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Posts posted by pierceka

  1. 12:27 PM BBT  Feeds are back, Kevin is in the WA getting ready to take a shower.  Memphis comes out of the WC, Day is still doing her ADL's.  In the KT, Tyler, Cody, David and Nicole. Ian comes running by, says he has to get his mic.  He goes past again, going to the DR.  They joke he is going to talk about the banana comp.  Nicole tells him to comb his hair, he looks like Alfalfa.  Cody tells her to stop treating him like that.  She says Ian is like her little brother.  They remind her that Ian is older than her. 

    Feeds switch to Dani and Memphis talking.  She is certain that next week will be a double eviction.  She asks how he is feeling, he said he is getting better, but can't do hanging on a wall.  She said she is betting money it will be a double eviction, and that Veto comp is always the ball pit, so he is screwed.  They talk about having to win the HOH tomorrow. 

    Feeds are back to the KT.  They talk about being awakened before 10AM, then talk about the music, so we get stars.   When back, feeds are in the KT with Christmas and Kaysar discussing their backgammon game.  KT now has Christmas, Kaysar, Nicole, David, Cody, and Tyler. Just general talk, and stars.

    12:35 PM BBT  David comes out of the lounge with his hood up and a blanket around him, acting like he is a Jedi.  They are laughing at him.  No game talk going on in KT or WA, Day and Bay doing ADL's, Kevin in the shower.  Lots of Stars/music.  Feeds are back with David in the PBR with Dani, she is telling him how nice he is.  He has the hoodie on, hood up, blanket wrapped around his head and body, and sunglasses on.  Cody comes in, she says she is putting her make up on, is that okay?  Cody leaves.  She asks David what the plan is.  Dani asks David if he is going to try to win, he says no, she says really?  He says of course he is going to try, why wouldn't he?  Everyone will try.  Dani says there are a lot that don't.  She has said this to everyone she has talked to today.

  2. Tyler continues talking about what he can eat. Kevin asks what specifically.  Tyler says he eats a lot of tofu, and there isn't one package in the house.  He says he eats wraps, potato tacos, Kevin offers to make french fries.  Kevin is talking about making nachos, Tyler is explaining what he can and can't have.  Also he loves avocado toast.  We continue to get intermittent  music/Stars. 

    When feeds return, are on Bayleigh and DaVonne talking in the CBR.  Bayleigh is mid story, Day is just agreeing.  Bayleigh said she is over it.  When she is HOH she is going to put Christmas and Nicole up together, and if one comes down, she will put up their partner.  Never says a name for that, Day just agreeing and saying wow. 

    12:16 AM BBT  Nicole goes into the KT, she is looking for chocolate almond milk.  Kevin is washing dishes and says he thinks there is some.  Dani is in the PBR getting ready for the day.   Cody is cooking in the KT, Tyler is sitting at the counter.  Kevin goes to get his clothes, he is getting ready for his shower.  Dani says she hopes she didn't use all of the hot water.  Kevin doesn't think that is an issue.  Dani asks what Kevin had for breakfast, he says David made a large breakfast for everyone.  Dani laughs, they say it was his usual "keep me safe" breakfast, that he cooks so keep him.  Dani wants to know if Kevin is gunning for HOH tomorrow.  He says he is, why would anyone not?  Dani agrees, and says she will be going hard for it.  She wants to see her babies.  They talk about everyone getting along, there haven't been any arguments in the house.  Dani says this isn't Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.  More music/stars   Back to Dani and Kevin talking about a "faux five", and people will start turning on others once Kaysar and Janelle are out of the house.  Kevin is joking that he will keep Dani safe one more week, then they are on their own, she doesn't think that is funny.  He wonders if Nicole knows he is obsessed with her.  She tells him to tell her, or she won't know.  Kevin jokes about Dani having so much denim.  She wants to dress up for the live show tomorrow, she is tired of wearing leggings every week. More Stars

  3. 12:00 PM BBT  Cody is in the HOH room with Enzo.  He is telling about his conversation with Nicole.  He tells Enzo he was told (think by Dani) that he (Cody) is too loud, and he needs to turn it down.  Cody says he isn't taking advice from her or anyone!  Enzo said if he goes home, he doesn't care.  He is done with this game, can't stand the people in the house and the way they are playing.  Cody is going to go fix himself something to eat, then will come back up to work out with Enzo.  Enzo says he is going to run, Cody asks where, but then gets called to the DR.  He is frustrated, doesn't know why they keep calling him. 

