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Posts posted by niteslacker

  1. 10:34 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae are cuddled in the hammock with Andy standing nearby. They're wondering what kind of HoH that they're having tomorrow and why they aren't locked down yet. Judd and Spencer are on the couch in the BY chatting. Spencer thinks he and Judd have the most in common "workin' dudes that love the show". Spencer says he's told Judd this before and he's not saying it because he's on the block but he totally has his back.

    10:38 PM BBT Andy walks over to the couch and talk turns to how Judd is afraid people thinks he's stupid because of his accent or from where he's from. Andy brings up wondering why they aren't locked down yet. Andy and Spencer believes it's too early for a double eviction. Talk turns to Amanda and McCrae. Andy says he's ripping them apart if it is a double eviction. Andy says although now that he knows Judd and Jessie are a secret alliance he may do it to them instead. Judd laughs and says they're not.

    10:41 Pm BBT Talk in the hammock is about someone that made a comic book that became a TV show and is super popular now. Ax Cop? Talk back on the couch is about GinaMarie and how obsessed she is with Nick. Spencer says they're going to see a news report with pieces of him chopped up in the back of Seabring. Howard comes outside to join them. Andy says the talk show was a bit dangerous. Howard agrees. Spencer says "Yeah then some jerk off asked the bigot question!" Andy laughs.

    10:54 PM BBT Idle chit chat out in the BY. Jessie and Elissa joins Judd, Andy, and Spencer. Out in the hammock McCrae was talking about home and we get FoTH.

    10:59 PM BBT Brief period of FoTH. When the feeds are back Jeremy is on the couch in the BY eating and Jessie is now in the HT. She is trying to coax Candice to join her but Candice doesn't want to have to do her hair again. Spencer and Howard are now playing pool while Andy knocks a beach ball around the yard. In the house various HGs are hanging out eating.

    11:08 PM BBT Spencer mentions to Howard that Amanda is pissed at Jeremy for calling her a Jew twice tonight. Howard thought it was someone else she was pissed at. Spencer says "they" asked about him and Candice the other day and Spencer told them that she's just another vote for him. He's got stuff back at home that he doesn't want to ruin.

    11:12 PM BBT Andy and Aaryn are whispering in the lounge. Andy says one vote will probably to Spencer. Andy just wanted to reassure her that she should have zero votes and that she is more than welcome to come and chat with him any time. Aaryn gives Andy a hug and tells him thank you. Andy says the he's noticed she was becoming more distant with people today and Aaryn says she was concerned but she feels better now. Feeds switch to Kaitlin straddling Jeremy in the chair room on a bed. Kaitlin says he still has an ego problem. Back out at the pool table, Spencer and Howard continues.

    11:19 PM BBT Out in the HT Helen and Jessie are talking about local versus national news personalities. Helen says she'd love to do local. Jessie says you don't get paid well as a local host though "You don't even have someone to do your makeup!" Back in the chair room, Aaryn is talking with Kaitlin and Jeremy pointing out that they should probably go over things tonight because if they're not locked down yet then it's not going to be endurance. Kaitlin whispers to Jeremy that he'll get to come back.

    11:23 PM BBT Judd plays with a spider near the couch and Elissa's scream echos around the state. Candice, and Elissa scramble to get away. Jessie is out of the HT. Feeds switch to McCrae and Amanda on the hammock. Switching feeds...the lights are out in the chair room with Kaitlin laying on top of Jeremy and kissing. One of their heartbeats is coming through their mic loud and clear. They're whispering about how much they like each other and how he's going home tomorrow. Back out in the hammock...Amanda and McCrae continue to whisper to each other.

    11:38 PM BBT For the past 10 minutes or so we've had all four feeds on Jeremy/Kaitlin and McCrae/Amanda whispering sweet nothings to each other. Elissa comes and joins McCrae/Amanda on the hammock. Currently Kaitlin is telling Jeremy a story.

    11:45 PM BBT Helen, Andy, GinaMarie and Aaryn are on the couch in the BY chatting. Helen is trying to find a thick hair on top of her head to play "the violin" according to GinaMarie. In reality it sounds more like a guitar. Back at the hammock Andy has joined them. Talk turns to how much Amanda disliked the talk show tonight.

  2. 09:34 PM BBT The Rosco Show has begun. The five hosts are Helen, Candice, Jessie, Elissa and GinaMarie. They start off by introducing themselves. Topic turns to GinaMarie making up Helen and Elissa as a Guidette earlier in the week. Helen introduces Andy for the weather segment. Andy: "Today was hot...tonight...will be a little less hot." The HGs erupt in laughter. Next segment up is the fashion report. Some of the HGs picked out an outfit and put it in the lounge. Aaryn brings them out one at a time and everyone tries to figure out who's piece belongs to whom. Next up...the Sporting it up with Howard and GinaMarie.

    09:43 PM BBT Howard invites the inventor of BandanaBall up. McCrae comes up and Howard asks how a bandanaball is made. Howard invites the reigning champ up (Judd). GinaMarie brings up that Nick was the reigning champ but he's no longer around. Judd says he's the reigning champ. Amanda wonders how Nick got brought up in the sports segment. Howard invites him to stand up and give them a demonstration of his throwing technique. Elissa asks if Judd is going to try out for the Olympics. Judd says it's possible. Jessie asks if Judd is single and the house erupts. Talk turns to the new sports craze rocking the BB house...beach volleyball. Helen thanks Howard.

    09:49 PM BBT The next segment is the Have-not report with Andy. Andy invites Judd up and asks how he's doing. Judd says it's horrible. Andy asks if there's anything that has made it better. Judd says America gave them Grapefruit and Guacamole. Andy asks how Guacamole is without chips. Judd says it's horrible. McCrae is next up. Andy asks how he's doing. McCrae says he's surviving especially with the help of Amanda. Andy asks how Jessie is doing. Jessie says she a mid-week slop freak out and she managed to burn herself by grabbing a pan. Andy says "...and our last interview...oh...we're out of time! Sorry Amanda!"

    09:53 PM BBT Next up is Elissa's food segment. She pulls out a large container of protein, a bag of lay's chips and a container of slop. She asks which is the healthier food. Someone guesses slop. Elissa says yes. Elissa's exercise tip is about twisting your spine which releases something in your body that helps give you energy. Commercial break. McCrae and Amanda get up and do a commercial for slop. "Honey your home!" "Yes and I brought slop!"

    09:58 PM BBT Next up is an investigative segment. This week's topic is "The Moving Company". Everyone boos them as they take their place behind the counter. GinaMarie runs in and sets Nick's glasses and hat and set them down next to McCrae. Spencer says the glasses belong to one of their previous members Craig <something-or-other> and he's married with 2 kids and is from Colorado. Andy asks TMC if they are bigots because...well...they left the gay guy out of the alliance.

    10:02 PM BBT The next segment is Keeping it Real with Candi. She calls up Aaryn and McCrae and they discuss the their showmance. Next up Aaryn is called up. Candice asks what Aaryn thinks is her most important lesson she's learned in the house. Aaryn: "To invest in a muzzle". Candice thanks Aaryn. Next up Candice calls GinaMarie. Candice says GinaMarie knew the Shadyfreak known as Craig in the house. GinaMarie talks a bit about him. She says they're having a memorial service on Friday and they're going to lay him to rest in Shadyfreak lane. Amanda goes outside to have a cigarette.

    10:07 PM BBT Amanda comes in as GinaMarie finishes talking to Candice. GinaMarie starts the next segment "Mazel of the week". It was voted on and Helen wins it for saying "Freak you I get to see my kids!" The final segment is about showmances. Jeremy is leading this segment asking A or B questions about the showmance partners. McCrae and Amanda answer differently they don't get the points. Next question is soft/sloppy kisses. The audience gets to chose the last question. Jeremy asks Andy to say one. Helen says oral or normal sex. There's a lot of voices laughing and talking. GinaMarie and Aaryn are playing and their points aren't counting. Segment is over. The five hosts return to their seats. Helen thanks their sponsor "Big Brother Slop". The show concludes.

    10:15 PM BBT The house breaks off with various people humming "The Roscoe Show". Aaryn is making coffee cake for Howard. Jeremy whispers to Helen that he talked to GinaMarie and she was willing to vote out Aaryn this week.

  3. amandandmccraekissing.jpg

    Early morning make-out session.


    Are they eating...or making out beneath the blanket. You decide!


    Almost 5 am BBT now. These two are going strong.


    Yes that's slop they're cooking. No, it's not 4pm. It's 4 am!


    Jeremy and Kaitlin making out beneath the blanket in the hammock.


    Jeremy and Kaitlin snoozing in the hammock.

  4. ***Twitter Reply*** RT @JulieBouche: Going to have big brother withdrawal this week !! Missing live episode!! @CBSBigBrother @BigBroLiveFeeds @mortystv Good luck! That's a difficult thing to have to do! Good luck!

    12:07 AM BBT Talk has been everywhere in the kitchen. Judd has been repeating everything that GinaMarie says for about 5 minutes now. Elissa asks GinaMarie why she didn't want to do Nick's memorial tonight. GinaMarie says it can wait until Friday. The entire time Judd is still repeating her. It's quite humorous. Feeds switch out to the BY with Candice, Howard and Helen sitting in the hammock. Helen is talking about how great it would have been to play with the coaches from last season. Helen says being HoH is so amazing. She goes from watching at home to actually being in the BB house and winning HoH. Helen really hopes everyone gets a chance to win at least once.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @JulieBouche: @mortystv @CBSBigBrother soo difficult! No tv where I'm going! Ill stay tuned through twitter! #thankgod #hugefan is jer staying? Or going? - Absolutely! We'll be here for you! As for who is going home...it still looks like Jeremy but there's still a day and half for him to go. He's campaigning his tail off though. We'll see!

    12:16 AM BBT (My browser crashed...picking up in the BY). Jessie has joined Helen, Candice and Howard. Helen is telling everyone that she told Jeremy that he's been a bully and she went to high school with people like him. Jeremy wanders into the BY so Candice shushes her and he asks to take a seat with them. They agree. Helen and Jeremy want to bum a cigarette off someone. Jessie and Candice tell her not to. Talk turns to drugs. Jeremy says if he knew that he was going to die at a certain day/time that he would like to shoot up heroin at least once just to say he tried it. Jessie has no interest in trying heroin and Jeremy says he doesn't either...but if he were to know when he was going to die...

    12:20 AM BBT Switching feeds...it appears that Judd is now mimicking everything Andy says and does. This goes on in the WA and into the lounge where Amanda and McCrae are sitting. Amanda called to DR. Andy (and Judd...) begs for Judd to be called to DR. Andy starts tapping his mic repeatedly and Judd starts as well. Andy says Judd needs a penalty nom. Andy runs out into the BY and Judd gives chase. In the KT they pick up GinaMarie. After a few minutes of this Andy climbs onto the stair-steppers and says he'll do it the rest of the night. GinaMarie wraps her arms around him and says she's going to hold him down and that Andy should run. Andy runs...right into the door hitting his knee. They go into the lounge and Judd says he's exhausted.

    12:28 AM BBT Out in the hammock...Elissa is having a conversation with Jeremy saying that arrogance is a cover-up for being immature. Helen agrees. Jeremy says maybe outside of the house he'll be able to realize what's going on. Elissa says maybe his heart isn't full. The topic is about his biological father. Candice is also in the hammock. Jessie comes out and says she's going to sleep. Everyone wishes her goodnight. Out on the couch in the BY Aaryn and Kaitlin are sitting. Aaryn says "He/That makes me nervous..." and we get a FoTH (probably in relation to the conversation going on in the hammock).

    12:33 AM BBT Feeds are back and Aaryn is in the KT talking to Amanda. Amanda says she knows everything that was said and what is being said. She's fine and not to worry about it. Talk continues in the hammock about growing through experience. Helen points out that Kaitlin is out on the couch waiting for him. Jeremy didn't realize she was sitting out there. Kaitlin says Aaryn got called to the DR so she was left by herself. There's a small party in the lounge consisting of Spencer, Amanda, McCrae, GinaMarie, Judd, and Howard. Candice stops in on her way to go pee. Helen comes into the lounge and Judd says she's drunk. Helen asks if there's any more beer. Andy makes fun of her chipperness. They talk about how when she called everyone for the nomination ceremony she was really happy and they said "Yeah...that's not quite what we're looking for Helen...it's more of a somber moment...".

    12:43 AM BBT Out in the KT McCrae and Elissa are talking about the muffins she made. Talk turns to the slop diet. Elissa asks if Season 6 really lost a lot of weight because Rachel said everyone in her season said they gained weight. McCrae doesn't remember but he's not sure how they'd know that without a scale. <Crickets> Talk turns back to the slop diet. Out on the couch in the BY Kaitlin is telling Jeremy that Howard is throwing comps because you said you don't have to win the first half of the season. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that he needs to point out these things that Aaryn is saying. Jeremy questions why Helen brought her up to the HoH earlier...because he told her everything Aaryn was saying and Helen wanted to reassure her that things are going to be ok. Kaitlin hates that Jeremy came in acting so aggressive because she can't fix it. His mom apparently told him to even mellow out. Jeremy says he can't lose.

    12:49 AM BBT Jeremy says putting Helen and Elissa up last week was a big mistake. Kaitlin says "Weird...didn't I spend two days trying to convince you and Aaryn that?" Jeremy says he thought he had TMC behind him. Someone comes outside and starts playing pool. Kaitlin wants to go lay in the hammock. Jeremy is going pee first. Up in the HoH Andy is talking to Helen. Helen says to send McCrae up so she can tell them.

    12:51 AM BBT Andy goes to the balcony and calls McCrae up. McCrae is down in the KT talking to Elissa. Elissa says she had no interest in cosmetology but someone at school (or maybe her friend) told her that she was taking these classes and doing their nails everyday. Elissa said she was like "My parents won't pay for my nails I should totally do this!" She says she still has her license for hair extensions and etc. McCrae heads up to the HoH. Helen tells McCrae that Jeremy just threw out all the names of the folks that needed protecting (I don't find this difficult to believe...the house keeps referencing the line with Jeremy, Kaitlin, Aaryn, and GinaMarie and everyone on the other side...it's not rocket science...)

    12:56 AM BBT Amanda comes in and Helen starts rehashing the convo with Jeremy that she was sharing with McCrae. Jeremy told her (Helen) that he went to Judd, Amanda, McCrae and Andy and was talking to them. Amanda says that's not how the conversation went with them. Helen says Elissa stood up for herself when Jeremy asked for a second chance and Elissa said "I gave you second chance but you wiped my hat on your rear!" Talk turns to Jeremy throwing everyone under the bus and laying things on thick. Just before Amanda walked in Helen was telling McCrae that she (Helen) told him that he might need to vote out Kaitlin first and he said ok. McCrae pointed out that if he were to flip on her like that then what is to stop him from flipping on them.

    01:03 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the hammock Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jeremy are sitting down. (Honestly...she was complaining about something...but it escaped my mind.) Aaryn heads inside and Jeremy comments on her burning something. Aaryn says Elissa had the heat on too high and she had placed the muffins on the bottom rack. Aaryn away. Jeremy and Kaitlin begin kissing again. Meanwhile over on the couch the other love birds (Amanda and McCrae) are sitting on the couch smoking. McCrae says he doesn't get a good read on Aaryn. Amanda feels like she does get a good read on her.

    01:09 AM BBT Judd comes out and they start talking about food. Back at the hammock Aaryn is talking to Jeremy and Kaitlin again and she sings "<something> teamwork!" and BB calls her out quickly to stop singing. She says "No!" and makes a snarling face at the cams. Jeremy and Kaitlin begin making out again under the blankets...and Kaitlin lets out a soft moan. Back on the couch Aaryn joins Judd and McCrae and talk turns to Aaryn and GinaMarie's brief spat in the KT earlier. Amanda comes out with one of the slop muffins that Elissa made. Elissa says the muffins are more muffiny when you dunk them in the chocolate milk.

    01:15 AM BBT (I had the feeds minimized and we had a brief FoTH...when the feeds came back I could hear what sounded like people making out. I was fearful that the feeds were switched to Kaitlin and Jeremy...Judd spoke up and I maximized the feeds and all four feeds were on the couch in the BY...and it's either Amanda or McCrae eating. It's an awful sound. Jeremy called to DR. Spencer joins McCrae, Amanda, and Judd on the couch. Aaryn comes out with a slop muffin and tries it and cries out in disgust.

    01:23 AM BBT Kaitlin comes outside and says she's got to pee and she almost walked into the WC with someone in there. Talk in the BY turns to what people would see if they walked in with guys standing or girls sitting. Up in the HoH Elissa, Helen Candice and GinaMarie are chatting. Kaitlin runs in and asks if she can use the bathroom. Helen says McCrae is in there. She waits a few minutes and he finally comes out. She runs in and McCrae walks out. Howard asks McCrae who is in there as he's leaving. Howard walks in. Several conversations going on a time. Elissa and Candice talking about education/career. Helen, Howard and Andy are talking about something and GinaMarie is just kinda watching before Helen includes her by asking her something.

    01:29 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY we return to Spencer asking about a sexual preference and Aaryn cracks up saying Spencer never ceases to cross the line. Kaitlin says she's asexual. Someone asks what that means. Kaitlin means that she isn't really attracted to either sex. Spencer says "That's a shame for someone as fine as you!" Talk turns to sexual maturity. Up in the HoH they are talking about creating a show when they get out, similar to The Talk but later in the afternoon. Different HGs will take different parts. Oh...they're going to do it tomorrow evening. (It doesn't get much better than this folks...).

    01:36 AM BBT Kaitlin called to DR. Out in the BY McCrae and Amanda are off the couch. Aaryn, Spencer, and Judd are chatting. Aaryn is trying to get Judd to do an impression and apparently he's bad at it. Spencer does an impression "I'm Aaryn and I'm critical of people's impressions!" Aaryn is thoroughly amused with herself and laughing quite hysterically. Up in the HoH talk continues about their news program they're going to put on tomorrow night. They're talking about names for their show. Candice thinks it should be called BBTalk and GinaMarie says "We should all come up with a name and see what's the best..." Andy laughs saying "Your name is great but we want better!"

    01:42 AM BBT Andy is running through the showmances in the house this season: Kaitlin and Jeremy, Aaryn and David, Amanda and McCrae, GinaMarie and Nick, Jessie and Judd, and Candice and Howard. Andy says this leaves 4 people in the house not in a shomance with 2 of the 4 being married (Spencer and Elissa). Judd comes in and Helen tells Judd what they discovered and Judd says he's not in a showmance. Helen says you don't have to kiss but just like spending time with the person.

    01:46 AM BBT Out in the BY Aaryn, Spencer and Jeremy are still talking about sex. We'll leave out the details...this is (mostly) a family feed after all. Up in the HoH they're now talking about previous seasons of BB. Andy heads downstairs and tells Amanda and McCrae in the lounge room about the show they're planning for tomorrow night. Candice joins the group.

    01:56 AM BBT BY talk is still between Spencer, Aaryn and Jeremy and the topic is still about sex. Spencer says he loves talking with people about sex...he likes hearing where everyone stands. Candice comes back into the lounge and Amanda just randomly asks her if crabs are white or black. Candice says they're black. Amanda asks if they crawl around. Candice says you use cream and they just come out. Candice goes into detail with her story about how she knows. Andy turns the conversation "Hey Candice do you remember when the Mad Hatter was real issue?" Candice says Aaryn told her that Spencer told her it happened.

    02:07 AM BBT The talk out in the BY has been joined by Kaitlin. The subject at hand...is still sex. Switching feeds Judd is up in the HoH talking to Helen and Elissa. Judd is asking if she (Helen) has a final four deal with Kaitlin. Helen says no...final six at best. Judd also asks whether Jeremy is still the target this week. Helen says yes.

    02:15 AM BBT Judd is up in the HoH pitching to get GinaMarie out before jury because she'll be a bitter jury member. Helen makes the recommendation to get Howard out saying the house wants Howard out more next week. Judd says Howard is scrambling anyway. Elissa just agrees with everything Helen says and backs up Helen when she questions Judd about things he's asking/suggesting. Down in the BY...still sex talk. Jeremy is questioning about Kaitlin about her being asexual. "You're not attracted to anyone?" Kaitlin says "I'd be attracted to you if you kept your mouth shut". Aaryn starts telling a story and Spencer chimes in "Oh hey! We need to have a wet t-shirt contest tomorrow!" Aaryn says no because she doesn't have any boobs. GinaMarie is out there now. She's asking if asexual is a real thing.

    02:20 AM BBT Up in the HoH Judd is talking about Aaryn's week of HoH. Judd says Aaryn almost put him on slop but then put other people on it instead. He says she talked to him after that and told him that he screwed her over. Judd understood...and he voted Nick out later that week. Elissa and Helen laugh. Judd says that Aaryn told him today that he's screwed her over so much over the past couple of weeks so he really doesn't want to put her on the block. Helen says she wants Jessie to make it to jury because she deserves. Helen asks Elissa if she agrees because Jessie's vote could have sent her home. Elissa: "Mmmhmmm..."

    02:28 AM BBT Howard sticks his head in the door and says he's going to go to bed. Judd doesn't want to keep the girls up any longer so he excuses himself. Judd stops by and talks to Howard in the KT and Howard says they'll talk in the morning. Judd asks if everything is cool. Howard says yep. Howard heads into the darkened colorful room. Up in the HoH Elissa and Helen have turned off the lights and they are also heading to bed. Switching feeds...Aaryn, GinaMarie, Spencer, Judd, Jeremy and Kaitlin are chatting. Jeremy and Kaitlin are mumbling and whispering to themselves. The others talk marriage and what it means. Aaryn says even if she is getting in her dress and she is not tearing up and filled with joy to get married then she'll have to walk away.

    02:36 AM BBT Talk continues about marriage/divorce rates with Kaitlin and Jeremy whispering to each other. Judd is going to be heading to bed soon. GinaMarie hopes Judd feels better soon. She says he's been a zombie all day. Judd heads inside. Talk turns to why Jeremy has been snoring...Jeremy says he's been sleeping on his back because his shoulder hurts. Meanwhile elsewhere in the house...Amanda and McCrae are in the lounge chatting. Amanda says she wears the pants in the relationship.

    02:43 AM BBT Judd joins Amanda and McCrae in the lounge and is telling them Howard and he will talk tomorrow. McCrae wonders what he's up to. Amanda says she's confident in their side so she isn't worried. Judd knows GinaMarie is going to get HoH. Amanda says they looked at the wall today and there's only 5 of them that hasn't been on the block yet this season...Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Andy and Howard. Judd points out it's the Goof Troop plus Howard. Judd says Jessie wants to talk to them tomorrow and Amanda says that's fine. McCrae is going to use the restroom. Idle chit chat in the BY. Kaitlin is going to make Jeremy a taco. Spencer is about to go to bed. Aaryn says Thursday is going to suck waiting to feel like you're going to vomit.

    02:47 AM BBT Amanda says she'd rather backdoor Howard but they'll just have to see how the HoH falls. McCrae comes back in. Judd rehashes the conversation between GinaMarie and Aaryn earlier. Jeremy is eating a taco. Switching feeds...Judd has left the lounge and Amanda and McCrae are just laying silently.

    02:54 AM BBT Judd is back outside and we're listening to Kaitlin eat a taco now. Amanda and McCrae continue to lie in the lounge without speaking. Feeds jump around...and we're listening to GinaMarie eat something. Switching outside...Aaryn is no longer outside. Kaitlin's eating is still obnoxious. Talk is about books (?! I'm just as shocked as you are!). Aaryn comes back out complaining that someone stashed soda and salsa in one of the cabinets and she's been looking for the salsa for days. "Who does that?!" (One word. "Wine". Or "Whine" works as well).

    03:04 AM BBT Spencer is going to go to bed soon. Talk briefly turns to Kaitlin being in a music video called "Bounce". It may or may not have been a mature music video. Aaryn calls Kaitlin out saying she was telling the story and she corrected Aaryn saying "I didn't say that..." and Aaryn said "Yes you did and I told them..." and Kaitlin said "But you exaggerated what I did..." and Aaryn says "Whatever...no I didn't..." Switching feeds Spencer has joined Amanda and McCrae in the lounge.

    03:12 AM BBT Spencer asks McCrae and Amanda if they hid the salsa and the soda in the SR. They say no. Spencer tells them someone's stash has been discovered. McCrae says he was looking for the salsa. Brief FoTH. Feeds back and all of them are on these three in the lounge.

    03:19 AM BBT McCrae gets up and closes the lounge door and he and Spencer start talking game. They worry that GinaMarie may get a lucky HoH win and it'll be so lucky and dangerous. McCrae thinks Kaitlin may win the season. McCrae says the person that is setting up the comps this season is the same one that ran them last year and last year was his first year...or so he hears. Spencer asks McCrae if he's heard anything that he should be worried about. McCrae has not and says Jeremy is almost set in stone now. They just want to keep him calm. McCrae says they're not going to tell him until Thursday morning. Amanda comes in and asks if bouillon is a condiment. She's going to check the list.

    03:24 AM BBT We have feeds in the BY again and it's just Judd and Aaryn discussing previous seasons of BB. Back in the lounge Spencer asks what the thinking was behind putting him up as a pawn over Howard. McCrae isn't sure but "they" really like Howard. Spencer continues to probe McCrae for information about his thoughts on various things going on in the house. Spencer says he was told he should make it to jury...obviously he wants to go further. They discuss how awesome of a name that they wasted on TMC.

    03:33 AM BBT These guys are still going strong! Aaryn comes into lounge with Amanda whom is trying to concoct a new recipe. Meanwhile out in the BY GinaMarie is talking to Judd. GinaMarie is going to ask Helen if she can give a sympathy vote to Jeremy by voting Spencer out. "She's head of house...I don't want her coming after me. Judd points out she won't be HoH next week. GinaMarie tells Judd she was mad at him because she would've rather known that he was going home. GinaMarie says "He never told me he liked me..." but then she turns around and says she asked him and he said yes but she doesn't know if she is lying. Judd tries to explain how TMC moved its members to opposite corners of the house to create alliances that way.

    03:41 AM BBT GinaMarie and Judd continue talking in the BY. Rehashing things from the season and strategies they came into the house with. GinaMarie said a friend of hers told her not to win comps early. Back in the lounge...Amanda, McCrae and Spencer continue to chat. Amanda leaves the room for a moment and Spencer says "She seems to be on board with me". McCrae agrees.

    03:48 AM BBT Talk in the lounge continues to be general rehashing of previous alliances and events in the house between Amanda, McCrae and Spencer. Spencer wonders if anyone is going to get brought in to their fold. McCrae says Judd would bring Jessie whom is a wild card. Howard would have Candice...not to mention everyone might have an alliance member in jury which is still a bad thing. More rehashing of thoughts and ideas. Meanwhile out in the hammock Jeremy and Kaitlin have their eyes closed. BB reminds HGs that bedrooms are for sleeping. Also meanwhile...GinaMarie has Judd on the couch in BY talking to him explaining to him the difference in lying. "Judd...is that your cup? Say yes..." Judd: "Yes." GinaMarie: "No it's not...it's mine. That's lying."

