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Everything posted by pierceka

  1. Earlier, Kevin and Jason were discussing boxing, while Jason moved all of his stuff out of the HOH room. HGs in the kitchen, getting food for HOH lockdown. 11:21 BB announces HOH lock down. Paul complains that they have until 11:30. Everyone scrambling to complete food to go upstairs. 11:22 Puppy cam
  2. Caleb said he took a rock pillow and went "wham" right in Amber's face. He said he closed the door real fast. He said she got up and looked around to see who was up (it was 6AM) Said Amber was talking about it this morning, trying to decide who hit her. Now Caleb is telling Zach what to do at the POV meeting. He wants Zach to put his hand in the POV box to keep Frankie from closing it, and to say that it is spontaneous and out of the blue, but he has some things to get off his chest...blah, blah ,blah Caleb doesn't want it to look like he orchestrated it, Zach said good idea, he was thinking about it last night. Zach wants to go downstairs to get something to eat. Frankie is on his way up, so Zach goes in with him. Frankie said that he won't be closing the box, that Hayden will. Zach said good to know, and leaves to eat again. Asks Frankie if he is hungry, he said no, he is just going to have some coffee. Frankie is complaining about how his butt hurts because of the comp, and that is a part of his body he uses. Derrick and Hayden talking in the Ice room, but can't hear what they are saying. Sounds like they are in a tunnel.
  3. 9:44 BBT Victoria is curling her hair, Hayden walks in for DR. Feed 1 & 2 go back to HOH bathroom. Zach is brushing his teeth and Frankie is talking. Frankie said he loves acting (well duh!) Donny is outside on the couches with Amber. Caleb is watching them from the back door. Amber said she is hungry. Donny said he ate a bowl of corn flakes, that is good for your stomach. Amber said she doesn't like cereal and milk together. He suggests toast. That is also good for you. She is non-committal. Donny is on his last package of chew. He said he guesses he will have to quit, he will have whiter teeth and healthier gums. He said when he gets back he will try to get his job back and hopes he has insurance. He wants to go to the dentist. Donny and Amber get up and put the awnings up. Donny gets a thank you for BB. He says Amber is helping too. Then she gets a thank you. They laugh and said it sounds like an Elvis Thank you very much. Derrick comes out and helps as well. 9:52 am BBT Frankie gets called to the DR. Caleb is now in the BY. He was talking to Donny, and Amber was with Derrick. Now they are all around the pool. They are commenting on how clean it looks. Donny wants in there later today. They say there should be some down time after the meeting (POV). Now discussing the transformation in the BY for the comps. Caleb said he was told there are 250 people that work for BB on the sets and behind the scenes. Talking about how they have people assigned to certain areas, and some are for putting it up and others take it down. Derrick just went into the house. Said he is going to the HOH bathroom. Said #2. Caleb and Donny talking about what is around them. Caleb says there was a big truck trailer when they first got there..."please don't talk about production", so they say other things. Talking about the rugs must be for looks, because they really don't do much. Also saying they needed a big trash can outside, it should be full by now. Donny mentions the theme this year is bird nest, and in the wedding comp (BOTB) there was a birds nest behind Caleb as he was hosting. They are going to start looking to see if they are at every comp. Caleb goes in to HOH and and talks with Zach about the prank last night. He is really laying it on how he kept coming up with great ideas.
  4. 9:30 BBT HG's are up and doing ADL's. Nicole goes to BY and talks to Donny. She said she came outside to warm up. Nicole complains that it is overcast. Donny said it will pass. He is on the elliptical and said he is doing 20 minutes today. Donny said he told Cody, the scoundrel that nominated him, that if he was still here on Monday, he would do 20 minutes. Donny said he only has 50 seconds to go, and has gone 1.35 miles. Victoria is called to the DR. Nicole heads into the WA and talks to Christine about food, and how they only have 2 nights left to sleep in the HN room. Victoria is back for DR. more chit chat in WA while ADL's going on. Frankie and Zach in HOH bathroom. Frankie tells Zach about the pillow toss, but said Amber claimed not to know who did it. Frankie said he is almost ready for his close up. He wants to lose 40 pounds today. Frankie is glad the fish tank is on. As he is getting dressed in the HOH room, he starts humming/singing. Feeds cut to WA. All cameras are in there now. Caleb is up in his onesie. Said they only have 2 more nights in that hell hole.
  5. 12:13 BBT Christina got up and went to WC. Then back to Ice room and back to bed with towel over her eyes. She asked Nicole for part of the blanket. Nicole is in the HOH robe. Donny still in Bee Hive room with the slinky. Christine is trying to get comfy.
