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September 11th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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April says she won't take her eyes off Matt when she gets home, even when he goes and takes a dump and it stinks she will sit on the floor and watch him. Mag says "how romantic". April is explaining that she is the type of person who cares what America thinks, Mag says no one wants to have their feelings hurt. Mag says guys we are going to drive cars, we will have places to go, right now the only option is the back yard. Mag wants to go to Target, she wants to do laps around Target. April wants to know if Mag gets married can they help her plan it, Mag says it will be a big brother reunion. April wants to be in the wedding. Mag says she will screw formality when she gets married, it is going to be so laid back. She wants a white tent with candles in a park across the street from her old house. April wants to wear shorts to the wedding. April is now talking about what they all wore to her wedding, it was so relaxed and laid back. Mag is talking about her friends wedding that was being planned when she left, how the clothing is so relaxed, barefoot and blankets on the sand, wedding on the beach. (wondering if April remembers how talk of weddings upsets Ive because she isn't allowed to marry Maggie) April got dropped off from a golf cart and she walks across the concrete to the sand to get married. Mag just asked Ive what she is going to do when she is allowed to marry Maggie. Ive answered in short choppy answers and I couldn't understand her. Mag says her and Dave talk about getting married but now the ceremony. Mag wants babies, one wants two one wants seven. April wants two babies max. Mag says her friends wanted to be a mom from the beginning but with Mag is was a long time coming in wanting a baby. She wanted her career first, and she loves how her life is now, how she can take a nap, her time with Dave alone, and how she wanted to be able to support her kids. Now things are falling into place and steadily things have warmed up to her thinking about being a mom. None of Mag's friends have kids, all of Aprils friends have kids.

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A&M come inside & go to the bathroom

April is still talking about the things she said in the arguement with Ivette this morning. April is wearing her swimsuit with her ugg house shoes (looks pretty stupid, I bet her feet are sweating bullets)

Ivette is laying outside by herself (can't tell exactly where is a close-up shot). She is looking pretty pouty & depressed.

Janelle still sleeping in HoH

Now A&M playing coasters

Ivette gets up & goes to the bathroom & then goes back outside without saying anything to A or M

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Mag and April playing coasters now. Not sure if anyone posted but earlier April asked Mag to sleep with her tonight and Mag said yes. April told Mag in the bathroom that Ive isn't going to talk to her for the remaining time is she? Mag says she doesn't know. April says she told Ive not to discuss this with her till after the game because she was going to say something that was going to hurt Ive and Ive kept going on so she told her what she thought and she isn't sorry. Jan is sleeping in the HOH room still, Ive is curled up by herself. mag seems to be trying at all costs to not discuss the game with anyone, just keep things on an even level. While out at the pool earlier Mag did say to April that it would be an honor to win the HOH and say she wants to take Ive to the final two. Ive was laying there and didn't say anything. Mag was giving a peep talk about how her and Ive have to win HOH and Veto, April said for both of them to fight it out and see what happens, it is in God's hands.

Back to current time, April and Mag still playing coasters. Jan STILL sleeping, Ive in bathroom. Ive goes outside alone. (this is the worse I have seen Ive this whole game.) I think Ive is studying for the comp, she is counting on her fingers while laying down outside.