    03:55 AM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin are going to bed. GinaMarie says she and Judd are going to bed soon. GinaMarie explaining to Judd that Nick would have owned the HoH the night he was evicted because he knew the seconds questions exactly just like Helen. Judd says he would have become a nom that week. Meanwhile inside...Amanda is making slop at 4 AM. Once again...Amanda is making slop at 4 AM BBT! McCrae starts beatboxing and we get FoTH.

    04:01 AM BBT GinaMarie and Spencer are heading to bed. Judd is heading to the WC. Amanda and McCrae goes to the BY to eat their slop. McCrae starts rehashing the conversation he was having with Spencer basically probing him for information. Candice and Howard are sleeping on Feed 3. Jeremy and Kaitlin sleeping on Feed 4. FoTH.

    04:07 AM BBT Judd out in the BY rehashing his conversation with GinaMarie to McCrae and Amanda. Judd says he tried to hint to GinaMarie that winning HoH this week might be dangerous and you'd end up having people mad at you no matter who you put up. He's not sure if she realized it...but it was worth a shot. Now they begin to run scenarios for the week.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @Markeene: @mortystv WC? WA? Plz - WC is water closet (aka: toilet) and WA is wash area (aka: common washroom where the showers/sinks/lounger is).

    04:20 AM BBT Amanda wants to go brush her teeth. Judd wants to brush his as well. Amanda says now that she has a full belly she's ready for bed. Before going to bed they try to figure out how they're going to store the extra slop she made.

    04:28 AM BBT Amanda wants to make out in the lounge before they go to sleep.

    04:34 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae make-out pretty hard core and she finally asks if he wants her to get off. He says whimpers out a yes. She gets up saying she's sweaty and asks what's wrong because he has a look in her eyes. He says "The game". Amanda asks "You're thinking about the game right now? Awesome! You should be going with what your other head is thinking!" Talk turns to whether Jeremy has the votes in between the two of them shoving their tongues down their throats.

    04:43 AM BBT (You probably thought they were through didn't you? Yeah...me either.) The make-out session continues in between words of encouragement from Amanda telling McCrae to settle down and enjoy the ride this week. This week should be the easiest week they get.

    04:50 AM BBT Now Amanda is whispering sweet nothings in his ears apparently of the naughty nature because McCrae says "They can still hear you..." She disagrees. She whispers again and he says they can still hear you.

    04:54 AM BBT McCrae wants to go to bed. Amanda asks him as a superfan what he's always wanted to do inside the house. Amanda suggests skinny dipping. They can pull their clothes off inside the pool if they want to remain decent. McCrae declines and suggests on his birthday. Amanda calls him a dud. Talk turns to how long they've had in the house and what they have left.

    04:59 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae are finally heading off to bed but not before sneaking in a few more kisses.

  5. 10:20-10:45 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae told Judd about Helen telling Jeremy about who to protect in their alliance. Judd is shocked but then wonders if she told him about the "Goof Troop" and Amanda has to explain that Goof Troop is a separate alliance (consisting of Judd, Andy, Amanda and McCrae). Judd is glad she clarified this for him. Amanda told Andy and he is shocked as well. He says it's very boneheaded for him to do. Amanda thinks Helen as HoH should listen instead of talking so much. Amanda recommends that Andy be in the HoH with Helen at all times. Andy tells Amanda that yesterday Helen insinuated that everyone hated Howard in front of Spencer and he was thinking to himself "Stop!"

    10:57 PM BBT Down in the WA Judd is whispering to Aaryn asking why "she" would throw out names of people she wants to protect especially since she can't play HoH. Aaryn tells Judd that she heard Howard has been throwing comps. Judd doesn't think Howard threw the BBQ sauce comp...he was just bad at it. Talk turns to Howard being a pro football player. Aaryn says there's no way he could be in the house and still play ball during the off season.

    11:00 PM BBT Judd wants to talk to Helen without Andy around because he pops in everywhere everyone is in. Aaryn agrees and says he's a nice enough guy but he's annoying. GinaMarie comes in and asks Aaryn where she's been all day and that she should come outside to watch the volleyball game. Aaryn says she's tired. GinaMarie agrees but she wants to wait to tire out. GinaMarie leaves and Aaryn tells Judd that she feels like he's one of the few people he can go talk to without him running off and talking to someone.

    11:03 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda, McCrae, and Andy continue to chat. Amanda thinks Howard has to be backdoored. Andy and McCrae agree. Andy wonders who he would put up first. He'd hate to put up GinaMarie and Amanda says "You have to tell her that she's not the target". McCrae and Amanda head down to smoke. Andy says he'll be down in a few. Back in the WA Judd and Aaryn continue to talk. Judd is ready for the MVP thing to be done. He doesn't think Elissa would put him up. Aaryn says she doesn't think he would either. Judd asks if McCrae was ever MVP because he heard so. He doesn't think he was. Aaryn doesn't know.

    11:09 PM BBT Judd and Aaryn continue to whisper in the WA. Judd continues to weave tales/bond with Aaryn. He's beginning to trip over his words when she quizzes him over who said what. Judd is going to push for her to stay here as long as he can. Aaryn says she'll do the same for him. Judd says she's like a sister. Aaryn says the people she thought were her alliance...well...it sucks.

    11:14 PM BBT Out in the hammock Spencer is having his Jessie time chatting about Marilyn and her friends. Back in the WA Judd and Aaryn get up. Feeds switch to the KT where Kaitlin is bringing in the alcohol while in her underwear. There's a white comforter on the floor. Apparently she dropped it off and ran for the SR when she heard about it. Aaryn and Kaitlin pour themselves their drinks first and then Kaitlin sticks her head out and tells everyone.

    11:18 PM BBT Jessie and Spencer are swinging in the hammock listening to Helen talk about the size of an engagement ring (3x a guy's salary pre-tax). Spencer laughs and tells Marilyn to turn the internet off. Jessie laughs. Aaryn tells Spencer to go eat fudge (not really those words ;) Feeds switch to McCrae and Amanda in the lounge. Amanda says she likes when everyone goes to bed and they stay up and make out. It's her favorite time of day. Amanda mentions production and we get FoTH. Feeds back and she says "...but there's no live feed in Sequester.." and we get more FoTH. McCrae says it's a nice house and you get books to read and such. Amanda asks if you get to talk to family and McCrae tells her no.

    11:24 PM BBT Out in the KT everyone is drinking. Meanwhile Andy and Judd join Amanda and McCrae in the lounge. McCrae says "Goof Troop assemble!" Judd asks if we're still voting out Jeremy. Amanda and McCrae agree that they are. Amanda called out by BB for obstructing her mic. Now she's fiddling with it to make it better (it's not...). Judd says Aaryn and Spencer are paranoid that they might be going home this week. Andy says he needs to calm down. Andy says he waited like 20 minutes in the HoH for Helen but she never came. Judd wonders if she was on ecstasy when she talked to Jeremy. Judd points out that Jeremy tells Kaitlin everything.

    11:29 PM BBT Andy says he's going to join the rest of the house as to not arise suspicion. Judd says it's irritating that there is booze out in the KT right now, he thinks America wants nothing more than to see them sober. McCrae wishes they could be on a liquid diet so they could drink booze. Judd walks out and Amanda and McCrae start kissing. Out in the KT GinaMarie, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Elissa and Andy are drinking and chatting. Elissa is going to make slop muffins for the have-not. Jeremy starts singing and we get FoTH.

    11:37 PM BBT Howard, and Spencer are in the hammock and Candice comes and squeezes her way in. Andy and Aaryn shotgun a beer and off camera it sounds like GinaMarie crushes the can on her forehead. Howard asks Candice if she sees how good Aaryn is being these days. Spencer says she's very domesticated now. Candice says the next time Aaryn is HoH the bed flipper will be back. Howard doubts it because she doesn't have the support behind her any more. Candice says Aaryn was squirming earlier because Jeremy was up talking to Helen in the HoH for a long time.

    11:42 PM BBT Candice says if Kaitlin wins HoH then she'll be up. Howard points out the MVP nom will save you then because they'll go home. Talk turns to what the HoH could be this week. Spencer's fear is that Jeremy only needs to sway three votes. Candice doesn't think Andy, Jessie, Judd, Elissa...maybe Amanda and McCrae. Candice says McCrae's too smart though because if Jeremy stays then he's going to start winning everything. Meanwhile back in the lounge feeds switch to McCrae saying "My girlfriend doesn't like me drinking..." Amanda corrects "...your ex-girlfriend..." "Yeah...my ex-girlfriend..."

    #BB15 11:46 PM BBT Jeremy and Judd finally have their long awaited one on one chat in the WA? Jeremy is telling Judd that he told Amanda and McCrae that he told them that Judd originally told him that "He said he'd vote with the house...so if you all want to keep me around and send another target home this week..." Jeremy asks Judd for reassurance. "Did I cross the line? Did I say too much...is that a lie?" Judd simply says "Yeah..."

    11:50 PM BBT Judd tells Jeremy that it sucks that the house has people that don't want to stay and Jeremy wants too though. Back in the lounge Amanda and McCrae are chatting about previous endurance HoH comps. "Remmy could stay up there because she didn't have any weight on her." Judd comes in and asks where Helen is. Judd tells them that Jeremy was just rehashing the conversation they had with him earlier. Judd says everyone wonders where Helen is. "Do you think it's a diamond power of veto?" Amanda and laughs. Amanda tells Judd to come find them whenever Howard talks to him tonight (Oh! That's the conversation we're waiting on tonight!)

    11:58 PM BBT Out in the KT talk has turned to Nick and whether he's a professional rollerblader. Jeremy says there's no way. He would know. Elissa is chiming in on this and Jeremy asks her if the two of them could have figured it out. Elissa agrees. GinaMarie says Judd made it up. Judd defends himself and says no way. Aaryn makes the mistake and says something along the lines of "You don't know everything about him". GinaMarie gets loud and clarifies that she's never said she knows everything about it. Aaryn says she just did. A hush falls over the crowd. GinaMarie says the kid never told her everything. Elissa says she has a secret to admit...she also went to Yale. 2-3 other people chime in and says they all did as well. Elissa says CBS brought in their first Ivy League cast of BB. Aaryn and GinaMarie apologize to each other.

  6. 12:00 AM BBT Kaitlin shushes GinaMarie mid sentence and says she wants to listen to whatever conversation is being had on the couch across the yard. You can faintly hear Jessie and Elissa's voice. Something about a shoulder. Kaitlin goes back to bashing the house for evicting Jeremy, while GinaMarie bashes the girls with the squeaky voices because those are the kind of girls she can't stand. Meanwhile back in the HoH Spencer is explaining how The Moving Company was created. Helen is still shocked that was going on without anyone realizing. Helen says without Jeremy in that alliance it might have worked.

    12:10 AM BBT Up in the HoH idle chit chat. Elissa joins them. Helen wonders about what people are going to do about hair. Elissa says Rachel told her someone came in to do her hair and then her hair fell out. Back out in the hammock Aaryn has returned to join Kaitlin and GinaMarie. Discussion is about MVP. Kaitlin says McCrae won MVP last week and put Jeremy up and Elissa won it this week. Aaryn and GinaMarie heard McCrae won it two weeks in a row but GinaMarie doesn't know how. Kaitlin says McCrae was an underdog. GinaMarie says he's not an underdog. Talk turns to PoV and how they suspect something fishy is going on. Feeds aren't being cut yet. They're beating around the bush. GinaMarie points out that they didn't get to watch each other. Aaryn says she there's no way she was beat by Candice. GinaMarie says "Do you really think her fat bottom could get up and down that quickly?" (She didn't really say fat bottom....)

    12:18 AM BBT Jeremy gets out of the DR and they call Kaitlin in. She's going to do her makeup first. GinaMarie again refers to Candice's fat bottom not being able to get up on the trampoline that quickly multiple times. GinaMarie argues that no one got to watch the PoV. Aaryn points out that in individual contests like this nobody gets to watch. GinaMarie disagrees. Aaryn tries to explain that it's happened in seasons past this way. GinaMarie continues to argue saying people should be able to watch. Aaryn gives up or simply finally caves in saying she agrees with GinaMarie and she (Aaryn) feels so gullible. Aaryn asks GinaMarie to come in with her while she cooks something. GinaMarie is going to hold the hammock for Jeremy and Kaitlin to return so no one takes it.

    12:24 AM BBT Andy, McCrae and Amanda are talking about the mystery votes and that they should keep Candice around because she is such an emotional player and she'll be going after people. Amanda compares Candice to GinaMarie saying they're both emotional and nuts. Meanwhile out in the BY Jeremy joins GinaMarie in the hammock and says it does kind of smell like a fart. He goes on to tell about the first time he sharted which was a couple of months before he got in the house. GinaMarie misses that stupid kid. Jeremy says it's ok to miss him.

    12:32 AM BBT Back in the lounge McCrae, Amanda and Andy are rehashing the previous week when they were able to get Nick out of the house. Out in the BY GinaMarie continues bashing HGs...Spencer and Judd have nothing. Jeremy is beast. GinaMarie says she's full of energy. Howard is a beast but a bit of freak. McCrae is geeky. Jessie is a ho. Aaryn is pretty but a firecracker. GinaMarie says there's no way she got 8 minutes in the PoV. She murdered it. She's a beast.

    12:38 AM BBT Candice can be heard talking in the background and GinaMarie whispers under her breath that she needs to shut up. She wishes a house would fall on her. GinaMarie talks about DR and Spencer hushes her. He says "they" have said they're going to start doing penalty noms for talking about DR. Back in the lounge speculation is ongoing about what may happen in the upcoming weeks. Talk turns to Andy saying he thinks Nick had more money than he led the other HGs to believe. Amanda thinks Howard is a professional athlete or recently ex-professional athlete.

    12:44 AM BBT Kaitlin is out of DR. Jeremy is called out by BB for talking about DR. They act flirty/kiss and continue to talk about DR. Back in the lounge Andy had left but returned just minutes before Judd came in. McCrae is talking about how GinaMarie eats all of their have-not ice cream but never makes any. She's always making Jeremy chicken parmesean but she won't make any of the have-not ice cream! Andy says this is the most fired up he's seen McCrae get. McCrae says Jeremy eats so much so that's another reason to evict him. Judd and Andy say they slept in the HNR for three nights because nobody would share beds with them at one point but then when the bed fight broke out they had to walk away because it was stupid.

    12:56 AM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to chat/cuddle in the hammock. In the lounge they rehash the have-not competition and whether or not Howard threw it. The consensus is he did but he didn't try hard enough. Talk turns to how inconsiderate people are in the house and they don't clean up after themselves. Out on the couch Candice is telling Howard and Spencer a story about an ex of hers. Candice says she was rebellious because it was her senior year in college. Candice cashed in a savings bond which was a couple hundred dollars or so to her boyfriend at the time to fix his jeep. Howard and Spencer laugh and feeds switch to Aaryn and GinaMarie in the KT. GinaMarie asks why they're sitting in the WA and not in their room. Aaryn says the WA is the last place she'd want to sit.

    01:01 AM BBT Aaryn tells GinaMarie that something she cooked was delicious. GinaMarie asked if was the Chicken Parmesan and Aaryn said no. GinaMarie said that was slop and she didn't make it. (Thus proving Amanda and McCrae's point literally minutes later...). Feeds switch to the WA with Jessie, Helen, and Elissa chatting. Jessie is eating something off a plate. Now Jessie is going to go smoke. Talk in the WA is about actors and movies. BB reminds the HGs they're not allowed to talk about DR with a "Kaitlin!" followed quickly. Elissa whispers that she thinks it's funny... and Helen jumps in "Hey GinaMarie!" GinaMarie joins them on the lounger in the WA.

    01:06 AM BBT Aaryn has joined the lounge room and they're laughing. Aaryn says she gets blamed for everything anyway. Andy laughs and says "The toilet's broke? Aaryn did it! I saw her and she blamed it on Candice!" Amanda walks in carrying a couple of things and they scramble to hide them in the lounge. It appears to be some of Nick's things including the empty Triscuit box and a green container of some sort. Amanda gets told to "Stop that!" by BB. They break up and head outside. Aaryn confirms by whispering to Kaitlin that they were hiding Nick's things. Aaryn can't wait to watch the explosion.

    01:14 AM BBT Talk out on the lounger in the BY is about...shady camp counselors doing shady things to some of the girls while they were growing up (Jessie and Amanda). Spencer thinks he should've been a camp counselor. Spencer asks how old and one of them mentions they were 13 and Spencer says "Nope...they should totally be in jail." Howard agrees and wonders what kind of camps these girls were going to. Amanda says she gave her first BJ when she was 14 and she can remember it. McCrae and Judd are also out on the lounger as well.

    01:18 AM BBT Elsewhere in the house Kaitlin and Aaryn are going through the house towards the SR. In the SR Aaryn starts counting out the condoms. There are 9 left in the box from 12. Kaitlin says their were 2 boxes of 12 originally. Helen used some for something at one point. Aaryn finds a female condom that apparently is good for more than one orifice and they start laughing like hysterically. They leave the SR. Aaryn stops Judd before he goes to bed and walks him into the SR to show him the female condom. Aaryn calls it a dam. Judd is worried he's going to get blamed for Nick's stuff being hidden. Aaryn says he's fine and she won't let him take responsibility for it. Aaryn wants to put it in someone's bed she asks who's. Judd thinks Amanda would take it best. Aaryn agrees and tells Judd to come with her. She's going to leave it in the package so she can see it. Aaryn says this is the highlight of her life.

    01:27 AM BBT Aaryn is laughing hysterically. Andy comes into the SR and asks what's up. Aaryn shows him the female condom. He laughs as well (though not nearly as hard). Judd recommends putting some BBQ sauce in it. Kaitlin comes in and asks why there's a large jar of Vaseline next to her bed. Aaryn tells her to follow and they go into the HNR. Aaryn asks Judd which bed is Amanda's. Aaryn has not stopped laughing. They wipe the lid of the BBQ sauce on the condom. Judd realizes they need to get rid of the BBQ sauce now. Aaryn says no way just wipe off the lid. FoTH (Hopefully BB is educating them to not use that bottle/lid because it is contaminated with...well...lube). Feeds back and Aaryn is out in the BY asking Kaitlin what she told Jeremy.

    01:35 AM BBT Meanwhile elsewhere in the house...Amanda and McCrae are hanging out in the lounge listening to the cackling coming from the KT. Aaryn sticks her head in the lounge and asks if she's interrupting. Amanda says they were just listening to GinaMarie to see when she was going to go to her room. Aaryn comes in trying to compose herself still. McCrae says she looks like she wants to say something. Aaryn says her and Judd have been acting stupid and she's trying to stop laughing. Aaryn says she's waiting for something to happen. She's in a slap happy mood. She's also in a prank kind of mood. Judd and Andy come in. They're laughing saying GinaMarie is going to flip. Judd confirms it wasn't a Triscuit box but it was a cereal box. Aaryn says there's only a few people she would do pranks on in the house...only those that she knows would take it the best.

    01:42 AM BBT The lounge group continue to laugh and snicker just waiting for GinaMarie to go off the edge when she realizes his stuff is missing. Someone recommends telling her the producers had them put it in the SR so they could send it back to him and to give her medication. They pause and listen frequently to the conversation in the KT. Jeremy says he only sees one black and white picture on the wall. David's. He asks if she's making people up now. GinaMarie says she is. Kaitlin opens the fridge and gets mad at herself for opening it because the last thing she needs to do is eat. Meanwhile back in the lounge Elissa stops in to tell them they're going to bed. Aaryn seriously wants to put Nick's things in Candice's drawer. She just wants to create as much chaos as she can. Amanda thinks they should put something Judd's bag. Judd says no way because she already blames him for Nick going home.

    01:55 AM BBT Idle chit chat about television shows in the KT. Jessie sticks her head in the lounge and says she's going to bed and that Candice and Howard are looking for Judd. Andy laughs and says the house is going to freak out when GinaMarie realizes Nick's things are missing (aka: hidden). Aaryn says Spencer told her that Candice sat on her hat just to be mean, but Aaryn wonders now if Spencer was just stirring up the girls. Aaryn says he is the source of some shady stuff. GinaMarie sticks her head in the lounge and says goodnight with Amanda walking in behind her. But then Judd and Amanda question if she's going to bed and she says goodnight. Judd called to DR.

    02:03 AM BBT Anticipating GinaMarie discovering Nick's things missing we follow her into a darkened chair room. She's laying on Aaryn's bed making cat sounds with her silly hat. Aaryn walks in to get the petroleum jelly for her lips. Jeremy asks Aaryn what she's up to. Aaryn starts to walk out and Jeremy calls her Airhole. Aaryn says she's walking out now because she hates that name. GinaMarie wonders why there are half chairs on the walls. Now she wants to do some situps. She follows Aaryn out into the KT. Back in the lounge they're still anticipating GinaMarie making the discovery. McCrae laughs wondering if he's going to get evicted over it. Andy agrees. Andy asks McCrae how he's feeling. McCrae says he's feeling better. Laughing has really helped him through the night.

    02:10 AM BBT In the WA Judd, Spencer, Howard, and GinaMarie are hanging out, chit chatting. Candice is doing nightly ADL's. Back in the lounge Andy and Aaryn seem to be the only ones left. GinaMarie comes in and lies down on the lounger complaining of her hand still hurting. This is a conversation she just had in the WA with the other group. Spencer, Amanda, Judd and McCrae are now out on the lounger in the BY while smoking - idle chit chat. Amanda is done smoking she's heading back inside.

    02:18 AM BBT GinaMarie, Amanda, and Andy are chatting about the cameras in the lounge. GinaMarie is going to go to bed. Andy hopes they call her to DR soon. Howard comes in and pets GinaMarie's hat. Aaryn comes in and out a couple times. Howard back out. Talk turns to food. Out in the BY Spencer and McCrae are chatting. Spencer wonders if his final 4 deal is still valid. McCrae says it is but they should still keep it on the DL for the time being. McCrae says Helen has the worst case of HoHitis.

    02:25 AM BBT Spencer brings up that Kaitlin, Aaryn and GinaMarie needs to go home soon because guys are getting picked off. Amanda is summoned to the lounge by his wife (Candice relayed the message). Judd comes outside and says everyone is in the lounge right now. Switching feeds we have Amanda, McCrae Candice, Andy, Aaryn and GinaMarie chatting about how Amanda and McCrae are wasting away on the slop diet. Andy gets up to walk around. GinaMarie is going to walk to her bed. Candice is going to do the same thing. GinaMarie gets in her improv convertible and drives Candice off to bed. Amanda, McCrae and Aaryn are scared...GinaMarie is going to explode. Andy comes in and says he's scared as well.

    02:31 AM BBT GinaMarie comes in upset asking where Nick's cup and hat is. She's on the verge of crying asking repeatedly where it is. Everyone denies knowledge of it. McCrae wants to come clean. Aaryn says it's going to be way worse if they tell her where it is. Amanda doesn't care she's getting the stuff to give it to her anyway. Aaryn recommends only just giving the hat back to her. She runs off to get GinaMarie after Candice walks by saying she's crying. Aaryn starts to claim innocence "I didn't know where any of it was hidden!" Amanda corrects her saying "Oh we've all had a hand in this..." Amanda helps her find everything in the lounge. GinaMarie laughs and screams out Judd's name saying they took her shrine away.

    02:38 AM BBT Everyone's laughing at this point. GinaMarie is taking this pretty good and she's pointing fingers at everyone. Andy, Candice, and Judd's name is called out. (For those keeping score Judd, Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn, and Andy were all in the lounge when the things were hidden). Aaryn is preaching her innocence. Candice finishes brushing her teeth and comes out saying "GinaMarie parked the convertible and looked straight at the hat saying Where's Nick's hat?! I need it beside me!" They're all laughing. Amanda points out that Nick's hat is actually McCrae's hat. GinaMarie offers it back and McCrae says it's alright. Amanda says the whole thing was orchestrated by McCrae. GinaMarie laughs saying he's so starved he can't think even spell his name.

    02:44 AM BBT Amanda questions the reason behind the shrine. GinaMarie dances around the question. Amanda questions whether or not she realizes he's not dead. GinaMarie knows. Amanda questions the mug and why she hasn't washed it. Amanda comes clean and says it was all her idea but she was smart by giving each of the items to a person in the room so she could blame everyone. Amanda says she didn't mean to make her cry. Aaryn walks back in and says everyone blames everything on her. (Each time she's said this she sounds like she's being serious. Everyone else is pointing fingers at each other laughing.)

    02:49 AM BBT GinaMarie comes into the colorful bedroom and Candice explains to her that tomorrow they're going to hold a memorial service for the ShadyFreak (not really the word freak) and celebrate the end of his BB game. Candice says Howard has studied psychology and they all realize that this is not healthy. Howard says they're going to put everything up in the drawer because it's not healthy. GinaMarie questions whether she can keep the hat on the bed. Howard says absolutely not because it creeps him out with all the stuff over there. They have a good laugh. GinaMarie keeps making excuses to keep the hat out and Candice sticks to her guns saying no way. Candice points out that the hat was McCrae's. GinaMarie just found that out tonight.

    02:53 AM BBT GinaMarie goes outside to get her hairbrush. She tells the group gathered outside (Spencer, Amanda, Judd, Andy, and McCrae) about the plan to hold a memorial service with everyone wearing black and with that they're going to "bury" his stuff. Howard follows and stays briefly before going back inside. Amanda questions what would be the hardest thing for her to get rid of and GinaMarie says the hat. Amanda says good because that's what Judd hid. She gives him a playful death look, laughing. Judd says he hid the chapstick and hair gel. Andy begs her to let him have the hair gel. Judd says Andy and he were really close so he should get the hair gel.

    02:58 AM BBT Amanda wonders if there is a reason he left the things he did. Maybe there's a clue in the key items that he left. GinaMarie almost seems to be taken the bait but then laughs saying no, it's just stuff he forgot. Amanda says it's possible...his shady glasses and shady hat...there may be something there. GinaMarie still doesn't seem to be going for it. Amanda questions Judd why he chose to hide the hat. Judd laughs saying he hid the gel and the chapstick. GinaMarie tells everyone goodnight. Judd says "See you in the morning!" and she replies "There's not going to be a morning for you!". She heads inside and Andy says she totally meant that.

    03:03 AM BBT Andy says the only game GinaMarie talked to him all day was her telling him that she didn't want Spencer eating the Chicken Parmesan. Talk turns to how much larger than life GinaMarie's personality it. Andy wonders what time it is. McCrae says it's around 3. McCrae is getting delirious. Andy is getting tired as is Judd. Amanda is wide awake and tells McCrae he can't go to bed. Talk turns to Nick and his shady ways.

    03:10 AM BBT 2 of our feeds finally switch to something other than the BY and GinaMarie is chatting with Howard and Candice. On an interesting note...GinaMarie is talking about missing her phone which is the exact conversation they BY crew was having when we switched feeds to check on the darkened colorful room. Another set of voices can be heard coming from the next room (Jeremy, Aaryn, and Kaitlin). Talk turns to life back home for GinaMarie.

    03:18 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head in from the BY and lie down in the lounge. McCrae tells Amanda that Spencer asked him he actually won MVP or if he was just telling everyone that to take heat off Elissa. McCrae doesn't think he lied very well. Amanda says who cares. McCrae tells Amanda that Spencer wants to go after the three girls next. Meanwhile in the colorful room Candice and Howard are curled up together whispering softly. They don't have mics on so it's difficult to hear.

