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Big Brother Debuts With Special Two-Night Premiere


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i love that we get back to back nights of bb

the old way of air on thursday and have to wait until sunday sucks

hopefully there is no mvp type voting

i am going to assume they will let us vote on something that will impact the game :animated_bouncy:

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I'd pay more attention to feeds & more willing to PAY for them IF:.....WE could vote on penaltys each & every time a cast member breaks a rule. Hell there arent that many rules but once in the house, the cast ends up running & ruining the dang show w/o recourse. It makes for a boring show which means only pay month to month instead of taking early bird & being tied 3 months when we lose interest after 1st month.

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I'm intrigued by the Live Feed Votes. It states it will affect fun aspects of house life. I also like the sound of the Houseguest Tracker. It's great they are going to be giving us more things to feel like you're a part of the BB experience. These things are way overdue but I'm looking forward to BB even more now. ;)

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Guest 6Borders

I'd pay more attention to feeds & more willing to PAY for them IF:.....WE could vote on penaltys each & every time a cast member breaks a rule. Hell there arent that many rules but once in the house, the cast ends up running & ruining the dang show w/o recourse. It makes for a boring show which means only pay month to month instead of taking early bird & being tied 3 months when we lose interest after 1st month.

I like that idea but it probably would not work because at least 1/2 the BB fans don't get feeds.

People who sit at home and watch 3x a week probably make up the majority and then maybe 1/3 of

them also watch BBAD. Since the show is edited the TV audience would have no idea what was going on

unless Julie pitched it on the show as a special segment "what the live feed watchers caught this week"

and then the punishments were handed out on the show for the TV only audience. Like you, that

might get more live feeders to sign up!

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We are being given new tools with our subscription so that may encourage people to come back who had given up on the live feeds especially after the recent crazy year we had. I hope it will bring in more people. The more the merrier around here! :animated_bouncy:

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