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About TempletonPeck

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  1. I think Natalie would want to nominate and get out Victor because she doesn't like him. That's what "the house" would probably want as well (aside from Paul) and what James would steer her towards. The problem with this season was that roadkill ensured that the house got what it wanted each week pretty much. If you were in the minority or smaller group not much you could do unless you won everything.
  2. I highly doubt it. If he was they'd have called him on it by now like how Frank got called on the butt slapping. Victor also has been called out and is pretty butthurt about it
  3. My prediction is he'll be as clueless as ever at playing the game and get evicted sooner rather than later.
  4. I like how they changed it to "vote for Zach" after the voting was practically over to save face.
  5. While technically it's fair game for her to do that, I would have hoped she'd be above that sort of thing. It just shows what kind of person she is though. I guess she has to help keep up Frankie's inflated sense of self worth anyway she can.
  6. Is it majority rules or do they all have to agree to the mission they make up? Derrick and Frankie could do whatever they wanted if it was majority rules. I think they should have to come up with two options, then voters get to approve one.
  7. So all the money has to be given back because Joey was voted off?
  8. They had to get Victoria some air time some how.
  9. The way some people talk about him on this forum and not playing the game always reminds me of this:
  10. Ideal scenario for me this week would be Nicole winning HoH and backdooring Christine and her going home.
  11. I have to admit I'm laughing a bit at his Twitter account getting hacked. https://twitter.com/BBTVFB/status/502591653459546112
  12. The fact he's in an alliance that technically doesn't exist anymore, he's doing really well in the game.
  13. I don't know what he's thinking going to Christine. I guess desperate times and all with nothing really to lose. She back-stabbed Nicole, so probably the last person to go to though. I honestly think he's been trying to get into an alliance of some kinda since practically day 1 and no one takes him seriously. There was of course the terrible and short lived Crazy 8's. Then there was the Double D's with Devin. Then he tried with Team America. Then he tried with Nicole & Hayden and they opted to go with Cody & Derrick. So to say he hasn't been playing since Day 1 doesn't ring true to me.
  14. I agree. I think that's why he's going along with what everyone wants and is backdooring Zach, he doesn't want anymore backlash at the moment.



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