  4. 10:40 AM BBT  Bayleigh is sitting on the ground near the hammock talking with Ian who is aggressively swinging.  They are talking game, about alliances, who is running them, if they were formed early, etc, but we keep getting Stars when they start to name names.  Ian gets up to do his laundry, and Bayleigh gets called to the KT for her eggs.  Ian goes back to the hammock.  He said he thinks of it like an octopus.  He goes over distractions in different seasons, and Janelle and Kaysar were the distractions this season.  They are mouthing names, so we can't hear.  Ian says he doesn't know who Bayleigh's noms would have been, but he hopes not him, she laughs and says no.  More stars

    10:51 AM BBT  Feeds come back, Ian and Bayleigh say they need to chat some more.  Bayleigh said she likes to gather information, then sort it out in her head.  She gets up to go inside for her eggs, they say they will talk later.  (Thanks BB for cutting all the game talk!)

    10"52 AM BBT  Kevin comes over to the hammock to talk with Ian.  Ian said you know how we can't say things because it would blow up their game, Ian said there is one person who it wouldn't hurt, that is Kaysar.  Kevin said he said that last night.  Ian goes over part of his talk with Bayleigh, not saying names, being very cryptic.  Kevin asks who Bayleigh said Ian said the same they were thinking.  Kevin asks male or female, Ian says male.  Ian says it is going to get very volatile soon.  They discuss how it is hard to put a plan into action when they aren't winning things.  Ian said Cody looked at him real weird.  They think David will go up next week, Kevin thinks he (Kevin) might go up.  They say there are limited choices. 

    11:00 AM BBT  Kevin asks Ian if he has noticed people falling into a pattern of play like they did before.  (this is the same thing Ian and Bayleigh discussed).  Ian agrees. Ian said he is getting eyeballed again. Kevin said he tested the area, they can't hear anything being said in that corner.  Ian talks about Bayleigh, said he won't say exactly what was said.  Kevin said he understands, he is very cautious.  Ian says that Kevin is closer to Bay and Day, Ian wants Kevin to make sure Ian isn't going up if they get power.  Kevin assures him he will check for him.   More Stars

  5. 9:55 AM BBT  Feeds are back, Nicole is talking about a coffee shop she wanted to buy, worked there for free for 2 months, then found out a new Starbucks-type store was going in right down the street.  Christmas said it is good she did her due diligence.  Memphis and Kaysar come out to the hammock, they get ready for Mornings with Memphis.  Bayleigh and Kevin are in the WA.


    Memphis gives the LA weather report, says Kaysar just flew in from London for the show, they will talk about top news of Elon Musk, Kanye West, Taylor Swift and bananas.  They are making up stories as news. 

    10:01 AM BBT  Nicole asks if it is true (Memphis report on Elon Musk), Memphis said that is good she is asking.  He and Christmas say they have the best fake news.

    10:04 AM BBT  David is cleaning in the KT.  Bayleigh joins the BY crew doing Mornings with Memphis. 

    10:07 AM BBT  In the KT, Kevin is coaching David. (sorry, I find that funny - pierceka).  They discuss starting a mandatory rotation for cooking and cleaning and doing the dishes.  They said HN's and HOH would be exempt.  They said there needs to be rules.  David then talks about emptying the trash in the WA, and when the girls are on their...you know...that it is all over the place and smells bad.  Kevin says he doesn't have to deal with that in his everyday life.  David agrees, said they should take care of it themselves (the girls).  

    (Do they really think a cooking/cleaning rotation will work?)

    Kevin and Davis start to head outside, Kevin wants some sun, David is going to run.  Mornings with Memphis seems to be breaking up. 

    10"14 AM BBT  Bayleigh and Kaysar are doing the awnings.  Kaysar is doing most of it.  Bayleigh is telling him how can get pushy.  She wants to go with the flow, and he keeps telling her how many minutes she has left (not sure doing what).  Someone comes out and Bayleigh said they can do their laundry.  Not sure who is off camera and off mic.  Kevin and David are on the couches in the BY, don't know why they were gotten up so early with nothing going on today.  David complains he is sore.  A plane flies over, and David said it was low, looks like FedEx.  Ian drags a chair over to join them.  David starts cussing, there is a big spider crawling on him.  He has Kevin look to see if he was bitten.  David is afraid it was a brown recluse.  Kevin assures him it isn't.  Ian wants to kill it, David doesn't.  He is trying to move it with his flip flop to another area.  (It really wasn't that big...come on guys!)

