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Posts posted by pierceka

  1. 12:15 PM BBT  Feeds switch to the KT.  Enzo talks about needing cardio, a stationary bike or treadmill.  Someone said they had an indoor gym before.  They say there will be equipment outside, but they won't get out much.  Janelle is cold and wants a nap. 

    David goes into the VIP room, David comes in.  Tyler asks if he is ready to play, they can do this, they can make it happen.  (So far he is working with Christmas, Bay and David)  They are talking about the crazy twist, do you play, do you put a target on yourself by winning, take someone else safe, give someone punishment, lots of options.  Tyler thinks Cody is pretty cool.  David agrees. Tyler said he needs to reach out to some other people.  He and David say they are so recent, people don't think about them being players. 

    Enzo comes in.  They ask him what he thinks about the VIP twist.  Enzo said it is so early for the twist.  They think no one has gone up to talk with Cody.  Enzo doesn't want to be the first, but they really need to talk with him.  (so far I have seen both Nicoles talk with him)  They talk about having a plus one, and you have to call it out immediately.  Someone will get a punishment as the plus one, but safe.  Enzo said he will be a plus one, Tyler asks if he wants the punishment. He said he was a penguin, he doesn't care.  He sold the suit on E-Bay for $500.  It had pee stains on it and everything.  They decide to go hang out.  David asks if anyone is using the Lounge, Enzo says it is really cold in there, 10 X colder than their room.

    Feeds go to upstairs lounge area outside of HOH.   Day, Bayleigh. Cody, Ian, Nicole and Kevin are talking about entering the house, and the first game.  Cody said he was crucified after his first season because he picked Derrick over Victoria, he would have won against her.  He said Paulie didn't want to come back, he wanted to be on TV, but this was the wrong show for him.  He prepares hard.  He says how hard he came in. Paulie would call Derrick for advice before the show, then come in hard, and Derrick would call Cody and say what is he doing?! 

    12:33 PM BBT  People are congregating in the WA, KT and upstairs balcony lounge.  Just general talk, getting to know each other.  No game talk

  2. 12:00 PM BBT  Bay and Tyler are talking.  They are talking about working together, they think it can work.  Tyler says in front of others they will be civil, but behind the scenes they will act like they are coming after each other.  They don't think anyone would think they are together.  Tyler apologizes for the way he treated her, he said no matter what he did, he didn't want to make her feel that way.  They are making amends for their previous seasons.  Bay and Tyler think they can work together.  Bay said just don't be mean to her.  She said her life is in a different place now, everything is so good.  Tyler said she deserves it.  Tyler said he gets nauseous thinking about it.   Christmas comes in.  They ask what Cody is thinking.  No one seems to know.  They are curious how noms will go.  Tyler said everyone is chilling.  Christmas said not everyone.  Tyler said no one is talking, at least to him.  Tyler was up there last night, but nobody was saying anything. Bay decides to go upstairs and talk with Cody. Christmas is talking with Tyler.  She is talking about working with Tyler, they don't have to talk, they are good.  Christmas asks if he is burying the hatchet with her.  He said he doesn't know.  She might accept his apology, but Tyler said she will still remember he voted her out.  Christmas said they need to check in every couple of days, she is trying to get close to a couple people, Bay and Ian.  She said Tyler needs to come out of his shell.  He said no one is trying to connect with him, he is a little worried.  He needs to see about getting with someone.  Christmas leaves, Tyler lays down thinking.




  3. 10:15 AM BBT  Nicole F is in the HOH talking with Cody.  She wants to start something with him, Christmas, Day and Dani.  He said Memphis is really cool, too.  They both say it is hard to talk, with so many people in the house and watching them.  Cody says he didn't want to be the first HOH, but was afraid of being put up if he didn't win.  Nicole F says it is hard, he says he is just hoping someone says something or messes up so it would be easy for nominations. Nicole F goes out, and Nicole A comes in.  He tells her the same story, he didn't want to win.  Cody said he doesn't really talk to people in the game.  Nicole says she is just out of the game, so she went to the meet and greets for her season.  They are talking about NY, he goes a lot, she won't say exactly where she lives, but it is Suffolk county.  Cody goes there all the time.  Cody is from New Jersey, so is Enzo, but not near each other.  He talks about people from the show he has met, but he doesn't keep in touch with any of them.  They talk about David, and how excited he was to pick a bed, he never got to do that in his season.  Talk turns to Day, and Cody's brother.  He is doing better, but he spiraled.  He had a rough time.  His brother was crucified on twitter.  He has been on X on the beach and The Challenge.  (who was his brother?) 

