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12:01am Candice,Elissa and Spencer talking in the Have not room.Candice is asking why Elissa didn't tell people right away she was Rachel's sister.Elissa says she wasn't really hiding it,she doesn't introduce herself as her sister in the outside.She just wanted to play the game for herself

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12:04am Elissa putting makeup on while Candice tried to make abed in the HNR.They are both talking about dramain the house this season and past seasons.Elissa says Jessie is such a nice guy in real life.

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12:06amBack in HOHR GiaM says you know the B***h is going to be up here and Jeremy says I will kick her ass out

Jermey says let me tell you,from a guy who has messed with shit you can't, you will get introuble I know

12:07am Kaitlin saying when Elissa was in a chair she was staring at her the whole time,just staring.

12:08 Aaryn says it is karma that Elissa came at her last night about the beds and now she is in the have not room,they all laugh,Elissa said she likes the protein shakes and Aaryn says good because you are going to be having them a lot.

Kaitlin saying the game is rigged for Elissa and Aaryn says we are now on a level playing field

GiaM complementing Jeremy and Aaryn on the comp,saying she wasn't even out of breath yet

GiaM says Howard sucks,all that muscle and nothing

12:11am Spencer,Mcrae and Amanda whispering in the bed

Jessie,Nick,Jeremy,Kailin,GiaM and Aaryn talking in the HOHR

12:12am GiaM saying how trashy Elissa's speech was tonight.

Nick saying Aaryn showed her how strong she was tonight

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12:15am Amanda says that the fact that Aaryn got booed tonight really makes her nervous.Aaryn asks if she is the only one who got booed tonight.She says when Julie thanked her she heard everyone booing her really loud.Jeremy says you know what is asome when the audience gets home and sees she is HOH you can say suck my peepee Aaryn says suck my dick bitches and GiaM says this is me giving you the finger America

Amanda says well that just did not go in our favor not according to our plan.GiaM says this is the most f***ed up season ever.Amanda says the game is rigged in her favir and Aaryn says the SR got so defensive when she asked them about it and we get FOTH

Jessie has been sitting in the HOHR the whole time being totally ignored and not talking

12:20am Andy joins the HOHR

They are all wanting the BY to open

Kaitlin says she is feeling a bit better

12:24 am Andy is defending Helen saying he never heard her say she was voting for David and when he would enter the HOHR conversation would stop last week

12:28am FOTH

12:28am HOHR crew talking about how much they need to got Elissa out this week

12:33am Andy saying he would love to see Elissa's DR sessions,she is like a robot saying things like no body gets between me and my ...

12:35am saying her did not want to win HOH with Elissa,he didn't want to throw but he did not want to win it

12:37am Helen sitting on the bed talking to Spencer saying that Jermey said he gave the HOH to Aaryn so that he could get HOH next week

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12:41am BBT Helen, McCrae, Spencer in BR - Helen is glad that Aaryn is HOH so she'll stay upstairs and won't have to put up with her, both McCrae and spencer agree. McCrae says he feels like he is finally having the BB experience and how David's face looked when he left. Helen telling her DR goodbye to David and how he made a "life regret", Spencer says why don't you just kick him in the nuts and they all 3 laugh. Now they are discussing how their must be 2 more weeks due to the number of people and how they hope they don't let anyone back in and if they do they don't let David back, Helen says he probably hates me now, he would not forgive me. Helen says it was a good choice to vote him out because he would've probably won the competition tonight. Now Helen says POV challenges that has "would you shave your head?" she would do it, McCrae says they won't do that veto till he is on the block cuz they will want him to shave his head and Helen laughs (they meaning BB production)

12:49pm BBT - McCrae telling Helen and Spencer how GM was fake crying about David leaving, she was making all the sounds but no tears, he says he was the only one looking at David's picture turn B&W and pretending to make a made face. They all talk about keeping it together and sticking together. Helen says and have fun, she says even being a have not is being fun, Helen then thanks MaCrae for volunteering to "take it" McCrae says he doesn't care, he wants the experience so fuck it, I'll take it (I'm guessing have not) Helen says she told someone not to be upset about putting her on slop. Someone just came out of DR, sounded like Amanda and says they will not be opening up the BY and they don't think there will be alcohol, then leaves to check the DR (actually it's GM) at 12:53am BBT Judd is called to the DR

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12;41am Aaryn saying that when she said that Jermey and Kaitlin could have the HOHR Elissa saidoh that's really nice,why don't you just run a whore house Jeremy says he heard it and put her in her place told Elissa I thought you were talking about respecting and being a mom and being the better person and Elissa said her emotions got the better of her and she shouldn't have said it that and apologized and Jeremy told her they haven't had sex they have only kissed that is all we have done so calm your horses down and be a good example for your kids

Aaryn says that she didn't even let David kiss her with tongue.And Elissa told people we were shacking up

GiaM says Elissa even called her out and asked how her and Nick's showmance was going and GiaM said are you kidding me have you seen us do anything

12:47am Amanda asks why is Spencer lying to our faces right now and Jermey says everyone is lying right now.

