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Everything posted by pierceka

  1. 10:55 BBT House guests are still in bed with the lights off. (They got up yesterday a little before 2:00PM, and when I went back at 8:30 they were all in bed! BBAD had them all in bed, and at 10:30 Paul turned off the lights. So much for the lights must be on and house guests not napping between 10AM and 10PM. )
  2. 2:01 BBt Christmas is asking for Swiffer pads so she can mop the floor. She said this is not how she was expecting the day to start off like. Josh is doing dishes, Christmas is mopping hte floor with towels, Paul said he couldn't find the Swiffer pads. (gotta run thanks for jumping on Kitten_200)
  3. 1:55 BBT Paul comes out of WC, washes his hands then goes into the KT where Christmas and Josh are. Paul asks what time it really is. Josh said he was right, it is 1:55. Paul said he doesn't care what he eats, he is going to get fat. Wants to eat a bowl of cereal. Christmas tries to talk him out of it, saying he will be bloated all day and feel terrible. She wants them to clean the kt before they start cooking. Josh tells Paul to come help clean. Paul goes to RBR, Christmas makes coffee. General chit chat in the KT while they clean and cook eggs. Christmas still trying to talk Paul out of it. Christmas spilled the milk. Josh said now the house will smell like spoiled milk. She said she is trying to save Paul's diet (so he can't have cereal). Lots of bad food they are throwing away. Paul asks what Josh is throwing away, he says everything. Paul upset he can't have a small bowl of cereal. Christmas is using towels to clean up the milk. Josh still complaining it will stink. Christmas says no, she is cleaning it up, not like Matt and Raven.
  4. 1:48. Paul is getting up, but the lights are still off. Josh discussing what will happen when he gets out, and how strange it will be. Josh said he will text people every morning...good morning sunshine. He said they better answer him. Discussing what time they usually get up, and daily routines. Lights are now on! Christmas was looking for things, but some are still packed. She said her glasses were in the bathroom, that is a world away. Josh offers her his bandana. Complaining about how bright the lights are. 1:51 BBT Paul changed out his batteries, Christmas and Josh come in to change theirs and Josh is looking for food. Christmas tangles her mic, has Josh fix it for her. Paul to WC. Josh and Christmas hug.
  5. 1:41 BBT Josh is back, said he requested the champagne. Christmas asked if it is really still that late. Paul said the day is almost over, he gets to go to bed in 8 hours. Josh complaining it is cold in the house. BB says to rise and shine house guests, the bedroom lights much stay on during the day, and there are fresh batteries in the SR. Josh says he was up for 40 minutes last night. (first comp). They said no way. He said that is what they told him (DR). BB tells Josh to not discuss his DR sessions with other HGs. He says there are only 3 left so.... BB said thanks. Christmas asks what they are going to do today. Silence. She said nobody watched Pinky and the Brain? Christmas suggests they go to Asheville, NC when they get out. It is really neat. They agree they need to go. Paul asks if it is really cold in the house. Josh said yes.
  6. 1:37 BBT Though lights are still off, Christmas is talking about a dream she had. She said she was in a coffee shop right after the show, and someone asked for her number. She said she didn't even have her phone yet! Josh said he is hungry, they need breakfast. He said it is around 2:00. Christmas said no, it can't be. She thinks it is about 11:00. Josh wants Champagne, going to DR to see if he can hae them get them some. As Josh leaves, Paul said he is such an interesting Cuban. Paul and Christmas still in bed, lights off. FoTH
  7. 1:33 BBT Feeds are back, BR is still dark and everyone in bed.
  8. 1:18 BBT Feeds go to FoTH/We'll be Right Back, maybe they are finally waking up the HG's.
  9. 12:36 BBt Josh out of WC, washes his hands, starts wandering around. Josh stops and is studying the HG photo wall. Now Josh goes back to bed.
  10. 12:32 BBT All HG's are sleeping in the Red room. Josh gets to go the WC
  11. 11:55 BBT The HG's were up late last night doing the first part of the final HOH competition. BB has let them sleep in. feeds are on sleeping houseguests, and feed 3 is on Trejo, feed 4 is on Orwell.