    10:29 AM BBT  Nicole A and Cody finish their talk and leave the room.  Cody said he will leave it open if she wants to use the bathroom or something.  She talks about the birds, she hates birds.  Cody is surprised, said there is beauty in a cardinal.  Nicole F says birds are flying dinosaurs.  They go downstairs.  Cody goes to the SR, says they have already gone through all of the water.  He puts something in the WA, and leaves, Day walks past him in the hallway and says she wants to talk.  He agrees, as they keep walking in opposite directions.  Christmas is called to the DR.  It startled Cody.

    10:33 AM BBT  David is in the WA with Day and Janelle.  He asks what she has been on.  She said twice on BB and twice on The Challenge.  He said she is a pro.  She said she is trying to be.  She said she wants to be on The Circle, then she will be done.  She talks about The Challenge, how it isn't live, so after the 3 months, you go home and have to watch it, so you don't get to check out.  She prefers BB, where you leave and get to check out.   Janelle asks what the prizes are, Day explains.  Kaysar comes into the WA,  discusses wearing glasses with David.  David explains how blind he is. 

    Dani comes in, said they didn't need her in the DR, she isn't on this episode, they laugh.  Someone asks about Portia.  Dani said they aren't friends anymore.  She said she really liked her, worked with her on the show, but when Dani and Dom were dating, Portia was hanging all over Dom, so that broke the friendship.  She asked Janelle if she is still in touch with her, Janelle said she doesn't live in FL anymore, but heard Portia got married.  Ian is in the WA now, they are talking about degrees.  Dani said hers is to teach art, but  to hire a nanny at the low teacher pay, it isn't worth it.  Talking about how sad it is that teachers have to shape the children, yet don't get much money, and have to use their own for supplies.  Discussing homeschooling, Zoom school, and how good Brittney is at homeschooling.

    Lots of general chatter in KT and WA, no game talk.  I am out for a while.

  4. Feeds are back, Dani gets called to the DR.  She is in the BR with Da'Vonne  She asks don't they see she is putting on make up?  She said she will go in about 10 minutes, she is really fast putting on make up.  She rubs it in, she said she is low maintamence, she was raised by her grandmother, and doesn't do a lot of make up.  She continues talking to Da, wanting to go outside and see the sky.  They are hoping there aren't too many twists. they feel like it messes with the game.  They laugh that it is only day 2.  They are talking about production, people who aren't there anymore. 

    Da asks Dani if she has talked to "him" yet, they both say they haven't.  They said no one is talking game, and Da is trying to talk with everyone, but that can be sketchy too, because people see her going from person to person.  Dani brings up going after the pairs, especially Kaysar and Janelle.  Whispering now, someone with how close Keesha is with someone.  Da said she was trying to give hints to Dani early.  They both like Tyler, Dani didn't think she would.  They talk how he is there without Kaycee, that he really thought she would be there.  He seems lost.

    10:04 AM BBT  Day and Dani still chatting.  They are trying to decide who has someone in the house.   Day said Nicole A has David.  They don't think they are close.  Dani said he is the Chicken George of this season.  They think he might go far under the radar.  No one knows what he is like in comps, since he didn't do much his season. Talk about the easy comp, and they could have changed clothes into something cute.   Short music cutaway, when they come back, Dani is gone.  Day talks to the camera and says she knows this is the alliance "they" want her in, she is trying.  Baby steps.  She goes into the KT/DR area with the other HGs

  5. 9:41 MA BBT  Dani is in the WA, talking game with Nicole F.  Dani thinks Janelle and Kaysar are the biggest targets in the house, but Dani thinks the other HG's are star struck.  Nicole F is quiet.  Dani also says that DaVonne and Bayleigh are friends outside the house.  She said they are trying to keep it quiet.  Nicole gets up complaining about her hair looking bad.  Dani asks if they took a lot of her stuff away, Nicole F said no, she wished they did, then she wouldn't have so many choices.  Dani said she had her stuff for 2 weeks, then they made her take half of her stuff out in the green room.    Feeds switch to DR.  Christmas says she loves the live feeders, they know the backstory of the houseguests, compared to people who just watch the show and see only the edits.    Nicole asks Christmas about her tattoos.  Cody asks about Christmas' fall.  She said it was on day 13, and she broke 10 bones.  They discuss her crutches and scooter.  She still can't  flex that foot much.  David and Tyler are at the table as well as a couple of others.  Talk is about working out, sports training and nutrition. 

