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Everything posted by pierceka

  1. 4:33 BBT Josh just got called to the DR, probably for nominations. FOTH Earlier, Kevin was in the KT with Alex, neither was talking. Awkward! In HOHR Josh, Xmas and Paul were talking. Looks like Josh is going to put up Kevin and Alex, with Alex as the target. He was wanting ideas on what to say. Paul said to tell it straight. One is a good competitor, the other hasn't won anything. Paul said if Kevin pulls herself off, would Xmas be willing to go up (at this point, it would be her or him, no other options pierceka) Paul said there is no way Kevin would vote out Xmas, as Alex doesn't even talk to him. Paul said he wouldn't make it a tie, as that would put all of the heat on Josh. Paul wouldn't do that to him, so he will vote out Alex, tell her it is a game move, and he will take the heat for it .... Alex came upstairs, so they changed the subject. Alex said the SR was restocked, chicken, hot dogs, not sure if there was steak. Josh said he would go look. Xmas said she doesn't know why they keep giving them wieners, she is all wiener-ed out. Josh got shrimp in his HOH stuff, and offered to make garlic shrimp one night. Paul asked if he got steak in his basket. Josh said yes but not much. Getting the puppy cam, so will probably off until after noms.
  2. 1:27 BBT Alex is alone in the KT, Xmas is washing her face in the WA, and Josh went upstairs to take a shower. Paul is still in DR, Kevin not on camera, probably back to staring. (I have some errands to run, will be back later if someone can take over!)
  3. 1:21 BBT Kevin is walking around the KT, no one is talking with him. He is trying to find something to eat. Josh is asking Alex about his first HOH date , she has to think about it.Discussing it. She tells Josh he spilled eggs on himself. They think it was 7/11 (first HOH for him). He says 11 is his lucky number. Kevin went into WA, so Josh and Alex are whispering about how much he hates them. Kevin back into KT, so talk changes to previous HG's. They think Raven will be wigging out soon. Alex asks if she will be crazy. Josh said no, there is no reason, there aren't any cameras, so no reason. Josh wants steak and potatoes tonight, after restock. He is going upstairs, wants people to come visit him after he takes a shower.
  4. 1:13 BBT Feed 1/2 on KT with Alex, Josh and Xmas. Feeds 3/4 on Kevin on his bed, just staring. KT crew thinks all of the jury hates them, but Matt was chill. They said he was going to go to jury and blow up everyone's game, but maybe not. They are afraid he will go off on Jason when he goes in. Not sure what will happen when Raven gets there. Josh said they are probably wrong, and just chilling and having a good time in jury. Smells like something is burning. Josh is cooking, and having trouble with the burner. He burnt his food. Xmas is in the BR, Kevin asks if she ate. She had a grilled cheese and soup. She wants to know if he wants to eat, but he wants to wait for the SR restock. Josh and Alex still speculating on how people are in the jury house. Xmas comes back and and said "that smells awful" Josh is burning his eggs, and wishing he had requested OJ, as what they have is terrible.
  5. 1:02 BBt Feeds 1/2 on Alex and Xmas Elena bashing. Josh is in HOH talking to the cameras. He said if he makes a bold move, how will it affect Xmas. He is playing not only for his game, but her game as well. He doesn't want to f##k up, and ruin her chances or his own. He knows Paul will make it to final 3. Josh is considering putting Paul up !!! He says if he does that, he is afraid Xmas will turn on him. He thinks Alex and Kevin will take each other out. Josh is saying he loves Paul, but that Paul has played the best game all season, and Josh can't beat Paul in the end. Even though Paul is a vet, everyone will give it to Paul because they all hate Josh. He says the only way he has a shot of winning is to take Paul out. He doesn't know whether to take the shot now, or wait until final 3. Josh goes into WA, talking into the KT to Alex and Xmas. They were talking about showmances, and that the 6 people in them were all looking for one. They says Josh wanted to be in one, too. He said no, he is just a flirt. Kevin still staring into space. Now saying that Raven wore too much make-up. Alex, Xmas and even Matt told her how much better she looked when she didn't wear much. It made her upset. Xmas wants to be a fly on the wall in the jury house, and see how Matt and Raven are getting it on. Alex doesn't think they were "doing it" in the house (wrong!) Xmas said she heard them making out. They think things heated up after Zingbot. They said Matt got frustrated with her. They would be fine, then argue, then fine again. Talking about Matt not wanting a relationship, and talking about his parents divorce. They think that is why he is jaded.