  12. 12:37 BBT Alex is on her towel on the floor stretching, training still going on in HOH with Paul/Josh/Christmas Alex keeps mumbling while in the HN room about "sons of bitches"
  13. 12:30 BBT Josh is hungry, Paul tells him to go cut up chicken, and he will cook it. Josh said NO, all I have done all summer is cut up chicken! Josh said Paul did make some good food. Josh only cooked a couple of times. Bashing how salty Raven's food was. Her beef tacos were the worst. Now complaining about Mark and Cody eating eggs. They would eat a whole carton. Josh said he he grew up in a large family and had roommates the last 4 years, so he knows to be considerate. He said there were another 12 people in the house, and they would eat all the eggs. Christmas said she mentioned it to them once, and the next day they did it again. Jedi training for comps, dates, names, etc. Alex in bed in HN room. (Gotta go for a while, hope someone can take over)
  14. 12:22 Josh out of HOH bathroom, Paul is sitting on the couch and Christmas is lying on the couch, still getting her head rubbed by Paul. Josh looks through his fridge for food. Paul says he is the comic relief. He said they ate shit all summer. Paul said he hates the way Josh talks, they didn't eat shit, that is you fall down and eat shit. Josh says he never heard of gumpy until in the house, now it is all the time (Paul made it up). Paul said he was boned by the guys in the game this year. Cody wanted to be a general at war with him. Josh said he didn't have a personality. Bashing Elena, Mark, etc. Saying Elena kept trying to make Mark jealous. Josh said he was "in the sauce", didn't know what was going on. Paul said she would flirt with Paul in front of Mark. Paul said he is anti-showmance. Josh said he didn't want a showmance. They disagree. They said he tried to get a showmance with everyone week one. Josh said no, only Elena until he saw how she really was. Christmas said Elena would eat Mark up and spit him out. Mark would talk about his ex, then he hooked up with Elena. When they had a tiff, he went back to talking about his ex. When Elena took him back, it was over again. Josh said they are they coolest of the summer. Paul said What?? Paul said the most real, but not sure if that is what America wanted to see.
  15. 12:09 BBT Back to Kevin. Josh says he (Kevin) doesn't deserve to be there, at that point in the game. Christmas says they tried to get him out before, but it didn't work. Who does he want instead?? Mark, Jason? They said it was hard to get Ravin out because of her story, but that isn't a reason to let her win. Paul has been rubbing Christmas's hair this whole time. Josh wants to go downstairs and fix something to eat. Paul says he isn't hungry. Paul wants to know why Orwell is upstairs. Christmas is laughing about Josh getting called out all of the time for singing, put on his mic, etc. Josh wants anyone watching to tell Bub he wants them at the finale. Paul asks who that is, Josh says his sister, Bubby. Paul said he needs to say that, cause no one knows who Bub is. Now talking about after the finale. Where they will go, what they will do. Paul is messing with Josh about hotel arrangements, going to the mall, etc.
  16. 12:00 BBT HOH crew discussing what they want to do when they get out. Josh wants to go to a restaurant and have a good plate of food. Paul wants to drive his car. Josh wants cuddles, he hasn't had any in 100 days. Paul has come up with a new BB style game, where no one gets voted out, but someone wins a comp, and everyone gets a punishment. There is a Veto, so one other person doesn't have to do it. Like, playing the same song over and over, and the veto winner gets ear plugs. Josh and Christmas say taking a cold shower, or ice bath. They are on indoor lockdown. They speculate that the eviction will be tonight, since the Veto ceremony was so early. Josh asks Paul/Christmas if they are a showmance!! He said he thought they were a trifecta, but now he is not so sure. Paul and Christmas deny it, and he said he was just joking. Now trying to decide how long Alex will be in jury. Paul thinks long enough to do damage.
  17. 11:51 BBT Alex picks up her Coke, bag of snacks and bible, pushes her chair in and goes to SR. On her way she looks up at the camera and says "counterfeit bitches". Now she is back into the Have Not room reading her bible. She is complaining that they are all hiding away, that they are still afraid of her. HOH room, Josh/Paul/ Christmas still Kevin bashing. Christmas said he brings up how long he has been staying in his corner. She said good, he can just stay there. Talking about how he helps them with pool shots, so he can says he was helping them when he loses. They said Kevin says he wants to win HOH because he misses his family. Paul said there are only 8 days left, and just now he wants to win?? They said Jason kept him safe. Also questioning what he really does, and his stories. They said he can't handle pressure, and he will crap his pants when he walks out the door, not knowing what hit him. More bashing... Josh keeps getting called out for obstructing his mic.
