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Everything posted by pierceka

  1. Talking about Judd, and how they were afraid of him the most. He had something going with Elissa, and kept to himself, so they didn't know where he stood. Judd made a final 2 with Andy, but that was because he was the vote. McCrae still beating himself up over being duped. He said he will always regret those final numbers in the HOH comp and the POV. They said they knew for a while they needed to get together, and when Judd came back, that was the last piece. That gave them the numbers. Andy told Judd he could trust GM and Spencer, but not Amanda or McCrae. They were so scared that Judd was going to out the alliance and light a fire under McCrae. He said why didn't he? GM said that was why she was handcuffed with the friendship bracelet to him. They didn't want Judd attached to him, and making deals.
  2. 1:05 PM BBT They tell McCrae they still love him. He keeps saying he knew something was up. They tell him they had to think of every scenario. McCrae said he knew something was up since their reactions were so weird. They are going over all of their speeches and things they said. McCrae is pissed off at himself for not doing anything about it. They still say how much they love him. Discussing how Judd went rogue, they had nothing to do with his strange speeches. McCrae said maybe he should have voted to keep him. They say it didn't matter, since Spencer was the tie breaker. They are glad he is in the final 4. McCrae said he just wants to go yell at DR. Andy asks what he wants to talk to them about, and we get FoTH. Andy said he is not looking forward to seeing Amanda and Elissa. They are both going to be so mad at him!
  3. GM is talking about sitting Nick down when she gets out of the house and have him tell her everything, is he a skater, had an eyebrow piercing, etc. (not about his love life?) She is talking about her piercings. Andy said he wants to see if anyone had a mind blowing secret that they will find out once they get out. They both say what ou see is what you get with them. 12:47 BBT GM is saying she has a huge heart and cares about the guy and his family etc. Andy said he does too. GM joking that Nick won't remember her name, etc. Andy goes out to find Spencer, as Spencer walks into bedroom. Andy says nice underwear. The styrofoam head is on the table in the LR, Andy asks if that is the centerpiece for this evening. They said it is Judd's scary face. GM screams from the other BR that his face scared her. She decides to get up and join the rest of the HG. Everyone talking except for McCrae, who is still cleaning things up. FoTH 12:51PM BBT GM in kitchen saying she can't believe there were that many snacks in his basket. Spencer says a weeks worth of snacks for 2 days. Andy said he is a snacker and didn't even make a dent in them. Andy tells GM to tell Spencer te Freddie Nike story. She does McCrae just walking around the kitchen while GM and Spencer are talking. She calls Andy into KT to tell another Freddie story about him getting his hand cut off, then they put it in his stomach to save it. Then they did a skin graft from his arm that had a tattoo, so now part of the tattoo is on his hand. Andy said that doesn't make any sense. They can't wait to meet him. McCrae still around the KT but not included. Andy is sweeping and Gina Marie said she will be vacuuming around 2. Andy said he hopes they give him some direction since the show will be a POV meeting instead of an eviction. They say it will be both. Joking about Andy's new shirt. It has gnomes, mushrooms and flamingos...lawn decorations. Andy said lets sit at the table. It is a tiny one. They all 4 sit down and Andy is telling McCrae about the Exterminators. They are telling about their list of who they wanted out, and how it went. Can't say how the votes will go, but they are glad he is still here. McCrae said he suspected. They are coming clean with the votes, and different things they did for the good of the 4, since they needed numbers. McCrae said he knew Andy cast the vote against Amanda.