  6. 9:30 AM BBT  Christmas, Janelle and Bay are in the lounge, talking about their seasons, then about their lives now.  Christmas asks Bay if she wants kids, Bay said most of her family is "chocolate", but she is just brown.  She said Chris is chocolate, so she wants a chocolate baby with curly hair and dimples.  They ask her if she wants one soon, she said yes and no.  She said they originally said when she is 28, but she is 27 now, and she was like "whoa".  So if she gets pregnant, they will be happy, but she would rather wait.  She talks about traveling, and all the different things she has done.  Christmas says she didn't merge her two lives together, she is now a mother, and loves it. 


    In the KT, Keesha is talking about lizards and squirrels and rabbits that interacted together during sequester.  She said she is from the mid-west, she knows rabbits and squirrels, but had never seen them act like that together.  Janelle is now in the KT.  She has a rabbit named blueberry.  Her daughters want horses.  Keesha wants a goat, but probably won't get on in LA.  Now they are talking about different support animals they have seen on planes.  Miniature horses, a parrot, a rabbit.  Kevin says he would be upset if he was next to a horse on the plane, where does it poop?  Both Keesha and Janelle had their small dogs certified.  More talk about animals on planes. 

  7. 9:05 AM BBT  Someone is in the shower, can't see who it is.  Christmas gets into the other shower,  Dani and Bayleigh are talking about how tall Bay is.  She is 5'10".  She said she needs a tall guy, because she likes to wear heels.  Swaggy is 6'4".  Danielle said she was surprised by how tall Bay is.  Dani is 5'5.   Dani brushes her teeth, while Tyler comes in and sits on the WA sofa with Bay.  They are trying to decide what is happening today.  Bay thinks they might get a room.  Someone thinks maybe nominations.  More people coming into the WA. 

    Christmas is out of the shower.  She is showing her C-section scar.  Now Christmas and Bay are talking about whether Christmas wants more kids, she said her boyfriend has some kids.  She loves parenting, but it is a lot.  They do have a part time Nanny.  She said if she is going to have another one, it will need to be soon.  She continues to discuss her pregnancy.

  8. 8:46 AM BBT  Music is on with pictures of stars. 

    8:48 AM BBT  Feeds are back, HGs are up and in different rooms, just mulling around.  Most are in KT and WA.   Bayleigh and Tyler are being civil in the KT.

    8:54 AM BBT  Kaysar and Nicole A are in the SR, talking a little game, Dani comes in, they talk about the water being stale and the tea kettle doesn't work.  Nicole said it implodes.

    8:59 AM BBT  Most of the HGs are in the KT/DR area.  Kevin is staring at the HG pictures.  Others come over to look at them,  Cody is eating, both Nicoles are now looking at the pics, Nicole F doesn't like her picture, says she had a really good one taken at home.  Christmas said she didn't like her picture from her first season, it wasn't realistic.  Nicole F still complaining about her picture.  They say the picture is good, it is the lighting that is bad.  She said it doesn't look natureal.

  9. 10:40 AM BBT  Cliff leaves the RV, sees Tommy.  He says it is depressing, he sees Tommy's bags packed. Cliff wants to force himself to get something to eat.  Tommy asks if he wants to play Backgammon, Cliff says yes, but give him a second to get something to eat.  Tommy says yeah, yeah, yeah, and leaves.


    10:55 AM BBT  Nicole and Cliff take Tommy into the RV to talk.  Nicole says she will start.  She is confused, tells Tommy that Michie spoke to them and said he (Tommy) is blowing smoke up their tookus.  Tommy explains himself.  He felt Holly/Jackson were working together as well as him and Christie also working together with them.  He said it turned out that Cliff and Nicole were the middle people.  Nicole asks if he talked to Michie in the last day or two.  Tommy said he isn't talking game with them.  Tommy said he never went to them once.  Nicole says Michie said Tommy suggested working together to take out Cliff next, then take Nicole to the final 3 because she can't win anything.  He said that is a big fat lie.  Tommy said he came into the Have-Not room to cover his bases, but he didn't say anything, which Tommy thought was weird.  Holly is outside eavesdropping on the conversation.