  6. 12:52BBT Josh comes in. Alex rehashes how she was outside his door for so long this morning, Paul was pooping and Alex needed to pee. She said he was practically naked , and not making any sense. Paul called to DR, Josh told to put on his mic. Talks to Kevin for a minute, then Paul said he has to go to the DR...he was still in bed. FOTH Back, Xmas joking she doesn't need a crutch...I need a crutch! Saying how competitive she is. When she is on the sidelines...okay...but when she is in it, it is go go go! Alex asks Xmas what she is going ot do when she first gets out of the house. Xmas says she is going to spend at least a long weekend hanging out with you guys, then will need to go home and check on things. She is going to have a big BBQ at her house. She hopes Duane (her work husband) isn't married yet. She wants to go to the wedding. Cody's picture lights up for a minute, they hope it isn't a twist and he is coming back in! They light goes out again, and they are relieved. Talking about the jury, Mark hates both of them. Talking about why. How Mark set himself up for Josh to go off on him. Josh was going to sleep in the same bed with Elena, then Mark got the key to get out of HN, and said he was going to sleep with Elena. She said they would have to work it out among themselves. Now bashing Elena, calling her a liar, and how she said such stupid things. The lies don't even make sense. Alex said she called her out in her blog.
  7. 12:44 BBT Both girls are discussing the food that is so sspoiled, it is rotting and has fruit flies. Now discussing Ramses and how hard he tried to win the comp he was supposed to throw. Alex wonders if he is watching and saying he hates all those people, but Xmas thinks he isn't like that. Discussing people that were voted out in the beginning, and how they are probably fine, but they only salty people are in jury. Now talking about Raven...bashing. Alex says she was joking, but Josh asked her how she knows all the songs, and she said she is a concert pianist with perfect pitch. Raven then said she started playing a song that she heard, on her mothers "upright grand piano". She claims she could play it just from listening, so her mother got her lessons. Alex explains her version of perfect pitch, and said there is no way Raven has perfect pitch. Xmas said she was a prodegy. NOT Now more bashing, about how Raven would listen to what people said, then she claims she can do it, has done it, etc. Set up the chess set wrong, but claimed it was right.
  8. 12:40 Kevin is still staring into space, while Xmas and Alex are in the KT. There is building going on outside. They think the BB comics is next. Xmas said she probably won't be able to do it, Alex says you have to land on your foot. Xmas says she has been zip lining in Australia. She names the place, Alex says she has been there too. Discussing these large vines there that wrap around the trees as a food source, so it hollows out the trees. Xmas explained the Aborigines would bury their dead in the hollow trees, and when the British came, they saw all of the skeletons in the trees, and thought the trees were eating people.
  9. 12:36 BBT Xmas up again, gets a jacket out of the closet and heads back to the KT. Alex can be heard saying i"it sure does get lonely around here". Xmas in the SR getting things to take to the KT. Alex sitting alone at the kitchen counter eating. Xmas picked up a lot of items, but came out of the SR with only one can.
  10. 12:29 BBT Now talking about Jessica and Elena. They both think Jessica wants to be in Maxim's hometown hotties, but they said she would never make the cover. They both agree Elena was much prettier than Jessica. Xmas gets up to go to the WC, Alex is going to get something to eat. She stops to talk to Paul, who is in bed. He asks what time it is. Alex whispers to him (couldn't hear), then goes to the kitchen to rummage for food. Kevin is just sitting on his bed this entire time, staring into space. Xmas finishes in the WC, washes her hands, then goes into the KT with Alex. 12:32 Xmas asks Alex when are noms, Alex checks the screen in the LR and it does not says nominations yet. They said Josh is still in the DR, he has been in there a long time. Xmas says she is going to take her makeup off then eat lunch. She is cold. Xmas asks Kevin if he has eaten yet today, he answers no, but will soon. Xmas talks to Paul for a minute, he wants to know where Josh is (DR), then Xmas climbs into bed. Ales in the kitchen making soup.
  11. 12:18 BBT Alex and Xmas still talking about their companies. Alex says now is a good time for her to start, since she doesn't have a mortgage. Xmas is giving her advice on things that she can do. Xmas says she is still working on hers, but next year she should be able to reap some rewards. Xmas said if she didn't have such trust in her team that is in place, she would not have been able to do BB. She starts doing shout outs to her team, and we get short foth. 12:20 BBT Alex is talking about her unique opportunity. Alex is talking about someone (Elena) that said she will be homeless after this. Xmas says she has no respect for someone who cannot manage their life. Walk around in $500 shoes ...on sale... and then says they are going to be homeless. 12:24 BBT Talking about Elena coming on the show to raise her image. Talking about how many followers they have. Alex doesn't have very many, Xmas has a lot. Xmas asked if Alex made it private or public. Alex said it used to be private, but asked her friend to change it to public . Xmas told her that when it is public, anyone can start following her. Xmas says when she came into the house, she thought Alex was a fitness person, in the business. Alex says no. Xmas says she did something to her account to get rid of the "ghost" accounts on her feed. She also commented that if someone sends her something inappropriate, she will report them.
  12. 12:11 BBT Alex and Xmas talking in Rose room. Discussing about being different, and it is fine. Some things aren't, like child brides, but Alex is okay with polygamy. Alex says she doesn't believe in abortion, and would never have one, but she will always fight to protect the rights of others to have one. She said she doesn't know their circumstances, and it is their decision. Alex is also talking about being a dentist. Alex says she was happy when she got her college degree. Xmas says she doesn't have a degree. Alex says she is way richer than her. Xmas says she has been working on her business for several years, planting seeds and building a team. She said it is still in its infancy, she still has to work at it, but she has more freedom now than in the last few years. Xmas says she is done competing , but Alex is questioning that. Xmas says she will have to see how she feels when she can finally lift again.