    10:19 AM BBT  David goes inside, Ian is moving the chairs back into place.  When Memphis and his group left, they left everything near the hammock.  Kevin brings out a spray to kill the spider.  David doesn't want them to kill it.  Nicole and DaVonne come over to see how big it is, but can

    t find it.  David now says it wasn't that big, Kevin said it was huge.  He now has to look for it's cousin, auntie, etc.  They think it may have come out of the awning when it was lowered.  Kevin said he is deathly afraid of spiders, David said that is irrational, they won't hurt you (though David is the one who freaked out when it crawled on him).  Kevin said they have venom, he doesn't like them.

    10:25 AM BBT  David and Kevin continue to chat outside, Kaysar and Bayleigh are inside in the KT.  Kaysar is cutting up a pepper and onions.  He asks Bay if she wants some eggs.  She says so long as there is no meat in it, she is in.  Kaysar said he will make one with beef and one with the veggies. 

  6. 9:45 AM BBT  Memphis, Nicole and Christmas are in the BY.  Christmas is in the hammock, Nicole and Memphis are in chairs.  They are discussing juice bars, juice shots, and the difference/preference of juices to smoothies.  Juices are $7-$10, while a smoothie is almost a meal.  Christmas loves her juice shots.  David has been rambling around the house, in the SR, then the KT, while twirling his hair. 

    Memphis gets up, says he will be right back, we get music/Stars

  7. 9:45 AM BBT  Day is back into the WA.  Bayleigh continues her talk about Kevin.  She said he complains all the time, he is always the victim, she doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to upset him.  She isn't sure what she is going to do about Kevin.  David comes in, they all say good morning, Bayleigh goes to the CBR, David goes to the KT.  Bayleigh gets back in bed, the camera pans over to Christmas who is sitting up, but not fully awake.  Bayleigh asks if she is okay, Christmas nods, and we get FoTH/Stars.

    9:51 AM BBT  Feeds are back.  Da'Vonne is still in the WA, Enzo is in the HOH bathroom.  Memphis into the WA/ WC  when he comes out to wash his hands, day tries to make small talk.  Christmas comes in, goes to WC.  Christmas comes out and says "Morning".  no one seems to answer.  No game talk, just general morning ADL's

  8. 9:15 AM BBT  Memphis is in the chair in the LR drinking his coffee.  No one else appears to be up.

    9"18 AM BBT  We get music FoTH  When feeds return, Day is in the WA brushing her teeth, doing ADL's.

    9:21 AM BBT  BB tells Da'Vonne to put on her mic.  She spreads her arms out wide and rotates for the camera and asks who is in there?  Who is she talking to?  (She is alone). 

    9:28 AM BBT  BB calls Nicole and Enzo to the SR.  Feeds are on Kevin sleeping and Day doing her hair.

    9:32 AM BBT  Bayleigh comes into the WA, says good morning to Day, then goes into the WC.  Bayleigh turns the water on to wash er face, leaves it running while she talks.  She saw something in the SR, but couldn't hear what it was. Just ADL's with Da'vonne and Bayleigh. 

    9:35 AM BBT  Bayleigh sits on the couch in the WA, takes off her mic and whispers to Day.  No idea what she is saying, but seems as though she doesn't want BB to hear her. She puts it back on, and tells Day you have to play the game.  Day appreciates what Bay told her, again Bay says she has to play the game.  Bay is talking about someone that she tries to get along with, but it just isn't good.  She said her friends are chill, she isn't into the faces and such. 

    Enzo comes in.  They tell him they were going to tell him goodnight last night, but the door was locked.  He said he was probably asleep, he got drunk and was out by 11:30.  They tell him he will get bombarded today.  He is ready, bring it on.  He is looking for his bag of supplies (toothpaste etc) but they don't see it.  He leaves because he thinks he knows where it is.  Day is called to the DR/SR, Bay said it is for her juice.

    9:42 AM BBT  Enzo is looking for his stuff in the PBR.  David is up.  No talking as Enzo continues to look, David makes his bed.

  9. 12:35 PM BBT  Feeds are back, and Dani laughs about Nicole's goodbye message to Janelle.  Dani told her to start with a compliment, then tell her the rest.  Nicole said she didn't give a good compliment, she started saying she came into the house wanting to work together, but apparently Janelle didn't want to.  Dani tells Cody that was Nicole's compliment.  They laugh that it wasn't a compliment.  She goes on to tell she uninvited Janelle to her wedding.  Nicole is having remorse, so she wants to do it over (she did it 3 times already).  They tell her it is too late, but she is going to try.  Tyler and Christmas are in the room with them.  Christmas tells them she has to put David up if she gets HOH.  She was talking with someone in the LR this morning about how he doesn't know the game, and her trying to help him, but he didn't learn anything.  They found out he was upstairs, she thought he went back to bed, so now David is mad at Christmas.  Dani already knew this, but acted surprised.  Earlier she told Cody about it, but he said it doesn't affect them, just Christmas.  Tyler puts his clothes away and leaves, Christmas asks if he is mad at her.  Dani and Cody both reassure her he isn't.  And....we get star/music again.