  4. 12:26 BBT McCrae is in the shower (gasp!) in the downstairs bathroom and Andy is cleaning out the HOH room. He is taking food and other things to the large chess table, then making trips downstairs to the kitchen with the foods, dishes, etc. Spencer is still in bed with his sunglasses on Andy takes his clothes to the colorful bedroom where GM is still in bed. She complements him on his outfit, and says he is back with his room mate. He says Spencer gets a room to himself (isn't McCrae still in there?) As he puts things away GM tells him a lot of the stuff in the drawers is crap from Aaryn. He said he doesn't need any more space. Andy tricks her with a pic of Nick. McCrae still in WA doing ADL's. Gina Marie said she will be up soon. Andy goes into WA and tells McCrae he like his shirt on him (the blue one) McCrae says thank you, gets his stuff together and goes whistling through the house to the bedroom. When he comes in, Spencer gets up to take a shower. McCrae is combing out his hair, and it sounds like it is ripping out. GM and Andy in other bedroom talking about her baby costume and when Jeremy wore it to talk strategy. Just chit chat with Gina Marie and Andy. McCrae is cleaning stuff up, taking to trash in SR
  5. Discussing what would have happened to the MVP if Elissa had gone home the first week. Spencer thinks it never would have gone to America, but passed around the house. GM comes bak, complains about being so cold. Now talking about Andy trying to hide a "boner" He said no, he has paint on his paints. Variouse jokes about it, culminating in calling him the Albino python. Now on to Jeremy saying things, Andy said Jeremy told him that he was pretty cool for a gay dude. Now how Jeremy ws a hero, push a deer out of the way before he hit it, running into a man and killing him and it turned out to be a wanted murderer and rapist so he used the reward money to buy his boat, taking credit for Tony Hawk and his success skatboarding. Throwing a rock up in the air and it hit a bald eagle and killed it, but he didn't get into trouble because he is part native American. (GM can't stop laughing at all these made up stories) They are all still making up stories about houseguests (sorry I am out)
  6. 10:05 BBT HG have moved to the LR, tired of crafts. All in LR except McCrae. He gets something out of the BR and goes to WC. They ask where he is going, he said to take a poop. They ask where he was before, and he said, oh, I need to pee. He goes to WC and holds door open while he write/paints something inside the door. After several minutes BB says to stop that, he laughs, finishes and come out. They ask what he was doing and he said nothing. Now talking about video games and characters
  7. Joking about what Julie and Amanda talked about when Amanda was evicted. They wonder if Julie asked her what it was like to be a total bitch in the house all summer. McCrae said Amanda probably won't work for CBS again (AGAIN??) 9:22 BBT GM is packing her suitcases, getting ready for the early eviction. McCrae joking about Amanda getting back to Boca and filing a defamation of character lawsuit. Judd said a Def...of what??? Andy staring at his duck. They tell him he can rinse it off and start over. He said he is proud of it. They suggest using nail polish remover, and Spencer says he could pull an Aaryn and take a swig of it. They are now talking of the time Aaryn drank some (by mistake) and got called to DR they wanted to know how much she drank and why. He said what if it was a suicide attempt...she couldn't take it in the house anymore. GM comes in and they say goodnight to her, is she ready for bed? GM is dressed in her black oufit with her pink blazer, and full make=up. Judd is snickering so bad he almost spit his food. Spencer is looking for booze. They won't let him in the SR. He said only Andy can get in. Now they are using the fake phone making calls. GM gets one from the doctor, makes sure the tests results are right, and tells Andy he is pregnant. Spencer gets called to the storage room, the guys (Judd and Andy) run, and Spencer said they asked for HIM...he goes in and says "Look what we got" and takes out some lettuce. They rush in and there are more crafts, some lanyards sand bottles and glitter. They say "Yay" nighttime activities" Spencer says Andy gets the glitter and one of the pigs. Spencer asks Andy if he has rainbows and a gay pride flag, he said no, Spencer asks about the equal sign and Andy says yes. They joke about it being a tramp stamp and Andy said it is tattooed on his balls. GM offers to make everyone a bracelet. Andy is playing with the colored sand. Now joking about Rachel being there earlier, and the feeds werw off, so she said Brenchel's Army could go eff themselves. McCrae tried to calm her down about them being fans, and Rachel said she doesn't care about fans, just money. (More fake rumors) More Elissa bashing but saying it came from Rachel. All sitting around the table doing their crafts. Gina Marie said Any's sand bottle looks like a fruity flag...Spencer asks if that is what they call it, Andy said yes, Judd is snickering. Gina Marie said it looks like Froot Loops. They asked Andy why he didn't use the white sand, he said because he is not a racist. More chatter around the table while crafting. 9:43 BBT Still doing crafts and joking around, pretending to be nighttime for the taping for BBAD. lost of misc singing, but no FoTH with it.