  18. 11:45 BBT HOH room. Paul says he hope the eviction is tonight. Josh said it is going to be a short HOH. Christmas says they only have 8 more days and a wake up. Now Christmas talking about her foot, and she can put 70% of her weight on it today. Josh is ready his food labels. Coconut water. Christmas said it is a Crossfit sponsor. Alex put her food back in the fridge, got chips or crackers (something noisy) She is still at the counter reading her bible and eating loudly. Josh is talking about wanting everyone(friends and family) to come out to the finale, but they can't all make it, have to work and such. Christmas wishes she had brought her boots, she loves boots. Not much going on....
  19. 11:42 BBT Feeds 1/2 on Alex still sitting at the counter in the KT snacking and reading the bible. Feeds 3/4 on HOH room, and card games discussion. Kevin not on feeds, but said earlier he was going back to his corner.
  20. 11:34 BBT Paul said that Alex was too cocky, she even included it in her speech. They discuss how she is confident that she and Paul would be the 2 at the end, and she would beat him. Feeds1/2 on Alex eating her veggies in the KT.has the bible with her. (she read it most of last night, especially Cain and Abel) Christmas/Josh/Paul still bashing Alex in HOH. Christmas said alex's only came on the show for the money, not the experience, personal growth, etc. Paul said last night when they got the stuff to make milkshakes (from POP) that she said she didn't want any, she is done with CBS. (BTW she moved into the HN room yesterday to be alone and sulk and read the bible). Brief FOTH then back with Paul talking about Jenga, and how it will only be fun for the first couple of games. He is now trying to explain a game a game that Nicole taught them last year, but he isn't sure about it. Discussing how to play
  21. 11:28 BBT Paul says Kevin is asking about the end comps. Paul said there are 3, and they are both mental and physical...all 3 are. Paul beat Kevin in pool last night with all of Kevin's balls on the table. Kevin said that was easy for Paul. Paul said it took all his strength not to say anything. Josh said if he has to go up against Kevin and give a speech, he is going to blow up Kevin's life. Josh said if they split the vote, he will vote out Alex, but tell Kevin not to get too comfortable, as he is going next. Josh talks about people will see the truth when they watch it back. Paul explains no one will watch it, once you are out, you don't care. Josh mentions that if they ask him to come back, then it needs to be 2 years from now. They joke that he will be on BBOTT. He doesn't understand how that one works, Paul trying to explain.
  22. 11:17 BBT Josh and Paul watching TV screen in HOH. Josh said Paul's speech was good, Paul said he doesn't remember what he said (Veto ceremony) Josh said he is mad that Kevin said he is a fighter, and has been on the block 3 times. Paul tells Josh to tell Christmas everything he said. Paul and Josh complaining about him. Josh said everyone thinks Kevin is great, he was making up to people before they left. They see Christmas on the screen, don't know why Christmas is going to the DR, as she wasn't called. They don't want Christmas to see them emotional. Paul says Alex pulled out everything, trying to guilt him into using the Veto. Christmas comes up, and they tell her what Kevin said. Christmas said don't tell her, she is so jazzed, she will go smash his F'ing head into the wall. Saying he has been playing everybody, but not in comps. Christmas is justifying Alex and Jason going before Kevin, because Jason should have taken Kevin out instead of going rogue and not getting him out. That is why he and Alex are going out first. Now Christmas is bashing Jason breaking her foot, says he talks about moral compass, then lies and doesn't see it. Paul asked if his speech is okay, but she didn't like Alex's speech. She didn't like that Alex put in her speech that she now doesn't have a chance at the 500K. Christmas doesn't know why she (Alex) thinks she deserves it but no one else does. F bombs are every other word.
  23. 11:11 BBT Alex on feeds 1/2 doing her rosary Paul, Kevin and Josh in HOH room. Paul leaves, and Kevin asks if Josh liked his speech. Kevin says his is a fighter, he isn't going to put anybody down. He is 30 years older, so he has to play differently. Josh says he is just down. He says he has been by himself, closest to Kevin, Jason, Alex and Christmas. Kevin says him too, that is why he won't say anything bad in his speech. Kevin leaves Josh sulking in HOH rm, saying he is going back to his corner. Kevin goes to SR, Paul is in there. They come out, and Kevin says he will talk to him later. Paul says yeah, ok. Paul goes upstairs and says Kevin is driving him crazy. Josh starts in telling Paul what Kevin said about being 33 years old, Josh is complaining. Says he almost blew up on him.
  24. 2:58 BBT Still on puppy cam 6:00 BBT Still doing POV Paul was talking earlier, saying there was a 30 min limit per HG, (2.5 hours) plus the set ups in between. He thought 3 hours or so. Has been 4 hrs.



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