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Posts posted by pierceka

  1. 11:05 AM BBT  HG's are in the KT and dining area.  Christie, Cliff Tommy and Jess are looking at the memory wall.  They are studying for the face mash up comp.  Talk then turns to other comps, and how hard they are.  Michie said he doesn't think he could do that hanging puzzle again.  Christie keeps getting off track, while Tommy and Cliff go over more.  Tommy gets up and gets close to the board.  He says it is a study day, if anyone wants to join him.  Holly isn't hungry, but feels she needs to eat.  Tommy is talking about things he notices in the different pictures, sharing all of his observations with all the house guests.  They joke about the clown popping up on the wall while they are studying, Tommy said he would freak out. 



    I am out for now

  2. 10:12AM BBT  Feeds are back, lights are on.  Michie and Holly in HOH bed, he is talking baby talk to her, herro, anyone in there?  Cliff is in the KT making a bowl of Fruit Loops.  Says he has 28 days or so.  Cuts up a banana into his cereal.   All feeds showing Cliff and the KT, cut from the HOH bed.  Cliff shows us an egg, says one, one hard boiled egg.  Talking about Denny's Grand Slam and What-A-Burger taquitos.  Said they all sound good.  Cliff wants to practice dates. BoB comes on and say "Buenos Dias house guests, please change your batteries." The beginning is fine, but change your batteries was stern.  Cliff just chewing his cereal. Feeds 1/2 are on Michie and Holly cuddling in bed.

    10:20 AM BBT  "Wakey, wakey house guests"  Cliff says no one ever wants to get up in this house.  He said he got up at 10:00.  Cliff is talking about football, then quotes a Beach Boys song about having fun all summer long. He says all good things must come to an end.  He says he has only 7 people to talk to all....day...long...  After tomorrow, it will be six people.  That is his whole world.  Dog days of summer, not sure what the official definition is, but that is the way it feels.  He says you can only talk to people so many times, game strategy, just tale.  SKD 143. Shout outs of love for his wife and kids.  He finishes his cereal, rinses out his bowl, then goes to the seat at the table facing the memory wall and says lets practice some dates.  He starts going over the days and what happens, nominations, comps, etc.    Tommy gets up and walks through.  Cliff says good morning to him, and gets up and goes back into the KT.

    10:32 AM BBT  Cliff finishes his banana, washes his hands, and starts putting the dishes away.  Nick and Tommy in SR getting batteries, Christie is up putting on pants, chatting with Nicole and Jess who are still in bed.  Nick gets called to the DR upstairs.  Someone says get that medicine. Tommy goes to the RV, someone is singing, get brief FoTH.  Back to Cliff in the KT, going over dates again.

    10:35 AM BBT  Cliff walks away from the memory wall and wanders around the KT, Christie comes in on her way to the WA.  She asks how he slept in response to his good morning.  He said he got to sleep until 10:00, that is always good.  Nick comes in next. Cliff asks if he is going to make it, he looks tired.  Nick said he was freezing all night, couldn't sleep.  Cliff said to come out where he is, it is warm.  Cliff now says good morning to Nicole, and we get FoTH.  Just morning chatter as the house guests drag themselves out of bed.

  3. 10:42 AM BBT  Jess gets up, goes to the SR for a new battery, then into the KT.  Cliff said he has been up for a while, already had his shower.  Tommy said it is gross in the KT, from the cheese sauce.  Jess complains she has pimples, and she never breaks out.  She thinks it is from the pies.  Cliff goes into the SR, Nicole goes in to exchange her battery.  Cliff said they didn't have any pies or clowns, so he slept pretty well.  He says it is day 70.  If there aren't any double evictions, they will be in.  Hard to hear Nicole as she is changing her battery.  They talk about how people are going to have to bring someone else in, that there are eight left in the house.  Cliff said in the beginning, no one would have picked him, or her to be the winner, yet here they are, Nicole said day 70.  Cliff is looking forward to the rest of the HGs blowing up soon.  He said they pretty much control the votes, it only takes 3.  Nicole asks if Jess is up yet, he tells her she just got up.