  8. 9:13 BBT Andy has paint all over his hands. Talking about putting a yellow bill on the duck. He said that is what most ducks have. He said have you ever seen a blue duck with orange wings before??? Spencer says he thinks he did once on a safari in Africa. Now talking about the photos on the wall. Andy said when they first got in the house he thought GM looked like Ashley Tisdale, but now it just looks like Gina Marie. They start in on other pictures, then talk about horror and zombie movies. (Freddie Kreuger, Michael Myers, etc) Spencer is eating his pork chop, Judd says he cant wait to floss, he has pieces of pork chops in every tooth. Now laughing that Andy has paint everywhere, on his shorts, floor, napkin, etc. Andy said it has been such an eventful day, he is going to go to bed soon. They laugh and agree they are going to go too. Andy was glad to see Julie live in the house. Ask where GM is, no one answers. (she was in WA brushing her extensions/hair piece). Spencer says it was great to see GM and Julie Chen get in a fight. Says GM really put Julie in her place (more fake stuff for the BBAD show).
  9. 9:00 Feeds are back. Say they are supposed to get alcohol. They are supposed to act like it is late at night, so they will have something to show on BBAD. They are saying BB wants to make it look like live feeds, and there are still 5 HG's left to fool the people watching. They think it is lame. Andy says it is the dumbest thing he has ever done...he painted the bottom of the duck first, now he can't set it down. They want to put a fake body in a bed and joke about Elissa coming back. Now joking about fake Spencer (body in Hammock the other day) and they couldn't believe they fell for it. It was hot and they were sweating, and fake Spencer was in the sun with a blanket on. Talking about how crazy "today" was, returning houseguests from a total of 9 seasons. Glad to see Rachel, better than expected except for the racial slur. Talking about getting a Pandora's box that they all went back. Laughing about Ollie "booty dancing". (These are all made up) Talk about having a huge day. GM comes in and says good morning, and they say yeah, it is after dark now though. GM told to put on her mic. Spencer is giving Andy a hard time about painting his duck so quickly, and messing it up. He said it took 17 years to paint the ceiling in the Cistene Chapel, it could have been done in a week and a half, but he decided to do something special with it. Spencer going to eat. Judd said there aren't any forks, maybe he could wash one (really???) Spencer said they played one of his least favorite songs of all time today...Sweet Home Alabama. Judd said he is over that too. Now talking about music, and McCrae tells of someone playing the chorus over and over again with the audience singing, but never playing a verse. Spencer says Andy's duck is the ugliest he has ever seen, is he color-blind. Andy said it is the ugly duckling that turns into a swan. The he drops it on the floor and cries...no!
  10. 8:50 BBT Finally back from Trivia. McCrae at Dinging room table reading bible, and talking out loud. Gina Marie is putting on her makeup while sitting on her bed Andy can be seen walking around, Judd behind him. McCrae complaining about how cold it is. Judd said he stayed in the shower for about 20 minutes. Joking about 3 people being have-nots. Andy is going to do a craft project. Judd complaining about how cold he is, that he has never been so cold. Spencer comes downstairs. Judd said he should stop complaining about being cold, then says he is sooo hot! Andy said he is forced to get up, Spencer says "how snappy was that" (BB MADE them get up). Andy said he hates the duck, he is already quitting (just opened the box) McCrae is talking about how much sex there is in the bible. Going on about Gomorrah, a man who offered his wife and daughter to the town but they wanted him instead, then the wife died from rape and they cut up her body parts and sent them to the 12 tribes of Isreal. Andy asked the name of the story and McCrae said the most gruesome bible story ever! 8:57 BBT Trivia....again
  11. 8:15BBT Still Trivia 8:16 BBT Feeds are back showing Spencer still in bed and McCrae yawning in his bed. No signs of anyone up and moving. Gina Marie is up, limping, hold one pants leg up and goes to SR for battery. As she walks out we get Trivia again
  12. Elissa still in shower, other camera show Judd sleeping
  13. 11:49 BBT Elissa finishes her run, checks herself out in the mirror, then rolls up her yga mat and heads inside. She puts her shoes and mat away, then goes into WA. No others seem to be up. 11:57 BBT Elissa puts on her bikini, checks herself out in the mirror, gets her shampoo and heads into the shower. (side note...does Elissa have mirrors all over her house? Whatever will she do if not!)