    I am out

  10. 12:29 PM BBT  Cody says Kaysar is the only one that he is worried about, but Dani doesn't think he will win.  Dani said he did terrible with the cupcake thing (Veto Comp).  She thought he would do well with that.  He sits and watches people's body language, psychology and stuff.  Talking about Ian being a good shield for someone possibly Nicole.  Dani thinks Memphis is a good shield for Tyler and Cody.  She wants to eat all day today so she won't be hungry until tomorrow night.  (She thinks she will be a HN).  They talk about Ian always popping into rooms.  Cody said he was talking low, but not game, and Ian cam in but quietly.  They are over it.  Dani asks what he and Christmas talked about yesterday.  He said she doesn't think Kaysar is a threat, might put up some others.  He is okay with that.  Nicole comes in, her mic isn't on.  Dani says look, my best friend and we get Kitty cam which turns into Stars


  11. 12:18  PM BBT  Janelle cmes into the KT, Kaysar gives her a hug.  Enzo goes upstairs to the lounge to get a blanket, comes back down, excited about having banana bread.  David is in the KT as well.  Enzo says he feels hungover, he ate so much.  Someone is washing dishes, water running, hard to hear.  Da'Vonne, Christmas and Kevin are doing ADL's in the WA.  Tyler comes in to put his toiletries away.  Not much talking in WA, Kaysar just general talking in KT.

    Dani and Cody in the PBR whispering.  Cody tells her about Janelle, and not wanting to split the house.  He says if there is a split, don't know where Christmas would go, or Memphis.  This came from Bayleigh.  She didn't understand why anyone cared what Nicole F thought.  Cody tried explaining it to her.  He said it is only week 3, no need to split the house or the numbers.  Tyler comes in, not sure if someone else did.  Talk changes to Cody hurting his leg on the HN bed, and then start whispering again about Bayleigh and Day wanting Janelle to stay.  Cody doesn't like having to watch what he says around Day, Dani agrees, saying she is always waiting.  Talking about other HG's.  They are trying to decide what to do, especially what others are doing, what they want, some want to get close to Kaysar.  Dani said no, Cody agrees.  They both think Kaysar would put up Cody. 

  12. 10:42 AM BBT  Janelle and Christmas have a conversation about David, bashing him, and the fact other people want to be there and deserve to be there, he still doesn't understand the game, or alliances.  He gives no information, he doesn't win anything, and he really wants to get to jury.  They say he would be terrible on the jury, would vote emotionally, saying someone doesn't deserve to be there, without understanding the game play.  Christmas is rehearsing her nomination speech putting him on the block, when she gets HOH.  We get stars/music.  Now have Puppy Cam.  Should be little going on today on the feeds.

  13. 9:30 Kaysar is in the LR with Memphis.  They are talking about electricity


    9:33 AM BBT  Christmas walks through, Memphis asks if she slept all night.  He didn't see her get up.  Kaysar said she got up around midnight.  (because of the baby stars).  Janelle is up as well, no one is talking with her as she walks by.  Kaysar and Memphis are still in the LR, talking about Japan and the toilets there.  Memphis is laughing about Enzo having trouble with one button in the WA, and squirting himself in the face. (the bidet).  Kaysar said he feels better knowing everyone has a clean bum. 

    9:36 AM BBT  Christmas is making her bed in the CBR, then leaves.  The guys are still chit chatting about bidets.  One said there is something that drys your butt after washing it. 

    Christmas hears them, thinks that is crazy.  They sing "I like clean butts and I cannot lie", Christmas sings the second line, and we get brief stars.

    9:38 AM BBT  Christmas and Janelle are sitting in the LR with Kayar and Memphis.  Feeds 3/4 are on the PBR.  Christmas is telling about a dream. 

  14. 11:35 AM BBT  All feeds follow Nicole into the lovers lounge.  She tries to put her mic on, then says she doesn't need it.  She is mumbling to herself.  Dani is up and in the WA, Christmas is up and pushing her babies around.  Memphis is still expounding on YouTube.  He wants a separate TV channel, instead of it all together.  He used to pay for it, not sure he is still doing that anymore.  More about artists not getting paid for YouTube videos, and how they aren't able to tour now.

    (Out for a while, gotta go meet my son and daughter-in-law )




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