  10. 10:26 AM BBT  We get Cliff Notes from the RV.  Cliff said he has a big decision to make.  He didn't come into the game scared, he doesn't want to play that way.  He said if they play making a game move one person goes home, if they play scared, as to who would be best to keep if they lose HOH/Veto, it is another person.  He wants to go out playing the game, he is doing his damndest to get himself to the end.  He hopes people are proud of him.  He said if he and Nicole don't win these comps, and Michie continues to steamroll, it is on them.  He said it is so hard, Karen, Kelly, Daniel, he would give anything to have them there to bounce ideas off of for just 15 minutes.  He wouldn't feel so alone.  He said he isn't alone, he has Nicole, they are partners from start to finish, but they might not make it to final two, but it won't be for lack of trying.  He hopes they do, but he hopes people see how hard he is trying.  He still loves this game, so glad he made it into this house, super glad he is still there.  So ready for it to be over.  He doesn't want to leave early, wants to be there until the end.  He said he is at his end.  The depression, stress, anxiety, it is a physical thing.  He knew the game would test him, he could show off who he is, but the past couple of weeks have been a test to his mental health.  He has to question every single conversation, every decision, he would love to see what a brain scan of him now would be compared to three months ago.  He feels there are chemicals and defense mechanisms that are kicking in.  He is usually a fairly calm, cool, laid back guy.  Nicole a little less so.  He doesn't even imagine what all of this stress and anxiety is doing to her.  He sees it in the others, too.  Michie is running around all the time, Holly cries all the time, Tommy is literally begging, making promises and statements, and someone still goes home tonight, and again next Thursday night then that is it until finale.  He wants to be one of those 3 people, he wants Nicole to be one of those people.  That means they are 40% of the house, and they have to get out the other three in order to make that happen.  They can make that happen by winning the next two competitions. 

    Cliff likes to think of himself as strong, unbreakable.  Physically he won't will every competition, mentally he won't win every comp.  But, from an emotional and mental state, you can't break him.  He is not sure that is the case anymore.  He feels he is at his breaking point, but he refuses to give in.  This decision right now isn't just about the final 2, in is an internal fight.  He hears a noise from outside the door, quickly says he has to stop right now,  SKD 143 love you.


  11. 9:45 AM BBT  Cliff and Nicole still in the RV trying to decide who to vote out, Tommy alone in the LR, Holly is talking to Jackson in bed in the HOH, wondering what Cliff and Nicole are going to do.  Holly said a lot can happen in a week.  If Tommy is still there, it would be better for Tommy to go with Jackson two on two rather than being part of a three on one.  She thinks Tommy feels he can beat Jackson in the f2.  She said a lot can change in a week.

  12. 9:27 AM BBT  Cliff and Nicole are still trying to decide what to do.  They are counting jury votes, said Tommy going out would be getting rid of a competitor, Jackson told them that he is scared of Tommy knowing the days.  They don't know that they buy Jackson said he wants to take one of them.  Cliff said if they win (veto) on Saturday, then they are fine, but if Jackson or Holly win, they don't know who goes.  Going over all the scenarios of veto/HOH wins and who would go after whom. 

    9:32 AM BBT  Tommy takes his things to the SR, Jackson goes back to the HOH and crawls into bed with Holly.  Cliff and Nicole are still trying to decide what to do, and who is playing them.  Cliff feels they have a chance to beat Tommy or Jackson today.  If they send out Holly, they have to beat Tommy and Jackson in the next two rounds.  Cliff feels like it is easier to beat Holly than Tommy.  Do they want to be against Holly or Tommy in F3, and if one of them makes it to F2, who do they want to sit against.  They both agree Holly.  They talk about keeping Tommy as a tool t go after Jackson, but he is a bigger threat against them as well.  Cliff said he is also a number, 3 against 1 instead of 2 against 2.  Cliff would rather go against Holly. 

    9:38 AM BBT  Nicole wonders if Tommy threw the HOH comp on purpose to go against Cliff and Nicole.  They talk  about Tommy covering his *ss by reporting to Jackson/Holly.  Repeating themselves a lot about Tommy telling them what they want to hear.  Nicole says they can tell Jackson they are leaning toward voting out Tommy as they feel they have been played by him.  (They are really being played by Jackson).   Cliff asks if she wants to call Tommy out on his intentions in front of everyone.  Nicole said she has kept her cool for 85 days, she doesn't want her exhaustion and frustration to blow that up?  Cliff wants to talk with Tommy to see his reaction.  Cliff wants to confront Holly as well, to see if she really told Tommy to win the veto so they could take a shot at Cliff. 

  13. 9:14 AM BBT  Feeds are back.  Cliff is sitting on the side of the bed in the RV, Nicole is still in bed.  BB tells Jackson to turn the lights on in the bedroom, he says sorry and turns on the HOH lights.  Holly covers her head.  Jackson heads downstairs to exchange his battery, leaving Holly in bed.  He then goes to the RV to say good morning to Nicole.  Cliff was in the room outside the RV.  Jackson said " what a wreck" before entering the RV.  Tommy is out of bed and getting ready for the day. 