  14. Judd said he wanted to go back to bed, but for Elissa to wake him up by 2"00. He didn't sleep good last night, and is still tired. Elissa asks if he is going to go run, he said naw, maybe in the house, has she done that? Elissa said yes, but it isn't as good of a workout. Judd said maybe he will do yoga with her later, or sit ups. Judd knocked on GinaMarie's HoH door and told her te backyard will be closed in about 15 minutes. She said thanks, she probably wont go out. He says ok, he is just trying to let everyone know, and leaves. Judd goes to backyard then back in again. Elissa and Judd in WA, Judd brushing his teeth. No other houseguests seem to be stirring. Elissa now in Kitchen, putting on her mic and checking herself out in the mirror. She washes out her cup. Cam 3/4 on Judd in WA After he shaves, he takes off his mic to go to WC. Elissa making a cup of coffee, other camera on the WC door waiting for Judd. He flushes, washes his hands... puts on his mic again. (so exciting today) 11:25 BBT Judd goes back into the KT, and says again he is sleepy. Goes into colorful bedroom looking for something under and around his bed. He finds his orange bandana, Goes back to colorful room, tells Andy (I think) that lockdown in 15 minutes. GM comes downstairs, Elissa tells her she missed 50 Cent this morning. It was awesome. BB tells GM to put on her mic. Elissa in WA doing ADL's. Judd chats a couple of minutes, then lays down...his bandana next to him on the bed. Andy still in bed with the blue bandana over his eyes. Elissa still in WA, no other HG's on camera 11:30 BBT FoTH Back with Elissa talking out loud (to herself?) that her hair is a hot mess. Checks herself out in the mirror again, then takes her yoga mat outside to do yoga before the lockdown. Judd trying to talk to a sleeping Andy, cannot understand what he is saying. Jedd gets up, takes his bottle of water to DR, comes back out takes off his shirt and mic, puts bandana on and goes to bed. Elissa is running in the back yard.
  15. Gina Marie and Andy talking. GM says it is good McCrae is finally on the block, he has never been there. She says That she, and Andy are all that Aayrn have now, since Amanda will be badmouthing her (Aaryn) to save McCrae. GM said she wants to wait to see what happens (before campaigning) Verified....Aayrn and McCrae are on the block When feeds came back, Aaryn was sitting on her bed, picking at her nail polish. GM came in to talk with her. Aayrn said she has been loyal to people and done their diry work, and now she is screwed. She said she wanted to be alone and went into HN room GM, Spencer, Judd and Andy in KT. Judd made a sandwich, Spencer and Gina Marie congratulating each other about not being on the block. Judd talking about his medication. Said he hopes he gets it back. Amanda said she take hers about 3 times a week, when she needs it. Amanda asked if in the "bible" he could take it whenever he wanted, and he says no...then FoTH Amanda eating on bed while McCrae is reading. Talking with her mouth full, saying they need to fight hard to win Veto. GM took toilet paper to HoH room, talking to Elissa about getting her laundry done. Elissa is gathering it up to have BB do her laundry (perk of HoH) Amanda said she made it to final 2 in HoH comp, she is doing better. Said and that was on slop. She said her life is on the line McCrae still reading and not talking Amanda wants to go back to sleep. McCrae wants to tell Spencer they were in an alliance with "poopy". Amanda said to wait. McCrae said if she tells him first, it will look bad on them. She doesn't want to. Amanda is alying on her mic and McCrae is whispering, very hard to hear BB table got smaller! Judd and GM talking about comps, and OTEV, throwing a frog around. Elissa in KT talking with Spencer and Andy. They said the HoH showe muct be better. Elissa said yeah, but she is afraid. They agree she doesn't want any pics on the internet Elissa talking about cooking , Andy asking what with. Elissa and Andy go to storage room. Andy said he will work his butt off to win the Veto. What does she want him to do with it. She said to keep noms the same. He asked what is her plan if someone comes down. She said she knows, but isn't saying. He said so long as it isn't him, he is fine. He said he knows when he wanted Jessie out during his HoH, the Veto scare him. He thinks that Judd coming back will be good for them, and that he has her back. Amanda sleeping, Andy goes in and talks to McCrae. McCrae says he wants to tell Spencer about the 3AM alliance, before Aaryn does. Andy said he insinuated that they were working together, but never how close. Andy leave, McCrae asks Amanda if she farted, she says no, he doesn't believe her. Andy now in with Spencer and Judd (he does get around!) Just general chit chat about the new table, and BB 6:47 PM BBT Aaryn called to DR. GM, Judd, Andy and Spencer still talking in lounge Judd goes into bedroom to take a nap. Asks McCrae to get him up by 8:00 if he is still asleep. Talk of farting in the lounge. McCrae and Amanda in bed