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April tells Mag that she knows Ive and mag need to talk about the game so if Mag needs to leave and talk to Ive that is okay. Mag says okay thanks. April says that Mag needs to let Ive know she has been saying things to mag for a long time and Mag says she isn't going to tell Ive what April has said about Ive because it would hurt Ive. April repeats all the mean things Ive has said to her about shoving the veto up her ass and being a sweet Texas girl, it hurt, but you have to respect how others feel. She tells Mag that she understands Mag is in the middle and Mag agrees. April says that is how Ive is. Ive came inside, Mag asked if she got some sleep, Ive said no. April says Jennifer........bb if you want to talk to me call me to the DR..............she was so funny, so f*cking funny. Mag says yeah she was funny, if you want to go talk to them go ahead. Now talk about the weather and how cold it is. Now they are thinking about going to the hot tub. Ive is going back outside. Mag tells April she had a lot of fun talking to April out on the towels about the non-game stuff, that is what Mags needs right now. April tells Mag that after April leaves for Mag to continue to be herself, that is what is going to get her the money. April understands that Jan is selfish and gets on everyone's nerves, just be nice to her. Just because someone in the house doesn't like Jan that doesn't mean mag needs to treat her badly. Mag says what people see is what they get. April tells Mag that Jan hasn't said anything bad about Mag to April, even though Ive tells Mag that Jan hates her. Mag says it doesn't matter. April says that her feelings got hurt because Ive always pointed out that Jan only liked April, Mag hasn't done anything for Jan to not like her. Mag says she doesn't like the idea that Jan is going to take her. April says Jan thinks it is a crap shoot to take Mag, and Mag agreed she thought it was a crap shoot. April says Jan told her that Jan knows she isn't going to get the money because of them being on the jury. Mag says Jan sees Ive and April fighting and it will prompt jan to take Ive, April says no, there have been alot of things told to Jan about Ive and Jan doesn't want Ive to have the money. April is telling Mag about the second week when they had their surf board alliance, Ive approached the people on her surf board to let her win HOH because Jan's alliance couldn't take out Jan and Ive wanted her out. Mag said she heard about that. April says Ive has done this to herself, and that Jan has been fighting a battle since day one. Mag agrees and says that Ive has told Mag she was fighting that battle herself. Mag says she will not play this James told me this or that, I am not playing that way. April is telling Mag how Ive fed James information all the time. Mag says if someone wants to judge me from what other people say there is nothing she can do about that. April tells mag none of the other group hates Mag, only James hated Mag. April tells Mag that Jan felt Mag hated her because of Eric, Mag said she told jan what ever Eric and Jan had against each other, it wasn't her thing. April said she told Jan that Mag had no grudges what so ever. Mag tells April she never thought Jan had anything to do about Eric being gone. April says that James told that group who to put up and how things were going to go. April says it is going to be funny to watch this and Mag says she doesn't think it is going to be funny. April tells Mag that Jan said Rachel and Howie joined thier group early in the game. Mag wants to know why Jan is telling her all of this. April said she only told Jan about her stradegy, Mag said the only stradegy she had was to not be evicted. April doesn't want Mag to tell Ive or Jan anything she has told Mag after she is evicted. April says Jan told her Rachel NEVER gave them any information about what the friendship was talking about, she said Rachel would say it was smack talk and not worth repeating.

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April says that Jan told her that Jan and Howie were good friends in the beginning, April was shocked. Mag wants to be able to go to the wrap party and be friends with most all people no matter how hurt she got. April can't figure out why James hates Eric so much, Eric was a good person. April says that Eric played the game to hard to soon. April is telling Mag again about how James saved Ive and got Eric out. (April needs new information, she is repeating herself more than usual). April is making sure Mag knows Ive and James had an alliance but Beau wasn't in that alliance. Mag said she knew Beau wanted James out.

Ive came in so April wants to know what Mag wants to drink when she gets out, Mag says rum and diet coke. Ive is making herself something to eat. April wants to know if Mag wants to walk, Ive is standing right there, and Mag says no, she doesn't feel like working out right now. Mag asked Ive is she wanted to leave her bathing suit on to go in the hot tub and Ive says maybe. April is going to the DR because she knows they will want to call her in. This leaves Mag and Ive in the kitchen alone. April wants to make sure she has her schedule set with Mag for the night, nachos at five, something else at six, all this in front of Ive. April says that they are going to call everyone in after dinner, they can't talk to them right now. All three in kitchen now and no one is talking.

