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Jennifer, April and James are in the HOH room and Jennifer tells James that him staying is a long shot, that Maggie thinks he is responsible for Eric leaving and she's not taking it well. Jennifer and April are not giving him an easy time.

James basically says that he is leaving on Thursday. At the same time, he says that should he not be the one who leaves, Rachel and Howie have to be broken up at any price. He says that Rachel and Howie are the most dangerous players in the game and that Rachel is the best of the two because she has the brains and physical ability to win everything.

James adds that Kaysar has brains but that his ego got to him and he told everybody his whole strategy and put a huge target on his back. He adds that Kaysar doesn't have physical abilities to win competitions, as Rachel does.

Howie comes in... James says that he knows since he got his key that he will be on the block as a backdoor and that he's the one leaving, that it was the plan Kaysar outlined for Jennifer in the HOH competition. He wants a few minutes with each person in the gold room to say his goodbyes. Howie says it's not done yet.

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9:56 BBT

Kaysar and Jennifer in Gold Room - Jennifer says they don't trust James, that she just told him (James) there is no chance he will stay. She told Kaysar that James is devastated because Kaysar's group gave him false hope last week, thinking that Sarah might stay.

Kaysar says everyone wants James out...campaigning against James.

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Kaysar says he knows Maggie wants James out (obviously he hasn't gotten the most up to date information)

Kaysar says they can't treat him (James) like crap this week

Jennifer is telling Kaysar that James is telling the Friendship that he isn't part of any group - that both groups aren't welcoming to him. Jennifer says they told him he is welcome to hang out with them, but he's not allowed to attend meetings, or sleep in HOH

Jennifer said that Kaysar's group only hangs out with them when James is with them. KAysar says they only did that once. Jennifer says maybe they are just over-analyzing it, because both groups are paranoid.

Jennifer and Kaysar are laughing

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Jennifer says she is the only one in the house that doesn't take things personally.

Jennifer says that she doesn't know certain things, like what its like to be on the block, and nobody know until they are up there.

Kaysar says when you are HOH you have to take everything day by day, its never the same

Howie and Janelle enter the room, Jennifer leaves

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Jennifer outside telling Ivette and James that she told Kaysar that it is so fake that his team will only hang out with them when JAmes is around. Jennifer laughing about Kaysar, making fun of him.

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Maggies says that Janelle brought up the fact that Jennifer went against her word. Maggies says she told Janelle, how would you know, you weren't in the box?

She says Janelle didn't like her response very much.

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10:38 BBT

Ivette has joined the conversation in the HOH room, Maggie starts her story all over again about her conversation with KAysar. She says again that Kaysar asked "if the plan was still on?" Ivette says, "but he never said whose plan?" Beau said, "good one"

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Maggie says that she has told them all (the other team) not to come to her about what everybody else says or how they feel. Maggie says she's not going to pass on that stuff, that they need to go to the individual themselves.

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Maggie says that if Kaysar had really discussed something that should be kept a secret, she would have kept it a secret. April says that all that is, is Kaysar trying to control her. MAggie says she is not worried about KAysar controlling her.

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HOH room is considering how they should handle the issue if KAysar is put up instead of James

Jennifer says they should tell them to mind their own business. Jennifer said in 1797, the first penny said "mind your own f**king business"

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Maggie said that she asked Rachel "since we know that the plan is still on, would you be willing to take Janelle off instead of yourself" Rachel responded with "in a game where no one can trust each other, I'm going to have to take myself off"

The room discusses how great it would be if Rachel kept herself up there.

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