    Cliff comes back into the RV.  Nicole says she can't believe it is morning already.  Cliff said he got up around 6:00, then got up again at 7:30 and took a shower.  He then went back to bed.  Nicole said she is sorry.  Cliff said he is thinking about their options,  and once they decide they have to stick to it.  Cliff wonders why Tommy told Holly and Jackson about his relationship with Christie.  They think he is covering his bases.  Nicole and Cliff go over their options, and what happens if they keep Tommy. 

    Jackson goes to the TBR to say good morning to Tommy. 

    Nicole says from a competition stand point, their chances are better against Holly.  Cliff said true, but then they would have the showmance to deal with.  Nicole wonders if the 5 of them should get together and hash it all out.  She is worried that Tommy and Jackson will hook up as buddy buddy and then they are screwed.  Cliff said Tommy can say whatever they want to hear, but that doesn't mean he isn't working with Jackson.  They also question whether Holly has been throwing comps as she doesn't need to win.

    Tommy has his luggage, looks like he is packing early.

  14. 11:45 AM BBT  Tommy and Nicole are finished with their origami penguins.  Jackson asks Tommy to play chess, so they head upstairs.  Nicole goes to the WA, where Cliff has been sitting, going over days in his head.  They do some jedi training on days, what happened first, who went out when, etc.  Nicole noticed the house is so much quieter without Jess, and that Christie was aggressive.  There is a little game talk, but it is a lot of whispering.  Cliff decides to go upstairs and coach the chess game, to keep the guys talking game to a minimum.  Nicole says she might join them, she stays in the WA just staring, or deep in thought.

    11:49 AM BBT  There hasn't been any talking at the chess game, there wasn't any before Cliff got there, either. 

    11:55 AM BBT  Cliff gets called to the DR.  Tommy and Jackson are still playing chess, Tommy is berating himself for being so bad at it.  Holly goes to the WA and talks with Nicole about taking showers and washing her hair.  Nicole wanted to take a hot shower because she is so cold, but is afraid she will get called to the DR and her hair will be wet.  Holly offers to help her with her hair and dry shampoo.  Jackson comes downstairs. picks up Holly in a big hug.  Nicole says she has a problem with this salon, she is supposed to be having her hair done!  Jackson says sorry, his to girls.  Nicole laughs because he said it right into Holly's "bosoms".  They laugh.  Holly goes back to doing Nicole's hair.  They are going to do space buns, trying to decide the best way to do them.  Tommy comes in, and gives suggestions on the hair.  Nicole keeps apologizing for her hair being greasy.  Jackson wants to play chess some more, he complains how bored he is.  Holly laughs at how Nicole's hair looks, Tommy says she looks like Polly Pocket.  They continue to work on Nicole's hair.  Holly said her extensions are showing because she did her hair so fast this morning.  Nicole doesn't understand how Holly can do her hair like that.

    12:06 BBT  FoTH. 

    Back, still doing hair, Jackson and Tommy are watching in the WA.  Jackson keeps talking about production, so we get FoTH more. 

    HGs are talking about their dreams.


    ( I am out for a while)

  15. 10:30 AM BBT  We get FoTH again. (maybe since Cliff is the only one up?)

    10:32 AM BBT  Tommy comes down from upstairs, goes to the WA.  Says good morning to Cliff, and asks if he heard BB call Tommy to the DR?  Cliff said yes.  They discuss how they are both tired, and went back to sleep after their 9?11 tribute. Tommy said it took him a while to fall back to sleep.  FoTH again.

    10:35 AM BBT  Nicole is up and in the KT, Holly is putting on her make up in the HOH room.  Nicole goes to the W.  She talks to Cliff who is in the shower.  Cliff asks what BB said earlier, Nicole explains it was "You are one day closer to 500.thousand.dollars"  Nicole said she screamed.  Nicole hopes she gets to shower before being called to the DR.  She asks Cliff if he wants some tea, he declines, then she heads to the KT. 

  16. 10:15 AM BBT  Feeds are back.  Feeds 1/2 are on Nicole in the RV, still in bed, lights are on.  Feeds 3/4 are of the HOH room, still dark.  Feeds switch to Cliff, who is up in the TBR.  He leaves and goes to get something out of his suitcase in the room outside the RV.  Tommy is in bed in the Camp Comeback/Have-Not room. Cliff goes into the RV to say good morning to Nicole, then heads to the WA/WC.  Tommy is awake and staring into space in bed.  HOH still dark with Jackson and Holly in bed.

    Holly gets up and turns on the light, while Jackson rolls over and stays in bed.

    10:28 AM BBT  BB says "You are one day closer to 500 thousand dollars".  Tommy smiled and said wow.  Cliff is in the shower.



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