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Mag and April go to the hot tub and mag ask Ive is she minded a little company and could they use the hot tub. Ive says sure. Mag is talking about her job as a nurse. She is going to feel weird wearing a watch again, but it is part of her uniform. Now explaining how a trauma hospital works. Mag deals mainly with heart attacks and strokes. Mag is doing a great job, IMO, at trying to include Ive and Florida in the conversation. Mag is telling about how things are going to be so different when she gets back to work, things were being transferred on the computer when she left. Mag accidently said her last name and April pointed that out and is making a big deal, Mag says f*ck and then says it wasn't her last name, she was making it up. Ive is simply NOT going to join in on this. Mag wants to have a business and invent things, she just doesn't have the stuff the make the ideas come real yet. Mag wants to create things that will make nursing easier but she will always be in the nursing career, she was born to be a nurse.

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Maggie talking about work, she wants to invent something, own a business, etc. Maggie slipped and said her last name was Osborne...April caught it, and said that she never knew that. MAggie tried to play it off like it wasn't her real name.

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Guest Shockalot

Maggie is lamenting about how poor her previous hospital was but how much good they did compared to the lack of funding.

She is upset that her Vegas Hospital has more funding but can not find ways to give their patients the excellent care.

She is also upset that there was a state of emergency declared when the psychiatric patients in Vegas took up so many beds that she could not get care to regular patients.

She is also talking about how she was born to be a Nurse but she hopes to change her way of nursing by inventing something that will help humanity.

She was allowed to pick which schools she could go do sex education classes at and she picked an inner-city school where 1 out of 3 kids were parents before they graduated.

She said it was really difficult but she did it was more rewarding too.

Maggie has the song 'Eye of the Tiger' in her head.

April has the song 'Another one Bites the Dust'.

Ivette has nothing to say. Just sitting there in some state of deep introspection.

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Jan is up now, got a bowl of ice cream and is sitting at the table eatting it. Ive, April and Mag are in the hot tub still. Once April sees jan is up I am sure that will give Ive and mag some time alone. April and Mag talking about their jobs still, everything has really been about everything but the game. It is crazy, in the hot tub you have Ive at one end, April at the other end facing Ive and mag in the middle, she will cross the hot tub once in a while to get to the other side of the hot tub but it is very clear the lines are drawn and Mag is in the middle. Mag said she can't believe jan has slept all day, April quickly corrects mag and says she saw her moving in there a few minutes ago. April and Mag are going to fix nachos, Ive appears to be covering the hot tub now. Jan back in bed again.