Talking about how bad Howard is in comps and they should keep him because he sucks and they should keep all the slow ones

12:49am Andy is saying how in the team HN Elissa was putting cans close to edge for people and Andy told her she couldn't do that and told his team not too touch those cans that Elissa put up

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12:56am BBT - McCrae leaves to go get coffee (BB keeps announcing that they are not allowed to talk about DR with other houseguests but not sure who is) Helen and Spencer are talking about how they are in a good position and not to make any mistakes, someone is loud in the kitchen and they are wondering who it is... McCrae comes into the BR and says he loves it down stairs, its a whole new perspective being down here, Helen says that she loved being a have not just to have the experience.

12:58am BBT Elissa and Amanda in SR and Elissa mocking Aaryn saying "who voted for my BF to leave?" and laughing about it (they are now whispering but they had someone elses mic on who was talking and I couldn't hear what they were saying after that. Elissa leaves and amanda bitches there is no food in the house.

Back in HOH Kaitlyn is grooming Jeremy while laying in the HOH bed, Aaryn and Andy are talking about how someone probably dates 19 year old girls outside of the house. McCrae comes in and informs the HOH room they are not going to open the BY and tell everyone goodnight. Helen and Candice in the have not room talking about how they have to hang low and not hang out together, make sure that Aaryn doesn't get a clue they are working together, make sure to stay out of the way

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12:56am HOHR crew thinks Mcrae will get MVP this week and he is probably with Elissa so who knows who he will put up

01:03am Elissa telling Candice and Helen that Jermey put her hat in his dirty butt yesterday and he came up to her and said the DR is making me apologize for it.Candice and Helen are shocked

It was her N Carolina hat and Jermey asked if she wanted it back and she doesn't,She said she could never wear that hat again when she knows where it has been.

01:07am Candice, Helen and Elissa talking about how bad Jeremy is being,how he isn't the HOH yet he is acting like he is.

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1:03am BBT - McCrae and Amanda are in the plane room catching each other up, Amanda telling him what Aaryn has been telling her, McCrae says be careful with that.

Back in the havenot room, Elissa is telling Helen and Candice about how Jeremy apologized for putting her hat in his butt, he came up and told her how BB made him come and apologize for their differences and she was confused because she didn't know they had any then he said they made me apologize for wiping her NC hat on his butt and asked her if she wanted it back and she said no, she wouldn't want that hat back for her life. Helen saying him yelling at the girls will go down in history, (not sure who they are talking about) Elissa doesn't understand how he is the biggest guy in the house and is bullying all the women, Helen saying that she is going to say more about his ways in her DR so his mom will see it and hope she helps change him and she would never raise her son that way (jeremy is who they are talking about) Helen says and on national TV to act that way. Elissa said she realized today he didn't mean his apology, Helen says "she wins HOH and he acts like he won it, but she hopes he cannot play in HOH next week, but he can still be put up this week". they are talking about how this season is a no floater season and she thinks her being in the house makes those who hated her sister play harder to win. Helen goes back to if Jeremy gets put up by MVP and he wins POV then who goes up? They throw around GM name

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01:10am HN crew talking about how to get Jermey out and hopefully the MVP puts him up but who will go up if he gets the POV

01:11am Elissa says she would love to see Aaryn without her Aderol,because aderol makes you spot on it gives you drop weight gives you energy and makes you laser focus and that it is a synthetic form of heroin

She think that someone probably told her to take it the house

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1:12am BBT - McCrae and Amanda still in plane room whispering talking about how "they" (aaryn and jeremy) don't know who they will put up, McCrae says just keep putting name out there, Amanda says Aaryn is a caddy girl and would probably put up Candice and Helen. McCrae tells Amanda how he is glad Jeremy isn't HOH or she would be up. They discuss how Aaryn trusts him because he told her after David left that she would probably win HOH because that is how this game works then after the game she came tohim in the BR and told him "you were right!" Amanda tells McCrae that his hair looks funny and he looks like a woman, McCrae says we're friends right, Amanda says we are best friends, McCrae says we can't get romantically involved, Amanda says "we got romantic last night" they giggle Amanda says do we need to talk about it and McCrae blushes and shakes head, Amanda says "do we need to worry about little McCraes?"(sarcasm) Andy suddenly walks in and whispers that after she left HOH and that they told him everything but then more people walk by so Andy leaves...