    Cliff goes to the KT and decides to make french toast to change things up a little.  Nicole realizes the gate is down, she is upset the BY is closed already.  Cliff said he got up about 4:45 and it was already down.  Nicole goes into the WA where Jess is brushing her teeth and Tommy is getting dressed.  Tommy leaves and goes to the TBR to cuddle with Nick.  Nick doesn't have his mic on.  Tommy said he just told Jess and Nicole the same story.  (don't know what that story was). 

    10:53 AM BBT  Tommy leaves the TBR and goes into the RV.  He says the princess awakens.  Christie says she is still so sleepy.  Tommy is complaining about how filthy the house is.  He is going to sweep, he did dishes last night and again this morning.  Christie says she knows, what do these people do at home.  (Has anyone seen her clean or cook much?)  Tommy and Christie start whispering, very hard to hear except the occasional giggle.  They are discussing the votes and how they will go, but the whispering is so low I can't make it out.  They are talking about Nick being sketchy.  Only getting a part of this.

    11:00 AM BBT  Tommy is finished talking with Christie, he leaves and she puts on her bra.  Feeds cut to Tommy in the TBR, then he leaves and goes to KT, Nick is in front of him.  Jess asks Nick if he would like some bacon, Tommy said he would love some, too.  Nick goes to the WA and brushes his teeth.  Tommy goes in, looks like he is going to take a shower, says how gross it is and starts cleaning out the shower stall that Cliff just used.  Christie is now up and in the KT, just general chit chat with Nicole, Jess, Nick and Cliff (and Christie) all in the KT.  Tommy still cleaning the shower.  They are talking about not wanting to be alone because of the clown.  It really freaked Nicole out.  Christie goes to the WA to brush her teeth.  Nick is in the WC, then washes his hands and leaves.  Nicole and Cliff are still talking about the creepy clown.  Cliff said he doesn't look in the mirror when he is washing dishes, but if it would have tapped the wall, he probably would have freaked.  Nicole is eating a banana, Tommy comes in telling the bacon to come on!!  They talk about cleaning all day today since they are stuck inside.  Nicole is drinking apple juice in a beer mug, saying POP gave them alcohol last night.  They laugh that Nicole is having "beer" for breakfast. 

    Cliff joking about wanting to stand over someone's bed last night and just stand there until they woke up.  Talk turns to the movie Paranormal Activity.  Jess said she broke up with the guy who took her to that movie, as soon as they left the movie.  Cliff says he bought a copy of the movie (Paranormal Activity) when he was in Azerbaijan, but it had a different ending than the one shown in the US.  He doesn't remember how it ended, just that it was different. 


    11:20 AM BBT  Tommy is telling how he woke up and had to go pee so bad, but didn't want to get up.  When Nick got up, Tommy was going to go too, but didn't want to leave Nicole alone, so he waited for Nick to return.  He said he ran, literally ran the whole way to the bathroom with his head down so he wouldn't look into any of the mirrors.  Someone mentioned what if there had been a live clown out there, Tommy said he would have screamed.  During this conversation, Jess is excited that they have a new pan, and how pretty it is.  Someone said "and flat", she gushes about the new pan, then the story finishes.  Christie is in the WA cleaning.  People are talking about what they want, coffee or tea, a bagel perhaps.  Tommy said he will get back to washing. 

    Jess is making eggs, only Nicole wants one.  Tommy is doing dishes, Christie comes out of the WA.  They discuss people saying I love you to each other in the house, and some people think a circle hug is awkward, but they don't Cliff and Tommy both like them. 