  6. 11:57 BBT STILL no one up except Donny, who is in the Bee Hive room, staring at the ceiling and playing with the slinky
  7. 11:22 BBT Donny has now gone into the Bee Hive room and is playing with the slinky.
  8. 11:15 BBT Donny takes his feet out of the hot tub, puts on his flip flops and is walking laps around the perimeter of the yard.
  9. 11:07 BBT Donny is laying next to the hot tub with his feet in the water, looking up. Lots of planes going by overhead. No other HG's seem to be up. Feed 1&2 still on Zach sleeping with Frankie in the HOH bed
  10. 10:55 BBT Donny is still the only HG up. He has finished putting his clean sheets on his bed, and goes back outside. Donny is sitting in the BY. Takes off his visor, wipes his forehead then checks out his nails, fingers first, then thumbs. Scintillating!
  11. 10:40 BBT Feeds 3&4 are on Donny outside doing laundry. Feeds 1&2 are on HOH room. Looks like Zach still sleeping. No one else on the feeds. Donny is humming quietly to himself as he does laundry. Donny still appears to be the only one up. He is putting his clean sheets on his bed in the Fire bedroom.
  12. 9:10BBT Frankie said he is going upstairs to take a shower an make his face look pretty. Victoria is sitting at the counter eating her cereal. Jocasta is in the WA doing ADL's. Frankie said he told Zach to settle down last night. He said Zach likes to stir up trouble, he wants to be a memorable character. He and Victoria are talking about trouble at the noms ceremony. Frankie said it was because people were upset over being nominated, not because of Zach. Frankie promised to babysit him all week. He wants his HOH week to be calm. Frankie said whoever wins Veto, he will talk with everyone in the house and get their opinion. Tells Victoria to just have fun and not to worry. Frankie said this game is not fun. Donny walks in and Frankie asks him if there is anything fun about the game. Donny said no. He was just in the bathroom and wondered if anyone was going to walk in on him. He said washing dishes in cold water was not fun either. Frankie went upstairs to take his shower, said he will be down in 30-40 minutes. Victoria and Donnie left alone in KT. Chit Chat about what time they went to bed and how they slept. BB again says bedroom lights must be kept on during the day. BB says it again. Donny thinks it is the Have Not room. He gets up and walks away. Victoria still eating cereal and Jocasta doing make up. Donny comes back and asks Victoria if she has been a fan of Big Brother for years and she said yes. They are talking about the Veto comp, then Donny says he wishes he would have brought more shirts with him. Donny asked what Victoria's first impression of the BB house was. She said she was confused. Donny said lots of wood, then the garden up above. Talking about what they thought it was going to be, and how it wasn't veterans and their family members. The board was big. Discussing the changes in the house. Just chit chat. Donny and Victoria talking about the Gaza strip, Israel and the trouble there. Giving their opinions of what is happening and why. Donny is washing dishes, Victoria goes to WC. Donny is walking around the LR and DR, then checks his Fit Bit. Seems to be doing laps while stuck inside. While Jocasta and Victoria get ready for the day, Donny is sweeping the kitchen. Christine is bundled up in her sweats, sitting in the WA. She said she didn't sleep very well. Her hips hurt, and she can't take any pain meds. She is going to take naps today. 9:34 BBT Nicole and Amber have joined the bathroom group. Hard to hear with hairdryer going, plus no game talk. Donny is sitting in the LR reading the box of Gorilla Munch. Pity party in the WA because they are soooo cold, getting sick because of Have not room being so cold...No one else is joining in (they have been there!) (I am out for a while)
  13. Frankie says he can't believe production ran to his home to get his favorite CD. Frankie is excited about the Veto comp. He and Donny think it might be fairly soon. Frankie said they have to build the set. 9:03 BBT Donny now brushing his teeth in the WA. Victoria is doing ADL's and Christine is under a blanket on the lounge in there. Victoria goes into the KT and Frankie gives her a big hug. Frankie is excited because he has never played in one. Jokes with Victoria that she is a pro at them now. Frankie said Veto is his favorite comp. Frankie tell Victoria that the microwave doesn't work. They think it is from previous years. Frankie asks for a new microwave. Frankie says he loves Madonna. He said when he got into the house he didn't know if people would like him. He said Madonna said if you are a true star, that half of the people would love you and the rest would hate you. Now talking about role models. He said people get upset that Justin Bieber needs to be a role model for their kids. Frankie said why don't THEY be role models for their own kids, not a kid that makes millions. Now Donny and Frankie are discussing Miley Cyrus, and how she changed once she got away from Disney's control.