    03:22 AM BBT Back in the lounge Amanda and McCrae are talking about how Aaryn was trying to get her to tell GinaMarie where the stuff was hidden. McCrae thought it was a bad idea the whole way through. Amanda said she had to take a step back and think about she would do outside the house. She's not a mean person. Amanda says Aaryn is a mean spirited person. McCrae agrees. Andy sticks his head in and says goodnight. Out at the memory wall Spencer, Andy and Judd are listing in order their people in their showmance wishlist.

    03:30 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda just laying in the lounge room. Amanda hates seeing McCrae so sad and unhappy. She's never seen him like this and it hurts her. McCrae is sorry. She wishes she could make something for him. Back out at the memory wall Judd, Spencer and Andy are looking at the pictures various "Would you rather games" using their fellow HGs photos. Judd is getting tired. They all head off to bed. Feeds switch to a darkened chair room with a very wide awake Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Aaryn. Aaryn asks Judd to sleep in bed with her. He sits down for a few minutes before giving her a kiss on the cheek and telling everyone goodnight.

    03:39 AM BBT A make-out session has begun in the lounge room. Back in the chair room Aaryn asks Kaitlin if she's cried in DR. Kaitlin says no but they tried to get her to one time "You can do it...c'mon..." and Kaitlin was like "Uh no...this is weird." Jeremy agrees. FoTH. McCrae and Amanda are in the WA. McCrae wants to go get his lighter so he can use it to see in the HNR. Amanda is getting covered/dressed up in the darkened chair room. They tell Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Aaryn goodnight (Spencer sounds like he's snoring). Amanda finds the female condom bag in her bed and questions it. She says it's a pantyhose bag and throws it on the floor. - In the morning she'll discover what it really is...and she should find the opened condom smeared with BBQ sauce beneath her bed. All of which Judd and Aaryn placed there while Andy guarded the door earlier.

    03:52 AM BBT We currently have all four feeds on sleeping HG's. Helen and Elissa in the HoH on Feed 1. Candice and Howard in one bed and GinaMarie on another in the colorful room on Feed 2. McCrae on his "bed" in the HNR on Feed 3. Close-up on Candice and Howard in the colorful room on Feed 4.

    03:56 AM BBT On that note we'll take a bit of a break for the night and get some rest ourselves, but don't worry we'll still be here for those exciting early morning WC breaks as well as the mysterious bumps and bangs from behind the walls!

    ***LFU's Note*** For the first time since this season has started one to two updates per hour were being shared on the Twitter tab attached to the feeds. Upon scrolling back most of them seemed to have "vanished" except for the one that is currently near the top of the list. This is exciting news for the site as a whole simply because it shows we can make that list and any sort of share whether it's for one hour or two is great advertising for the site.

  7. 10:15-10:55 PM BBT Since our last update the party in the HoH has all but ended. Helen and Aaryn spent the last 15 minutes or so discussing how people are acting this week compared to last week. Also brought up by Kaitlin was Jessie being very sensitive. Helen recommends talking to her about it. Jeremy and Kaitlin move out to play a game of chess with Jeremy getting called out by BB for singing. Out in the BY Aaryn, GinaMarie, McCrae, and Judd are sitting on the lounger with GinaMarie cracking up at just about everything thing that comes out of her mouth. Andy is working out with the weights and he yells at Spencer telling him he doesn't need a spotter.

    10:56 PM BBT Up in the HoH bathroom Elissa and Helen are chatting. Helen thinks that for their next girl's night they need to keep it to girl's only with none of the guys allowed (If they keep things going the way they are, there won't be any guys left!). Helen is going to go down to the BY. Feeds switch to Jeremy and Kaitlin playing chess. Intermittent FoTH. Out in the BY they are setting up to play some BBVolleyball with the hose as a net. The general mood in the house appears to be much less tense.

    11:12 PM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to play chess. Out in the BY Howard, Elissa and Helen are playing BBVolleyball against Candice, Jessie and Andy with GinaMarie refereeing as she works out on the eliptical. Helen's team at one point had a seven point lead but Andy's team has battled back.

    11:22 PM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin's chess game has ended with Jeremy winning. Jeremy tells Kaitlin she's getting better. They head down to the BY and lie down in the hammock. Aaryn joins them. Meanwhile BBVolleyball continues in the background. Kaitlin asks Aaryn what she and Helen talked about. Aaryn tells her that Helen was praising her for not picking any fights and how much happier the house feels as a whole right now. Aaryn states that she thinks Helen is just telling her this in case she (Aaryn) wins HoH so she isn't put up on the block.

    11:27 PM BBT Intermittent FoTH while the hammock group continue to chat. Kaitlin says "she" will be mad because she's going to put Candice on the block but she has to do it. Aaryn says if anyone doesn't think that one of the three of them will be on the block unless they win HoH they're insane. Aaryn says she thinks "they" told Kaitlin they're in an alliance with her just in case she wins HoH next week. Kaitlin says Andy and Helen have apologized profusely to her with tears all week. She believes they're being sincere. Kaitlin doesn't think Elissa will leave the game until she's ready because of MVP. Aaryn says Helen told her 10 minutes ago that Howard and Spencer are not on her radar. (10 minutes ago you were sitting on the couch while Helen played volleyball).

    11:32 Meanwhile on the couch in the BY Amanda is saying she competes to lose the most. GinaMarie heads over to join Aaryn, Jeremy, and Kaitlin on the hammock. Talk in the hammock has turned to Aaryn's nails and why GinaMarie's cuticles are dented. She wishes Nick was here so she could ask him. Jeremy says he wouldn't know. GinaMarie disagrees and says he knows everything.

    11:37 PM BBT Back in the hammock idle chit chat when *Newsflash!* Aaryn says "You guys...one of the three of us have to win HoH next week and every week or we're going home. Talk turns to Howard and whether he throws comps. Jeremy and GinaMarie think he just sucks at everything. Being a football player doesn't mean you're good at anything. Kaitlin and Aaryn disagree. Up in the HoH Spencer and Helen are chatting. Helen is making sure Spencer is on board to vote out Jeremy this week. Spencer points out that he doesn't get a vote. Helen asks about Howard. Spencer says Howard is on board to vote out Jeremy as well. Helen points out GinaMarie and Kaitlin will probably vote to evict him (Spencer). Spencer understands.

    11:42 PM BBT Spencer says if he gets HoH he wants to put 2 of the 3 girls up from the other side. Helen understands and points out that Kaitlin did the house a favor by using the PoV and she, Elissa and Andy told her that they would try to protect her to the best of their ability. Spencer understands. He points out that he'd like to try and keep GinaMarie in the house as long as possible because she is the least likely to win anything. Spencer says ultimately he would talk to Helen to pick her brain a bit. Helen says she can't control other people's HoH though (Smart girl...keep other HoH's blood off your hands).

    11:47 PM BBT Andy comes up to the HoH. Spencer says he mentioned in The Moving Company about voting Helen out but it wasn't personal. He's not trying to gun after her. Down in the hammock Kaitlin hopes Jeremy is going to be in her Pandora's box. Aaryn says he'll know immediately if he's going to be kept for Pandora's box because they'll sequester him away to prevent him from seeing any footage of the show.

    11:51 PM BBT Candice, Jessie bashing begins in the hammock. GinaMarie got in trouble for getting in Candice's face. Jeremy is amused that she (Candice) thought he would back down when he was calling her a liar but he didn't. Kaitlin chimes in about how much she hates those two. Meanwhile back in the HoH room Spencer, Helen, and Andy continue chatting about Jeremy and how much more in love he's been acting towards Kaitlin since she won the PoV.

    11:57 PM BBT Jeremy called to DR. Aaryn is missing from the hammock. Kaitlin and GinaMarie continue to bash Jessie and her bouncing from guy to guy in the house and finally settling on Judd. GinaMarie says "Well she hasn't gone after Howard...but once you go black you never go back". Kaitlin says everyone thought she was riding Jeremy's coat tails and she almost won HoH and she won the last PoV.

  8. 12:05 AM BBT Out in the BY talk between Helen, Aaryn, Spencer, Candice, Howard and I believe Jessie (off camera) are talking about their lives outside the house when they get out. Spencer tried to get in contact with someone the first time he flew out for the interview process. Aaryn says so many people tried to get in contact with her when they find out things like this happen. Helen wonders what some of her colleagues are going to think about her doing this show. Aaryn says her agent called her two days before she left telling her that a co-host position opened up somewhere for a travel show which is like her dream job and she had to tell them she passed it up.

    12:10 AM BBT Switching feeds, GM is combing her hair in the WA and the feeds switch to Jeremy and Kaitlin near the washer. Kaitlin points out that the wash needs done before they can go to bed. She loads the washer up and her and Jeremy head to the hammock to sit and drink. Kaitlin says she hates everyone in the house. Jeremy understands. They begin kissing. BB says McCrae's name without an instruction so we'll switch feeds to the lounge just as "You're not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions." Andy is laughing hysterically telling him to stop using production in his strategy. Andy and Elissa says BB has been getting sassy over the past couple of days.

    12:16 AM BBT Talk in the lounge has turned to GinaMarie and how she's very over the top with the Nick situation. Amanda thinks she's almost too much over the top. Elissa agrees but she thinks it's legit. Everyone agrees. Andy and Judd laughing because they were taking photos in the booth with Nick's mug. Andy loves he and GinaMarie's SR chats. Andy says days three she was wanting to target Howard and Helen. Andy says GinaMarie thinks Helen and Elissa will be final two because Elissa is just going to win MVP every week.

    12:21 AM BBT Feeds switch and Amanda and Aaryn are shouting to GinaMarie and Jessie in the WA from the KT. Hopefully the cockpit crew hears her shouting back at them and changes the subject. McCrae comes out. Talk turns to McCrae's babies when they come out (Amanda chimes in you mean mine?) Talk quickly changes to MCs (Master of Ceremonies) vs DJs. GinaMarie is very heated saying that MCs are different in weddings. Aaryn and Andy disagrees saying that most weddings are MC'd by a DJ. GinaMarie says in New York they do big weddings and they have MCs separate because not all DJs know how to MC.

    12:28 AM BBT Andy says they need to talk about important things in the house like "Who the HECK ate all of the Triscuits and left the EMPTY box on the counter?!" GinaMarie says Nick did. Aaryn says their's no way and she needs to stop that. GinaMarie says he ate them though. Andy says he's going to call everyone into the cockpit and grill every last one of them until he gets to the bottom of it and they're going home next week.

    12:31 AM BBT GinaMarie and Aaryn sit in the KT chatting and eating. GinaMarie says for the past two nights she's sat inside with Aaryn chatting. She goes on to say that when they have power they sit outside and run the BY and pool table. But when they were in power they scattered around the house like cockroaches (What does that say about your attitude and or personality? - NiteSlacker). GinaMarie says that when the two of them leave the house people are going to turn the channel because the two hot blondes aren't going to be on there any longer. Aaryn doesn't think the viewing public likes her. GinaMarie tells her she disagrees.

    12:37 AM BBT Checking back out in the hammock...Jeremy and Kaitlin are kissing while talking about music. Switching back to the Aaryn and GinaMarie show....talk has turned back to Nick and GinaMarie. Aaryn is trying to explain to GinaMarie how the 5 guy alliance was using side alliances with girls. She doesn't understand/disagrees saying that Nick wasn't using her like that. GinaMarie asks Aaryn if she heard her say anything negative about her. Aaryn denies it but says that multiple people told her that they heard him comment about her voice or how much she talks. Aaryn is trying very hard to not take it that hard when she watches the show. GinaMarie disagrees saying that Nick came to her to talk and he was genuine. She's going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    12:43 AM BBT Aaryn continues to point out to her that there is no reason for these rumors to be started now. Aaryn points out that people are speaking behind her back saying that GinaMarie only speaks about Nick and isn't even acting like she's playing the game any more. Which is hard because someone like Jeremy wants to be here and play the game. GinaMarie says if Nick did say something behind her back it was because he didn't want people to know that they were close. Aaryn says she's giving up because nothing she says or does is going to make her realize the truth and she's going to look the other way.

    12:54 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy comes in with Kaitlin hot about something. She says everyone is being catty high schoolers. GinaMarie was going to ask the have-nots if they can have something but Kaitlin stops her and says not to do it because they're inconsiderate. Aaryn and GinaMarie question what they were saying while they were on the hammock. Kaitlin says she can't pin point anyone thing. Finally she says they were making fun of Nick. GinaMarie decides that she is going to go sit out there and listen to them to see if they say anything. When she goes outside Kaitlin tells Aaryn that they were making fun of GinaMarie. Aaryn says she's been inside the whole time trying to get her to see the light.

    12:58 AM BBT Kaitlin and Aaryn talk about what the other side has promised them. Aaryn says she was promised to be kept around for a long while as well. GinaMarie comes inside and asks again what was being said. Jeremy and Kaitlin tells her to give it up. Elissa comes and Kaitlin tells her she's eating the cookie dough straight. Andy comes in and Elissa tells him goodnight. Andy says he's not going to bed. Elissa says she is and wonders why it's always about him. Out in the BY Amanda, Spencer, Judd, Jessie, Candice and Howard are chatting about their first night in the house. Apparently when Julie called Candice's name she started walking into the house. She says there was a pause after her name so she thought it was time to walk in. Spencer laughs and says you were supposed to wait to walk in as a group.

    01:07 AM BBT Andy, Jeremy, Kaitlin, GinaMarie and Aaryn are in the KT. Jeremy is making himself a sandwich and Kaitlin is making something on the stove. Jeremy tells Andy you're supposed to put the cheese away when you're done with it. He says he didn't pull it out. Jeremy knows and was just giving him grief. Meanwhile out in the BY Spencer, Howard, and Candice are chilling on the couch. They agree to call the lighter blue blanket "Nick Blue" because it's unique enough to be his. People can be heard playing pool in the background along with the chime of the washer/dryer.

    01:16 AM BBT Idle chit chat around the house. Jessie and Elissa have gone to bed. Out in the BY Candice asks about the average length of time for a sex session. Howard says if he's trying to put her down for the night 45 minutes is good for him. Helen, Spencer, and McCrae in the background laugh hard. Spencer says his love life is a comedy and Howard's is an action flick.

    01:29 AM BBT Feeds were on FotH for about 5 to 10 minutes. No apparent reason. Feeds back with Amanda, Aaryn and McCrae in the hammock and GinaMarie, Jeremy, and Kaitlin in the KT. GinaMarie says she needs to get make-up on for DR and that they'll be calling Kaitlin in soon. Kaitlin says she needs make-up. Spencer called to DR.

    01:32 AM BBT Talk out in the hammock is about what life is going to be outside the house. Aaryn says Ian has said he gets caught off guard when random people call his name. Amanda says that will be weird. She tells Aaryn and McCrae that they will be memorable from this season. Aaryn says "Yeah...the racist one...thanks a lot tailhole" (not really tailhole). Aaryn says she hadn't had to reference that conversation that night until...and we get FoTH. Feeds back. Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae get told to "Stop that!" while playing with their mics. Amanda says she wasn't playing with it and she should get apologized to.

    01:37 AM BBT Up in the HoH room Helen is talking about how she wants this to be a nice experience because this is like a vacation from her life. Other than the Candice fight the first night everything has been mostly people. Back out in the BY Aaryn asks Amanda and McCrae if they like Candice. McCrae says yes and Amanda says it hesitantly. Aaryn questions if it's forced. Amanda says yes and she points out that Howard and she is getting lovey dovey. Aaryn says she doesn't like being in their room with them because she hears the cameras spin and twirl towards their bed. Amanda asks if they kiss. Aaryn says yes and makes kissing noises. "They probably do more..."

    01:43 AM BBT Aaryn says she can't handle GinaMarie any more. Amanda and McCrae feels that way too. McCrae says it's going to be a funny segment. Amanda and Aaryn say they've told her to her face that he wasn't all that interested in her. Talk turns to Jessie being crabby at her since the blow up in the colorful room the night Helen got HoH. Aaryn says "You know...the night Amanda went off the hook on me...thanks a lot Amanda..." she giggles out. "You scarred me for life. Everything you said made the show and is documented...you called me out for talking about Kaitlin ruining my bathing suit...I was boiling. Amanda laughs and said it was the wine.

    01:55 AM BBT Meanwhile in the WA Judd and GinaMarie are talking about the upcoming schedule for the week. PoV ceremony tomorrow and BY lockdown Wed night or so for the next HoH competition. Both hope it'll be a luck based game that they hope they can win. Out in the BY Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda continue to talk about mistakes they made early in the game by making friends with the wrong people.

    01:58 AM BBT In the chair room, Kaitlin is going through the sheets Jeremy pulled out of the dryer only to realize some stuff is damp still. They begin to make the bed. Kaitlin jumps into his arms. Now she's going to change. Out in the BY Aaryn says people she's being called a bully unfairly. She says she never bullied people into getting their votes. She said Candice shouldn't talk about people and not expect consequences (Just wait...yours is coming...). Amanda says talking about Candice gives her a headache. Andy and Jeremy wander over. Aaryn and Jeremy wander off. Amana begins to rehash their conversation with Aaryn to Andy.

    02:11 AM BBT In the KT Aaryn is playing a game with the mugs. She puts a handful of nuts under three separate mugs and spins them around without Judd looking. She has him pick the mug and acts surprised he found it. She has him close his eyes and spins them around a few more times. She calls Spencer over and shows him. Finally Judd tells her he knows that she has some under each of the mugs.

    02:14 AM BBT Out in the BY Judd walks out to Amanda, Andy and McCrae on the hammock. Amanda cusses wishing she could have 5 minutes alone. Judd starts bombarding them with the beach balls. Spencer joins in the fun as well. Amanda begs for 5 minutes alone without the kids harassing her. Andy says he's not going anywhere if she's going to ask like that. The beach ball bombarding continues for a bit longer before she finally asks Andy politely to get up. He says he's probably going to bed. Amanda says good. Andy says he'll get up in 20 minutes though and start harassing them again. Judd starts attacking Andy with the beach balls now. Andy drops to the ground, crying out "My hand! I need to get inside!"

    02:19 AM BBT McCrae gets up to go get a blanket for he and Amanda. Screams and shouts can be heard in the house. Switching feeds they're doing the thing with the nuts under the mugs to GinaMarie. She's bouncing all over the KT screaming and shouting about how awesome she is. They convince her to do it again and she of courses gets it again. They try once more and she refuses. Jeremy lifts the mugs to reveal the nuts and she laughs and gives him a bear hug and then starts to talk about how good she is. It becomes apparent that she is doesn't get it and Jeremy explains it to her once more.

    02:24 AM BBT Out in the BY McCrae and Amanda are swinging lightly in the hammock whispering. GinaMarie's voice can be heard in the background. Jeremy and Kaitlin are in bed in the darkened colorful room. Back out in the BY Judd, GinaMarie, Spencer and Andy are chatting. Andy is ready for bed.

    02:36 AM BBT In the darkened colorful room Howard and Candice are chatting. Howard is having a hard time keeping his mic on him. Candice tells him to turn it sideways. He gives a "That's what she said...". Andy comes into the room and Candice says hello. Candice says "Howie thinks I'm high maintenance". Andy agrees with that statement. Candice tells him to wash his sheets with all the funk going around. Andy says he will and he's a bit buzzed from the alcohol. Words ensue about him not sharing. Andy points out that he was a have-not for too long and to stop talking because he's going to bed. Candice says they're the only ones in the room and they're talking about sex. Howard says "No we're in bed and we're going to sleep because that's what you do!" They have a good laugh and Candice gives a "Shhh!" to Howard. Howard says he will not be Shhhh'd! Andy gives him a Shhhhh! from across the room.

    02:44 AM BBT Feeds switch to Aaryn making her bed. She says her comforter is out on the hammock so she's going to have to steal it from them but she's trying to not make waves. She flips off the light and heads out to grab it from McCrae and Amanda. Judd and GinaMarie are sitting on the couch chatting. Aaryn heads in with her comforter and McCrae and Amanda join GinaMarie and Judd on the couch.

    02:49 AM BBT On the couch talk has turned to trying to quit smoking and Nick. Amanda asks GinaMarie if she's mad at him for not coming clean about things. GinaMarie can't get mad if there's stuff he didn't tell her. If he straight up lied then she could get mad. If he just didn't tell her things because it didn't come up then she can't care. Amanda brings up the fact that he tried to split the house apart into two. GinaMarie wasn't aware of this and doesn't think the house was that split up. GinaMarie brings up that he even said she was disposable at one point. Amanda asks if that makes her mad. She says it doesn't because everyone has to go eventually.

    02:55 AM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 are on Jeremy and Kaitlin in bed in the darkened chair room. Aaryn walks in and says the room is awful quiet. Jeremy says it's because they were talking about her. Back out in the BY GinaMarie is talking about how great it is to be in the house. She loves the fact that she has got to meet all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds. Judd understands. McCrae says that's a great attitude to have. Amanda stays quiet. GinaMarie says ultimately she's still playing a game and she may be mopey for a couple of days but she'll get over it.

    03:05 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda are going in for the night. GinaMarie is going to join them and take off her eye-makeup. GinaMarie mentions that she wishes they could see her sparkling personality in the form of her sparkling clothes but unfortunately they can't. Instead she's wearing tan khakis "Thanks ma!" she shouts out. Amanda while brushing her teeth "We look like such scrubs right now...we look like homeless people". McCrae says he looks like this all the time. McCrae is really hungry.

    03:09 AM BBT Meanwhile in the darkened chair room they (Aaryn, Jeremy and Kaitlin) are having a discussions about strippers and knowing strippers. GinaMarie just took some Advil. Judd wonders if he should put another load of towels in. GinaMarie says no because they'll end up just staying in the washer all night and being gross. washer and smelling bad. Amanda and McCrae heads into the lounge. Amanda says GinaMarie is "cray".

    03:19 AM BBT Judd is sitting on Aaryn's bed talking. Apparently he kicked over a glass in the HNR and spilled water everywhere. Meanwhile back in the lounge McCrae and Amanda are kissing (...and after hearing about McCrae's pickle, olive, grapefruit, and milk breath...I'm nauseated). As if on cue...McCrae pulls away and starts burping. Smooooooth.

    03:22 AM BBT Aaryn says there was one time she pulled her groin and David asked her if she needed Neosporin. Kaitlin asks if he was serious. Aaryn says he was. Jeremy asks if she laughed at him. Aaryn said no but she couldn't handle him. Switching feeds back to McCrae and Amanda in the lounge Amanda tells McCrae that he looks worried. He's not. She asks if he's tired. He is but he doesn't want to go to bed.

    03:26 AM BBT In the chair room the conversations have mostly quieted down save a few whispered words here and there. Someone can be heard snoring faintly in the background. Back in the lounge room Amanda has climbed on and straddled McCrae's hips with her own. She asks what's wrong with him. Nothing is wrong with him. They begin kissing again.

    03:38 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae continue to make out in the lounge room on feeds 1 and 2. On feeds 3 and 4 we have Kaitlin and Jeremy in their bed and Aaryn in her bed. Occasionally we can hear people wander through.

    03:54 AM BBT More of the same for the most part for the past 15 minutes. Feed 4 switched to Candice and Howard sleeping in the colorful room. Feeds 1 and 2 are still on McCrae and Amanda are in the lounge room. Amanda has been grilling McCrae on why he has been in a funky mood all day. She asks repeatedly. He denies anything wrong. Talk has turned to McCrae and he thinks that she's "...at home having fun". Amanda clarifies this is an ex-girlfriend. He says yes. She says he called her his girlfriend today while playing pool. He says that was a mistake. She's definitely an ex. Talk turns to him being messy. He says he's not here to impress anyone. She points out that she's here and if she's gonna be with him he should be clean.

    03:59 AM BBT Amanda says he's bumming her out so she's going to bed. He doesn't respond to the statement at first. She quizzes him and asks if she's bumming him out. She then speaks up and says we should keep talking about your ex-girlfriend and home because that just makes me feel great. McCrae is confused. He heads into the WA to brush his teeth. She heads off to get clothes to wear to bed. She dresses in the WC. She continues to grill him about what's wrong. He says nothing he's just miserable on slop.

    04:07 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae head into the HNR to sleep, Judd appears passed out already. They tell each other goodnight. It's taking them a while to get comfortable on their plane seats.

    04:15 AM BBT We have all four feeds on sleeping HGs at this time. On that note we're done for the night. Have a great Monday everyone!

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  9. 11:05 PM BBT Meanwhile in the cockpit Aaryn, Andy, McCrae, Amanda and Judd are running scenarios for the vote this week. Aaryn has spotted Jeremy speaking to everyone and she's getting scared. Judd agrees that Jeremy spoke with him and made a pitch to get rid of Spencer this week. Amanda and McCrae tell the group that it's not possible Jeremy's going home. Aaryn points out that Kaitlin and Howard were in the lounge for about 15 minutes before they arrived.

    11:12 PM BBT Amanda asks Andy to talk to Kaitlin to find out what Howard was talking about with her. Andy says if Kaitlin doesn't use veto this week then she is going home for sure. Amanda questions it. Andy says he'll speak with Kaitlin. Andy suggests not getting worried yet. He'll ask Kaitlin first chance he gets. Amanda says she'll feel more rested after they know what they spoke about.

    11:15 PM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy have moved up to the chess board. Kaitlin is explaining to Jeremy that Helen is going to act relieved when Kaitlin does use the PoV to remove herself that way the house knows they'll owe her one for taking herself off the block, knowing that her showmance will be the replacement. In the BY most of the HGs are trying their hand at improv. Candice and Helen were trying to get a rainbow. Gina and Howard jump in and Howard mentions that they're finally going to get some color.

    11:19 PM BBT Feeds switch to Aaryn joining Kaitlin and Jeremy at the chess board. Aaryn asks what Howard talked to her about. Kaitlin says he was scrambling by trying to get her to use the veto on herself. She reminds Aaryn that not everyone knows she's using the veto so they're more likely to treat her better if she takes one for the team by doing this. Aaryn seems surprised to hear this. Talk turns to how Howard threw Jeremy under the bus. Jeremy isn't shocked.

    11:23 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae have remained in the cockpit whispering softly to each other. McCrae doesn't like Candice. Aaryn comes in and tells McCrae and Amanda what Kaitlin told her about Howard's conversation. Aaryn rehashes her convo with Kaitlin including the part about Helen trying to keep her using the PoV a secret. McCrae and Amanda think it's crazy as well. Aaryn says they didn't hear this from her and she'll do what she can to keep them safe.

    11:29 PM BBT Talk turns to who Kaitlin would put up if she were to win HoH. Aaryn says she'd probably put up Howard and Candice and Elissa could put up Spencer so they wouldn't be able to vote for each other. Aaryn says if she wins it that's what she's going to do. McCrae doesn't know what to think any more. Amanda agrees. Aaryn leaves the room to go check on her cake. Meanwhile up at the chess board Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to play while having idle chit chat.

    11:32 PM BBT Down in the lounge Amanda asks McCrae if he wants her to go get the other half of the grapefruit. McCrae denies. Amanda asks if he's depressed because he's been down all day. McCrae says yes a bit. Amanda reminds him that the couple that slops together stays together. Amanda sings something about looking like a zombie woman and the feeds switch to the BY where Candice is telling a story about a kitten that one of her numbers found and was trying to find a home for. Candice agreed to keep the kitten. She crawled into the bed without her contacts in and smelled something foul. She laid in the spot where the kitten pooped and threw up.