    (Out for a while if someone can take over)

  4. 10:12 AM BBT  Feeds are back with Tommy in the KT with a block of wood in his hand.  He appears confused, goes to the WA where Cliff is getting ready to shower, and asks what it is.  He doesn't recognize it.  Cliff doesn't have his mic on (was going to shower) and goes with Tommy to figure it out.  Feeds cut back to fishes.  When they return, Cliff tells Tommy he thinks it is from behind the couch in the WA.  Cliff gets into the shower and Tommy is doing ADL's.   All 4 feeds on the WA with water running.

    10:17 AM BBT  All feeds follow Tommy to the KT, he says it is so gross.  Drilling can be heard outside.  Tommy is putting the dishes away and cleaning up in the KT.

    10:22 AM BBT  We hear BB tell the HGs Wakey Wakey, then Tommy goes to the SR to get a new battery.  He is called to the DR downstairs.  He says okay.  Feeds switch to Cliff in the shower, shaving.

    10:26 AM BBT  Tommy is out of the DR, puts something away in the WA, then back to the KT.  Feeds are now split between Cliff in the shower and Tommy in the KT.  No one else appears to be up yet. 

    10:30 AM BBT  Feeds still show Tommy doing dishes and Cliff showering and shaving.  (sorry folks, NOTHING going on)


  5. 11:48 AM BBT  Michie gets called to the DR downstairs.  He smooches Holly in HOH room prior to going.  Holly and Christie are in the HOH room getting ready.  Tommy, Jess and Nicole were outside talking about how bored they are.  Jess sees a crescent moon, and says she doesn't think she has ever seen the moon up this early (think it is going down).


    11:50 AM BBT  We get FoTH that turns into puppy/kitty cam.  Must be time for the veto meeting. 

  6. 9:11 AM BBT  Michie is up in the HOH rm and the lights are one.  He gets a protein bar to eat, then tells Holly she is going to be made.  He pulls the covers off of her, and she lifts her foot.  He drags her out of bed.  She calls him mean, he says he tries.  He goes downstairs. People are up and getting food, washing dishes, etc. 


    (I am out for a while, got things to do!)

  7. 9:00 AM BBT  Nick and Tommy are now up.  Jess is finishing up in the shower.  Cliff is done with his Cliff notes for now, and gets called to the SR.  Nick asks if he requested something, he says the top off his microphone fell off.  (It must be cold in the house, as Nick has actually put on a sweatshirt!)  Tommy goes back to bed, Cliff and Nick are in the KT.  Nick said he can't lay back down or he will fall asleep. Cliff wonders what is in store for them today, he hopes it is Zingbot (it is!).  Nick said it would happen no matter what.  Cliff said he thought there would be more pies, sounds like they are finished with the punishment. 

    9:07 AM BBT  As Cliff peels an orange, Christie and Nicole get up and come in.  They talk about the music this morning, Kanye, Rhianna and the Wkend.  Christie asks where everyone is, it is so quiet.  Jess is in the shower, Tommy went back into the buckroom.  Nick complains about his ankles hurting. He blames it on the bed.  They are all complaining about being tired.  Christie asks about the pies, Cliff said he and Nicole did one, then Jess did hers.  Christie said that isn't too bad.  Cliff thinks they may have to do it again tonight, but thinks it is done for now because of the Veto pick then the comp. 

  8. 8:36 AM BBT  Cliff is in the KT making breakfast.  Gives his morning menu, then says there should be a veto competition today.  It's always fun, sometimes fun.  . Continues to talk, says he is taking a lot of showers trying to get the pie off.  He claims it starts to smell after a while.  Cliff is putting hot sauce to kick things up.  He prefers Tabasco sauce, would give anything to have it in the house, but no, hot sauce will have to do. 

    Cliff has made his tortilla with egg and cheese.  He gives a shout out to the live feeders, hope they have plans for the weekend.  Cliff says if his numbers are right, college football should be starting soon.  He likes being the first one up in the morning.  The early bird gets the worm and the live feeders.