  14. 8:55 Feeds are back. Donny and Frankie are in the KT. Hard to hear because Frankie is scraping. Donny is eating out of a bowl (cereal I think). Frankie appreciated the music this morning. Said it made him feel like he was back home. Victoria walks in, Frankie is saying good morning to her. Frankie tells her she was in his dream last night. Donny says they can talk about the past in present tense, but they can never talk about the future. Frankie says, ok, yeah, say what? BB says the bedroom lights must stay on during the day.
  15. 8:43 BBT We have had music for a while...looks like wake up call
  16. Donny is out of the DR, sitting on the couches in the shade with Derrick and Caleb. Derrick said it is a down day today and again tomorrow. Donny complains that the nail clippers are terrible. Zach gets called to DR. Christine is laying with Amber on the double chaise. Amber said she doesn't want to be a mean person. She said it sucks, then lots of whispers...people playing pool are so loud and over-talking. Christine said not to worry about it, no one is mad at her. Amber said she was looking forward to no romance, no guys or games to worry about, then she gets there and it doesn't turn out that way. Amber said she doesn't want a showmance, she should have come in saying she was married or had a boyfriend. Christine is married so she doesn't have to worry about it. Amber says Caleb is a doll, a real sweetheart, and that is not what she came here for. She came to win half a million dollars. get a tan and work on her butt. Amber said she shouldn't have to go address herself to everyone, but that is what she is having to do. (out for now)
  17. Frankie comes outside and joins Amber on the double chaise. Amber said Jocasta told her earlier that Devin told Jocasta that he already has 6 votes to stay. Frankie said no way. Devin said he wasn't going to campaign but her goes his campaign speech. Frankie said to let Jocasta know that he doesn't have the votes, and if she votes to keep him it will show her allegiance. Frankie goes over to talk to Caleb. and Derrick. Devin tried campaigning to Derrick, and Derrick said he doesn't have any power or vote, so it doesn't matter. Caleb said Devin told him that in the DR Devin was told he had to campaign, and they said it won't do any good. Derrick said they are all good, he is going home. Frankie goes back to Amber and says everything is good. Frankie again glad he slept for 14 hours. Donny gets called to DR, and Frankie yells for him to tell them he slept for 14 hours, no matter what question is. Frankie doesn't understand why some people are setting in the shade. Frankie and Amber are excited about the HOH. Both want to do well. Frankie wants to compete against some of the girls. Amber asks why and he said he is built more like a girl. Frankie says he wonders what they would do if there was a transgender HG. He said if they were taking the hormone therapy, then they would just fall apart. Frankie said if the hormones were done, they might do ok. Frankie tells Amber to eat lots of slop. They think it will be a long comp on Thursday. Frankie said to look at Hayden, he is a beast and all he does is eat lots of slop. Frankie said he has gained a lot of his weight back, so he might go back on slop. Amber said but the sleeping sucks. Frankie said he thinks he will figure that out. He wants to win HOH because he wants the letter. He doesn't want the responsibilities, just the letter then run away. They think it will be endurance, and the last guy and last girl will get it. He said he is the transgendered one, so he wants to be last. Then he apologizes to anyone out there who is transgender, because really he isn't. Frankie gets up to play pool with Nicole. They are playing against Cody and Hayden. Devin is sitting alone in the LR in the nomination chair Shout outs going out in the BY while playing pool, no FoTH during them!
  18. Frankie said he can't believe he slept for 14 hours. It was a good day to do it, as nothing is going on. Jocasta comes in from BY, just hanging around. Derrick comes in to get some cereal, and is upset that there is just a tiny bit left. He asks who leaves that little amount? They tell him not to throw it away, just mix it with more cereal. He said now he is changing to a grilled cheese, and asks for white bread. Derrick and Devin are talking about how the layout of the kitchen is different than in past seasons. It used to be a U shape, and now the island isn't connected to anything. Frankie says he feels so alive! Devin at the island complaining about how hot it is outside, and Derrick is cooking. No one else is in the KT. 3:06 BBT Caleb and Zach are sitting in BY on the couches. Zach is drinking something, no talking going on. Can see Frankie and Hayden going past (looks like making laps) Zach gets up, Caleb left on couch. Feeds 1 and 2 still on Devin and Derrick in the kitchen. Nothing much happening. Amber goes to WA, starts to talk to Frankie, then said she will talk to him when he comes outside. Outside Hayden and Cody are playing pool.
  19. 2:50 BBT Out in the BY they HG's are taking pictures with the HOH camera. Hayden takes a cute one with Nicole (still in the frog suit) but she erased it. He and Christine both say they are mad at her for deleting it. They take another one, and Nicole said she will smile. Hayden kisses Nicole on the cheek as she smiles and takes the picture. Meanwhile, in the bee hive room, Devin is campaigning to Frankie to stay. He is saying that Caleb and Amber are not a power couple, but they are strong and you know Caleb would save Amber every time. Devin apologizes for some things in the past, and asks to stay. Frankie said it sucks they are up against each other. Devin says no hard feelings no matter what happens. Frankie says he loves him, Devin loves him too. They part and Frankie and Devin both go into the kitchen. Zach and Nicole are both in there fixing lunch. Amber (I think) is in there too.