    11:37 PM BBT Andy left the BY to go pee and feeds switch to him whispering to McCrae and Amanda in the lounge. Amanda is grilling him about why Helen is having Kaitlin act undecided about using the veto this week. Andy is explaining the logic that Helen is using. Amanda doesn't get it. Judd comes in and asks Andy if he talked to Kaitlin. Amanda points out that Aaryn did. Judd is stressing out a bit. He took Jessie's wristband off while he was taking a shower and lost it. McCrae says that's more important. Amanda says it's not and he should go look for it.

    11:43 PM BBT Andy reassures Amanda that Helen is very much devoted to their group. Andy tells Amanda that Helen mentioned to him earlier that Elissa cannot win HoH next week because she doesn't want Howard out. Amanda says that's great to hear, she feels much better. Amanda is tired of Jeremy campaigning. Andy says Jeremy hasn't come to him yet. Amanda walks out to get her grapefruit. When the door closes Andy laughs and says "Ok guys we have to get Amanda out now..."

    11:48 PM BBT Switched feeds briefly to the BY and Aaryn is telling people about Oprah and how she is running a competition that people can compete in to get their own talk show. Candice chimes in that she did it back when she left her own talk show. Switching feeds back to the lounge Andy, McCrae, Amanda, and Judd are still talking. Andy tells Judd that he should go to Helen and tell her that he doesn't trust Andy and she should put him up. Everyone has a bit of a laugh. Amanda doesn't trust Howard, Spencer or Elissa. Everyone agrees that Candice is a non issue.

    11:55 PM BBT Still in the lounge talk continues about how Amanda and McCrae feel like they can trust Aaryn now. Andy says he feels like he has Kaitlin in his pocket. Amanda doesn't feel any sort of sympathy for any of them because of the way they've treated Jessie. Amanda restates that Elissa cannot win HoH next week. They begin to run what they expect the votes to be this week.

    11:59 PM BBT Andy tells everyone that GinaMarie pulled him into the SR earlier and says "There's someone in this house that I don't trust." Andy asks who. "Judd..." They all have a good laugh. Andy tells Judd to watch out because GinaMarie is going to be gunning for him. Realization soon hits that if she gets HoH it's going to be a very interesting week.

  10. 12:00 AM BBT Candice is crying again saying it's not fair. Jessie says fighting for beds is apparently part of the game as well. Helen consoles Candice telling her not to cry and let them get to her like this. Down in the colorful room Jeremy is talking to Aaryn, trying to calm her down. Jeremy says the stunt tonight did not help her cause. Aaryn says Candice now has the house thinking the worse thing about her. Jeremy says Howard is the blackest man and he doesn't think that of her. He says America will know that she planted it. Aaryn says she's not said one derogatory thing in the house. She begins crying. (Yeah...about that... - NiteSlacker)

    12:05 AM BBT Gina comes into the room, crying herself. Jeremy tells her she has a little snot on her shirt. She thanks him and cleans it up. Aaryn wipes her tears and gets up and heads for the WA. Up in the HoH the talk has turned to Nick and that he was getting close to Gina because she was close to Jeremy. Candice says she's going to back downstairs to try and find a bed. Elissa suggests that she and Jessie come down with her and they try to figure this out. Helen slept for two weeks in the HNR she deserves her own HoH bed.

    12:09 AM BBT Candice checks the HNR and finds Howard sleeping. He tells her that she should sleep with Spencer and Elissa can sleep with the girls since she is married. Howard tells Candice that the girls are just trying to lure her into hitting them first so they can justify doing it back or getting her out. Howard says he's bound to protect her and he doesn't want her to get thrown out over something. Candice says they shouldn't have given up the bed. Howard says he feels bad for Jessie and Judd because they were "deep'oed" out of the bed. Candice comes out and says she's not going to sleep in that room with those girls because Aaryn flipped her mattress. She will do the Christian thing and she's going cancel the plans for the Evel Dick pots and pans and she will win the war in the end.

    12:15 AM BBT My feeds have started freezing up (overloaded servers?). Back in the colorful room Gina is talking to Aaryn and Jeremy. She says you can't come in making threats over a bed because they don't own the beds. "I can invite you to lay on the bed that is 'mine' (airquotes) but ultimately they don't belong to me" (Tell your friends that...) Aaryn says they've been getting played the entire time. She stands up and puts her shoes on. Jeremy doesn't know why she doesn't trust him. She's not sure...she's just done. Gina blows her nose. Jessie comes and says they're getting ready for bed so he's got a 15 minute warning. He says it's no problem. Elissa comes in and asks Aaryn if she'll move her shoes out of one of the drawers because she needs somewhere to put her clothes. Aaryn says it's no problem. Amanda apologizes to Aaryn for blowing up but she doesn't take kindly to people getting picked on by larger groups.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @TurkKoslowitz: @mortystv Those red shorts are making me sick. They have to be snot soaked. - I shudder to think about it!

    12:23 AM BBT Up in the HoH Andy is talking to Helen about Spencer being Shady. General rehashing of the game so far and how they don't trust him. Downstairs Aaryn and Amanda are continuing to talk with McCrae simply listening nearby. Amanda suggests that she try and do what Jeremy is doing by laying low for a while and biting your tongue. Aaryn says he looks like a giant douche though. Amanda says that may be the case but it goes further in the game than the alternative. Amanda says keeping Nick wouldn't have benefited her game at all. Aaryn understands but wishes that they could have talked it out first. In the background Elissa is unpacking her stuff. Aaryn says she knows people think she is the villain here but she's not.

    12:27 AM BBT Aaryn says there are things in this house that she will not say or do to cross the line (How about flipping other people's beds...was that a planned game move? - NiteSlacker). Aaryn says people are swearing on their family members which she would never do. Amanda clarifies that back when they discussed whether or not she knew David was going up as MVP nom she swore on her niece's life that she had no idea he was going up and that is what she said. Aaryn says she swore on her niece's life that she didn't vote for David. Amanda corrects her and says no she didn't say that and the tapes will prove. Aaryn says that's fine and she'll see it.

    12:31 AM BBT Up in the HoH Andy is muching on Helen's snacks. Candice is changing and she starts laughing saying she forgot where she was for a moment and dropped her pants for TV and flashed her vajayjay. Andy points out that technically she showed the internet (no feeds were in the HoH bathroom in the time). Andy starts listening to her music. Downstairs Aaryn and Amanda are still talking. Aaryn says that Amanda defending Jessie gives her an extra ally for her and she made her look like she's an idiot and that's a dirty way to play.

    ***Twitter Rely*** RT @BattleBorn1982: @mortystv These 4 people are the most miserable bastards. They're in for a shock when they see what America thinks of them. #Sorelosers - Let's hope before it's Jury because they'll have time to come up with an apology for sorts or a life lesson learned for the finale!

    12:39 AM BBT The discussion between Amanda and Aaryn is getting a bit more tense with Jeremy, Kaitlin and GM joining the room. Amanda says now that there is an audience the discussion is getting a bit more heated. Amanda says Aaryn is acting like a victim and it's not right. Aaryn says Amanda joined the conversation with Jessie when it wasn't hers to join. Amanda says she joined the conversation because she felt Jessie was getting ganged up on. Andy walks in and starts throwing his two cents in. Amanda blames David and Nick going home on Aaryn because she targeted Elissa week 1. Conversation comes up about the way they're using the MVP nomination to pick people off. McCrae chimes in and says we're using it the way we are because we can. Aaryn says it's not fair.

    12:45 AM BBT Amanda points out that the reason Aaryn is in the position she's in tonight because she flipped Candice's bed. Elissa briefly pulled Amanda into the darkened colorful room to try and calm her down. She comes back out and they have more discussion. Elissa asks for help when McCrae chimes into the conversation again and tells Aaryn her game sucks because she won't try to make amends with Candice. You have to try and be social and sometimes you have to know when you're in a lesser position. Amanda says you can't bully people and expect them to become allies with you. Andy points out that any time he tried to have a discussion with Elissa that he was called out by the other side constantly. Amanda agrees. Jeremy says it wasn't him saying it. Andy agrees. FoTH.

    ***RT @Thomson33: What up live feeds! Thanks @mortystv finally got em - Welcome and we hope you enjoy the ride!***

    12:53 AM BBT Howard and Spencer are in the cockpit room. Spencer points out that he's glad they made the move they did today because otherwise they'd be sweating. Spencer says he prayed for the both of them and their families last night. Howard agrees. Howard says all of that <points over his shoulder towards the bedrooms> only helps us as well even though it's not even game related. Howard says he wants to bring Helen into the five and then backdoor at a later time. Judd comes in and game talk stops.

    12:55 AM BBT Up in the HoH Candice and Helen are discussing the vote today. Candice questions why Spencer keeps splitting the vote. Helen explains that he did it because he wants to pin the missing vote on Jessie. (So close...so so close!) Candice points out that Howard is blind to Spencer. Candice suspects that Spencer was awkward in the HoH today because he knows he's not on their side. Candice and Helen both trust Howard.

    12:59 AM BBT Gina, Jeremy, McCrae, and Amanda are still chatting in the chair room. Amanda points out that MVP may not last the entire season. Gina agrees. Andy comes in and asks Jeremy and Kaitlin where they are going to sleep. Apparently Candice is going to sleep in the HNR with Howard. Andy suggests they sleep in the colorful room with Gina and Aaryn. Gina heads into bed. Talk turns to how Jeremy went out on the first question tonight.

    01:04 AM BBT Up in the HoH Candice and Helen are talking about how all Nick had to do was agree to throw the comp or he would get back doored and it cost him his game. Candice wishes the racist stuff would stop. Feeds switch to Aaryn crying somewhere...the lights are on so it's not in her room. Audio remained on Candice and Helen in the HoH and Helen was saying how awesome her basket is. Talk turns to Howard and how much of a gentleman he is. Helen asks if they are hooking up, Candice says no although when he prayed with her it was a bit of a turn on. Helen didn't know prayer could turn someone on. Feeds switch down to McCrae whispering apologies to Aaryn on the lounger in the WA. Aaryn nods and when he walks off she begins crying. She gets up and heads into the WC and blows her nose.

    01:10 AM BBT Feeds switch to the HoH and Helen is putting things away. Spencer knocks on the door and Helen invites him in. Spencer asks what she's up to. She's unsure. Judd comes in as well and they take a seat to chat. Helen asks how Howard is doing. Spencer says Howard is gonna be alright but the race thing has to stop. Helen agrees. Jeremy comes in and says Gina began crying again and he had to get out because he feels bad that there's nothing that can be done. Talk turns to Helen's kids. Switching feeds Howard is holding Gina stroking her back telling her it's alright and just to let it all out. (I saw this coming when it looked like Elissa and Co were going to pull this off...but her sobs are absolutely painful...you can't help but feel for the girl.) Gina walks off (I believe she was called to DR but you can hear the sobs elsewhere when the feeds switch to Candice and Howard talking outside the WA).

    01:18 AM BBT Candice wants to sleep in the HNR with Howard. Howard wants her to sleep with Spencer for one night and she is reluctant. He says he needs a night to recharge. Candice reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile you can hear Gina's sobs echoing loudly throughout the house (...again...these are absolutely painful...I don't care who you are, you can't deny the girl is broken now that he's gone... We'll discuss whether or not he feels the same way another time...). Feeds switch to the LR where Gina curled up in the fetal position on one of the couches with Candice sitting on the floor rubbing her back and stroking her hair and Kaitlin nuzzled up against her legs. Upstairs in the HoH idle chit chat about life outside the house and how Jeremy missed the first question tonight.

    01:32 AM BBT Feeds switch to Amanda and McCrae in the WA doing nightly ADLs. Aaryn comes in and washes her hands. Amanda asks McCrae if he wants to go hang out in the cockpit. Meanwhile you can still hear Gina's sobs in the background. McCrae starts whispering to Amanda and asks if he can tell her a secret without getting mad. She doesn't agree, she wants to hear about it first. McCrae tells her there was a boy's alliance called The Moving Company. Amanda says she knew it because there were times where she would say something and they wouldn't acknowledge that it made sense. McCrae says they bullied him and wanted no part of her being in the alliance. McCrae says Nick was a good player and he hates to see him go. McCrae worries that Amanda won't trust him. Amanda does. McCrae wonders who to tell. Amanda says no one. McCrae says they were the worst alliance in the history of BB and that's why he was so on board to flip the house. Andy comes in and they tell him.

    01:33 AM BBT McCrae calls The Moving Company a Brigade knockoff. "We were like The Brigade .5". Andy can't wait to talk about it DR. McCrae tells Andy that David was their doing. Andy questions if Jeremy was ok with it and McCrae starts to tell him about the votes when we get FoTH. Feeds back. McCrae says he never trusted them since the start of the alliance. More FoTH.

    01:35 AM BBT Seeking out the source of the FoTH we switch feeds to the HoH where the discussion is between Judd, Howard, Spencer and Helen. Helen says if she said those things her mom would have wondered where they went wrong. Story switches to growing up. Back down in the cockpit room McCrae continues to tell Andy and Amanda about TMC and we get more FoTH.

    01:44 AM BBT McCrae says he feels horrible about Gina crying because he knows that Nick was not interested in her at all. McCrae apologizes once more for keeping the secret. Kaitlin sticks her head in the cockpit room and asks to talk to Andy. McCrae tells him to come back when he's done and not to tell Kaitlin about TMC. Andy does a little jig and slips out. They head into the WA on the lounger and Kaitlin apologizes for what she said to him earlier. Andy says it's a game and he did what he had to do. She knows but he has to understand that she trusts people too much and she's done nothing to deserve what is being done to her. Kaitlin says she went off on Jessie and Judd. Judd accepted her apology but Jessie wouldn't but that's her own problem. Andy tells Kaitlin that up until a few days ago he was all for working with Kaitlin and her group but in the end he realized that he did not work his tail off to get into the house only to get picked off by strong players week 3.

    01:45 AM BBT Andy says working with Elissa he knew that he had a safety net with the MVP nom. Gina can be heard sobbing in the background. Kaitlin understands and she respects it. Andy says he felt trust from Elissa and company. Kaitlin says she trusted him and had his back but Andy says he Jeremy and Nick did not give him that sense of security. Kaitlin says she was so close to winning HoH. Andy tells Kaitlin that she's not going home this week. Back in the LR Aaryn is talking to Gina telling her how she learned to handle David leaving. Gina has stopped sobbing for the moment.

    01:49 AM BBT Back in the WA Kaitlin whispers super faintly that looking at it now Aaryn was the source...spsspspspspspppsss. Andy says he saw that too. Kaitlin says "Thanks for telling me jerk!" (not those words). Andy says he'll talk to Helen for her. Kaitlin says she'll talk to her as well. Andy says Helen knows Kaitlin is a good person and they've had long discussions about it. Kaitlin says she normally doesn't yell at people and she yelled and argued so much with people today. Kaitlin says she felt exceptionally betrayed by Jessie today because she always defended her. Andy says she has to understand that the only reason he's lied to her was because she was allied with the enemy Jeremy and Aaryn. Andy tells her she was guilty by association. Andy tells her that he single-handedly kept her off the block and got Nick put on the block as a replacement nom instead. Kaitlin tells him he has to tell her the truth to her face from here forward. She thinks he's a great person. She doesn't want to cry (she's having to hold it back).

    01:55 AM BBT Switch feeds to the cockpit where McCrae is talking to Judd and Amanda. McCrae says it's a great season with all of the surprise votes and things. Judd and McCrae head out to try and find something to eat. Back in the WA Kaitlin apologizes to Andy once more. Andy says it's ok. Andy likes Kaitlin a lot and he wants to laugh and joke with her. They continue to praise each other. Their party breaks up and Andy comes back into the cockpit where Amanda and McCrae are. Andy says it was a good chat and explains his conversation with her. McCrae called to DR. McCrae asks if they want to tell Judd about TMC. Amanda says not yet. McCrae feels bad for keeping that secret from them.

    02:02 AM BBT Jeremy, Aaryn, and Kaitlin are in the kitchen eating. Amanda and Judd are in the cockpit with idle chit chat. Up in the HoH we have Howard, Helen and Spencer still chatting. Rehashing previous events/votes.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @TAZZIT24: @mortystv Well I am sorry for having no feelings for that girl,but I don't.She should be crying for all of those she hurt by her slander - I can certainly understand that and honestly prior to hearing her sobs I thought the same thing. But, knowing how Nick felt about her...it just tears that much more at your heart strings knowing that if she is acting like this now...how will she act when she sees the show? But that certainly doesn't lessen the things she's said.

    02:08 AM BBT Up in the HoH the conversation has turned to Helen and her family and then Howard moves on to say he's glad it's just the three of them in the room for the moment. He goes on to tell her they're all three good people and they have can certainly play the game together. Helen agrees. Down in the cockpit Andy and Amanda are whispering about TMC and Andy says "Nick you jerk The Moving Company?! How'd that work out for you. Pack your bags and go!" Judd comes in and Andy tells the other two that he wants Howard and Spencer out. Amanda starts running scenarios.

    02:12 AM BBT Howard is telling Helen that if the house was ok with getting Nick out of the house then they were all onboard with that. Howard goes on to point out that only guys seem to be leaving and there's a rumor around the house that Elissa wants to get all the guys out. Helen points out that there's only 2 guys that have left. Spencer says he feels like Helen can trust him now and he doesn't want to talk game all night it's only her first night as HoH. Helen says this week isn't going to be like Aaryn's HoH. She doesn't want the drama. She wants everyone to have fun.

    02:15 AM BBT Down in the cockpick McCrae is out of DR and is stretching and looking overall pleased. Amanda says someone had a good DR session and we get FoTH. Feeds are back and Judd is saying they were mad at him for yelling and such (DR). FoTH. Feeds back and Amanda says that if you have to spend a while in rehab after the show is over for saying you smoke weed then...don't talk about it because rehab is embarrassing. FoTH again.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @gigglechick: @MattD34 @vic2rea @TVGrapevine @mortystv yes. my thoughts are with them all at this time :) it's a thankless job that they rock at! #BB15 -Thanks for the words of encouragement! We do it because we're fans just like you!

    02:20 AM BBT Feeds back and McCrae is talking to Judd about TMC (The Moving Company). Judd says he wasn't stupid and that he knew something was up the way conversations happened all around him. McCrae says they were bullying him and he was just biding time until he could get the troops rallied. McCrae says Judd was vital in getting that Jessie vote. They hug it out. Spencer says this group is way better and they can play with way cooler heads.

    02:25 AM BBT Switching feeds to the HoH and Helen is telling Howard and Spencer how Nick was given the chance to make a deal with Elissa and he passed and now look where he's at. Helen says don't worry we're not picking off all the guys...we're just picking them off so that the guys on our side can win. Helen doesn't want to be Brigaded. Down in the cockpit someone asks McCrae how often they met and McCrae says never just here and there in bits and pieces. McCrae says it was the worse alliance ever. Amanda looks at a camera and calls Nick a jerk (not those words). The HoH party has broke up and they wander downstairs. Helen comments on the condition of the sink. Feeds switch to the chair room and Aaryn and Jeremy are whispering frustrating softly. Howard walks through. He's going to bed. He apologizes to Aaryn and says it's not personal. She respects him more than he can imagine. She doesn't know why he's sleeping in there though (...maybe because he's been displaced from his bed that you flipped and took over...I don't know...just a wild guess...)

    02:32 AM BBT Aaryn and Jeremy are Candice bashing saying her attitude if disgusting and awful. Jeremy heard about people like her and he knows why they brought her in but wow. Aaryn says she believes that everything you say or do will come back to get you eventually.

    02:34 AM BBT McCrae continues to talk to the cockpit group about what was said by who in TMC and how they felt Amanda was a threat because she was smart. Back in the chair room Spencer is getting ready for bed. Jeremy tells Aaryn that the bed thing shouldn't have happened. Aaryn disagrees. Jeremy agrees saying that it was great TV and he loved the show himself. Back in the cockpit room the TMC talk stops. Amanda is tired and she's going to bed. Spencer starts talking about Marilyn and we get FoTH.

    02:39 AM BBT Feeds are back and Amanda and McCrae are in the KT talking. Amanda says she feels stupid for not picking up on that the way she did. Feeds are Aaryn and Jeremy whispering in the chair room on one of the beds. Talk has turned to Spencer bashing. Back in the WA Amanda and McCrae are doing nightly ADLs.

    02:45 AM BBT Amanda continues to probe McCrae about different things/conversations that TMC did. McCrae says he doesn't care if they don't trust him any more. Amanda laughs saying "I told you I was falling for you and you didn't tell me". McCrae said he wanted to. Back in the chair room Aaryn suspects Amanda is going to home next because she's stirring up so much stuff. (Uh....well...ok...yeah...)

    02:53 AM BBT Helen called to DR. Amanda and McCrae runs upstairs and asks Helen if they can use her HoH while she's in DR. Helen says sure. Helen asks how to feed the fish. McCrae is showing her where the fish food is and comments on the fact that they were saving the daily fish food bags to store candy in so they could use them to run numbers or scenarios. McCrae wants to ask her where they went. Down in the chair room Judd asked about beds apparently and Aaryn comments that she doesn't care if he sleeps in the garbage disposal that they don't have. Candice heads into the HNR to sleep. Howard asks why she's being hard headed. Candice says because Jeremy, Aaryn, and Kaitlin are all in the room chatting and she can't sleep in that type of environment. Andy comes in and tries to get her to take his spot in Judd's bed. She refuses. Andy insists. She refuses. Andy insists. She sits up and refuses and begins crying saying she's tired and she just wants to go to bed. She knows he's being a gentleman but she's tired. He finally leaves her alone. You can hear her sniffling.

    02:58 AM BBT Howard sits up and puts his mic on and moves over to Candice's chair and kneels down beside her and whispers into her ear. He says it'll be better in the morning. He knows she doesn't normally go for that (backing down from a tense situation?). Candice says something but she doesn't have a mic on so it's difficult to hear. Howard says he'll help her win the $500,000. Howard tells Candice to be herself tomorrow and to not walk around belligerent. He wants her to be herself. More whispering but it's hard to hear what she's saying. Up in the HoH McCrae and Amanda are sharing a moment in the bed talking about much they care for each other.

    03:05 AM BBT Howard moves back to his chair and Candice is questioning Howard about his ex and why she supposedly has a say in if he could get into a bed with a girl while in the house. Howard dodges the question repeatedly. Up in the HoH Amanda continues to grill McCrae about TMC.

    03:10 AM BBT Amanda says she knew something was up because there is no way someone like Jeremy isn't intimidated by someone like Howard. Helen comes back up to the HoH and Amanda and McCrae says they're heading to bed. They pause at the memory wall for a moment to look at pictures and point out various scenarios as to how they're going to get people out. They pause a moment and kiss before heading into the chair room. Aaryn is still sitting in Kaitlin and Jeremy's bed while they cuddle together. Amanda whispers something and Aaryn says she's about to go take her contacts out. FoTH. Feeds are back and Amanda turns off the lights in the chair room.

    03:18 AM BBT Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn head into the WA and they're rehashing the fact that Aaryn is an innocent princess that doesn't bully anyone. Jeremy says everyone thinks he bullies because of his size. Aaryn says "they're trying to make our side of the house look bad so we can't win MVP and that's their strategery...and yes that's a George W Bush word and I use it." Spencer and Judd can be heard talking in the cockpit room (that's where they were last time I saw them). Aaryn heads to bed. Jeremy wants to know what Kaitlin wants to talk about. Kaitlin starts off telling him that he's not going to like this but to let her finish first.

    03:29 AM BBT Feeds are back after a few minutes of being down and Candice is finding her microphone and taking out her contacts. Howard mentions getting some socks. She says she can't get them from the room. Something about she was told in DR not to go somewhere and we get brief FoTH. Meanwhile back in the WA Kaitlin continues to push Jeremy to try and back down and lay low and apologize to Helen so he can have safety for another week. Aaryn is their target. Jeremy knows and he will try. He says Helen told him already that she wants to to talk with him in the morning. Kaitlin says that's good. Back in the darkened HNR Howard and Candice continue to chat. FoTH.

    03:35 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to kiss and cuddle. Judd walks in to brush his teeth and Kaitlin starts to sing the Shady song. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that she apologized to Judd for yelling at him earlier and Judd says he apologized for calling her trash. Kaitlin says she almost never acts like that. Judd also says he apologized to Gina as well. The three of them agree that they're going to be living together for a while and that this kind of stuff is bound to happened.

    03:43 AM BBT Back in the HNR Howard tries to find a comfortable position. Candice asks what's wrong Howard says he needs to lose weight or shrink some. It finally occurred to Candice that they're not actual Have-Nots so they should be able to take the cushions off the seats and lie them on the floor. FoTH. Feeds back and Judd is in the room and Candice says "Don't get mad at me I can do this because I'm not a have-not!" They hear a whirring of a camera and Candice asks is that a yes or a no? They look to the camera and Candice says yes? Howard asks is that mean yes? She says yes. Judd offers his position in his bed and Candice says he's sweet.

    03:45 AM BBT Candice and Howard peel the cushions off the seats and lie them on the floor to make a pallet for the night...well...day at this point. Back in the WA Jeremy and Kaitlin run scenarios and are sad because Jeremy went out first during HoH and Kaitlin almost won it.

    03:49 AM BBT Candice slips out of the HNR to use the bathroom and Howard looks in frustration down at the make shift bed and says "Lord have Mercy. Please don't let us be have nots tomorrow. Whatever is best for my game. Candice comes back and Howard asks if she's comfortable and if they can finally go to sleep. Howard is happy she solved their problem. Howard says she's bothersome and just wants to go to bed. They laugh. Back in the WA Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to lie on the lounger grumbling about how the week is going to suck. Jeremy is ready for bed (...and we're ready for you to go to bed!).

    03:54 AM BBT They begin kissing and I have to turn the feeds because it's getting tiresome. Back in the HNR Candice and Howard continue to chat. Candice is asking what kind of places are popular to eat at near where he's from. Talk turns to the fact that Candice isn't used to making beds while Howard says it's the norm for people to make their bed. Candice says she's a messy person in the sense that she has clothes everywhere around her house. Her house is clean in the sense that there's not flies and dirty dishes piled up.

    03:57 AM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the HNR while Jeremy and Kaitlin appear to be getting up out of the WA to head to bed. Jeremy now brushing teeth.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @MD122895: @mortystv Jeremy needs to get over himself. If I was intimidated by someone's size, it would be Howard not him. - That's the truth!

    04:01 AM BBT Candice asks Howard if his closet is organized. Yes. She asks if his DVDs are organized. They're neat though. Jeremy into WC. Back in the HNR Candice and Howard continue to talk. Howard asks if we're in showmance now. Candice says no they're just friends. "Good." Candice says she's untameable.

    04:08 AM BBT Candice and Howard continue to whisper and talk about their lives outside the house. Other feeds show sleeping HGs in darkened rooms...correction...Jeremy and Kaitlin are whispering in the bed but they're not wearing their mics so actually hearing the conversation is difficult.

    04:14 AM BBT It was quiet in the HNR briefly before Candice starts talking again asking Howard what he thinks about Amanda and McCrae. Candice says Amanda is going to hurt him. Meanwhile next door Jeremy and Kailtin continue to whisper and giggle.

    04:22 AM BBT Candice appears to have finally fallen asleep along with poor poor Howard. Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to make out and whisper softly to each other but without mics it's difficult to hear what is being said.