  9. 8:13 AM BBT  Feeds are back. Feeds 1/2 are of  Cliff in the shower,  feeds 3/4 are of the HOH room, still dark with Holly and Michie in bed. 

    8:27 AM BBT  Cliff has finished his shower, and shaving in he shower and is drying off.  Feeds 3/4 change from dark HOH room to Jess walking through the LR.  She goes to the WA.  Cliff says good morning, they are both early risers.  Jess asks if he is just going in or coming out, he says he is coming out.  He got up with the music.

    Cliff finishes getting dressed and brushing his hair and goes to he KT.  Feeds 3/4 are back on darkened HOH room.

    8:31 AM BBT  Cliff gets called out by BB to put on his mic.  He goes to the SR to get a new battery.  Feeds go to Jess in the WA,  where BB tells her to center her microphone.  She appears to be getting ready to take a shower, and no one is in the WA with her.

    8:35 AM BBT  As Jess steps into the shower, BB announces "Wakey, wakey house guests".

  10. 10:30 AM BBT  Jess and Holly still talking in HOH room.  Holly is saying she targeted one person in her last HOH, and she fired blanks, there is only one person she really wants gone.  (Nick).  She tells Jess that she was surprised that Nick told her that he made a deal with Christie yesterday to not put her up.  She was surprised at that deal, even though it was just for nominations, not replacements.  There are two sides to the story, they don't know who to believe, but Holly wanted Jess to have it on the back burner.  Holly doesn't know who would use the veto on Nick, Jess asked if anyone would?  She thinks maybe Tommy, but she isn't sure.  She didn't ask too much since she didn't want to let on who she was considering.  She again reiterates that she is telling Jess a lot more than she is telling anyone else, because hey are in a similar position.  With the Nick/Christie deal, Holly and Jess would have been on the block together.  Holly hopes the prankster wants Nick gone, as well. 

    FoTH.  Feeds down for a few minutes, then back to Jess still campaigning.  She doesn't want to say alliance, but considers Holly an ally.  Jess said she is no good at hanging on a vine or anything physical, but she can do mental comps.  Jess tells Holly that everyone in the house has made deals that excluded both Holly and Jess, so no matter who is up, she shouldn't feel too bad about it.  Holly said everyone has betrayed her except Jess.  Jess mentions that  she spoke with Sis, and she has apologized about that.  Holly jokes that everyone has betrayed her. 

    Back to serious talk, Holly is afraid Nick might be the prankster. 

    10:48 AM BBT  Jess is finally finished with Holly, BoB announced that Cliff, Nicole and Jess have to take a pie to the face.   Jess suggests that Christie goes next.  Jess, Cliff and Nicole meet in the KT/near the memory wall.  Nicole and Jess taking off sweatshirts, tops, etc.  Jess jokes that they will be in bathing suits before long.  Jess complains that they are going to do DR's, so she put on her make up, now she will be a mess.  Someone asked if it was at each other or themselves, they said  themselves.  Cliff said the slow mo is the best.  Cliff tells BB that he is putting down a plastic bag unless told otherwise, we get FoTH. 

    10:52 AM BBT  Feeds are back.  Downstairs, Tommy is helping Cliff, Jess and Nicole clean the floor.  Upstairs, Christie is in he HOH talking with Holly. 


    (I am out for now, can't listen to Christie spew)

  11. 10:05 AM BBT  Nick said he won't throw her or Michie under the bus, that isn't the way he plays, he will take down anyone she wants if he wins the veto.  He leaves and yells, "Next!"

