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Posts posted by pierceka

  1. Andy is out of HOH room. He has finsihed his blog, and now has the camera. Spencer and Helen pull him into the cockpit room to fill him in on all that has been going on.

    Andy is takling pictures. Took one of the Helen/Spencer alliance, him and Spencer hugging, now in KT taking Amanda and McCrae...lots of picutres. They are not sure about going outside. Amanda said it is so entertaining though!

    Andy goes outside and says "I got the camera!" like he doesn't know what is going on. Before he went out, they warned him not to let JEss have the camera...might freak out with pictures (or erase them!)

  2. Elissa, Spencer, McCrae in BY on couches. Elissa saying Jess is crazy. Asks McCrae what all she was talking about. Going over previous conversation. Helen comes out. Spencer said while he was helping Helen take out the trash, and Jess walks by and said aw, what a cute couple. Helen joking with Spencer that she likes him, but she is married. Elissa saisy" you are???" Jokes that it is just a ruse. Helen going over not giving Jess a reference. Spencer apologizes for farting. Jess comes out and says "hello liar". Jess on couch smoking, Helen and Elissa are gone.

    Jess yells over to Elissa, "who got big boobs first, you or Rachel, you are older right, like 35? Then she laughs when Elissa doesn't respond. Spencer asks about the breakfast still sitting on the table, collecting flies. Jess said she mainly made the bacon in front of the Have-nots.

    Amanda comes out, asks what is going on, Jess said she missed it. Jess then says hi to Rachel's shadow. Has said it about 5 times over the last 3 minutes. Keeps asking questions, tells her to keep talking about Aaryn being a slut, and Amanda, and calling her Rachel's shadow. Elissa laughs and said she doesn't even use that word. Has now called her that about 12 times.

    Spencer says he is going in to get some chocolate milk. (not sure I can continue, Jessie is SO annoying! and unoriginal)

  3. Jess starts talking again, about people in the house and how they are playing the game and lying. Amanda pumping her for info while Spencer and Helen are in SR. Spencer says that Jessie said she isn't going to badmouth anyone and is going out on the live show with class. Helen said then what is she doing out there right now? Spencer laughs.

    Helen says she is so insecure for being so young. That she is crazy. Spencer said when they first got into the house, he thought she was cute, but once he got to know her he realized her trouble with guys is becuase of her. He said no guy is going to tell her all the time how cute she is, how smart she is, not go out with the guys because she doesn't want them away from her. Helen has been like a big sister to her, giving her career advice. Helen said she will never make it in the corporate world. No one is going to reassure her all the time

    Helen afraid they put mentally unstable people in the house. Talking about Helen not needing the money. Helen said she doesn't know her bank account, and if she doesn't ge the money becuase of that, then that makes it a $450,000 comment. Helen and Spencer agree they are well grounded. Helen has a friend who has a company, and she was going to give her a reference, but now she can't She said she could never in good concous give her a reference for any job. Spencer saying she doesn't know what she wants to do. One day she wants a PR job, then be a show host, then a TV star...she doesn't have a clue.

    Helen warns Spencer that Jess will turn on him next. He said she probably already has. Helen said she will try to goad him into a big blow up. Spencer said he will not fall into that. Helen assures him that he is not going home and nothing she does will change that.

    Re-hashing Judd going home, and why. Judd turning on everyone, when they compared notes they realized what Judd was doing. Jessie is trying to do the same thing. Keeps saying Helen is the master controller in the game. Helen said she isn't and Jess needs to stop saying that.

  4. Amanda and McCare come out to the couches. Jess asks her if she realizes Elissa talks about Amanda and what a slut she is. Amanda says sure, I know. More back and forth with Aaryn, then Jess starts in on Amanda. Amanda said I have never done anything against you, why ar you picking on me? Jess said you are right, you haen't, except lie to my face about being safe this week. Jess wants people to stop lying to her. Jess saying how she is such a good player, that is why people are afraid of her. She said again she can't wait until Aaryn goes into the Jury house in the next few weeks. Aaryn said at least it is after her, that Jess is not a good player, not smart, not a good social game. Jess never even won Veto, Judd won it and gave it to her. She has won nothing in this game.

    Now Jess is telling everything she has talked to Spencer about, how Helen, Elissa are trying to get Amanda out, and that her mission for the rest of this week is to let everyone know what has been going on, and all the backstabbing going on.

