying taking Jani out was luck at that point. Ian says Boogie and he talked Frank out of putting Dan up because it was too early. Jen tells Ian that she would have told him to go for it. Jen says she's in a good spot and everyone talks to her.

  18. 03:18AM BBT Dan headed to bed in the SBR. Dani listening to Shane's CD in the HoH. Dani says Ian has to go out of their alliance first because he's a threat if he's sitting in the final 2. Shane asks why because he hasn't won any challenges specifically. Dani explains that HGs sometimes don't care how many comps you've won. Dani trying to flirt with Shane. Shane having none of it. Ash is up and peeks into the MBR and the BY looking for someone(s). Up in the HoH Dani asks Shane if he flirts with Ash. Shane says he doesn't ever talk to her.

    03:22AM BBT Ash brushing her teeth. Dani continuing her flirt/whining with Shane. Dani asks Shane if he will give her a back massage if she gives him one in return. Shane says no. Dani begs for the massage a bit more. Shane says tomorrow. Shane gives Dani a bit of grief about spending so much time with Wil. Shane mentions that he thinks Wil was straight (It's hard to read if he's serious). Shane goes onto say that he thought he was thinking about playing the "gay card" when he came in the house. He thought the girls would open up to him and he'd be able to pick them off. Dani disagrees. Dani starts to play fight with Shane and he tells her that he's too hot to be cuddled up with.

    03:26AM BBT Ian up and passes through the WA to use the WC. Ash doing nightly ADLs and greets him in a very chipper manner. "Hey Ian!" Ash says she just got out of DR. Ian stops at the sink to wash his hands, but not before touching Ash's shoulder. Ash says good night kiddo. Ian says he's going to medicate his foot first. Ash says sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite! Ian says he'll try not to. After medicating his foot, Ian is now headed into the darkened SBR.

    03:29AM BBT Random FoTH. (Dani may have started singing...she's been just waiting to burst out into song all night). Feeds are back. Dani rolls over and says she doesn't know why she hangs out up in the HoH. She's going to listen to a song and then go to bed. She says "talk to me Ludacris." and starts singing. We get FoTH. Shane gets up and sits down at his table to read his letter again, turning on the spy screen which is set to the KT table. Dani stays in his bed listening to the CD.

    03:33AM BBT Dani gets up and Shane says she doesn't have to go. Dani asks if he's going to bed so she can turn of the lights. Shane says no because he's going to look at the memory wall inconspicuously. Shane points out that he and Shane are the only two left at the top of their row. Dani says good night and stands their awkwardly in the door for a moment before Shane gets up and gives her a hug. One may call it reluctantly. Dani finally heads out of the HoH. Cams do not follow her. Cams 1 & 2 remain on Shane in HoH. Cams 3 & 4 on darkened SBR.

    03:37AM BBT Shane takes off his microphone, shirt and shorts and brushes his teeth. Shane flips off the lights and climbs into bed. He slips on the headphones and adjusts the spy screen to look at the KT table. You can faintly hear the music coming from his headphones.

    03:41AM BBT Dani in the WA brushing her teeth and washing her face. Shane continues to stare at the spy screen, looking at the KT table. (I'm thinking he may be waiting to see Dani walk through? Seems like an odd shot to watch this late at night.)

    03:46AM BBT Dani into the WC. Dani out of the WC and washes her hands before heading to bed. All four feeds now display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms with Shane still looking at the spy screen from his bed.

    03:54AM BBT Wil was evicted by a vote of 6-2. Shane won HoH in an endurance like competition called Slippery Slope. The Quack Pack met tonight (Shane, Ian, Dan, Brit, and Dani) and agreed that Frank and Boogie will be targeted this week. RT @murrkat7729: @mortystv was on vacay this week & I'm behind on the action! Who got evicted & who won hoh?! Help! I'm stuck on a train!! Need my bbfix!!!!

    03:57AM BBT We have a snorer that means business in the SBR right now.