Judd just walked in with beer and Amanada says don't tell them upstairs they drank it all last time, fuck them, McCrae says we should tell them, she says she won't... someone went upstairs and told them... everyone is gathering in the kitchen. Amanda says she wishes the BY was open so she could smoke with the wine.

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01:17am in the KT is Amanda.Spencer,Mcrae,Andy,Nick and Jessie.They feel the smokers are about to go crazy and they wish they would open the BY

the KT is trashed!

Jessie is pouring some white wine,so the alcohol must have arrived

01:20am Spencer brushing his teeth in the WR

01:21am Aaryn says she wants a beer to take up to Jeremy and takes one and leaves

Amanda says she got her and might pop a zanax.Feeds switch to Spencer,Andy and AManda in the BR.Andy is saying he is going to kiss their asses this week and that he played so dumb telling them he wasn't told anything

Elissa is their target Andy says and Amanda asks if her name was brought up.Andy says he thinks telling the truth right now might help Amanda and Spencer.Spencer shakes his head no.He says whatever you guys want to do.Andy says they have no clue he is working with them.Amanda says this next eviction they have to throw arounf 2 or 3 random votes so they have no idea they are in an alliance.Candice comes and and Amanda leaves with her

01:26am Andy tells Spencer if he can keep this up he will be able to get info from them

01:29am A group walks in on Andy and Specer and all game talk stops,now talking about how to make alcohol with apple juice and mountain dew

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1:21am BBT - Andy in the have not room telling Helen, Elissa and Candice about how he couldn't reach the ball thru the hole, Candice saying he was always 30 seconds from Jeremy. Andy leaves and goes back into kitchen. Girls are now chatting about how Aaryn may not nominate Elissa so she can't play in the POV. Candice hopes one of them get MVP. Andy now whispering with Spencer and Amanda telling them he is going to have to distance himself from them so he can get information from Aaryn/jeremy in HOH.

McCrae and Judd chatting in the plane room and Judd explaining why he voted the way he did, McCrae acting like he could care less. He tells McCrae how Candice told him she was told to vote for Elissa so she did.

Back in the BR Andy, spencer and amanda are interrupted by Candice and they change the subject fast... Amanda goes in have not room with Candice, Andy tells Spencer that "they" are underestimating him (spencer) and amanda so that is a good thing. Its hard to hear but I hear Elissa's name being thrown around a lot. Spencer tells Andy that he is doing good. McCrae comes into Br and Andy leaves. Helen and Amanda come into the room too and Helen sees they have beer... Spencer jokes about making jailhouse booze and tells them how to make it. Amanda and McCrae are going to play chess... suddenly someone yells "the backyard is open" spencer says he is just going to bed.

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1:33am BBT - Andy is outside talking to McCrae and Amanda, but before he could get too much information out Jessie and Judd come out. General chit chat insues.

Helen and Spencer are still in BR having "what if" talks and at 1:35am we get FOTH

1:36am BBT feeds back

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01:40am In the HOHR Amanda is pissed because Elissa ran to the HOH last night and told everyone that her and Jeremy had sex up here and Jeremy says he confronted her and told her they didn't

Aaryn is saying the more she thinks the game is rigged for Elissa the more she acts stupid and when she gets into games for some reason she does not know who she is anymore and she better get a good job out of this

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1:36am BBT - McCrae, Amanda, Andy, Judd and Jessie in By, Jessie thanks everyone for keeping her there. Judd says David didn't talk game to him till the day of the vote and all he asked him about is what Judd with do with the money. Jessie talks about how she thought Elissa was the obvious one to go. Judd talks about how "someone" apologized for saying she would slit his throat (not sure what is going on with that)

Feeds jump to the HOH room and Jeremy is saying that someone came downstairs saying that him and Kaitlyn had sex in the HOH room, Kaitlyn got very upset and he said not to worry about it, Kaitlyn says "What a bitch". Aaryn is saying she has to quit thinking the game is rigged because it makes her play stupid. (best line so far lol) Aayn doesn't feel like its a level playing field, that other peoples bbq sauce was thinner and theirs was thick and how she was a genius by putting her hand in it and she would scrap her hand into Jeremy's hand. (she won and she is still bitching) They couldn't believe how well Andy did, Aaryn wasn't she said he was scared and people play well when scared. GM says she gave up when she got her partner, she said Amanda and her got a minute penalty. Aaryn says when they told her to pick have nots and she asked who voted for David and both McCrae and Amanda volunteered she knew... she feels that Elissa had McCraes ear the whole time. GM says the MVP fucks this whole game up and that it's in her (Elissas) favor. Aaryn says they better watch what they say or she might get a "clown" in her DR... (some bad joke) Production gives Aaryn the warning.