    04:30 AM BBT Howard and Candice can't seem to get get comfortable on their makeshift bed on the floor of the HNR. Meanwhile next door Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to whisper and giggle and kiss.

    04:34 AM BBT Yes, we're still here...because Jeremy and Kaitlin continue to laugh, giggle and whisper. Talk is reminiscing of their first few weeks together in the house. Conversation is still hard to follow due to the lack of mics. Kaitlin says goodnight but they continue whispering and giggling.

    04:41 AM BBT They're still going. I've heard Jessie's name whispered numerous times as well as the phrase "Roll the tape!". The whispering and giggling is broken up with the sound of kissing.

    04:49 AM BBT The Jeremy/Kaitlin bed on Camera 1 has been word free for about 10 minutes now. Camera 2 is a wide angle of the chair room with someone breathing heavy. Cameras 3 and 4 are of Howard and Candice sleeping. Have a great day everyone!

  11. 11:01 PM BBT Howard is trying to calm Candice down regarding Aaryn and the way she is acting. Candice doesn't want to lay down any more. Howard understands but he knows that if he stays in the room and hears something he'll end up doing what he wants to do and leave the house happy. Candice wants to know where he is going to sleep.

    11:05 PM BBT Gina comes in asking if Candice is calmed down and wants to talk woman to woman. Candice says no. She's done. She's tired and fed up. Racial things have been said this week and she's sick of it. They go back and forth before Gina says she knows the bed situation is mixed up and maybe they talk about it. Candice breaks down and starts crying saying that when she goes to bed at night with him she feels better. Candice doesn't want to give up her bed. Howard understands but he fears that if she sleeps in there with them (Gina, Jeremy, Aaryn and Kaitlin that things will be said. Candice begins crying saying she doesn't want to give up the bed.

    11:08 PM BBT Meanwhile next door in the colorful room Aaryn is telling Jessie about a deal that Elissa made with her. Aaryn says she is confused. Jessie laughs saying "of course I'm the one that's confused." Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to lay in Jessie/Judd's bed with Kaitlin laughing and stoking the fire. Amanda comes in and starts talking and Kaitlin says this conversation isn't about her. Amanda says let's clear the air. Amanda has a wine glass in her hand (quarter full with red wine?). Amanda says everyone talks bad about each other. Amanda tells Aaryn that they're portraying her on the show as very racist and says that everyone is being questioned about it in the DR and we get FoTH briefly. Aaryn asks how this is helping her. Talk turns back to DR questions and the house gets a reminder that talking about DR is not allowed. More FoTH.

    11:15 PM BBT Amanda is still going on about the DR questions. Aaryn doesn't believe that they (CBS) would portray her that way. Amanda says that's fine then if you haven't said anything then there shouldn't be a problem. Aaryn says Amanda is just trying to stir stuff up. Amanda calls out Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jeremy and talking about each other behind their back. Amanda brings up ruining the conversation.

    11:18 PM BBT Meanwhile next door Howard is still trying to calm Candice down about the bed. Next door in the colorful room Amanda has left and Kaitlin tells Jessie that she's hurt by something that she said. Kaitlin says when she and Jessie were going after Jeremy that she told her to go for him. Jessie is glad that Kaitlin won him.

    11:28 PM BBT Feeds are up in the HoH. Spencer, Andy, Jessie, Elissa, Helen and possibly more celebrating Helen's room. Gina comes in and asks for a bottle of soda and Helen says sure. Down in the HNR Howard appears to be crying and praying. He's called to DR. He stays kneeling on the floor trying to compose himself.

    11:31 PM BBT Down in the colorful room Gina tells Kaitlin and Aaryn that Jeremy is upstairs. One of them says of course he did. He stirs the pot with the girls and goes to hang out with the crowd. Kaitlin says they are all upstairs making fun of them. Gina says no they were just chatting. Feeds switch to the HoH bathroom. Candice is upstairs and relaying the information that happened downstairs and how awful they are. Candice says it's horrible that Aaryn flipped her bed. Candice calls out Aaryn's parents saying they did a horrible job raising their daughter. Helen offers Candice and Jessie the opportunity to share her bed.

    11:38 PM BBT Downstairs Howard and Spencer are talking. Spencer says Jeremy is upstairs doing damage control. Spencer asks how Candice is. Howard tells Spencer how he's been trying to calm her down especially after Gina got in her face. Spencer offers his bed and says he'll sleep in the HNR he doesn't mind. Howard needs a moment. Spencer understands.

    11:40 PM BBT Down in the cockpit Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Spencer and Jeremy are sitting. What happened to Candice's bed is brought up. Jeremy says she heard the group next door making fun of her (I believe Candice was bringing up the fish statement at that time).

    11:43 PM BBT Feeds switch back to the colorful room where Aaryn is sitting in Gina's bed. Elissa walks in to retrieve something and nobody acknowledges each other with Aaryn and Gina continuing with the conversation. Back in the cockpit room part of the party breaks up leaving Andy and Spencer whispering. Spencer says Howard is shaking he's so mad.

    11:51 PM BBT Feeds bouncing around here and there. Elissa is getting all of Candice's stuff. Candice thanks her while Helen continues to try and console her. Elissa heads back down to try and get the rest of her dirty clothes. Aaryn sits on Gina's bed fiddling with her nails silently.

    11:55 PM BBT Feeds drop down to the chair room and Gina is talking to Amanda, Andy, and McCrae about why they voted Nick out. Jeremy is trying to get a pair of shorts that apparently fell behind his dresser. He asks Andy for his "little frazzled fingers" and Andy laughs. Andy is unable to get them either. They (Jeremy and McCrae) go looking for something to try and reach them with. Up in the HoH Candice, Elissa and Helen are talking. Jessie is in the room as well. Candice says she's annoyed and wants to go sleep in her bed.

  12. 12:07 AM BBT Talk turns to cellulite between Gina and Aaryn. Meanwhile back in the HNR Elissa and Helen are chatting as Elissa puts on makeup. Helen says if she (Elissa) makes it to the end how awesome would that be because of the target she has on her back. Talk turns to Evel. Elissa says Evel was smart and manipulative. Jeremy isn't either of those things. Feeds are beginning to freeze up on me. Aaryn and Gina head up into HoH acting silly. Back down in the HNR Elissa is continuing to get ready (for a DR?).

    12:15 AM BBT Back in the HoH Gina tells Aaryn that Howard asked her about why Kaitlin was being mopey today. Aaryn tells Gina that the next time she gets HoH Kaitlin is going on the block. She's over it. Gina asks if there's a chance they can make amends. Aaryn doubts it. Jessie comes in brushing her teeth and game talk stops. Down in the HNR Helen can't wait to sleep in a bed. Either can Elissa. She leaves the room and flips the light off for Helen. Feeds switch to the KT where Kaitlin, Jessie, and Nick are. Kaitlin wishes she stayed in bed. She's bored. Jeremy is ready for bed. Elissa walks in and takes a seat at the counter, talking to Kaitlin briefly.

    12:21 AM BBT Jeremy asks Kaitlin if she's ready to play pool. He leaves. Kaitlin begins filling a cup with water and he walks out. Elissa asks Kaitlin if she's ever dated someone like Jeremy before. Kaitlin says she's never dated someone like him before and clarifies that they're not dating. Kaitlin says he has about 8 years to grow up first. Aaryn and Gina wander downstairs. Elissa asks Gina if they got wine. Gina says no. Elissa says she hopes they get it tomorrow. Jessie comes in and asks Elissa about tea that's in the house. Elissa says BB bought it for everyone. Elissa offers to help her make it because it's loose tea. Feeds switch to Andy and Gina in the colorful room with Andy helping her attach her extensions. Andy apologizes for farting (I almost fell out of my chair...he was so polite when he did it).

    #BB15 12:27 AM BBT Feeds switch to Jeremy and Kaitlin playing pool. Jeremy says he's lost focus. Kaitlin asks for explanation. Jeremy says he just lost focus. He says she makes him loose focus and puts his stick up and heads inside. Kaitlin says "really?" Feeds switch back to Elissa and Jessie making tea in the KT. Elissa whispers to Jessie asking her if she's going to vote out Nick and Jessie says yes. Elissa whispers that he had to go some time. Elissa called to DR. Feeds switch to BY where Kaitlin and Nick are playing pool and chatting.

    12:33 AM BBT Talk between Nick and Kaitlin about Jeremy waking her up and then going in to go to bed. Talk turns to Kaitlin being a bartender and the late shifts that she works. Nick says his roomie was a bartender and he did it once but he was awful at it. Nick proceeds to tell a story about "Toshie" and his bar that was shady. He got a job that he knew he would be able to get because the guy and his place was shady. The story goes that he got behind one night and was trying to pop caps off bottles and he did like three bottles in a row and on the third one he managed to break the top off the bottle and slice his finger up. They both love the work because of the money but regardless Nick is bad at it.

    12:46 AM BBT Out in the hammock the crew are doing impressions of (...otherwise known as making fun of) their housemates. Including themselves. Back in the house Helen is walking into the WA.

    12:49 AM BBT Feeds switch to Gina and Judd playing pool with Spencer, (Jessie and Andy?) sitting on the couch. Back on the hammock general HG/production chatting going on.

    12:53 AM BBT McCrae says he'd flirt with a gay guy. Amanda and Aaryn laughs. Amanda wonders who he is. McCrae says says free drinks are free drinks. The problem is gay guys are usually prim and proper so they don't buy him drinks. Talk turns to practicing for upcoming trivia that may get asked in HoH (Of the HG who would America say is the hottest). Aaryn keeps trying to steer the game into "Would you rather?"

    12:58 AM BBT Gina and Judd continue playing pool. Back in the hammock they suggest to play a different game because feelings are getting hurt (America apparently would find Gina a better housewife than Amanda and someone else would have better hair than McCrae).

    01:02 AM BBT Feeds switch to Nick and Jessie chatting in the darkened colorful room about working in the NE. Howard grabs Nick and they head into the cockpit to talk. Nick says they're talking about him being on the block. Howard says Jeremy and he are getting worried that Amanda may figure it out. Howard says McCrae thinks he can control Amanda. Howard says he told McCrae that Amanda is using him and it's fine for her to talk game without him around but he can't talk game when she's not around. Howard says he walked in on the girls talking earlier and they dispersed. There's mic static/interference which is making it difficult to hear. Howard says 7 people are going to vote to keep Nick.

    01:12 AM BBT Back and forth between Nick and Howard (again, very difficult to understand due to mic static/interference) and Nick goes onto tell Howard what he told Andy earlier in regards to throwing a bit of a smoke screen up by telling him that he hangs out with a group of 5 people in the house including Kaitlin and Jeremy. Brief FoTH. Feeds back. Jeremy called to DR. Howard says Amanda has to go no next week. Both agree that if they get HoH they have to get her out. Nick says his problem is right now that he has to get into a situation where he can build trust with people. For the first time in 17 days he is talking game in the house. Andy asked who he would put up if he won HoH. Nick told him Candice and Howard. People are getting close to their room so Nick switches position so it looks less like they were whispering and talking game.

    01:17 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Helen, Spencer, Judd, and Andy are chatting. Talk turns to bed assignments tomorrow night after their restrictions are lifted. Judd wants to share a bed with Jessie. Spencer tells Andy he's an alright dude but he doesn't want to share a bed with him. Andy agrees. Back in the cockpit Nick is building trust over the next two days. Nick says Andy will go wherever the power goes.

    01:22 AM BBT Spencer walks in and tells Howard that he told someone that he was studying his bible. Nick tells them to switch. Nick tells Spencer that they are discussing him being on the block. Nick explains to Spencer that he's building trust with the house. Spencer tells him he has nothing to fear about going home this week. Nick knows but he wants to make sure that it's a landslide victory. Nick says he's going around telling everyone that he's playing fake game. He's acting like he's a part of Blondetourage without directly saying it. He says they think that anyway.

    01:31 AM BBT Spencer and Nick have continued to whisper game in the cockpit. Nick says the Blondetourage knows he's scheduling time to chat with him about being on the block but when it comes to MC they're talking MC stuff. Talk is going back and forth. Nick says Andy will follow the power. Talk turns to Amanda getting way too close to discovering the truth about the boy's alliance. Spencer says McCrae told him today he doesn't want Amanda going home yet because she's going to be in trouble with her boyfriend which leads Spencer to think he's too emotionally involved with her.

    01:37 AM BBT The hammock crew comes running into the house shouting at the top of their lungs. Back in the cockpit Spencer and Nick continues to discuss how they can further MC. Amanda and Aaryn have to go. A male comes in and Nick says Spencer and he should switch, that they're caught up. They agree that if anyone asks that Nick was just talking to Spencer, trying to make a deal and telling him about his family. Spencer says Amanda may follow McCrae when he comes into the cockpit.

    01:44 AM BBT Elsewhere in the house. Jeremy pulls Kaitlin into the LR to tell her that she's been negative for a few days and it's draining. That's why he left mid-pool game on her earlier. BB calls McCrae to DR. Back in the cockpit Spencer tells Nick Andy is cool but he just has to feel safe. Nick says the numbers for the vote are much too close to keep him this week. Spencer knows and if the roles were reversed he'd be just as stressed. They rehash that they need to get Amanda out. Spencer thinks Aaryn going home first would make it easier to get Amanda out.

    01:50 AM BBT Meanwhile back in the LR Jeremy continues to try to calm Kaitlin telling her the game is messing with her head and she needs to relax a bit. They kiss. Back in the cockpit Spencer and Nick continue to whisper evaluating the house and the HGs (nothing new, just rehashed from previous conversations).

    01:55 AM BBT Nick says Gina should go soon as well. Spencer asks when will he be ready to do it? Nick says tomorrow. Preferably before jury because then he can run to whatever alliance will take him in because he will be alone. Talk turns back to McCrae and Amanda again.

    01:59 AM BBT Feeds switch to the BY where a majority of the HGs are sitting around chatting about the various things that have been said that are borderline racist/derogatory in the house. Feeds switch to Aaryn and Gina sitting in the HoH watching the spy screen (Amazing feed work there. Go BB go!)

    02:03 AM BBT Feeds switch back to Nick and Spencer breaking up their meeting. Nick tells him to close the door and leave him locked in there. Meanwhile back in the LR Kaitlin and Jeremy are chatting. Gina and Aaryn enters the cockpit and talk to Nick. Aaryn asks Nick how his chat with Spencer went. Nick says Spencer beat around the bush and he can't really get a good read on him ever. Aaryn thinks he doesn't want Nick to tell Elissa that she's going home. Nick says that's a good idea.

    02:14 AM BBT McCrae and Amanda are in a darkened bedroom. Amanda complains that she hasn't been touched today. She tried kissing him 4 times. He kisses her now. Meanwhile feeds switch to a darkened HoH room with Jeremy and Aaryn. Jeremy is saying he talked to Kaitlin today and told her to try and keep her cool. People are going to talk about 'it'. Aaryn is tired of talking about it. Aaryn thinks McCrae and Amanda are legit and she wants to work with them. Jeremy thinks so to. McCrae tells him that every time he sees him.

    02:26 AM BBT Up in the HoH talk has turned to how they can't complain about their lives right now because BB is great. "We get alcohol when we're good...we get to play games..." Jeremy says one year he only earned $11,000 and he's earned almost half of that already. Down in the BY bandanna balls continues.

    02:35 AM BBT Bandanna ball continues in the BY with Nick, and Judd playing and Gina officiating. Other HGs can be heard chatting on the couch. Feeds 3 and 4 show Aaryn, Jeremy and Kaitlin sleeping in the HoH bed together.

    02:46 AM BBT Bandanna ball ongoing in the BY with Howard, Andy and Spencer watching. Judd wins.

    02:49 AM BBT Candice was also outside as well, laying down on the couch. They decide to head in and go to bed for the night. Nick is pouring himself a bowl of cereal. Judd is disappointed that everyone is heading to bed. Howard says he can't take a 6 hour nap during the day like Judd does. Judd says he doesn't take naps.

    02:53 BBT Spencer tells everyone goodnight. Candice and Howard head off to bed shortly thereafter. Gina is doing nightly ADLs and Judd is trying to clean a red scuff mark off his shoe. In the KT Nick is finishing off his bowl of cereal.

    03:01 AM BBT Judd whispers to Nick and asks how he feels. Nick says he feels better now but he's going to finish talking to people today and then probably talk to everyone one more time before the eviction. Nick washes his bowl out and heads in to the WA to brush his teeth.

    03:09 AM BBT Gina starts to come inside and Nick says he was just about to head out. He asks if he wants to sit and chat for a bit. They sit on the couch in the BY. He tells Gina great job today. Nick says he doesn't know what he's going to say to McCrae and Amanda today when he talks to them. Gina starts coaching him telling him to praise McCrae for his competitions and that he'll have his back.

    03:17 AM BBT Gina and Nick move to the hammock so Gina can watch the backdoor. Gina starts coaching Nick about how Amanda and McCrae work as a pair and how Amanda knows a lot about the game.

    03:23 AM BBT Nick is talking to Gina about a conversation he had with Jessie earlier and mentions that he's going to to stay in Manhattan and Gina acts surprised. Nick tries to cover his tracks a bit by saying he doesn't want to live there for the next 10 years. Gina doesn't seem impressed. Nick says he was thinking he could stay in the tri-state area. Talk turns to different places to live.

    03:28 AM BBT Gina continues coaching Nick on how to deal with Amanda and McCrae. Jessie gets up to use the WA. She comes outside and sits down next to the hammock and says "Oh my gawd...I had the craziest dream ever that woke me up..." Nick and Gina try to hurry the story along telling her that they're fading fast. Nick seems to be laying on the niceness thick to Jessie "Is this real? This dream sounds so crazy!" FoTH (The dream was about an ex-crush or something making out with someone and some other <r word>. She was using names and/or it's possible she may not have her mic on.

    03:34 AM BBT Feeds back briefly with the story apparently over. Nick asks for guy's name once more (Tark?) and we go back to FoTH.

    03:37 AM BBT Feeds back and Jessie is back inside. Gina tells Nick that Jessie wants to always be the center of attention. Gina says Jessie tried talking to McCrae about what'll happen when Amanda gets voted out and Amanda put that in check quickly.

    03:45 AM BBT Gina telling Nick about why Aaryn hates Kaitlin (because she can't win anything) and is annoyed with Jeremy because he is so cocky and refuses to talk to her about it.

    03:55 AM BBT Gina continues to coach Nick on the (gossipy) politics of the house. Gina asks Nick how he can look at her without wanting to kiss her. Nick says they can't because they don't want to turn into Amanda and McCrae. Nothing like a little awkward one sided flirting to finish this night off. They agree to head to bed. Gina is going to go pee first.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @jewelk: @mortystv Gina again uses the N word. ---It's getting to the point that it doesn't even register any more!

    04:00 AM BBT Nick and Gina are crawling into bed. We should have four cams on sleeping HGs momentarily.

    04:30 AM BBT We've had snoozing HGs for about 30 minutes now.

    04:48 AM BBT We've had sleeping HGs on all four feeds for just over 50 minutes now. On that note we'll call it a night. Have a great day everyone.

  13. #BB15 10:20-11:00 PM BBT Nick has been making his rounds trying to secure his votes and get a feel for where people are standing. During this time he finished up his conversation with Andy and spoke with Helen. They agreed that they would not campaign against each other but certainly would campaign to stay. Nick basically gave Helen the same speech he gave Andy telling her that he doesn't enjoy talking about poop and sex and things like the rest of the house. Elisse walks in and the conversation pretty much ends. He heads out to the BY to talk to Gina.

    #BB15 11:10 PM BBT Nick rehashes the conversations he had with Helen and Andy to Gina. On feeds 3-4 between 11:00-11:10 PM BBT Gina professes her interest in Nick as more than friends. Nick agrees (but seems very McCrae like) about this and tells her this as well. Nick says he wants to finish his arm work outs and Gina heads inside to the HNR and asks were Elisse is. Helen tells her that she's in the restroom and Gina says quickly "If Elisse goes this week and you need someone in your corner Nick and I have your back. I love you so much!" Helen points out that she has no one after Elisse goes home. Conversation quickly over. Judd, Aaryn, and Gina are bored wishing they had alcohol.

    #BB15 11:15 PM BBT Gina heads back into HNR to talk to Helen and is sweet talking Helen once more telling her that she knows Elissa is probably a sweet girl at home with friends and family that love her, but in this house she wants it to be a fair game (MVP). Meanwhile Elissa is at the KT sink washing something. Back in the HNR Gina says she's not coming to Helen for a vote to keep her (because she's not on the block obviously) but she just wants her to know that she's always thought she was a good person and she loves her. The conversation is quickly over again.

    #BB15 11:18 PM BBT Meanwhile in the Lounge Aary, McCrae, and Amanda are chatting. Gina comes in looking for Aaryn. Aaryn is planning on heading outside soon. Aaryn says Jeremy turns on people very quickly and if you're not constantly watching him you lose control of him. Talk turns to how Kaitlin freaked out over the MVP this week. A conversation that she had with him was about how expected to get MVP this week because America loves showmances and he has one with Kaitlin and then America loves powerhouses which he is as well. Aaryn says she feels invisible to him. Talk turns to how little Kaitlin knows about the show. The first episode she watched was in sequester. Whispers get very soft with someone's mic rubbing against their shirt/pillow.

    #BB15 11:23 PM BBT Out in the BY Howard and Nick were working out. Feeds switch to Helen lost in thought in the HNR with Elissa staring at her. Helen wishes Jeremy wouldn't have won PoV. Elissa says last time she put David on the block hoping he would win and they could backdoor Jeremy but that didn't happen. She didn't think it made sense to try it again ( -so this time you put him on the block so he could win it himself? How was that any better?) Back in the Lounge Aaryn feels like someone is really getting in the middle of it (Kaitlin?) and she doesn't know what to do. Jeremy won't listen to her. Amanda says both of them are acting very stand-offish which makes it even worse.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @dimminger: @mortystv. And that explains why he's all of a sudden 'into' Gina! --Gotta keep the girls close!

    #BB15 11:29 PM BBT Feeds switch to Howard and Gina in the hammock in the BY. Gina told someone that Howard is cool as heck (not those words) because he let her jump on his shoulders minutes after entering the house. Gina says you can't believe everything that is circulated around the house. Gina says she tells Helen all the time she's beautiful and such a sweet person because she always cheers on the house and that's why she sent Jeremy into talk to her the night they got into it. Nick interrupts the conversation asking where something in.

    #BB15 11:33 PM BBT Back in the lounge, awkward silence with the mics turned way up (my poor eardrums!). Aaryn breaks up the silence by saying she didn't want to carry someone through the game which she was going to end up doing anyway. Aaryn says it's so awkward being in her own HoH room. Aaryn says her and Kaitlin started off this thing cool together. Amanda gets called out to move her mic higher. Aaryn says she and Jeremy think a lot alike when it comes to the game but there's an awkward thing between them that shouldn't be there. Aaryn says every time she tries to bring it up to him he shoots it down. McCrae wonders if he should try and talk to him.

    #BB15 11:37 PM BBT Talk in the BY by Gina and Howard is about how Aaryn is sleeping down stairs leaving the HoH to Kaitlin and Jeremy. Back in the lounge McCrae gets up and Amanda heads into the photo booth leaving Aaryn on the couch briefly. McCrae comes back and says "he's pooping but he'll come in". Amanda comes out of the photo booth. Some quick whispers about why "they" don't trust Amanda and McCrae. Jeremy comes in and they tell him they want to work out the kinks. Jeremy says Elissa is going home this week but they can't really think that far ahead because you could lose sight of the now.

    #BB15 11:42 PM BBT Amanda asks about the trust issue. Jeremy says they all need to stay strong because the other side is trying to break the strong players up. Andy comes to the door and Aaryn says "are you kidding me?" He asks if he can come in and Jeremy says "No....yeah of course". Jeremy turns the talk to Candice stirring things up as Andy takes a seat in between Aaryn and Amanda. Jeremy asks Andy if he is still with them. Andy says yes. Andy wonders who is next after Candice. Jeremy doesn't like to think that far ahead. Yeah Candice is on his radar but that's because she's stirring the pot. As long as he doesn't stir the pot he (Andy) won't be on his radar. Helen scares him because he's a genius. But he doesn't know if he'll even be here in the future. Jeremy rehashes the fact that no one knows how the house is being portrayed outside of it.

    #BB15 11:47 PM BBT Jeremy says Elissa poison and she's always talking about people. Aaryn says "she's so trashy...". Jeremy says when they have the reunion and they ask about getting Elissa out they can all say they took her out. Jeremy says there are people like Elissa every season and they're going to be taking her out week 2. Jeremy and Aaryn agree that if she were to make it to jury they'd leave the house and tell BB to take away their stipend. Aaryn says she'd leave too. Jeremy is ready to go play pool. Jeremy walks out and Andy says he's going to vote to evict Helen and Amanda and McCrae laughs. Andy says if there's a single vote for Helen he'll laugh and tell everyone it was him. Out in the BY Judd, Andy, Nick, Jessie, Howard and one other person hidden behind pillows on the couch. Talk turns to the have-nots having only one day left. Andy can't wait. His first food will be pizza.

    #BB15 11:54 PM BBT Intermittent FoTH Andy is talking about doing improv when he gets out. Back in the WA McCrae and Amanda are whispering while straightening her hair. Spencer walks in and they ask what's up. Spencer said he just beat Kaitlin at pool and the rest of the house is making fun of (not those words) Jessie. Amanda says yeah because she's so boy crazy. Kaitlin walks in and Amanda asks her where she's been all day. Kaitlin says she was napping.

    #BB15 11:59 PM BBT Out by the BY talk is about the kind of guys Aaryn dated and Gina chimes in by saying she had dated a super douche and that Jeremy would probably like him and laugh at everything he said. Judd walks over and they ask if he's checked the SR for alcohol. He says yes and he's talked to DR. Aaryn says if there's a girl in there right now and they send Jeremy in it's game over. Jeremy says it's a dude. Judd says it's a girl and he asked. We get FoTH (expected from production talk). Feeds back and they're laughing saying "You know you're in trouble when they call your name out like that". McCrae asks what he was talking about. Feeds switch to the HT. Gina asks why they're saving Gatorade bottles. Aaryn says Nick is saving them for Bandanna Bowling. Aaryn is whimpering that she feels like she's in a fish tank and hates all of her fellow fish. She wishes she could bite their tails off.

  14. 12:03 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY GM is outside? She's a ninja. She gives Spencer a hug. Howard is making cookies. GM tells Amanda she looks awesome in her robe. Amanda thinks she looks like a grandma. Spencer agrees. Feeds switch to the kitchen and GM is there talking to Nick. She draws a finger along her neck and points up to the HoH. Feeds switch to the HNR where Helen and Elissa are whispering. Elissa heard the HoH because she wants to trust her. They worry that Andy is going to get caught playing sides. Elissa tells Helen she heard someone (GM's New York accent?) "We gotta get her out yo, we gotta get her out!" Elissa really wishes she could trust her. Elissa says Aaryn is not mature enough to stick with a plan and go with it. Elissa definately says GM cannot be trusted.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @skberry_64: @mortystv I'm bored and uncomfortable as well - Aren't we all?!