  16. Elissa trying to scrape the burnt slop out of the large pot.
  17. 11:53 am BBT Brief FoTH then back with Helen in KT. Dumps the large pot of slop. Empties it, runs water in it, takes it outside. Then goes back out and gets it. Elissa comes in and says it must be because she is on slop. Helen said it was sparking, they can't forget it. Elissa said she can't believe no one smelled it, you could smell it all the way in the DR. Amanda called to change her batteries.
  18. Helen and Elissa head outside with their coffee. Helen said she slept really well last night. She was exhausted. Elissa says it is exhausting being on the block. Helen saying she hopes to stay, hopes to have GM, Elissa and Andy's vote. She isn't sure where Andy's head is at. Helen said if she stays she will have to work with Aaryn and Gina Marie...and Elissa of course. Helen said Aaryn and GM are more fun to hang with. She doesn't like Amanda on a social level. Elissa questioned that. Elissa said Amanda is playing this game. She is always playing. Helen said Amanda is a phenominal player. If she has to go out, she would rather go out under Amanda than a Spencer or Gina Marie. In the real world, she would call Amanda if she needed to get things done. 11:34 BBT More talking by Helen about her opinions of the houseguests, and what traits they have. Elissa throwing in her comments (more realistic insights), and Helen is agreeing, then changing again. Helen still defending Aaryn, and Elissa saying what a bad person she is, she is fake, lies, horrible,etc. Helen saying she needs to play with her. Elissa said she doesn't have good character, and in the real world Elissa only has friends with good character. Helen said she always tries to find the good in people. Now discussing David as a nice guy, had a bad experience and made him a better person. Helen said she feels bad at having such a big part in getting him out. Elissa said if he had stayed, he would have worked with Aaryn, and might have become a bad person. Helen again giving theories on Aaryn and why she is like she is. Gina Marie is up and getting clothes. She is wearing her Pink animal hat. More of Elissa bashing Aaryn, and Helen defending her...
  19. 11:23 AM BBT Helen in WA doing ADL's after coming in from outside laundry (huge piles of dirty laundry out there) Elissa is still working on getting the top of the stove clean. Cam4 on Spencer sleeping with his sunglasses on (looks like a redheaded ZZTop member)
  20. 11:17 BBT Helen in cold shower, Elissa trying to clean stove.
  21. Elissa making coffee. Uses over 3 large spoonfuls of coffee, empties bag. Starts to put spoon on counter, realizes how dirty it is, puts on top of cofee filter. Gets more coffee out of the freezer, opens it and puts in 10 more spoonfuls of coffee. (going to chew this?) Has to wash a large pot before she can clean the coffee pot. Scrubbing it. Finally ready to start the coffee. 11:06 am BBT Helen still outside running, no other movement yet in house.
  22. Lights are on, Aaryn gets up, goes downstairs, looks like changing batteries. Helen in WA in her running clothes, goes outside and puts on her running shoes. Time to run! Elissa called to DR Elissa called again (a little more sternly) to go to DR. Helen running laps, Aaryn out of SR with package, goes back to HoH BR. Aaryn out of HoH WC, goes back to bed. Helen still running laps No one else seems to be up (except Elissa in DR) Helen running, Elissa in KT no one else up
  23. 10:35BBT We have FoTH. Looks like the wake up call
  24. Aaryn and Helen doing ADL's in WA, Andy watching the spy screen in HOH Helen is saying the being a Have-not this time is worse because she can't sleep and it is sooo cold. She is okay with the food. Aaryn said she thought it would get easier buy it is harder. Jessie is up, too. Amanda and McCrae got called out by production, then told to change their batteries.



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