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01:43am Jermey says that during the comp they had 2 balls in theirs and one did not even float so he knows they were trying to sink their ship.Aaryn says some of the other teems sauces were water thin and hers was thick and she was glad it was thick because she was a genious,she scrapped her hand on Jermey's everytime.She would cup her hand under the cup and catch the drippings and hand them off to Jeremy. Kaitlin says you were lucky you were not caught,but Aaryn says no they said it was allowed

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01:49am GiaM in HOHR complaining to Aaryn,Kaitlin and Jermey that her finger is really bad and is killing

Kaitlin is positive that she will be nominated by the MVP saying Elissa even called her a whore

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1:51am BBT - Jeremy leaves to get something. Kaitlyn saying if shes goes up she is going home even though she is so nice to everyone here (as she watches herself in the mirror as she adjusts her stance) Aaryn says they will have to figure this out and make sure hours before their vote is good. Kaitlyn says that Helen is giving all the couple the snake eye and that they are going to put her up (MVP) and she will be going home, it's my fault for being a showmance, she then says she has to go to the bathroom but she can't because jeremy might come back up... GM volunteers to keep him downstairs for awhile, when she leaves Kaitlyn says that they are sure Nick voted David out, Kaitlyn saying how fucked up it is cuz they thought they had it in the bag, Aaryn says she thinks they came off too strong that is why David is gone, that they are coming after the showmances. (GM and Jeremy eating in kitchen chit chatting but she is scrapping something so I can't hear what they are saying) Jeremy says that he has been putting on this physical show and no one knows he has the brain to back it up, Judd comes in and Jeremy tells him that they are going to have problems, Judd says why, Jeremy says cuz I don't fucking like you right now, Judd says why, Jeremy says cuz I love you dude

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2:02am BBT - Amanda goes into the HOH room and tells Aaryn she had no reason to go after David, not that she is trying to kiss her ass or convince her, but she voted the way the whole ass was suppose to vote and she will believe whatever, Aaryn says she didn't expect her to kiss her ass, Amanda says she has no reason to vote against David, Aaryn says she doesn't understand why anyone would want to keep her and that her comment "even you McCrae" seems sketchy, Aaryn isn't saying she believes anyone but some people have said is 100% believeable, Amanda asked who is 100% believable, Aaryn says Spencer because he talks so much shit about her and he wouldn't vote David out, Amanda says that Spencer hangs out with Candice and you don't believe Candice and who do I hang out with?? McCrae and yes, and McCrae is upset David is out and so am I. (Amanda is really trying to convince Aaryn that her and McCrae were not the ones who voted with David and pushing the fact that Spencer/Candice hang out all the time and Candice is a liar) Aaryn is saying it's not personal that she doesn't know who to believe, Aaryn says she isn't mad at her, Amanda says she is upset because she was blindsided, Aaryn says that Elissa can use the "vote for me and as MVP I wont put you up" threat and that is hard to resist. Kaitlyn says Elissa put David up because she didn't like Aaryn, Amanda says she swears on her 2 year old niece she didn't know she was putting David up, Jeremy says we just have to get her out this week and that only only Judd, Andy and Helen are the only ones who told the truth about voting David out, Helen they knew would vote David out cuz she is friends with Elissa, Andy said the house told him to vote David out and Judd hasn't said why yet... Amanda says that Elissa is the biggest threat, Kaitlyn says "This whole fucking game is rigged for her." Aaryn now says how she heard the "boos" when she voted for Elissa and that she knew at that point that "they are showing Elissa as the innocent one and portraying me as the bitch" 2:14am GM is called to DR

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02:00am Amanda walks into HOHR and says she needs to talk and the straight up she was not after David and not going to come up here and kiss your ass all I can tell you is I voted the way the whole house was supposed to vote,there is no reason that I would vote for David to go I amtelling you the F***ing truth I am not lying to you

Kaitlin does not understand why any one would keep her when it is rigged for her.Amanda says Elissa came up here multiple times and tried to form an alliance in front of other people

Aaryn says she has heard very believable stories from other people(questioning Amandas truth) Aaryn says Spencer really hates Elissa and she believes him and Candice was very confused because Spencer did tell her to vote Elissa out Amanda is saying that Candice is doing it,her and Aaryn already had problems. Amanda is doing her all to trhow Candice under the bus.She tells Aaryn that Mcrae is so incredibly upset downstairs because David went home.Now Amanda is trying to throw Spencer under the bus,saying do you think Spencer is working alone,no. Amamnda says I know what I did I know who I voted out. Aaryn says I want to believe you I want to believe everyone who comes up here. Aaryn says she is not mad and Amanda says she was upset because she was blind sided by the vote

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