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There's nothing wrong...

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The forums have so many new features that use system resources, that the board slows down with fewer users than last year. To keep things going, some features have been turned off, there's nothing wrong. You will also notice during BB, your avatars may not show up all the time. This is also to speed things up.


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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Thanks for bringing this to Morty's attention.

It might be little while before it's fixed, though.

The underlining is not there to denote nominations, but is actually just a visible spell-check feature.

(Morty's eyesight must be getting EVEN worse with old age!)

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  • 1 month later...


hate to bother you with this, but my account I used last year as a poster for you no longer works.  I have tried to get the reset for password, but keep getting an error

email is daw0214@gmail.com  if you care to contact me :)  Thanks, Granny


PS... not sure but I think I used my sbcglobal.net account last year, but it is fried and no longer good :(

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I'm not sure how to help you.

The email address you supplied is linked to the account "Granny0214", which was last used on July 7, 2013, so 2 years ago, not last year, and which was originally created in August of 2010.

So if you used a different account last year, I don't know which one it was.

I can change the password for you, if need be, but it may be the same one you've used on this newly-created account you posted from.

Please advise, either by posting here, or via private message.

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