    Helen, Elissa and Spencer in KT, talking about Jess and what she is doing. They are staying out of it.

    Jess in BY says that Elissa better stay 15 feet away from here today, or she will make her day. Jess now telling about listening at the door last night. Re-hashing last night.

    Jess says she doesn't really have anything bad to say about GM.

    Jess is going to tell Elissa what a shadow Elissa is of her sister, a withering? shadow of her. Amanda said just to make sure she is around to see it. Jess said everytime she gets into a discussion with Elissa she gets dumber.

    Going over Helen talking with Jess at the pool table to clear the air, then Helen just walked away and said she was done with the conversation.

    Amanda asks what about Spencer. Jess said nothing really, then decides to add about Spencer laying low and playing dumb, and something about Candice, but nothing really much.

    Amanda smoking on couch joking with GM about her armpit hair. Amanda asked if she was donating it to locks of love, that it has to be 10 inches, and she is pretty sure GM had enough. Amanda joked that GinaMarie was tripping over her armpit hair.

  5. Aaryn and Jessie arguing in BY. BB tells Aaryn to put on her mic. Jess said Aaryn is selling her out to others. Aaryn said she took Jess down when she used the Veto. Jess hasn't done anything for Aaryn. Aaryn said she could have taken either one of them down. Jessie said she should have taken Spencer off instead. Jess said Aaryn is a lying, backstabbing horrilbe person, and she doesn't even want to talk to her. Aaryn said if this is her way of going out classy, then wait until she watches this. Aaryn wants to know why she is talking to her. Jess said this is her house, and she can talk all day if she wants to. Aaryn tells her she is bat-shit crazy. Jess said she is going to be like Rachel, and get on everyone. Aaryn tells her she is NOT Rachel, and she won't be loved for the way she plays the game. Jess said she cannot wait until Aaryn goes into the jury house. Aaryn said it will be later than her.

  6. Helen taking dold shower, whispered to Aaryn before she got in but could not hear. Elissa comes in, keeps looking over her shoulder. Tells Aaryn she is scared of what Jessie might do to her stuff. Feels she needs to hide everything.

    Aaryn goes in to talk to Spencer. He said Jessie has totally lost it. Wants to know what time it is. Aaryn said it will be a funny show. Spencer said they need to just sit back and watch her.

    Aaryn now talking to McManda who are still in bed. Said she took Aaryn's cup that has her name on it and is using it, then she dumped out all of the chocolate milk that was 3/4 full. McCrea wants to know where his water bottle is, he thinks Jessie stole it. Amanda says no. Aaryn jokes that she (Jess) makes out with it every 10 minutes. Then says she was instructed by Amanda not to say things like that anymore. McCrae says she can still tell him.

    Talking about wake up song. McCare hates Katy Perry. Says it sounds like she has something jammed down her throat.

    Aaryn goes into HN room tells GinaMarie what happened. Aaryn says they are going to have a lot of fun the next 2 days, and completely ignore Jessie and not include her. Aaryn said to be "the happiest lillt lark" that you can. Told about her cup. GM wants to know why she would do that? Aaryn says because she (Jess) is a "crazy, F**ing bitch.

    Aaryn making to rounds to have everyone happy and exclude Jessie on everyting.

    BY is open again, LD is over

    Jessis is outside on the couch by herself, Aaryn went out to lay by the pool. Spencer goes into WA, GM and Helen in there talking about their stomachs have gone down while on the slop diet.

    Amanda and Helen in WA, putting on makeup etc. Elissa came in. Helen and Elissa confirmed they are not talking to Jess. Helen said that is the best way to handle it, just stay detached.

    Helen says Elissa was just smiling the whole time, Helen was like OMG

  7. Helen and Aaryn are still in kitchen, talking about what is going on outside the hoouse. Aaryn didn't want her apartment shown on TV, Helen said she watches what she does in the house so nothing happens after the show. Talking about stalkers, crazy people. Elissa comes in from WA after flossing, said someone called her dad's office to cuss him out about how he raised his daughter after Rachel ws on the first time.

    Andy called to DR.

  8. Helen making slop muffins in KT. Aaryn said she must have low blood sugar, she keeps about blacking out every time she stands up. Elissa pouring mouthwash into another container so she doesn't have to share behind other people.