    04:01AM BBT Awww, you're gonna make us blush like Ian anytime Ash pets his head...or talks to him for that matter! ;) RT @Tanyamking: @mortystv @CrystalT01 in the words of Frank " Fo Sho"! Thanks for all the updates u guys rock

    04:07AM BBT We now have snoring duet going on downstairs with another HG joining in. Both feeds of the SBR and MBR have the sound, so no idea who or where the new one is coming from. Shane is awake still in the darkened HoH room flipping through the feeds of the spy screen as he listens to his CD.

    04:14AM BBT Frank and Ian wake up and the snoring suspiciously stops. Frank says sorry and rolls over (They're in two different beds). The snoring begins again, this time again, sounding like the for first snorer. (Yes...this is what it has come down to...snoring reports. -Niteslacker)

    04:43AM BBT The snoring has long since stopped. Shane is still listening to his CD while looking at the spy screen. Just as I say this, he rolls over onto his side away from the screen.

    04:54AM BBT Shane up and out of bed and walks out his door going down into the KT. It looks like he grabbed himself a glass of water.

    05:06AM BBT Shane has closed his eyes, the feeds are no longer on his spy cam. On that note we are finished for the night. How will Boogie and Frank react to being on the block? Will Pandora's box somehow come into play? It's never too late to sign up for SuperPass! Use this referral link http://bit.ly/PcpmG0 our site will earn a commission! Or as always you can keep up on goings in the house by visiting our site http://bit.ly/O56rp!

  19. 02:06AM BBT Brit says Ian told him that Boogie told him to put up Shane if he won HoH tonight (in case it was a FF/Double Evict). Ian walks outside and Dani asks Ian what Shane should do. Ian starts to talk and Dani says to kill the conversation because Joe is coming out. Shane up in HoH after finishing cleaning (that's why Joe walked outside). Dani goes upstairs.

    02:09AM BBT Joe wanders back inside. Brit asks Ian about the convo he had with Boogie and Ian admits to "goofing" up and he tells Brit that Boogie told him that he was supposed to target Brit or Shane. Brit looks confused/annoyed as to why Ian told her something different earlier. Joe comes back out. Ian goes in to get a drink. Brit follows soon after.

    02:12AM BBT Dan left with Joe in the BY. Dan trying to knock 7 balls in all at once. Joe doesn't understand the purpose. Dan is just trying. Brit and Ian head into SR to chat. Brit is surprised why she is being targeted. Ian thinks it's because she is more slick than Shane. Brit tells Ian that Shane is worried about breaking his word by putting Frank/Boogie up. Ian scoffs and says Frank stayed a week and Shane stayed a week. Their word should be completed. Ian thinks duos will be introduced by Pandora's box. Brit disagrees. Ian says it's possible.

    02:14AM BBT Ian thinks Boogie should go home this week. He has $16K his time is up. Brit wants Frank to go home this week. Frank is coming after her. Ian says Boogie is coming after her. Frank is less slick then Boogie. Ian says Frank can win games and Boogie does his thinking for him. If Boogie goes then Frank will latch onto him.

    02:18AM BBT Shane out of DR laying in HoH bed with Dani. Shane sounds like he's trying to push to get Dan up. Dani now being whiny saying who's my best friend. Shane says Kara and dodges the question. After flirt arguing Shane says Dani got out Jani and he'll get out Boogie or Frank. Dani tells Shane that Jen and Ash are working together. Dani says Jen will go after Boogie because he said he was willing to trade her at one point. Shane says the Quack Pack is solid because they were top 4 for HoH tonight with Brit taking the free pass.

    02:20AM BBT Dan comes up to HoH and asks where everyone is. They don't know where Joe or Brit or Ian is. Joe comes up to HoH. Dan says he's going to take a shower. Dani tells Shane to act like she's asleep. Joe says he's going to bed. Dani enthusiastically tells him good night.

    02:24AM BBT Ian and Brit finished talking. Brit heads up to HoH. Brit tells them that Ian said "they are coming after us". Ian told her that Frank was at 50% of back dooring Dan. Dan says 60% of his DRs were about getting back doored last week. FoTH. Feeds back and Ian is in the room. Brit says they both are going to have to go on the block. Shane says that puts a lot of blood on his hands. Brit understands but if he doesn't do it this week and Shane takes out Ash or Joe this week then the two of them will do it next week.