    12:10 AM BBT GM is ranting about Elissa and her secret power. Jeremy can be heard telling Kaitlin that she is ruining his game by getting cuter each and every week. Jessie agrees with GM completely. This conversation goes on for a while. Aaryn says she wants to trust her but they way she conveys things come off weird. Jessie acknowledges this and says she is awkward at times. Candice joins the party. Down in the HNR Helen and Elissa continue to chat. Elissa is telling Helen about how Rachel and Brendan are ranked number two in showmances on BB (Jeff and Jordan are number 1). Elissa says day two the other girls were attacking her personally and this game is about strategy not not being personal.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @skberry_64: @mortystv Its kind of like watching a Nascar race waiting for the big crash, these idiots are more entertaining when they're fighting - Thank you for a chuckle this evening, although...their fights are seem like they are the same thing over and over again as well.

    12:15 AM BBT The HoH party is breaking up and HGs are in transition around the house again with cameras chasing them. Aaryn tells someone that Jess came up and tore everyone a new rump and they all agreed they were going to be non-confrontational so they all smiled and nodded and it took so much patience to bite their tongues without flipping out on her. Down in the HNR Helen and Elissa continue to chat. Helen is up with her glass preparing to head out the door. Helen reminds her to watch her voice because the room echos and people can hear easily. Helen heads into the WA while Nick, Spencer and Howard appear to be cleaning the KT.

    12:19 PM BBT Feeds switch to Andy trying to compliment Jessie on the couch in the BY. Poor Judd is sitting there smoking, staring off into space (Run Judd run! No prize is worth it!) A game of pool can be heard playing in the background.

    12:26 AM BBT Up in the HoH talk has turned to Candice's nip slip. Jeremy isn't sure how the feeds work. He wonders if it was possible for prod to rewind live feeds. Aaryn tells him it's not. Aaryn telling the room that there are pics of Jordan still floating around the net. Jeremy asks Jordan who. Kaitlin tells him Jeff's fiance. Jeremy wants to know who they are. Nick has joined the HoH crew.

    12:28 AM BBT Andy, Jessie and Judd discuss Andy's time as a have-not thus far. Helen joins the couch and talk turns to her glasses. Back up in the HoH...we have idle chit chat.

  15. 09:05 PM BBT Feeds are back! Jessie and MC are on the balcony overlooking the KT and Jessie is upset that her name is always in everyone's mouth and she doesn't know why because she doesn't do anything. Jessie hates Elissa and she can't stand her. MC is just sitting by agreeing. Feeds switch to GM and someone else whispering just as Jessie asking when Elissa and Candice became so close. Feeds back to MC and Jessie with Jessie saying they better open the BY in the next 10 minutes. Jessie says she just yelled at Elissa because she (Jessie) looked at Judd and Elissa had that look in her eyes that she expects her to ask about her showmance with Judd.

    09:08 PM BBT Feeds switch to Aaryn and Amanda in the lounge with Amanda crying saying she wants to call Candice out for saying that it was MC's idea to evict David. Amanda is pulling out all the stops with her sobbing and Aaryn says Elissa has Kaitlin cornered in the WA telling her that she loves her and she's not gunning for her. Amanda says repeatedly that she's not with Elissa. Amanda almost feels smothered by her.

    09:10 PM BBT Jessie is still talking MC's ear off at the chess board about how nobody in the house knows how to shut their mouths up for more than 5 secs. This is very much a one sided conversation with Jessie leading the charge.

    09:14 PM BBT Amanda says Elissa is constantly around her and MC. Amanda says when you're guilty about something you tend to hover and try and make sure people can't have conversations with others to discover the truth. Amanda says she became close to MC because she was with him 24 hours a day and that just tends to happen. Aaryn says she feels like her alliance now consists of Herself, Amanda, MC, Jeremy and Kaitlin and they don't trust Nick because he's sketchy. Amanda complains that Candice is annoying. Amanda says Jessie drives her up the wall as well.

    09:18 PM BBT Switching feeds to GM and Kaitlin chatting in the HNR. Kaitlin says Jess was apparently hitting on MC and asked when Amanda goes home if he'll be in an alliance with her. GM says Jess has been all over all the guys in the house. GM says back home she may get all the guys she wants at home and Kaitlin says she's vulnerable because she just ended a relationship. Kaitlin says she spoke with Elissa and told Elissa that she's on National TV and she's not going to do inappropriate things. GM says the same thing about Nick. They both agree that they only sleep with boyfriends.

    09:22 PM BBT Quick correction about Aaryn's alliance she did include GM as well (a lot going on at the moment and I'm trying to get everything as accurate as I can). Amanda asks Aaryn what's her plan for noms tomorrow. Aaryn says she thinks Elissa and Candice because it would create the least amount of waves in the house.

    09:24 PM BBT Amanda thinks that "they're" portraying her as the _____ and she needs a good person on her side to help her get the MVP. Amanda thinks MC has a good shot. Aaryn agrees. Amanda tells her that she can talk to Jeremy but she'd like to know everything she tells him to help keep her and MC in the loop. Aaryn says "they" may be portraying me as the ______ but they're portraying her as the _______ as well.

    09:29 PM BBT Amanda says that she thinks Jessie complained to DR about her (Amanda) taking her Xanax and Adderall at the same time occasionally and now DR monitors her like a hawk because of it. Round and round with the Jessie hate.

    09:30 PM BBT All four feeds now on Amanda and Aaryn in the lounge. Amanda says she thinks GM's break down was an effort to reel Nick in. Aaryn wonders about that herself. Aaryn says Elissa made an agreement with Nick that she wouldn't put him up as MVP nom if he helped vote out the other side. Eventually Nick came up to her and told her that he doesn't want to be seen as in an alliance with her. Aaryn says she has to treat him ok for now but she's onto his game.

    09:38 PM There's a knock at the door and Aaryn tells whoever to come in. Kaitlin comes in. Aaryn says the speech that Elissa gave her was word for word the speech Elissa gave her. Kaitlin says she didn't get a speech. Kaitlin says Jessie at the table was going off on Elissa calling her a crazy ______ because she's spreading lies saying that she is in a showmance with Judd. Kaitlin says she was getting mean mugged from Elissa and Kaitlin followed her to the WA to talk to her. Elissa said Jessie is spreading lies saying she is starting lies about her being in a showmance with Judd. Elissa said she didn't care who was ______ who in the house. Kaitlin said she told her first of all I'm not _______ anyone. Feeds switch to WA with Nick talking to someone in the WC. MC comes in to brush his teeth.

    09:41 PM BBT Switching back to the lounge with Kaitlin, Amanda and Aaryn. Kaitlin says she told Elissa that Jessie is betraying everyone and she heard her getting yelled at so she felt bad for her. Kaitlin says they could back door Jessie to get her to trust them for the time being and then they can backdoor her if they need to. Apparently people are outside watching fireworks? Their whispering got insanely quiet for a short period.

    09:43 PM BBT Back in the WA Jessie and Judd in the mirror is saying she doesn't know if she can be nice with anyone inside the house any more or outside the house. Judd says to try. She's one of his favorite girls in the house. Jessie needs something inside the house that she's not getting. Judd asks what. Jessie says love. Judd says he loves her. She says no you don't. Intermittent FoTH.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @LCPerky: @mortystv If she is not abusing it what is the problem? - I remember this conversation but I don't know who was a part of it and I'm not a Doctor or a Pharmacist so take my information with a grain of salt. But whichever HGs were complaining about it said that it gives an unfair advantage due to an energy spike when combined on an full/empty stomach.

    09:50 Feeds back and Jessie is still going off on Judd about the "alliance full of ______". She's tired of having to reassure them that she's not doing/saying the things that she is supposedly being said that she's doing/saying. She's tired of the pairs. Judd says "we're a pair, I told you this last night". Judd says he does. They're alliance let someone go home so maybe it's not as strong as they think. Judd points out that whoever MVP is may put someone up that people will send home (if she ends up on the block). Elissa is a manipulative person says Jessie. She doesn't respect that part of the game (Seriously? It's a HUGE part of the game next to the physical aspect). Jessie says Elissa is a foul person in a bad mood all the time. Judd points out that she's been on slop for two weeks now and the house is largely mean to her. Judd talks to her because he's not going to treat someone like crap. Jessie tells Judd how she went off her because she could see the idea forming in her head that Judd and she were a forming showmance.

    09:56 PM BBT Meanwhile elsewhere in the house Aaryn is talking to Jeremy about noms and Kaitlin walks up. Jeremy says watching the fireworks made him miss is mom so bad. Kaitlin crawls into bed and gives him a kiss and says she's sorry. Kaitlin says Jessie is downstairs digging herself a grave because she's in the WA holding Judd's hand. Aaryn is telling Kaitlin that Amanda says that each of the girls are being portrayed a certain way in the house. Aaryn is the _____. Jessie is the...woman that sleeps with lots of men, etc... Kaitlin asks how she knows this. Aaryn says it's obvious the way questions are being asked in the DR. Intermittent FoTH. Jeremy is watching the monitor in the HoH and sees Helen and Elissa walk into the WA together. Jeremy says they have to go up together. Aaryn says the will.

    10:02 PM BBT Meahwhile down in the HNR MC and Andy are whispering. Andy says he can lie is butt off and "you guys" are my allies to the end. Andy offers to leave the HNR first. MC paces around the room, waving at one of the cameras as it turns to face him. Little does he know...he has a camera behind the mirror aimed at him and that's they one that's being shown to us feeders. He says "Heya Dingo and the feeds switch to the KT where Howard and GM are chatting. BB calls someone out for singing.

    10:05 PM BBT Feeds switch to MC and Amanda whispering in the HNR. Amanda says she had the water works and was crying and everything. She says they're safe this week. She says they have to be careful winning competitions. MC wants to win next week. Amanda gives him a "you better not look". Amanda asks MC about his time with Jessie and he says he he had to sit there and be nice to her because she he's a nice guy. Up in the HoH they're talking about wondering what David's up to. Jeremy says David won't get his $2000 stipend until after the end of the show. Aaryn says that David is going to be sleeping with so many girls. Kaitlin disagrees saying that he is a good guy. Jeremy points out that he didn't lose his virginity until 23.

    10:13 PM BBT Down in the HNR Andy and Candice has joined MC and Amanda. Candice is saying she's not that kind of girl and that mean. She's not going to avoid people. If they come and talk to her she's going to talk to them. Everyone agrees and the party adjourns leaving Candice to make her bed. The BY is now open.

    10:18 PM BBT Switching feeds back to the HNR. Howard steps in to tell everyone that the BY is now open in case they didn't know. Aaryn says they know and they're going to go outside naked. Howard says "Yeah...that's a good idea. Do that.". Jeremy drags Kaitlin into the HoH shower and a brief make out session ensues. Aaryn tells Kaitlin "not only will we give her a one two punch but then she's alone" Kaitlin says she may not work with them regardless. Aaryn says then she can go next week. Aaryn says they want Elissa to go home this week not Jessie. (Apparently the noms have changed again). Aaryn says she wants Jess to stay because she has a huge target on her back. Kaitlin says they need to think about it. Aaryn doesn't want to think about it.

    10:21 PM BBT Feeds switch to Candice and Helen talking in the HNR. Helen says it's week two. Jeremy will explode again. Candice complains that the girls can't stop fighting and men won't fight. She wonders why why why why why why. (Think about it...you're so close!) Helen says girls are just catty and that's the way it is especially when love is involved. They leave the HNR so we'll join the BY crowd.

    10:26 PM BBT Nevermind. Feeds switched to MC and Amanda in the SR with Amanda looking for something. They leave the SR and head into the bedroom. Amanda is called out by BB for not having a mic on. Then she starts whispering quietly to MC about something. Meanwhile cams are chasing an assorted number HGs around as they walk around the house. We're settling on Elissa joining Amanda in the chair bedroom while Amanda slips into her bathing suit. Elissa says she tried eating as much as she could during their July 4th party. Elissa asks Amanda if she's ok. Amanda says she's just home sick. Amanda leaves the room heading for the BY.

    10:28 PM BBT Feeds finally switch to the BY. We have Jeremy, Amanda, Helen, Candice, Kaitlin, MC and GM with Aaryn walking up to join the crew around the HT. Talk is about...well...yeah...this is a family feed. Candice is explaining adult toys.

    10:33 PM BBT Back in the house Elissa is speaking with Amanda. Elissa says Jessie apologized to her. Amanda says she's just obnoxious. Elissa agrees but says everyone is obnoxious. Amanda tells her to keep her chin up and reminds her that if she doesn't hang around her not to take it personal because she's on their radar. Elissa says she doesn't care any more. She just didn't want to go home week 1. Elissa climbs into the HN shower to get in her bathing suit. Feeds switch to Nick, Howard, and Spencer playing pool in the BY. Back at the HT we have assorted conversations. Helen is talking about child birth and Aaryn is telling a story about something else.

    10:36 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues around the HT and PT in the BY.

    10:39 PM BBT Helen tells the pool table (PT) group that she just realized they earned their first two thousand dollars and tomorrow they'll earn a thousand more. Idle chit chat in the BY continues with a civilized atmosphere (for the moment).

    10:46 PM BBT Down on the hammock Candice, Kaitlin and Andy are chatting. Kaitlin says today should've been fun for them but then someone had to blow up. Andy says things are a bit too calm for him. He's going to go off on someone. Nick. He's going to go off on Nick because he's heard him talking about him. The girls laugh. Andy tells Candice that she's a Diva because she was trying to make a pallet on the floor of the HNR room and he was in DR and they made him run out and stop her. Intermittent FoTH. Kaitlin fills in Candice on the Elissa/Jessie fight. Andy wonders if it was Jessie yelling at her or her nipples in her ultra thin bathing suit. Andy says he walked over and told the guys while they were playing pool and told them "From one guy to another....Jessie's bathing suit is see-thru if anyone is interested." They have a good laugh. Candice tells the two that when she voted for Elissa that she heard the boos from the audience.

    10:51 PM BBT Feeds switch to MC and Jeremy that they are putting up Helen and Elissa to let them fight against each other. Jeremy says that Elissa wants an all girl alliance and that the guys need to remember this. Judd comes in calling out for MC and the topic stops. MC tells Jeremy that Amanda is talking Kaitlin now so that's good. Jeremy tells Nick that they're going to put up Elissa and Helen because they know they're in an alliance. Nick asks Jeremy why he looks bummed. Jeremy says Elissa is throwing his name out there as an MVP nom. Nick says not to worry about it but they have his back. Jeremy says he knows but it's still sketchy. MC joins the two. Jeremy says Elissa really needs to go this week. Helen should go week 3 because she's super smart.

    10:55 PM BBT Meeting adjourns. HGs are in transition across the house, feeds flipping from camera to camera. Candice walks through the KT and says it looks horrendous. Kaitlin tells her not to look at it. Candice says she's not because she cleans it too often. MC is heading in to take a shower. GM and Kaitlin are whispering about someone being BFFs. Kaitlin heading upstairs. GM walks through the KT singing their shady song. GM asks if Kaitlin is coming back down. Kaitlin says she's not sure. GM says she may come up. Down at the HT Elissa and Jessie are talking. Elissa says she's very independent when it comes to relationships and she's not clingy.

    11:00 PM BBT Jessie and Elissa continue to chat HT side. Meanwhile back in the HoH Kaitlin is telling GM that she fears she (Kaitlin) will go up as MVP nom and if she comes down then Jeremy will go up and he will absolutely get voted out. Kaitlin believes Aaryn is Elissa's main target and she will be taking out her friends as well. Kaitlin says she's worried about Nick because he may be talking to other people in the house. Kaitlin says Amanda told her that Nick was going on the block as a replacement nom and then David was put up instead which caught Amanda off guard which she isn't sure she believes.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @LCPerky: @mortystv I feel bad for Helen she is stuck sitting Candice. She looked as if she was loosing patience.

    11:08 PM BBT Talk turns to if Elissa might put up GM because of her broken finger and whether or not she can play in PoV or how that would work. Kaitlin steers the chat towards Nick. Kaitlin thinks Nick is an actor here to help Elissa. GM says she asked Nick today if he was like her cousin or something or if he was playing her. He denied. Kaitlin says Nick is sketchy because he doesn't talk game. They want to run scenarios. Let's join the BY.

    11:10 PM BBT Aaryn is chatting with Amanda in the hammock. Talk has turned back to Wine-gate. Amanda starts to choke up. Aaryn said she didn't want to drink the wine and it wasn't her idea at all (Pffffft). Aaryn said it was an awful situation that night. Amanda says the relationships each week are going to dwindle and dwindle because people are going home. Aaryn says she's taking a huge leap while trying to trust Amanda because of what has been says. Amanda brings up Nick's name and why he gets called into the DR so much. This was also part of the Nick conversation up in the HoH as well.

    11:16 PM BBT They begin talking about Elissa and how much they don't trust her. Aaryn asks Amanda if MC doesn't trust her. Amanda says he has no reason to and everything is fine. Up in the HoH Andy has joined Kaitlin and GM. The current scenario is if GM wins HoH next week. These ideas are very fluid and they are talking scenarios within scenarios within scenarios.

    11:21 PM BBT GM suggests not putting Elissa up this week and putting two normal people this week...those that voted David out. It would catch them off guard and shake them. GM says they have to get people out that will vote to keep Elissa. Kaitlin says that MVP gets one day to think of their nom. Feeds switch to the hammock with Amanda's mic faint. Sound quickly improves. Amanda says half of her tears were rage. Apparently someone lied their head in MC's lap (Jessie?) Aaryn would NEVER do that...ugh... Talk turns to wondering who turned something. Aaryn says it was Nick. Amanda says she's stunned. She didn't see that coming. She says Nick came up to her asking her for advice on dealing with Elissa and she knows he's smart and that he shouldn't need her help.

    11:25 PM BBT. Talk turns to scenarios in the hammock. We join the HoH crew in which Jeremy joins. Kaitlin is grumbling about something. Something about a sticker on a toilet that Jess put on the toilet that she's going to think they did? Hushed whispers. Jeremy leaves and then Elissa comes out of the HoH bathroom and then it all becomes clear. Elissa says you guys are such good people. Aaryn comes into the HoH, her eyes looking a bit wide at seeing Elissa.

    11:31 PM BBT Sticker-gate is apparently the sticker from Elissa's cup was placed on a toilet and the culprit was Jessie. That is why Kaitlin was feeling bad because she went to use the bathroom and would end up seeing it. Aaryn apologizes and explains that it was Jessie and Elissa says she couldn't care less because she won't remember anything about this place when she leaves. She's kind of humored by it because Jessie time out of her busy day to do it. Judd comes up and says he has tooth pain.

    11:35 PM BBT Elissa is heading to bed. Kaitlin swears she's going home. Apparently Elissa said "You all are such charming people...especially you Kaitlin..." Kaitlin says that's her sarcasm and she knows it. That was her way of telling her that she's going up. Apparently Kaitlin also fears that Elissa may have heard them talking about her from the other side of the door. GM and Andy says they were talking about Jessie and not Elissa. Kaitlin wonders how they missed her coming to the door. Kaitlin is shaken up by they way Elissa said that. Andy says it is bizarre. Judd is in the room still and is getting tired. GM tells Andy he dropped the ball by not watching the monitor.

    11:38 PM BBT FoTH

    11:46 PM BBT. Feeds are Back and Jessie has joined the HoH crowd. She starts to say something and Kaitlin interrupts her and rehashes the Elissa conversation to Aaryn. Aaryn tells her they will talk about it later and tells Jessie to go ahead. Jessie stammers and it takes her a moment to find her words. Apparently she was overheard singing the shady song earlier and Aaryn questioned her about it. Jessie says it wasn't about them. Jessie says she's never said anything negative about any of the girls and she's tired of being questioned everyday about her loyalty. Kaitlin points out that things they've told her have made it back to them with people giving her name saying that they Jessie was the source. Jessie says she's not given out information since Aaryn became HoH. Jessie says she's heard the same thing before about them.

    11:53 PM BBT Jeremy says you're not a target and you'll see that when you don't go up on the block this week. Jeremy and Jessie exchange heated words about hearing that Jessie was throwing Jeremy's name out. She says she didn't tell anyone that. Her voice gets louder and Jeremy tells her to calm down a bit. She calls him out saying he talks to people like that all the time and if it's ok for him it should be ok for her. He starts talking circles about how he's not bad for talking like that but she is but she isn't...and someone in the room says he's confused them and to let it go. The girls continue to go back and forth. Kaitlin tells Jeremy about what Elissa said while he was gone while Aaryn and GM continue to talk to Jessie. Judd looks bored and uncomfortable.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Under Construction~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  16. Again though...how do you fix a random draw of colored ping pong balls that ultimately picks your lane and what kind of BBQ sauce you're going to end up with as well as your partner. Last night was a slow one at work for me and these are things I picked up from various conversations that I was able to listen to. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I certainly don't have time stamps or feed numbers.

    With all of that said pot roast is certainly two words based upon a number of online dictionaries as observed here:


    Click through the online ones and search for the word "potroast" (as one word).

    Most of them ask if you meant "pot roast" or "pot-roast" and one of them automatically breaks it apart for you into "pot roast". Is it frustrating that she did that to herself? Absolutely. There is no way the PoV was stolen from her. We can certainly argue whether or not HoH was fixed (a 3 minute penalty for trading cups? really?). But if other teams were doing it as well and they were given similar penalties then that's that. Also worthy of noting...Andy and Elisse were apparently neck and neck with them AND Aaryn and Jeremy had a 3 minute penalty. You can look at it that BB intentionally made the severe enough to build anticipation in not only the viewers but the HGs themselves but light enough so Jeremy and Aaryn could win.

    Look at us all though...we can sit here and speculate and speculate and speculate...but what's it going to do besides raise our blood pressure. Vote for your MVP (anyone besides Aaryn plllllllease....) and let's do what we can to get her out of the house. Although...I've mentioned it to a couple of friends that watch the show locally...any bets that even if she gets evicted she'll get sequestered with the chance to get back in the house. I'm calling it now.

    Happy Independence Day to my American friends and stay safe! I'm off to enjoy some BBQ before my LFU shift starts tonight!

    Cocoa between the pair that won they had to decide who would be HoH and who would not be. Jeremy gave Aaryn the HoH because he wants to compete next week.

  17. As President of the We Hate Aaryn Club I call this meeting to order.

    Partners were chosen via random colored ping pong ball draw.

    Here's the deal though...even though they were passing the cups back and forth, ultimately it sounds like Jeremy and Aaryn were punished with a 3 minute penalty for this.

    HG's were talking about the different consistencies of the BBQ sauce as well and it sounds like Aaryn and Jeremy had a thicker sauce compared to the other lanes.

    The HGs certainly believed the partners were chosen at random...it's all very interesting regardless.

    But...who didn't see this coming, let's be honest.

    Keep voting for people other than Aaryn to be MVP and we'll get her out before sequester...I hope.

    Meeting adjourned!

  18. 12:02 AM BBT Aaryn says he pushes and pushes for a relationship but she doesn't know anything about him and she is getting turned off by his lack of goals. GM says give it time and try to get to know him together but she doesn't think it'll happen that way. She's stuck for the moment. GM says they have a solid 6...the strongest 6 in the house. The walk out of the WA.

    12:11 AM BBT Feeds begin to intermittently freeze again. In the BY Jessie and Elissa are talking. Jessie says she's been blessed with beautiful looks and girls get jealous of her at times. Elissa asks why she feels lonely. Jessie says she feels like the only one in the house without a partner. Feeds switch to Aaryn visiting with Kaitlin and Jeremy in the hammock. Aaryn says she doesn't feel compatible with him. Kaitlin asks if she told him that. Aaryn says yes but they're going to be in a flirtmance. Aaryn tells the two of them about the kind of guys she's dated and Jeremy says maybe it's time for a change.

    12:18 AM BBT Kaitlin reiterates that she wants a man that's going to be firm and demanding about what he wants "Go get that can out of the water!" not "Good job honey, you tried..." Elsewhere in the house Candice, Nick, Spencer, Helen, Howard and Andy are talking about sex and dating with minorities in the chair room. Andy had a black phase in college. Spencer says he was prepared for sex with a black woman to be ground breaking but instead it was like "Meh..." Howard and Candice says he was digging in the wrong lake.

    12:23 AM BBT In the BY they are playing a game by calling out TV shows in alphabetical order. They get to the end and they've decided they're going to do characters now. Switching feeds Aaryn and David are in the kitchen. Aaryn hates someone because David heard her whispering and he could tell when he looked at her that she was whispering about him. Aaryn is looking for something to eat.

    12:27 AM BBT Jeremy is called to replace his microphone and he says "Just a minute, I'm comfy!" Kaitlin tells him to get up and they both manage to hit their heads together. Jeremy ends up on the ground, rolling around exaggerating. Kaitlin tells him to get up because it didn't hurt her. Meanwhile the TV character game continues on in the BY.

    12:29 AM BBT Aaryn is "still going to lose it" in the KT over whoever said whatever as she is making herself something to eat. Howard is getting some chips.

    ***Tweet Reply*** RT @skberry64: @mortystv Am I the only person who's waiting for David to start speaking like Jeff Spicolli? Aloha Mr Hand

    12:37 AM BBT The character game continues in the BY, there is no game talk ongoing at the moment. Howard and Aaryn are in the KT making themselves something to eat. Aaryn randomly throws something on the floor (it almost looks like a shoe?) and Howard laughs and he says I like you. Since Day 1!" Aaryn says she likes him too. Feeds switch back to the chair room. Howard, Helen, Candice, and Andy are in there. Spencer just walked out. Idle chit chat.

    12:44 AM BBT Spencer and Nick in the SR whispering. Spencer says there isn't a move that will be made in the house without them hearing about it. Nick says he has the Blonde Brigade locked down but they're driving him crazy. Spencer says he's certainly more mature than they are. Spencer says they are going to go down as the strongest alliance in BB history. Spencer says Howard needs to stay off the radar which he's doing a good job of so far. Spencer says he's going to talk to McCrae about Amanda because Amanda wants him out. They need to concoct a deal to get Nick and McCrae and Amanda to work together so he vanishes off her radar for a period of time.

    12:50 AM BBT Spencer says he and Nick are the thinkers in this game. He doesn't know where McCrae's head is at besides focused on Amanda's chest. Spencer tells Nick people don't trust him because they don't know where his head is at and he should talk a bit of game but not reveal anything. Tread carefully. Spencer says they're goal is to keep each other's names off nominations radars. Nick agree. Spencer exits the SR and returns to the chair room without batting an eye while carrying an apple. Helen catches him and tries to talk game, he tells her not now. Talk turns to the ratty state of his shoes.

    12: 58 AM BBT In the BY David, Jeremy, Judd and Jessie play pool. Jeremy is...being himself flirting a bit with Jessie and she doesn't appear to be having any of it. She comments that if people would have her back in this game she'd be better. Jeremy says he doesn't want negativity on his team. Jeremy is called to the DR to replace his mic. He tells them to wait. Jessie tells him he should go. He says his pool game is more important. He is called again and he goes this time asking Nick to replace him while he's gone.

    01:00 AM BBT Up in the HoH room Andy, McCrae, Amanda, and an unknown body are trashing another HG. Someone that apparently said they have a trainer at home and they don't need it. Down in the BY pool continues on with no real single conversation happening.