    Jess comes in next.  Talking about having to throw a pie in someones face in the middle of the night.  She said she isn't mean, she feels so bad.  Holly shares her coffee with Jess.  Jess said this sucks, Holly said she didn't want to put two people up, she has one in mind.  There aren't many people left.  Holly is worried about the person she wants up comes down, she has to put someone else up.  Jess and Holly agree that they have a similar strategy, Jess thinks Holly knows who she wants up.  Jess doesn't mention names.  Jess mentions going forward with them, then Holly says they are playing it separately, because one of her close allies went home on his HOH.  Jess mentions that she understands Holly wouldn't want Jackson to go home on her HOH. Holly does a lot of yeah, yeah, right.  Jess talking, like, talking, like  .... nothing new, Jess pleading her case, honest, hasn't lied, jokes about throwing the comp to Holly since she scored a 3.  They laugh.  Jess back to campaigning, doesn't make deals, goes with the flow, a lone ranger, etc.  Friendships but not alliances.

  12. 9:45 AM BBT  Feeds are back.  Tommy is talking with Holly in the HOH room while everyone else is downstairs in the LR discussing the prankster nominations.  Christie said if someone is put up by the prankster and wins the veto, then the prankster puts up someone else, and that person can't play in the veto.  Jess said, wait, what?  Christie says again (whenever someone comes down, the replacement can't play for another veto). 

    Tommy and Holly in HOH room, Holly is concerned what the prankster will do to her nominations.  Tommy explained when Sis was having her meltdown, she was sewing about Jackson and Holly need to leave.  Tommy wanted her to know he did not agree with that, he just let her vent.  Holly said Tommy is safe in her eyes, but that she doesn't know what will happen with the twist.  Tommy said everything went well with the lat twist, maybe this will be the same.  Tommy gets up to leave, wants to know if he should send someone else up to talk.  She said if anyone wants to talk, she is waiting for Jackson to bring her coffee.

    Nick comes in next.  He assumes he is going up, Holly said don't assume.  They discuss what the prankster might do.  Nick didn't think it would have to do with noms, Holly said she did.  She was up all night wondering what to do.  They discuss who would go up, what Nick would do with the veto.  He said he will take himself down, but if Michie is up, he will take him down unless he is up next to him.  Nick would put up Jess or Christie, after his talk with Christie last night, he said he wouldn't put her up except as a replacement.  Michie comes in and brings coffee, then goes to take a shower.  Nick assures Holly he isn't coming after her or Jackson.  Michie yells from the shower that he dropped his mic in the toilet.  Holly asked if he was pranking, he said no, he took it out.  Nick continues to campaign about Christie blowing up his game, making him answer questions in front of everyone.  He is honest, she (Christie) was gunning for them. 

  13. 1o:24 AM BBT  Not much going on.  Tommy was in with Nick, going over the bird calls.  Nick got called out by Bob to put on his mic, he is still in bed.  Tommy went into the KT, going over the bird calls with Cliff who is scrambling some eggs.  Michie is up and moving, said something to Holly about not wanting to be around all those people, then went downstairs.  Cliff said he kept hearing bird calls all night, even in his sleep.  Michie said he wants to listen to them, but not other people making the noises.  Christie and Sis get up, talk about morning music and it cuts to Nick, in bed alone.  Back to Christie, Sis, Nicole  and Jess, going over what they think the comp will be.  Christie said she thinks it will be two people, and whoever hits the buzzer first with the right answer.  Christie goes out to see what the guys are saying, then comes back in.  They not only go over the sounds, but the order, and how many times the birds were played. 

    10:29 AM BBT  Christie goes into the KT to talk about the bird sounds, leaving Jess and Nicole to continue discussing the bird calls.  Cliff, Tommy and Christie going over the calls.


    (I am out if someone can take over)

  14. 9:32 AM BBT  We have FoTH  Wake up time?


    9:34 AM BBT  Cliff is up and getting some clothes.  It is still dark in all of the BRs  He is trying to be quiet, goes to the WA to get dressed.  Cliff is doing ADL's, seems to be the only one up.

    After brushing his teeth, Cliff gets the hair dryer to dry his shirt that was wet.

    9:39 AM BBT  Cliff is called to the DR downstairs.  He says alright as he finishes drying his shirt.