    Helen says her goal is to get the kitchen looking as good as the day they walked in. She said that will be an all day thing (the kitchen is HORRIBLE right now!)

    Aaryn and Helen talking about how cooped up she feels. Their emotions and lives are controlled to make them aggravated at each other. Helen explaining how to cope. Going over the Jeremy incident. Aaryn explains that Jeremy felt really bad about what happened. Helen was surprised at his remorse. Aaryn said he apologized to her husband on camera. Helen said she was scared for about a week, she was not sure when he would go off again. She said the best way to deal with it was to hide out. She said she had to do that so she would not scream back at him, or be the person she didn't want o be in front of millions of people..Aaryn whispering about GinaMarie. She said she is geting scary, follows her, etc. They are not sure where her allegiance is...she is all over the place.

  9. Helen goes in WA tells Aaryn she thinks they are working on the pool table. There was a pocket loose yesterday, maybe they are fixing it. Helen thinks they will get to go back out. Elissa comes into WA, they tell her the same thing.

    Elissa says they only have one more day. She is looking forward to sleeping in a real bed. Aaryn agrees. Elissa wants to know if Aaryn opened the mouthwash. She said she thinks so. She uses the cap, when Elissa asks if anyone has put their mouth on it. Elissa says slop makes a film on her teeth, Aaryn said her too.

    Helen and Elissa talking in KT about Jessie. Helen sais she is just going to cause more drama, best to just walk away, go to HOH room or something until she is gone.

  10. Helen still running, Aayrn goes into house, Andy wakes up, rubs his eyes, and picks up the headphones,

    Cam4 keeps following Aaryn as she gets clothes, hat etc, going back and forth from the door to the dresser.

    Helen continues her run in BY, Aaryn now in bathing suit in WA No one else on camera

    Andy is up, put on his glasses, fed the fish and looking for something to eat in HOH rm.

    Aaryn went outside to lay in the sun by the pool, Helen still running.

    Indoor lockdown called! Helen and Aaryn must go in. Aaryn gets up to go in, Helen finishes her run.

    Helen goes inside, tells Aaryn that sucks, right as she (aaryn) got situated. Aaryn says "I know". Aaryn goes in WA to change out of her bathing suit.

    Aaryn on CAM 1&2 painting her toenails (she just did this late last night) and Cam 3&4 on Andy in HOH with headphones on.

  11. Andy sleeping (with mouth open) in HOH rm. Helen and Amanda talking about Candice, how she told Helen she had to save Howard or she would come after her, Elissa, Amanda and McCrae. Helen said that was when she knew Candice had to go. Talking about previous votes, and why they chose not to come after each other early. Have to chose your battles...what works best for your game and alliance. Make a deal and go as far as you can, then toward the end they will be playing for themselves. Amanda said Judd tried making big move early, now he is gone. Helen said they would be scrambling now if they had gotten Amanda out. Helen said it would be Helen, Elissa and Andy against McCrae, Judd and Spencer. She told Amanda that Andy was very loyal to Amanda, and said they could not turn on her.

  12. McCrae called to DR. Wants to just sleep. Elissa and Jessie in KT, not much talking. GM still doing hair in WA Amanda outside by pool smoking and drinking coffee. Helen is running her laps. Said she is doing pretty well on Have-Not. Said last time she had 2 weeks back to back, and then Jeremy was yelling at her...she thinks that was what made it worse.

    Jessie called to DR

  13. Amanda is gathering dirty laundry, Jessie is up, Spencer still in bed. Someone is in the shower. Helen comes in from the BY in her blue bunny suit

    Aaryn called to storage room to change her battery. HG's just general moving around, looking for food. Aaryn said she almost lost it last night. She was told not to use her pants as a pillow, then was told to "stop talking about production". She grumbles, and Amanda said "oh boo hoo.....welcome to the world of Have-Nots"

    Helen and Elissa in HN rm, Elissa not comfortable because the armrests are in her back. Helen helps her get a more comfortable "bed"

    HG's complaining it is freezing in the house. Amanda asks for it to be warmer in the house. Elissa jokes they will probably do it because she is "so diplomatic" (Amanda used the F word to ask)

    Jessie out of shower doing ADL's



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