    01:07 AM BBT Andy, McCrae, Amanda and <someone> are in the HoH running scenarios for the week. McCrae says every season there's always a person you don't want to win HoH one week and they always do...he fears this will be the week Aaryn wins it. Down in the BY GM comes back outside. Jeremy whispers something about "She's gone to the dark side" and the feeds switch to Elissa and Jessie sitting on the couch. Jessie says she feels like she's going home this week and this would be a great time to impart some of her Rachel wisdom on her. Elissa stays quiet.

    01:16 AM BBT Elissa and Jessie chat about previous HGs. Jessie would love to have Dani come back in the house. Jessie met Jeff once and he wasn't as sweet as he is portrayed on TV. She thinks Hollywood and California may have jaded him some. Elissa continues to slowly probe her for information about Jeff by asking about what he looks like. Jessie says his hair was grey and he should dye it. Elissa asks Jessie if she thinks she should go home over David. Jessie doesn't want to answer the question because it's a trick question. Elissa continues to probe Jessie. Jessie feels that she deserved to come down more than Candice because she had a bigger word than Candice. Elissa asks if she tried hard in PoV. Jessie did. Elissa asks if she tried for HoH. Jessie did and she didn't expect to go up on the block for week 1. Jessie feels everyone has more strength in this game. Elissa asks if she is a bigger threat because Rachel is her sister. Jessie says she does have an advantage because of it. Jessie says she feels like she's connected with Elissa because they're both in the same boat.

    01:26 AM BBT (Elissa is talking in a very soft...quiet...almost sex line operator tone...just listening to the feeds without watching her I can't help but feel she's trying to pick Jessie's brain and plant ideas in her mind.) Jessie says the house will be nervous with the two of them sitting on the couch in the BY. Elissa asks why. Jessie says because they're going to wonder what they're talking about. Elissa wonders why that matters. Jessie said the two of them sweated all week so now it's their turn to sweat while they chat. Elissa asks if she likes Jeremy. Jessie says she won't deny it. Elissa asks if they made out the first day or two. Jessie says no and asks if that's a rumor. Elissa asks Jessie why she didn't try to align with anyone. Jessie says she didn't try to align with Elissa because she thought she was teamed up with Amanda. Elissa asks she ever thought about being on the bachelor. Jessie says no but she'd rather be on the Bachelorette "Not one of many girls but the one girl". Elissa asks if she thinks she'll get famous from being on the show. Jessie says "You tell me." Elissa says she's never been on the show but she's a huge fan of all the fans. (Smart...smart girl! - Niteslacker)

    01:33 AM BBT Meanwhile up in the HoH Kaitlin and Amanda are chatting. Kaitlin is waiting to see McCrae (he's in the shower I believe). Amanda asks Kaitlin if she was an alternate. She said yes because she was told that. BB tells Jessie to move her mic. Back down in the BY. Elissa says she was shocked that Jessie called her out for not watching season 12. Jessie didn't remember the question earlier. Now Jessie is saying that she wasn't trying to improve her game at all by bringing it up. Elissa asks how she found out that she was Rachel's sister. Jessie says there were rumors. Elissa asks who started the rumors. Jessie won't say because she's afraid Elissa will use it against her. Elissa says she won't. Jessie laughs and says if you were smart you would. BB calls Jessie out for playing with her mic. She puts it down briefly before picking it back up and starting to play with it again. Elissa asks Jessie what did she hope would happen when she came in the house. Jessie says she was hoping to make friends and enjoy herself. Elissa says "...and have a showmance...". Jessie agrees and then makes a divebomb sound. Candice and Helen come out to ask about the sleeping arrangements. Jessie is playing with her mic again.

    01:39 AM BBT BB calls Jessie out for playing with her mic. Jeremy runs his mouth in the background about not obstructing your mic because they want to hear what it is you're saying. Elissa tells Jessie that she should go after Jeremy if she wants him. Jessie says she doesn't really want to waste her time on him. Jessie tells Elissa "I know what you're doing Elissa..." Elissa asks what. Jessie says you're probing me for information so you can use it against me. Elissa says she's not. Jessie says she is and she's twisting her words. Candice gets up and walks away. Elissa says she was just having a conversation. Jessie says she felt bad for her and was talking to her because no one else would. Elissa says she's trying to talk to her about her showmance and she wonders why Jessie is trying to pick a fight with her. Jessie wants to change the subject. Elissa says that's fine. Talk turns to where they shop and where their clothes come from.

    01:48 AM BBT Jessie says she's going to sit in the HT and it was nice talking. Elissa agrees and brings up the fact that they certainly don't know each other. Jessie agrees but says she didn't say she did know Elissa. Elissa disagrees and says yes she did because she called her out for trying to talk game but that simply wasn't the case. Jessie just wanted to know more about her showmance with Jeremy. Jessie says Jeremy and Kaitlin are the showmance. Elissa heads in. Jessie has a seat next to the edge of the HT. Someone calls her out for getting yelled out for playing with her mic. Talk quickly turns to what the conversation was about. The HT crew consists of GM, Spencer, Andy, Jeremy and Aaryn. GM gets hostile saying neither David or Jessie are going home and she's pissed at Elissa for trying to start things. Jessie tells them she called her out on it. Jeremy says his nipples hurt because of all the negativity. He doesn't feel like things are going down the way everyone thinks they are.

    01:51 AM BBT Up in the HoH Nick, Amanda, McCrae, Kaitlin and Howard are Candice and Elissa bashing. Kaitlin says Elissa was randomly walking around the kitchen eating random things while staring at them hard. Kaitlin says she's hardcore crazy. Candice bashing continues about her being awkward. Howard says Candice didn't have two words for him until she got on the block. Down in the HT Elissa bashing is going on as well.

    01:58 AM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda thinks everyone needs to worry about the Madhatter. That's their next problem. Kaitlin is worried about Andy being a wild card. Nick says they have 8 solid votes to send Elissa home this week. The group all agree that they were Rachel bashing the first 24-48 hours. Down in the HT Aaryn is called to DR. FoTH.

    02:06 AM BBT Feeds back and Elissa bashing continues in the HoH. Judd comes up looking for his glass. Kaitlin tells him to sit down. Judd says he came out of DR and everyone is fired up. "GM is fired up outside about her as well". Down in the HT Jeremy and Jessie are talking. Jeremy is saying he'll calm down if it'll mean she comes around more. She doesn't care what he does. Jeremy wishes she would come around more. Jessie wishes he would shut up. GM walks by with someone saying she'll buy her own plane ticket home she doesn't care. Jeremy tells Jessie to tell him to shut him. She does. He continues talking. Candice comes over to the HT from the couch and says Jessie is a great player. Jessie says she feels like she ruined her game by not caring tonight.

    02:10 AM BBT Andy walks up. Talk turns to home briefly. Andy tells Jeremy not to drink the Elissa Kool-Aid. Jeremy says he's not drinking it. Andy says she just wants to stir the pot. Jeremy says he knows Elissa is getting $25,000 if she makes it a certain length of time in the house. Judd walks out and he mumbles saying everyone knows she's going home. Jeremy and Jessie brings up the fact that she's walking around the house not crying, but in fact smiling. Spencer walks out to the hammock and Jeremy joins him. Jeremy says Elissa has to go home ASAP but this week is certainly David's week.

    02:15 AM BBT Kaitlin and Nick in the SR whispering, Kaitlin is shaking something so it's incredibly difficult to hear what she's saying. Nick is saying he is trying to get GM to settle down her gameplay because she's becoming way too amped up. Kaitlin says Jess is an emotional bomb and she fears that she will get put up if she wins HoH. Nick worries that people are saying he doesn't talk Kaitlin says keep doing it they will protect him.

    02:23 AM BBT Talk in the SR is building up their own egos and how strong of a three way alliance it is (Nick, Jeremy, and Kaitlin). Nick says Jess loves hates him. Kaitlin says Jess just wants attention from the guys. Nick says the problem with that is that GM gets mad. Kaitlin says she'll try to talk to "her". Kaitlin and Nick feels like they're in High School again. Kaitlin says Jeremy is a very intelligent person but sometimes he says things that makes her annoyed and she wants to tell him to shut up. Talk turns to food. Out in the hammock Jessie, hugs Jeremy. Spencer says watch out this girl's crazy. Jessie is headed to bed. Spencer is headed in but Judd stops and asks if he's going to bed. Spencer says no because he's a late nighter. Jeremy was following behind but then Howard said something so he hung back at the pool table. Feeds switch Jessie brushing her teeth. Judd comes in looking for a pool partner. Judd, Howard and Spencer are playing pool.

    02:27 AM BBT Spencer says GM is fired up because he thinks she has a crush on Nick. In the KT Kaitlin, Andy and Nick are chatting randomly about food. Nick wants to come to see Andy in Chicago and open up a bar tab just to see him get drunk. Kaitlin wonders what she got cut on in the SR. Andy says he's been secretly planting razors around the house. Kaitlin hates him.

    02:32 AM BBT Kaitlin joins the guys in the BY. She asks the guys if they could teach Jeremy to be quiet. Spencer says "like me?" Kaitlin says "Yeah, any of you!" Howard asks Kaitlin if all girls in Minnesota look good like her. Spencer heads in side. Feeds 1 and 2 are on a darkened chair room. Feeds switch to Jeremy in the shower and Nick chatting with him. Spencer asks what they're doing before heading into the WC. Meanwhile out in the BY pool continues with Andy showing up briefly on the cam before heading inside.

    02:33 AM BBT Nick and Andy are now at the KT counter talking about Nick being a coffee freak. He has numerous kinds of coffee at home and can make it different ways.

    02:40 AM BBT Spencer tells Kaitlin in the BY that he's glad that Kaitlin was ok with him turning her down on the first day. That could've been really awkward for the season. Kaitlin says she's been trying to get Jeremy to hook up with Jessie everyday since they got in the house just so she'd be less crazy. They have a good laugh but then Kaitlin says "No really, you don't understand, I'm being serious!" (Clearly she's not)

    02:42 AM BBT Nick and Andy continue bonding in the KT. Currently Andy is talking about how amazing it feels to improv. Out in the BY talk has turned to Kaitlin and her last relationship. She doesn't feel like she was respected in her last relationship.

    02:44 AM BBT Jeremy joins the BY crew. Someone starts dropping beats and we get FoTH. Feeds back quickly and Jeremy and Spencer are on the couch while Kaitlin, Howard and Judd continue to play pool.

    02:48 AM BBT Nick and Andy continue to chat in the KC. FoTH. Feeds back quickly. Spencer and Jeremy discuss what this weeks HoH may be this week.

    02:54 AM BBT Chat between Andy, Nick and Kaitlin in the KT. Nick brings up a name and we get FoTH. Out in the BY Spencer, Judd, Jeremy and Howard were all sitting on the couch, chatting. No game talk.

    02:58 AM BBT Talk in the KT has turned to previous seasons. Nick says HoH is such a double edged sword because you have the power one week but then lose it the next. Out in the BY Jeremy says he's heading into bed. Howard just wandered in as well. Spencer says he doesn't think he can stay up til for 4 am himself. Howard is back outside.

    03:02 AM BBT Talk on the couch in the BY has turned to game. Spencer says David has to get out next week and Aaryn the following week. Judd comments on GM breaking down today saying she misses her friends and family. Spencer says he certainly help her with that by sending her home as well.

    03:06 AM BBT Jeremy, Kaitlin, Nick and Andy in the KT chatting. Intermittent FoTH as they talk about production. Kaitlin says she was followed around by a creepy old man while she was in the hotel for three days. He was asking her different things about what she was wearing and he finally got kicked out of the hotel. Andy and Kaitlin says they were moved groups during pre-sequester.

    03:09 AM BBT Amanda is called to DR. She's not happy as she's trying to do put on eyeliner in the WA mirror. Back in the KT Andy, Jeremy, Nick and Kaitlin continue to chat about their sequester. Andy asks Judd if he remembers seeing him. Judd says yeah but they changed him as well. Kaitlin goes in to brush her teeth. Judd and Andy head outside.

    03:11 AM BBT The BY group has expanded to include Andy, McCrae, Judd, Spencer, Jeremy, Howard, Candice and Nick. Idle chit chat. (So much for going to bed!)

    03:15 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 switch to other sleeping HG. Out in the BY...Spencer says they should talk about Nick. Candice asks if he's out there. Spencer laughs and says no, what do you think. Candice turns around, realizing he's out there and everyone has a laugh. Nick farts. They have another laugh. Andy says it smells like bark.

    03:20 AM BBT Talk in the BY has turned to various kinds of drugs and the experiences they've had with them. Everyone is talking over each other and it's difficult to really follow any single person.

    03:30 AM BBT Talk is winding down a bit. Assortment of conversation over the past 10 minutes or so. The most amusing was Spencer picking up his mic and telling BB to call Candice to the DR so they can cover veto rules with her once more. Judd tells Candice if she wins the veto and she uses it to take a friend down she and the friend would be safe. Andy says you also get a nobility badge. GM comes outside to get Jeremy. She's stressing out again. She needs to go home. BB calls her out telling her to put on her mic. Jeremy is telling her to calm down. GM says Jeremy reminds him of her brother and that's why she likes him. GM really needs to go home.

    03:33 AM BBT Jeremy is giving her a pep talk telling her to hang in there and the bad things may come but the good things come along as well. Elissa is going home this week. Jeremy reminds her that she said her period may be starting soon so that may be causing this stress. Jeremy tells her that she deserves to be here. Take the good with the bad and ride it out a little bit. GM says she has happy people at home and not the crazy stuff in the house. Jeremy says this is an experience in the house for him as well.

    03:45 AM BBT GM thinks everyone is going to call her a scrub. She's not used to wearing these other kinds of clothes, her nails aren't done, she doesn't want to be a scrub. Jeremy says anyone would be stupid if they said they didn't want to be with her. Jeremy says clothes don't make the person, they're just external. GM says there are cameras all over the place and it's freaking her out. Jeremy points out that it's different for everyone and everyone is just as amazed that they are there at times. Jeremy says she's a good creature. He understands she has a good circle at home. He knows they'll have a good circle here but they have to get some of the rats out. GM says she's a good person with a good heart. She says the sneaky stuff is beyond her. GM says she's been gone for so long she's afraid people won't like her. Jeremy says she can come to Texas any time and she can be his honey boo. GM says something about her ex or other players talk negative about her. Jeremy says her ex is her ex for a reason. Jeremy says he's straight facin' her right now. She's gorgeous without makeup. She's her biggest enemy right now. GM thinks everyone is cool as heck and wants everyone to have fun but she doesn't feel like the house is. GM says when she was teaching dance and she had a parent question the length of time it took to change tap shoes on 30 4-6 year olds. Her director approached her and that's when it began to feel less like fun and more like a job. GM says there is too much negative energy in this house right now.

    03:49 AM BBT While covering GM and Jeremy BB has come over the intercom numerous times reminding people they can't talk about production or their DRs. We also get a new one that makes even Jeremy and GM pause and say "What?" BB says "Judd. Do not lie on your transmitter." (I assume they're talking to the BY crew because it's certainly not GM/Jeremy). We're at FoTH for the moment.

    03:52 AM BBT Candice is called to the DR. Jeremy continues to try and calm GM down in the lounge room. Out in the BY Spencer is leading Candice bashing. Amanda is heading back to bed. Brief FoTH.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @KKL_fan: @mortystv thank you for all the work you do keeping us updated - Thanks for the kind words! We love what we do!

    03:57 AM BBT Amanda and McCrae in bed in HoH with the lights out. GM and Jeremy continues to talk it out in the lounge. Jeremy tells GM that the house is built to crack people and they brought in Rachel's ugly sister to make it more miserable. GM goes to get some Advil before going to bed. Jeremy heads off to the rooms as well.

    04:01 AM BBT GM crawls into bed. All 4 feeds on sleeping HG for a short bit before switching to the BY crew which consists of Kaitlin, Andy, Jeremy, Spencer, Judd and Howard. A DR tale ensues and we get FoTH.

    04:05 AM BBT Talk in the BY is about one of the showmances (McCrae and Amanda?) and an awkward situation that includes the DR somehow. We keep getting intermittent FoTH which is making it difficult to follow. Judd asks Jeremy about GM and he said she's alright. Intermittent FoTH.

    04:08 AM BBT Andy heads in to bed. Talk on the couch consists of Jeremy, Howard, Kaitlin, Spencer, Candice and Judd. Topic of choice tonight is Elissa and her plastic surgery. DR calls someone out for talking about DR. It wasn't the BY crew.

    04:15 AM BBT ***FLASHBACK ALERT*** I just flashed backed to Camera 4 at 3:33 AM BBT and it's certainly Amanda and McCrae. Amanda says she didn't need to give a soundbite because apparently McCrae did. She asked what he said and BB reminds "Houseguests" not to talk about their DR. Amanda says imagine her boyfriend and his family watching and what they're going to say. She questions why he said anything. Amanda thought they weren't going to talk about it. (This is definitely the awkward silence). Again BB reminds that "You're not allowed to talk about your DR with other HG's." Amanda lets out a string of expletives. Amanda is now crying and she doesn't want to hurt her BF and all of their friends and family are watching and it's a horrible horrible thing to do on television. Amanda says he has naked pictures and videos of her and she's worried about that because he's very spiteful. Amanda says it was just a kiss. She has questions she wants to ask but she can't because of BB.

    04:21 AM BBT Still following the Amanda/McCrae flashback BB reminds them that they are not allowed to talk about their DR. Amanda wants to go outside and for McCrae to come to. McCrae says they'll figure it out and Amanda says they can't talk about DR. Amanda heads out with McCrae following shortly. Kaitlin asks what's up. Amanda doesn't want to talk about it. Judd points out that they were called into the DR in the middle of the night. Amanda says yeah. Awkward silence. Spencer is weirded out and is afraid to say anything. He feels like mom and dad are fighting. You can hear a hint of static one of the mics and Judd now called out for lying on his transmitter and it breaks the silence with everyone bursting out into laughter.

    04:22 AM BBT Coming back live we're currently FoTH.

    04:30 AM BBT Feeds are back. McCrae and Amanda are in bed in a darkened HoH room whispering on feeds 3 and 4. Meanwhile in the BY Howard is heading into bed leaving Jeremy, Kaitlin, Spencer and Judd behind. Judd asks for the schedule for the week. Jeremy says HoH is on Wed obviously. Judd thinks it's Monday. Jeremy gets him straightened out.

    04:32 AM BBT Nick is in the KT making something eat. BY crew talking about music.

    04:36 AM BBT Jeremy talking about his family growing up and we get FoTH.

    04:40 AM BBT Feeds back...bodies under the covers in the HoH. Definite kissing sounds with Amanda whispering and giggling. FoTH again.

    04:45 AM BBT Feeds back and their heads are out from under the covers although Amanda's hand is suspiciously close to McCrae's pelvic region under the covers. Amanda asks how he's going to sleep. McCrae says guys go to sleep and it generally just goes. Amanda says the house will be interesting today. Amanda whispers that they are trying to make it into...<pststssptpsps>. Just before heading out to the BY feeds Amanda asked something about Sequester. The BY crew still consists of Jeremy, Kaitlin, Spencer, Judd and Nick. Talk is about Nick shaving his body because it feels better and he feels like he sweats less. Jeremy says he doesn't sweat. Kaitlin is ready for bed.

    04:49 AM BBT Spencer stands up and Kaitlin asks if it's bed time. Spencer says he loves everyone to death but he's gots to go to bed. Nick is looking to have a bowl of cereal before bed. Spencer says to Nick "That was weird wasn't it" Nick says "Yeah super weird." Spencer motions for him to head into the WA. They head in there whispering. Spencer says he's hoping that whatever it was will piss Amanda off. The backdoor opens and Spencer quickly scrambles into the WC. Nick starts brushing his teeth. Judd comes in and starts doing the same himself.

    04:52 AM BBT Judd and Spencer are brushing their teeth in the WA. Nick uses the WC briefly and washes his hands. All three exit the WA together. Spencer heads into bedroom. Judd hangs out with Nick as he's making himself a bowl of cereal.

    04:58 AM BBT Cameras 3 and 4 are on darkened rooms although someone on camera 3 grumbles out wishing the light would turn off. Back in the KT Judd and Nick are randomly talking. Judd is heading to bed. Nick should be shortly behind him after he brushes his teeth for a second time. On that note we are finished for the night!

  19. 11:01 PM BBT Intermittent feed failures continue for numerous watchers in their public chat channels. We'll continue updating as we catch glimpses and let you know the moment it is fixed. Thank you for your continued patience!

    11:14 PM BBT Feeds continue to work intermittently for some folks and not for others. Those that have them complain about them freezing. Personally I've been staring at the following screen for 10 minutes now while trying to refresh every 2-3 minutes with no success.

    11:17 PM BBT Feeds are back briefly just after my last update and Aaryn is sitting on the weight bench in the BY telling David that she just doesn't date the shy, quiet types. David says that things would be different if there weren't so many people in the house "If it were just you and I..." He asks Aaryn about what this means. Aaryn says it doesn't mean anything and things aren't changing. David says he thinks things have already changed and he noticed it last night when she was wanting to hang out with Jeremy. Aaryn says she would never go after Jeremy because he's with Kaitlin.

    11:20 PM BBT David says he acts the way he does because his parents let him do him do his own thing. Aaryn says it's not his parents job to dictate how he's supposed to live his life. Aaryn says all of her previous relationships the guys she dated had high aspirations and dreams. David says he's never had someone direct him into it. Aaryn points out that again he shouldn't have to have people guide him on. She goes on to tell David that her mom isn't in her corner for anything she ever does and when she calls with news of a "gig" that her mom doesn't even care and that she wouldn't even sign the waiver allowing her to be talked about in the house.

    11:24 PM BBT Feeds continue to intermittently freeze up. I refresh and we join the two of them further into this apparently deep conversation. David says he's so chill and laid back he's just trying to enjoy himself. Aaryn says that he should use this as a life lesson and really take advantage of his time in the house (Who knew this girl could be so deep?! I almost feel sorry for her when she comes out of the house only to realize her life lesson will just be beginning... - Niteslacker)

    11:31 PM BBT I took a chance to switch feeds and they froze up with McCrae walking through the KT and Amanda's voice asking where something is. Feeds return with McCrae in the BY and GM and Judd playing pool. McCrae is grumbling about Amanda smoking all of his cigarettes. Jessie is also smoking on the lounger with Amanda. Amanda tells her she can hang out with them if she needs to. Jessie says she hasn't known where to turn to for the past couple of days. Amanda asks McCrae if he's ever bitten his own toe nails before. McCrae denies but then apparently lifts his own leg or foot up to or over his head off camera.

    11:35 PM BBT David is telling Aaryn that he is confident and Aaryn disagrees saying that he's going to mess up his own game play. Aaryn says he lost her trust three separate times. Aaryn says Jeremy is confident. As he says he can sell ice to Eskimos. Aaryn says Jeremy can get in his head just as easily as she can and that scares her. She tells David that he looks sad and she wouldn't have spent this much time telling him these things if she didn't really care for him. FoTH.

    11:42 PM BBT McCrae, Jessie, Amanda, and one other HG are sitting on the couch in the BY chatting randomly. David and Aaryn continue to chat on the weight bench. Well...more Aaryn continues to talk with David listening. David asks if Aaryn is going to stop flirting with him and she says no. Aaryn says sometimes she feels when she talks to him that he's not listening. David says it makes him mad that she has more in common with Jeremy than him. Aaryn says that's the first thing to come to his mind at the end of the conversation which isn't good. Aaryn says David doesn't talk.

    11:45 PM BBT Aaryn feels like David is judging her based upon her looks which isn't fair. She cares about him as a person but it's hard to care about him in other ways then she is going to have to learn more about him in a deeper sense. David is sorry that he tried to push the relationship faster. David says he can tell the way she looks at him when she thinks he's being awkward.

    11:50 PM BBT Aaryn says they're from two different cultures. David says he doesn't think he's a bad guy. She agrees. She says she's used to guys having the upper hand while being respectful whereas he's used to the woman having the upper hand in the relationship. They head off in opposite directions.

    11:54 PM BBT David joins Spencer, Andy, and Nick in the chair bedroom. Andy is called to DR. Andy is asked to ask for TP and booze. Idle chit chat otherwise. In the WA GM and Aaryn are talking. Aaryn says she was trying to have a serious chat with David and she feels like she did nothing but hurt his feelings.

    11:59 PM BBT Aaryn tells GM she's genuinely bummed about how she thinks she treated him. She says she is starting to feel like she isn't attracted to him because he doesn't have a goal in his life. His goal is to be a famous actor but that doesn't mean anything for her. She says it kills her because he's a good person. GM says they should take the time to get to know each other during their time in the BB house. Aaryn says she doesn't even like sleeping in the same bed together. Her other option was sleeping in bed with the devil, Elissa.

  20. In no particular order...


    Jeremy having a heart to heart with Helen after going off on the Have-nots about the wine.


    GM suggests to Jeremy that he needs to go talk to Helen and apologize to her because of the argument.



    Nick dancing after the Jeremy explosion.


    Helen upset as she's talking with Jeremy.


    Jeremy apologizes to Helen.


    Have-nots celebrating just after their food restrictions are lifted...little do they know Jeremy has had quite a bit of wine and there's about to be a fight...


    Have-nots eating after 7 days of slop restrictions


    Aaryn enjoying the wine that Jeremy gave her and will ultimately lead to an argument in the house...


    Jeremy doing a bit of manscaping

  21. 12:28 AM BBT Aaryn tells Jeremy that even Amanda said they were jerks for opening the wine. Jeremy says he told Amanda that he was doing it. Jeremy says lets go talk to people. Jeremy walks to the door and opens it and tells the people in the kitchen eating that he opened the wine and he drank all of it and to blame him. Andy, McCrae, Candice, Helen, and others simply stare at him. Helen speaks up and says she didn't say anything about it. Jeremy says he's having this discussion with everyone. If anyone has any problems to take it up with him cause he's here to play! Amanda is a liar if she says she doesn't know anything.

    12:21 AM BBT FLASHBACK ALERT! Jeremy goes to the backdoor with Aaryn tagging along at his hip and tells the have-nots that are eating that he drank the wine in a very confrontational manner.

    12:32 AM BBT Aaryn and Jeremy comes back out and Jeremy says he told them what's up. He's here to play. Aaryn complains a bit about them acting like they have no idea what's going on. Judd says people are just happy because they want to eat and enjoy it and don't want the drama. Aaryn tells Judd that they've had his back and she feels like he's being snippy with them. He says he's not being snippy. She says he kinda is. Amanda comes outside.

    12:21 AM BBT FLASHBACK ALERT! Jeremy goes to the backdoor with Aaryn tagging along at his hip and tells the have-nots that are eating that he drank the wine in a very confrontational manner.

    12:35 AM BBT FLASHBACK ALERT! 12:28 AM Camera 2 Amanda and Jeremy go at it about the bottle of wine and what was said.

    12:35 AM BBT FLASHBACK ALERT! 12:33 AM Camera 4 Elissa talks Kaitlin into not going outside and chewing Jeremy's head off for acting like a jerk. Kaitlin apologizes for Jeremy.

    12:44 AM BBT FLASHBACK ALERT! 12:40 AM Camera 4 Kaitlin drags Jeremy into the colorful room and scolds him for acting like a jerk. Kaitlin asks what they've done to deserve getting yelled at. Jeremy says they're talking about them behind their back and mean mugging. Kaitlin says it's stuff they've all done. Kaitlin says Jeremy is acting like a king when in reality he has a one in sixteen chance of being HoH based upon a true or false statement.