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Ive and Mag is in the bathroom, Ive is talking about how crazy it is for April to get her facts from Jan, Ive says I guess everyone thinks I am a horrible person, Mag says she doesn't think Ive is a horrible person, but Ive says April thinks that. Now Ive is saying how it was Beau and jan that got drunk and Ive was trying to tell them not to get drunk and act like that, it wasn't her that called Jan smelly. Mag told Ive she doesn't need to go over this again with her, Ive said she just feels it is wrong for April to blame Ive for her actions. Ive says that she doesn't have a chance at the money so she is fighting for Mag to get to the end. Mag tells Ive she doesn't feel Ive doesn't have a chance, if she wins she is taking Ive. Ive agrees she knows Mag would take her but if at the end it was between them, Mag would win, Ive isn't the chosen one. Mag says this was the first time she heard that recently and it doesn't matter, you don't know how it will end. Ive tells Mag she is really hurt, Mag tells her she knows that but she doesn't know how to fix that. Ive says she doesn't have the balls to blame anyone in the house for her actions. Mag tells Ive the only thing Ive can do is either agree with what is said or not, if someone says Mag is like something and Mag has to agree it sucks, but if Mag doesn't agree then so what. Mag is pointing out how Ive stayed friends with Howie and Rachel and stuff and Ive is just hearing about things now, they all get blamed for things in this house. Ive says it is worse to get blamed for things by someone she thought was a friend in this house. Mag says April isn't working against Ive. Ive wants to know if Mag told April that she was going to take Mag and not April, Mag says no. Mag says she hasn't asked for assurance from anyone in the friendship, Ive says that is because everyone loves you, mag says no or I wouldn't of been pointed out early in the game, Ive says no from the friendship, Mag says yeah I love eveyrone in the friendship, I don't have to agree with their actions to still love them. Ive tells Mag she is lucky to have people love her and protect her. Ive wants to know if April knows Ive was one of the first people they wanted out, Mag says no she doesn't think so, but April think.....when people talk about being evicted Ive wasn't one of the first names. Ive is defending James saying that jan would tell April that James wanted her and Mag out, not Ive. Mag wants to know what Ive's point is, Ive tries to explain. Mag says she is not wasting time looking back at the things that had happen in this hosue, she is looking forward. Ive says Beau sat here and trashed everyone and got by with it, but she is getting the blame for it. She doesn't understand it, Jan tells Mag to go f*ck herself and such and Ive is the horrible one. Mag says it isn't fair. Ive tells Mag she hasn't told April if she is friends with Jan then she can't be friends with Ive, Mag says April never said Ive said that. She knows Ive is wore down right now and she doesn't know how to fix it but it is going to tear Ive down until Ive lets it go and realizes she can't control other people. Ive says she is hurt, how can April be hurt about how she acted when she won the veto, April is going out of her way to be a bitch to Ive, April doens't know how hard it is for Ive to be herself and work hard and then be told that she isn't going to win when she has worked so hard. You don't go out of your way to make someone feel shitty. Mag says she know and if she could of prevented it she would of, but she doesn't know how to fix this. Ive is in shock. Ive knew that Kay was a smart player but she didn't know how much he was manipulating the others till April and Jan told her, she found him a threat and it bothered her because she cared about the others, but she would never say her thoughts aobut Kay was due to the other guys. Ive says she didn't throw Jan stuff around or tell April to do it, there is so much shit that is bothering her. She just made a suggestion because they decided as a group to talk about things and she thought they had a big problem with Kay being there and they went through so much to get rid of him the first time and it bothered her when he came back, the week one they saved him, he was a big reason why Cappy was gone and he came back again, so to say it was all her....... Mag says there is no reason to rehash this, they know all that happen in this house. Ive says she didn't tell Jan to be the biggest f*cking bitch to Jen, Mag says she knows that. Mag says April feels the game is over for her, she is having regrets on how America is seeing her because of what jan is telling her, She can't control what Jan says to her or what she is taking from Jan, but she feels she is out of this game and misery loves company. Ive wants to go home where everyone knows she isn't a horrible person, or goes out of her way to make people hurt. She is horrible to people who go out of their way to be mean to her, she was really hurt when Rachel didn't offer her food. Mag says she knows that and they have families that love them to go home to, Ive is justified in feeling this way, Mag just wish she could make it end for her, in 8 days they will go back to people who love them and know them. It is hard hearing something from someone who has been your friend, it is probably hard to hear that she still loves and cares about you, she is suffering and things come out the way they are not suppose to. Mag has told April she has hurt her feelings to and they all have to accept she is having a hard time right now as well. Mag says there is no way she can tell Ive that the things April says isn't hurtful but she is looking at the big picture and she thinks they will be friends out of the hosue but both April and Ive have big hearts and sometimes they say things that hurt others on purpose and accidental. They need to realize they don't know what it is like to be leaving the house like April does. Ive says Beau was really hurt by April for voting him out, he understood where Mag was coming from but he was hurt by April and if he coudl see how she is acting now he would be really hurt. Ive is worried about what April is going to go back and say because April blows things up badly. Mag says everyone in the sequester house has bad things to say about everyone in this house. Ive says Beau had NOTHING negative to say about Mag. Mag says she can't control if others are hurt by her and want to spread tales about her