  13. 2:45 BBT Josh saying his goodbye to Matt, gives Raven a hug, gets called out for not having on his mic. Raven goes to WA with Josh and Xmas. Xmas asks what Raven is wearing tonight, she said she has a dress. Xmas says dresses are quicker and easier. Raven asks where is Paul, Xmas thinks DR. Not much talking, noise from KT. (I need to go for now if someone can take over)
  14. 2:40 BBt Xmas and Josh are whispering in WA about plan for tonight. Hard to hear as Jason and KT are laughing. They want to double check with Paul first. Xmas is working on her hair, Josh said he is going to shave. He goes to get a chair, Xmas tells him there is one in there already. Tells him if he f**k up his hair, Paul isn't going to fix it, and Matt is spending as much time as possible with Raven before tonight.
  15. 2:38 BBT Jason is sitting down to eat his burger with an egg on it. Josh is eating a banana. Says Kevin is probably hating Jason right now. Kevin says no. They ask what his first meal is going to be, he says a bacon and egg sandwich. Raven/Matt still in Rose BR, Alex, Kevin and Jason is KT. No other HG's on camera
  16. 2:33 Alex jumps out and scares Kevin in the SR. She apologizes to him. She thought it was Josh. He says he hopes that wasn't on camera. Kevin offers to iron something for Jason, the vacuum is not back. Alex asks Josh what is is going to eat for lunch. He said he thought they were going to make the toast. He says he is hungry, he didn't have breakfast or lunch.Possibly make a burger. Complaining the wave room smells funny.
  17. 2:30 BBT Raven, in the Rose room is giving Matt instructions on what to do and say in the jury house. He asks if it is a double, and Alex goes next, does that change anything? She says no. Raven and Matt saying they are best friends. Raven tells Matt the plan that if Kevin comes down, she will be next. That is what Paul told her to do. She is going to just do what he says, Matt agrees that is best (sheep!!)
  18. 2:20 BBT Josh tells Paul to stop looking in a mirror. He says Paul is always in front of a mirror, get over himself! Paul called to the DR. Paul says he has cream on his face...rude comments ensue. BB is calling out HG's. Josh complaining he is hungry, and they aren't eating. Jason getting ready to cook, and Josh tells him to cook for him and Alex. He says no. He is going to cook a hamburger. Josh says he is going to binge watch Disney when he gets out. Josh gets called out for singing Hakuna Matata.
  19. 2:17 BBT Paul is talking with Alex. Says if Kevin drops, then she and Paul will drop next (he just told Kevin he was going to win to save him) Kevin talking to the camera. Says he is going to try to win, no matter what "he" says. He doesn't understand how he became the target. He isn't going to beg "nobody" for a vote. Wants his family to tape the fight (think it was last week), hopes everyone had a good summer. He said he won the first comp, the one that counted (25K) The rest of the HG's are in the KT, joking around.
  20. 2:12 BBt Alex is doing her nails in money room, in KT HG's are talking about riding a bike. Paul claims he used to ride all the time, but you can't in the summer, you would kill yourself. He said he is going to start back again when he gets out. Kevin alone in the HN room.
  21. 2:07 BBT Kevin and Paul are talking. Paul tells him to drop, then Raven will. Paul promises that if he is HOH, he won't put Keviin up. Kevin says he has stayed in that room for 3 days like Paul told him to (yet everyone is saying he is pulling a Dominique kp) and that he hasn't mentioned Paul at all. People in the KT just chatting, Alex is putting on deodorant in money room
  22. 1:53 BBT HG's except Raven/Matt are cleaning. Jason is upset the vacuum broke, hope it gets fixed soon. Says it doesn't suck anymore, he has the same problem with Alex! Laughs, but she doesn't see the humor. Matt/Raven are eating again, watching people clean. Josh wants to know what they are eating, he is hungry. Jason says they are going to make avocado toast with bacon. Paul is complaining people keep putting plastic and paper goods on the toaster oven. 1:56 BBT Matt called to DR Xmas is cleaning dishes, Jason and Kevin cleaning the rest of kitchen. 1:58 BBT "Houseguests, the storage room is temporarily closed" Hoping they are fixing or replacing the vacuum. 1:59 BBT the SR is now open. Paul asks Jason to take the trash. Kevin and Jason go to SR Paul in the money room, Raven goes to talk with him. They go into the Rose BR to discuss Matt's speech. Raven wanted to make sure Josh is going to vote out Matt. Now discussing plans for HOH comp. Paul says as soon as Kevin drops, she needs to drop. Paul is going to hang on to win it. Paul says Xmas is going to talk to someone, to make sure they are on board. Paul leaves as Raven stays in Rose BR



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