    12:49 AM BBT Kaitlin continues to try to talk sense into Jeremy. Jessie walks in and sits on the edge of David's bed. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that he's an inconsiderate selfish jerk. Jeremy doesn't think David is going home but continues to act smug. "What can I do. I can't take it back." Jessie gets up and walks back out with no one even acknowledging her presence. Nick walks in. Awkward silence for the moment. Jeremy keeps saying "I'm ready to win. I can tell your upset. Want your ring back?" Kaitlin tells him to go jump off a bridge (but not with those words). Nick says that's a very New York thing to say but I know you're not from New York. "Bad timing Nick..." More awkward silence.

    12:53 AM BBT Elsewhere in the house Amanda and Aaryn are hashing out what happened with the wine in the WA. Andy and Candice walk in. Candice comes in and tells Jeremy that all she asked was where the wine was. Amanda told her to check everyone's teeth. She left it at that. Candice says she's an adult and a straight shooter like Jeremy is and if he's got a question about what she says and how she acts then come to her. Jeremy says he'll apologize to the people who deserve it and not to the people that don't.

    12:56 AM BBT Amanda, McCrae and Helen are in the HoH. Amanda is telling Helen that he made a huge mistake by making an angel like her cry. McCrae is pacing the room nervously. GM walks in (she was just in the colorful bedroom!) and tells Helen that she wants to give her a hug. She tells her if she needs anything just ask.

    12:58 AM BBT Meanwhile down in the colorful room Candice and Aaryn are going at it about Aaryn telling people that Candice sat on the hat. Also ongoing GM is talking to Jeremy face to face. "I'm not going to tell you what to say...but whatever you do you should take her off to the side without any other ears or mouths around. Clearly you're your own man and you can do whatever you want to do. But girls get emotional.

    01:04 AM BBT Jeremy goes to HoH and asks Helen to come out and talk to him so he can apologize. He asks to do it at the chess board and she says not out here. Jeremy suggests the lounge. He starts off by saying he was irrational. He tells her not to cry he feels bad. He wasn't trying to bully or intimidate people. Helen says she didn't talk negative about him. Jeremy says to let him say what he's going to say. Jeremy tells Helen that someone came out and said they were looking for the red wine and he needs to get his sources straight and he came in hostile and it wasn't directed at any one person. He's someone that talks in the face.

    01:10 AM BBT Jeremy hopes Helen accepts his appology but this game makes people crazy. Helen continues to sniffle, and cry. Jeremy offers to go get tissues. Jeremy comes back and tells Helen that he said his thing now it's his turn. Jeremy says she came to play this game and have fun because she's been a fan. But she doesn't want petty little things to ruin her experience. She was so hungry that she was focused on her pizza and eating. Eventually she may have realized it was gone but there was a bottle of white wine as well. Helen says people may have questioned it but no one realized it at that point. Helen says we've not talked yet let's have our talk now. Jeremy agrees. Helen knows that things have been said to him about her and she knows it. He agrees. She's not sure why things are being said at all. She tells him to come talk to her when things are said about her saying things. She wants a clean slate. Jeremy agrees. Helen says this is a once in a lifetime experience that she doesn't want ruined over these things. Helen asks what his mom is going to say when she sees this.

    01:27 AM BBT Up in the HoH Judd, Amanda, McCrae and Andy relive the nights events. Amanda says he's an idiot. Amanda is upset because she wishes more people would've leaped to their feet and defend Helen when he was talking trash about her.

    01:33 AM BBT Down in the WA Aaryn in the shower whispering to Jessie. Jessie tells Aaryn that she doesn't feel like she's a part of this, so she'll just hang back out of all of this. Jessie thinks she should go lay down but she's not tired. Aaryn tells her that she's not her so she can't tell her what she needs to do. Up in the HoH Amanda is going off saying Jessie can go hug herself (not really those words). McCrae warns her to not raise her voice because he thinks people on the walkway or even in the kitchen can hear what's going on. Andy tells McCrae and Amanda about Aaryn and Candice arguing about the hat thing.

    01:38 AM BBT Out in the HT Judd, Kaitlin, and David are rehashing tonight's events. Candice now in the HoH and Howard soon follows. Candice now rehashing tonight's events as well. Helen comes back in and Andy hugs her. Amanda says Jeremy can go hug himself. Helen thinks her little comment about what would his mom think about seeing this tonight. Helen told him to check his sources and Amanda agrees saying "Aaryn". Helen agrees and says you really need to check your sources because they may cost you half a million dollars.

    01:40 AM BBT Candice says that Aaryn walked through and then a short bit after she walked out, he walked in and started yelling. They tried explaining themselves but he wouldn't allow it before going back out into the BY.

    01:44 AM BBT Candice and McCrae agrees that when she walked into the KT she looked like she was ready to cause trouble and then moments later she walks out and he walks in. McCrae says she told the story about the pizza tray thing which was beyond blown out of proportion (Aaryn told the HT crew before the Jeremy fight that McCrae gave her attitude when she tried looking for a tray to put a pizza on and McCrae told her just to put it on the rack by itself with an attitude). Helen thinks her comment to Jeremy about his mom being a fan of the show hit a nerve with him and she may be able to use that in the future on him.

    01:47 AM BBT Meanwhile out in/near the HT Kaitlin, Aaryn, David, and Judd are hanging out. Aaryn rehashing with Kaitlin with everything that went on. Judd and David are mumbling something to each other. Aaryn says when she was walking out from the KT she turned around to close the door and she saw dagger eyes from everyone.

    01:53 AM BBT Jeremy comes up to HoH from DR and Helen asks if she's ready to play chess/checkers and she says yes. Spencer and Howard also step out. McCrae is in his bed saying she takes the smallest thing and blows it way out of proportion and twists it. She also knows how to rile Jeremy up and use him to fight her battles. Candice and Amanda talking and McCrae and Andy are talking to each other at the same time. Amanda walks out to get food. Candice says Aaryn was looking into her eyes when she says she doesn't like fake people. Candice then took the opportunity to tell her that she didn't sit on her hat and she's sorry if she thinks that way. Aaryn then commenting saying "Well your butt is so big, maybe you didn't." Candice says she told her that her butt is big.

    01:56 AM BBT No mic chat in BY. Helen and Jeremy are playing pool, not chess it seems. Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Judd and Amanda are sitting HT side. Kaitlin stands up and heads inside. Amanda tells Jeremy to go tell Kaitlin that she can't go to sleep because they told her in the DR that everyone is going to be called in for their reactions to tonight's argument. Up in the HoH Candice says she almost wants to pull her off to the side and shake her a bit and tell her that she is rational and to watch who her friends are. The same with Jessie. McCrae agrees but warns her that she's close to the other group even though they treat her like trash. Candice says it kills her. Andy filters out. Nick comes up and Candice heads out.

    02:03 AM BBT Candice rehashes an earlier convo with Aaryn sitting down and telling her that she didn't like her. Candice asked why. Aaryn told her once she asked for toilet paper and Candice thought she said "Turtle paper" and laughed. Nick comes in and Candice leaves. Nick starts to dance after motioning to see if anyone was in the HoH bathroom.

    02:08 AM BBT Nick, McCrae, and Spencer are up in the HoH and begin to chat about how amazing the fight played out but then David is spotted coming up the walkway and they curse and grumble. David comes in and laughs saying he's feeling kinda nervous now.

    02:11 AM BBT Idle and awkward chit chat begins in HoH. Nick says he's going to grab something to eat. David gets up and leaves as well. McCrae and Spencer begin to start whispering quickly. McCrae wants Aaryn to go home. Both want Candice gone. Spencer says he told Aaryn that Candice sat on her hat. She said "You don't sit on a Texan's hat!" and he agreed. He started calling Candice the Mad Hatter today. McCrae says the drama right now is wild. Spencer says they've got so many hands in so many pots they'll know anytime anything bad is said about them.

    02:15 AM BBT Out in the HT Jeremy is telling people about his apology to Helen. Aaryn, Amanda, and are also present. Amanda looks bored. Jeremy says he needs to learn to calm his heart down before he confronts people and it's a learning process. Up in the HoH McCrae and Spencer say they want Aaryn to go home no matter who gets HoH or MVP next week (this week?).

    02:20 AM BBT Amanda walks into HoH and says she just had a heart to heart with Jeremy and he said if David goes home this week that he will put up Candice and Elissa next week. Amanda laughs and says she thought to herself "perfect". Amanda says Elissa and Candice are both expendable but they want the MVP power going to Elissa and her sticking around...but at the end of the day she can go.

    02:25 AM BBT Switch feeds to the WA and Kaitlin is saying she's a rational person and it just makes her sad. Aaryn walks in to take a shower. Kaitlin tells Andy she feels super disrespected. Andy says there was alcohol in him and he should get a redo. Kaitlin says she tried to talk to him and explain why what he did was crazy. Andy says that was before he talked to Helen. Kaitlin says he's giving him too much credit. Andy says he's going to go lay down. Andy gets up and tell's GM (who is sitting on the counter straightening her hair) to go FrenchKiss herself. GM laughs and says he's the only person that can say that and she will genuinely laugh.

    02:27 AM BBT Jeremy and Nick are in the BY and Nick tells him he's going to have a bad week after this little incident and they're going to be there for him. Meanwhile up in the HoH Helen, McCrae, Andy, Spencer and Amanda are running scenarios about if who wins what.

    02:37 AM BBT Up in the HoH room they're rehashing how much they dislike people and don't trust people. Nick's name comes up a lot (keep in mind Spencer, and McCrae seem to have close ties with him and even though they agree it should all be smoke. Down in the hammock Kaitlin and Jeremy are talking. Kaitlin says she just had this conversation with Jeremy last night about watching his temper and what he says. He knows and apologizes. He doesn't want her mad. He says they're all adults. Jeremy says Helen talked game to him and he was thinking that was an odd decision. Kaitlin warns him to watch himself. He says he has no interest in teaming up with her or the other side.

    02:45 AM BBT Feeds switch to Candice and Elissa (?) whispering in the darkened chair room. Candice only knows that she came down off the block. McCrae didn't have any sort of other conversation with her. her plan was just to stay quiet. Aaryn walks in to get into bed. Back out in the hammock, Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to work things out. Kaitlin doesn't trust Jessie.

    02:55 AM BBT Jeremy asks Kaitlin how she doesn't know this wasn't part of his master plan. Kaitlin fears they lost more people than they gained. Clearly they can't trust Amanda and McCrae snapped at Aaryn. Kaitlin calls him cocky. Up in the HoH room and Howard leaves. Helen sits down to talk to Andy and she is called to exchange her mic. Andy farts and says oops while waiting on her to return.

    02:57 AM BBT Feeds switch to two sleeping bodies in the colorful room and moments later Aaryn is called to DR. She says no before getting out of bed. She says she's not going into DR "looking like this...they can just wait..." She gets up and grabs something. Feeds switch to Howard whispering to Amanda ever so softly in the lounge. Before it begins it's over. Feeds switch back to Andy and Helen in the HoH chatting alone, more rehashing.

    03:06 AM BBT Kaitlin and Jeremy continue to rehash the fact that Jeremy is arrogant. Candice wanders over. Jeremy says he's a boy and he's allowed to be an idiot one time. Meanwhile up in the HoH Amanda, McCrae and maybe Howard are talking. Amanda comments that the room smells like farts (Busted Andy!). Helen walks back in and says good night. Aaryn called to DR.

    03:15 AM BBT More rehashing in the BY and the HoH. Feeds switch to GM and Andy chatting on the lounger in the middle of the BY. Candice leaves the hammock and joins them. Andy gets up to use the bathroom. Candice is expecting her period any day now. GM got a headache today so she's anticipating hers as well. Back to the hammock Kaitlin is worried about Aaryn now after what information Candice apparently gave Jeremy and Kaitlin. Kaitlin wants to protect her, she doesn't want her group to be broke up. Jeremy says everyone has to go eventually. Jeremy says his mom taught him to never make women cry and he failed her tonight.

    03:21 AM BBT Meanwhile elsewhere in the BY Howard, Nick and Spencer are playing pool with GM trading barbs with the three of them. Andy comes back and tells GM that he doesn't want to sit with her because he hates her. Aaryn comes out and joins Andy and GM on the lounger in the middle of the BY. David is inside sleeping. Aaryn is telling GM that the producer told her he's on deadline so he called Judd in while she got ready.

    ***Tweet Reply*** RT @skberry64: @mortystv I'm so cornfused! Did Helen n Candice find out about all the racial slurs and who is "the other side)"? Not that I'm aware. Helen is upset because of the Jeremy fight that happened late last night.

    03:27 AM BBT Spencer inside whispering to Jeremy in the WA telling to lay low for a couple of days. Jeremy says he'll lay low for a couple of weeks and both have a good laugh. Spencer says he may be able to lock everything down but he needs to win HoH. Spencer breaks away leaving Jeremy to pluck his eyebrows.

    03:36 AM BBT Aaryn and Jeremy in lounger talking. Jeremy says he knows Aaryn worried that Jeremy was changing sides after he made Amanda cried. Jeremy says he's not turning on her. It's just that his mom taught him not to make women cry and he made women cry twice on one night.

    03:40 AM BBT Jeremy asks Aaryn if they're still cool and she says yeah of course. Jeremy knows he dug himself a grave and he's trying to dig himself out they exit the lounger and Andy is eating Fruit Loops straight from the box. GM going to bed. Andy is going to scope out the colorful room situation. He was told Jessie may need a bed partner. Feeds switch to McCrae and Amanda talking. McCrae is worrying that Andy is turning. McCrae says tomorrow will be so weird. Meanwhile out in the BY Howard, Judd and Spencer continue to play pool. Judd wants the next HoH so bad.

    03:47 AM BBT Jeremy comes outside and asks Howard why he threw the pizza away. Howard says honestly he threw it away because Aaryn made it in an effort to cover up the fact she was stirring the pot. Howard says she pulled it from the oven and put it on the counter and said "This is for you guys" to Howard and walked away. Howard said that wasn't right because who makes a whole nother pizza without asking if anyone is going to eat it. Jeremy understands. He had a couple pieces and asked if anyone else wanted any...they said no and he tossed it. Jeremy asks Judd what he thinks of the whole thing tonight. Judd says it didn't involve him so he doesn't care.

    03:51 AM BBT Aaryn and Kaitlin are in the SR talking. Aaryn says the last person in the house she's worried about is Candice. They exit the SR and head into the kitchen where Jeremy is watching hotdogs boil. Andy is wondering why the haven't called him to DR in a couple of days. Spencer tells him it's been a couple of days and they've edited him completely out of the show. Andy says he hasn't had a shower in a couple of days and is debating on doing so before crawling into bed with his new bed mate Jessie.

    03:54 AM BBT Kaitlin and Aaryn sitting at counter in KT whispering as the guys get up to get their hot dogs that Jeremy was watching. Spencer would like a definition of Totes McGoats. Andy remains out on the lounger staring off into space.

    04:03 AM BBT Helen, Andy, Judd, Spencer and Howard are sitting on couch in the BY rehashing today's events. Helen says they need to take advantage of what's going on and she hopes the other side is scared. Meanwhile...Kaitlin and Jeremy are sleeping together in the same bed tonight...well...morning.

    ***Tweet Reply*** RT @sandy_57: @mortystv she should be worried about #candace she has more class in her little toe than Aaryn has in her whole body!! Love #Candace

    04:08 AM BBT Out in the BY Spencer, Judd, Helen, Howard and Andy continue to rehash today's events.

    04:15 AM BBT More rehashing on the couch in the BY. The only new news is that Andy says GM told him that if she wins HoH next week she would put up Jessie and Candice.

    04:17 AM BBT Two cams on the BY and two cams on sleeping HGs.

    04:20 AM BBT Howard says he's going to go wash dishes and go catch his flight. Spencer asks Howard if he wants to sleep in Candice's bed. Without a second thought he says no. Spencer laughs and says not even for a bed. More rehashing continues.

    04:24 AM BBT Spencer tells the group that Aaryn is probably hamming it up for the camera and if she makes it to jury she's like to win America's choice like a Jordan. Andy and Helen disagree because she's so mean and spiteful. Judd thinks she's more likely to be portrayed as a Rachel or an Evel Dick.

    04:29 AM BBT Spencer STILL in the BY leading the rehashing of conversations on in the BY with Andy, Judd and Helen. Howard prays and crawls into his seat on the plane.

    04:37 AM BBT More rehashing in the BY. Andy swears he won't be in this next episode because of his scant DRs. Helen goes in to bed. Judd stays outside to smoke. Spencer stays with him.

    04:43 AM BBT Spencer and Judd continues to rehash and discuss their thoughts on people while lounging on the couch in the BY.

    04:51 AM BBT Spencer and Judd get up to head inside for the night...well...morning now. Is it finally bed time for the BB house? Spencer heads into the WC while Judd brushes his teeth.

    04:56 AM BBT Spencer tells Judd goodnight and heads into the darkened rooms. Judd eventually passes through and heads into a darkened room as well. We now have 4 cams on horizontal HGs. On that note...good night!

  22. 10:15 PM BBT We've had a bit of downtime due to technical difficulties but we're up and running once more. For the past 45 minutes ago we've had idle chit chat all around the house with the girls bashing each other behind each others backs. Nothing new there. At this point it seems safe to say Judd is waiting out the clock for midnight BB time so he can see if he and the other HNs will get to eat or not.

    ***Twitter Reply*** RT @RocioMejiaZ: @mortystv how about rachel on season 13? - You are correct Rachel did win the first HoH and the final vote in Season 13!

    10:29 PM BBT Jeremy and Spencer are lying in the hammock chatting with each other about the house. One of them say they talked to McCrae about spending so much time with Amanda and her boobs. McCrae told them that he has her in his pocket (which he told Amanda he would tell anyone. Jeremy says he's tight with McCrae and the first time he starts keeping secrets his head goes on the block. Spencer agrees. Jeremy says maybe he should put Amanda on the block week 3.

    10:32 PM BBT Spencer tells Jeremy he thinks that if Elissa survives this week he fells like he can control her and the MVP power that he expects her to get over the next few weeks. However if she goes home that power is loose in the house. Jeremy says "we're awesome...one of us would get it" (That's an awfully bold thing to say...)

    10:36 PM BBT McCrae is called to the DR. Jeremy suggests that Spencer go lie on the couch and pull him into the SR when he comes out. Spencer agrees. Kaitlin wanders up to the hammock saying she's bored. Spencer takes the opportunity to get up and head into the house to get a drink a water and floss. Jeremy tells Kaitlin that she knew she was going to meet up with a Cherokee chief when she came into the house and they begin to giggle and laugh as he tickles her.

    10: 37 PM BBT Judd walks up to the hammock and asks if anyone heard his good news. It's confirmed that the HNs can eat at midnight (7 days have passed since they lost). Judd just wants a pizza. Jeremy will have some with him. Kaitlin wants to get...well...drunk...

    10:44 PM BBT Meanwhile in the KT Amanda and GM chat. Andy walks into the colorful room and Judd can be heard as well (wasn't he just outside in the BY?) telling Nick and David that they get to eat at midnight. David seems annoyed that they don't have to wait until the next HN competition. Squeals can be heard coming from elsewhere in the house and Spencer sticks his head in the door and says that alcohol has arrived before leaving. GM arrives and Nick asks her to save him a Tecante. GM thinks they've already been stolen away "it was like hyenas in heat!"

    10:49 PM BBT Andy lies on one of the color room beds and asks David what the best part of his day was since he hadn't seem at all. David replies that oiling Aaryn up was great. Aaryn comes in and Andy excuses himself. Aaryn confirms to Andy that the rest of the HGs decided to hold of drinking until after midnight. GM says she told Nick today that he was speaking with Elissa too much. Andy tried it and everyone was riding him because of it. Kaitlin comes in griping that she's beyond bored and wants to drink but nobody will let her.

    10:52 PM BBT Kaitlin starts griping that all she wants to do is make out but everything he does is annoying her. He makes faces and apparently picked up a chip off the floor and ate it..."5 second rule!" chimes in GM before leaving. Kaitlin starts jumping on the bed saying how bored she is.

    11:04 PM BBT Meanwhile up in the HoH room McCrae, Spencer and Nick have a quick meeting. The vote this week is being rehashed as well as everyone's distrust of the girls being able to keep their cool. Amanda can be spotted coming up the stairs and Nick tells Spencer to lean back on the couch and make it look like they were just relaxing. McCrae just laughs as she walks in the door.

    11:07 PM BBT Switching feeds and Aaryn is complaining to David about how he wants her to do things she doesn't want to do on TV. Kaitlin walks in with a beer in her hand giggling. Aaryn complains that her feet are black "I have Wal-Mart feet!" (That's a new one...). Kaitlin says if someone comes in they'll have to hide it. "Judd will be mad there's only 3 beers left".

    11:10 PM BBT Aaryn continues to complain about how the house is divided. Kaitlin is complaining that Jess is trying to stir the pot and David agrees saying that she asked him if he threw a comp. Kaitlin reveals to David that the three of them had created an alliance day 1. Aaryn quickly tells David to keep that a secret. (Great idea on the alcohol!)

    11:15 PM BBT Howard and Jeremy lie in the hammock talking. Jeremy tells Howard he can have babes (loosely translated) any time outside the house. He doesn't need it in the house. Candice walks up to the hammock and Howard asks if she's ready. She says whenever. Jeremy heads to the HT while Howard and Candice head to the pool table.

    11:19 PM BBT Meanwhile in the colorful room Aaryn is still complaining about everything. She says she doesn't normally get like this (could've fooled us...you've done it quite a bit since the feeds went live!). Aaryn reveals to David that she's on her period now because the birth control she's on has stopped her from mostly having periods and then today...bam...here it is. She blames the rest of the girls for ending up on theirs.

    11:22 PM BBT Jeremy walks in singing and we get a brief FoTH. He walks in with a bottle of wine and says he needs to go get glasses. Aaryn asks if it's 12:00 yet. Jeremy says no but he's already popped the top so whatever. Kaitlin reveals to Jeremy that she was called into DR for picking up a knife and holding it up before putting it back down.

    11:26 PM BBT Out in the Hammock Spencer is talking to someone (Nick?). Spencer is saying that he's almost positive that if David goes home this week that Elissa will have no one and they'll be able weaponize her (assuming that America doesn't see this and decides to nominate someone else as MVP).

    11:29 PM BBT Nick says he's got everyone thinking that he's a hippy but his dad is military which means he's the furthest thing from being a hippy. Spencer says he's been getting in good with the girls by telling them that he sends his girl flowers and everything. Nick says he's been getting this info back which means Spencer's goal of getting in close to the girls working for him. Spencer says McCrae will be more approachable when he's no longer HoH.

    11:34 PM BBT Meanwhile in the colorful room Aaryn, David and Jeremy are Elissa bashing. Aaryn says Dr. Wil can help her. Jeremy says no amount of help will help her face. Jeremy hopes that she has her ear up against the door and will try to confront him about it. Aaryn says she cried to David today and he fell for it. David denies it. Jeremy says he'd laugh at her non-stop while she was crying in front of him. Aaryn says they're going to lose it when they realize a bottle of red wine is missing and that they will bring pitchforks. Jeremy says bring it. He'll tell them to stab his abs because they are impenetrable. Aaryn makes more Wal-Mart feet comments.

    11:39 PM BBT Back out in the hammock Nick and Spencer continue to talk about McCrae becoming easier to chat with after Amanda is out. Spencer says if they can take out couples one at a time on each side of the alliance it will almost be like an eye-for-an-eye which will keep them off the radar. Intermittent FoTH.

    11:45 PM BBT Back in the colorful room Aaryn spills red wine and looks annoyed. Jeremy says he forgot about the feeds and realized that her (Elizza's) husband could be watching. He pleads with him telling him that it's not too late to get a divorce. That's why you don't marry people based on looks but on their good qualities (...such as talking about them and their families behind their back...or how about opening a bottle of wine early after agreeing to wait for those that haven't had the chance to drink any...). David or Jeremy makes a Chewbacca sound and Aaryn makes a wicked witch cackle.

    11:50 PM BBT Jessie bashing begins again. Jeremy asks if he should go get her so the three of them can chat with her. Kaitlin and GM walks in. Aaryn starts to panic about being the only one having the cup. She passes it to Kaitlin and a brief discussion happens about GM wearing men's everything including deodorant and cologne. GM asks about the wine and says Jeremy told her everything. "What are they going to say to us? Nothing! What'll we tell them? Oh sorry jerks (not really the word) we drank a bottle already!

    11:53 PM BBT Nick and GM getting ready to play checkers on the chess board. Nick asks GM why she doesn't drink. GM tells Nick that when she gets all dressed up and classy and then she goes to a bar she sees girls doing similar but then they get wasted and look like trash. Bad decisions are made and she doesn't want to end up in someone else's bed while looking like white trash. GM says when in high school she hung out with her dance group mostly and she didn't even go to her HS prom. She's had 4 major boyfriends and she doesn't hook up like that.

    11:57 PM BBT Switching the feeds and Jeremy is back in the colorful room with Judd. Jeremy is saying he should go get the bottle of white wine and pop it open. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that he's not as cool as he thinks he is. Judd asks where the bottle of red wine they've thrown away is. Jeremy says he threw it in the trash in the kitchen. He doesn't have anything to hide. Andy walks in and says it's almost midnight and they're all about ready to eat and drink. Kaitlin says "How exciting...I just got out of a long DR session..." and we get FoTH.

    12:00 PM BBT Meanwhile up at the chessboard GM and Nick continue to play checkers with GM explaining/refreshing the rules of the game to him.

    12:03 PM BBT Kaitlin and Aaryn walks out of the colorful room and Judd says "Jeremy Jeremy...". Jeremy says Kaitlin can sleep in another bed tonight. He doesn't care. He'll call Jessie. Judd says "She's in heat!" They get up to walk out into the KT. Someone can be heard asking where the wine is and Jeremy walks through without saying a word (what a tough guy...way to own up like you said you were going to...). Hugs are had all around by everyone as the HNs are able to start eating again. Elissa is up and eating as well. Again someone asks where the red wine is.

    12:13 BBT The Have-Nots eat, drink and are plenty of merry! Elissa asked about the red wine a few times but it was dropped. Helen apologizes about not talking because she's eating. Not much else going on at this point.

    12:15 BBT #BB15 Jeremy, Spencer, Kaitlin by the HT. Jeremy says he told Judd he popped the red wine and saved all the beer for him. He told all the people he cared for. Everybody else can go...well...you can imagine. (Please note while he's running his mouth...everyone else is inside the house though...are we beginning to see a pattern here?)

    12:23 PM BBT Aaryn out by the HT saying she only took the red wine because it was offered to her "What was I supposed to do walk out?". Spencer says he's friends with everyone but everyone inside the house are a bunch of...jerkheads (again...not the word). Aaryn says Jeremy feels like he already has a large target on his back so he doesn't care how big the target gets any more. "So when Jeremy comes in with a bottle of wine of course I wasn't going to say no take it back to the kitchen. They people in there have been so disrespectful to me, so I don't care." Jeremy comes back out. Aaryn says McCrae was mean to her inside. But the story she tells doesn't feel like it was mean. Jeremy even tells her this.

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