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Ive told Mag she was sorry for being loud, she is trying not to raise her voice. Mag says it is okay she knows how Ive is, it just shook her for a while because her and Dave never raise their voice. Then Mag started talking to Ive about Cappy, I think to make her feel happy again. Ive is crying saying if it wasn't for her family she would of never used her veto. Mag says she knows that, everyone knows that, Mag says she is competeing and she is going to take Ive if she wins but she is fighting for her family. She said Ive is vocal about her family, everyone knows she is vocal, Eric is vocal, and it is okay, there is nothing wrong with it. Mag is telling Ive she knows where the money is going if Ive wins, to help her family and to have a baby. Ive says if her family wasn't depending on her..... Mag said if she had won it she wouldn't of used it (think about the veto). Mag tells Ive this game is awesome because you can fight to take friends to the end. Mag says it would be awesome if she could say Ive I take you to the final two. Ive says no one would of told her those things that April said to her today. April doesn't know what it feels like to be wanted out of this game since week 2, and to still be here, to be able to save yourself, April doesn't understand the feeling it brings to you to save yourself. Yeah your different, your more reserved, Mag says yeah, Ive says look at my history, I am always like that. Mag says that is what I am saying either of you rehashing this doesn't benefit anyone at all. Mag tells Ive that she knows Ive is hurt and the game isn't worth it and when she told April to take the veto and shove it up her ass, Ive knows this game isn't worth the hurt but Ive family is worth this fight. She tells Ive she has every right to feel horrible and hurt but no one in her family woudl tell her to stop playing this game just because someone is hurting you right? So get your shit together. Mag says you can only control your own actions. Ive says she is tried of feeling bad because she saved herself. mag says no one would of done anything different, they all talked about it, she did the right thing. mag says it is tough, when you advance in this game someone you care about leaves, they control their actions when they leave but you can't control that, she knows it hurts because it was soemone from the friendship, we all have seen how people cope with things. Mag reassures Ive she knows she is hurt, but Ive's family wouldn't want her sitting here unhappy, she has to sit here, she has no choice about that, but she has a choice about being happy. Ive says she knows she isn't the only one that sat here and trashed talked and she isn't one that proclaimed being perfect. She says she admitted she is loud and some people love her and more people hate her and it really pisses her off that someone wants to blame their actions on her. Mag says we all trashed talked, but you can't control someone elses actions. Ive is talking about winning that dinner for everyone and she came out to make sure it was a group choice and she is a giving person. Ive says April is impossible to please. Mag says if you know what you are doing is not bad and your not a bad person.......Ive says that April was saying that Ive would always tell her how Ive would be so hurt if someone was lying and she would go off and cry and Ive is tired of being responsible for Aprils feelings. It is like we are girlfriends and it is f*cking annoying. There are days that she woudln't even hang out with me and I am still getting blamed for all the f*cking shit she did.

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Ive says she has tried hard to protect Mag and everyone else in the group, she might of won HOH late but she always told the girls she wanted to make sure the girls were safe if she left. Ive says she knows Mag gave her that HOH but April has kept reminding Ive how Mag gave Ive that HOH. Mag says when did she do that, Ive says that night, Mag says she doesn't like that. Mag says they both had to answer all the questions to get there, Ive earned that no one gave her the answers to the magnet questions. Now Mag is blow drying her hair. Ive says she is emotionally drained and Mag says yes you are, you just had your ass kicked. Ive says she won that veto fair and square, Mag assures her that everyone knows she won fair and square. Mag reminds Ive what is meant to be won't be taken from you, does that sound familiar. Ive says she told them in the DR that the veto has caused so much trouble in the house. Mag says it wasn't the veto that caused the trouble it is April......... she is going home, they don't know how that feels and Ive and April have been butting heads for a while. Ive says that when Maggie was put up she figured what would happen would happen, but there was nothing she could do. Mag says your saving yourself, there is nothing else you can do. Mag tells Ive she is extremely lucky that Ive is taking Mag with her, it is a blessing, she didn't earn that veto and that is why she wants to win HOH and repay Ive for taking her. Mag didn't think they would both be safe, she thought would be going home but Ive set the reset button and now another person that Mag really loves and cares for is going home. Mag says she knows Ive doesn't want to hear her says she loves April but she does, she loves Ive to but she doesn't like Jan, but it is sad to be having a good friend leave. Ive says Beau suffered because of a promise, Mag says she knows that. Mag keeps saying she can't do anything about that. She knows it would be better if Beau was here with her because they would win as a pair, Ive tells Mag she is just as meaningful to Ive as Beau is. Mag says she knows that. BB: April thank you Mag is telling Ive she knows it is hard because she is so hurt but this is a game, the people inside the game is real but it is a game. she doesn't like the game, she didn't understand the game when she first got here, she didn't win much but she has to finish this game to get home to the people who loves her. There were times when people made her feel like her actions disappointed her family but Mag says she thought about it and they might not know why she did what she did but they have known for for 27 years and they have seen her on the show for 3 months, she has those 25 years to prove to them who she really is.