    02:28AM BBT Ian says Boogie asked him who he was going to put up if he won it during the double evict. Ian says he wasn't sure. Boogie led off with Brit. Ian said no. Boogie then suggested Shane and Ian agreed. Dani asks Ian who should go home this week. Ian suggests Boogie because he has cash already. Brit says if any of them make it to the end with Boogie that they will win the money because Boogie already has $16K and is loaded outside the house. He owned one of the hottest night clubs (Ledeux? - Also that shouldn't really matter...but that's another conversation for another day).

    02:32AM BBT Ash and Joe whispering in the SR. Joe says Ash he and her can make it to the final 5-6 if they play their cards right. Ash agrees. Joe says he talked to Shane earlier about it. Joe says he told Shane that he would keep his word and he'd rather leave the game then flip on Shane again. He knows he'll go out of the game with integrity. Ash agrees. She says flipping every week makes her feel "Ewwwwy". Joe says Shane is a good person. Joe says she can't tell this to Ian or Jen. Joe says Jen scares him because she's tighter with Boogie than she's leading the house to believe. Joe says Shane asked him he could trust ASh. Ash says of course. Joe says he told Shane that she just needs protected. Ash says she doesn't want to work with Boogie. She says call her a floater. She'll just play stupid.

    02:36AM BBT Back in the HoH the Quack Pack is asking once more who they should send home this week. Dan, Brit, Dani, and Shane and Ian (reluctantly) agree that Frank should go this week because he's the power behind the Boogie team. If you take the strength out then all Boogie has nothing left. Brit says no one likes Boogie. Ian does. Ash corrects herself and says fine Ian does. He's the only one. Ian says once more "I'll do what you guys decide" and Dan makes sure to get Ian to understand that he's in on this decision as well. It's not just Ian going along with them. It's a group decision.

    02:40AM BBT Joe down in the KT getting himself a drink. Up in the HoH. Brit points out to look at the memory wall. Boogie has 4 colored pictures in his column. Brit says no offense Ian but look at that column two of the most physical players are in that column. Ian says to put his key dead last in the box for nominations. Shane agrees. Ian tells Dani that she made a great power play by getting Jani out.

    02:44AM BBT Joe headed into darkened MBR. Up in the HoH Ian is asking to not be picked if Shane gets HGs choice for PoV. Ian says if he does play and somehow win then he'll just say he can't decide who to take down and leave them both up. Brit says Frank has 9 lives in this game and he has to go and there's still a chance that he can win PoV and stay another week.

    02:51AM BBT Ian warns Shane that no matter what he is offered for Pandora's box that he should take it. Ian and Dan asks what is the worse that can happen. Talk turns to what he should say if he does get a prize for opening the box. Shane says he can say he won a date with Daniele Donato (BB8 and BB13). Ian and Brit suggests making a random amount of money up.

    02:56AM BBT Ian reminds Shane that he's not supposed to know about Boogie coming after them. Shane, Dani, Dan, and Brit tell Ian to calm down. Talk to turns DR and Ian lets it slip that he's done a couple of group DR sessions with Frank and Boogie. BB is not there to save the day and they ask what Ian has done with them. Ian explains the one he did with Frank and Boogie. Brief FoTH.

    03:05AM BBT http://bit.ly/P2qo4Y It's settled, the Quack Pack meeting breaks apart and they decide to target Frank and Boogie this week with the goal of Frank going home. Everyone heads off to bed.

    03:09AM BBT Dan and Dani meet up briefly and Dani tells Dan that she knew she could get in his ear and get him to target Frank. Dan says he knows but you have to watch Frank and Boogie because they managed to get in his ear the last time as well and almost got him to change his mind. Dani heads back to HoH and warns Shane not to use the purple comforter because she and Brit caught Joe taking care of business with himself in it two nights in a row. Dani swears Shane to secrecy. Shane asks how she knows. Dani says she and Brit heard it two nights in a row in the HNR because of the noises he was making. Dani says it was fairly obvious.



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