  20. 9:34 Hayden and Donny in the bee hive room. Hayden said he trusts Donny 100% and has his back. Donny said the last time he opened his mouth he went up on the block. Hayden said he has some pretty good information, and will share it with Donny. Donny leaves and says good morning to Devin in the KT Amber, Christine and Nicole are in the WA doing ADLs. Trouble hearing over blow dryer. Must be on indoor LD, because one of the girls said she is glad she didn't put laundry out there. Victoria and Hayden also in WA. Donny in KT with Christine talking about a light that goes out then comes back on. Donny thinks it is heat sensitive. Lots of pounding going on outside. Donny said he had Fruit Loops for breakfast. Christine can't decide between oatmeal and yogurt. Donny said oatmeal takes a long time, but wht else do they have to do? Donny said he is going to eat big today, because he won't be able to the rest of the week. Christine said that was true. Sounds like he, Amber and Christine are going to be have-nots? Devin got called to the DR, and Donny is supposed to watch his eggs. He is not sure what he is supposed to watch them do. Hayden said turn them on high and see if they explode. They then think maybe take them off the fire and let them wait for Devin. Hayden said he is having a hard time staying awake. Christine asked what time he went to bed, Hayden thinks it was about 4. Donny said that must be his second pee when he saw them. Hayden wants to know what Donny would normally be doing on a Sunday morning. Donny said it is Saturday. Hayden realizes it is, so what would Donny be doing. Donny talks about being at his girlfriend's house, take the dogs out, then go to the gym. He doesn't usually go much, so he uses the machine however she sets them. Hayden asks if she is fit, and Donny says yes. They are usually at the gym for 2 hours, then they go to WalMart. After that they spend the afternoon at the pool, him floating on a floatie in the pool while she gets her tan on. Sometimes she is tired after that. She loves going places and is very active and competitive. Her son is too. On Sunday he goes home and goes to church with his brother, then to his mama's house for dinner. Talking how his girlfriend loves to be active, but has an office job. His job is very active, so he likes to take it easy when he is off. Said she is feisty, and he is easy going. Hayden asks if he will have a picture of her if he gets HOH. He hopes so. one of his parents and one of him and her. He said she is pretty. 9:50 BBT Nicole comes into the LR in her frog outfit. Hayden is laying on one couch, Donny is in the chair. Donny said he is wearing green to match her. He sings a frog song. She doesn't know if she will have to wear it if she is in the POV comp. Donny said she would make a cute MC. If they have to play in the heat around 3:00, then they will need some ambulances backed up waiting. Hayden keeps ribbeting during their conversation. Donny said he wants a big glass of chocolate milk. He feels he is getting fat. Victoria and Amber still in WA doing ADL's. Not much talking in LR. No other cameras are on. (off to work now)
  21. 9:28 BBT Donny and Hayden are up in the Bee hive room, talking game. Nicole was upstairs outside the HOH room, and was told by BB to put on her mic. Devin was talking in the rock room, but all the rest of the guys are sleeping. Lights are still off in the HOH room. BB says the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Went to FoTH.
  22. 7:54 BBT Still WBRB music 7:57 BBt Feeds are back, lights are still off. Looks like Nicole (hard to tell in green lighting) stumbling around to get back into bed. Everyone else still sleeping.
  23. 7:35v BBT We have music...maybe the wake up call
  24. Brittany asks if she trusts someone that she shouldn't. Derrick says yes. She asks who. He said he can't say, because that person comes and talks to him. He said it is the type of person that says stuff to him and he said he knows it is true, but if he said something back to them, he knows it will be spread to others. He warned her to watch who she talks to. Derrick warned Brittany not to talk any shit about Nicole to Christine or about Christine to Nicole. He said they are really tight. REALLY tight. More discussion about early morning conversations about the nominations. He said he and Nicole aren't that tight. They agreed on not putting Devin up. Derrick said she is a smart player. Nicole said she was putting Amber up, and was waiting for Derrick to try to talk her out of it. He said he was fine with that. Nicole was surprised. He said he didn't have anything to say about it, but Caleb would. Derrick said Caleb volunteered to go up, and Devin said the back door is the only door. Derrick and Brittany still talking about noms. in LR, Amber is laying on the couch, Donny in one of the chairs, Caleb still staring up at the ceiling from the other couch. No talking. (I am out for the night)



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