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Ive is going somewhere and mag wanted to know if she wanted to be alone or could she come with her. Ive said she could come but if she wanted to hang out with the girls that was fine. Mag says she doesn't enjoy hanging out with Jan so they are going to the bedroom to lay down. Ive says she hasn't smiled in a long time. Ive says she has lost smiles, it was pointed out to her from a few people. Mag says smiles don't go away they get lost in things and this house makes your smiles get lost. Mag says she was the same way but she has to think of the fun things in this house. Mag says if Jan wins and she picks Ive to go to the final two mag will be thrilled for Ive. Ive says that won't happen, Mag reminds her that Jan could be lying to April, but Ive is sure that is one of the truthful things she has told April. Mag is going to pack tomorrow. Ive is going to lay out things for seven days but Mag says they won't give Ive her suitcase because she isn't leaving. Ive wants to know why Mag is packing tomorrow and Mag says because they say the eviction is Tuesday, Ive says they don't know that, but mag doesn't want to take a chance. Mag wants to know if Ive wants to be quizzed about the house to keep her mind off the other things, Ive says sure. Now mag is asking questions for future comps.

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they think it is weird that Jan isn't anywhere near them since April is in the DR. Now back to questions. They have went through what is in the house, the vetos, the HOH's and now the comps. I think Ive has this down to a science but Mag isn't a quick thinker.

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Mag is telling Ive is she gets knocked out in the endurance comp then Ive needs to keep fighting and Mag will pick up the veto. Ive says Jan is so with it sometimes, Jan said something about the veto comp and Mag says they need to wake up and smell the coffee, Ive says yeah if I had thought about it that way I could of won faster. now Ive is assuring Mag that what is meant for them to have they will have. They are talking about the rainbow room, Jerry called it that last night and Mag didn't know what room that was. Now we have fish. They said something about April but they were whispering and I couldn't hear it. They are back now. ive is saying how jan and April eat up all the f*cking fish, Mag says she eats the food to but they have bigger fish to fry than her eatting the food. Ive is talking about how for the last 8 or 9 days Mag has been eatting nachos. Mag says yeah they are good and she didn't work out today. Ive is acting more like herself again. Ive says she said thanks 100 times for being her partner in all this Mag reminds her they were a group of 6 and they all stuck together. Ive says this made her a better person. April came out and forgot to get the benadryl or ask about the show so she is going back to ask again.

Ive says jan is feeding alot of shit to April. I think Mag says it doesn't matter. mag says she promised to her that she was going to protect April because she didn't have anyone to protect her, but Mag promised Ive and April wanted to know what the promise was to Ive and mag says it was the same promise she gave to all the group. April is back. April is telling Mag that they told her the eviction would be sooner than later so she thinks it is going to be Tuesday. BB: mag please go to the DR. April is going to take a shower now. Mag is going to ask for benadryl and Ive says you have to ask for the house not for a person.

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Jan is eatting again, Ive is in bed looking at the pictures of her family, April is in the shower and Mag is in the DR. Ive and April are in the bathroom together and nothing is being said by either of them. Ive leaves and is looking at the house guests pictures on the wall.

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