    Ok, Cliff is confusing this morning.  He had on a red T-shirt, then went and got a Univ of Texas shirt,  He put that on in the hallway, then went to the DR.  In for less than a minute, comes out and gets yet another shirt, a light blue T shirt and blue button up shirt, puts them on, brushes his hair, takes them off and runs water over his hair.  As he is in the WA, Tommy comes in.  Tommy mentions it is strange they called him so early.  Hard to hear as Cliff doesn't have his mic on.  Cliff gets dressed yet again, and heads off the the DR.

    9:55 AM BBT  More FoTH.  Seems like only Tommy and Cliff up so far, with Cliff in the DR. 

  15. 11:25 AM BBT  Christie and Michie are talking about last week's field trip.  She said everyone was cheering each other on.  Michie said he was a gambler, he wanted to go!  Michie said part of BB is being on the block, playing for the veto, voting, if on the block then campaigning to stay.  He says it is a game, lets play!  Christie keeps saying things are in the past, but.... she wants things to be more game, she was a mess and takes things personally.  She is jealous he can turn his emotions off in this game.  He said everything is a game, he isn't proud about what he has done in the past, or what she has done to him in the past.  He doesn't want anything personal being brought up, personal attacks, snarky comments.  He said keep it game related.  We signed up for a game, not High school.  Squash the personal shit, and play the game.

    11:30 Brief FoTH.  Michie said he loves her to death, whatever he does will be all game, not personal.  All 4 feeds  switch to Holly and Cliff.  Cliff is talking about bringing 2 pairs of boots, he has only worn them a couple of times.  Holly said she hasn't worn hers at all.  Feeds switch to KT, Christie asks Sis if that is ham she is cooking, she says yes, it is ham.  Tommy goes into the WA to tell Jess there is breakfast, potatoes, spinach, ham and cheese.

    11:35 AM BBT  Cliff is in the SR looking for some meds for Christie.  She comes in, says she has like gas pains in her back.  Cliff finds a box, it only has one in it.  She asks how much to take, he says one.  She said it is empty, throws it away and says she is so tired, she just wants to sleep.  Christie goes to the CBR.  She crawls in bed and said she just wants to sleep.  Sis is in there.  Holly is there, saying she doesn't think Michie was in the room for any of her talks when she was HOH.  She is letting him do his thing up there, she only wants the bed.  Sis said and the sweatshirt.  They talk about the songs this morning.  The only one they remember is Elton John's Rocketman.  Holly asks Cliff if he is a fan, Cliff said yes.  Holly tells of her experience of dancing on the stage in Vegas behind Elton John.  They called up about 15 people out of the audience.  She said it was great.  She got to sit at his piano, hold his hand, then dance around the piano during the concert.  She was standing next to Carrot Top.  He was so taken with her and her friends, that he called Wolfgang Puck and had him open his restaurant for them.  Christie said her dad is in charge of Billy Joel's backstage crew, she needs to go before that tour is up. 

    General talk still going on with Cliff, Christie, Sis and Nicole.

    Nick is upstairs talking to Michie.  He tells Nick he has nothing to worry about.  He wants that to stay in that room.  He said he (Michie) can't go up, Holly isn't going up, he (Nick) isn't going up, that leaves only 6 people.  (Tommy, Cliff and Nicole are also safe per earlier conversations)  Nick agrees to vote however Michie wants in exchange for safety.  Michie said he wants Nick to play in the veto, but not because he is on the block.  Michie again says that he wants things to be just between them, he will see where his mind is, and it will be brutal.  Nick leaves, Michie looks at his pictures. 

    Feeds are in the CBR, Nick and Tommy have joined that group.  All feeds are on them.  Just general talk, past things in the house, Nick says he told Bella that she could go to his house (with his mom), and accept everyone on Instagram and twitter and friends.  He said not to do it on Facebook.  That is personal.  Now talks turn to Facebook.



    (I am out for now if someone can take over)



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